Zonal Systems Patent Application 5th For Security Zones, Parking Zones, RoboZones

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US 2018003 cu») United States 324441 2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2018/0033244 A1 Northrup et al. (54) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PLACIN VIRTUAL GEOGRAPHIC ZONE MARKEI S oy Applicant: Zonal Systems, LLC, Dallas, TX (US) James L. North Robert L. Perce, Dallas, TX (US); Dallas, TX ( Inventors (73) Assignee: Zonal Systems, LLC, Dallas, TX (US) (21) Appl. No. 187728350 (22) Filed: Oct. 9, 2017 Related U.S. Application Data (63) Continuation-in-pare of application No. 15/2 ‘led on Sep. 27, 2016, 0 Pat No. 9,786,176, which js continuaion-in-part of application No. 15/131 965; led on Ape 18,2016, which i a continuation of pplication No. 14/209,040, filed on Mar. 13, 2014, now Pat, No, 9,317,996, which is & continuations part of application No, 14/102,238, fled on Dec. 10, 2013, gow Pat, No. 9,319,834, which isa continua tion-in-part of application No. 13/924,395, filed on Jun, 21, 2013, now Pat, No, 9,398,404, (60) Provisional aplication No. 61/778,874, filed on Max. 13, 2013, provisional application No. 61/735,402, filed on Dee. 10, 2012, provisional application No. 61/662,980, filed on Ju. 22, 2012 (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 1, 2018 Publication Classification uy GO7E 1782 (2006.01) Hod. 2906 (2006.01), Hos. 29708 (200501), G060 3002 (01201), Hosw 420 (009.01), HOW v2 (2009.01), (2) US. cP GO7F 173241 2013.01); HOaW 47206 (2013.01); HOMW 4021 2013.01); Hoa 0X 2013.01), HOME. 6722 (2013.01): GO6Q 3070238 (201301); GU7E 1773244 (2013.01) GO7F 17/3225 (2013.01); GO6Q 30/0261 (2013.01), 04L. 62/08 (201301) on ABSTRACT A system and method for user interaction includes a net- ‘work, a server connected to the network, a supervisor device receiving information feom a global positioning system and connected tothe network, a user device receiving informa: tion fom the global positioning system and connected wo the network. The supervisor, having the supervisor device, efines a set of virtual geographic zones and sub-zones in whieh the user device is tacked, aad saves the set of Virul _geographie zones and sub-ones to a supervisor account on the server. The user downloads a user application, sts-up a user account, and downloads the set of Viral geographic ‘ones and stb-7ones. As the User, having the wser device, ‘moves through the virtual geographic zones and sub-rones the location of the user deviee is determined and a set of supervisor-delined actions are executed on the user device ‘based on the location of the user device peace JL |/ ee owl i Patent Application Publication Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 1 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI aw “ vod \ ¢ t ABOUT 120 FEET a! ro 160 nN 1 \ 154 i I ‘US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 2 of 94 Patent Application Publication mMalniang wiarshs auoz 21YdesBoaD jenyIA — YZ auNBIy pone s20}n95 MN ve ee a TSE asegeieg gem ssn, sosyuadns, ‘aseqeieg #07 worshs a THEA ERB gemussintadns L_woneoysdy 251, we Aowaw ‘e019 sew ua eouews 0e ‘s1aje2024 $40 ‘SADC “SSN wee. a) ie i wesoig DBRS WALASZOA ona vosssaoug i cabaes oe ee ee ‘SOD/A19g ACN, 298830% s5a0y95 NN wonendéy sosyedns soma iosiuadns US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 3 of 94 Patent Application Publication sasvaviva add ‘Old _/ nn SIN3A3 wasn 7 9% SuaSN See — siuodzu uosinuaans “P22 WSISAS 3HL NI ZLVLS 40 ae SONVHO HOW YO AMINA NY SNIVLNOO 907 WALSAS ANNOOOW UIOWM sNoUOWuosiAuadns ~~ Ee BHI SSVEVIVG SIHL NI 'NOLLVOLINBA ‘A BAYS SUV S3IHLN3 901 WALSAS Ty 40 STIV130 NOLO! 43S S3NOZ-ENS YOSIUSENS A zzz ‘$3NOZ NOSIAYadNS lez (NOLLWOIaIe3A ‘al) NOILVNOINI HOsiAUaaNS | 02% ‘SANLNa 901 NELSAS ANNODOV wasn LNNODOV HOSIANadS 7 asvauiva 7 asvaviva asveviva |S 0€Z — 90TWaISAS Lee wasn wosiacns 61 622 602 OZ Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 4 of 94 US 2018/0033244 Al US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 5 of 94 Patent Application Publication zee ff 1d, Le 8ze S 7 So +S wd vee BNOZENS TIS HOE Soe gE ne SSSR SSSSSSSSSSSS, ie gog aNoz- 430 ‘YES 431 “CEN FIG. 4B ESTABLISH ZONE/SUB-ZONE Patent Application Publicati Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 12 of 94 US 2018/0033244 Al 432 433 434~/ DETERMINE LOCATION 1 435~1 RECORD LOCATION 436 YES No 437-71 CLOSE TO FIRST POINT 1 ‘SHOW PREVIEW OF CLEAR 438 ZONE/SUB-ZONE ZONE/SUB-ZONE | 440 439 YES 444 END) FIG. 4C DEFINE ZONE/SUB-ZONE US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 13 of 94 Patent Application Publication dNi3s wasn vs ‘OI NoWWOrdvEBSNOLAA G76 © rows nowsv atvornnnnioo 7 YOIONY NOLLOV AVIdSIC. NaNBOVONS 3NOZ ors © sornouvoorwounon 648 nN 81S $18 sNouovaNmuataa (_) ©) snouov anvs: x ANNOOO¥ HOSIANSANS OL NOLLVWMLJNOO "N3SN BAVS SNOLLOW ONES vis Ls zig NOUwitelANoO ONS © 2noz 0 satwwanooo anvs ES 'NGZ 30 SHLVNGHOOD ONES 60 NOLLWARINOO ONES HES ayoz 40 sauyNiquooo SNUG © nouweaano9 asia“ OFF NOLLVOLSIHSA 'C) HBSN SAWS: “LNNOOOW WISN HSNeVLS3 Z aa 5) INOOONESOL 90S “INROSG¥ 1SSNOa NOUVOISIISA ‘OI MBN ONES NOLVOLIRESA ‘OBEN HAIN ~_ ge _ ©) nouvonsav sn Luis gp SINERINOERISOIAIO ¢ >) 19 NOLWoriddv HSSN GVOINMOG © nouvoraav aan TMISNI~. gg 20s ‘Y3SN SNINYSLIG NOLWOPiddY H3SN 1S3N0Fe "WARIS OL LOBNNOD pog-7L_2aneaS 208 aonaawasn } gpg Sy Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 14 of 94 US 2018/0033244 Al 522 DETERMINE LOGATION 524 oo DETERMINE VELOCITY f 524 DETERMINE DIRECTION cae ‘SET FREQUENCY OF SAMPLING 526 START CLOCK 527 DETERMINE PREDICTED PATH 528- DETERMINE ZONE EQUATION 529 COMPARE PREDIGTED PATH TO ZONE EQUATION 530 DETERMINE IN OR OUT OF ZONE AREA 531 DETERMINE DIRECTION 1532 SORT "NEARBY" ZONES TO ELIMINATE BEHIND ZONES SET DISTANCE "NEARBY" RANGE TO 533. PERCENTAGE OF VELOCITY 534 PROJECT PATH BY DISTANCE RANGE. ‘SORT "NEARBY" ZONES BY DISTANCE RETRIEVE 535 RANGE ALONG PREDICTED PATH NEXT ZONE REPORT “NEARBY” ZONES 538 536 537 Yves FIG. 5B OPOATE MONITOR USER PREDICTED PATH? LOCATIONS FOR 539 io ENO) ZONE ENGAGEMENT 540. US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 15 of 94 Patent Application Publication © Given wre 928 Nouioy O aiveinans 728 NOLLWONdd¥ wasn [areas — | SOW ‘NOUOV OaivOan 1s3n0ae Ran salt ae Nouvarauon “129 aden NOWVOISLION GNIS anes NOLLOY MLN © notovcaivaan anys oO 7 69 NOLWOELION AvTa8IG fn NOUVORILON NSS as 919. 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US 2018/0033244 Al Zonal Place Settings FIG. 16C Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 30 of 94 US 2018/0033244 Al Settings AS \ / 1613 / < RFK STADIUM [2 STSE — 7 4 FIG. 16D Patent Application Publication Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 31 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AL Zonal Place Home Reports Settings > 22ND ST SE al WS FIG. 16E Patent Application Publication Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 32 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AL Reports Seltings 1618} FIG. 16F Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 33 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI FIG. 16G ~ Virtual Gate to a Place Zone 1607 2 Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 34 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication POL UERIVN 30 3OVid NidvWNOGaSN3e LZ) OL LOL) BSYUVWdVN.Z. SINSSSUd TVNOZ OLE \ OZLL “LON YO GEZRNOHLAY $1 Pozi SNOZ VAL C#) WNOZ S3IJLLON 12 NINO dt NING d¥WW OL SNOZ GOL sas0d0ud NOY TNOZ WDRIW av WNOZ Sf S3ZHOHLNY \ Niwa vet Zbdb NOLLVZINORLAY fous Lt Old Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 35 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication 81 Dld .--Go-- Wai” i ‘ZOAHLIN YNIT | BLISG3M UENMO- ozel aLUSa3M ENMO anor, 290A 9084 Loeh av o1san Ph LIS@M Y3NMO @ > shepsoupay soup dog po pu song 7 sseusTG RAEI ‘80002 90 ‘uoxdulyseAN'AS 3g UES 3 DOVZ @ acco azn 9. song ane au 2 uno ave SP 196705 awe NNW > © aa seonaien asec wnppeig WAY 2aeds SUOISIy e UL Jego0g anes sof yy j aypeis za) 848 Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 36 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication aus Gam s9umO o2 syUH JHE deWW BuO 1BUMO pue ssazoug ysanbay auoz pue dndas sosiasadns/i9UmO_ erala Seg tt a es 5 seniac orion) ew [sen ea _—| een non) eae | tsa a ev Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 37 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication 0@ OIA zsveviva ‘WER BAILOW OL ALOSMIONT ONY GNOTO ZOA OL YNITAAdAH T3NVd Jats yayevn BAY SALVOION! 2038 oe SLO Oe eee enonane spe pue seins 7 Ee ) = Maev4 LUBE) Leave tem) Se en0ae oc eiusen 3S ‘8000 - pawn 910 20200 ef rae sen a tines sree aunen se ee 5 x anoo UB)UYIN BALOW él oz ZO HAIR NIT OLYNTAWNOZ | fitz, ‘SUISAM YANMO 4202, OdNI ~S ~ 802 MOCNIM Ce Oat De SALOV OL INT (azgoagna A7aALOvEaLND ? ozoz SEAM ENO UENRICW BNLOY S003 g00z ‘SLISESM Y3NMO UEDA dV ANOZ Y3NMO Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 38 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication JaLEW aANPY YpiM Bu0Z sazea1D JUNO Tea _bipieiecininoisnnies | [ouseein soma Sow Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 39 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication In BoInaa GON a01A30 371G0N 40 NOILDIdIO dv sezz—. veze— —~8eee Ua 30 SNOZ JO NOLO NOLLOISG dd dd¥ vez, SOIA30 ee a1aow anove OA goze” ye 102 208 WWNOZ aLISeaM ‘eNO NTT ALISA HBNMO to OWA G3ZROHLIIY SLISEIM C1 SIAR FTIGOW lw COHLAN SS300V 43SN Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 40 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication Pazyoyrny - ausqaM 0 821K8q aTGOW T# pouIaWN sso29y 195) | eva : i suet, ae se px vngan mo anyaraparaoe "erapp an Fiera) auipy cern | am] a ae won on ed Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 41 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication In 3OIA30 GOW sere seve 30IA30 aTIgOW 40 | dy reuozu NOILO30 dv seve —~ 7 ore — vere — p~eeve | 2.03y UBYUVIN 30. anozdO. , SLO%— NOILIdSC NOILOIdG ddv dd¥ | vere | BOIN30 SHON fee 102 Z9A | sore wy i eae | Q iszzon aenioz Hum INIT ALISA YSNMO- Lope ere GOpz UEDA BALLOV- SLLIS3A\ OL SOIARG STIEON @#COHISN SS300¥ Y3SN Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 42 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication Jae aay ~9USqaM 03 231N9q BLOWN ZH POR ssa2dy 1857) sv 814 ca Pere Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 43 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication in 301naa agow 9e92. aOIAaG agOWw 30 |, NOLLOIdaG dav | Se9z-— Ege — waRIVN 40 NoWoIdaq adv - A 4 begz | aonad sian | 982 9092" 6692 day jeuozu ~~ 869% 3NOZ 40 NOMLOId3O dd 30130 31IgOW oraz — 109% (ZLIseaM Y3NMO ON) GNOIO ZOA OL ZING FiGOW £# GOHLAN SS3OOV Y3SN Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 44 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication (2318q2/M 42UMO ON) PNojD LOZ ZDA 03 921N9C BIIGOW, ‘BH POURAIN SS023y 4957) ee ani SEE Som. raercaea] aon] [ui {0} naa saungfeswodas = Patent Application Publication Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 45 of 94 US 2018/0033244 Al ‘MOBILE DEVICE 2831>,f APP DEPICTION OF APP DEPICTION MOBILE DEVICE IN ZONE-NEAR ZONE CENTER _@ 2835, UPDATED UL | = 2851-~..|. Coupon WHEN nzonal APP RUNS.IF | for dress (OF MARKER 2834 -——~ 2899 \ niZonal App kb USER IS ALREADY IN ZONE, if Zonal APP WILLEXECUTE sue 2836 —~ ZONE'S FUNCTION _, | innext MOBILE 2hrs DEVICE Ut Zonal App Jil STEP 1, FROM A BLANK SCREEN, 7 | ves No 2850 USER RUNS nZonal APP 2899 8 + STEP 2 USER ACCESS METHOD #3 USER IS IN THE ZONE NO MAP SHOWING ZONE FIG, 28 Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 46 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication ‘au0z Sumoys dew ON au07 ul $1 49871 bit PoMIaWN ssaaay 4957 6z aundig tend say den | 38195 798 {0} 1N0g saw foRIsENS vee wa Patent Application Publication USER ACCESS METHOD #4 USER IS NOTIN ZONE NO MAP SHOWING ZONE ——=— ‘MOBILE DEVICE, 30031. Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 47 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI MOBILE DEVICE 30031 ‘SECOND USER / INTERFACE 30036, SECONDUSER | INTERFACE i 30099 | 30051) S || WHEN nZonal APP RUNS, Zonal App _ i IF USER IS NOTIN ||, ZONE, OFFER OPTIONS : BRS oe i _ 90009 oalape JL 1 a J 1 30050 STEP 1. FROM A BLANK SCREEN, 4 \ USER RUNS nZonal APP i Faia] tom [tow [as i MOBILE DEVICE NOTIN ZONE 1 TAP BUTTON SHOW ; NEAREST ZONE j MOBILE DEVICE 30031 IN APP DEPICTION (OF MARKER 30034 30033 APP DEPICTION OF ZONE [ nzonal Aop 7 30099, 30035 ~~~ [APP DEPICTION OF MOBILE DEVICE 3303 NOT IN ZONE FIG. 30 i 30052 THIRD USER INTERFACE Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 48 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication con pu dee Poppe rg STE ‘au0z Buymoys dew ON 2U0Z Uf LON 51 495, Si poussIN 55099 Jas. Te andi ones 2feu.06n petra aoa een aes EZeagor! yolspaooie xe sae, die sorgu insane wan zs ins efesede pin ae 580" ani esse cominae Saino oda Team ammoeen ] iwaonrvae | on Loman | yg Nene Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 49 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication ‘S3NOZ U3LNO ONY YBNI ONIMOHS In YINMO (21VOS OL NMVUG LON) 3NOZ V NIHLIM 3NOZ GNOTO 402 Z9A 01 391N3 3TIOW 9# COHLSM SS3D0¥ 43S vas v'688'26 vealy waiddy Vee Old SPB ‘upypayD euoz (A) ZOMOUTERSD 9909 UION upyoeyg ueng epog [A ‘upxoays renueyy [A SpoutoW UI}20u9 GSHEX 662 — popL'¥e- ‘geaLeZE mpi x 1yBlaH -xo.dKy p07 ‘96rige7 ‘suresh feu9z 9102 @ NOIAGOD ‘Reyisiq Sisson WERDEN [Tpaabar’)} {juga} uoqe907 (painbai])) ‘wonduoseg auoz 208d nen [ 7eea> ) | [rouis [a iv] veneer [A eweo wedyON] WFD ——SGuHjaS | Spodoy OH. BOE} fEUOZ Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 50 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI USER MOBILE DEVICE UI SHOWING “- > INNER AND OUTER ZONES FIG, 32B MOBILE DEVICE EXPLODED VIEW 3231 |’ 3221 3226 / LOCATION Zonal APP Vv 3299 Patent Application Publication Feb. 1,2018 Sheet SI of 94 US 2018/0033244 AL USER MOBILE DEVICE Ul SHOWING. FIG. 32C INNER AND OUTER ZONES AFTER USER TAPS MAP MARKER ~\\ an r aims f | 1 _ || Mosie gooot| Et al DEVICE : i EXPLODED : | VIEW ' | 3231 1 ir war) | Veni | Ky Parietal | i | ! | ! il | i | ' | 1 | i | i y Zonal it | ‘APP me / » t © horthPark Cen i 3299 i tn Tayor | ! | ! | i | 5 FB) | ' | Ls aoe a) Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 52 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication S0U07 PaisaN UI JUBWEAOW 495, 9H POYIAIN| Ssa00y 1957) ge oundig ome reo eso pate (ie) wave ssa xa, Sty. sonnets ar OE D ca am eeu | ee San ee rere an mRe eee fawem | sonag sn Noe Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 53 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication ‘S3NOZ W3LNO ONY NANI ONIMOHS In YINMO Vre DId - ‘sureishg eu Bud peg (F198 OL NMWWud LON) 3NOZ ae ‘WBNNI SUNG 3M N3HM peau 002 A] NOZ V NIHLIM3NOZ anov9 ToenInesSo 1 Z9A 01 301A30 JTIGOW eoote 3 1 9, 2909) UY, Tel 3 COHLAW SSIOQV ASN upsoaug veog epoo yp | onideons LS — O0re : ujpaaug enuey [A] u spowjay uiyoayg —s8isag yucyayon? dbs wees'z6 SSiCxeze —_yorLL'96-‘geoL0 ze wary xoddy — ap XIWBBH Yexddy —"aoryduoy ‘spmigey Teds Sisonapion wedion, vanaiosaG euoz eoelg non (30209 ) [S A moubig [A tiv] voesoy fA Jequag »edyuon ] way sGumjog suoday 9H BORIel [PUOZ Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 54 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI USER MOBILE DEVICE Ul SHOWING AG INNER AND OUTER ZONES AS USER HAS FIG. 34B PENETRATED STORE A INNER ZONE. ACTION "DISPLAY SALE” IS TRIGGERED / -2Tm Sara aaa MOBILE DEVICE 1.3431 7 ACTION DISPLAYED | Zonal APP 3499 Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 55 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication S007 parson ul 1uaWAROW J95n £4 POUIIN Ssa23y J8SN), ‘Se andy (@ scent tpndon ese |G ervorinnpe sees ses sie Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 56 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication paeAyno ja10H & 48 BUOZ [eI90S gE a’NZI4 "ose nor keg eee soe ssn 0 2098 NHC BOK ‘souous enae put gage sn peo vo avous 1 wang oman eG (ee 1 9 30 £00 secenirenni nin) 09 ¥ 209e Wom J TeBE mG BRON US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 57 of 94 Patent Application Publication Le Old I ants = ow ——— <= fey — | FE: ' —— any uaeniegy ———— —— eny uespeqy ——— cole — aa fay ate eg SSS EE 1 6501 zole ee i a — Aainy = = = any N44 aay jonypye] = any sinyaye _ = = fay = — f = ooze" E any evopueyg ‘any es0pue|g —— 3 — any eropuaig E+ — few @ = i i ir Py mopesyy ——! L——— py nope pu nopean -3- = 7 2 F== B= iq savobiien, Jq seuobGey, ——— <———— 1g seve, —— J = 2 = fay = OO —— pus femon pay somony — [J Sy pr fenton NOILVNILS3O OL NOLLVOOT INSHUND NOUS ONIOSIIOUd W31SAS ONILNOH GNV NOLLVOIAVN HLIM STOIHSA US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 58 of 94 Patent Application Publication Cl F ang tong ——_] ay any sewons — | [zose~ BF Lr I See ee ee oot fay — - roge 90ge o0se. g a any eiopusig 2 anon Le Py Mopeayy baz Zon, WALSAS NOLLVOIAWN aNL-Tv3e —_S L 2G sau0Bbem = fory a py henson Nl pu AMON SNOZ NOISMIOXS GNAOUY GALNOUTY ATIVOLLWOLNY STOIHAA SST WAARG HO NIAC Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 59 of 94 US 2018/0033244 Al AUTONOMOUS OR SEMI AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE: CONSTRAINED TO OPERATE WITHIN AN INCLUSION ZONE ene PRUDENCE, ISLAND FIG. 39 US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 60 of 94 Patent Application Publication quaupoqura 307 Bupjied — yop an8iy Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 61 of 94 US 2018/0033244 Al Figure 40B — Using Place Zones to Create a Toll Road Toll Road Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 62 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication SINSWIG08N2 SNOuG Ge 7 zona | bole" orip oy erly € OlWNa9S US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 63 of 94 Patent Application Publication (ede aoueysipinba ave pue sazeulpio09 ueisayed jeuipnaet 0} jajjesed aie saul jequozyoy {je as¢mayt7 “uede aoueysipinba pue saeulp1009 ue1s1129 |euipna/duo} 0 ayjexed axe sauy {e104 jy ~ a[29s 03 uMeUp ION) ure) 18nd e Buopy seu0z IM ayeIOM1Y Jo Jo1WUOD 40 BuppeaL ty andy “ee “set “ste sew Mee frst aprae oe] st" xo weer ree ster vray ee ner wa" US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 64 of 94 Patent Application Publication (sa ye ae se ede aouersipinba pue § ep aun3iy see pene anuersig oosz 002 oost o00t 005 ‘eer wer wee Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 65 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication ‘au0z a1qeAOW — py aun3iy ath 0 M108 ULE Heb) {205 ONS Tze az (ostoug aan Ls Cozwod pons epeduston >) Kysaniatns ena ozry caste spnospuamse “I Coy , uaz 2H SO US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 66 of 94 Patent Application Publication uolsnpul 404 sazeups009 seJ0g Bust, auoz a[qeaow — yp ang sew set aoinea 298n gost % - oe e US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 67 of 94 Patent Application Publication ore ye ,ost! sere esr sb Z- doe acted we st ostre set 22109 4957 BOSy Yo}sn pul 40} sayeUIps009 Je|od Suis aUoz ajqeaow - asp aang US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 68 of 94 Patent Application Publication a21Aag UOReI0T pure ssa22y NVM — 9b ound} 4 | dosuas Buipeayy [ og pUIaNS puegapim ean. sanjaosuedy Mowe HM JaAIBDBy 208890014 uooeag c “ ‘aoyaag uoRe20) pue ssB20y NVI. US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 69 of 94 Patent Application Publication 30130 3118080 LN3IdIO3u 30130 371G0N z0Lb naguos 40 LELP BLVAILOW OL HSNd \ MaIATWIad —\ dd 1e2u0Z0 40 3UNLas on ver 30130 NOLINE FaWTY ooo} ago OLY rob dy eel |. 66lh ; eropuaio vee N ~ Z Lp Old j~[ sav euoze cdd¥ euozu | | INSGOSe HIM oe NOLLOINAWMOD niga Hsmavisa : - wasn / ) Ae === any sunyoyeT any enyorer — NoWolaaa Faiyy =H = dd¥ NI : -9bee \ an Fe ED eiopuain vee Peer a SOIASG ONY wasn —_T me men wee 7 MIA WA3 Wr ‘INGIdIOU Pe mopeayi Pu mopeayy — 3 - anoro — fay s_| 402 290A, ik Oe == 1g s01066eyy, ——— 1g sav08bey ee ¢ 90zb <= ov = AMBAITE 3OVSS3W WEYT¥ AONZOYSN GOHL3N SS300V 4aSN Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 70 of 94 > ‘Ortroreciified ikonos. Orthorectification Panchromatic Scene | qmmemmamnentieeen Dig Pan-Sharpening pon US 2018/0033244 AI Ikonos Stereo Pair 1 Surface Model (OSM) Generaten IKONOS Image Digital Surface Model a ay oo poe DSM Editing and ikonos Orthorectified (Pan. | Sharpened)—Sbit | Enhancement Supervised ! 30 Digital Urban Areas = DSM - Digital Elevation Mode! Classification “4 Overtay Analysis s ‘konos Classified Image I Urban Area C) Extraction Accuracy Assessment Figure 48 ~ Flochart of Method of Processing Satellite images for Building Recognition 2018 Sheet 71 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AL Feb. 1 Patent Application Publication OOW JOVIUNS WLISIA ONISN A313 OLOHd SLITS WOUd V3uv NYSHN SSN3d 40 JOVI OdOOSOFYSLS Patent Application Publication Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 72 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AL FIG. 50 US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 73 of 94 Patent Application Publication dis Old Vis Old y $ y y 7 . < pels ze1g a gzis NS vols d y 821s _ 2 _ L € A ONINAdYVHS OLLVWOYHONWd NO. SISATWNY NLGMNSO 1SOd La ZZLG GASVa NOLLVINSND3S INRiGLOO4 SOVWNI SLITS NIGBNOOZ —- ZL Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 74 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication Os “Old (93S1= and I) SaNTT3anLIONOT KT IHD NOTWVTOINO NOLOSPOud © GVbS OLVONSN INRdLOOS (03S | = GINO 1) SSN GALT Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 75 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication AsaSeur] Jay30 40 ay]]9Ies Woy UOIea!D aUOZ JeEWOINY jo UeYD Moj|s— ZS BINS 19529) 0 oreo one wap ‘aru oto wos arp sas duep | I sean a naaioye \ \ po 21016 ps: snrwoisah ved tue ies ep “portant atone A 2 ‘Selmi oxen rps wei ea sonar sna _ieeoon tc cane a(S "sist icuen—————#] Ponca oven tmp expr estas | ‘sep weet punta pee ay) oa aba ys pe Bea a pes 7 aves 70404 aniap hae yrs eat nd85 79), Suyss014 98eu (oleonaa saumopsosiadns Patent Application Publication Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 76 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AL 5300 X 5328 5327 roha-4-3--5 1 WIRA tt t 1 WIDEBAND It optiona, | 1 REALTIME | OTC I 1 LOCATION | f SENSING 1 system 1b SENG I TRANSCEIVER | 1 ASM) I | uwerns | toe i u 4 (_RECEE Memory |[ MICRO SO CARD || CARD SLOT 7 5323 STATUS LED ANTENNA 5325 ¢ ANTENNA yt 5326 WiFi §322 MODULE Z. NAVIGATION ‘O@>\, | INFORMATION MODULE (NIM) GEOLOCATED Wi-Fi ACCESS POINT (GWAP) FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 77 of 94 Patent Application Publication ha 2020s d¥M9 Aq aojnag Jas e jo 2 ampow aapoaie-1 OA, anpowsua awn Isod-085 GES a1NBI4 sNBDEM ON, eethes ‘pou stu a eto sayoa 60 voz0es Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 78 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication oes ‘DIT zoeoes \ 4 Z2£08S ~ [yon Lzeoes [aun}-H80es 301A wasn SS NOUWOO7 (G3ONVHNA NOILY9O7 Sun oveoes KD _ N Leeoes d¥MO Ad 3OINSO WSN ioe sd9 40 ONINOLLISOd039 beeoes Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 79 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication auoz Aeuoners ps asndty enero esi tng Chg L eoneuaye | sawesjeuoz isa aymo Areuoneis aang 225) — Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 80 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication u07 aiqenow sg einai wax thannue| sch eo hon pou rmevonn pause onus Lae “Somena ate ina C] acqunow ayerabun |b tay woiiaowoeesoy—— (exon) econ sonas jeuoz aanag iospsodns Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 81 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication aoinag SIIGOW e Jo Bujuon|sod-025 10) sianto2sueLL AMAN PUe (dYM) lod 552299 [4-4M ParEI0}-099 e 30 3sN. —/ — nn vos aunty 7) ae PN. “ ninco ess US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 82 of 94 Patent Application Publication BAB 3}IGOIA) e JO BuO! }d-085 105 Suantarsuer, MN ue (d¥M5) WWOd SSa2V 14-1M Pa}EIO}-08D & Jo as agg aundiy saya MN G09 ‘S95 OAV a \ saaponseu ginny am 195 Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 83 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication ves euns a SuoMNaN yOMIIN woneu00 | as sigs ‘women | — S wetas-} yoysauu09 voraiss{ soxzauuc2 ol cows | ¥mNeU ame | ™1 sepauves [-astus pHeR woiks soe , vane es| “eam eae ee re anaow | Oy ‘enomy = = any ‘sou2 aie ano Janos wawaseue; oemeeee a Homan Z oa wien Sapna nap aIGOW Sap GOH y nap apworu =pwen ay nowateuey soap woursevey Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 84 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication my iy sg ey iow ‘puny feng; ere Won ‘Spe Kenge si, on wy fea: Se won sear ee eedus squjodyaeya ee aus aunty US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 85 of 94 Patent Application Publication syodoy wo Cra tod Patent Application Publication Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 86 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AL Figure 57 Figure 57D Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 87 of 94 US 2018/0033244 AI Patent Application Publication aes 208g ae Pw sus ae pee 200 eR sarap ape aarp aI “onop 2180 sonap apa Es ie 0055 ‘pain | iowa eoweg Teoma mo ‘inpnas eau | eae Be ee a Baap auG0R ‘oop aEgOW a =2ROpaHGOW aswon aRep APRN spun Bad woou eu arses US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 88 of 94 Patent Application Publication poe aero. ‘os pue sion 35270 sresaual uo ‘dmos wowateuey ‘9/5 ‘say pue sh nas wauseeUN So US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 89 of 94 Patent Application Publication aos seonap Anvopt sate auan 5000, sepyon Ayno9py ‘vate uso ss03014 pe ayetovad pe vido 530014 Senwapan wien plomssed poe ksauap'apivaia Co} ee peojamoa \ cases mapaieon SS US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 90 of 94 Patent Application Publication nus sry apres Soy wash ewe US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 91 of 94 Patent Application Publication ares eae aye aesn aesaua9) ssanbos uae aes sono, up aesn Anup) Snap aH “ae waNREURY US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 92 of 94 Patent Application Publication fe waunsripe pu hoysg aes s wouaBeuern Mus aI Teonbor Low oben aos atesn 69405 [Peermeaaiecen rep aaRBeTeM Patent Application Publication Feb. 1, 2018 Sheet 93 of 94 US 2018/0033244 Al US 2018/0033244 AI Feb. 1,2018 Sheet 94 of 94 Patent Application Publication ootves Ne aus orses/ soeres / soetes-/ woetes woetes/ Bua ‘Wes ands im poe ssiaweied uo paveq we Suga nEIIvED t ‘avowed apyoA sug t aun UA ao ‘ine 9a vuo8 Go porea DIANE US 2018/0033244 Al SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PLACING. VIRTUAL GEOGRAPHIC ZONE MARKERS CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 'APPLICATIONS| 10001) This application is a continuationin-part of US. ‘application Ser. No. 152277915 filed Sep, 27, 2016, which isa continuation-in-part of US. application Sex. No. 15/131 965 fled Apr. 18, 2016, which is a continuation of US. application Ser. No. 14/200,049 flled Mar. 13, 2014 and ranted as US. Pat. No. 9,317,996, which claims priority t0 US. Provisional Application No. 61/778874 filed Maz. 13, 2013, and is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser No, 14/102.238 filed Dee. 10,2013 and granted as U.S Pat. No. 9.319.834, which claims priocty to US. Provisional Application No. 61/735,402 fled Dec. 10, 2012 and is a ‘continuaion-in-part of US. application Ser. No. 13°924,395 fled Jun. 21, 2013 and granted as U.S. Pat. No. 9.398.404, ‘which claims priority t0 U.S. Provisional Application No, (61/662,980 filed Jun. 22, 2012. Fach of the patent applica- tions identified above js incorporated herein by reference in is entirety to provide continuity of diselosuee. REFERENCE TO COMPUTER PROGRAM LISTING 10002} This application includes multiple computer pro- ‘gram listings that are grouped into Computer’ Program isting Appendix I, Computer Program Listing Appendix Il, ‘Computer Program Listing Appendix Ill, and) Computer Program Listing Appendix IV FIELD OF THE INVENTION 10003] The present invention relates location-based data processing. The present invention relates in genoral to & ‘method of cresting defined virial geographic zones around places of interest. More particularly, the present invention relates to evidencing the location of virtual geographic zones ‘round places of interest on an online map with a marker so that they may be discoverable on mobile devices with a ‘common app. Once such vital geographic zones are mapped. registered and stored in a common accessible database, they become discoverable and sctionable without Junker reference lo a map from a common mobile device app. Such code may be part of a mobile device's operating system. These virtual geographic zones in tum ean be used ‘o contro gates and autonomous vehicles, such as unmanned ‘ears and drones, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION {0004} ‘Though mobile phones have been prevalent in the rmarkerploce for some time, they have not been widely used jin the indostries that must monitor movement of users oF ‘employees on a ronte, a joumey of a tour through com- ‘ander or supervisor defined zones, places or locations. For ‘example, security patol officers move from checkpoint 0 ‘checkpoint on a tour defined by a commander. Prison guards move through areas of a prison while making “rounds dafined by a supervisor Police officers move through areas ‘or "beats ofthe city as defined by a commander Delivery trucks move fom store to store making deliveries on a route defined by a sipervisor oF a manager. gambler may be able to gamble in casino but once the gambler maves out of the ‘casino the gambler may no Jonger place a wager. Military Feb. 1, 2018 sions move fom location to locaton in the purit of cmplising # mission or # joumey defined by a come manding officer A person can walk though & park or ‘museum and se ifrmaton about the sites a the park OF Gisploys in the museum. Similarly, shoppers move through isles ina sore that ean be defined By Zone. {0005} With the inereasein technological sophistication of Wireless devices overtime, there has own ase inthe use bf these devices. However while appesring unrelated t fist lance, most development in the use of Wireless devices is pattofthe development of wireless device technology: Early {Mors were principally focused in marketing proses to consumers, Marketers have attempted t find a solution in the prior rtf target consumers Using wireless devices with limited suoces. [0006] For example, US. Pat, No, 7821,773 to Hines, et al. diseloses am area watcher wireless feature with» database of geographic areas triggering the wireless area watcher to splay a message upon particular wireless devie’s ery Jnto oF exit fom a Watchod area. A watched area may be defined by a postal code, principality, tate or county, or by fe panicular eal site area. However, tho system in Hines relics on the infastictre of # wireless network service provider to implement the feature and to define the watched rcs leading to an expensive system that canast be ce tomized {0007} US, Pat. No, 7.995.996 to Link, et al. disloses providing target averisemens over a wireless network {rom local advertisers prereuisteed to advertise. Local aadverisers register to adverse on wireless devices that are in close proximity to the advertiser As consumer eaters cell site that s nar the lation ofthe lal advertiser the ‘ire network delivers a message 1 the wireless device bf the consumer that i spociied hy the local acertisee However, the sytem in Litk relies on the location and the range of cellular towers leading o an inaccurate location of the wireless device. Furher, such reliance on the range ofthe cellular towers results in fixed areas. within which the consumer must be and cannot be customized 0 suit the fea averse. [0008] WIPO Patent Pubtiation No. 2010078616 Wood, etal. discloses « mobile device managing arnage- rent fr service and prouet information by a wieess Fidel network trough hushed devices interacting with a presnetdataose, In Wood, the precinct database stores Vendors, products, service, and information foe eoch pre Cinct A precinet sa predefined raion in which a cusomer with the mobile device can access information about the ‘vendors, products, services within the precinct. The precinct Js equipped with proximity shor range wiecess equipment in the form of # pad or a gate. In onder to cess the information fom the prevint database, te customer must place the mobile device within the ange of the proximity pa or gate to access the information. However, the system Jn Wood relies on the wireless deity network and elular setwork to locate the able device leading an inaccurate Jocation because the range ofthe wireless fdality network aun the range ofthe ella network eat conform othe Shape ofthe bulng in which the costomer is desired to be located and cannot be customized. Furter, the witclss fidelity network forthe determination ofthe location can be compromise thigh te use of a wires fidelity network reporter o extend the rich of the nctwork to ntrized US 2018/0033244 Al [0009] | U:S. Pat, No. 7385,516 to Contractor discloses @ location confirmation service for wireless devices. A central processor periodically receives position data Irom a wireless ‘device via GPS or cellular network asa latitude and longi tude point, The central processor compares the latitude and longitude point with « Known location point wo determine if the wireless device is within a predetermined distance from the known location pont. However, the service is limited to ‘compan points and cannot compare s location of 2 device to a spatial area [0010] U.S. Pat. No. 7,864,087 to Aninye et al. discloses monitoring system that tracks a location of @ wireless personal tracking deviee. The system periodically tracks the location of the wicless personal tracking device using @ cellular newwork or a GPS service. The system compares the location to a predetemnined inclusion zone or a predeter mined exchision zone. If the wireless personal tracking ‘device is inthe predetermined exclusion zone, the system tenerates a message and sends the message asa notifieation. However, the zones i Aaiaye otal are limited to circular zones, each having fixed radius and cannot be customized jn shape of adapted to the conform to the shape of a structure. Joo11] U.S. Pat. No. 8,104,672 wo Mitebell, Je. et al discloses a security system including a set of sensors con- nected 10 the security system, The security system receives a location of a mobile security device cartid by a user via GPS or cellular network, compares the location of the ‘mobile security device witha known location of an activated sensor and determines whether the activated sensor Within ‘predetermined distance from the mobile security device. IP the sensor is within the predetermined distance from the mobile security device, then the atvated sensor is graphi- cally displayed on the mobile security device, The user ean then respond to the activated sensor. However, the system in Mitebel, Jr, et al. can only determine whether @ sensor is ina given rads from the mobile sccurity device and is unable to create customized geographic zones [0012] U.S. Pat. No. 8,292,741 to Burman eta. discloses ‘4 system for facilitating mobile gaming, The system ‘employs.a set of hase stations of a cellular network to define a set Of geo-fences for a jurisdiction in which gaming is allowed. Each of the set of ase stations is customized to allow the base station to send and receive gaming informa tion, Each of the set of base stations hae a ange that must be wholly within jurisdiction that allows gaming. Any base station having @ range that is aot wholly within the juris- diction that allows gaming cannot send or receive gaming jnformation. A gaming device that is within the range of any of the set of base stations is allowed (0 place a wager However, the set of geo-fences cannot precisely define @ taming boundary. Due wo the limited range of the set of hase Stations, the set of eo-fences enable “holes” located in the Jaw gaming jurisdiction in which gaming funetions on the taming device that are otbervse lawful are denied, 10013] U.S. Pat. No. 8,616,967 to Amaitis etal. discloses ‘system and method lor convenience gaming Like Burnam, the system employs a set of customized base stations of @ cellular network to dfine a set of zeo-fences fora juris tion in which gaming is allowed, The system furnher ‘employs cell network triangulation using the set of base Stations to determine the location ofa gaming communica- tion device, However, ike Bursam, the system cannot Feb. 1, 2018 precisely define a pan dng access om & gaming device that is otherwise (0014) US. Publication No, 20120329885 to Jabara el Giscloses a system and method for gaming ding wireless communication devices, The system employs ase of Wi ‘acces point distibued on the premises of a gaming feiity a which gaming is allowed to define a geo-fence. Ea WiFi access point has a generally circular range. The et of Wir aeoss points verte the location oF a wireless device ty proximity to allow gambling on the premises of the ming facity. However the system doesnot allow remote faming in another Iwi arca bocaose the witclest come nnication device must be conpecte to the set of Wi cess points. Further, the circular range ofeach ofthe Wi cco points esl in inconsistent coverage of the wireless eomnicaion device within the premises leading incon sistent gaming access [0015] US. Publication No. 20120329855 to Foy etal. Aiscloses system for multiplayer remote gaming. The s- tem employs a st of gaming machine terminals deployed throughout a casio Each gaming termina s eonedted 10 4set of mobile gaming devices through a Wi-Fi network Throughout the caning. The Wi network includes ase of transceivers each of which has © proximity range. The proximity ranges defines a geo-fenee around the casino ach mobile gaming device can perform goming fonctions, i.e. placing a Wager ifthe mobile suming device s within the range of ene of the tanscever. However, like Jabars the system doesnot allo remote gaming in another lawful aa because the mobile gaming device must be connected to the Wei network of the casino, Pune the cular ranges of the tramsceivers result in inconsistent gaming ‘accesso each ofthe mobile gaming doves. {0016} European Publication No. 2589232 © Broseoe Giscloses a system and method for creating and modilying téynamie goo-fonees. The system monitors location of an clecimnic device using eell network triangulation to erate ‘dynamic goo-fones. The dynamie geo-fenov inches st Of fixed geosfenees. Upon fist scvation of elect devi, fit fixed gon-fence is automaticaly rca hav Jing a fixed radivs. As the electronie device moves outside of te first ie! goo ence, the electronic device is temporary sable, Permipion by a users required in onde o enable tho elctonie deviee. One permission is granted, the wc teonie device creates a second fixed geo-ence. AS the lecttonie device continues to move, successive fixed goo" ences are erate inthe sme manner to erate the dye gsonfence. However, the system rics on cell network ‘ianpulaon to detemine the location ofthe elect device. Furr, the system relies on user permission ia 3 timely manner to ereate the dynamic peo-feace leading to holes in the goo-fence. {0017} US. Pat. No. 8374623, 10 Vellanki disloses methods for contlling mobile computing devices such as Japiops PDAS and celia telephones, based on thet oea- tion, Mobile computing devices sing such methods elude a softvarereneted map of dofined.gongraphic regions, locaton handlers for defining behavior ofa mobile device in 2 given geographic resin, and a location handling engine for determining when 2-new geographic zone has been entered and exited, an for executing and terminating lea tion handles accordingly (0018) US. Publication No. 201210276028, 1 Shuter discloses a method for providing alverisemeats to mobile US 2018/0033244 Al ‘devices located ina geographic region. The method oblains ‘curret weather condition information snd dats representing ‘an alverisemeat and determines sie ofan advertisement fncs for the advertisement based on the cure weather information. Tho size ofthe averisement area is docreased ‘during a poor weather condition. The advertisement is provided 1 the fst mobile devie ithe positon of the ist Iobile device i located inthe advertisement aca. {0019} US. Publication No, 20090163216, 0 Hoang dis loses techniques fr failing a hand-invsing proximity ‘ection and dusl-pilot operation. The metho intes detcting a presence of a cient device i proximity to 8 networkside device and tansmiting «frst signal over 4 fit communication channel to the client device. The Rist signal enables the client device to access information tras tilted in second signal from the network-ride device 10020] US. Pat No. 7848.76, Philips discloses meth- ‘ods and systems relating to location-based services such a3 social networking, providing demographi information, tracking mobile devices, providing business information, providing an adapible user interfoce, remotely elfecting Change ‘on a portable electronic deviee, providing & sufece,ouputing oeation-based information on amobile ‘dvi, varying transmissions to and fom a mobile device, providing location-based ales, verf¥ing transaction, and feiloring information tothe cenvir af ce {0021} US. Pat No. 88621501 Philips discloses meth- ‘ods and systems relating 1 location-based services such as providing a geofencing, oupurting location-hased informa. tion on a mobile deviee, varying transmissions to and from ‘a mobile device, and providing location-based alerts. More Specifically, » method can include receiving a selected Jocation on'a mobile device, monitoring a eutent location of the mobile deviee, determining when the curent location of 10022] | Most of the prior ant belongs in class of “prox- Jmity systems,” geo-location tacking systems which do not the device's GPS, or geo-enclosure systems that do rot reenit a smart device's ability to report in or out of @ _geo-enelosure created and evidenced vie an online map by the owner or supervisor of such geo-enelosure. While it is-necessary fora security ollicer to be “inthe proximity ol” ‘checkpoint ora vehicle to be near the entrance toa toll, ‘zone, its not sullicient 4 be able to say they were “here Itis desirable to definitively say security ollicer or vehicle was inside specific predefined geographic coordinates (dhe Viral goographie zane set up by the owner or supervisor of the Zone) and was therefore “there”. Purther, art that describes geofencing fails to disclose a flow-charted sys- temic process or method that can accurately and completely describe the processes and methods the peor art purports (0 ‘claim. In some cass, prior art attempts to claim and preempt an abstract idea without showing process low or method oF ‘achieving the end resll, Prior art fails to show a process oF relationship between the mobile device user and the owner for supervisor ofthe zone. 10023) Referring to FIG. 1, a prior art example of @ “proximity system” is shown, This example demonstrates the insufficiency of the “proximity system”. The prior ant proximity systems have several limitations” Building 150 has perimeter 151. Wi-Fi access point 152 is mounted in building 150 and tas range 15%. One limitation is that Feb. 1, 2018 coverage of range 153 i indistinct and varies around perim- ter 188, Furr, some aeeas are excluded from eoveraue of range 15%. For example, area 187 and coverage area 159 are snot covered by range 183 of Wi-Fi access point 182. Further, ‘undesired reception ofthe Wi-Fi signal aeeurs. For example, Wii repeater 184 broadcasts repeater coverage perimeter 155 by receiving signal 160 from Wi-Fi access point 1S2-and rebroadcasting itn coverage area 159 with coverage perim- ter 155, This is a problem because wireless device 156 is able to aceess Wi-Fi access point 152 through Wi-Fi repeater 154 with coverage range 159, said coverage range 189 being beyood what is intended, Turther, range 183 cannot be precisely determined die to the “fuzziness” of range 183, thereby allowing an unintended uscr of wireless device 156 to sec8s5 range 183 of Wii access point 182 by being in covemige range 189 of Wi-Fi repenter 154, [0024] Likewise, « yeo-location trocking system of a ‘vice fails to recruit the mobile device's GPS to selfxepor its location ia relation o a virtual peographie geo-enclosore that has been created by the owner of supervisor of that geo-enclosure. Absent such selPrporting, geo-locators ‘would have to passively tick the mobile device constantly in onder to dotermine if the device were in or out a geo enelosure, the coordinates of which, and the shape of which fare unknown tothe device user. Geo-loeted tracking woul be an improcise and ineffective way for an owner to create ‘anes within zones, create and service moveable zones and useless at evidencing zone eoonlinates via an interactive ‘marker on an online map, since the mobile device's GPS is ‘ot being reruited by the geo-locator. Ifthe tracked device js beyond the geo-locator's range, it cannot be tracked, [025] The prior art fils wo disclose or suggest a system fd method for ereating customizable vintal gengraphi ‘ones to enable Zone cviners oF 2one supervisors to exeate iscoversble zones, distribute zone information and acci- rately interact with users whose mobile devices are self reporting in of out of the zone. Additionally, goo-fenced areas on publicly available maps are not associated with interactive map markers that contain zone evordinate infor ‘mation, do no alter the public map, and are not interactive ‘witha common mobile device application that can discover publicly accessible zones via a map oF by querying the closest zones. Therefore, there isa need in the prior art for a system and method for ereating accurate Virtual peo {graphic zones that cannot be compromised t0 allow Supervisor 0 inexpensively and accurately interact with tsers by making the zones discoverable on a map and the coordinates interactively available 0026] The prior ant, including proximity systems, goo- locating trackers, and geo-fencing, fil to describe how an ‘owner and supervisor of a geo-enclosure would create a virtual gate into that geo-enclosure for purposes of channel- ‘ng access and egress through defined areas for purposes of recording entry and exits, such as under the cameras at atoll Jane entrance and ext. Likewise, the prior at fails to teach hhow a zone could be embedded within another zone, thus allowing or denying an activity, such as a handicap parking fr premium parking section within a parking Tot. Noe are temporal zones described, where, for instance, a toll stthor- ty might vary the pricing on atoll lane zone to address peak ‘oiage, encourage off-peak usage or eliminate the viral toll zone completely during emergencies, US 2018/0033244 Al SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 10027] In 2 preferred embodiment, a system and method Tor authenticating Wager by limiting the ability to place the ‘wager to designated zones, or subzones within a zone, is disclosed. The system includes a network, a server con- nected to the network, a supervisor device receiving infor mation from a navigational ("NAV") service system and connected to the network and a user device receiving information from the NAV service system and connected 10 the network 10028] Ina profered embodiment, a supervisor defines set of virtual geographic zones and sub-2ones in which the user device can be tracked, and saves the set of viral _gengraphie zones and sub-zones to a supervisor account on the server. The ser downloads a user application, sets up 2 user account that includes a user ID and a verification and downloads the set of virtual geographic zones and sub- zones. As the user moves into and out of the virtual weogriphie zones and sub-zones, the locaton of the user ‘device is determined and a set of supervisor defined setions are executed bythe wser application an the user device based, ‘on the location ofthe user device. 10029] Tn one embodiment, the supervisor defines a zone fn which wagers can he made or placed by a user using the user device, running a user gaming application. The usee taming application uses a User Location Information Pro- ‘cess (CULIP"), installed on the user device, to verily the location from which the wants o place # wager. The user gaming application runs in conjunction with the ULIP. The ULIPactivate or deactivates the user gaming application oa the user deviee, depending on whether the user is inside the ‘designated gaming zone or outside ofthe designated gaming 10030] In one embodiment, when a user device enters a zone or a subzone, the user device is denied authorization to perform a function. 10031] In one embodiment, 2 method for transferring Tunds from a fnanial institution into @ wager account is disclose. 10032] In another embodiment, a method for establishing social gaming and peer to eer gaming is disclosed, In this ‘embovliment, a user associated with a user device links 8 social network account to a user aceount to discover contacts ‘and to engage in a game of elance with the discovered ‘contacts. 10033] In snother embodiment, a method for detennining 8 fee fora location host. In this embodiment, a loeation host js a bar pub, or any establishment that promotes the game ‘of chance opersed by the supervisor. 0034) In a preferred embodiment, a system and method Tor message delivery to a user andthe tricking ofthe usee through or in and out ofa sot of predefined zones, gaming ‘zones, marketing zones, checkpoints, or stops along a tour, 4 joumey or a mission, determined by & supervisor is disclosed. 10035] In one embodiment, the set of supervisor-defined actions isa set of advertisements that are displayed on the user device based on the location of the user device nd if the wser device is inside an associated zane. In anther ‘embodiment, the set of supervisor-defined actions isa denial ‘of authorization for a wager because the wser is outside 3 statutorily mandated area or zone. In another embodiment. the set of supervisordefined actions is a set of discount ‘coupons for products and services of the supervisor to be Feb. 1, 2018 redeemed ata point-of-sale based oa the Hocaton ofthe ser device. In this embodiment, the set of dacount coupons ae ‘splayed on the user device whea the user enters ell Sore ane othe supervisor. In another embodiment, 3 the ‘scr moves through each sub-zone ofa real store zone of {he superior infirmaion shout various produels located ia each sub-zone, inelting a location of each rode, is layed onthe herder mesa ch [0036] In another mbedinest the set of actions retail Store event, ding which the see must be present 1 win a Prize In this embodiment, te user must late predler- Inne sub-aone of the supervisor within a predetermined time perio inorder to redcem the prize. The wer applic tion determines the locaton and tine ofthe user device nd Sends the location and timc to the server The supervisor may ‘monitor the lesion ofthe use i real-time {0037} In one embodiment, the wer aplication iter tently monitors the location ofthe user device at pred: temingl fequency in wal-lime to deteamine an engogemest ofthe user device withthe zone, i. ifthe use device i at ‘within, or nearby the Boundary of We zone In this embod ‘ment, the user application detemaies a predicted path for the wscr device relative to velocity of the uscr device determines zane equation Tor the Zone, compares the predicted path (ote zone equation, and the engagement OF {he predicted path with the zone equation s determined from the comparison, [0038] Inone embodiment fst zone interes a second zone providing te se of aetons to the user devices required by the frst zone and the second zone. {0039} In onc embesimeat, the second zone is contained completly or partly by the fist zone snd is “excluded” Irom the sot of actions [0040] In one embodiment, the set of ston is security suand tour ofa set of zones or sub-zones. In this embed tment an enty is saved in a ysten log database as he user device passes through each zone or seb-rone. {0041} Ta. another embodiment, formation about a super Visorsdefined action is displayed on the user device athe User moves though each zone or subzone {0042} In another embodiment, a star time of @ user and {time spent at each station or Zane are saved in the VGZ Server. Bach time the user repeats tour of the zones, the ‘scr aplication compares the etal ime to rich each rome for sb-zone with historical times to reach each zone. The user application sends messes fo the user, supervisor or system log database rosading the timeliness of the wer reaching checkpoint zones of completing the tour of the zones oF sub-70ne. [0043] In one embodiment, the system monitors prowess Of the user ffom one zane to another zone and predict progres Im one zone wo anoiher ad advise the user, he 5upervnor or oth ast the timelines of the curent prog: (0044) Ia one embodiment, supervisor device is cd Inialze an account, determine zone leaton and config ‘aon, and reyuest approval of a zone profile. The zone poll pproved by a map axministator ata notieaion of {he approval is seat to the supervisor device. {0045] none embodiment a user device logs into a server aun requests Zone profil information. The server delivers US 2018/0033244 Al zone website information to the user deviee, which isues ‘one or more additional requests based om ae website infor mation. 10046] In one embodiment, a fist user device that is ‘authenticated and within a zone sends a request to server to find otter user devices inthe sume 2one. The server sends ‘list of othor ser devices that are within the zane and the fist user device initiates chat session with one of the other user devices 10047] In one embodiment, a supervisor device is used to draw a zone on 8 map. [0048] In one embodiment, 2 supervisor device requests authorization of a zone profile from # map administrator ‘The map administrator checks a map data and sends 9 notification ta the supervisor device tha indicates ifthe mone js authorized. 10049] In one embodiment, a supervisor device creates & zone and requests athentcation of the zone from @ zone server. The zone server submits the zone authentication Fexuest to-a map administrator that evaluates and approves the zone, Notification ofthe approval is sent from the map administrator to the zane server and fom the zone server to the supervisor device. After the zone is approved, the supervisor device is used to link a website to a marker ‘associated with the zone on 4 map. 10050] In one embodiment, a supervisor device is used t0 rexuest that a map marker he mad into an “Active” map marker The active map marker is visually distnetive from ‘a marker that is not an active map marker and indicates that information about a zone has been associated with the location on the map related to the ative map marker. [0051] In one embodiment, a user device receives tap ‘event for A map marker, receives Tink information from 3 ‘one server, nd interacts with & website that is not hosted by the zane server hased the link information. 10052] In one embodiment, a user device receives a tp ‘event for a map marker, receives fink information from 3 zone server, and interacts with a website either ditetly of through the zone server based the fink infomation. 0053] In one embodiment, a user device receives a tap ‘event for a map marker, receives Tink information from ‘zone server an iterats witha website hosted through the ‘zone server based the lnk infomation. 10054] In one embodiment, a user deviee is within a zone and the user device runs zone dependent task while in the 10085] In one embodiment, a user device is ouside of a zone and receives a selection from the user 10 show the nearest zone, The user device sends the request tothe zone server and the zone server sends information about the nearest zane tothe user device. 10086] In one embodiment, the zones stored on the zone server include nested zones with inner zones and outer zones. A-user device in an outer zane ca select the map marker of an inner one and view the actions that are ‘available in the inner zone. 10087] In one embodiment, a social zone is included ‘within a zone that allows a user to self-identity whether the user will appear within the social zone to other users. 10058] In one embodiment, the app on the user device is tused (© navigate a vehicle using one or more exclusion 0059] In onc embodiment, the app on the user devie is used to navigate a vehicle using aa inclusion zones, Feb. 1, 2018 [0060] In one embodiment, the app on the user device is vused fora parking lotto find spaces and pay for parking. [0061] In one embodiment, zones are used to create a Virtual tll road, [0062] In one embodiment, the zones are used to identify where a drone ean fly and ean be used by an app t contro] the fight of the drone based on the zone information, 0063} In one embodiment, place zones are used to track fr contr! sireraft along a flight path. [0064] In one embodiment the zone is 1 moveable zone ‘that is defined relative to one or more specific coordinates 0065} In one embodiment the zone is a moveable zone ‘and is defined using polar coordinates that are relative to @ ‘one or more specific coordinates. [0066] In one embodiment, a WLAN access and location device provides Wi-Fi access and the specific eoondinates oF movable zone. [0067] In one embodiment, a zone includes an alarm button that is displayed when the user device is within the ‘zane, When pressed, the user device will contact emergency personnel, [0068} "In one embodiment, zone informat Aulonsaticaly from satellite imager. [0069] In one embodiment, a gev-location wireless aevess point (GWAP) provides lecaton information and wireless [0070] In one embodiment, 2» GWAP is stationary and associated with a stationary zone. [0071] Inne embodiment 2 GWAP movable or fixed to 8 Vehicle and is associated with « movable Zone [0072] In one embodiment, one or more GWAP devices ‘provide locaton information that is used by user devices t0 elermine positions of the user devices regardless of ‘whether the user devices are indoors or autdoots. mis generated BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0073] ‘The dlsclosed embodiments willbe described with reference to the accompanying drawings. [0074] FIG. 1 is a schematic of a WiFi-based access control of the prior an. [0075] FIG. 24 isa schematic ofa virwal geographic zone system of a preferred embodiment 0076] FIG. 28 is a schematic ofa supervisor database, 2 ser database, and a system log database of a virw geographic zone system of a preferred embodiment [0077]. FIG. 3A is a plan view of zones of @ prefered embodiment ofthe disclosure [0078] FIG, 3Bisa plan view ofa virwal geographic zone and sub-rones of prefered embodiment. [0079] FIG. 3C isa plan view ofa viral goographie zone and sub-zones ofa building layout for a security tour of a preferrad embodiment. [0080] FIG. 3D isa plan view ofa viral geographic zone sed in a gaming application [0081] FIG. 3F isa plan view ofa virwal geographic zone ‘sed in a gaming application as applied to lange tract of land [0082] FIG. 3F is2 plan view ofa viral geographic zone and a peerto-poer gaming zone [0083] FIG. 4A is a flowchart of supervisor set-up method ‘of a preferred embodiment. [84] FIG. 4B isa flowchart ofa method for establishing a zone or a sub-zone of a preferred embodiment US 2018/0033244 Al 10085] FIG. 4C is flowebart of a method for defining @ zone oF sub-rone of a prefered embodiment [0086] FIG. 8A isa flowchart of a user set-up method of a preferred embodiment [0087] FIG. $B is a fowebaet of a method for monitoring user location for zone engagement of a prefered embodi- ment, 10088] FIG. 6 isa Nowchart of a user application method ‘ofa prefered embodiment 10089] FIG. TAs a flowehaet of an action update method {or a supervisor application ofa prefered embodiment. [0090] "FIG. TB is a fowehar of a method for verlying ‘and monitoring a use locaton for supervisor application ‘ofa prefered embodiment, [0091] FIG. # isa flowchart of a method for user log-in, ‘lock-in, and start tour fora user application of a preferred ‘embodiment. [0092] FIG. 9 is a flowchart of a method for a time verification ofa tour ofa prefered embodiment 10093] FIG, 10 is a lowchart of a method for a user application anda user location information process of & preferred embodiment. [0094] FIG. 11 is a flowchart of a method for a user application transfer process 10095] FIG. 12 is flowchart of a method for establishing ocial gaming and peer to poer gaming, [0096] FIG. 13 isa Mowehart of @ method for detemnining 1 fae for a location host 10097] FIG. 144 is a sequence diagram of a method for setting up a zone. [0098] FIG. 148 is a Nowchart of a method for user ‘operation of a zone, 10099] FIG. 15 is a fovschar of a method of person 10 person interaction, [0100] FIGS. 164 throgh 16 are user interface diagrams Tor defining zones [0101] FIG. 166; shows an embodiment for using viral ates [0102] FIG. 17 i a view of the VGZ system for autho- Firing a zone [0103] FIG. 18 isa view ofthe VGZ. system for defining «4 zone with a ink wo owner website [0104] FIG. 19 is a ovchart of a method for defining @ 10105] FIG. 20 isa view of the VGZ system for creating ‘setive markers interactively embedded in a map, [0106] FIG. 21 is a Nlowchart of a method for ereating active markers. [0107] FIG. 22 isa view of the VGZ system for 2 usee ‘access method by a mobile device ion owner website using ‘2 marker on a map. 10108} "FIG. 23 isa flowchart ofa method fora user access method. 10109] FIG. 24 is a view of the VGZ system for 9 usee socess method by a mobile device to an osener website via fn active marker on a map. [0110] FIG. 25 isa lowehar of a method fora user access method. [OLLI] FIG. 26 is a view of the VGZ, system for a user access method by a mobile device to VGZ cloud via an sctive marker on a map. [0112] FIG. 27 isa lowehart of a method fora user access method. Feb. 1, 2018 [0113] FIG. 28 is a view of the VGZ system for a user access method. [0114] FIG. 29%. fowehart of a method fora user aevess method [0115] FIG. 30 is a view of the VGZ system for a user fees method. [0116] FIG. 31 isa fowehart of a method fora user access ethos [O17] FIGS. 32A through 32C are a view of the VGZ. system for a user access method. [0118] "FIG. 39 isa flowchart of a method fora user access method [0119] FIGS. 344 and 348 area view of the VGZ system Tora user access method. [0120] "FIG. 35 isa flowehant of a method fora user access method. [0121] FIG. 36 3 view of he VGZ. system for 9 sociat [0122] F1G.37 sa view ofthe V6Z system fornavigaton [0123] F1G.38;sa vow ofthe VGZ sytem for navigation [0124] F1G.39 sa vow ofthe VGZ sytom for mviation routing [0125] FIG. 404 isa view ofthe VGZ system fora parking Jot 10126] FIG. 40B is a view of the VGZ system for a toll road, [127] FiG.at Srones [0128] FIG, 42 is 8 two-dimensional projection used with a flight plan base on longitude and latitude, [0129] "FIG. 43 is a two-dimensional projection used with a flight plan based on altitude and distance [0130] "FIG. 44 iss view of the VGZ system fora movable [0131] FIG. 484 is a view of the VGZ system for ‘movable zone using radial coordinates, [0132] FIG. 451 isa view ofthe VGZ system determining ‘whether a user isin a maveable zone, [0133] FIG. 46 is a diagram of a wireless local area retwork (WLAN) access and location device. [0134] FIG. 47 isa view ofthe VGZ. system for an alarm view ofthe VGZ system for controlling 48 is a ow chart for processing satellite mages for zones [0136] FIG. 49 i a steeoscopie image derived from one for more satelite images. [0137] FIG. 50 is an image with building outlines devived trom one oF more satellite images. [0138] FIGS, SLA, S1B, and SIC show the ereation of | ‘ones from one or more satellite images, [0139] FIG. $2 isa flow chart of zone ereation from one ‘or more satelite images, [0140] FIG. $34 is a diagram of a Geo-located Wi ‘Access Point (GWAP), [0141] FIG. $38 is a diagram of a wer device and a geo-ocated device with ranging signals, [0142] FIG. 83C isa diagram ofa user device detemnining an enhanced location estimation. [0143] FIG. $4 isa flow chart of a system and method of | {4 GWAP used with a stationary zone [0144] FIG. $8 isa low chart of a system and method of | 4 GWAP used with a movable zone US 2018/0033244 Al [0145] FIGS, S6A and S6B sce diagrams of systems and methods for using multiple UWB transceivers and GWAPS to assist locating a mobile device in a zone [0146] FIG. $74 isa system diagram fora tol collection system. [0147] FIG. $7B is a user interfice diagram displaying un augmented road map for management ofa toll collection system. [0148] FIG. $7C isa user interface diagram displaying an augmented satellite image for management ofa toll eollec- tion system. [0149] FIG. $7D isa user interfuce diagram displaying un ugmented road map for zane management ofa tol ellee- tion syste, [0150] FIG. S7E isa user interface diagram displaying an augmented satellite image for zone management of a toll, collection system. [151] FIG. §7F isa sehematic diagram of toll eollecton system fora toll gate [0182] FIG. 57G is a flow chart for management setup of ‘tol collection system. [0183] FIG. $7H is a ow chart for user account setup of tol collection system. [0154] FIG. S71 isa flow chart for usage scenario ofa toll collection system. [0185] "FIG. $71 isa How chart for delivering user satsties ‘ofa toll collection system, [0156] FIG. S7K isa flow chan for delivering. manage- rent statistics ofa toll collection system. [0157] FIG. STL iss user interface diagram displayed on a device used by the system, [0158] FIG. 57M isa flow char ofa method for generating billing alerts based on zone trigper alerts, DETAILED DESCRIPTION 10159] Iwill be appreciated by those skied inthe ar that aspects of the present disclosure may be dlusiated and “deseribed herein in any of a number of patentable classes or ‘context including any new and usefll process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and ‘usefilimprovement thereof, Therefore, aspects oF the pres ‘ent disclosure may be implemented entirely in hardware, ‘entirely in software (including firmware, resident software, micro-code, ete.) or combining. software and hardware Jmplementation that may all generally be referred to herein 82 “circuit, “module,* “component,” of “system.” Further, aspects of the present disclosure may’ take the fom of 8 ‘compuier program product embodied in one or mare com= puter readable media having computer readable program ‘eoxde embodied thereon. [0160] Any combination of one or more computer read- able media may he wilized, The computer readable media may be a computer readable signal medium or a computer readable storage medium. For example, a computer readable storage medium may be, but not limited to, an electoaic, ‘magnetic, optical, electromagnetic, or semiconductor sys- ‘em, apparatus, or device, or any suitable combination ofthe JTorepoing, More specific examples ofthe computer readable storage medium would include, but are not limited to: @ portable computer diskette, a hard disk, a random access memory CRAM"), read-only memory (ROM), a eras- able programmable read-only memory (*EPROM” or Flash memory), an appropriste optical fiber with a repeater, 2 portable compact disc read-only memory ("CD-ROM"), Feb. 1, 2018 optical storage device, « magnetic storage deviee, or any Stitable combination of the foregoing. Thus, a computer readable storage medium may be say Tangible mediuas that an contain, oF store a program for use by or in connection ‘with an instruction execution system, apparatus, or deviee [0161] | A.computer readable signal medium may include a propagated data signal with computer readable program fede embodied therein, for example, in baseband oF as part ‘of searrer wave. The propagated data signal may take any of a varity of forms, including, but not limited to, electro- ‘magnetic, optical, or any suitable combination thereof. A computer readable signal medium may be any computer readable medium that is not 2 computer readable storage seium and that ean communicate, propagate, or transport « program for use by or in connection with an instruction ‘execution system, apparatus, or device, Program cade tembodied on a computer readable signal medium may be ‘ransmitted using any appropriate medium, including but not limited to wireless, satellite, wireline, optical fiber cable, RF, fr any suitable combination thereof [0162] Computer program code for earying out opera ‘ions for aspects ofthe present disclosure may be written in fany combination of one or more programming languages, ‘including an object oriented programming language such as Java, Scala, Smalltalk, Fiflel, JADE, Emerald, Objective. C+, Ch, VBNET, Python or the like, conventional proce. dural programming languages, such as the “C” program: ‘ming language, Visual Basic, Fortran 2088, Perl, COBOL 2002, PHP, ABAP, dynamic programming languages such as Python, PHP, HTML, AJAX, Ruby and Groovy, or other programming languages. The program code may execute entirely on user device, partly on the user device, entirely ‘ona supervisor device, party on the supervisor device, as 4 stang-alone software package, partly onthe user devive and parlly on a nework server, parly on the supervisor device and partly on the network server, or entirely on the network server. In the network server scenario, the network server ‘may be connected to the wser device andor the supervisor device through any type of network, including a local area retwork (*LAN") or a wide area network ("WAN"), or the ‘connection may be made to an external computer connected fo the user deviee or the supervisor device (for example, ‘through the Intemet using an Internet Service Provider) oF in ‘cloud computing environment or offered as servi sch fas a Software as a Service ("SaaS") [0163] Aspects of the present disclosure are described With reference to flowchart illustrations andior block dia- grams of methods, systems, and computer program products according. 10 embodiments of the diselosure. It will be ‘understood that each block of the flowchart illustrations andior block diagrams, and combinations of blocks in the Howehart illustrations andlor block diagrams, can be imple- ‘mented by computer program instrctions. These compter program instructions may be provided to a processor of a feneral purpose computer, special purpose computer, or ther programmable dala processing ipparatus to produce @ ‘machine, such thatthe instructions, which execute via the processor of the computer or other programmable intrue- tion execution apparatus, create a mechanism for imple- ating the functions/acts specified inthe fowehast andor block diogram block or block. [0164] These computer program instrections may also be stored in a computer readable medium that when exscuted «an direct a computer, other programmable data processing US 2018/0033244 Al apparatus, or other devies to fanetion in a particular man ne, sch that the isiractions when stored in tbe computer readable medium prodoce an artele of manuietureinelud- ing instructions which when executed, cause a computer to implement the function specified in the Bower andor block disgram block or blocks, The computer program instretions may alo be loaded onto a compute, other Progrmmsble instrction exceution appara, of thee devices fo ease series of operational steps to be performed ‘on the compute, lice programmable appartiss o eer devices to produce a computer implemented process such thatthe iiractions which exceute oa the computer or thee progrimmsble apparatus provide proceses for implement dng the lunctionsaci specified in the Nowehae and/or black ‘iagram block or blocks. [0165] Computer Program Listing Appendix 1 inclodes source code writen in HIME, lavaSerp, and Python to realize the Zonal Places web applcaion component of Zonal Systems Virtual Geouraphie Zone, which inludes the finetionality of loaing storing, and erieving zone infor maton fom & servee 10166] Computer Program Listing Appeodix Il inclodes Source code writen in Objective" wo realize the mobile ‘pplication component of Zonal Systems Visual Geographic Zone, which includes functionality of loading and display jing zones on a device [0167] Computer Program Listing Appendix I inclodes source cade for determining whether a device i inside or ‘outside of zone. The physical placement of zones relative to-cach other is ieclevant A user holding a mobile device enters and exits each zone independently of every ether onc. Kock zone has four stats: outbde, inside, going Dutside and going inside. The state of “inside a zone is tracked elsewhere in tho aplication and mobile deviees ean he “inside™ moi” zones. simultaneously Each one reports tothe rest of the application the followings vent ‘wll go inside, will go outside, did go inside, dd go outside, resumed inside and resumed outside 10168] Computer Program Listing Appendix 1V comprises code for defining and authorizing zones. The code of Com puter Program Listing Appendix TV is writen at high System level and assumes thatthe deus of areas, sich as data storage and network communications, ae understood to be performed by any sitable mechani (such as SQL database, inary fil, document database, TCPAP, Unix Sockets, REST, et eeien} 10169} InStep 1, thew sone actor the supervisor deve ‘The supervisor device eretes a tap interlace, els the eurrent position ofthe supervisor device asthe center ofthe ‘up, ant displays the map The value of pin Weaton i et by the function get touch point fiom user 10 the point touched on the map by the ter. A zone is ered by the ‘ate one function around pin eatin using the valve of ‘eft diameter, which was ct 100.0. 10170] In step 2 there ae two actors: supervisor device snd VOZ server. The supervisor device gets erential fom the user of the devee, including a usemame and password ‘The supervisor deviee then sends an authentication rust to the VGZ seever The VGZ server rooves the credentials from the supervisor device 0171] InStep 3 there are three actors (Supervisor Dev VGZ.& Map Admin) This code is functional representa tion of code used in prefered embodiment. Feb. 1, 2018 [0172] A system and method for providing automatic ‘oversight of the geographic areas where a wager may be legally placed using viral geographic zones will be described. [0173] Referring to FIG. 2A, system 200 includes viral geographic zone (°VGZ") server 201 connected to network 202, supervisor device 203 connected to network 202 and receiving information Krom NAV service system 204, and ter device 208 connected to network 202 and receiving information from NAV service system 204 [0174] VGz. server 201 includes processor 206 and memory 207 connccted to processor 206. VGZ application 208, user database 209, supervisor database 210, and syste dog database 229 are stored in memory 207. VGZ. applica- ‘ion 208 has supervisor set-up 282 and user set-up 233 that will be farther described below. Procesor 206 executes VGZ application 208, [0178] Supervisor device 203 includes processor 211 ‘memory 212 connected to processor 211, and NAV service receiver 214 coanected to processor 211. Supervisor appli cation 213 is stored in memory 212 and processor 211 executes supervisor application 213, [0176] User device 208 includes processor 218, memory 216 connected to processor 215, and receiving information rom NAV service receiver 218 connected to processor 215, User application 217 is stored in memory 216 and processor 218 executes user application 217, User application 217 has ser location information process (*ULIP") 231. ULIP 231 js executed in the background in conjunction with user pplication 217 asa subsystem or co-process in that ULIP 231 verifies «location of user device 208 and allows oF stops functions of user application 217 based on the location of user deviee 208, a8 will he further described below: [0177] In one embodiment, social media network 234 is connected to network 202. In this embodiment, user device 208 conmunieates with social media network 234 To grant or deny VGZ server 201 access toa contact list stored on social media network 234, as will be further deseribed below. Any social media network known inthe art may be employed. [0178] In another embodiment, location host 23S is con- ‘ected to network 202. In this embodiment, location host 235 receives a fee for wagers placed within the zone ofthe location host. For example, the locaton hosts a bar or pub, for any other loeation that advertises a predetermined wager ing game and receives a fee for wagers placed within the ‘one the location hos. 0179} In another embodiment, financial institution 236 is ‘connected to network 202. In this embodiment, user device 208 communicates with financial institution 236 to transfer Tunds between finaial institution 236 aed VGZ.seever 201 ‘through user device 208, as wil be father described below. [0180] In another embodiment, map administrator 237, public map owner and database 238, and private map owner fand database 239 are connected to network 202. Map ‘administrator 237 adn states and manages the use of one {ata and information with one or more of public map owner And database 238 and private map owner and database 239. [0181] I¢wil be appreciatod by one of ordinary skill in the ant that any navigation system may be employed t0 deter ‘mine the location of supervisor device 203 and user device 205. NAV service system 204 is available from many sources and continues to improve and be available in the kesplace. The most well-known of these systems is the US 2018/0033244 Al ‘Global Positioning System (°GPS"), Augmenting the GPS. are GPS repeater sysems, Other NAV services inelude, but are not imited to, any one or more ofthe below methods of locating a postion on or above the surface of the oceans oF Jad of the Earth and/or other eureent oF future navigation systems that may focilitate the navigation of Earth or the universe beyond the area near Fah; an automatic direction finder (“ADF”) is used for guidance, location and navigation ‘of aieroft, the signaling of which is also available to terrestrial receivers; Bluetooth communications signaling: ‘ell phone tower navigation used by cell phones and 10 ‘determine location through triangulation; distance measur Jing equipment ("DME") used in aviation for guidance, location, and navigation, the signaling of which is also available to terrestrial receivers; interplanetary signaling, 2 navigational signaling that may result ffom the use of planets or moons of planets for reflective or original source Signaling; near field communication (*NFC" systems; Ultra ‘Wide Band (“UWB”) real time location devices (*RTLS") including wireless tags; Local Positioning Systems (PS) used for indoor navigation with 10 em precision; repeater systems that repeat a satellite, GPS, cell tower or other navigation system; satellite signaling navigation that ‘employs current or future forms of navigational signaling fom satellites positioned around the Earth; VHP omnidi- rectional range ("VOR") aviation device used for guidance, location and navigation of aircraft, the signaling of which is alko available to terrestrial roeivers a Tocation determined tusing the Google Maps API; a wireless access point COWAP) to a network, a gaming entity may add a WAP (0 its premises in order to facilitate more accurate and more ‘convenient communication with a user device: Wi-Fi wire less access to a nearby WAP: a Gion-located Wi-Fi Access Point (GWAP), whose position has been determined by Differential GPS (DGPS), 2 Wide Area Augmentation Sys- tem (WAAS), o¢ other advanced goo-positioning method ‘and whose latitude, longitude and altitude may be registered in a database; a WiFi positioning system: other global navigations satelite systems (GNSS) similar o the US Navistar GPS system like the Russian GLONASS, European Union's Galileo, Chinese BeiDou System: hybrid GNSS like the Indian GAGAN system, and any ather systems and ‘combinations of part or all ofthe above systems. 10182] Ina preferred embodiment, a supervisor assoc With supervisor device 203 interacts with a user associated ith user device 208 using messages, communications advertisements and services as will be furher deseribed below. 10183] As used in his disclosure, a supervisor is a com- pany supervisor, 2 store manager, a tour commander, & Security officer commander, a military commander, 2 man- ager of commercial airplane flight, a shift supervisor, route supervisor, a foreman, a home owner's association directo, 4 gaming entity, 8 building manager, a payroll supervisor ‘and any and all other authorities who define a zone, 3 sub-zone, «route, four ora journey where a user may need to be prevent ata specific location 10184] Ina preferred embodiment, the gansing entity is an ‘entity licensed to take wagers or fes from wagers. In other ‘embodiments, the gaming entity isa casino, race track, off track betting shop, Indian reservation, cruise ship, bar, bingo parlor, poker parlor, lotery vendor, facility where pari- ‘tue! wagering i allowed or facilitated, or similar licensed pambling location or any other type of facility (real or Feb. 1, 2018 Virtual) where wagers are placed on games of chance, ‘outcomes of sporting events, races or any other event where the outcome is unknown, Wagering may be allowed) ia ‘gaming zones that are remote from the gaming entity. Por ‘example, in advance deposit wagering, the user obtains an ‘secount ata rice rack, oblains an aecount balance to Wager, and may place wagers in designated locations, zones, that ‘cilitate pariemutuel wagering with video coverage of horse and dog races. [0185] In one embodiment, the boundary ofa gaming zone an be any jurisdiction andor political area, For example, the gaming Zone is defined by the boundary of. city, county, [0186] The embodiments disclosed herein prevent “bleed ‘ver” from a gaming ane in which gaming is allowed. Por ‘exainple, the disclosed embodiments define a precise bound. ary ofa gaming zone thereby preveating gaming in an area ‘adjacent to the gaming zone where gaming is not allowed andor unlawful. In another example, the disclosed embodi- ‘ments provent gaming that is otherwise lawful on the premises ofa diferent gaming operator [0187] In another embodiment, the gaming entity is an cally that lenses @ paming user application from a game developer. A game developer isthe author of a gaming user application that the gaming entity licenses and allows its [0188] In one embodiment, the game developer licenses the ULIP to tack users to verify thatthe user isin a gaming ‘one. Onee the user is an authenticated user and is Verified fs being in a gaming zone, the gaming wser application proceeds with the play of the game. [0189] As used in this disclosure, a user is a person making a wager, a security olficer on a tour, a soldier on a ‘mission a service technician, cleaning or maintenance per- sonnel at a jobsite, a delivery man on a delivery route, & psn ud making ends, or shopper moving tough [0190] An suthenticated user is a user who has been authenticated via the usee application on the user device, as ‘ill be fnher deseribed below. [0191] In a prefered embodiment, supervisor device 203 isa mobile deviee, such asa smariphone. In another embodi- sent, supervisor device 203 i a) personal computer la another embodiment, supervisor device 203 is a tablet ‘computer. Other suitable compater devices knowin in the at may be employed, [0192] In a preferred embodiment, user device 208 is mobile deviee, such as a smartphone, In another embod ment, user device 208 is a personal computer. In another embodiment, user device 205 is tablet computer. Other stable computer devices Known in the art may be employed. [0193] In one embodiment, supervisor application 213 ‘computer application executed on a personal computer another embodiment, supervisor application 213 is a mobile application executed on a smartphone or tablet computer. In fanother embodiment, supervisor application 213 is @ web application executed through an Intemet browser. [0194] In one embextiment, supervisor application 213 is ‘sed by the gaming entity to manage and authenticate users and to define, manage, and authenticate gaming zones. In this embodiment, supervisor application 213 has a reporting runeto US 2018/0033244 Al 10195] In one embodiment, user application 217 is a ‘computer application executed on a personal computer, La another embodiment, user application 217 is mobile appli ‘cation executed on @ smartphone or lables computer. [a another embodiment, user application 217 is a web api ‘cation executed through an Internet browser. 10196) Incneembodiment, ULIP231 isa computer appi- ‘ation executed in the background on a personal computer In another embodiment, ULIP 231 is a mobile application ‘executed in the background on & smartphone or tablet ‘computer. In another embodiment, ULIP 231 is a web application executed inthe background throvgh an Internet browser 10197] Ina prefered embodiment, VGZ application 208 is ‘computer application executed by processor 206 of VGZ_ server 201. In this embodiment, VGZ application 208 isa set ‘of machine code insieutions that receives, examines, and sends data to and from supervisor device 203 and user device 208, saves and retrieves data to and from user ddatahase 209, supervisor datahase 210, andlor system log. database 229, a¢ will be tuner described below. In this ‘embodiment, VGZ application 208 manages supervisor set- up 232 and user set-up 233, 10198] In one embodiment, nework 202 is a cellular network providing a data connection to the Interne. 10199] In another embodiment, network 202 is a local Wisi network providing a data connection to the Internet. In another embodiment, network 202 is a local network ‘connected to VGZ server 201 [0200] In another embodiment, network 202s a Bluetooth sires network, [9201] Othee known wireless and wired networks may be employed. [0202] In one embodiment, each of user device 208 and supervisor device 208 accesses NAV service system 204 through a local NAV service repeater as will be further described belo [0203] Referring t FIG. 2B, supervisor database 210 Jnchides plurality of supervisor accounts 219, Each super visor account 219 includes supervisor information 220, supervisor zones 221, supervisor sub-2ones 222, supervisor ‘actions 223, supervisor reports 224, users 228, and user ‘events 226, [0203] As used in this disclosure, the term “one” is @ geographic area of any size. The zone can be any two ‘dimensional polygon or three dimensional polyhedron ‘whose sides and vertices are determined by: geographic points, ie latitude and longitude in the ease ofthe polygon ‘or latitude, longitude and altitude in the case ofthe polyhe- ‘dron. A time period may be added to the zone by the supervisor to trick user device 208 in the zone during @ predetermined time period. The zone type ean be an “inelu- ion” zone where predetermined actions are permitted or an “exclusion” zone where predetermined actions are prohib- ited. Ase of zones are defined and saved by a supervisor using supervisor device 203 to a server 10205] As used in this disclosure, the tem “sub-zone" is ‘8 geographie area of any size within & zone, The sub-2one ‘ean be any two dimensional polygon or three dimensional polyhedron whose sides are determined by” geographic Points, ic, latitade and longitude in the ease ofthe polygon br latitude, longitude andl altitude in the case ofthe polhe= ‘dron. A time period may be added to the sub-zone hy the supervisor to track user device 208 in the sub-one during @ Feb. 1, 2018 predetermined time period, The sub-zone type can be “inelt- on!” where predetermined actions are permitted or “exchi- sion Where predetermined actions are prohibited. A set of sub-2ones are defined and saved by a supervisor using supervisor device 203 as supervisor sub-zones 222 a willbe {unher described below. A sub-2one may inherit atibutes of ‘the zone within which the sub-one is contained 10206] none embodiment, a zone a sub-20ae is ajob site, delivery site, checkpoint, a lock-in location, a elock-out location, « military mission checkpoint, 2 police stop on a “beat, 1 stop on a delivery route, or a set of stops or checkpoints ona “walk” oF “ious” through a prison, areas of retail store, a place of business where itis lawfil to place ‘wager, or indoor or outdoor spaces in a park, monument, ‘museum, shopping mall, school or other similar public places [0207] tn another embodiment, a zone or a sub-2one is ‘gaming zone, In this embodiment, location information is a set of points of a fully closed multidimensional virwal ‘object. The set of points include the starting point interme- sate points along straight lines and final elosure back to the Starting point as will he further described below: The set of points form vertices which representa fully closed two oF thre dimensional virtual objec. [0208] In one embodiment, a gaming zone may be fully or parilly inside another gaming zone asa sub-one [0200] In another embodiment, a gaming zone may fully ‘or partially contain other gaming zones as sub-zanes. In this embodiment, the sub-zone may be either an exclusion gam- ing zone or a class gaming zone, in which a predetermined class of games may be played. For example, pari-mutuel ‘wagering may be allowed in the entire gaming, one, but sot machine play only allowed in the class gaming zone, [0210] tn another embotimeat, 9 gaming zone may also ‘overlap with another gaming zone [0211] In another embodiment, a gaming zone may be Tully enelosod by an exclusion gaming zone [0212] As used inthis disclosure, the term “action” is a predetermined funetion of user application 217 to. be executed orto be prohibited from being executed based on the location ofthe wer device relative wo a zone or sub-zone as defined by the supervisor. In one embodiment, the action isa grantor denial of access to placing a woger onthe user pplication depending on ifthe user is inside or outside the ‘zone where placing 8 wager is lawl. In one embodiment, the action isa grant or denial of access toa predetermined class of wagering games. In another embodiment, the action js social media link. In this embodiment, a user device is prompted to link the user account io a social media account. In another embodimen, the action is coupon redeemable ata point-of-sale based on the loeation of the user device. in ‘another embodiment, the aetion i an advertisement Tor splay on a user device based on the location of the user

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