Electrical Safety Guideline
Electrical Safety Guideline
Electrical Safety Guideline
For Non-Electrical
1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 1
2 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 1
3 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Workplace Responsibility System ................................................................................ 1
3.2 Supervisors .................................................................................................................. 2
3.3 Employees ................................................................................................................... 2
3.4 Students ...................................................................................................................... 2
3.5 Facilities Management Division .................................................................................... 3
3.6 Workplace Safety and Environmental Protection ......................................................... 3
4 Training and Awareness ..................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Faculty and Staff .......................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Students ...................................................................................................................... 3
5 Electrical Hazards ............................................................................................................... 4
5.1 DC and AC Electricity .................................................................................................. 4
5.2 Static Electricity ........................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Other Hazards ............................................................................................................. 8
5.4 Signs of Electrical Hazards .......................................................................................... 8
6 Hazard Assessment ............................................................................................................ 9
7 Hazardous Energy Lockout ................................................................................................11
8 Academic Programs ...........................................................................................................11
9 General Safety Rules .........................................................................................................12
10 Utilities Electrical Safety .................................................................................................15
10.1 Underground Utilities ..................................................................................................15
10.2 Overhead Power Lines ...............................................................................................15
11 Static Electricity Safety ...................................................................................................16
12 Laboratory Instruments...................................................................................................17
13 Protective Devices ..........................................................................................................17
13.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................17
13.2 Fuses and Circuit Breakers .........................................................................................18
13.3 Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters .................................................................................19
13.4 Shielding and Equipment Guarding ............................................................................21
13.5 Cable Clamping ..........................................................................................................21
14 Extension Cords, Power Strips and Power Cords ...........................................................22
15 Grounding ......................................................................................................................24
16 Power Tools ...................................................................................................................24
17 Portable Power Generators ............................................................................................25
18 Batteries .........................................................................................................................26
19 Power Supplies ..............................................................................................................27
20 Capacitors ......................................................................................................................29
21 Inductors and Magnets ...................................................................................................31
22 Semiconductor Components ..........................................................................................33
23 Multimeters.....................................................................................................................33
24 Soldering Safety .............................................................................................................35
25 High Voltage Equipment .................................................................................................36
26 Fire Safety ......................................................................................................................36
27 Electrical Emergencies ...................................................................................................37
27.1 Electric Shock .............................................................................................................37
27.2 Electrical Fire ..............................................................................................................38
27.3 Contact with a Power Line ..........................................................................................38
28 References .....................................................................................................................39
1 Purpose
The Electrical Safety Guide for Non-Electrical Workers is intended to provide general electrical
safety principles and best practices for faculty, staff and students in the course of work,
research and academic activities where electrical hazards exist.
2 Scope
We live in an electrified society. Most of our modern devices, instruments, and appliances at
work, at home, and for leisure are electricity powered either through electrical utilities, and/or
through the use of batteries. The University of Saskatchewan employs literally thousands of
electrically powered devices, instruments, equipment and tools. We are also engaged in many
activities that can generate electrical currents such as electrical sparks.
Most of us appreciate the potential dangers of electricity even if we do not fully understand how
electricity works. We learn early on in life not to stick things (other than power cords) in electrical
outlets or we will get a nasty shock. We learn that it is dangerous to place electrified appliances,
such as a hair blow dryer, near or in water. For most of us though, the hazards associated with
electricity are not always obvious, and in many cases electrical hazards are hidden inside
electrical boxes, behind panel doors, or contained inside equipment and instruments used in the
course of our work.
It is a sobering fact that hundreds of preventable electrical accidents occur each year in
Canada, many resulting in serious injury, and even death. Countless electrical incidents (e.g.
minor electrical shocks) and unsafe acts involving electrically powered devices or electrical
infrastructure go unreported each year.
Electrical safety is not just important for electricians and electrical workers, it is also important
for faculty, staff and students who work with electrically powered devices or who are engaged in
activities that may result in electrical hazards. In support of electrical safety at the University of
Saskatchewan, the Electrical Safety Guide for Non-Electrical Workers has been developed. The
guide provides simple tips and best practices that will help minimize the hazards associated with
the use of electricity on our campus.
The Electrical Safety Guide for Non-Electrical Workers document does not replace any relevant
regulations or codes for which the university must comply with, nor does it authorize university
faculty, staff and students to perform electrical work for which they are not trained or qualified to
3 Responsibilities
The Workplace Responsibilities System document is available on the Workplace Safety and
Environmental Protection (WSEP) website at www.usask.ca/wsep.
3.2 Supervisors
Supervisors include anyone who directs the work or activities of others, including students.
Managers, faculty, instructors and principal investigators, if directing the work activities of
others, are considered supervisors under occupational health and safety legislation.
3.3 Employees
Under the WRS, every university worker (including graduate students paid through the
university) is responsible for:
Complying with university policies, health and safety rules and procedures;
Taking an active role in protecting and promoting his/her health and safety;
Refraining from activities that may jeopardize the health and safety of others;
Reporting immediately to his/her supervisor, when involved in an incident or becomes
aware of hazards in the workplace; and
Complying with applicable health and safety legislation.
3.4 Students
Every university student (undergraduate and graduate) must act with regard to health and safety
and follow all instructions and safety precautions conferred upon them by their supervisor or
Installations, repairs and maintenance to laboratory or building electrical services shall only be
performed by the Facilities Management Division (FMD) and by qualified electrical workers.
Workplace Safety and Environmental Protection (WSEP) is the institutional entity charged with
supporting health and safety at the university. In this capacity, WSEP is responsible to:
Promote health and safety and support a culture focused on injury prevention;
Be a resource to the campus community in occupational health, safety and
environmental protection;
Provide training and awareness;
Develop programs and services in health, safety and environmental protection;
Assist in the identification and resolution of issues and problems in health, safety and
environmental protection; and
Support regulatory compliance and best practices in health, safety and environmental
Faculty and staff working with electrical equipment must receive appropriate training on the
equipment, understand the hazards associated with the operation of the equipment, and be
trained on how to protect themselves from recognized hazards.
Individuals who, through the course of their work activities, may perform adjustments,
maintenance or repair of electrical equipment must be appropriately trained and qualified to
carry out the work.
4.2 Students
All students engaged in academic or research activities requiring the use of electrical equipment
must receive appropriate health and safety instruction on:
Students should be encouraged to ask questions and to raise health and safety concerns, and
to report incidents.
Where possible, health and safety information should be incorporated into the written course
material and reviewed with students.
5 Electrical Hazards
A common phrase heard in reference to electrical safety is, “it is not the voltage that kills, it is
the current”. This is in effect true as it is electric current that burns tissue, freezes muscles, and
fibrillates hearts. A current as low as a few milli-amperes (mA) can cause a painful shock,
muscle clamping or even ventricular fibrillation. A hair dryer can generate a current of 8,000 mA
(8 A), a 100 W light bulb 1,000 mA and a coffee maker 7,000 mA. Under the right conditions,
currents of only a few milli-amperes could lead to death.
However, electric current does not occur without sufficient voltage available to motivate
electrons to flow (current). Electrical equipment operating at voltages as low as 30 V (volts) is
capable of delivering dangerous shock currents. High voltage, low resistance electrical circuits
can create high currents. Whether direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) is involved,
electric currents high enough to cause involuntary muscle action are dangerous and are to be
How AC electricity affects the body depends largely on frequency. Low frequency (50 to 60 Hz)
AC is used in North America (60 Hz) and European (50 Hz) households. It can be more
dangerous than high frequency AC and is more dangerous than DC electricity of the same
voltage and amperage. Low frequency AC electricity produces extended muscle contraction
(tetany), which may freeze the hand to the current‟s source, prolonging exposure. DC electricity
is most likely to cause a single convulsive contraction, which often forces the victim away from
the current‟s source.
The alternating nature of AC electricity has a greater tendency to throw the heart‟s pacemaker
neurons into a condition of fibrillation, whereas DC electricity tends to just make the heart stand
still. Once the shock current is halted, a frozen heart has a better chance of regaining a normal
beat pattern than a fibrillating heart. This is why defibrillating equipment (Automated External
Defibrillator) works. The jolt of current supplied by the AED unit is DC electricity, which halts
fibrillation and gives the heart a chance to recover.
Electric shock;
Arc flash; and
Arc blast.
Electric shock
Electrical shock occurs when the body becomes part of the electric circuit, either when an
individual comes in contact with both wires of an electrical circuit, one wire of an energized
circuit and the ground, or a metallic part that has become energized by contact with an electrical
The severity and effects of an electrical shock depend on a number of factors, such as the
pathway through the body, the amount of current, the length of time of the exposure, and
whether the skin is wet or dry. Water is a great conductor of electricity, allowing current to flow
more easily in wet conditions and through wet skin.
The most damaging route of electricity is through the chest cavity or brain. Fatal ventricular
fibrillation of the heart (stopping of rhythmic pumping action) can be initiated by a current flow of
as little as several milli-amperes (mA). Nearly instantaneous fatalities can result from either
direct paralysis of the respiratory system, failure of the rhythmic pumping action of the heart, or
immediate heart stoppage.
The minimum current a human can feel is thought to be about 1 mA. The current may cause
tissue damage or fibrillation if it is sufficiently high. Death caused by an electric shock is referred
to as electrocution. Generally, currents approaching 100 mA are lethal if they pass through
sensitive portions of the body.
The current required to light a 7.5 W, 120 V lamp (63 mA), if passed across the chest, is enough
to cause death. The most damaging paths through the body are those through the chest (lungs
and heart), and the brain.
When electricity passes through a resistant material such as the human body, energy is given
off in the form of heat. This is the cause of electrical burns. The extent of the burn depends on
Damage to internal tissues may not be apparent immediately after contact with an electrical
current. Delayed internal tissue swelling and irritation are possible. Prompt medical attention
can help minimize these effects and avoid long-term injury or death.
Arc Flash
When an electric current passes through air between ungrounded conductors or between
ungrounded conductors and grounded conductors, temperatures can reach 20,000°C. Exposure
to these extreme temperatures burns the skin directly and ignites clothing, which adds to the
burn injury. The majority of hospital admissions due to electrical accidents are from arc flash
burns, not from shocks. Each year more than 2,000 people in the United States are admitted to
burn centres with severe arc flash burns. Arc flashes can kill at a distance of 3 m. Arc flash
incidents have occurred at the University of Saskatchewan.
Arc Blast
The tremendous temperatures of the arc cause the explosive expansion of both the surrounding
air and the metal in the arc path. For example, copper expands by a factor of 67,000 when it
turns from a solid to a vapour. The danger associated with this expansion is one of high
pressures, sound, and shrapnel. The high pressures can easily collapse lungs and rupture
eardrums as the sounds associated with these pressures can exceed 160 dB. Finally, material
and molten metal is expelled away from the arc at speeds exceeding 1,100 km/h, fast enough
for shrapnel to completely penetrate the human body.
Static electricity refers to the buildup of electric charge on the surface of objects. Static
electricity is usually created when materials are pulled apart or rubbed together, causing
positive (+) charges to collect on one material and negative (−) charges on the other surface. If
these charges do not have a path to the ground, they are unable to move and become “static”.
Static electricity can cause sparks, shocks or materials to cling together.
Figure 3: Example of static electricity. Pieces of paper are shown clinging to a balloon as a result of a
buildup of static charge. Image courtesy of njorthr, Flickr.
If static electricity is not rapidly eliminated, the charge will build up. It will eventually develop
enough energy to jump as a spark to some nearby grounded or less highly charged object in an
attempt to balance the charge. A good example of this in everyday life is lightening. Lightening
is produced by a discharge of electricity from one cloud across an air gap to another cloud or
between a cloud and the earth.
The main hazard of static electricity is the creation of sparks in an explosive or flammable
atmosphere. These sparks can set off an explosion or fire. The danger is greatest when
flammable liquids are being poured or transferred.
Solvents and fuels produced from petroleum (e.g., benzene, toluene, mineral spirits, gasoline,
jet fuel) can build up a charge when they are poured or flow through hoses. They tend to hold a
charge because they cannot conduct electricity well enough to discharge when in contact with a
conducting material, like a metal pipe or container that is grounded. When enough of a charge is
built up, a spark may result. If the vapour concentration of the liquid in air is in the "flammable
range" and the spark has enough energy, a fire or explosion can result.
Solvents that are soluble in water (or can dissolve some water themselves) do not build up
static electricity. Examples of such liquids include alcohols and ketones like acetone. However,
when liquids are transferred into non-conductive containers (e.g., plastic, glass), even
conductive solvents may build up a charge because the plastic or glass containers decrease the
rate at which the charge in the solvent dissipates.
Voltage sources that do not have dangerous current capabilities may not pose serious shock or
burn hazards in and of themselves, and therefore are often treated in a casual manner.
However, voltage sources are frequently near lethal circuits, and even a minor shock could
cause a worker to rebound into a lethal circuit, fall off a ladder, or be exposed to another hazard.
Such an involuntary reaction can result in bruises, cuts, bone fractures, and even death from
collisions or falls.
Following are a number of clues of the presence of electrical hazards associated with the use of
electrical equipment.
Tripped overcurrent protective devices (circuit breakers, fuses and ground fault circuit
Hot to the touch on tools, wires, cords, connections, or junction boxes;
Dim and flickering lights;
Sizzles and buzzes or unusual sounds from electrical equipment, apparatus or circuits;
Odour of hot insulation;
Mild tingle from contact with case or equipment;
Worn or frayed insulation around wire or connection; and
Burn marks or discoloration on receptacle plates or plug prongs.
For university staff and students, PPE requirements, if any, will depend on the type of the
activities being undertaken, the electrical hazards present and whether work is being performed
on energized circuits.
6 Hazard Assessment
Prior to commencing work on electrical equipment, instruments or tools, a job safety analysis
should be performed to determine the hazards present and the protective measures that should
be instituted.
In a job safety analysis, each activity is broken down into its key steps. At each step, hazards
are identified and appropriate control measures developed to minimize the risk of injury.
Hazard controls should be considered in order of their efficacy. Listed below is the accepted
hierarchy of hazard control:
Eliminate the hazard if possible such as de-energizing the equipment and locking it out
prior to performing any work;
Implement engineering controls (e.g. overcurrent protective device, enclosure, or using
insulated tools);
Develop safe work practices (e.g. training and work procedures); and
Utilize personal protective equipment (e.g. eye protection, gloves, laboratory coats).
A sample job safety analysis for a student electrical laboratory experiment is presented in Table
In university workplaces, the various forms of energy associated with equipment and machinery
have the potential for causing severe injuries, including electrocution, burns, chemical
exposures, cuts, bruises, crushing, amputation or death. To protect faculty, staff, students, and
visitors from the hazards associated with the inadvertent or accidental start-up of such
equipment or machinery during servicing, maintenance or other activities, specific lockout and
tagout procedures must be implemented to control potentially harmful energy sources.
This standard applies to all instances where the isolation and lockout of hazardous energy
sources is required to safely perform work or maintenance on equipment, machines, or
processes. Sources of hazardous energy include any electrical, mechanical, hydraulic,
pneumatic, chemical, thermal, including gravity or any other source of energy of potential harm
to an individual.
A hazardous energy lockout program is not required for normal operations or production work
on equipment, machines, or processes where there is no risk of exposure to hazardous energy
sources or if appropriate and effective safeguards are in place to protect workers.
A lockout program is not required for electrical equipment that can be de-energized by
physically disconnecting a power cable from an electrical outlet providing the equipment is
under the direct and immediate control of the person performing the work.
The Hazardous Energy Lockout Standard, in no way, authorizes university faculty, staff,
students or visitors to perform maintenance, repair or adjustments to infrastructure systems of
university owned and managed buildings and facilities. This includes electrical supply and
distribution systems to buildings and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, and
emergency systems. Maintenance, repair and adjustments to these systems are the
responsibility of the University of Saskatchewan Facilities Management Division and shall be
performed by appropriately qualified, trained and authorized personnel from the division.
For further information or assistance with this standard or hazardous energy lockout, please
contact WSEP at 966-4700.
8 Academic Programs
Many university academic programs in the sciences and engineering involve the study and use
of many types of electrical equipment, instruments, apparatus and circuits. To ensure the safety
of students, it is important that faculty and instructors incorporate health and safety into the
Clearly identify the objective and scope of the academic program element (e.g.
laboratory experiment);
Determine the appropriate equipment and tools that will be used;
Perform a job safety analysis to identify the electrical safety hazards and other health
and safety hazards related to the course element:
o Determine the key steps involved with a process or procedure;
o Identify the hazards at each key step;
o Determine the appropriate control measures to protect against identified
electrical hazards. Control measures could include rules and procedures, tools,
protective devices, and the use of personal protective equipment;
Develop procedures to be followed. Where possible, follow a standard document format
for all experiments such as:
o Experiment purpose/objective;
o Student responsibilities;
o Safety hazards;
o Safety measures (procedural, tools, protective devices, personal protective
equipment, emergency);
o Equipment and materials required;
o Experimental procedure (re-enforce safety measures throughout the procedure);
Regularly review the laboratory experiment and supporting documentation.
Faculty, staff and students can significantly reduce electrical hazards and risk of injury by
adhering to safe work practices when working with electrical equipment. Following, is a list of
general safety that should be considered.
Only authorized and qualified electrical workers should install, repair or perform
maintenance on commercial electrical equipment. Only authorized and qualified
electrical workers from FMD are permitted to install, repair or perform maintenance on
laboratory and building electrical systems;
All staff and students should receive health and safety training appropriate to the work
and activities they are engaged in;
Follow the instructions provided by your supervisor or instructor;
Treat all electrical devices as if they are live or energized;
Review procedures and safety rules prior to beginning work. Ensure that you understand
the procedures, electrical hazards and what measures are in place to protect you. Follow
all safety rules including those for the use of required personal protective equipment;
Review emergency procedures;
Know the location of electrical panels and shut-off switches so that they can be quickly
disconnected in the event of an emergency;
Know the locations of safety devices such as first aid kits, fire extinguishers, emergency
eye washes and showers, automated external defibrillators, etc.;
Ensure equipment, tools and personal protective equipment is in good operating
condition. Never use equipment, tools or personal protective equipment that are in
disrepair or not properly maintained;
When at all possible, electrical equipment should be de-energized prior to working on it.
Lockout procedures should be instituted for de-energizing equipment including
appropriate testing protocols to confirm that equipment is in a safe state before being
worked on;
Keep flammable materials away from electrical equipment;
Limit the use of extension cords. Use only for temporary activities. In all other cases,
request installation of a new electrical outlet;
Practice good housekeeping. Poor housekeeping is a major factor in many accidents. A
cluttered area is likely to be both unsafe and inefficient;
Access to electrical panels should not be blocked or covered by materials. There should
be a one metre clearance between electrical panels and any object;
Do not engage in horseplay; and
Immediately report unsafe acts or conditions to your supervisor or instructor.
The following additional safety rules apply specifically to staff and students who are engaged in
the design, assembly, modification, and testing of electrical equipment or apparatus developed
in research, or for the purposes of teaching.
When designing circuits and systems include circuit protection devices as needed;
Do not wear loose clothing or ties near equipment. Remove metal jewelry (watches,
rings, etc.) before working on electrical circuits;
Turn off power and unplug power and extension cords from the wall before assembling
or working on an electronic circuit or apparatus, except when absolutely necessary;
Ensure electrical components (switches, resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors,
etc.) are appropriate for the circuit or apparatus;
Place exposed electrical conductors (especially those with greater than 50 volts) in
protective chassis boxes or behind Plexiglas shields;
Complete all wiring and check it carefully before applying power to the circuit power.
Use the shortest wires possible and ensure that all connections are secure. Students
should have circuits inspected by instructors prior to applying power;
When a circuit or apparatus is to be reconfigured or rewired, turn the power supply off. It
is also a good practice to disconnect power and extensions cords from the power supply.
Ensure to test the circuit using an appropriate multimeter to confirm that the circuit or
apparatus is fully de-energized;
Safely discharge capacitors and inductors in equipment before working on the circuits.
Large capacitors found in many laser flash lamps and other systems are capable of
storing lethal amounts of electrical energy and pose a serious danger even if the power
source has been disconnected;
Avoid contact with energized electrical circuits. Never touch live circuit components with
bare hands;
Make sure equipment chassis or cabinets are grounded. Never cut off or defeat the
ground connection on a plug;
When performing measurements on a live/active circuit, be sure to shift meter probes
and connectors using only one hand. It is best to keep the other hand off other surfaces
and behind your back;
Do not work on electrical equipment in a wet area or when touching an object that may
provide a hazardous earth ground path;
Never overload circuits;
Never leave unprotected systems unattended;
Never place containers of liquid on electrical systems;
Ensure to turn off the power supply first before disassembling the circuit;
Use only tools and equipment with non-conducting handles when working on electrical
Never use metallic pencils or rulers, or wear rings or metal watchbands when working
with electrical equipment;
When it is necessary to handle equipment that is plugged in, be sure hands are dry and,
when possible, wear nonconductive gloves and shoes with insulated soles;
If water or a chemical is spilled onto equipment, shut off power at the main switch or
circuit breaker and unplug the equipment;
Accidental contact with underground utilities (e.g. electrical, natural gas) can result in severe
injury or even death. It is very important that underground utilities be located prior to any
excavations or penetrations of the ground.
In accordance with the University of Saskatchewan Underground Utility Assessment Policy and
Permit Requirements, it is the responsibility of all individuals (employees, students, contractors)
who intend to perform excavating, trenching, boring or otherwise penetrating the grade (to any
depth) with any product including, but not limited to a temporary or permanent fence post, tent
support, peg or other penetrating object to apply for an Underground Locate and Verification
Contact FMD Work Control Centre at 966-4496 for information on obtaining an Underground
Locate and Verification Permit.
Safety Tips
Contact with an overhead power line can cause property damage, serious injury or even loss of
life. Always use extreme caution when working around electrical power lines.
Safety Tips
People can also accumulate static charges generated by clothing or footwear. This is most likely
to happen in dry atmospheres, such as heated buildings in winter, or when walking across
Most static electricity control measures provide ways for the static charges to dissipate
harmlessly before sparks occur.
Safety Tips
Practice bonding and grounding to equalize the potential charges between objects.
When dispensing flammable liquids, both bonding and grounding are required;
Employ a static collector such as needle pointed copper combs, spring copper brushes
or metallic tinsel bars to remove build-up of static electricity;
A relative humidity of 60% to 70% at 21 C may reduce static electricity. A high relative
humidity, however, is no guarantee against the accumulation of static electricity.
Therefore, do not rely solely on humidification as a control measure in areas where there
are flammable liquids, gases, or dusts;
Use anti-static additives (such as in fuels) which increase the conductivity or lowers the
resistance of the liquid. Additives also reduce the time it takes for the static charge to
leak through the wall of the container and to the ground;
Install conductive flooring in work areas;
Wear conductive clothing and footwear (cotton or linen clothing instead of wool, silk or
synthetic materials); and
Use non-conductive or sparking tools.
In research there are literally hundreds of different types of electrical instruments and devices.
Examples include hand held tools, microscopes, baths, centrifuges, shakers, incubators, ovens,
spectrometers, autoclaves, refrigerators, fume hoods, and biosafety cabinets. The list is long
and varied and beyond the scope of this guide to address electrical safety issues that may be
specific to each instrument or device. However, following are some general electrical safety tips
that should be followed when using electrically powered laboratory instruments.
Safety Tips
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the installation of the instrument. If the
instrument has specific power requirements or must be directly connected to
laboratory/building electrical systems, contact FMD;
Review the manufacturer’s operations manual and safety requirements before using the
Ensure that staff and students using the instrument receive appropriate training. As
necessary, develop a standard operating procedure for the use of the instrument;
As directed, use appropriate personal protective equipment when using the instrument;
Each time before using the instrument, inspect the instrument and power cord. Never
use an instrument that is damaged, in disrepair, or is malfunctioning;
Ensure that the instrument is properly maintained and tested/calibrated at a frequency
as recommended by the manufacturer and/or governing regulator (e.g. fume hoods and
biosafety cabinets must be tested at least annually);
Only use the instrument for its intended purpose;
Do not modify the instrument; and
Utilize only qualified electrical workers to perform maintenance, or make repairs.
Depending on the instrument and its configuration, the manufacturer or FMD should be
13 Protective Devices
13.1 Introduction
Circuit protection devices are designed to automatically shut off the flow of electricity in the
event of an overload, short circuit or ground fault in the wiring system. Fuses, circuit breakers
and ground fault circuit interrupters are three common examples of such devices.
Overcurrent protective devices should be selected carefully to make sure they will open the
circuit safely under any abnormal overcurrent condition. Interrupting ratings and opening times,
especially under short circuit and ground fault conditions, must also be carefully observed.
Failure to select the properly rated overcurrent protective device can result in fires, explosions,
injuries, and death. Consult with the manufacturer or FMD when purchasing protective devices.
Fuses and circuit breakers are designed to sense abnormal overloads and short circuits and
open the circuit before catastrophic events occur. Each device, however, has different time
characteristics and must be used and applied according to the appropriate standards and
manufacturer‟s recommendations for the individual application. Fuses and circuit breakers must
be able to discern the difference between normal current variations that pose no threat to
equipment, and dangerous overloads or short circuits that can cause extensive damage to
equipment and compromise safety. Not all devices are designed to protect against both
overloads and short circuits. For example, most motor starters provide only overload protection,
while some circuit breakers provide only short-circuit protection.
Safety Tips
A ground fault occurs when a current-carrying conductor comes in contact with ground. A faulty
appliance or the presence of water in contact with a conductor, are possible ways a ground fault
can occur.
A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is essentially a fast-acting circuit breaker. It senses
small imbalances in the circuit a ground fault creates. The GFCI continually matches the amount
of current going to an electrical device against the amount of current returning from the device
along the electrical path. Whenever the amount “going” differs from the amount “returning” by
approximately 5 milli-amperes, the GFCI interrupts the electric power within as little as 1/40 of a
Although the GFCI is an effective safety device, it is not a guarantee against shock in every
situation. The GFCI does not protect against a line-to-neutral or a line-to-line shock. Also, if
GFCI protected equipment contains transformers, a ground fault (shock) on the secondary side
of the transformer may not trip the GFCI.
There are three types of GFCIs that can be used in the workplace and laboratory (see Figure 6):
There are two major classes of GFCI: Class A and Class B. Class A GFCIs are the most
common type and are designed to trip when there is a ground fault current of 4-6 mA (milli-
ampere). The Class B GFCI is designed to trip at a fault current of 20 mA or more. It should
be noted that a Class A GFCI is designed for personal protection while a Class B GFCI is
designed to protect equipment.
To prevent nuisance tripping of GFCIs the following work practices are recommended:
Mount GFCI receptacles and GFCI circuit breakers in dry locations. If this is not
possible, use portable GFCIs rated as rain proof;
Connect only as many pieces of equipment to each GFCI as recommended by the
manufacturer (i.e. do not overload the GFCI);
Keep equipment and tools dry;
Maintain extension cords and power tools in good condition;
Use extension cords intended for industrial/heavy duty usage or better;
Do not use extension cords longer than 45 metres (150 feet); and
Test and maintain the GFCI as per the manufacturer's instructions/specifications.
Since GFCIs can cause equipment to shutdown unexpectedly, they may not be appropriate for
certain electrical equipment or apparatus. Consult with FMD.
Safety Tips
Only appropriately trained and qualified individuals should select and install GFCI
devices. Proper selection of GFCI devices is critical to protecting equipment and people.
All commercial electrical equipment, appliances and instruments should be certified by a
recognized certification body (e.g. CSA, ULC, etc.). Refer to Appendix B for a list of
recognized certification bodies and symbols;
Exposed, un-insulated electric components provide a source of electrical shock and should be
appropriately guarded.
Safety Tips
Suitable mechanical-strain-relief devices such as a cord grip, cable clamp, or plug should be
used for any wire or cable penetrating an enclosure where external movement or force can
exert stress on the internal connection. Grommets or similar devices should not be used as
strain relief (see Figure 6).
Extension cords provide a convenient method of bringing AC power to a device that is not
located near a power source. They are also used as temporary power sources. As such,
extension cords are heavily used. They are also often involved in electrical code and safety
A power strip is a variation of an extension cord, where the cord terminates in a row or grouping
of receptacles. Power strips are commonly used in offices to provide multiple receptacles to
office equipment. In general, safety principles pertaining to extension cords also apply to power
Improper use of extension cords and power strips can lead to shock hazards. In addition, use of
an undersized extension cord results in an overheated cord and insufficient voltage delivered to
the device, thus causing device or cord failure, and a fire hazard.
Extension cords are labeled with information as to the use, size and wattage rating of the cord.
Cords are offered in many lengths and are marked with a size or "gauge." The gauge is based
on the American Wire Gauge (AWG) System, in which the larger the wire, the smaller the AWG
number. For example, a 12 gauge wire would be larger, and can power larger wattage
equipment than a 14 gauge wire. Before deciding which extension cord to use, first carefully
read the manufacturer's instructions for the equipment that is to be used.
To determine the required size, or gauge of the cord, first determine how long the cord needs to
be. A cord, based on its gauge, can power an appliance of a certain wattage only at specific
distances. As the cord gets longer, the current carrying capacity of the cord gets lower. For
example, a 16 gauge extension cord less than 50 feet in length can power a 1,625 watt (W)
appliance. A 16 gauge cord that is longer than 50 feet in length can only power an appliance up
to 1,250 W. All commercial equipment, instruments and appliances should indicate how much
wattage is consumed when operated. The power rating can be found on the equipment itself
and often within the operations manual that accompanies the product. If using an extension cord
with two or more appliances, add together the wattage rating for all appliances. The total power
rating will determine which gauge size cord is needed.
Safety Tips
15 Grounding
Only equipment with three-prong plugs should be used. The third prong provides a path to
ground for internal electrical short circuits, thereby protecting the user from a potential electrical
Safety Tips
16 Power Tools
Power tools are widely used in industry, in construction, and around the house for driving,
drilling, cutting, shaping, sanding, grinding, polishing, painting, and heating. Stationary power
tools for metalworking, wood working or other purposes (grinders, drills, saws, lathes, etc.) are
usually referred to as machine tools.
The safe use of power tools will be dependent on the tool being used and the work being
performed. Following, are a number of general safety tips related to electrical safety when
working with power tools.
Ensure that individuals are appropriately trained and are familiar with the use of the
power tool. Individuals should review the operations manual and manufacture’s safety
precautions before using electrically powered tools;
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment;
Inspect power tools prior to each use. Inspect tool power cords for damage, frays or
exposed wires. Never use power tools that are in disrepair, or are malfunctioning;
Never bypass safety features of power tools;
Never remove the ground prong from a power cord plug;
Never leave a power tool operating unattended;
Do not expose electric power tools to rain or wet conditions. wet tools increase the
likelihood of electric shock;
Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces like refrigerators, pipes and radiators when
using electric powered tools. This will reduce the likelihood of shock if the operator's
body is grounded;
Use only approved extension cords that have the proper wire size (gauge) for the length
of cord and power requirements of the electric tool that you are using. This will prevent
the cord from overheating. Never connect multiple extension cords together;
Do not plug several power cords into one outlet by using single-to-multiple outlet
adapters or converters; and
Stop using an electric power tool if you feel a tingle in your fingers. This is a warning that
the tool is faulty and needs repair.
Portable electric generators offer great benefits when outages occur or when power is required
in locations where no accessible power is available. Following are tips for safely connecting and
operating portable generators.
Safety Tips
18 Batteries
Batteries are comprised of one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical
energy into electrical energy. Batteries, which may be single use or rechargeable, are used in a
wide range of devices ranging from handheld instruments to large powered mobile equipment.
Depending on their size and use, batteries pose numerous hazards including:
Fire and explosion;
Hazardous chemicals; and
Physical hazards.
19 Power Supplies
A power supply is a device that supplies electrical energy to one or more electric loads. The
term is most commonly applied to devices that convert one form of electrical energy to another,
though it may also refer to devices that convert another form of energy (e.g., mechanical,
chemical, solar) to electrical energy.
The simplest DC power supply circuit consists of a single diode and resistor in series with the
AC supply. This circuit is common in rechargeable flashlights.
Because a wide range of power supplies are used, no single set of health and safety
considerations can be applied to all cases. The following classification scheme may be helpful in
assessing power supply hazards:
Because they are not “high voltage”, these power sources are often treated without proper
respect. In addition to direct shock and burn hazards, a risk of injury also exists when trying to
get away from the source of a shock. Cuts and bruises, and even serious or fatal falls have
resulted from otherwise insignificant shocks.
Power supplies of 50 volts or more (high voltage) with current capability under 5 mA (non-
dangerous current capability)
These power supplies are often treated in a casual manner because of their low current
capability. However, they are frequently used near lower voltage lethal circuits, and a minor
shock from the power supply could cause a recoil into such a circuit. Also, an involuntary
reaction to a minor shock could cause a serious fall (for example from a ladder or experimental
Power supplies of 50 volts or more (high voltage), with current capability over 5 mA
These power supplies have the same hazards cited above to an even greater degree because
of the higher voltage. In addition to the risk of injury from recoil, the higher voltage is considered
to be a shock hazard. The high voltage combined with current capability can be lethal.
Consequently, all such power supplies must be treated with extreme caution.
Safety Tips
20 Capacitors
A capacitor (formerly known as condenser) is a device for storing electric charge. The forms of
practical capacitors vary widely, but all contain at least two conductors separated by a non-
conductor. Capacitors used as parts of electrical systems, for example, consist of metal foils
separated by a layer of insulating film.
Capacitors may store hazardous energy even after the equipment has been de-energized and
may build up a dangerous residual charge without an external source. Grounding capacitors in
series, for example, may transfer rather than discharge the stored energy.
Another capacitor hazard exists when a capacitor is subjected to high currents that may cause
heating and explosion.
Because high voltage cables have capacitance and thus can store energy, they should be
treated as capacitors.
The liquid dielectric in many capacitors, or its combustion products, may be toxic.
Safety Tips
Only qualified personnel should engage in the installation and repair of power
Discharging a capacitor or capacitor bank by means of a grounding hook can cause an
electric arc at the point of contact. Safety glasses should be worn during this procedure;
To prevent inadvertent contact, never energize power capacitors outside an enclosure or
without proper barriers;
Use automatic shorting devices that operate when the equipment is de-energized or
when the enclosure is opened;
Before servicing or removing power capacitors, ensure that they have been safely
discharged, shorted, and grounded. Shorts or shunts should remain in place until the
work is completed;
Ensure that shorting and grounding devices for power capacitors are certified, tested,
and rated for the intended use;
Do not rely on automatic shunts only. Use grounding hooks and additional positive
Inspect shorting and grounding devices for general condition, cleanliness, connection
integrity, and resistor condition (if a resistor is used) before each use;
Use proper personal protective equipment when applying shorting and grounding
devices to capacitors;
Remove all shunts before re-energizing equipment;
An inductor is a passive electrical component that can store energy in a magnetic field created
by the electric current passing through it. Typically an inductor is a conducting wire shaped as a
coil, the loops helping to create a strong magnetic field inside the coil. Inductors are one of the
basic electronic components used in electronics where current and voltage change with time,
due to the ability of inductors to delay and reshape alternating currents.
A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible
but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet, a force that pulls on other
ferromagnetic materials like iron and attracts or repels other magnets.
An electromagnet is made from a coil of wire which acts as a magnet when an electric current
passes through it, but stops being a magnet when the current stops. Often an electromagnet is
wrapped around a core of ferromagnetic material like steel, which enhances the magnetic field
produced by the coil.
Some magnets may be non-hazardous while others may be very dangerous. Without proper
protection or labeling, staff and students could assume that a magnet is non-hazardous and
could get seriously hurt if they came in contact with one.
In addition, workers should be cognizant of the potential health hazards. The American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ICGIH) recommends that routine
occupational exposure to static magnetic fields should not exceed 60 mT (600 G) whole-body
exposure. This is a level which is believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed
day after day without any adverse health effects.
Safety hazards may exist from the mechanical forces exerted by the magnetic field upon
ferromagnetic tools and medical implants. Cardiac pacemaker and similar medical electronic
device wearers should not be exposed to field levels exceeding 0.5 mT (5 G).
Safety Tips
22 Semiconductor Components
Sensitive electronic circuits and electronic components such as diodes, transistors and
integrated circuits should be handled with care. Such devices can be damaged by overcurrent,
overheating, mixing up the polarity, or by electrostatic discharge.
Safety Tips
Always keep work area clean and clear of unnecessary material, particularly common
plastics (sources of static electricity);
Return static electricity sensitive items to their protective containers when not actively
working with the items; and
Do not hold static electricity sensitive items like semiconductor device (diodes,
transistors, integrated circuits) against clothing.
23 Multimeters
Other testing devices include solenoid voltage meters and proximity testers. Care should be
taken on the selection and use of these devices. Solenoid voltage meters have no other built-in
functions (such as the ability to measure current and resistance). Solenoid voltmeters are not
precise and not appropriate for low voltage circuits (for example, 12 volt circuits). The basic
range of the voltmeter starts at around 90 V (AC or DC).
Proximity testers only measure AC. Proximity testers will not indicate a voltage inside grounded
enclosures, shielded cables or for internally wet cables. Proximity testers may not indicate a
voltage if the cable is partially insulated or if the test point is in contact with ground metal, or the
operator is isolated from ground.
Staff and students using multimeters should receive instruction on their function and use. The
following safety measures should be followed when using a mulitimeter.
Safety Tips
The multimeter should be inspected prior to each use. Do not use a meter, cables or
connectors that are damaged;
When working on live circuits, practice safe measurement techniques:
o Remove watches or other jewelry;
o Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (safety glasses, insulating
gloves, etc.) and use appropriate tools (insulated tools, insulating mats, etc.);
o Always connect the grounded lead first, hot second;
o Disconnect the hot lead first, grounded lead second;
o Hang or rest the meter if possible. Try to avoid holding it in your hands, to
minimize personal exposure to the effects of transients;
24 Soldering Safety
Soldering is a process in which two or more metal items are joined together by melting and
flowing a filler metal into the joint, the filler metal having a relatively low melting point.
Soft soldering is characterized by the melting point of the filler metal, which is below 400°C.
The filler metal used in the process is called solder.
Electric shocks;
Inhalation of hazardous fumes and vapours released during soldering; and
Skin contact with lead in solder.
Most burns from soldering are likely to be minor and treatment is simple. If burned by a
soldering iron or solder, immediately cool the affected area under gently running cold water.
Keep the burn in the cold water for 15 minutes. Do not apply any creams or ointments. The burn
will heal better without them. A dry dressing, such as a clean handkerchief, may be applied to
protect the area from dirt. Following, is general information on the classification of burns. Seek
assistance from you health care provider for detailed information and treatment. If the burns
appear more serious, seek medical attention immediately.
First degree burns occur when the first layer of skin is burned. For a first degree burn,
the skin is red, there may be swelling and pain. First degree burns are generally minor in
nature unless a large area is burned.
Second degree burns occur when the first layer of skin has been burned through and
the second layer of the skin (dermis) also is burned. For second degree burns, the skin
takes on an intensely reddened, splotchy appearance. Blisters develop and there is
severe pain and swelling.
Third degree burns occur when all layers of the skin are burned. Fat, muscle and even
bone may be affected. Areas may be charred black or appear dry and white.
Safety Tips
Solder on a fire resistant surface. Keep flammable liquids and materials away from work
Use lead free solder when possible;
Never solder on a live circuit;
Never touch the element or tip of the soldering iron. They are very hot (about 400°C);
Repairs of commercial high voltage electrical equipment (> 600 V as defined by FMD) should
only be performed by qualified electrical workers either through the manufacturer, or by FMD.
Repairs to equipment that are directly connected (hard-wired) to building electrical systems
must involve FMD.
26 Fire Safety
Electrical devices, plugs, cords, and other equipment can provide a source of ignition sufficient
to ignite combustibles and flammable or explosive vapors.
Safety Tips
Receive fire safety training. Contact WSEP for fire extinguisher training;
Know the locations of fire extinguishers in your work area;
Only Class C fire extinguishers should be used for electrical fires. General fire
extinguishers used by the university are classified as ABC meaning that they may be
used for regular combustibles (wood, paper, trash), flammable liquids (fuel, oil, grease,
paint thinner) and electrical equipment. Do not use water on an electrical fire;
Routinely inspect all electrical equipment, power cables, extension cords and powers
strips. Poorly maintained equipment can result in fire hazards;
Keep flammable materials away from electrical equipment;
Do not store flammable organic liquids above electrical devices;
Extension cords, power strips, and power cords located on the floor can provide a
source of ignition in the event of a flammable liquid spill. Position these items carefully;
Receptacles providing power for equipment used inside a fume hood should be located
outside the hood;
Make sure that equipment used where flammable vapours may be present is specially
rated to not produce sparks. Many household appliances such as hot plates, vacuum
27 Electrical Emergencies
The major hazards associated with electricity are electrical shock and fire. All electrical devices
used in a workplace setting present a potential danger of injury due to improper procedures,
poorly installed and/or maintained systems or fires due to sparks serving as an ignition source
for flammable or combustible materials.
Safety Tips
Develop emergency procedures for each work area. Ensure that staff and students are
familiar with emergency procedures;
Have staff trained in first aid and fire safety;
Know the location of electrical panels and shut-off switches so that they can be quickly
disconnected in the event of an emergency; and
Know the locations of safety devices such as first aid kits, fire extinguishers, emergency
eye wash and showers, automated external defibrillators, etc..
When someone suffers serious electrical shock, he or she may be knocked unconscious. Do not
touch a victim that is still in contact with a power source as you could electrocute yourself. If the
Have someone call for emergency services immediately (call 5555 or 911). Administer first aid
as appropriate.
If an electrical fire occurs, try to disconnect the electrical power source, but only if you can do so
without endangering yourself.
If safe to do so and trained, attempt to extinguish the fire. Ensure that a proper fire extinguisher
is used (type ABC, BC or C). Never use water to extinguish an electrical fire.
If the fire cannot be extinguished or is too large, immediately inform other staff and students and
evacuate the area. Activate the fire alarm and call emergency services (call 5555 or 911).
If a vehicle or piece of equipment comes into contact with an overhead power line, the following
steps should be adhered to:
1. If you are unhurt and can move the vehicle, slowly move it away from the line.
2. If the vehicle cannot be readily moved, stay in the vehicle.
3. Call for assistance (5555 or 911).
If there is a fire or medical emergency and you must exit the vehicle, the following steps should
be adhered to. This is a very dangerous maneuver that should only be used as a last resort.
1. Open the vehicle door all the way while seated. Look up and around to ensure you can
exit the vehicle without contacting the fallen line.
2. Stand on the frame of the car with your arms close to your body or crossed over your
chest. Slide your feet together.
3. Jump out of the car as far as possible with your feet together and your arms close to
your body. Never make contact with the car and the ground at the same time.
4. Hop or shuffle quickly away, keeping your feet together.
5. Move at least 10 metres away from the scene. Slowly slide your feet, one in front of the
other, maintaining contact with the ground. If you feel tingling, put your feet back
together and hop further away until you no longer feel the tingling sensation.
6. Once you are safe, call for assistance.
Alternating Current (AC) – the movement of electric charge periodically reverses direction. In
direct current (DC), the flow of electric charge is only in one direction. AC is the form in which
electric power is delivered to businesses and residences.
Ampacity – the current, in amperes, that a conductor can carry continuously under the
conditions of use without exceeding its temperature rating.
Approved – means approved as defined in the Electrical Inspection Act, 1993. Approved
means approved by the chief inspector pursuant to this Act, The Electrical Inspection Act or The
Electrical Inspection and Licensing Act, 1981.
Arc flash hazard – a dangerous condition associated with the possible release of energy
caused by an electric arc.
Barrier – a physical obstruction that is intended to prevent contact with equipment or energized
electrical conductors and circuit parts or to prevent unauthorized access to a work area.
Battery – an electrochemical system that is capable of storing, under chemical form, the electric
energy received, and can give it back by reconversion.
Bonding (bonded) – a low-impedance path that is obtained by permanently joining all non-
current-carrying metal parts to ensure electrical continuity and has the capacity to conduct
safely any current likely to be imposed on it.
Circuit breaker – a device designed to open and close a circuit by non-automatic means and to
open the circuit automatically on a predetermined overcurrent without damage to itself when
properly applied within its ratings.
Conductor – a wire, cable, or other form of metal installed for the purpose of conveying electric
current from one piece of electrical equipment to another or to ground.
Current – a flow of electric charge (a phenomenon) or the rate of flow of electric charge (a
quantity). This flowing electric charge is typically carried by moving electrons, in a conductor
such as wire; in an electrolyte, it is instead carried by ions, and, in a plasma, by both.
Direct current (DC) – is the unidirectional flow of electric charge. Direct current may flow in a
conductor such as a wire, but can also flow through semiconductors, insulators, or even through
a vacuum as in electron or ion beams. The electric charge flows in a constant direction,
distinguishing it from alternating current (AC).
De-energized – free from an electrical connection to a source of potential difference and from
electrical charge, i.e., not having a potential different from that of the earth.
Electrical equipment – any apparatus, appliance, device, instrument, fitting, fixture, machinery,
material, or thing used in or for, or capable of being used in or for, the generation,
transformation, transmission, distribution, supply, or utilization of electric power or energy,
including, e.g., any assemblage or combination of materials or things that is used, or is capable
of being used or adapted, to serve or perform any particular purpose or function when
connected to an electrical installation, even if part or all of such materials or things are
mechanical, metallic, or non-electric in origin.
Electrical hazard – a dangerous condition such that contact or equipment failure can result in
electric shock, arc flash burn, thermal burn, or blast.
Electric potential – is the energy required to move a unit electric charge to a particular place in
a static electric field.
Electrically safe work condition – a state in which an electrical conductor or circuit part has
been disconnected from energized parts, locked out in accordance with established standards,
tested to ensure the absence of voltage, and grounded (if grounding is determined to be
Electrical Worker – in the case of work of electrical installation as defined in The Electrical
Inspection Act, 1993 that is regulated by that Act, means a person who is authorized pursuant to
The Electrical Licensing Act to perform that work. In the case of any work with electrical
equipment that is not regulated by The Electrical Inspection Act, 1993, means a person who is
qualified to perform that work.
Electromagnet – is made from a coil of wire which acts as a magnet when an electric current
passes through it, but stops being a magnet when the current stops. Often an electromagnet is
wrapped around a core of ferromagnetic material like steel, which enhances the magnetic field
produced by the coil.
Flammable and Combustible Liquids – Liquids that can burn. They are classified, or grouped,
as either flammable or combustible by their flashpoints. Generally speaking, flammable liquids
will ignite (catch on fire) and burn easily at normal working temperatures. Combustible liquids
have the ability to burn at temperatures that are usually above working temperatures.
Flashpoint - The flashpoint of a liquid is the lowest temperature at which the liquid gives off
enough vapour to be ignited (start burning) at the surface of the liquid. Sometimes more than
one flashpoint is reported for a chemical. Since testing methods and purity of the liquid tested
may vary, flashpoints are intended to be used as guides only, not as fine lines between safe and
Fuse – an overcurrent protective device with a circuit-opening fusible part that is heated and
severed by the passage of overcurrent through it.
Grounded – connected effectively with the general mass of the earth through a grounding path
of sufficiently low impedance and having an ampacity sufficient at all times, under the most
severe conditions liable to arise in practice, to prevent any current in the grounding conductor
from causing a harmful voltage to exist between the grounding conductors and neighbouring
(a) exposed conducting surfaces that are in good contact with the earth; or
(b) surfaces of the earth itself.
Ground-fault current path – an electrically conductive path from the point of a ground fault on
a wiring system through normally non-current-carrying conductors, equipment, or the earth to
the electrical supply source.
High Voltage – means any voltage over 750 volts. The Facility Management Division (FMD)
defines high voltage as any voltage above 600 volts.
Incident – is any undesirable or unplanned event or sequence of events that has had
unintended effect on employees, students, facilities, operations, property, contractors or on legal
or regulatory compliance.
Inductor – is a passive electrical component that can store energy in a magnetic field created
by the electric current passing through it. An inductor's ability to store magnetic energy is
measured by its inductance, in units of henries. Typically an inductor is a conducting wire
shaped as a coil, the loops helping to create a strong magnetic field inside the coil due to
Faraday's Law of Induction. Inductors are one of the basic electronic components used in
electronics where current and voltage change with time, due to the ability of inductors to delay
and reshape alternating currents.
Insulated – separated from other conducting surfaces by a dielectric (including air space)
offering a high resistance to the passage of current.
Insulating (as applied to non-conducting substances) – capable of bringing about the condition
defined as insulated.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) – a procedure which helps integrate accepted safety and health
principles and practices into a particular task or job operation. In a JSA, each basic step of the
job is to identify potential hazards and to recommend the safest way to do the job. Other terms
used to describe this procedure are job hazard analysis (JHA) and job hazard breakdown.
Magnet – is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible
but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other
ferromagnetic materials like iron and attracts or repels other magnets.
Outlet – a point on a wiring system at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment.
Overcurrent device – a device capable of automatically opening an electric circuit, under both
predetermined overload and short-circuit conditions, by fusing, metal, or electromechanical
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – means any clothing, device or other article that is
intended to be worn or used by a worker to prevent injury or to facilitate rescue.
Power Supply – is a supply of electrical power. A device or system that supplies electrical or
other types of energy to an output load or group of loads is called a power supply unit. The term
is most commonly applied to electrical energy supplies, less often to mechanical ones, and
rarely to others.
Qualified person (worker) – one who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and
operation of electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training to recognize
and avoid the hazards involved.
Receptacle – one or more female contact devices, on the same yoke, installed at an outlet for
the connection of one or more attachment plugs.
Rectifier – an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), a
process known as rectification. Rectifiers have many uses including as components of power
supplies and as detectors of radio signals. Rectifiers may be made of solid state diodes,
vacuum tube diodes, mercury arc valves, and other components.
Risk assessment – a comprehensive evaluation of the probability and degree of possible injury
or damage to health in a hazardous situation, undertaken to select appropriate safeguards.
Semiconductor – a material that has an electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and
an insulator.
Shock hazard – a dangerous condition associated with the possible release of energy caused
by contact with or approach to energized electrical conductors or circuit parts.
Shorting – a slang term indicating the act of establishing a short circuit. Sometimes the term
"shorting bar" is used as applied to a purposefully created short circuit with the purpose of
maintaining a de-energized state by preventing re-energization. It is synonymous with crowbar.
Short-circuit current rating – the prospective symmetrical fault current at a nominal voltage to
which an apparatus or system is able to be connected without sustaining damage exceeding
defined acceptance criteria.
Shunt – In general, an alternate path around a component or device. Often in electric circuits
the shunt implies a low impedance (or low resistance) path, such that the majority of the current
passes through the shunt instead of the main circuit. For example, a precision low-voltage
resistor placed across the terminals of an ammeter to increase its range; the shunt may be
either internal or external to the instrument.
Supervisor – any person who is authorized by an employer to oversee or direct the work of
Transformer – a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through
inductively coupled conductors; the transformer's coils. A varying current in the first or primary
winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core, and thus a varying magnetic
field through the secondary winding. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive
force (EMF) or "voltage" in the secondary winding. This effect is called mutual induction.
Vapour Pressure – the pressure exerted by a saturated vapour above its own liquid in a closed
Voltage (of a circuit) – the greatest root-mean-square (rms) (effective) difference of potential
between two conductors of a circuit.
Multi-Plug Power Strip – an outlet case that houses multiple grounded (3-prong) outlets, circuit
breakers, and cord assembly in one unit, and also has a mechanism for power control.
It is noted that the legislation and standards presented herein is focused on the performance of
work by qualified electrical workers in an occupational setting involving the design, installation,
repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and electrical systems.
The Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and Regulations set health and
safety standards for all places of employment and set rules and requirements for controlling
hazards in specific industries, processes and conditions. The Ministry of Labour Relations and
Workplace Safety (MLRWS) is the governing body charged with ensuring compliance with the
Under the OHS Act and Regulations, employers are responsible for ensuring, where reasonably
Following, is a summary of the key sections of the OHS Act and Regulations as they relate to
electrical safety.
Regulations Section 12 (a) The duties of an employer at a place of employment include the
provision and maintenance of plant, systems of work and work environments that ensure, as far
as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of the employer’s workers.
Regulations Section 12 (c) The provision of any information, instruction, training and
supervision that is necessary to protect the health and safety of workers at work.
Regulations Section 94 (3) Where there is a risk of injury to the skin of an electrical worker
from arc flash, an employer or contractor shall provide the electrical worker with, and require the
electrical worker to use, arc flash protection that meets an approved standard.
Electrical Workers Section 451 (1) An employer or contractor shall permit only electrical
workers to construct, install, repair or maintain electrical equipment.
Electrical Equipment Section 452 (1) An employer or contractor shall ensure that only
approved electrical equipment is used by workers and that the electrical equipment is:
(a) approved for the intended use and location of the electrical equipment;
(b) maintained in proper working condition and capable of safe operation; and
(c) tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Electrical Equipment Section 452 (2) Where defects or unsafe conditions have been identified
in electrical equipment, an employer or contractor:
(a) shall ensure that:
(i) steps are taken immediately to protect the health and safety of any worker
who may be at risk until the defects are repaired or the unsafe conditions are
corrected; and
(ii) the defects are repaired or the unsafe conditions are corrected as soon as is
reasonably practicable; or
(b) shall ensure that the electrical equipment is disconnected and removed from use.
Extension and Power Supply Cords Section 456 An employer or contractor shall ensure that
an electrical extension or power supply cord used for supplying energy to any electrical
(a) is approved for the intended use and location of the electrical extension or power
supply cord;
(b) is fitted with approved cord end attachment devices that are installed in an approved
(c) is provided with a grounding conductor; and
(d) is maintained and protected from physical or mechanical damage.
Portable Power Cables and Cable Couplers Section 457 (1) An employer or contractor shall
ensure that every portable power cable and cable coupler is:
(a) protected from physical or mechanical damage; and
(b) inspected by a competent person at intervals that are sufficient to protect the health
and safety of workers.
Portable Power Cables and Cable Couplers Section 457 (2) An employer or contractor shall
ensure that:
Portable Power Cables and Cable Couplers Section 457 (3) A worker shall take all
reasonably practicable steps not to drive equipment over, or otherwise damage, a portable
power cable or cable coupler.
Exposed Metal Parts Section 459 An employer or contractor shall ensure that every exposed
metal part of portable electrical equipment that is not designed to carry electrical current is
connected to ground unless:
(a) the electrical equipment is of an approved, double-insulated type and is clearly
marked as such;
(b) power is supplied to the equipment through an isolating transformer having a non-
grounded secondary of not more than 50 volts potential;
(c) power is supplied to the equipment through a class A ground fault circuit interrupter;
(d) power is supplied to the equipment from a battery of not over 50 volts potential.
Fire extinguishers Section 463 An employer or contractor shall ensure that a fire extinguisher
approved for Class C fires is readily available to workers working on or near energized high
voltage electrical equipment.
Regulations Section 465 (1.2) No qualified electrical worker shall undertake high voltage
electrical work unless the worker:
a) Has written proof of approved training in high voltage electrical safety.
Regulations Section 465 (5) Where a qualified electrical worker works closer to an exposed
energized conductor than the minimum distance set out in column 2 of Table 22 of the
Appendix, an employer or contractor shall ensure that:
a) The qualified electrical worker:
i) performs the work in accordance with written instructions for a safety work
procedure that have been developed and signed by a competent person who has
been appointed by the employer or contractor for that purpose;
ii) uses equipment that is approved for the intended use of the equipment; and
iii) uses personal protective equipment that meets the requirements of Part VII.
b) The conductor is operating at 25 kilovolts or less and is fitted with rubber and rubber-
like insulating barriers that meet the requirements of an approved standard.
Regulations Section 466 Where work is being carried out in proximity to exposed energized
electrical conductors operating at 31 to 750 volts, an employer or contractor shall ensure that
the work is carried out so that accidental contact with the energized electrical conductor by any
worker is prevented.
The Saskatchewan Electrical Inspections Act, 1993, establishes the requirements for the
inspection of electrical equipment, installations and materials.
Under the Act there are certification requirements for electrical equipment:
Manufacture, Sales, etc. 18 (1) No person shall manufacture, sell or offer for sale, display,
advertise, rent, use or otherwise provide or offer for use any electrical equipment, or attempt to
do any of those things, unless the electrical equipment is:
a) approved; or
b) certified by a testing laboratory.
Manufacture, Sales, etc. 18 (2) All electrical equipment must bear evidence, in a manner
satisfactory to the chief inspector, of the approval or certification mentioned in subsection (1).
Quality Auditing
ETL Intertek Semko
TÜV America Inc. Laboratories of
The Canadian Electrical Code serves as the basis for wiring regulations across Canada. The
code is referenced in the Saskatchewan Electrical Inspection Act, 1993 as the standard to which
governs all work of electrical installation with respect to workmanship and any other matter.
This Code covers all electrical work and electrical equipment operating or intended to operate at
all voltages in electrical installations for buildings, structures, and premises, including factory-
built relocatable and non-relocatable structures, and self-propelled marine vessels stationary for
periods exceeding five months and connected to a shore supply of electricity continuously or
from time to time. The Code does not apply to vehicles, systems operated by an electrical or
communications utility, railway systems, aircraft or ships; since these installations are already
regulated by separate documents.
The Canadian Electrical Code is published in four parts: Part I is the safety standard for
electrical installations. Part II is a list of standards for the evaluation of electrical equipment or
installations. (Part I requires that electrical products be approved to a Part II standard). Part III is
a group of standards relating to power distribution and transmission circuits. Part IV is set of
objective-based standards that may be used in certain industrial or institutional installations.
The new Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standard Z462, Workplace Electrical Safety,
issued in 2008, is based on the United States National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) standard
70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace and has been harmonized with Parts I, II
and III of the Canadian Electrical Code, CSA Z460, Control of Hazardous Energy – Lockout and
Other Methods, and CSA-M421, Use of Electricity in Mines.
The new standard specifies requirements for and provides guidance on safety management
systems, safe work practices, and selection of personal protective equipment and other safety
devices for persons exposed to hazards associated with energized electrical equipment. In
addition, the standard sets out criteria for the identification and training of qualified electrical
workers and for determination of hazardous work to be performed only by those qualified