Hu 2-11 Uk
Hu 2-11 Uk
Hu 2-11 Uk
Hydraulics Unlimited
Quarterly magazine from Parker Hydraulics Group
Werklust Holland –
Producer of state of the
art wheel loaders
Exhibitions, page 10
Training, page 11
Hydraulics Unlimited
1st Product Trade Show for distributors in
Bad Kissingen, Germany
i The Sales Company Germany organized a product trade show
n in Bad Kissingen, exclusively for the German distributors.
For two days the distributors had the Business Develop-
a opportunity to talk to the experts from 26 ment Manager – Sales
c Parker Divisions and the German Sales Company Germany.
t Force to learn more about Parker’s wide More than 150
i product portfolio. In addition, Parker participants from
v introduced the new distributor brand over 80 distributors in
i strategy and the latest product develop- Germany visited the
t ments. show.
i “Our product trade show for distribu-
e tors has been a great success. Our distri-
s butors have encouraged us to continue
this kind of communication platform on
a regular basis”, said Axel Grade, Retail
More than 150 participants from over 80
distributors in Germany visited the trade show.
Hydraulics Unlimited
New Business in China n
Calzoni Motors Application for Haida Plastic Machinery v
Problem can be offered by Calzoni products. The
Ningbo Haida Plastic machinery is customer selected Parker Calzoni for
manufactured in Ningbo. Originally, their machines.
they used motors from Ningbo Zhongyi e
Hydraulics for the machines sold to Success Factors
CIPA, a European corporation. • Excellent quality s
CIPA complained that the motor’s • Famous brand o
lifetime was too short and needed fre- • Longer service time l
quent replacement, thus increasing their • Parker global after service u
costs. CIPA decided to switch to a motor t
manufactured in the US or Europe. Customer Values i
• Better brand image in IMM o
Solution market n
The Parker Calzoni motor is manufactured • Customer machines of s
in Europe and is famous for its superior superior quality
quality. It provides a longer lifetime of • Less after-sales service
up to 2-3 years. After conferring with
both HAIDA and CIPA, we introduced Contact
technical features and benefits that Jeson Liu, [email protected]
Hydraulics Unlimited
o GAD BRIEF: Pre-Charge and Permeation
Bladder accumulators are used in a variety of hydraulic systems to optimize
performance and to prolong equipment life by absorbing shock, maintaining
pressure or providing backup power supply.
What most designers don’t account for accumulator use in temperatures from
is the inherent loss in pre-charge that -60°F to 250°F. Each has a specific mini-
occurs over time due to gas permeation mum low temperature limit. Most im-
s through the bladder. Left unchecked, portant, each has a gas pre-charge loss
o this pre-charge loss leads to poor perfor- Permeability Factor that can range from
l mance and premature bladder failure. “minimal” to “significant” depending on
u This issue is of most concern in mobile the application working temperature.
t applications where there can be a signi- Because of the vast performance differ-
i ficant difference in the temperature ences in bladder compounds, the first
o when the equipment is not in use (-60° to application consideration is the fluid to
n 100°F) and when it is at working tempera- be used in the system. The second is the
s ture (0° to 250°F). In that gas permeation application temperature range.
cannot be avoided, it needs to be fac- Nitrile bladders are considered
tored into the application specification suitable for most applications. Other
and routinely checked and maintained compounds are designed to provide
throughout the life of the equipment. compatibility with a wide range of fluids,
working temperatures and gas permea- Parker
Applications tion requirements. To determine which is the only
company with
Common mobile applications for bladder material is appropriate for a given its own bladder
accumulators include: application, always refer to the fluid engineering and manufacturing facility.
• Brakes (park and service) – wheel loaders, manufacturer’s recommendation.
backhoes, off-highway vehicles Bladder compounds for low temperature manufactures and sells. Parker is also the
• Ride control – wheel loaders, backhoes, applications include the following as only company with its own bladder engi-
skid steering illustrated in Figure 1. neering and manufacturing facility. As
• Dead engine pilot – wheel loaders, such, Parker has total quality control of
backhoes, skid steering Compound Min. Temp. (°F) the bladder compound, bladder manu-
• Steering – off-highway vehicles Nitrile -10 facture, and its incorporation into a fully
• Hitch cushion – bowl scrapers Nitrile LT -60 assembled accumulator.
• Energy recovery – excavators
Hydrin -40
• Track take-up – steel and rubber tracks Life Expectancy
on bulldozers and backhoes Butyl -40 Properly designed and sized for the app-
• Pilot lines to supplement pump flow – EPR -40 lication, and with pre-charge checked as
wheel loaders, bulldozers and backhoes part of a regular maintenance schedule,
Fluorocarbon -10
• Pilot lines to suppress shock – wheel the bladder should last for the life of the
loaders, bulldozers and backhoes Figure 1: The temperature listed is the lowest application. In that bladder accumula-
• Suspension systems – trucks, sprayers temperature in which the compound can be used. tors and the bladder compound selected
• Transmissions to keep brakes/ clutch are application-specific, there is no reason
pack release Differences In Compounds to replace a bladder unless it fails.
• Shock counterbalances – combines Bladder accumulator manufacturers It is important to understand the Perme-
• Shock absorption – scraper blades, worldwide have varying approaches to ability Factor of the selected bladder
sprayer arms. the compound formulations they use material vs. the potential pre-charge
and the method of manufacture. Parker loss due to gas permeation. In Part II, we
Selection has developed specific and proven will take a closer look at this issue and
Several bladder compounds permit formulas for all bladder compounds it discuss how to effectively manage the
Permeability Factor
As you gain low temperature capability
in a bladder compound, permeability of
the bladder increases, and hence greater
pre-charge loss due to gas permeation at
working temperature. To show the direct
correlation (Figure 2), the permeability
potential of each bladder compound was
tested to define the relationship between
Typical bladder accumulator maintenance includes checking the pre-charge regularly, adding pre- bladder compound permeability and
charge during winter months and taking pre-charge out during summer months. temperature.
Hydraulics Unlimited
Executive Administrative n
Compound Min. Temp. (°F) Permeability Factor Parker Bladder Code Assistant Named for the o
Nitrile -10 2 -1 Hydraulics Group v
Nitrile LT -60 37 -40 I am pleased to announce the promo- a
tion of Rosemary Bork to the position of
Hydrin -40 8 -4 t
Executive Administrative Assistant for
Butyl -40 2 -6 the Hydraulics Group. Rosemary will
EPR -40 50 -8 provide administrative support to me
and several of the Hydraulics Group Staff e
Flourocarbon -10 1 -28 leaders.
Figure 2 Rosemary has s
worked at Parker o
Permeability Factor was determined volume in that application. Example: since 2007 in the l
by rating the permeability of each com- Where an accumulator is sized for emer- Seal Group, hold- u
pound on a scale of 0 to 50 at 70°F. The gency or auxiliary power, or it is sized ing the position t
higher the factor, the faster gas pre-charge based on how much volume is needed of Administrative i
would be lost in a low-temperature to accomplish the task, too low a pre- Assistant to the two o
application using that compound. charge can have rapid and severe conse- Vice Presidents of n
Bladder Codes for Parker accumula- quences. Specifically, in an emergency Operations, as well s
tors have been assigned to simplify com- situation, there would not be enough as the Group Controller and other Seal
pound identification in manufacturing fluid to complete the cycle, or the cycle Group Staff leaders. She comes with an
and on through packaging, marketing, would slow down. array of experience and skills to be suc-
shipment and customer use. Should pre-charge continue to be cessful in this role. Rosemary holds the
EPR, for example, has a low tempera- lost the point is eventually reached title of Certified Professional Secretary
ture limitation of -40°F, but a Permeability where bladder damage, among other (CPS) through the International Associa-
Factor of 50. For comparison, a Hydrin consequences, can occur. It is Parker tion of Administrative Professionals.
bladder would be four times more Hannifin’s recommendation that the Rosemary began making the transition
permeable than that of a Nitrile bladder maximum ratio not exceed 4:1 between June 16, 2011.
in the same application. Likewise, an the maximum pressure and the pre-
EPR bladder would be 25 times more charge. If, for example, the maximum Jeff Cullman,
permeable than a Nitrile bladder. pressure is 2,000 psi, the pre-charge President Hydraulics Group
The Permeability Factor increases or should not go below 500 psi. This is the
decreases with temperature, setting up point where damage to the bladder can
a trade-off situation for having to use a begin. For new applications, the recom- Worldclass Technology
low temperature bladder compound. If mended pre-charge maintenance proto-
the application requires a -40°F bladder col is to:
Technology training has been a core
material because the equipment needs • Check pre-charge once a month for the
activity of Parker for over 40 years, and
to be left out in the cold overnight, the first six months. If there are no problems…
we are recognized the world over as a
upside is that the bladder won’t shatter • Extend the maintenance period to two
leader in the development and presenta-
at low temperature. The downside is that months. If there are no problems…
tion of training materials and programs.
the pre-charge in the bladder will have • Extend the maintenance period to
A wide range of technical training is
to be checked more often because of the three months and continue the mainten-
available to employees, distributors and
higher working temperature when the oil ance extension on a monthly basis until
customers, covering hydraulic, pneuma-
warms up. a pre-charge comfort level is reached for
tic, and electromechanical technologies.
that application.
This material is available in a variety of
Managing Pre-Charge In some applications, the working
formats from textbooks and instructors
When pre-charge is lost in a bladder temperatures may be sufficiently moder-
guides in multiple language offerings,
accumulator, it changes the available ate that pre-charge only needs to be
internet hosted self-directed courses, to
checked on a yearly basis.
live instructional classes complete with
The procedure for checking
hands-on lab sessions. And this curricu-
pre-charge is detailed in the
lum is supported by a variety of trainer
supplied Maintenance Bulletin
stand offerings for practical application
for bladder accumulators.
learning and training. Parker training
materials are utilized by numerous col-
More Information
leges, universities, and technical schools
Consult your GAD catalog or
around the world.
A visit to our new website (www.parker.
com/training) will give you a complete
You can also call an Applica-
look at the many training options that
tion Engineer for help at
are available, along with a schedule of
+1 815 636-4100.
courses that will be offered in the coming
Depending on the application, loss of accumulator pre-charge months.
can represent a significant safety concern, particularly in dead
engine pilot and emergency braking scenarios.
Hydraulics Unlimited
Werklust Holland – producer of state of the art whe
s Werklust Holland is The Netherlands’ only producer of wheel loaders. Werklust
s is very happy with the outcome of the projects they started with Parker. This
successful cooperation resulted in Parker being selected for the new project
s upgrading their largest model wheel loader, which will be in production in the
t end of 2011.
r The company started up in 1947 when a
i forge was acquired producing agricul-
e tural machines. At first the company pro-
s duced old army vehicles with a loader
in front. Werklust received national and
international fame during the draining of
the former Zuiderzee to create new land.
Werklust kept on growing and develo-
ping new shovels and wheel loaders. On
the hydraulics side Werklust was using,
among others, Monsun-Tison / VOAC
valves. These were used successfully
due to their excellent performance and
reliablity. The link to Parker is now easily
Hydraulics Unlimited
el loaders c
the safety of the vehicle. The position of
the loading arm, the swinging angle and
pressure are constantly monitored to
prevent the loader arm from hitting the
tires. Overload protection and automa- t
tic load-dependent rear-axle locking, o
add stability during swing operation. In r
addition, the end of stroke damping of i
the loading arm cylinders are managed e
electronically, so the loading arm, life s
and swing arm won’t hit the stroke end
with too high a speed.
Other extra features provided by
IQAN include: reversible fan (to blow
dirt out of the cooler), load weighting
and automatic motor stop at idle. Signal-
ling of system failure, monitoring fuel
consumption and engine/transmission
performance, daily tracking of working
hours, km., retrieving relevant system
information from the vehicle that can
be used to optimize the working of the
swing loader, are all optional in basic
IQAN application software – and easily
selectable at production.
But above all the IQAN module allows design of the hydraulics system. “It is logistics, through lead time and produc-
the driver optimal and easy operation of very easy to reach the engine, the filters, tion efficiency.
his vehicle. the filling points, the cooling and the fan This successful cooperation resulted
drive. Maintenance is much easier now, in Parker being selected for the new pro-
Fluid handling which saves us a lot of time and money.” ject, upgrading their largest model wheel
For fluid handling, the swing loader is loader, which will be in production in
equipped with Parker Dry Technology State of the art the end of 2011.
EO2 connections and the new Parker Compared to competitive models, Werk- Werklust is now producing wheel and
Compact Spiral Hose. The swing loader lust has designed a state of the art swing swing loaders with a much more structur-
is a compact vehicle with a confined wheel loader with many advantages. ed hydraulic system, fewer components,
space for hose routings. The compact In short, the operational performance, less maintenance and shorter mounting
spiral hose is very flexible, has a very sensitivity, accurate control, and stability time. Parker has again proven that with
small bend radius, ideal for thigh space of the swing loader have been improved smart engineering they can increase
in this type of machine. Thanks to the over the existing models. The same goes the profitability and productivity for the
small bending radius, shorter hoses can for the wheel loader WG35E. A multi-test customer. Engineering Your Success.
be used, which has the advantage that the executed by a leading Dutch magazine
hoses won’t extend outside the vehicle. comparing 5 different wheel loaders Contact information
This of course will cause much less concluded that the WG35 has the highest Edgar Visscher, Marketing Manager
damage to the hoses and gives the driver operating speed with lower fuel con- Parker Hannifin B.V.
a much better view of his loader. sumption compared to competition. Edisonstraat 1, 7575 AT Oldenzaal
Tel. +31 541 585 482 (direct)
A compact design from Parker Customers are very satisfied Fax. +31 541 585 459
The hydraulic system has been extensive- Werklust is very happy with the outcome [email protected]
ly field-tested on a prototype vehicle. of the projects they started with Parker.
Werklust has toured the prototype to Technically, the machines equipped
many customers for testing under their with Parker systems perform very well
working conditions. All test users gave and have low operational and mainten-
their feedback, and comments on a ance costs, and most importantly: the
checklist. Based on these reviews, Werk- customers are very satisfied. Ordering
lust asked Parker to change some minor the complete hydraulic system for one
details in the design, but overall the machine using only few part numbers
users were very enthusiastic about the (sets) and options, and call off delivery
operation of the vehicle and all options direct into production lines only few
that can be utilized. One of the test drivers days before start of production, has
was very positive about the compact brought big savings on the Werklust’
Hydraulics Unlimited
Grace under pressure
v Today, operator comfort and ergonomics have become critical
a considerations in off-highway equipment design. Smart component
t and system selection can make all the difference.
Productivity is a fundamental driver in Smart components
all off-highway and industrial equipment Parker’s IQAN family of motion and
applications. Many machine character- control products for mobile and off-
s istics contribute to productivity: load highway applications is a good example
o capacity, performance over difficult of this trend. Its new IQAN-LC5 large
l surfaces, reliability in challenging envi- co-ordinate joystick demonstrates how
u ronments, and intervals between service smart components can deliver optimised
t interventions, to name but a few. On a operator ergonomics and enhanced
i day-to-day basis, however, the ability to vehicle reliability while also cutting
o deliver value is determined as much by design, assembly and maintenance
n the behaviour of the operator as by any costs. Rugged, flexible and ergonomic,
s inherent characteristics of the machine. the LC5 has been developed for load
Companies can do much to maximise handling and positioning applications
operator productivity. The right training both incab and on external vehicle sur-
is critical. The way work is planned and faces that are exposed to the weather.
sequenced also has an important role to The IQAN-LC5 offers OEMs and oper-
play. Fundamentally, however, operators ators a range of important benefits. It is
will only be able to produce their best if simple to install, configure and operate,
they are working in an environment that with a choice of handle options. For
is comfortable, safe and convenient. In example, the new joystick is supplied
recognition of this, machine designers factory calibrated, with sealed Deutsch
have recently taken big steps to improve connectors for ease of mounting, and
the ergonomics of their vehicles. has separate power and I/O connectors
As in other aspects of vehicle design, for quick and logical installation, and the
the selection of hydraulic components option of built-in diagnostics via CAN- Electrohydraulics
and systems has an important role to bus. Similarly, for ease of operation, deliver high power density.
play in operator comfort and efficiency. when fitted with a multipurpose handle,
Many important advances in machine the IQAN-LC5 provides precise and requiring only a simple switch in the cab,
control and ergonomics have been easy-to-feel forces in both the x and y or taking commands from the vehicle’s
driven by new generations of integrated axes, and it has additional axis and pro- onboard bus – and eliminate the need
electronic controls for hydraulic systems. portional control available via a robust to install hydraulic lines. The Parker
By separating the operator interface from thumb wheel. Compact EHA, for example, is a self-
the hydraulic valves, these systems Well-designed components boost contained device, with all its compo-
give designers the freedom to design productivity by allowing machines to nents integrated into a robust monobloc
controls in the best interests of the ope- remain in the field longer without having housing. Each device includes a high-
rator, without the constraints of accom- to return to base for repair or mainten- performance, double-acting hydraulic
modating valves, manifold blocks and ance. The IQAN-LC5 uses a gaiter that actuator driven via a reversible gear
other components inside the cab. can be quickly changed with simple pump that is powered by an integrated
tools, and it has corrosion-free 12V or 24V DC motor. The unit is often
housing with specially adapted installed as an alternative to traditional
internal moisture drainage to hydraulic or electromechanical methods
protect the system’s electronics. in applications where motion systems
The cable between base and need to offer high levels of power density
handle is routed directly through – such as moving and locking tail lifts
the base plate to the built-in and hoists – and in positioning feed chutes
Deutsch connector, eliminating and deploying boom sprayers.
the risk of damage and simplify- Smart design can also greatly simplify
ing field service, while the use of a the control of more complex equipment.
single circuit board and Halleffect Virtual terminals, for example, which are
sensors minimises the number of manufactured to ISO standards for com-
components and moving parts. patibility with a wide variety of vehicle
The logic of moving hydraulic equipment, can integrate multiple con-
components away from the trol functions in one simple interface.
operator reaches its conclusion in In agricultural equipment applications,
the design of integrated electro- Parker Vansco’s ISOBUS-VT terminal, for
Modern instrument panels ensure quick, simple hydraulic actuators. These units example, houses a large, 5.7in colour
and efficient operation. both simplify control configuration – anti-glare TFT display in a lightweight
Hydraulics Unlimited
Suzanne Hochheimer appointed n
Communications and Brand n
Manager EMEA o
We are pleased to announce the v
and rugged ergono- appointment of Suzanne Hochheimer a
mic IP54 enclosure. to the position of Communications t
Equipment selec- and Brand Manager EMEA effective i
tion, setup and May 1st 2011. v
monitoring is made In her new role
quick, simple and Suzanne will lead
efficient by means our marketing and
of a sequence of communications s
front-mounted and efforts, combining o
backlit soft keys, the previous func- l
a multipurpose tions of Marketing u
rotary encoder, Communications, t
working set selec- Brand Manage- i
tion and arrow ment, European Corporate Commu- o
function keys. nications and Retail marketing under n
a single point of leadership. This will s
A quiet revolu- allow us to clearly plan and execute
tion the role of marketing communications
Well-designed, in achieving our strategic business
carefully laid- goals in Europe in the coming years.
out controls are Suzanne comes to us from LEM Inter-
important for operator comfort and Improving national where she was head of Inter-
efficiency, but design considerations the efficiency national Communications, and before
outside the cab make a big difference of hydraulic that she was in a key marketing role for
too. Minimising equipment noise, both installations Fedex in Europe. Suzanne has a Degree
in the vehicle and in the surround- cuts fuel con- in Information Technology from Darm-
ing environment, is an increasingly sumption, leads stadt University Germany, and a Masters
important consideration. Many modern to considerable degree in Information Technology from
component and system innovations noise reduction the University of Heidelberg.
make this job easier for designers. The and enables Suzanne will be based in our Etoy
above-mentioned integrated electro- the equipment European Headquarters, supporting
nic controls, for example, can greatly to run cooler, the EMEA activities with strong links
increase packaging freedom, allowing potentially to the Corporate Communications
noisier components to be mounted well improving both team in Cleveland.
away from the operator, or to be concealed comfort and
inside acoustic enclosures. safety in and
Manufacturers have made great strides around the
Coming events
August 19-20: Mittia, Forestry Trans-
in the reduction of the intrinsic noise in vehicle. As a
portation, Ljusdal, Sweden.
their designs too. For instance, the latest further ergono-
Factory-calibrated September 6-8: Off shore Europe,
versions of Parker’s high-performance mic advantage,
joysticks offer long life. Oil & Gas, Aberdeen, UK.
P1/PD hydraulic pumps, include several smart, load-
September 6-8: Baltexpo, Maritime
design refinements that reduce flow sensing
Industry, Gdansk, Poland.
ripple in order to minimise noise. hydraulic circuits are easier to control,
September 13-16: DSEI, Defence,
Refinements that improve operator providing output that closely matches
London, UK.
comfort frequently offer other benefits. operator inputs. By using the latest
September 13-17: Open Door Days,
technology, and through
Contamine-Sur-Arve, France.
careful consideration of the
September 19-24: EMO, Machine
operator’s needs, designers
Tools, Hannover, Germany.
and engineers have the ability
September 29-30 / October 1:
to create a new generation
Open Door event, Nivelles, Belgium.
of mobile and off-highway
October 4-6: Hydraulics & Pneumatics,
equipment that offers even
Technical Trade Fair, Helsinki, Finland.
greater levels of performance,
October 18-22: FAKUMA, Plastic
productivity and profitability.
Machinery, Friedrichshafen, Germany.
October 18-20: OTD 2011, Offshore
Technology, Stavanger, Norway.
November 8-11: Elmia Subcontractor.
Subcontractors, Jönköping, Sweden.
November 13-19: Agritechnica, Agri-
High-performance pumps are tough and reliable.
culture, Hannover, Germany.
Hydraulics Unlimited
Parker at Hanover Trade Fair 2011: Efficient and
environmentally friendly system solutions
t Economy improvement was obviously reflected among the 6500 exhibitors.
i This year’s Hanover trade fair (HMI) announced record figures. More than 230,000
o visitors came to the world’s largest industrial exhibition HMI from 4 to 8 April.
s Parker's appearance was a complete
success as well: "The wide range at the
Hanover trade fair is unparalleled by any
other industrial trade fair," says Günter
Schrank, Vice President and General
Manager of Parker Hannifin GmbH.
"Visitor and exhibitor quality was great
this year, and the trade fair continually
increases in international importance."
About 60,000 visitors, and therefore
more than a third more than in 2009,
were from abroad.
Hydraulics Unlimited
PMDE Piston Pump Workshop in Chemnitz a
From May 23rd thru 26th, PMDE Chemnitz hosted its first Piston Pump Work- n
shop. Participants from 17 Sales Companies jointly elaborated future potentials, i
challenges and technical requirements for PMDE’s Piston Products. n
The workshop’s target was to determine and a brief insight into their R&D’s work
application specific requirements for and processes.
PMDE’s piston products, whereby the On day 2, the Workshop members
focus was on both current and future were divided into three teams, each
needs. To create a comprehensive over- coached by a member of PMDE Chem-
all picture, PMDE invited colleagues nitz’ Business Development Team. These
from 17 Parker Sales Companies. The teams - Industrial Market, Mobile Market
workshop also included members of and Distribution - discussed technical days before, respective statements and
PMDE’s Management, Business Deve- requirements, possible target markets, as findings were subject to lively and open
lopment Team, R&D Department, and well as related sales potentials. Among discussions among all participants.
Engineering. other things, the teams addressed a great In general, the Workshop provided
During day 1, the participants were variety of applications such as presses, a great chance to discuss “systems and
invited to give a presentation to every- marine and offshore equipment, harves- applications” rather than individual
one, as well as their expectations of this ters and defense systems. During the day components, and left us with a better
Workshop. The focus revolved around the participants also got the chance to understanding of the so called “Voice of
SC’s organization, country specific mar- witness the testing procedure for PMDE’s the Customer”.
kets, applications for piston pumps, and new PV360, as well as having a closer look PMDE would like to thank all Work-
commercial and technical challenges. In at the components of P2 and PD. shop participants for sharing their know-
addition, PMDE gave an overview of the The third day focused on presenta- ledge and experience! Based on specific
current product range and status of their tions of the results created by the three markets and applications, further Work-
Piston Pumps PV+, P2 / P3 and P1 / PD different teams. As was the case in the shops will follow.
Training at
From March 28 to April 1 a training
session for Parker Shanghai’s service-
and aftermarket personnel took place
at MCDE/HYGE in Borås, Sweden. The
training focused on products, system
knowledge, and service information.
A highlight of the session featured the
running of real machines whose opera-
ting parameters were measured.
From the left: Shaoyong Guo, Jimmy Zheng, Thomas Öwall and Mats A Person.
Parker Hannifin
Hydraulics Group
SE - 461 82 Trollhättan, SWEDEN
PMDE’s Truck pump Conference June 2011
r This conference has a long tradition within Parker, it goes all the way back
k to the early 1980’s. The content of the conference is to cover technical
e modifications, new products, training material and distribution of our
t truck pumps.
n A topic that is of great importance is to was specially invited to give a
g understand the distribution of the truck presentation of how the sales
pumps when many of our customers companies in the Scandinavian
have representatives in a lot of different countries successfully improved
countries, who distribute our Truck their business to customers
pumps through their own channels. within the truck segment.
t This year we had attendees from Product updates on all truck
i nearly all European countries. The sales pumps were also given, which
v company in Dubai was also represented gave PMDE the opportunity to
i at the conference since Parker PMDE get direct feedback from the
t (Pump and Motor Division Europe) has market. There were also
i a strong market position there. requests from our customers,
e The conference was held in Gothen- Discussions around and about truck pumps.
both for modifications on existing pro-
s burg – which was appreciated by our ducts and for completely new products.
attendees. The sessions and the accom- Some success stories from the sales
modation were set in an old industrial companies were shown, which related to
area which has been completely reno- system sales where the pump is included
vated. The buildings formerly belonged as an important product. For this reason
to a shipyard and you got reminded of we had invited Mats Persson from HYGE
the industrial history everywhere, which to speak about training material and
contributed to a special atmosphere. what support we can provide.
We from PMDE appreciate all contri-
The program butions from the sales companies before
The conference started with an overview and during the conference that made this
of each market given by the participants. conference valuable for all participants.
This information is important for all For more info please contact Lars R Presentation about the Dubai market from
countries as well for the Division. Anders Nilsson, Product Sales Manager Truck Ramesh Kashyap.
Siggelin, VP Sales Companies Nordic, Hydraulics PMDE, [email protected]