High Pulsed Power Sources For Broadband Radiation
High Pulsed Power Sources For Broadband Radiation
High Pulsed Power Sources For Broadband Radiation
Abstract—This paper explains the design and production of in high pulsed power (HPP). In each case, the HPP generator
two autonomous ultrawideband (UWB) radiation sources. These is made up of a primary energy source and a load, separated
sources consist of a high-gain broadband antenna that is driven by
by a power-amplification system that forwards the energy from
one of two subnanosecond pulsed power sources. Each source is
made up of a Marx generator and a pulse-forming device based this source to the load. When the load is an antenna, it is
on the use of a gaseous spark gap. The first source combines possible to generate electromagnetic waves in the form of
a four-stage 200-kV/34-J Marx generator with a coaxial pulse- pulses. The frequency band of the wave that is radiated can
forming line. Its main characteristics are an output voltage of cover a very broad spectrum. In this case, the technique is
100 kV, a 250-ps rise time, a subnanosecond pulse duration, and
a repetition rate of about 40 Hz. The second pulsed source is of undoubted interest for a wide variety of civil and military
a ten-stage subnanosecond Marx generator that delivers pulses applications. These applications can include, for example, ultra-
in the 250-kV/1.5-J range, with a 300-ps rise time and a sub- wideband (UWB) pulse radars to detect buried mines [1] or to
nanosecond pulse duration at a pulse repetition rate of 350 Hz. rescue buried people, the production of nuclear electromagnetic
Probes were produced based on capacitive line dividers to measure
both the temporal characteristics and the high-voltage (HV) am- pulse (NEMP) simulators for electromagnetic compatibility and
plitude of the pulses delivered by the pulsed power sources. The vulnerability tests on electronic and IT equipment [2], and
antenna, combined with these two pulsed sources, is a traveling- UWB communications systems and electromagnetic jamming
wave antenna called the Valentine antenna. Some mechanical [3], the principle of which consists of focusing electromagnetic
modifications were made to the antenna to improve its dielec-
power waves on an identified target to compromise the target’s
tric strength. First, a 3-D model of the antenna was created on
time-domain electromagnetic software to study the influence of mission by disrupting or destroying the electronic components
these modifications on its main radiating characteristics. Its high that constitute it [4], [5]. Modern digital electronics are in-
gain and its capability to radiate short pulses without dispersion creasingly sensitive to electromagnetic radiation in the lower
allow us to achieve a high measured figure of merit (the maximum gigahertz range. The application of high-power microwave
value of far-field peak-to-peak electric field strength multiplied
by the distance). A new method called the Instantaneous Elec- (HPM) weapons to destroy such electronics generates a new
tromagnetic Field Measurement by Signature of a Neutral Object capability for defense, antiterror, and rapid-reaction forces.
(MICHELSON) method is used to measure the very intense elec- Due to the nonlethal and low-collateral-damage properties of
tromagnetic fields that are radiated. The incident field is diffracted HPM weapons, they will play an important role in future
by a special small-dimension target. The diffracted field is mea-
sured by a conventional low-power UWB antenna. The target that operations.
is used has small dimensions, and no cables are used in the field HPM technologies generate a significant threat for target
region; thus, the electromagnetic interference that is generated structures that are equipped with modern digital electronics.
and undergone by the measurement device is considerably limited. The aim of an HPM weapon system is to interact with the
The figure of merit that is measured is 436 kV.
increasing combination of software and hardware functions in
Index Terms—Compact pulsed power source, gaseous spark electronics. To affect any target that uses such radiation, the fre-
gap, high-bandwidth probe, high-voltage (HV) generator, Marx quency has to be matched to the target’s frequency absorption
spectrum. However, pulsed UWB radiation with pulse durations
in the subnanosecond range does not need to be matched to a
single target this way.
Fig. 3. Output voltage in relation to the pressure in the PFL, parameterized by Fig. 5. Fall time in relation to the pressure in the PFL, parameterized by the
the voltage in the Marx generator. pressure in the Marx generator.
Fig. 4. Rise time in relation to the pressure in the PFL, parameterized by the
pressure in the Marx generator.
Fig. 6. Setting the amplitude of the output voltage by adjusting the pressure
in the line.
pressure in the generator of at least 18 bars, the amplitude of
the voltage reaches 100 kV. than 200 ps (an average of five shots) are obtained in this
Fig. 4 shows the results of the experimental study on the rise configuration with good reproducibility at the highest hydrogen
time of the output pulse in the same experimental configura- pressures.
tions. When there is constant pressure in the line, the rise time Fig. 6 superimposes three pulses that are achieved on a
decreases as the pressure in the Marx generator increases. The 50-Ω broadband load. These signals are generated with three
variation in this pressure modifies the amplitude of the output hydrogen pressures (i.e., 20, 35, and 50 bars) in the line at a
voltage of the Marx generator and, therefore, the value of the constant pressure of 17 bars in the Marx generator. θ represents
electric field that is applied to the peaking spark gap [8]. For the midheight pulse width. The amplitude of the voltage can be
the highest voltage that is applied to the line (the pressure in set at 55, 75, and 98 kV, respectively, with an uncertainty of
the Marx generator is up to 18 bars), the rise time seems to be 5%–10%.
only almost independent of the pressure in the line, whereas
it is fully independent for low-amplitude pulses (the pressure
B. Pulsed Power Source of 250 kV-350 Hz: George
in the Marx generator is down to 10 bars). When the Marx
generator is pressurized under 18 bars, the average rise time of The second pulsed power source called “George” was de-
the output pulse is relatively constant at approximately 340 ps, veloped to reach higher output voltages and a higher repetition
whereas when the Marx generator is pressurized under 10 bars, rate at a more suitable volume (power ratio. The original idea
the output rise time decreases from 550 ps to 450 ps as the of this source was to directly integrate the pulse-forming device
pressure in the PFL increases from 15 bars to 35 bars. (a peaking stage and a crowbar switch) within the last stage of
The fall of the pulse is governed by the crowbar spark gap. a Marx structure.
The graph in Fig. 5 clearly shows that the pressure in the This generator is made up of a stack of ten vertical stages.
line plays an important role in optimizing the switching time Each stage consists of a capacitor, a set of stainless steel
of the spark gap. Similar to the previous study of the rise electrodes, and a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) disc. The energy
time, the application of the higher amplitude pulse to the spark is stored in HV 500-pF/100-kV dc capacitors through 33-kΩ
gap results in the shortest switching times. Fall times of less axial resistors. These ten capacitors are equally divided into two
Fig. 8. Diagram of the insertion of the PFL in the last stage of the Marx
Fig. 7. Photograph of the generator, equipped with its load and referencing
columns of five (see Fig. 7), which allows the loading time to
approximately be halved in relation to a conventional structure
(when the DC power supply is sufficient). Thus, the capacitors’
charging time (to reach 99% of the maximum load voltage [1])
is 2.3 ms. In this configuration, the repetition rate limitation is
435 Hz, with no loss of output voltage (compared to the single-
shot mode of operation).
Each spark gap is formed by two stainless steel electrodes.
These ten horizontal gaps are adjusted by increasing the gap
distance from the first gap to the last gap so that the generator
switch is regular. Thus, the first stage has a 0.8-mm gap, and
the last stage (largest) is set at 1.25 mm. Their 5-mm curvature Fig. 9. Output voltage in relation to pressure.
radius means that we obtain a relatively homogeneous field
in the insulating gap. The complete generator with the vessel
represents a cylindrical volume of 20 L (diameter = 20 cm and to the metal enclosure. This second electrode is a 5-mm-thick
length = 66 cm). stainless steel disc. After the crowbar, a coaxial line structure is
This generator’s main original feature lies in the design of its directly integrated to avoid dispersion of the pulses’ temporal
last stage, as represented in Fig. 8. characteristics.
The last stage was designed different from the other stages The first set of experiments was carried out without the
to insert a peaking capacitor CP , which is necessary to obtain crowbar switch to determine the nature of the gas and the
very fast rise times, and to match the output to a 50-Ω coaxial related pressure that would make it possible to reach output
line structure. This peaking capacitor is made up of a PVC voltages with short rise times. The results of these different
component that is maintained between the electrode and the tests are set out in Fig. 9. They were carried out in air and in
vessel enclosure. This component’s geometrical dimensions an air-SF6 mixture (75%–25%).
are defined in such a way that it withstands the considerable For a set number of stages, the Marx generator output voltage
dielectric constraints on this last stage and to establish a low- increases according to the product pressure multiplied by the
value peaking capacitor (around 40 pF). gap distance for a given gas. In this case, voltage amplitude can
Moreover, with a crowbar spark gap on the output electrode be adjusted to between 50 kV and 150 kV on a 50-Ω load in
of the generator, it is possible to generate a subnanosecond air for pressures that range between 2 and 20 bars. A small per-
pulse width based on the Marx-generated pulse. This crowbar centage of SF6 (25% in this case) makes it possible to increase
switch allows the pulse’s exponential decrease to be cut off. It the amplitude of pulses by approximately 1.7 times in relation
is made up of two electrodes: the first electrode is the generator to those obtained with pure air. A 250-kV voltage amplitude
output (an HV electrode due to the switch in the last stage), is obtained for a dc charging voltage of approximately 50 kV
and the second electrode (the ground electrode) is connected with 20 bars of pressure in this air-SF6 mixture. For a maximum
Fig. 18. Radiation patterns in the H and E planes at 500 MHz: (a) and (b) 1 GHz, (c) and (d) 2 GHz, and (e) and (f). (a) H plane: 500 MHz. (b) E plane:
500 MHz. (c) H plane: 1 GHz. (d) E plane: 1 GHz. (e) H plane: 2 GHz. (f) E plane: 2 GHz.
B. Second Set: George Pulsed Power Source and Fig. 22. MICHELSON experimental setup.
Valentine Antenna
The second whole emitting system (see Fig. 21) is composed
of the autonomous dc charger, the George Marx generator, a
70-cm-long 50-Ω coaxial line on which the capacitive probe is
inserted, and the Valentine HV antenna.
The XLIM Laboratory, Limoges University, has developed a
new method for measuring intense electromagnetic fields called
the MICHELSON method [17].
The principle is based on the use of a target that scatters
the electromagnetic field whose characteristics we are trying
to find out. We then measure the scattered field in a given
direction with a conventional antenna that is adapted to the field
bandwidth. The purpose is to come back to the incident field
from the output antenna voltage. With this method, high-power
sources can be studied with simple equipment, because there Fig. 23. Comparison of measurements by using the MICHELSON method
is no risk of breakdown. The conventional receiving antenna and calculated radiated fields (second source).
recovers only a fraction of the incident field, and the target The figure-of-merit value of the radiated field, which was
is insensitive to this field. The target is small in size, and no measured using this method, is 436 kV, with a positive am-
cable is used; therefore, disturbances are also limited with this plitude of 233 kV and a negative amplitude of −203 kV. The
measurement system. Another advantage is the possibility of impulse width is 1.82 ns. The theoretical estimation gives an
also measuring harmonic signals as transient signals by simply estimated value of 460 kV. The results that are obtained by this
choosing a receiving system that is suited to the situation. method of measurement are thus very close to the results that
The measurement principle is shown in Fig. 22. The target is are estimated by calculation.
illuminated by the incident field ei (t) that will be measured.
This field is diffracted by this target in different directions
and according to different polarizations. A receiving antenna
is placed at a location so that it is protected from the direct This paper has brought together the results of work that is
radiation of the high field source. This antenna receives the carried out on the production of two UWB radiation sources
field ed (t), which is diffracted by the target. The voltage based on the sole use of a Marx generator with gaseous
vR (t), which is an accurate reflection of the receiving field, is spark gaps.
measured by a sampler that is connected to the antenna output. The first pulse source associates a Marx generator
Based on the transfer functions, which are both from the target (Leonardo) of 200 kV, 34 J, and 2 ns with a coaxial line struc-
and the receiving antenna, and after few calculations, we can ture that is equipped with two forming spark gaps. Setting the
link the field ei (t) and the measured voltage vR (t). hydrogen pressure between 20 and 55 bars allows us to adjust
Fig. 23 represents the evolution of the radiated electric field the amplitude of the unit’s output voltage to between 55 kV
measured by the antenna, which has been extrapolated to 1 m by and 100 kV. The pulses have rise and fall times of 300 ps and
using this method. The metal sphere target (with a diameter of 200 ps, respectively, and a subnanosecond midheight duration.
24 cm) is located at a distance of 5 m from the emitting antenna. The peak power that is transmitted on a 50-Ω load is 200 MW.
The receiving antenna is a UWB antenna that is developed by The maximum repetition rate at 100 kV is 40 Hz. The second
XLIM, whose bandwidth lies between 300 MHz and 3 GHz. pulsed source is solely a Marx generator (George) with lower
The result of this measurement is compared with a theoretical energy, which allows higher voltage amplitudes to be obtained
estimation. at higher repetition rates. This Marx generator integrates the
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reached with no loss of efficiency. [16] S. Vauchamp, J. C. Diot, M. Lalande, J. Andrieu, B. Beillard, B. Jecko,
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A new method for measuring intense electromagnetic fields Baptiste Cadilhon was born in Mont de Marsan,
France, in 1982. He received the M.Sc. degree in
(i.e., MICHELSON), which was developed in the XLIM Labo- electrical and electronic engineering from the Uni-
ratory, Limoges University, has been approved. It allows strong versity of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in 2004 and
fields (> 100 kV/m) to be measured in the UWB domain, as the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau,
in wideband and narrowband. For the second UWB radiation France, in 2008.
source (the George generator and the Valentine antenna), we From 2005 to 2008, he was with Thales for the
measured a figure of merit of 436 kV. By a direct measurement study and realization of an autonomous source of
high-power electromagnetic waves. He is currently
with a derivative field sensor, it has been shown that the first a Researcher with the Atomic Energy Commission
radiation source (the Leonardo generator and the Valentine (CEA), Le Barp, France—a French-government-funded technological research
antenna) had a figure of merit of 223 kV. organization. His research interests include high pulsed power generation, ul-
trawideband antenna, nonlinear transmission lines, high-power electromagnetic
waves, and high-voltage transient probes.
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[8] L. Pecastaing, T. Reess, J. Paillol, A. Gibert, and P. Domens, “Electrical Génie Electrique, Université de Pau et des Pays de
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Antoine Silvestre de Ferron was born in Tarbes, Joël Andrieu was born in Figeac, France, in 1964.
France, in 1977. He received the M.Sc. degree in He received the Ph.D. degree and the Research
electrical and electronic engineering from the Uni- Directorship Habilitation from the University of
versity of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in 2002 and Limoges, Limoges, France, in 2003 and 2008,
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the respectively.
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau, Since 1991, he has been a Lecturer with the Uni-
France, in 2006. versity of Limoges. His research work is performed
From 2006 to 2008, he was a Researcher with in the Department of Waves and Associated Sys-
the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Le Barp, tems (OSA), XLIM Research Institute, University
France—a French-government-funded technological of Limoges–National Center for Scientific Research
research organization. He is currently an Engineer (CNRS), Brive, France. His research interests in-
with the Laboratoire de Génie Electrique, Université de Pau et des Pays de clude ultrawideband metrology for various applications, radar, electromagnetic
l’Adour. His research interests include high pulsed power generation with compatibility (EMC), and high-power microwaves (HPMs).
military and civil applications and combined high-voltage transient probes.