Fire Check List Mercantile - Above 16 - MTR - But - Not - Exceeding - 24 - mtr10032016
Fire Check List Mercantile - Above 16 - MTR - But - Not - Exceeding - 24 - mtr10032016
Fire Check List Mercantile - Above 16 - MTR - But - Not - Exceeding - 24 - mtr10032016
Table 1 : Floor-wise area details of the Existing (if the horizontal/vertical expansion of an existing
S.No. Floor No Proposed (Plinth Area in
Fee/Chalan Amount Calculation
Total Chalan Amount to be calculated based on given rate.
*50% of total Fee (including Basement & Parking Area in the Building) subject to a minimum of Rs
15000/- is to be remitted for each application.
Clearance from Electric Lines
Note: Angular clearance from electrical lines should not be less than the vertical clearance of respective category.
Required Proposed for
Min 2.4m
Min 1.2 m
1 Width of clear motorable open space of the front sideof the building( in Mtr):
2 Width of clear motorable open space of one of the sides contiguous to the front side of the
building (in Mtr)
3 Width of the main Entrance Gate to the Building
4 Whether an Arch /Covered Gate is constructed for the Main Entrance? (Y/N) If the answer is
Yes, Head Room clearance of Arch/Covered Gate
(a) 1,2 are meant to provide clear motorable road on the front side and at one of the sides so that a fire tender can access the
and contiguously
(b) The toshould
open space one of be
the plot/premises.
parking or any other erections and it should be shown in the plan.
(c) The projections of roof or weather shade or cornices of not more than 75cm width shall be admissible in the open space.
(d) For open space around the building the Applicant should enter the minimum and maximum of thevalues (if it is not uniform
Required Proposed for Building
5mtr (minimum)
5mtr (minimum)
5mtr (minimum)
5mtr (minimum)
s so that a fire tender can access the building from the front side
ould be shown in the plan.
ll be admissible in the open space.
mum of thevalues (if it is not uniform)
S.No. Particulars
Whether the Location plan of the proposed building mentionsthe following details:
a Details of approach road : (Y/N)
b Visible land m ark on e ither s ides a nd opposite to the plot : (Y/N)
c The width of the Approach Road at its narrowest portion and the distance from the narrowest
portion to the building: (Y/N)
Required Proposed for
Width required based on Floor Area:
Up to 6000 sqm
Access road min width: 5m
Above 6000 to 12000 sqm
Access road min Width: 6m
Above 12000 to 18000 sqm
Access road min Width: 7m
Above 18000 sqm
Access road min Width : 10m
(Y) Mandatory
(Y) Desirable
(Y) Mandatory
Sl. No Particulars Required
1 Are there any adjacent Building/ Land of Nuclear Installation/ Nuclear (N)
WasteDumping Site which may pose threat in respect of Fire Safety to
the Proposed Building? (Y/N)
2 If above answer is Yes, Whether the Location plan of the proposed (Y)
building s how the required details. (Y/N)
Proposed for Building
Sl. No.
Total No: of staircases in the building:
No: of main staircases in the building:
No of Fire escape staircases in the building: (Refer Foot Note 1)
Whether all staircases are continuous from ground floor to the terrace level? (Y/N) (NBC Part IV 4.9.10 )
Whether all staircases are constructed of non- combustible materials?(Y/N)(NBC Part IV C-1.1).
Whether any living Space, Store or other Fire Risk area is directly opened to staircases (Flights and Mid-
landing)? (Y/N) (NBC Part IV 4.9.10)
Whether any electrical shaft/ AC ducts/ gas pipes etc. is passing through or opening at staircase (Flights and
Mid- landing)?(Y/N)(NBC Part IV 4.9.10)
Whether any staircase is constructed around a lift shaft?(Y/N) (NBC Part IV 4.9.3)
Whether any staircase is constructed with hollow combustible material? (Y/N)(NBC Part IV 4.9.4)
Whether any lift opens into any staircase (Flights and Mid-landing)? (Y/N) (NBC Part IV 4.9.10)
Whether the treads of the staircases are constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent slipping?(Y/N)
(NBC Part IV 4.9.7)
Whether any staircase is of completely enclosed type? (Y/N) (NBC Part IV 4.10)
If answer to above question(12) is Yes, Whether the completely enclosed type staircase is a pressurized
staircase? (Y/N) Refer Foot Note 2(NBC Part IV 4.10)
Whether Staircases in the Basement Floor(s) are of enclosed type? (Y/N)(NBC Part IV C-1.6)
Whether all staircases are ventilated at each landing and at the top by a vent of 0.5 m2 in the external
wall? (Y/N) (NBC Part IV C-1.4)
Whether external stair/fire-escape stair is separate, removed and away from the internal stair? (Y/N)(NBC
Part IV 4.11.3
Whether the Fire escape staircases are directly connected to the ground as well as to the public/common
areas of all floors? (Y/N)
How many sides of the External stair cases have abutting with external wall?
Note 1: When any main staircase is provided as an external stairway conforming to the provision of fire
escape staircase, a separate fire escape stair need not be provided
Note 2: When any staircase is of completely enclosed type, it should be pressurized. (NBC Part IV 4.10)
Note 3:Fire Escape Staircase shall always be kept in sound operable conditions.
Note 4: The routes of fire escape staircases shall be kept free from obstructions at all times. (NBC Part IV
Note 5: At least one side of the fire escape stairway shall be an external wall either with large openings or
with break-open glass.
Note 6:In the event a door has been provided to access the staircase, that should be Fire Resistant (for 1hr)
and open out. (It should not kept in locked conditions)
Note 7: All the occupants of each floor of the building should have access to minimum 2 staircases of which
1 should be the Fire escape staircase.
Note 8: Staircases should be properly ventilated.If natural ventilation is not possible, mechanically
ventilation should be provided.
Note 9: Ideally the Internal Staircase should not have any obstruction so as to give a clear passage to
Required Proposed for Building
Min 2 nos.
Min 2 nos.
Min 1 number.
(Y) Desirable
Staircase Specifications **
a. Main Staircase
Sl. No
Fire Escape staircase
Sl. No
* This is only the minimum width required. For high rise and heavily occupied buildings actual width and number of staircases
the maximum travel distance permitted for each category of the building is to be strictly adhered.
** In a Building there may be a number of Staircases,Internal and External. So details shall be provided in respect of each of
Staircase Specifications **
a. Main Staircase
Width of Staircase
Width of Tread
Height of Riser
Height of Hand Rails
Gap of Baluster
Fire Escape staircase
Width of Staircase
Width of Tread
Height of Riser
Height of Hand Rails
Gap of Baluster
No of steps per Flights
* This is only the minimum width required. For high rise and heavily occupied buildings actual width and number of staircases are to be e
the maximum travel distance permitted for each category of the building is to be strictly adhered.
** In a Building there may be a number of Staircases,Internal and External. So details shall be provided in respect of each of the Stairca
Required value Proposed Value
Not less than 120cms
Not less than 30cms
Not exceeding 15cms
Not less than 90cms
Not more than 10cms wide
Sl. No
The plan of each floor of the building, clearly showing the Emergency Exits, Staircases, Lifts, Fire Ducts etc should be kept in
Floor at strategic points.
Exit requirements
NBC Part IV 4.2, 4.5, 4.8
The plan of each floor of the building, clearly showing the Emergency Exits, Staircases, Lifts, Fire Ducts etc should be kept in the respecti
Floor at strategic points.
Required value Proposed
Min 2 (Desirable)
m any point.
Emergency exits maybe doorways, corridors or passages to an internal staircase or external staircase leading to the street or to
Emergency exit maybe a horizontal exit leading to an adjoining building at the same level.
Lift and Escalators shall not be considered as emergency exits.
Required value Proposed
Should not exceed 30 m
Sl. No
*One Fire Lift per 1200 m2 of floor area should be provided for the exclusive use of firemen during emergency
* During power failures, Fire lift should come down at the ground level and to stand still with doors open by automatic trip ove
*Fire lift should reach top floor from ground level within 1 minute
* Exit from the lift lobby, if located in the core of the building, shall be through a self-closing smoke stop door of half an hour fi
Fire Lifts
(NBC Part IV 4.15, C-1.5 (q))
Number of Fire Lifts* provided in the building
Minimum loading capacity of Fire Lift (in Kg)
Whether fire lift is fully automated with emergency switch on ground level?(Y/N)
Whether Inter communication equipment for communicating with the Control Room is provided? (Y/N)
Whether ceiling hatch is provided in fire lift for use during emergency? (Y/N)
Whether alternate power supply is provided for fire lifts? (Y/N)
If the answer is ‘No’ whether Fire Lift is come down at the ground level and is stand still with doors ground
level and is stand still with doors open during power failures (Y/N).
*One Fire Lift per 1200 m2 of floor area should be provided for the exclusive use of firemen during emergency
* During power failures, Fire lift should come down at the ground level and to stand still with doors open by automatic trip over to auto
*Fire lift should reach top floor from ground level within 1 minute
* Exit from the lift lobby, if located in the core of the building, shall be through a self-closing smoke stop door of half an hour fire resista
Required value Proposed Value
Min 1
Not less than 545 Kg (8 persons)
1.4 m2
Sl. No
Emergency and escape lighting should be capable of indicating the escape routes clearly and unambiguously
Emergency escape lighting should be activated within one second of the failure of main electric supply
Emergency lighting system should be capable of continuous operation for a minimum duration of 1Hr. and 30 Mins
Emergency and Escape Lighting
(NBC Part IV 4.16, 4.17)
Whether adequate illumination with alternate power supply is provided for safe movement of persons
towards and through the exits? (Y/N)
Whether a dequate illumination with alternate power supply is provided for locating fire alarm call points
and fire fighting equipments? (Y/N)
Whether emergency lighting is independently connected and can be operated by one switch on the ground
floor which is easily accessible to Fire Fighters? (Y/N) (NBC2005 C-1.14)
Emergency and escape lighting should be capable of indicating the escape routes clearly and unambiguously
Emergency escape lighting should be activated within one second of the failure of main electric supply
Emergency lighting system should be capable of continuous operation for a minimum duration of 1Hr. and 30 Mins
Required value Proposed
(NBC Part IV C-1.6)
Sl. No
Note: Kitchen working in Gas fuel should not be allowed in basement, unless air conditioned.
(NBC Part IV C-1.6)
Whether the building is provided with basement floor (Y/N)
If answer to above question is Yes, How many number of basement floors are proposed in the building?
Note: Kitchen working in Gas fuel should not be allowed in basement, unless air conditioned.
Required value Proposed Value
Service Ducts and shafts
(NBC Part IV C-1.9)
Sl. No Parameter Required value Proposed Value
1 Whether all Internal Service Ducts and Shafts are (Y)
properly enclosed by fire resistant masonry walls and
doors? (Y/N)
3 Whether all Internal Service Ducts and Shafts have a vent (Y)
opening at the top with area between 1/4th and ½ of the
area of the shaft? (Y/N).
Fire Control Room
(NBC Part IV C-5)
2 Whether the facility to receive message from different floors is provided (Y)
in the control room? (Y/N)
3 Whether details of all floor plans and fire fighting installations are (Y)
maintained in control room? (Y/N)
a.Fire Control Room shall be on the entrance floor of the Building
b. Area of the fire control room shall not be less than 4m 2
Assembly Point(s)
*Fire Assembly point(s) is for the occupants to assemble after the evacuation during the practice of drill or during any emergen
*Fire Assembly Point(s) preferably can be in many (more than one) strategic and safe locations, as per possibilities and should b
*Fire Assembly Point(s) shall be without any hindrance.
**The aggregate area of Fire Assembly Point(s) should be equal to the total number of occupantsin the building x 0.3M2.
ll or during any emergency in the building
possibilities and should be at the ground level.
e building x 0.3M2.
Compartmentation of Large Areas
(NBC Part IV C-1.8)
*All floors should be compartmented with area not exceeding 750m2 by a separation wall.
Static Water Storage Tank
(NBC Part IV 5.1.6)
Sl. No Particulars
Whether alternative water supply/ replenishment at a rate
1 of 1000 LPM for UG Tank provided? (Y/N)
No: of manholes provided for inspection, repair and suction
2 hose insertion:
i)Static storage tank shall preferably be accessible to local fire service vehicles.
ii)Static storage tank should be provided with a fire brigade collecting head with 4 inlets of 63 mm each at convenient positions
if the tank is situated at the basement or not approachable by the fire service vehicle.
iii) If no replenishment of water tank is possible, proportionate increase in tank capacity should be provided in consultation wit
the local fire brigade.
iv) The covering slabs of tank should have the capacity to withstand a total vehicular load of 45 ton, is the slab forms a part of
pathway or driveway.
Min 2
9 What is the capacity of Under Ground Static Storage Tank? (in ltr)
S.No. Particulars
1 Whether there is an area in building where water or foam cannot be used, or
areas of special fire risk/essential applications?(Y/N)
Fire Station/Cabinet
*All Fire Stations / Cabinets, for installing or keeping First Aid Fire Protection Equipment such as fire hose reel, hydrant valve, fi
*Fire Stations shall be preferably inside the building
*The location of Fire Stations / Cabinets should be easily accessible, visible and should be in such a way that any remote corne
fire hose reel, hydrant valve, fire hose, branch pipe, etc should be provided in strategic locations of all floors, @ one station for every 1000M
h a way that any remote corner of the building/floor is within 30Mtrs radius of the nearest fire station.
ne station for every 1000M2 of plinth area.
Marking of equipments
All fire fighting equipment should be suitably located and clearly marked by luminous signs.
minous signs.
Affidavit / Confirmation from the Applicant
SNo. Particulars Required
1 Whether an affidavit / Confirmation from the Applicant and the Architect stating that Y
the materials proposed to be used or installed as per required fire resistant rating in
NBC of India -2005, Part-IV Annexure- C is attached with this application? (Y/N)
The affidavit need to be signed by the applicant only, if it is for “Fire Safety Clearance
for Site”.
For “Certificate of Approval”, the affidavit should be filed as prescribed above after
obtaining signature from the concerned.
The address with PIN Code and license details of the Licensed Technical Person
signing the Affidavit along with the applicant shall be clearly written in the Affidavit
for Certificate of Approval.
If any of the services listed for filling Affidavit is not proposed for the building, an
affidavit to that effect shall be filled.
Certificate of compliance from the Authorised Signatory.
It is certified that the plan/drawing has been prepared, taking in to account all the fire safety measures to
be provided inside and outside as contained in this checklist cum application (for Initial Clearance).
It is certified that the check list has been fully complied with for the completion of the building (for Final
Fire protection installations/logistics proposed is as per relevant Indian Standards
It is certified that all the above information/data are correct to the best of my knowledge.
S.No. Note
Fire sensor, Fire Alarm, Fire Detection and Fire Fighting components, which are proposed Floor
wise and in sections should be in red letter / red colour for the Fire Service Department to
understand quickly.
Fire protection Equipments and Machineries proposed should be as per Indian Standards
3 A long with a pplication, the Design and Calculations of installation of Fire Pump, Automatic
Detection, Automatic Sprinklers, Egress Calculation and Affidavit / Undertaking / Confirmation
are also to be submitted for fire Safety Approvals.