MDOT ProceduresForAggregateAcceptance 386509 7 PDF
MDOT ProceduresForAggregateAcceptance 386509 7 PDF
MDOT ProceduresForAggregateAcceptance 386509 7 PDF
August 2009
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Figure 14: Proportional Caliper Device................................................................................72
Figure 15: Sand Equivalent Test...........................................................................................73
Figure 16: Los Angeles Machine..........................................................................................74
INTRODUCTION Many of the federal and state agencies
have adopted Quality Control, Quality
This manual is designed to provide Assurance, Total Quality Management and
guidance for the sampling, testing, and ISO-9000:2000 (International Organization
reporting of test results for aggregate for Standardization) programs. To be
materials as standardized by the Michigan successful these programs need much more
Department of Transportation (MDOT). We than adoption and verbal commitment by
will cover many, but not all, situations the management. It takes an active leadership
technician encounters. Adherence to the and participation in the quality process by all
procedures contained herein should ensure members of the organization. A commitment
that tests performed by numerous individuals to training is also a major component of
on the same lot of aggregate materials will be these programs.
in substantial agreement.
Product quality control is a direct
The technician conducting the inspection reflection of the organization’s leadership and
can be a Department employee or a consultant attitude. This attitude also affects the external
under contract to the Department and is the image of the organization as perceived by
authorized representative of the Michigan many individuals. Quality control is more
Department of Transportation. It is the duty than a product shipped or service provided.
of all technicians to acquaint themselves in Quality control techniques can be applied to
full with the specifications and instructions customer relations, product production,
applying to their work. A thorough laboratory procedures and documentation, to
familiarity with the appropriate tests name a few.
conducted on properly selected samples is
essential for satisfactory performance of the One of the biggest challenges any
Technician’s duties. technician may face is communication. The
technician must know and understand how to
The American Association of State use the applicable quality control standards.
Highway and Transportation Officials Individuals may interpret the written
(AASHTO), and the American Society for procedures differently when it comes to
Testing and Materials (ASTM) publish many performing a certain procedure. Arguments
construction standards. The United States develop about a standard’s correct
government agencies, state agencies, local interpretation and whether a procedure is
governmental agencies, and individual being carried out correctly.
companies may develop their own standards.
Agencies may adopt published standards, or Every business must establish clear
parts of published standards, and rename them communications, from the president or owner,
as a test method. Therefore, it is important to down to the newest employee and right back
know which testing standards are being used. up to the president or owner. Information
must flow smoothly between parties, in a
Conformance to requirements can be form acceptable and understandable to
determined by quality control testing. If everyone.
something being measured does not meet,
then you have nonconformance. In business, the buyer and seller also
should establish mutual confidence through a
relationship based on clear communication.
Before production starts, schedule a meeting the natural weathering process which is
to discuss expectations, such as sample taking uniformly graded and consists
or the running of the test. Work through the predominantly of particles smaller than
first procedure together, making sure you the No. 4 sieve (4.75 mm).
reach agreement on how procedures will be
done. Don’t lock yourself into thinking the Stone Sand - A fine aggregate
old ways are the best ways. As technology produced from quarried rock which is
changes, procedures change. Let your views uniformly graded and consists
reflect technology’s positive progress. predominantly of particles smaller than
the No. 4 sieve (4.75 mm).
Stamp Sand – A fine aggregate which
An aggregate is a produced product is the end result of a stamp-mill crushing
having specific physical and gradational operation. This aggregate is composed of
properties and is created by manipulation of hard, durable particles, uniformly graded
material through a processing operation. The in size and consists predominantly of
material may be from natural sand and/or particles smaller than the No. 4 sieve
gravel deposits, quarried bedrock, slag from (4.75 mm).
steel mills or copper refineries, debris from
mining operations, or crushed Portland Slag Aggregates - Those aggregates
cement concrete. produced as a co-product of the refining
operations that turn iron and copper ore into
*Natural Gravel Aggregates - These refined metals.
aggregates occur in natural, unconsolidated
deposits of granular material which are Crushed Portland Cement Concrete
derived from rock fragments such as boulders, Aggregates - Those aggregates obtained by
cobbles, pebbles and granules and may be crushing salvaged Portland cement concrete.
rounded, crushed or a combination of both. Coarse, dense-graded and open-graded
These deposits may be found either above or aggregates manufactured from salvaged
below the water table. Natural gravel Portland cement concrete must conform to the
aggregates consist predominantly of particles grading requirements in Table 902-1, and the
larger than the No. 4 sieve (4.75 mm). physical requirements for gravel and stone in
Table 902-2 of the most current Standard
*Crushed Stone Aggregates - These Specifications for Construction.
aggregates are derived from the crushing of
quarried bedrock. Coarse Aggregates - Those aggregates
having particle sizes basically finer than 3
*It should be noted that Natural Gravel inches (75 mm) in diameter and containing
Aggregates and Crushed Stone Aggregates negligible amounts of material finer than the
are both included in the Standard No. 4 sieve (4.75 mm). The highest quality
Specifications for Construction under the aggregates are used in Portland cement
definition of Natural Aggregates. concrete and hot mix asphalt (HMA)
Fine Aggregates - Those aggregates
Natural Sand - An accumulation of composed of rock fragments finer than the
unconsolidated rock fragments or detrital No. 4 sieve (4.75 mm) and coarser than the
particles derived from the chemical and/or No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm). Generally, these
physical disintegration of rocks as part of
are blended with coarse aggregates to produce initial sample is split into two halves. One
Portland cement or HMA mixtures. half is tested by the technician and the other
half is tested by the independent assurance
Dense-Graded Aggregates - Those inspector. The independent assurance
aggregates composed of rock fragments finer inspector cannot be involved in the project
than 1½ inches (37.5 mm) in diameter and are and must use different equipment to test the
uniformly graded to finer than the No. 200 aggregate. The Independent Assurance Test
sieve (0.075 mm). When properly produced, should be completed and compared to the
these aggregates can achieve high density and results of the Acceptance Test within two
stability. They are generally used for base days. These samples may be submitted to the
courses and shoulders. Central Testing Laboratory for processing if
O.G.D.C.- Open-Graded Drainage Course
Aggregate - These aggregates consist of Information Test - These tests are for
coarse, including pea gravel, gradations with information only and not intended for
minor amounts of material finer than the No. acceptance or rejection of aggregate
200 sieve (0.075 mm). They may be gravel, materials. If a technician feels that an
stone, crushed concrete or slag. They are aggregate material has changed substantially
used as drainable base material immediately from when it was accepted, or suspects an
below Portland cement concrete and HMA aggregate’s quality, the technician may
pavements. perform an Information Test. Based on the
test results, two courses of action are
Pre-Qualified Aggregate Suppliers - available: 1) If the material is out of
Aggregate producers with histories of specification requirements, the technician
continuous production of specification may require additional Acceptance Tests; or
materials, who are willing to comply with 2) If the material is substantially within
MDOT procedures, are permitted by the specification requirements, no further action
Construction and Technology Division to is required. However, these passing results
furnish aggregates to federally funded should not change the sampling frequency.
projects by attesting the aggregates meet
specification requirements based on their own Quality Control Tests - These are tests run
quality control. Samples are obtained by by a material supplier for his own information
MDOT personnel from material shipped to and used to control the quality of material
project sites or plants for quality assurance being produced. The frequency of testing is
verification and payment. dependent upon the uniformity of the
production operation. If the quality control
Acceptance Tests - Tests conducted on tests are part of the Pre-Qualified Aggregate
produced material for acceptance or rejection. Supplier Program, they must conform to the
These tests may be conducted any time prior frequency stated in the producer’s quality
to final incorporation in the finished work. control plan. Each quality control plan is
These tests also include the Department’s reviewed and approved by both the
quality assurance tests and are sometimes controlling MDOT Region and Construction
referred to as Pre-Qualified Supplier or and Technology Division.
Reduced Acceptance tests.
Independent Assurance Tests - Tests
conducted to evaluate both the technician’s Prior to entering a construction zone,
sampling and testing procedures and the processing area, pit or quarry, make sure you
condition of the testing equipment. The have all the necessary personal protective
equipment. This equipment includes, but is issues. The Occupational Health and Safety
not limited to; steel-toed work boots, Administration has published exposure limits.
reflective vest or clothing, hard hat, safety
glasses, hearing and dust protection. It is the Experts generally agree that sound levels
technician’s responsibility to make sure their below 80 decibels (dB) are considered to be
personal protective equipment meets current safe. However, many pieces of equipment in
Michigan and Federal Occupational Health the work environment exceed this sound
and Safety Administration standards. level. Exposure to a level of 85 dB over an 8
hour work day can cause permanent hearing
When entering a construction zone, loss. A typical leaf blower generates enough
processing area, pit or quarry, check in with dB’s to damage your hearing is less than one
the person in charge of the operation. Never minute.
enter an operation to take samples without
informing someone on-site. Observe traffic Repetitive activities or awkward postures
patterns and park your vehicle in a safe can be cumulative over time and result in long
location. Ask for permission before you term musculoskeletal problems. As you age,
climb onto equipment or venture around to your body’s ability to repair itself decreases.
observe the operation. An example of this could be the development
of lower back or leg pain from repetitive
People working with equipment day after lifting of heavy objects.
day may become too accustomed to their
work environment. If their job has become a Think about your actions and what you
repetitive routine, they might not notice want your “Quality of Life” in the future to be
what’s going on around them. Family before it is too late.
problems, after-work plans or an inattentive
attitude can contribute to a lack of Everyone agrees that health and safety is
concentration and, potentially, cause an an important part of the work environment.
In addition, health and safety standards
Accidents cost much more than money. change. Be sure you’re aware of the current
In addition to increased insurance premiums, government health and safety regulations and
medical bills, workman’s compensation, and, company safety policies on your job.
in the most tragic cases, death benefits, the
company loses time during the accident
investigation, reputation in the local
community, and morale among employees.
Also, it’s costly to educate new employees to
take the place of their injured counterparts.
SAMPLING FREQUENCY Division, Aggregate Quality Control Group in
Lansing, Michigan. The minimum sample
To properly sample materials, you must frequency for pre-qualified aggregate
have a clear understanding of how materials suppliers can be found in the Department’s
are stockpiled, blended or placed. This will “Materials Quality Assurance Procedures
help you obtain representative samples of the Manual” under Section C-6, Part 7. In
material being tested. addition, Special Provisions may be added to
contracts which change the location or sample
In General, the Michigan Department of frequency. The basic sampling frequencies
Transportation’s definitions for quality are presented in the following table.
control and quality assurance for aggregates
are: Quality Control is all the processes used Table 1: Minimum Sampling Frequency
by the contractor or supplier to ensure Material Non-Pre-Qual. Pre-Qualified Visual Insp.
Fine Agg. 1 per 1000 ton 1 per 10,000 ton 1 per 100 ton
specification material is provided to the Coarse Agg. 1 per 1000 ton 1 per 10,000 ton 1 per 100 ton
project: Quality Assurance is the procedures Dense Graded 1 per 1000 ton 1 per 10,000 ton 1 per 500 ton
Open Graded 1 per 1000 ton 1 per 10,000 ton 1 per 100 ton
and tests conducted by the Department to Class I 1 per 1000 ton 1 per 10,000 ton 1 per 100 ton
verify and accept for payment purposes that Class II & IIA 1 per 3000 cyd 1 per 10,000 cyd 1 per 500 cyd
Class III 1 per 10,000 cyd 1 per 30,000 cyd 1 per 500 cyd
the material meets specifications. Class IIIA 1 per 1000 cyd 1 per 3000 cyd 1 per 100 cyd
Sampling for acceptance by MDOT can Closely examine the contract proposal for
be done anywhere from the production site to special provisions or supplemental
just prior to use of the aggregate in the specifications. Special provisions generally
finished product. The justification for this is deal with how to do something or alter
found in the “2003 Standard Specifications material specifications on a project specific
for Construction” under Division 1, General basis. However, frequently used special
Provisions, Section 105.05 Approval of provisions become part of the contract
Materials Incorporated into the Work. documents when a specific set of criteria is
met. Supplemental specifications are added
The minimum sampling frequency for to every project and usually replace or alter
non-pre-qualified suppliers or sources is material specifications, procedures or
printed in the Department’s “Materials Source introduce new materials.
Guide” under “Materials Acceptance
Requirements”. This document also lists the No matter how much planning is put
pre-qualified suppliers, their sources, and into acquiring a sample, it all becomes
materials participating in the Pre-Qualified worthless if the sample does not truly
Aggregate Supplier Program. This represent the total material. Discard any
information is located in the Approved non-representative samples.
Manufacturers section. These manuals are
only updated annually. Therefore, the Pre- FIELD SAMPLE SIZE
Qualified Aggregate Supplier list may not be
all inclusive. If you have any questions, the The MDOT’s Michigan Test Method
supplier should be able to produce a letter (MTM) 107, titled “Sampling Aggregates”,
granting them pre-qualified status. This lists minimum aggregate field sample sizes.
information can be confirmed by contacting
either the MDOT Region where the source is
located or Construction and Technology
Fine aggregates and Granular Material
Class IIIA for independent assurance or
acceptance test - approximately 25 lbs.
(11 kg)
obtain the proper field sample size. A sample
thief inserted into a stockpile is illustrated in Conveyors carrying material to the
Figure 4. stockpiles vibrate causing the fine material to
separate and settle to the bottom, as illustrated
in Figure 5. Also, the distance between the
rollers and the length of the conveyor system
affects aggregate separation or segregation.
Placing baffles and other mechanical may have been down for repairs or weather
devices in the ends of conveyors can help conditions.
control segregation problems. A typical
mechanical device is illustrated in Figure 7. Fine material, such as clay, silt and fine
stone dust from the stone crushing process
may not completely wash off the aggregate as
it flows through the wash operation. This fine
material is suspended in the water coating the
larger aggregate particles. This excess water
drips onto the conveyor belt and then drips
from the end of the stacking conveyor onto
the stockpile. Over time this small amount of
the clay, silt and dust from the crushed stone
Figure 7: Conveyor With Baffle builds up in the center of the pile. When the
loader operator reaches this point, this
Before taking the sample, overview the “contaminated” material will be loaded. This
operation to observe how the material is is illustrated in Figure 8.
flowing into the stockpile. Walk around the
pile. Look for signs of segregation.
into the air by moving equipment will settle Some conveyors have a mechanical
on the surface of the stockpile and increase sampling a device attached to their end, as
the loss by wash. illustrated in Figure 10.
If you decide to take a sample from a Push the pan mounted on a pair of sliding
conveyor, keep safety in mind. Closely mechanisms all the way across the stream of
observe the material on the conveyor. How is flowing aggregate and return it to the starting
it flowing to the stockpile? It is extremely point. Through a door in the bottom of the
important to inspect the belt returning under pan, the material empties into a pail or bag. It
the conveyor. Noting how much fine material is recommended that this procedure be done a
sticks to the belt as it makes its cycle around minimum of three times to obtain a
the conveyor. representative sample.
Asphalt plants have many cold feed bins If ten sample increments, are collected to
that must be controlled to blend the form the composite field sample, seven would
aggregates. After blending, a sieve analysis be from the bottom third of the stockpile and
will establish that the bins are feeding in the three from the middle third of the stockpile.
correct proportions. Some plants have an Since the top third only contains 4 percent of
ejection device for sampling a chute or the aggregate in the stockpile, you would not
conveyor as illustrated in Figure 12. If not, a collect any sample increments from that
belt sample must be taken. portion of the stockpile. If, on the other hand,
you decide that six sites are sufficient, the
distribution would be four from the bottom
third, two from the middle third and none
from the top third.
Notice that the material is loaded at right
angles to the aggregate’s flow. If segregated,
loading in this manner will help prevent all
the coarse or fine material from being loaded
first. The loading becomes more uniform.
There are four approved methods for The second method can be used prior to
obtaining representative samples from radial load out. This approach uses a front end
or fixed stacker stockpiles. The first one to be loader to pull material down the future
discussed is hand sampling. shipping face by tilting the bucket downward
and reaching as high as possible to place the
If there is no front end loader available bucket on the stockpile. The front-end loader
and it is safe to scale the stockpile’s shipping operator applies a downward force while
face, a sample may be obtained by hand using backing away from the pile, pulling aggregate
a square point shovel, square nosed scoop, or down, as illustrated in Figure 19. Repeat this
sample thief (depending on the size of the procedure at least three times around the
material) and sample container(s) with future shipping face to obtain a representative
enough capacity to hold the required amount sample. Take the sample increments from the
of aggregate. The volumetric distribution of aggregate pulled down. This sample may be
aggregate within a radial stockpile is slightly slightly coarser than material located deeper
different than a fixed stacker stockpile, see within the stockpile depending on the
Figure 17. presence of internal segregation.
while placing successive layers on the
stockpile, contamination from the material
stuck to the vehicle tires may fall onto the
stockpile. An example of a truck built
stockpile is shown in Figure 20.
technician may take a sample diagonally BOTTOM DUMP OR EARTH-MOVER
across the top of the pile as shown in Figure BUILT STOCKPILES
22 or use a random number process to obtain
sample locations. Bottom dump earth-movers build
stockpiles in successive relatively thin layers
placed one on top of the other. The
equipment operator should alternate the
direction of travel across the stockpile.
Alternating the direction of travel will reduce
the aggregate’s segregation and increase the
likelihood a uniform product will be shipped.
the full width of the roadway. First divide the TRUCKS AND RAILROAD CARS
length into ten 100 foot increments. One
sample increment is obtained from each 100 When sampling from trucks or railroad
foot section. The layout for the fixed location cars, the decision will have to be made if the
is illustrated in Figure 25. If the 1000 feet entire sample will be taken from one shipping
section ends in an odd size increment of less unit or as a composite sample from several
than 500 feet, add that partial section to the shipping units. Generally, samples are taken
previous full section. If the odd size section from one shipping unit.
is 500 feet or more in length, consider it as
another section. Depending on the layer’s If the sample will be obtained from inside
thickness, the length of the sample area can be the hauling unit, randomly select at least six
adjusted. sites. Dig down about one foot at each
location. Bring the shovel or scoop up the
“vertical” face collecting one sample
increment. It is important to realize that
coarse and open-graded aggregates sampled
in this manner may yield coarser gradations.
LABORATORY SAMPLE SIZE Fine Aggregate 500 to 700 g
ASTM and AASHTO have established Table 2: MDOT Minimum Laboratory Test
their standards for the minimum sample sizes Sample Size
for laboratory processing. Field samples are Nominal Maximum Size
Minimum Weight of Test
reduced for laboratory testing purposes. Square Openings in inches
Sample in grams
Some of their standards are presented in Table
No. 4 (4.75) 500
1. ⅜ (9.5) 1,000
½ (12.5) 2,000
Fine Aggregates 300 g minimum ¾ (19.0) 2,500
1 (25.0) 3,500
Table 1: ASTM and AASHTO Minimum 1½ (37.5) 5,000
Laboratory Test Sample Size
Nominal Maximum Size of Generally, the contract documents note
Minimum Weight of Test
Square Opening in
Sample in kilograms (lb) whether MDOT or ASTM/AASHTO
millimeters (in) specifications will be used. If no designation
9.5 (⅜) 1 (2.2) is made, following ASTM and AASHTO
12.5 (½) 2 (4.4)
19.0 (¾) 5 (11)
minimum sample sizes will meet MDOT
25.0 (1) 10 (22) requirements.
37.5 (1½) 15 (33)
There are several variations on the
definition of aggregate Nominal Maximum A mechanical sample splitter can reduce
Size. MDOT uses the following definition Coarse, Dense-Graded and Open-Graded field
because some Michigan aggregate materials samples. The Gilson Model SP-1 Sample
have very few sieves specified with gradation Splitter is illustrated in Figure 1. Other sizes
requirements. The Nominal Maximum Size is of mechanical splitters are commercially
defined as the sieve with the next smaller available.
square opening size than the smallest one
which is specified to allow 100 percent of the
aggregate to pass after the sieves have been
floor or pad. If set on an uneven surface, the
splitter will split the material unevenly.
splitter and dump half of the pan diagonally
back into the top of the splitter as shown in Use the trowel to flatten the cone to a
Figure 4. Turn the pan so the end which was uniform thickness by pushing straight down
closest to you is now the furthest away and on the pile of material as shown in Step 2.
pour in the rest of the aggregate in to splitter.
This will help to spread the material evenly.
Step 2
Step 5
Step 1
Step 2A
Step 6
Flatten the cone either with a square point
shovel or trowel into a pile of uniform
Step 7 shows the second cone flattened.
thickness. This is shown in Step 3A.
The diameter of the flattened cone should be
4 to 8 times the thickness.
Step 7
Step 8
Step 4A
Repeat the coning and quartering process
until the proper sample size has been Remove the opposite quarters and place
obtained. them back into the sampling container. Use a
broom or brush to clean up and remove any
An alternative to quartering on a hard flat fine material that was not picked up by the
surface begins by pouring the entire field scoop or shovel. This is shown in Step 5A.
sample into the center of a non-porous tarp.
Mix the material by rolling the blanket as
shown in Step 1A.
Step 5A
are special mechanical sample splitters made
specifically for splitting dry fine aggregates.
Step 1B
prevent overheating. A simple method to
determine if the material is dry involves
placing a slip of paper on top of the hot
aggregate. If the paper lies flat, the material
is dry. If the paper curls, it still contains
moisture and is not dry. Once the piece of
paper does not curl, remove the sample from
the heat source and allow it to cool before
weighing. However, the paper curling does
not work with recycled crushed concrete. Dry
recycled crushed concrete using the procedure
described in the next paragraph. In addition,
recycled crushed concrete is likely to contain
small amounts of HMA material which may
melt during the drying.
This chapter contains the entire “Section Specific Gravity and Absorption of
902. Aggregates” from the Department’s Coarse Aggregate ......................ASTM C 127
“2003 Standard Specifications for
Construction”. Section 902 provides a list of Specific Gravity and Absorption
the ASTM, AASHTO standards and of Fine Aggregate......................ASTM C 128
Michigan Test Methods plus a basic
understanding of what types of materials are Sieve Analysis of Fine and
considered aggregates along with some of Coarse Aggregates.....................ASTM C 136
their applications. (The ASTM, AASHTO and
MTM's are not reproduced in this manual but Sampling and Testing Fly Ash ..ASTM C 311
are readily available from the organizations
that publish them and can be located at many Sand Equivalent of Fine
of the public libraries.) The technician Aggregate ................................ASTM D 2419
should have a current copy of the “2003
Standard Specifications for Construction” and Flat Particles, Elongated Particles,
a current copy of the latest Michigan Test or Flat and Elongated Particles in
Methods in their laboratory as reference Coarse Aggregate ....................ASTM D 4791
material prior to starting any test.
Organic Impurities in Fine
902.01 General Requirements. Aggregate ............................... AASHTO T 21
Approval of aggregates at the producing plant
does not constitute a waiver of the Sieve Analysis of Mineral
Department’s right to inspect and test at the Filler ....................................... AASHTO T 37
point of actual use. Furnish equipment or the
means necessary to allow safe access to the Mortar Strength ...................... AASHTO T 71
material for sampling from haul units or
stockpiles. Particle Size Analysis............. AASHTO T 88
Aggregate must be transported and placed Water Asphalt Preferential Test ..... MTM 101
without material loss or contamination when
it is loaded and measured. Foundry sand L.A. Abrasion Resistance of
which has been used for metal castings is not Aggregate ....................................... MTM 102
permitted on Department projects in any
form. Insoluble Residue in Carbonate
Aggregate ....................................... MTM 103
902.02 Testing. Testing will be by the
methods specified throughout this section and Sampling Aggregates ..................... MTM 107
by the following general methods:
Loss By Washing ........................... MTM 108
Wire-Cloth and Sieves ................ ASTM E 11
Sieve Analysis of Aggregate .......... MTM 109
Materials Finer than 75-µm (No. 200)
Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Deleterious and Objectionable
Washing .................................... ASTM C 117 Particles .......................................... MTM 110
Selection and Preparation of Course of oxides of calcium, silica, iron,
Aggregate Samples for Freeze-Thaw alumina, and magnesia.
Testing............................................ MTM 113
3. Crushed Concrete Aggregate.
Making Concrete Specimens for Produce by crushing Portland cement
Freeze-Thaw Testing on Concrete concrete.
Coarse Aggregate........................... MTM 114
4. Salvaged Aggregate. Any dense-
Freeze-Thaw Testing of Coarse graded aggregate saved or manufactured
Aggregate....................................... MTM 115 from Department project sources. The
material may consist of natural aggregate,
Crushed Particles in Aggregates .... MTM 117 blast furnace slag, crushed concrete, or
reclaimed asphalt pavement with a
Angularity Index of Fine maximum two inch particle size and no
Aggregate....................................... MTM 118 visible organic or foreign matter,
including steel reinforcement.
Dry Unit Weight (LM) of Coarse
Aggregate....................................... MTM 123 5. Manufactured Fine Aggregate.
Produced by totally crushing rock, gravel,
A. Terminology. The following iron blast-furnace slag, reverberatory-
terminology is used in the testing and furnace slag, steel-furnace slag, or
acceptance of aggregates: Portland cement concrete.
number of fractured faces is determined greater than 250, concrete base course,
by its use. bridges, box or slab culverts, head walls,
retaining walls, pre-stressed concrete, or other
10. Base Fineness Modulus. The heavily reinforced concrete.
average fineness modulus typical of the
source for a specific fine aggregate. Process crushed concrete coarse aggregate
in a manner that avoids contamination with
11. Cobblestone (Cobbles). Rock any non-concrete materials including joint
fragments, usually rounded or semi- sealants, HMA patching, and base layer
rounded, with an average dimension aggregate or soil. Contamination particles
between 3 and 10 inches. retained on the one inch sieve are limited to
3.0 percent maximum by particle count of the
902.03 Coarse Aggregates for Portland total aggregate particles. The aggregate
Cement Concrete. Use Michigan Class stockpile will be rejected totally when there is
4AA, 6AAA, 6AA, 6A, 17A, and 26A coarse any evidence of contamination from non-
aggregate produced from natural aggregate, Department sources, such as building brick,
iron blast furnace slag, or reverberatory wood, or plaster. Pieces of steel
furnace slag sources. Michigan Class 6A, reinforcement are allowable in the stockpile
17A and 26A may be produced by crushing provided they pass the maximum grading
Portland cement concrete, but only for uses sieve size without hand manipulation. The
stipulated by this specification. The bulk dry fine aggregate portion of the gradation must
specific gravity must be within the limits not exceed a liquid limit of 25.0 percent or a
established by freeze-thaw testing. plasticity index of 4.0.
Aggregates must conform to the grading
requirements in Table 902-1, the physical Crushed concrete coarse aggregate will be
requirements in Table 902-2, and the tested for freeze-thaw durability for each
following: project. This testing requires a minimum of
three months after samples of the produced
A. Slag Coarse Aggregate. Iron blast aggregate are received in the laboratory.
furnace slag or reverberatory furnace slag
conforming to the grading specified for the Use equipment and methods to crush
concrete mixture will have a dry (loose concrete that will maintain uniformity in
measure) unit weight of not less than 70 aggregate properties: specific gravity ±0.05
pounds per cubic foot as determined by MTM and absorption ±0.40, with no apparent
123. segregation. This requirement includes
separating crushed concrete aggregate
B. Crushed Concrete Coarse according to its original coarse aggregate
Aggregate. Use only crushed concrete coarse type, except for the following situations:
aggregate originating from concrete sources
owned by the Department as part of the 1. Different aggregate types may exist in
contracted project. Crushed concrete coarse the same stockpile, if the quantities by
aggregate may be used in concrete mixtures weight of each aggregate type retained on
for curb and gutter, valley gutter, sidewalk, the No. 4 sieve do not differ by more than
concrete barriers, driveways, temporary ±10 percent from the average quantity
pavement, interchange ramps with obtained from at least three representative
commercial ADT below 250, and concrete samples.
shoulders. Crushed concrete coarse aggregate
may not be used in mainline pavements or 2. When aggregate is produced from
ramps with commercial ADT equal to or concrete pavement with only one
aggregate type that has been repaired with aggregate separation layer when either of the
concrete patches with a different following conditions apply:
aggregate type.
1. When there is a geotextile liner or
902.04 Coarse Aggregates for HMA membrane present with permeability
Mixtures. Use natural aggregate, iron blast requirements.
furnace slag, reverberatory furnace slag, steel
furnace slag, or crushed concrete meeting the 2. In a pavement structure with an
grading and physical requirements in the underdrain, unless there is a filter material
contract documents. between the crushed concrete and the
underdrain. This filter material will be
902.05 Coarse Aggregates for Chip either a minimum of 12 inches of granular
Seals. Use chip seal 25A coarse aggregate material or a geotextile liner or blocking
that meets both the grading and physical membrane that will be a barrier to
requirements in Tables 902-1 and 902-2 and leachate.
the following; have a minimum AWI of 260,
a maximum moisture content of 4 percent at C. Class 23A dense-graded aggregate
the time of placement and meet any special may be produced from steel furnace slag, but
requirements stated in Section 508. There is only for use as an unbound aggregate surface
no AWI requirement for shoulder chip seal course or as unbound aggregate shoulder.
902.07 Open-Graded Aggregates for
902.06 Dense-Graded Aggregates for Earthwork, Open-Graded Drainage
Base Course, Surface Course, Shoulders, Courses and Underdrains. Use Michigan
Approaches and Patching. Use Michigan Class 2G, 3G, 4G, 34G and 34R open-graded
Class 21AA, 21A, 22A, and 23A dense- aggregates obtained from natural aggregate,
graded aggregates that consist of natural iron blast furnace slag, or reverberatory
aggregate, iron blast furnace slag, furnace slag. These aggregates must conform
reverberatory furnace slag, or crushed to the grading requirements in Table 902-1,
concrete, in combination with fine aggregate and the physical requirements in Table 902-2.
as necessary to meet the gradation
requirements in Table 902-1, the physical
requirements in Table 902-2, and the
Table 902-1 Grading Requirements for Coarse Aggregates, Dense-Graded Aggregates, and Open-Graded Aggregates
Loss by
Item of Work Sieve Analysis (MTM 109) Washing
Material Total Percent Passing (b)
Class by Section Number (MTM 108)
(Sequential) (a) % Passing
2.5 in 2 in 1.5 in 1 in 3/4 in ½ in 3/8 in No. 4 No. 8 No. 30 No. 200 (b)
4 AA (c) 602 100 90 - 100 40 - 60 0-12 2.0 max.
6 AAA (c) 602 100 90-100 60-85 30-60 0-8 1.0 max.(d)
601, 602,
6 AA (c) 100 95-100 30-60 0-8 1.0 max.(d)
706, 708, 806
205, 401, 402,
Coarse 6A 100 95-100 30-60 0-8 1.0 max.(d)
601, 602, 603, 706, 806
17 A 100 90-100 50-75 0-8 1.0 max.(d)
21 AA 302,304, 305
Dense- 100 85-100 50-75 20-45 4-8 (e)(f)
Graded 21 A 302, 305
22 A 302, 305, 306, 307 100 90-100 65-85 30-50 4-8 (e)(f)(g)
Table 902-2 Physical Requirements for Coarse Aggregates, Dense-Graded Aggregates, and Open-Graded Aggregates
Gravel, Stone, and Crushed Concrete Slag (a) All Aggregates
Loss, Freeze-Thaw
Series/ Crushed Soft Sum of Soft Sum of Coke and Dilation, Flat and Elongated
Material % max, Los Chert, Dilation,
Class Material, Particles, Particles and Coal Particles, % per 100 cycles Particles, ratio -
Angeles % max % per 100 cycle
% min % max Chert, % max % max max % max
Abrasion (MTM 110) max
(MTM 117) (MTM 110) (MTM 110) (MTM 110) (MTM 115) (ASTM D 4791)
(MTM 102) (MTM 115) (d)
4 AA (b) 40 2.0 (c) 0.020 1.0 0.020 3:1 - 15.0 (l)
6 AAA 40 2.0 (e) 2.5 4.0 0.040 (f) 1.0 0.040 (f)
21 AA 95 50
Graded 21 A 25 50
(j) 22 A 25 50
23 A 25 50
2G 90 45 (k)
3G 95 45 (k)
4G 95 45 (k)
34 R 20 max 45 (k)
34 G 100 45 (k)
a. Iron blast furnace and reverberatory furnace slag must contain no free (unhydrated) lime.
b. 2.50 percent maximum 24 hour soak absorption based on oven dry 6 series aggregate.
c. 1.0 percent maximum for particles retained on the 1 inch sieve.
d. If the bulk dry specific gravity is more than 0.04 less than the bulk dry specific gravity of the most recently tested freeze-thaw sample, the aggregate will be considered to have changed
characteristics and be required to have a new freeze-thaw test conducted prior to use on Department projects.
e. Clay-ironstone particles must not exceed 1.0 percent for 6AAA, 6AA and 26A, and 2.0 percent for 6A and 17A. Clay-ironstone particles are also included in the percentage of soft particles for
these aggregates.
f. Maximum freeze-thaw dilation is 0.067 when the directional commercial ADT is less than 5000 vehicles per day.
g. Except for pre-stressed beams, the sum of soft and chert particles may be up to 3.0 percent higher than the values determined from the sample tested for freeze-thaw durability. However, under
no circumstances will the deleterious particle percentages exceed the specification limits in Table 902-2. In addition, a source may be restricted to a minimum percent crushed not to exceed 15
percent less than the percent crushed in the freeze-thaw sample. When the freeze-thaw dilation is between 0.040 and 0.067 percent per 100 cycles, more restrictive limits will be applied.
h. Maximum dilation of 0.010 for pre-stressed concrete beams.
i. Friable sandstone is included in the soft particle determination for chip seal aggregates.
j. Quarried carbonate (limestone or dolomite) aggregate may not contain over 10 percent insoluble residue finer than No. 200 sieve when tested in accordance with MTM 103.
k. If a blend of different aggregate sources, the abrasion value applies to each source.
l. ASTM D 4791 Section 8.4 will be followed. The test will be performed on the material retained down to and including the 1 inch sieve.
m. ASTM D 4791 Section 8.4 will be followed. The test will be performed on the material retained down to and including the No. 4 sieve.
902.08 Granular Materials for Fill and test is found to be at least 95 percent per
Subbase. Use granular materials for fill, AASHTO T 71.
trench backfill, and subbase that consists of
sand, gravel, crushed stone, iron blast furnace The aggregate must be uniformly graded
slag, reverberatory furnace slag or a blend of from coarse to fine and meet the grading
aggregates conforming to the grading requirements and fineness modulus variation
requirements of Table 902-3 and this requirements, specified in Table 902-4. The
subsection. specified gradation represents the extreme
limits which determine suitability for use
When Class II material is specified, Class from all sources of supply. The gradation
I material may be substituted. When Class III from any one source must be reasonably
material is specified, Class I, Class II, Class uniform and not subject to the extreme
IIA, Class IIIA material may be substituted. percentages of gradation specified in Table
Material with cementitious properties or
with permeability characteristics that do not Fine aggregate produced by crushing
meet design parameters may not be used for Portland cement concrete is not permitted.
fill or subbase.
902.10 Fine Aggregates for HMA
When used for trench backfill, no Mixtures. Use fine aggregate for HMA
aggregate particles larger than two inches mixtures consisting of clean, hard, durable,
may be placed within 12 inches of the pipe. uncoated particles, free from clay lumps,
organic materials, soft or flaky materials, and
Granular material produced by crushing other foreign matter. These aggregates must
Portland cement concrete is an acceptable be natural sand, manufactured fine aggregate,
material for swamp backfill, embankment or a uniformly graded blend meeting the
(except the top three feet below subgrade) and grading and physical requirements specified
as trench backfill for nonmetallic culvert and in the contract documents.
sewer pipes without associated underdrains.
All other uses are unacceptable. 902.11 Fine Aggregates for HMA
Surface Treatments.
Granular material produced from steel
furnace slag may be acceptable below the top A. Slurry Seal. Use 2FA fine aggregate
three feet of the embankment and fill when consisting of crushed material from a quarried
permitted by the contract documents. stone, natural gravel, slag source or a blend
meeting the grading requirements of Table
902.09 Fine Aggregates for Portland 902-4. Sands with Angularity Index less than
Cement Concrete and Mortar. The 2.0 may not exceed 50 percent of the fine
aggregate must be free from organic aggregate blend. This fine aggregate must
impurities to the extent that when subjected to have a maximum L.A. Abrasion value of 45
the test for organic impurities, AASHTO T percent (MTM 102).
21, it does not produce a color darker than
Plate 3 (light brown). Fine aggregate failing B. Micro-Surfacing. Use 2FA and 3FA
this requirement may be approved for use fine aggregates, consisting of crushed
provided the discoloration is due principally material from quarried stone, natural gravel,
to the presence of small quantities of coal, slag source, or a blend meeting the grading
lignite, or similar discrete particles; or the requirements of Table 902-4. Micro-
relative 7-day strength of the concrete under surfacing aggregate must have a minimum
AWI of 260 (MTM 111), a minimum sand
equivalent (ASTM D 2419) of 60 percent, and
a minimum Angularity Index (MTM 118) of
4.0 for natural gravel, quarried stone or slag.
These fine aggregates must have a maximum
L.A. Abrasion value of 45 percent (MTM
Table 902-3 Grading Requirements for Granular Materials
END OF MDOT SECTION 9.02 deleterious material (bad material) is allowed
in the aggregates.
Section 902 does not include all the
material specifications used by the Table 902-2 also contains information
Department. For a complete listing of regarding the Los Angles Abrasion Test and
material specifications be sure to examine the Freeze Thaw Dilation Test. These tests
the job plans and contract documents, and are briefly described in the Chapter titled
the appropriate sections in the “Other Testing Procedures.”
Department’s “Standard Specifications for
Construction”. Also included in the following pages are
the two most common AASHTO coarse
Tables 902-1, 902-3 and 902-4 each aggregate sizes and the criteria for aggregates
contain information needed to perform two used in SuperpaveTM (Superior Performing
tests. One is the sieve analysis and the other Asphalt Pavement) mixtures. These are found
is the percent loss by washing. Or, if the in the Department’s Special Provision’s for
aggregate is used in asphalt mixes, the P-200. “SuperpaveTM Bituminous Mixtures”. The
tables that relate to aggregate properties have
Table 902-2 contained information been reproduced in this section. Tables that
regarding picks. It shows a minimum/ provide mix design and volumetric properties
maximum specification requirement for have not been reproduced. However the
crushed material. The table also shows what SuperpaveTM Special Provision consists of ten
the maximum specification amount of tables.
SuperpaveTM Tables
<1.0 E1 65/
<1.0 E1 40 -
<10 E10 45 40
<30 E30 45 40
<100 E50 45 45
(1) For an E3 mixture type that enters the restricted zone as defined in Table 10, the
minimum criteria shall be 43.
<1.0 E1 40 40
<3.0 E3 40 40
<10 E10 45 45
<30 E30 45 45
<100 E50 50 50
Table 4: L.A. Abrasion Maximum Criteria
Estimated Traffic
Mix Type Top & Leveling Courses Base Course
(million ESAL)
<1.0 E1 40 45
<3.0 E3 35 40
<10 E10 35 40
<30 E30 35 35
<100 E50 35 35
<1.0 E1 - -
<3.0 E3 10 10
<10 E10 10 10
<30 E30 10 10
<100 E50 10 10
Tables 7 SuperpaveTM Mix Design Gyratory Compactor (SGC) Compaction
Criteria, Table 8 VFA Minimum and Criteria have not been reproduced in this
Maximum Criteria and Table 9 SuperpaveTM book.
5 4 3 2
1½ in 100
1 in 100 90 -100
3/4 in 100 90 -100 90 max
½ in 100 90 -100 90 max
3/8 in 90 -100 90 max
No. 4 90 max
No. 8 32 -67 28 -58 23 -49 19 -45
No. 16
No. 30
No. 50
No. 100
No. 200 2.0 -10.0 2.0 -10.0 2.0 -8.0 1.0 -7.0
1. Mixture types E03, E1, E10, E30 and E50 may enter the restricted zone provided the final gradation
blend enters from above the maximum density line.
2. Mixture type E3 may enter the restricted zone provided the final gradation blend enters from above the
maximum density line and the fine aggregate angularity of the final blend is a minimum of 43.
3. If these criteria are satisfied, acceptance criteria and associated incentive/disincentive or pay adjustment
tied to this gradation restricted zone requirement which may be included in other contract documents do
not apply. Otherwise, final gradation blend has to be outside of the area bounded by the limits set for the
restricted zone.
It is important to learn the correct (Example: Round to the nearest tenth 9.45 =
procedures necessary to perform a sieve 9.4). Increase by 1 the figure in the last place
analysis, loss by wash, and various particle retained, if there are figures beyond this 5
identifications. Filling out the related test (Example: Round to the nearest tenth
forms completely and accurately is very 9.450001 = 9.5).
important. The test results will be used by
many people to make important decisions A typical Mechanical Analysis Report
such as the acceptance or rejection of form is illustrated in Figure 1 at the top of
material, determining product use and even page 36. This report can be used with most
settle court disputes. Errors can be very aggregate specifications.
costly to the product producers and
1. When the figure next beyond the last 1. 6A - Two tests: One at approximately
place to be retained is less than 5, retain 500 tons and the other at approximately 1000
unchanged the figure in the last place tons in the concrete producer’s material yard.
retained. (Example: Round to the nearest
tenth 3.74 = 3.7). 2. 2NS - Three tests taken randomly at
approximately 600 ton intervals in the
2. When the figure next beyond the last concrete producer’s yard.
place to be retained is greater than 5, increase
by 1 the figure in the last place retained. 3. 22A - Twenty tests will be conducted
(Example: Round to the nearest tenth 7.79 = by the producer and contractor at
7.8). approximately 1000 ton intervals as the
material is placed in the road bed. Random
3. When the figure next beyond the last numbers will be used to determine when to
place to be retained is 5 and there are no collect the sample and carry out the testing.
figures beyond this 5, or only zeros, increase Informational test may be run by the
by 1 the figure to be retained if it is odd, contractor at any time but will not be
(Example: Round to the nearest tenth 6.75 = considered as a payment item. The state
6.8) leave the figure unchanged if it is even, agency will take samples from the grade.
Figure 1: The Mechanical Analysis Report Form
4. The Hot Mix Asphalt 4E10 shall meet 902-1 and Table 902-2 obtain the
all the mixture specifications. specification limits for gradation and
deleterious particle determinations as
The state agency will split a sample of illustrated in Figure 2, page 37.
aggregate with the producer’s aggregate
technicians to conduct an independent When working with the Tables, it is
assurance test during production. This will be important to look for the small letters in
an unannounced check parenthesis ( ). Table 902-1 indicates the
small letters a, b and d must be read. Table
COARSE AGGREGATE 902-2 indicates the small letters d, e, and g
must be read.
Begin by filling in the known contractual
data at the top of the Mechanical Analysis Following the Item of Work by Section
Report form as shown in Figure 2. The Date Number in Table 902-1 is the letter (a).
in the upper right corner is the date the sample Reading across the Coarse Aggregates 6A
was taken. The Date in the lower right corner line are the numbers 205, 401, 402, 601, 602,
is for when the test was completed. 603, 706, and 806. Looking down at the
bottom of Table 902-1, Note a, states 6A can
Fill in the specifications for Material Type be used in the following:
- Coarse Aggregate, Spec. - 6A. From Table
Figure 2
crushed not to exceed 15 percent less than the Analysis Report form. The Initial Weight of
percent crushed in the freeze-thaw sample. Sample for the 6A example in Figure 2 is
When the freeze-thaw dilation is between 3563 grams.
0.040 and 0.067 percent per 100 cycles, more
restrictive limits will be applied.” LOSS BY WASHING
Table 902-2 has requirements for the Los The Loss by Washing (LBW) removes the
Angeles Abrasion Test and the Freeze-Thaw clay, and silt sized particles from the sample.
Dilation Test. These tests are not done as part
of the Mechanical Analysis. However, they The following equipment is necessary to
are briefly described in the Chapter titled wash aggregate:
Other Tests. Table 902-2 has no requirement
for crushed material for 6A as indicated by 1) A pan that’s large enough to hold the
the blank space in the column under Crushed aggregate while allowing its agitation
Material, % min. Michigan Test Method 110 without water or aggregate loss.
(reproduced in the Appendix) indicates which 2) 3-inch spatula or a large spoon.
sieves the deleterious material (soft and chert) 3) No. 200 sieve.
must be picked. It is recommend to draw a 4) A No. 4, No. 8 or No. 16 sieve to act
heavy line under the ⅜ inch data entry line. as a guard sieve and protect the No.
This serves as a memory device to add the ⅜ 200 sieve from large aggregate
inch sieve to the nest of sieves during the particles falling onto the No. 200 sieve
sieve analysis. It is not a requirement for the and causing damage.
gradation analysis. However, the material
retained on the ⅜ inch sieve and the larger Before starting the wash procedure,
sieves are saved in a separate pile to be examine the pan and sieves to be sure they are
examined (also known as "picked") for not damaged or plugged up.
deleterious material.
Pour clear water through the No. 200
A representative sample from the field sieve before starting the washing process.
must be reduced in size as described in the
Chapter 3 Sample Sizes and Sample Add enough water to cover the material in
Reduction. Using 6A as an example; 100 the pan approximately 2 to 3 inches. Using a
percent of the material must pass the 1.5 inch spatula or spoon vigorously stir the aggregate
sieve. The first sieve that may retain and water. Be sure to stir all of the material
aggregate is the 1 inch sieve. Looking at the in the corners and across the bottom of the
chart used by the Michigan Department of pan. Pour (decant) the water through the
Transportation in Chapter 3, Laboratory protective sieve and the No. 200 sieve as
Sample Size; the sample shall weigh a shown in Figure 3.
minimum of 3500 grams after splitting.
Figure 4: Rinse To Side Of Sieve
of 26 grams. Write this after the Loss by observed after additional wash time, stop the
Washing (Clay and Silt) and also in the wash process. Excessive wash time may
Retained Fractional Weight column on the result in increased Loss by Wash values. All
LBW line as shown on Figure 2. wash water discharged from the tilted
container must pass through the No. 200
Calculate the Loss by Washing (Clay and sieve.
Silt) as follows:
⎛ Loss By Washing(Clay & Silt) 26g ⎞ Upon completion of the washing, the
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ×100 = 0.7% rotating container is tilted downward to
⎝ InitialWeightof Sample3,563g ⎠
discharge the test specimen into a pan. The
container is rinsed with water to remove any
This equals 0.7 percent. The
retained material. The rinse water must be
specifications control how the calculated
collected in the pan. It is then decanted from
amount will be reported. For 6A it is 0.7
the pan through the No. 200 sieve.
percent. This figure is also written in the
Retained Fractional Percent column on the
LBW line as shown in Figure 2.
NOTE: If the Loss by Wash results using Construct a nest or stack of sieves by
a mechanical washer is either just within stacking the sieves from the largest size
specification or on the low side or out of opening on the top to the smallest size sieve
specification on the high side, then a hand opening on the bottom. These are placed on a
wash should be conducted on the other half of pan as shown in Figure 7.
the saved final sample split.
Diameter of Sieve
.Opening Sieve
8 inch 10 inch 12 inch 14 by 14 16 by 24
Round Round Round inch inch
2 inch (50mm) 3562g 5716g 8376g 15,312g 26,970g
The 6A example will need as a minimum shaking periods may result in aggregate break
the following sieves: 1½ inch, 1 inch, ½ inch, down as stipulated in ASTM C-136 Paragraph
⅜ inch, No. 4 sieves and the pan. Because it 6.3 Note 2.
is possible to overload the sieves, extra sieves
may be added to the stack of sieves such as An easy way to decide if the sieves have
the ¾ inch sieve. This will prevent any one been shaken long enough is to set the sieves,
sieve from retaining excessive material during one at a time, inside a large bowl as shown in
the shaking process. Figure 9. Shake the sieve over the bowl to
visually see how much material is passing
Figure 8, above, is a table of the through the sieve while shaking.
Maximum Weight Retained on Sieve after
Shaking (Per ASTM C-136 in grams) which
is provided to prevent overloading the sieves.
Depending on the accuracy required by the Initial Weight of Sample. This adjustment
specification, weigh the aggregate to either may be a plus or minus number.
the nearest whole gram or tenth of a gram, see
Figure 10. Generally concrete aggregates are The maximum adjustment allowed is 0.3
weighed to the whole gram. Whereas, asphalt of 1 percent as stated in ASTM C 136
aggregates are weighed to the nearest tenth of Paragraph 8.7. If the difference between the
a gram. initial dry weight and the total retained
fractional weight is greater than 0.3 percent,
Notice in Figure 10 that a zero has been recheck the individual sieve weights and the
placed in the Retained Fractional Weight total weight. If no mathematical error can be
column on the 1½ inch sieve line. If these found, the sample cannot be used for
boxes are left blank with no entry or a dash (-) acceptance purposes. A new split must be
is recorded, a good lawyer can raise doubt obtained if this test was for acceptance.
about the completeness of the rest of the test.
The example 6A test sample’s Initial
Total the Retained Fractional Weight Weight of Sample multiplied by 0.003 equals
column. This should equal the Initial Weight 10.689 grams. The maximum permissible
of Sample. During the weighing process, a adjustment would be 10 grams. If the 10.689
small amount of material may be misplaced, grams were rounded to 11 grams the
or due to rounding of numbers, the column adjustment would be “more than” the 0.3 of 1
may not add to the Initial Weight of Sample. percent permitted.
Because of past practices spanning many NOTE: The only way to adjust this
years, the Department allows an adjustment to column is to draw a line through the figure to
the Retained Fractional Weight Total, and the be corrected and to write in the correct figure.
largest numerical weight in the Retained It is not acceptable to erase, blot out figures or
Fractional Weight column. The adjustment to use another means to change the numbers.
will result in the column’s total equaling the
Figure 10
total to 100.0. Add or subtract the plus or Start by moving the 0.0 from the Retained
minus adjustment to the largest number in the Fractional Percent column to the Percent
column, see Figure 11. Cumulative Retained column on the 1½ inch
sieve. Add the 2.8 in the Retained Fractional
If the numbers add to 100.2, 100.3, 100.4 Percent column to the 0.0 on the Percent
or more, or 99.8, 99.7, 99.6 or less, go back Cumulative Retained column on the 1 inch
and check the column addition. If this doesn’t line. This equals 2.8. Next add the 19.8 on
reveal the error, check the division. If this the ¾ inch line to the 2.8 in the Percent
doesn’t locate the error, add the Retained Cumulative Retained column. This equals
Fractional Weight column again. An 22.6. The rest of the calculations are as
adjustment of more than ±0.1 is uncommon. follows:
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Basically a deleterious pick involves Add the (1) Soft Particles Including:
sorting through the material retained on a Clay-Ironstone and (2) Chert together.
specific set of sieves. For the 6A example, Record the total of these items on the line
the aggregate to be sorted is the material Sum of (1) + (2). This total should equal 291
retained on the 1½ inch, 1 inch, ¾ inch, ½ grams.
inch and ⅜ inch sieves. This test separates
the good aggregate from the bad (deleterious) Next, calculate the pick weight. This is
aggregate. The deleterious aggregates are: the sum total of the weights recorded in the
friable sandstone, siltstone, shale, ochre, coal, Retained Fractional Weight column of the 1½
clay-ironstone, structurally weak, material inch , 1 inch , ¾ inch ½ inch , and the ⅜ inch
found to be nondurable in service and chert. sieves. This weight is 3295 grams as shown
The deleterious particles are separated into in Figure 14. It is a good practice to write and
three groups: clay ironstone, other soft and label this figure in the remarks space on the
chert. mechanical analysis form.
Figure 14
Figure 15
To complete the test, place an “X” in the following information is also required on the
appropriate box to indicate if the material form:
Meets or Fails, sign the form and clearly print
your name. Enter the date the test was 1) The name of the project engineer.
completed. See Figure 15 for the completed 2) The name of the prime contractor for
test. the project.
3) The pit/quarry name (Pit and quarries
THE AGGREGATE INSPECTION are named after many things such as
DAILY REPORT people, companies, cities, towns,
roads geographic locations or
The Aggregate Inspection Daily Report landmarks.).
form, Figure 16, page 49, is used as a 4) Where the material is produced.
summary of the daily testing activities. The 5) The MDOT Aggregate Source
technician must submit it daily. The form is Inventory (ASI) pit number. The pit
filled out from the information on the numbers always start with two
Mechanical Analysis Report. The Aggregate numbers that indicate the county or
Inspection Daily Report is to be filled out state where the pit/quarry is located.
completely and accurately. (Our example is number 54, which is
Mecosta County.) The next numbers
In addition to the information found at the are the registration number of the pit
top of the Mechanical Analysis Report, the or quarry. Having these numbers will
enable the user of the information to Be sure to make a note on the form if a
go to the “Aggregate Source Special Provision, Supplemental Specification
Inventory” published and available or Modification to the material exists in the
from the Department’s publications contract documents.
unit. This book contains aggregate
sources, selected test results and The Aggregate Inspection Daily Report is
driving directions to get to the pit/ to be completed each day production is in
quarries. progress for a project. Note processing
changes in the Remarks such as changing wire
All results required by the specifications cloth sizes that will affect test results or plants
are to be reported on the form. The not producing for a day due to rain.
specifications for the material being tested are
to be written in the boxes under the The Mechanical Analysis Reports are
Specification Requirements. Also, if retained by the technician at the field
specifications are indicated for Crushed inspection quarters and are to be available for
Material, Clay Ironstone, Soft Particles review by supervisory personnel. When
Including Clay Ironstone or Chert, place these independent assurance samples are submitted
above the boxes that will contain the test data. to the Region or Construction and
When the test data is recorded, transfer the Technology Dividion, a copy of the
Cumulative Percent Passing and the percents technician’s Mechanical Analysis Report
of crushed and deleterious material as must accompany the sample.
appropriate from the Mechanical Analysis
Report (do not transfer weights.) The Aggregate Inspection Daily Report is
to be made out in quadruplicate and mailed at
For aggregates, which require a the close of each day. The original is to be
determination of deleterious particles mailed to Construction and Technology (C &
(commonly known as a “pick”), an entry must T) Division, one copy is to be mailed to each
be made under each item designated by the of the following: the Region office and the
specifications. For example, if there is a Project Engineer with one copy retained by
specification limit of chert content for the the technician. Depending on the particular
aggregate being tested and no chert is found Region, the copy for the Region may be
in the test sample, the figure 0.0 must be directed to the Transportation Service Center.
recorded. If such a space on the form is left
blank, or if a dash (-) is recorded, it is inferred Unless other instructions are given,
that no check for that item was made. separate Aggregate Inspection Daily Reports
General information is to be given as shown are to be prepared for each project or
on the sample report. Carry the test numbers purchase order. If concrete aggregates
independently for each project, and continue (coarse and/or fine), open graded and dense
the number sequence to the end of the project. graded aggregates are shipped to the same
Give the source from which the aggregate was project from the same source, separate
sampled and if the shipment is by rail, include Aggregate Inspection Daily Reports are
the car initials and number of each car. Do required for each type of aggregate.
not record a Test Number for materials
visually inspected. Report the quantities The copy of the Aggregate Inspection
represented as accurately as possible, Daily Report on aggregates supplied to fulfill
breaking them down into sub-totals as shown Maintenance purchase orders, which would
in Figure 16. normally be sent to the Project Engineer,
should be mailed to the Region Maintenance
Engineer receiving the aggregate shipment.
All aggregate rejected by the technician where the aggregates are rejected on visual
must be reported and its disposition noted inspection, the reason for the rejection is to be
even if the quantity is small. Circle the stated on the report. All rejections shall be
specific result or results which failed to meet reported on a separate Aggregate Inspection
the specification requirements. In cases Daily Report.
Figure 16
DENSE-GRADED AGGREGATES stone to compensate. When taken from a pit
or quarry, the opposite may be true and sand
Dense-graded aggregates are a uniformly may have to be added to meet specifications.
graded blend of Coarse, Intermediate, Fine
Aggregates, and materials finer than the No. Occasionally it becomes necessary to
200 sieve such as clay, silt and fine crushed blend clay and silt with the aggregates to
stone. When produced, these aggregates may increase the Loss by Washing. If this is the
achieve high density and stability. They are case, take a small sample of the clay and silt
generally used as base courses, shoulder before blending and do a Loss by Wash.
gravel, on county gravel roads, and as Material that appears to be all clay and silt
driveway gravel. HMA mixtures are similar may contain a considerable amount of fine
to dense-graded aggregates. aggregate (sand). This fine aggregate may
increase the amount passing the fine sieves
One difficulty associated with the such as the No. 8 sieve creating more
production of dense-graded aggregates in problems.
Michigan is most natural gravel pits contain
too much fine aggregate in the minus No. 4 Figure 17 illustrates a Mechanical
size range. This means the recoverable Analysis Report form with the contractual
reserves are reduced if the production set up data and the specifications filled in to perform
favors the coarse gradation of the dense- a test on 22A Dense-Graded Material. Tables
graded specification. During processing this 902-1 and 902-2 were used to obtain the
will either create the necessity of extracting specifications.
sand during processing or the blending of
Figure 17
Again, Table 902-1 indicates to read the will not contain over 10 percent insoluble
footnotes (a) and (b). This aggregate also has residue finer than the No. 200 (0.075 mm)
the following footnotes (e), (f) and (g) located sieve when tested in accordance with MTM
in the Loss by Washing column. It states: “(e) 103”.
When used for aggregate base courses,
surface courses, shoulders and approaches Note the crush pick is a minimum
and the material is produced entirely by percent. The answer obtained to meet
crushing rock, boulders, cobbles, slag, or specifications must be greater than 25 percent
concrete, the maximum limit for Loss by for the 22A. The calculation for the crushed
Washing will be increased to 10 percent. (f) aggregate is as follows:
The limits for Loss by Washing of dense-
graded aggregates are significant to the ⎛ 260 ⎞
nearest whole percent. (g) For aggregates ⎜ ⎟ × 100 = 38%
⎝ 684 ⎠
produced from sources located in Berrien
County, the Loss by Washing will not exceed
Figure 18, illustrates a completed
8 percent and the sum of Loss by Washing
Mechanical Analysis Report form for the
and shale particles will not exceed 10
22A. The splitting, washing, drying,
weighing, and Loss by Washing procedures
are the same as was done for the 6A.
Table 902-2 has the letter (j) in
parentheses. Footnote (j) states, “Quarried
carbonate (limestone or dolomite) aggregate
Figure 18
Figure 19, illustrates the Aggregate
Inspection Daily Report.
Figure 19
FINE AGGREGATE variation, will be within the 2.50 - 3.35
Fine aggregate (sand) is composed of
material finer than the No. 4 sieve and coarser Figure 21, illustrates a completed
than the No. 200 sieve. The necessary Mechanical Analysis Report form for 2NS.
contractual information and test specifications The Loss by Washing, sieve analysis, and
for testing 2NS from Table 902-4 have been mathematical calculations are the same as the
entered in Figure 20. other materials.
The additional footnotes for this product Calculate the fineness modulus by adding
are (b), (c) and (d). Footnote (b) states, “Use the figures in the Percent Cumulative
test method MTM 108 for Loss by Washing.” Retained column from the ⅜ inch sieve down
Footnote (c) is, “Aggregate having a fineness to and including the No. 100 sieve. Divide
modulus differing from the base fineness this figure by 100 and report to the second
modulus of the source by the amount decimal place.
exceeding the maximum variation specified in
the table, will be rejected.” Footnote (d) The calculation for the fineness modulus
states, “The base fineness modulus will be in Figure 21 is:
supplied by the aggregate producer at the start
of each construction season and be within the 0.0 + 1.3 + 19.5 + 43.7 + 63.1 + 81.0 + 95.4
= 3.04
range of 2.50 - 3.35. The base fineness 100
modulus (FM) including the permissible
Figure 20
Figure 21
five indicate the aggregate shall be Figure 22 illustrates the completed
“tentatively rejected pending further testing.” Aggregate Inspection Daily Report for the
If the sand is to be used in Portland Cement 2NS.
Concrete and it is tentatively rejected, further
testing on the fine aggregate must be done.
This involves making Portland Cement
Concrete cubes and testing them for strength.
Figure 22
HOT MIX ASPHALT The technician will perform gradations on
these stockpiles for information to use in
The form used for testing of HMA is blending for a specific asphalt mix design.
shown in Figure 23, page 58. This form is
similar to those used by the asphalt industry. Once a mix design has been completed
Begin by filling in the known contractual and approved for use, a Job Mix Formula will
information at the top of the form. be prepared for the field application of the
design. The gradations will then be stated as
The specifications for aggregates used in target values.
SuperpaveTM HMA mixtures are found in
Special Provision 501F published by the The asphalt plants have several cold feed
Department. This Special Provision consists bins that supply proportionally the materials
of ten tables from which those that are into the asphalt plant. This is how the plant
applicable to aggregates have been operators maintain a uniform blend of the
reproduced in Chapter 4. aggregates. At a location after the last cold-
feed bin has emptied onto the belt but before
The technician must understand the the combined aggregate is fed into the plant, a
designations used for the various mixtures. sample is taken to determine if the blended
An example is the designation 4E10. Each aggregates meet the gradation requirements of
part of the designation has a meaning to the the mixture.
technicians who work with Hot Mix Asphalt.
After the mixture is made, samples of the
The number four indicates the gradation Hot Mix Asphalt are taken. The asphalt is
requirements the mixture must meet. This is removed either by a chemical extraction
found in Table 10, page 34, Chapter 4. process or ignition furnace, which burns the
Notice that all the sieves are used to asphalt from the mix. The gradations are then
determine the gradation, but not all sieves checked for Quality Control/Quality
have gradation requirements. Assurance purposes. At this point, a tolerance
is applied to the total percent passing of some
The next part of the designation is the of or all of the sieve’s specifications listed on
letter E. The E indicates the number of the Job Mix Formula. For example, the No. 8
Equivalent Single Axle Load’s (ESAL’s) sieve may have a tolerance of ±5.00 percent
projected over a 20-year period. For design and the material passing the No. 200 sieve
purposes, an ESAL carries a load of 18,000 may have a tolerance of ±1.70 percent
pounds and has four tires. depending upon contract requirements. The
aggregate would then have an upper and
The last figure in the example is the lower specification limit.
number “10”. This indicates that the HMA
mixture is expected to withstand ten million If the target for the Cumulative Fraction
equivalent single axle loads (ESAL’s) over a Passing Percent the No. 8 sieve was 35.86
20-year period. The mix type designations in then the upper and lower limit using the ±5.00
the Tables on pages 32 to 34 in Chapter 4 percent would become as follows:
range from a mix type E03 which indicates
300,000 ESAL’s to an E50 which indicates 35.86 - 5.00 = 30.86 lower limit
50,000,000 ESAL’s over a 20-year period. 35.86 + 5.00 = 40.86 upper limit
The aggregates for Hot Mix Asphalt are From this point on, all the aggregate in the
processed and stockpiled in fractional sizes mixture would have to fall within the new
such as 1/2 to 5/16 inch and 5/16 inch minus. established range.
Figure 23
NOTE: In Figure 24 all weights are to the Cumulative Fraction Passing, Percent
tenth (0.0). The calculations in the Fraction columns for MDOT Quality Control/Quality
Retained Percent and the Cumulative Assurance projects are carried out to
Fraction Passing Percent columns are to the hundredths (0.00). The answer as to how far
nearest tenth (0.0). This is typical for Local to carry out the calculations is found in the
agency contracts. The calculations for the Special Provisions of project contracts.
Fraction Retained, Percent and the
Figure 24
The sample is dried to a constant weight, No. 200 sieve to the stack of sieves when
the weight recorded, washed, re-dried, shaking. A small amount of material will
weighed again and recorded to determine the pass through the sieve when shaking and be
Loss by Wash the same as the 6A, 22A and retained in the pan. This is called Wt. Passing
2NS examples. The material is dumped into a No. 200 (75 µm) By Shaking, Row K in
stack of sieves and shaken using the same Figure 24. This weight is added to the Wt.
rules as applied to the 6A, 22A and 2NS. A Loss By Washing, Row J in Figure 24 to
significant difference is the addition of the
obtain the Total Passing No. 200, Row L. aggregate retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm)
See Figure 24 left hand side of form. and larger sieves are as follows:
Picking crushed and deleterious particles rock fragment is less than 50 percent of the
is done by visual inspection. The total aggregate particle. These particles are
specification requirements may require a considered crushed due to the angular nature
crush pick, a deleterious pick or picking both of the sand grains or adhering concrete
crush and deleterious. matrix.
When picking the crushed or deleterious To pick crushed material, inspect and
material, be sure to examine each piece. You separate the aggregate into piles. Separate the
may have to pick up some particles and roll crushed from the uncrushed aggregate and
them to observe all sides in order for you to place in separate piles using the criteria of one
accurately identify the particle. or more fractured faces, or two or more
fractured faces according to the
Before starting the pick, examine the specifications.
specifications so you know what to pick and
determine which sieves need to be included in DELETERIOUS AND OBJECTIONABLE
the mechanical analysis. All asphalt PARTICLES
aggregates use the material retained on all
sieves down to and including the No. 4 sieve Deleterious means having a harmful
for picking crushed and deleterious particles. effect. When deleterious particles are exposed
Generally aggregates used in Portland cement to weathering, such as freezing and thawing,
concrete and dense graded aggregates used they weaken the product in which they are
for base courses, surface courses, shoulders used.
and approaches are picked from all sieves
retaining aggregate down to and including the Objectionable particles and particles
⅜ inch sieve. found to be nondurable in service include
aggregate particles which have harmful
CRUSHED PARTICLES affects on the product in which they are used
and are not covered by the list of deleterious
A crushed particle is a particle having at particles. An example would be silty
least one fractured face. Some specifications limestone which retains internal moisture
may require the aggregate have two or more through the HMA plant and prevents bonding
fractured faces. of the asphalt. In addition, things such as
large balls of clay or wood particles would
A fractured face may be defined as an also be classified as objectionable.
aggregate having a surface broken by a
mechanical device constituting an area equal Read the specifications and Special
to or greater than 50 percent of the projected Provisions before picking the deleterious and
face as viewed perpendicular to the fractured objectionable particles. At the present time,
face. Natural aggregate, to be accepted as all types of deleterious particles are picked for
crushed must have fractures similar to those Portland cement concrete. Be sure to check
produced by mechanical devices. the Special Provisions for deleterious picks
for Hot Mix Asphalt.
All sandstone particles are considered as
crushed particles. Crag, which looks like Before picking deleterious particles, rinse
small stones cemented together naturally, will the material with clear water. This will
be considered crushed as long as the largest remove any undesirable coatings on the
aggregate and help in the visual inspection. It Chert - Chert occurs in many aggregate
is hard to determine an aggregate’s type or sources and in a variety of colors. It also can
texture when it’s covered with a thin film of vary in appearance from a dull to a vitreous
clay or silt. Picking deleterious particles is (glassy) luster and in porosity from porous to
performed while the particles are wet. It is dense. All chert is very hard with the
handy to have a water bottle or cup of water exception of chalky chert.
near to moisten particles that may become air
dry. The size of chert’s porosity makes it
undesirable in Portland concrete cement.
Another handy tool is the rat tail file. It is Chert has very small microscopic holes which
used to check the hardness of the particles. hold water. When the water freezes it
expands and physically expands the chert
A hammer, steel block, safety ring and particle. This expansion is not elastic and
safety glasses will be required to break leaves slightly large pores available to hold
deleterious particles in question. Sometimes, more water during the next freeze cycle.
looking at the exterior may not provide Repeated cycles will eventually create enough
enough information as to the material’s strain to break the rock particle and
identity. If it is necessary to break a particle, surrounding Portland cement concrete.
put on the safety glasses then place the rock
on the steel block and place the safety ring You may see chert particles in the
around the rock. Give the rock a quick sharp following forms:
blow. Examine the fresh fractured face.
1. White, light gray to tan. These
DELETERIOUS PARTICLES particles are generally light colored,
porous, dull and, in general, have a
Many years ago, a gentleman named low specific gravity. Chalky chert fits
Friedrich Mohs developed a scale to into this classification.
determine the mineral hardness. He
designated number one as the softest mineral 2. Mottled chert can be any combination
and number ten as the hardest mineral. His ten of white, gray, black, tan or brown.
reference minerals are: There is no pattern to the color
variation. One way to easily
1. Talc remember is to think of a herd of
2. Gypsum Holstein cows. No two have the exact
3. Calcite same color markings. The porosity
4. Fluorite within these particles can vary greatly.
5. Apatite
6. Orthoclase 3. Vitreous (Glassy) Lustrous chert is
7. Quartz generally a gray to black color. The
8. Topaz particles look like broken glass and
9. Corundum generally have a higher specific
10. Diamond gravity and are darker in color. These
also produce very sharp edges.
As a comparison, dolomite has a hardness
of 3½ to 4, Pyrite (fool’s gold) a hardness of 6 Physical characteristics to look for:
to 6½, basalt (diabase) and chert 7. A copper
penny has a value of 2½, a pocket knife 5 to 1. Chert will generally break with a
5½, window glass has 5½ to 6, and the rat tail conchoidal fracture (concave or dish
file has a hardness of 6 to 6½. shape).
2. A file may be used to mark the 2. If rubbed with the end of a file, shale
surface. Firmly pressing the file and feels smooth. The mark on the surface
drawing a solid line may indicate the will have a waxy appearance like
aggregate is chert. Some other writing with wax, crayon or grease
aggregates will be harder than the file, pencil. You will not feel grains.
such as quartz, basalt and hard clay-
ironstone centers. 3. When scratched with a file, the groove
left by the file will be a brownish
3. Chert will scratch glass. black color.
4. The surface will feel smooth if 4. When wet, shale generally has a dull
scratched with a fingernail. appearance, compared to the other
5. If in doubt, break the particle.
Coal - A natural dark-brown to black
If part of an aggregate particle is chert, color, coal’s surface appearance ranges from
then the whole aggregate is considered to be dull to shiny. Coal can be from moderately
chert. This is often referred to as a nodule of soft to brittle and may have a laminated
chert. More information can be found in structure. If rubbed with the end of a file, the
MTM 110. scratch will also have a waxy appearance.
The following aggregates are all Structurally Weak - These particles have a
considered soft materials. When picking, they mixture of light and dark minerals. They can
are kept separate from the chert. be either white and black or pink and black.
They may be readily broken apart by the
Friable Sandstone - Friable sandstone is fingers of one hand.
distinguishable because individual sand grains
may be easily abraded by rubbing the Ochre - Ochre particles have an earthy
particle between the thumb and finger. This is texture, are extremely soft, porous, and vary
because the individual sand grains are loosely from yellowish to brown and red in color.
cemented together. The grains in good, or They leave a very distinct color streaks when
non-friable, sandstones will not rub off. rubbed on paper or hands.
Thicker particles often display a laminated
ORGANIC IMPURITIES TEST (The aggregate for the test. The sand may be
Colorimetric Test) damp or air dried. Drying at high
temperatures will “burn” or alter the organic
This simple preliminary test determines particles in the fine sand and invalidate the
the possible presence of organic compounds test.
in Portland cement concrete sand. The test
is done at the beginning of production and at After adding sand to the bottle, add the 3
regular intervals. The frequency of testing is percent sodium hydroxide solution until the
at the discretion of the technician. However, volume of sand and solution equals seven
if the producer opens a new or shifts to ounces after shaking. Seal the bottle, shake
another area of the pit, the technician should well, and let stand undisturbed for 24 hours.
run an organic test immediately.
After 24 hours, the liquid portion is
For testing, the following laboratory compared against a light background to a
equipment and supplies are needed: glass color chart. If the color is less than
three, the color nearest the color of the liquid
One graduated colorless glass bottle is recorded as the “Organic Plate Number.”
(prescription bottle) approximately 12 or 16
ounces (350 or 470 milliliters). According to The color plate, or standard glass
ASTM C-40, the maximum outside thickness reference, has five separate colors, from a
of the bottle shall be of oval design not less light yellow to a dark brown. Light yellow is
than 1½ inches (40 mm) and no greater than designated number one; dark brown is
2½ inches (60 mm) thick, measured along the designated number five. A passing test that
line of sight. matches the colors one, two or three is
accepted. Any test that is darker than color
• Dry sodium hydroxide pellets. three is tentatively rejected pending further
• A standard color glass reference chart. testing. A sample of the tentatively rejected
• Distilled water. sand will then be sent to the laboratory for
further strength testing. If it passes the
The Department’s procedure states how to strength test, it will be approved for use.
make a 3 percent solution of sodium
hydroxide. The procedure is: ANGULARITY INDEX
when you apply a downward force? It Fill three graduated cylinders to the 100
doesn’t take much pressure before the ml mark with distilled water. Weigh three
marbles start rolling. 200 gram samples of the fine aggregate.
Then, insert the funnel into the top of the
graduated cylinder to approximately 1 inch
above the water. At a steady rate, pour the
sand into the funnel while picking the funnel
upward at the same time to keep it
approximately 1 inch above the water at all
times while pouring. The procedure should
take less than ten seconds. This test is
Figure 1: Marbles repeated three times.
(1) Weight (2) Total (3) Sample (4) Volume (5) Volume
of Sample, Volume, ml Volume, ml Solids, Vs Voids, Vv
Void Ratio
gW Vt Va =Vt - 100 =Va - Vs
E = Vv/Vs
Total _________
AVG. V. RATIO e,avg. (Total/3) _________
Angularity Index 10* (e, avg. -0.6 _________
Figure 4: Angularity Computation Table
2. The Total Volume is the measurement The larger the number, the more angular the
to the top of the water with the fine sand. It may be possible to blend a low
aggregate added. angularity sand with one of a higher
angularity to meet the specific mixture’s
3. The Sample Volume measurement is production requirements.
the height of the fine aggregate in the
4. The Volume Solids is height of the Some types of aggregate particles polish
water with the sand added less the 100 (wear smooth) when exposed to high traffic
ml of water (Number (2) - 100). volumes. This polishing can be measured in
the field by using a friction trailer. The tow
5. This equals the Sample Volume (3) vehicle travels at 40 mile per hour. A signal
minus the Volume Solids (4). is sent to the friction trailer to initiate a test.
A spray bar shoots a jet of water onto the
6. The Angularity Void Ratio equals the pavement ahead of one of the trailer’s tires.
Volume Voids (5) divided by the The tire then is locked and the resulting drag
Volume Solids (4). This is reported to is measured. This value can then be
the hundredth 0.00. computed into a coefficient of friction. Low
coefficients of friction increase the stopping
Next, add the angularity void ratios and distance and makes it easier to skid. This is
write this figure where it says Total. Divide magnified when the pavement is wet.
the figure by three to obtain the Average Void
Ratio (e,avg.). The “Angularity Index” is Limestones are softer and tend to polish
calculated by subtracting 0.6 from the e,avg. more rapidly, while granite is hard and resists
Then multiply the answer by 10. The polishing. Sandstone is polish-resistant
resulting answer is reported to the tenth (0.0). because individual grains break off before
they will polish leaving a sandpaper-like
Each mixture of asphalt has its own surface. Other rock types have polishing
criteria for the angularity index. Be sure to resistance between these extreme examples.
check all specifications for the type of asphalt The polishing resistance of each type of
being produced. aggregate particle is determined to provide an
Aggregate Wear Index (AWI). The AWI is a
The calculated indexes start with the direct measure of the frictional resistance to a
lowest acceptable number of 2.0 and increase. rubber tire sliding on a wet concrete slab with
the coarse aggregate exposed after it has been An initial friction value is obtained using
polished by four million passes of a test-tire a Static Friction Tester Figure 6.
in a special wear track, Figure 5.
Figure 8: Petrographic Examination Figure 9: Freeze-Thaw Test Machine
These samples are submitted with Coarse aggregate samples are obtained
bituminous mix designs. The Procedures and prepared for freeze-thaw testing in
Manual for Mix Design Processing outlines accordance with MTM 113. Generally,
how these samples are submitted for testing. sources are sampled once every five years by
the Department’s C & T Division or by
FREEZE-THAW TESTING regional aggregate technicians.
Each cycle is three hours long. The test is In addition to the usual sieve analysis, Los
completed after 300 cycles. The procedure Angeles Abrasion Test and the aggregate
for testing these concrete beams to evaluate wear index used in Michigan, the experts
their durability in rapid freezing and thawing, generally agreed that the following properties
specifically for the evaluation of the coarse should be measured:
aggregate used in the concrete is described in
MTM 115. The durability of the aggregate is • Coarse aggregate angularity
measured as a length change or dilation • Fine aggregate angularity
(expansion) of the beam. The beam • Flat and elongated particles
expansion is measured to the nearest • Clay content
thousandth of an inch using a length change
comparator, Figure 12. A consensus on how to perform the tests
has been attained. However, the
interpretations of the test results have not
been uniform among the states.
fractured surface that occupies more than 25 from the bottom. Pour the fine aggregate into
percent of the area of the outline of the the Mason jar. Remove the finger and allow
aggregate particle visible in that orientation. the fine aggregate to flow freely into the
This is a significant difference in the surface Nominal 100 ml Cylindrical Measure. When
area of the fractured face. the cylinder is full and the stream of
aggregate has stopped flowing, use a straight
FINE AGGREGATE ANGULARITY blade spatula to strike off the top of the
cylindrical measure in one single pass. After
The Fine Aggregate Angularity Test has striking off the excess fine aggregate, the
been written as AASHTO TP 33 and ASTM cylindrical measure may be tapped lightly on
C 1252 “Standard Tests Methods for the side. Remove the cylindrical measure
Uncompacted Void Content of Fine with the contents and weigh to the nearest one
Aggregate (as Influenced by Particle Shape, tenth of a gram. Repeat the procedure twice
Surface Texture, and Grading).” The test and report the answer to the nearest tenth of a
measures the fine aggregate’s void content percent (0.1 percent).
which is an indication of the particle
angularity, roundness and surface texture.
ASTM and AASHTO options for the Fine Aggregate Angularity Test
Individual Size Fractions Test Method A Test Method B Test Method C
4.75 mm (No. 4) 190 g ± 1 g
2.36 mm (No. 8) to
44 g 190 g ± 1 g
1.18 mm (No. 16)
1.18 mm (No. 16) to
57 g 190 g ± 1 g
600 µm (No. 30)
600 µm (No. 30) to
72 g 190 g ± 1 g
300 µm (No. 50)
300 µm (No. 50) to
17 g
150 µm (No. 100)
Use all material
190 g ± 0.2 g Do not mix.
passing the 4.74
Combined Total Run three tests.
mm sieve.
The formula for calculating the fine difficult to compact the asphalt and create
aggregate angularity is: large air voids. They are undesirable in the
concrete mixtures because they create large
⎛ ⎛W ⎞⎞ air voids which generate weak areas in the
⎜V − ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ concrete and make it more difficult to achieve
⎝ Gsb ⎠ ⎟
U =⎜ × 100% a smooth finish.
⎜ 100 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠ Before starting the test, review the
Contract Documents for Special Provisions,
U = Aggregate Angularity review the Standard Specifications and the
V = Volume of cylindrical measure appropriate ASTM and AASHTO
W = Mass (weight) of the fine aggregate publications to determine the size of sample
[Weight of cylindrical measure with and sieves to be picked.
fine aggregate contents - weight of
cylindrical measure] One type of the Proportional Caliper
Gsb = Dry aggregate bulk specific gravity Devices is shown in Figure 14. To use the
device, take an aggregate particle and place it
The larger the calculated number, the first with the longest dimension between the
more angular the fine aggregate. See Table 2, fixed post (A) and the swinging arm. Without
page 32, for test requirements for moving the arm, remove the aggregate
SuperpaveTM asphalt mixtures. particle and turn it to its thinnest or flat side.
Attempt to insert it without moving the
FLAT PARTICLES, ELONGATED swinging arm into the gap between post (B)
PARTICLES, OR FLAT AND and the swinging arm. If it fits between the
ELONGATED PARTICLES swinging arm and post (B) the particle is
considered flat and elongated. Repeat this
Test number three determines if the process with each aggregate particle in the
aggregate particles are flat and elongated (thin sample.
and elongated). This is ASTM D 4791 “Test
Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles,
or Flat and Elongated Particles in Course
Aggregate.” The material retained on the
pick sieves is evaluated one particle at a time
in an apparatus that compares the length of
the particle to its thickness.
determine a ratio of the aggregate’s clay to RESISTANCE TO DEGRADATION OF
The procedure for the test is to pour 85 ml LOS ANGELES MACHINE
of the fine aggregate into a graduated
cylinder. Add to this a mixture of distilled, You will find the exact test procedures for
demineralized or clear tap water and a operating the Los Angles machine in ASTM
flocculating agent (a mixture of calcium C-131 and AASHTO T-96. The Michigan
chloride, glycerin and formaldehyde). A Department of Transportation has altered the
rubber stopper is placed in the top of the ASTM and AASHTO standard by issuing
graduated cylinder and then the graduated Michigan Test Method 102. This was done to
cylinder is shaken either with a mechanical provide additional standard gradations of
shaker or by hand. An irrigation tube with a aggregate, which more nearly conform to the
siphon tube attached to a container of the coarse fraction of dense-graded aggregates
flocculating agent is then carefully prodded to and some coarse aggregates for bituminous
the bottom of the graduated cylinder. Turn on mixtures used by the Michigan Department of
the solution and agitate the fine aggregate as Transportation.
the irrigation tube is pulled upward filling the
graduated cylinder to a prescribed level. Let To perform the test, prepare a sample that
it stand undisturbed for twenty minutes of conforms closely to the aggregate’s size range
settling. The heights of the sand and clay are specifications. Wash the sample unless it is
measured in the cylinder. essentially free of any adherent coatings and
dust. The aggregate is dried and sieved into
The Sand Equivalent is calculated as individual fractions.
Check the existing charts for the
⎛ Height of sand reading ⎞ specifications on material re-blending prior to
Sand Equivalent = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ × 100 loading the sample into the machine. An
⎝ Height of clay reading ⎠ example of method “B” is:
Place and lock the cover on the machine. the computer operating the asphalt plant feeds
Turn on the machine which rotates 500 the plant according to the pre-determined
complete revolutions at the rate of 30 to 33 asphalt moisture content. When asphalt is
per minute. The machine has a counter and added to dry aggregates it will develop a
many have an automatic shut-off built in. much better bond. The inverse relationship is
also true. Knowing the moisture content
After turning the machine off, remove all helps produce consistent mixtures.
of the aggregate and sieve it again. Sieve it
over a No. 12 sieve. Weigh any material Moisture is also an important factor when
retained on the No. 12 and larger sieves. determining the “optimum moisture content.”
Subtract the amount retained on the sieves This is the moisture content in a soil at which
from the amount originally placed into the a specific amount of compaction will produce
machine. Divide this figure by the weight of maximum dry density. Another reason to
the material originally placed into the calculate moisture content is for payment
machine. The answer is recorded as a whole purposes. A reduction in payment may occur
percent. for excessive moisture.
For the maximum criteria for the Los All moisture determinations are based
Angeles Abrasion see Table 902-2 and Table upon the dry weight of the aggregate. The
4 for SuperpaveTM mixtures in Chapter 4. formula for calculating moisture is:
(1) Wet weight 2,634.2 g
(2) Less dry weight 2,498.3 g
Amount of moisture. (1-2) 1,34.1 g
⎛ 134.1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ × 100 = 5.4%
⎝ 2,498.3 ⎠
1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 444 North Capital
Street NW, Suite 225, Washington D.C. 20001.
2. American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Telephone: 610.832.9585 Website: