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The calibration software for your Volumetric Instruments.

Monitoring of measuring instruments according to ISO 9001, ISO 17025 - GLP/GMP

E A S Y C A L 4.0 ™


■ Testing of Liquid Handling
Instruments and Volumetric
Instruments of glass and
plastic according to ISO
8655, ISO 4787 etc.

■ Open software, suitable for

all volumetric instruments,
irrespective of the manufac-

■ Continual control of the

actual results during testing
by means of a traffic-light

■ Reminder function for out-

standing calibrations.

■ Recording of primary data in

accordance with GLP.

■ Reliable transmission, cal-

culation and saving of mea-
surement data.
The calibration software
EASYCAL™ 4.0 simplifies monitoring of measuring instruments according to GLP/GMP guidelines
and DIN EN ISO 9000 of liquid handling instruments (piston operated devices such as pipettes,
dispensers, burettes and repetitive pipettes) and glass/plastic volumetric labware.

EASYCAL™ 4.0 carries out all Quit calibration early?

calculations automatically and After entering three weighing
compares them with the error values (either manually or via
limits specified in current stan- data transmission from the bal-
dards or your individual preset ance), EASYCAL™ 4.0 executes
limit values. The error limits of a background comparison of the
many instruments, and the set- results with the tolerances. A
tings of over 100 balances, are traffic-light indicator (green/red)
already preset in the software. displays whether your results
In the case of multichannel Start screen: exceed the error limits. In the event of unsuccessful testing,
pipettes, the result of each indi- This determines whether a liquid han-
EASYCAL™ also helps you with the test equipment can be designated
dling or volumetric measuring device of as a 'defective device'. You can cancel
vidual channel is compared with glass/plastic is to be tested. testing times and intervals. You this selection after successful cleaning
the error limits. will be automatically reminded or repair.
which tests are due.

After entering the weighing val- Test record: System requirements:

You can print out a clear and con-
ues (primary data), all calcula- PC with 32 MB RAM, Micro-
clusive report to GLP standards. The
tions are carried out automati- test results are also stored in an easily soft® Windows® 98/NT with
cally. sorted database. The test certificate SP6 / ME / 2000 / XP, SVGA
Automatic import of the weigh- can be saved in various formats (e.g.,
Microsoft® Word or Excel). graphic card with 256 colors,
ing values is only available in the mouse, CD-ROM drive, Micro-
professional version. soft® Paint.

For connection of the profes-

sional version of EASYCAL™
with the balance, please obtain
the necessary interface cable
from the balance manufacturer.
EASYCAL™ supports balances
such as those from Sartorius,
Kern, A&D, Ohaus, etc. Met-
EASYCAL ™ 4.0 tler Toledo balances are only
partially compatible (AT and AG
Items supplied: series).
CD-ROM with EASYCAL™ software in 5 languages (German/ Demo version
English/French/Spanish/Dutch), manual and testing instructions EASYCAL™ 4.0
(SOPs) in 4 languages in PDF format for single- and multichannel A demo version of our software
pipettes, repetitive pipettes, bottletop burettes and dispensers and is available for download from
volumetric measuring instruments of glass/plastic. www.brand.de. With this,
you can test EASYCAL™ for
Version Description Cat. No.
4 weeks before deciding to
Professional Version automatic import of measurement values 7084 40 purchase the full version.
Basic Version manual entry of measurement values 7084 45
You will find information
Upgrade on request
about accessories in the
Network license on request new General Catalog 800.

BRAND® is a registered trademark of BRAND GMBH + CO KG, Germany.

Our technical literature is intended to inform and advise our customers. However, the validity of general empirical values, and of
results obtained under test conditions, for specific applications depends on many factors beyond our control. Please appreciate,
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therefore, that no claims can be derived from our advice. The user is responsible for checking the appropriateness of the product
for any particular application.
Subject to technical modification without notice. Errors excepted.

BRAND GMBH + CO KG · P.O. Box 11 55 · 97861 Wertheim · Germany

Tel.: +49 9342 808-0 · Fax: +49 9342 808-236 · E-Mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.brand.de

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