Bilfinger Water Technologies - Global Unit Water Treatment - E
Bilfinger Water Technologies - Global Unit Water Treatment - E
Bilfinger Water Technologies - Global Unit Water Treatment - E
A perfect network of expertise.
Technologies / range of products
▪ Coarse screens
HYDROCARBON PROCESSING ▪ Shut-off devices (penstocks and sluice gates)
▪ Inlet works / headworks
(fine screening technology, screenings and grit
treatment, spiral conveying systems)
▪ Fine bubble aeration, Surface Brush Aerator
INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION MAMMOTH ROTOR® and biological process efficiency
▪ Scraping systems
▪ Sludge thickening and dewatering
(belt thickeners, belt and chamber filter presses,
screw presses)
VACUUM TECHNOLOGY ▪ Fine and micro-sieving / screening as well as
TRITON UNDERDRAINS™ for gravity filters
Bilfinger Water Technologies GmbH
Passavant-Geiger-Strasse 1, 65326 Aarbergen,
WATER WELL Phone +49 6120 28-0
[email protected],
Over 70 per cent of our planet is covered with water. This apparent wealth takes
on a new meaning when we consider that only approximately 3 per cent is fresh water.
From the very beginnings of human development, this water has meant life to us –
both to drink and to water our fields and animals. As technology advances,
we create ever new forms of process water and wastewater. Thus a responsible
approach to the handling of this precious element is now, more than ever, the key
to progress in our world.
▪ 1. Inlet works / headworks: With our commitment to exceptional service, we offer our
Various elements of inlet works / headworks and solids / liquid customers support along the entire route to their optimal
separation, intake, conveyance and steering of water flows by product solution: from consultations in the design and planning
means of shut-off devices phase to reliable service, even after many years of operation.
It is crucial for the subsequent purification and recycling processes, that solids are
efficiently separated from industrial or municipal wastewater. Therefore, Bilfinger
Water Technologies provides machine solutions which can be ideally adapted to suit
the respective requirements and conditions.
Our machines for the further processing of extracted (recyclable) 1. Inlet works / headworks:
materials present a sound overall concept for the first stage
when employed in combination with our rakes and screens,
conveying systems and shut-off devices. Coarse screening
Bilfinger Water Technologies supplies the entire range of coarse and fine
screening systems. Bar screens with grab cleaner, climber screens and revolving
chain screens have proved to be highly successful in coarse screening processes.
As the first stage of the inlet works / headworks, coarse screens 1. Inlet works / headworks:
are employed to retain coarse solids and thus protect all further
downstream treatment stages. The individual design of the bar
rack enables a high cleaning performance and even coarse or Coarse screening
bulky screenings, such as stones or wood, can be reliably removed.
As the gap widths are designed in graduations, our coarse screens
can also be utilised for fine screening.
Fine screening
The coarse screen systems supplied by our top quality brands
GEIGER® are employed in the separation of heavy screenings
Screenings treatment
upstream of pump stations and in the inlet areas of wastewater
treatment plants. Our PASSAVANT® Shut-Off Devices are also
suitable here, for the adjustment of water volumes and the
protection of the plant during overhauls. Sand treatment
Shut-off devices
NOGGERATH®, JOHNSON SCREENS® and PASSAVANT® coarse screens for pumping stations
PASSAVANT® revolving chain screens
After bulky screenings have been separated in the coarse screen- 1. Inlet works / headworks:
ing stage, fine contaminants such as hair, fibres, sanitary articles
or paper still remain in the wastewater. The narrow gap widths
of fine screening rakes and sieves are excellently suited for the Coarse screening
removal of such substances and the safeguarding of subsequent
treatment phases.
Our machines can be optimally integrated into existing plants Sand treatment
and lead to a significant stabilisation of the operational process.
Operating companies benefit from a longer service life and a
high level of availability due to low-maintenance and low-wear
operation. Primary and secondary clarification
Shut-off devices
The waste from coarse and fine screening processes, which 1. Inlet works / headworks:
poses hygienic concerns, must undergo further processing before
disposal, due to its organic content and the build-up of odours.
Coarse screening
The soluble organic matter is washed out of the screenings
by means of special washing systems. The screenings are subse-
quently dewatered in presses to decrease the water content and
reduce the weight by up to 85 per cent. Fine screening
Shut-off devices
Bilfinger Water Technologies sand separators and sand washers are utilised to
reduce the water content, or respectively the organic content, in wastewater
treatment processes and thus contribute to both cost effectiveness and the
protection of the environment.
The rise in waste disposal costs is forcing the operators of 1. Inlet works / headworks:
sewage networks, wastewater treatment plants and industrial
enterprises to separate reusable materials from waste materials.
Our compact and robustly constructed sand separators and sand Coarse screening
washers, for the treatment of grit trap screenings and sewer
deposits, offer the possibility to transform the septic waste of today
into a hygienically safe commodity of tomorrow. These installa-
tions are characterised by a high degree of individuality, which Fine screening
is determined by the wide differences in the respective process
media, catchment areas and recycling paths.
Screenings treatment
The cleaning process is supported in the grit traps by additional
aeration systems which stir up floating matter and prevent
organics from settling. As aeration alone is not sufficient, sand
washers are then utilized to wash out the organics and ensure the Sand treatment
separation of the organic content. The result: lower investment
and operating costs which lead to a perceptible reduction in
disposal costs.
Primary and secondary clarification
Bilfinger Water Technologies also supplies combined and
complete solutions which unite the entire inlet works / headworks
in one system.
Shut-off devices
The aim of the primary and secondary clarification processes is to remove all floating
and settleable solids, as far as possible, and to draw off clear water. Bilfinger Water
Technologies develops robust, low wear scraper technologies for the removal of
sediments in circular and longitudinal tanks, which are suitable for a wide range of
installation conditions and requirements.
Bilfinger Water Technologies offers you durable low wear scraper Sand treatment
systems for circular and longitudinal tanks with a tried and tested
robust and reliable construction.
Shut-off devices
PASSAVANT® Shut-Off Devices play a central role in the manage- 1. Inlet works / headworks:
ment of flows of water / wastewater in drain and sewer systems:
they enable a targeted regulation of water inlets and outlets,
ensure the transport of water within municipal or industrial Coarse screening
pipe, sewer and tank systems and offer reliable flood protection.
PASSAVANT® Shut-Off Devices are also employed in rain water
retention systems, drain network shafts, reservoirs, dams and the
cooling towers of power stations. Fine screening
Sand treatment
Shut-off devices
After the inlet works / headworks, carbon and nitrogen com- The wastewater / activated sludge mixture is enriched with the
pounds and phosphate remain dissolved in the wastewater and necessary oxygen by means of aeration systems. The water /
must be removed by means of biological processes. As these sludge mixture, formed in the biological treatment, flows into the
substances act as natural fertilizers, their disposal without further downstream secondary settling tank where sedimentation
treatment would mean an over-fertilisation of bodies of water and occurs. After the sludge has been deposited, the clarified water
have far-reaching consequences for the ecosystem. flows into the receiving water course.
In order to remove these harmful substances, the wastewater Bilfinger Water Technologies has the benefit of many years
undergoes a number of individual processes. The nitrification of experience in the field of wastewater treatment and creates
process requires an oxygen rich environment to enable carbon a wide range of concepts and technologies for the entire
degradation and oxidation of ammonium to nitrate. In the subse- biological treatment of modern wastewater treatment processes:
quent denitrification phase, this nitrate is converted to nitrogen from aeration technology in the aeration tank, to process
and thus removed from the water. The removal of phosphates is engineering optimisation measures, to scraper technology for
supported with an anaerobic environment in the Bio-P-Phase. circular and longitudinal tanks.
2. Biological treatment:
Aeration tanks and the respective aeration equipment are at the core of modern
biological wastewater treatment plants. Modern wastewater technology calls for
efficient aeration systems which ensure a high level of technical flexibility with
maximum oxygen enrichment values.
2. Biological treatment:
Biological treatment in the aeration tank is aided by microrganisms The biological treatment is followed by the separation of the
which absorb and process dissolved substances. Aeration systems water / sludge mixture in the secondary clarification process.
play an important role hereby, as they create an oxygen rich This final stage of the biological treatment aims to remove, as
environment and promote the mixing of the sludge and water. far as possible, all the floating and settleable solids and draw off
clear water. In order to achieve high throughput rates and low
Bilfinger Water Technologies offers a wide range of efficient turbulence levels, Bilfinger Water Technologies provides robust
aeration systems for the effective introduction of oxygen into the and almost turbulence-free scraper technologies for circular and
activated sludge, which are designed to meet various challenges longitudinal tanks which are also highly suitable for primary and
and to be utilised in different applications, according to your intermediary clarification tanks.
specific requirements. Our technologies are characterized by their
constantly high level of oxygen enrichment, robust and resilient
construction and application flexibility.
PC with AQUALOGIC ® control system
measuring signals
control commands
control commands
Sensors * Options
min. aeration dyn. aeration min. denitrification dyn. denitrification min. bio-P dyn. bio-P
Daily chart
nitrate aeration 1
aeration 1
aeration 1
nitrate aeration 2
aeration 2
aeration 2
2. Biological treatment:
The efficiency of wastewater treatment Our systems run with high operational Our portfolio includes:
plants is determined by optimal tuning reliability, have flexible measuring
of all prevailing conditions such as, for technology and achieve optimal process ▪ I NTECH Process Efficiency
example, pH-values, concentrations of results with low energy consumption AQUALOGIC ® and ENERLOGIC ® :
substances, the use of precipitants and and reduced operating costs. Therefore, Load dependent aeration control
the required energy input. We develop climate-damaging CO 2 emissions can and further important processes
transparent and user-friendly systems to also be reduced. Hundreds of wastewater relating to biological treatment e.g.
efficiently optimise and coordinate your treatment plants are already profiting precipitant dosing, recirculation,
specific treatment processes. Apart from from our holistic approach to the sludge age control, etc.
the tailored oxygen input control for the optimisation of their processes.
aeration process, we supply a large num- ▪ I NTECH Process Efficiency
ber of additional modules (process water AQUALOGIC LAGO ® :
dosing, precipitant dosing, recirculation Modification concept for the
control, sludge age control, etc.) and also improvement of performance in pond
solutions for pond treatment plants. treatment plants
In the primary clarification stage, sewage sludge accrues when Regardless of subsequent disposal methods, it is advisable, from
organic substances are degraded. This has to be purified, recycled an economic point of view, to prepare the sludge for downstream
or disposed of but there are currently no competent standard processes. Separation procedures, in which solids are removed
procedures for further processing. In some counties the disposal from the water phase, play a central role. Sludge treatment is
of sewage sludge is carried out at landfills, for example, necessary to reduce the volume and mass of sludge which accrues
whilst in others some of the sludge is used as a biological in the wastewater clarification process and to improve the possi-
fertiliser in agriculture. bilities for further utilisation. The effectiveness of the separation
process has a decisive influence on the volume of sludge to be
As an unrestricted disposal of sludge is no longer possible at transported and disposed of.
every location and the pollution levels of the “fertilizer” are a
cause for environmental concern, the demand for efficient and With these aspects in mind, Bilfinger Water Technologies develops
sustainable concepts for sludge treatment is increasing. a wide range of systems and machines for sludge thickening and
dewatering processes.
3. Sludge treatment:
3. Sludge treatment:
The quantity of primary and surplus sludge is reduced as a result With its PASSAVANT® gravity thickeners and the
of sludge thickening procedures and disposal costs are, therefore, PASSAVANT® Belt Thickener FluX-Drain, Bilfinger Water
lowered. Special stirring and scraping mechanisms reduce the Technologies offers particularly economic solutions for your
water content of the sludge in the sludge thickening tank and enable specific application requirements.
a continuous removal of still pumpable, free-flowing sludge into
a collection hopper. Mechanical thickeners are used when rapid In addition to the planning and installation of entire fully
thickening is required for sludge which cannot be stabilised. operational sludge thickening plants, it is possible to easily
These are suitable for both high and low throughput volumes and integrate our systems into existing structures.
enable a high thickening concentration, in an economic process
with low polymer consumption.
Dewatering is one of the most important processes in the entire water treatment
procedure. As the burning of sewage sludge, or its disposal at a landfill site, both
involve costs, sludge dewatering pays off, particularly when several tons accrue
each day.
3. Sludge treatment:
After the sludge has been stabilised and thickened, as far Bilfinger Water Technologies, with its PASSAVANT® and
possible, it still retains a fluid consistency. The mechanical sludge JOHNSON SCREENS® brands, provides economic sludge
dewatering process then enables the separation / removal of a dewatering processes which achieve optimal results with low
portion of the sludge water and thus reduces the total volume. polymer consumption. The technical procedure involves the
Flocculating agents are added, which effect a separation of the separation of water in a continuous process with a combination
water from the sludge as a result of different electric charges. of separation by gravity and by pressure. Mechanical dewatering
Sewage sludge can be used in agriculture, in so far as it complies is always recommended when there is a demand for economically
with statutory sewage sludge regulations. The disposal methods viable volume and weight reduction, with a maximum possible
are either burning or landfill sites, depending on the local frame- solids concentration, combined with an optimal yield of clarified
work conditions. water. Our machines are universally adaptable and are, therefore,
amongst the most utilized sludge dewatering machines worldwide.
Micro-sieving / screening is the last stage in the water intake procedure and plays a
particularly important role as downstream installations such as pumps and capacitors
must be reliably protected against breakdowns. Solids and / or contaminants are
separated from the liquid phase and removed for disposal or recycling.
With its rotary drums, micro screens and underdrain systems for Micro screen systems with rotating drums are an effective and
gravity filters, Bilfinger Water Technologies offers effective and cost effective alternative to conventional rakes and screens in
economic solutions for water purification, wastewater treatment municipal wastewater technology applications. Our underdrain
and the processing of recyclable material. screening components are suitable for use in the purification of
drinking or process water and also as a third clarification stage
Fine and micro-sieving / screening is based on mechanical processes. or for complex filtration applications.
Various screening technologies form the basis for the separation
of liquids and solids and are decisive to the success of practical
applications. Screening is carried out either statically or dynami-
cally, whereby both processes can be effected in a continuous or
discontinuous mode. Rotary drum, micro and underdrain screens
are employed for fine and micro-sieving / screening in gravity filter
Rotary drum screens separate, filter and sieve floating matter and particles from
liquids, process water and wastewater. Each rotary drum screen is specifically
designed for the respective application. A differentiation is, therefore, made between
screen types which are loaded internally or externally. When ultra fine particles have
to be filtered out of flows of water and wastewater, micro-sieving / screening
technologies come into play.
Bilfinger Water Technologies has a broad portfolio of internally Micro screen rotary drum systems are an effective and economic
and externally loaded rotary drum and micro screen systems, alternative to conventional screening systems in municipal waste-
which have been successfully employed for many years in the sepa- water treatment plants and are excellently suited to the treatment
ration of solids and liquids in municipal wastewater treatment of surface water. Micro screen rotary drum systems can be used
plants and for the treatment of industrial process water. in a wide range of applications as they offer the possibility to
utilise diverse meshes made of a wide variety of materials.
The heart of the internally loaded screen design is a robust Our micro screens can reliably filter out the finest particles from
rotating screen drum in which the solids are retained, flows of water and wastewater with a convincingly high separation
carefully dewatered and then discharged from the system. performance and low cost in continuous operation.
Externally loaded rotary drums are particularly suitable for
floating, greasy and sticky solids which can be reliably separated
via the surface of the rotary drum screen.
central channel
system offering the optimal solution for both new installations UNDERDRAINS™ are their low construction height and variable
and filter refurbishment, which is employed as an alternative to gap widths of up to 0.150 mm. The gap can be adjusted to
the conventional filter nozzle bottom in wastewater treatment suit the filter material and supporting layers are, therefore,
plants. These systems are mainly installed in open filter tanks but no longer necessary.
special applications are also possible in closed pressure filters.
The system guarantees optimal collection and distribution of filtered The TRITON UNDERDRAINS™ are available in stainless steel and
wastewater with a direct retention of the filtered material. PVC and guarantee a high level of strength and durability with
maximum open surface area. They thus offer you the opportunity
to optimise the efficiency of your treatment plants.
Bilfinger Water Technologies has a broad portfolio, offering you the optimal pump
solution for your application field. The components can be perfectly integrated into
your process chain to ensure that all your processes run smoothly and efficiently.
All our products are based on the highest safety and quality standards which have
been certified numerous times.
Whether it is a question of conveying lightly contaminated, The technologies supplied by Bilfinger Water Technologies are of
coarse or abrasive wastewater in pumping, wastewater or the highest possible quality, 100 per cent reliable and integrate
industrial production installations, or the transport of liquids in perfectly into your specific conveying system. Our technologies
aquacultures or agriculture: we offer you solutions which are achieve a continuously outstanding performance as confidence
perfectly tailored to your specific application purposes. in the reliability of each and every individual component is
particularly important in processes with high throughput volumes,
In addition to various pumping technologies such as vortex complex conveying and problematic substances.
pumps, one and multi channel pumps, grinder pumps or drainage
pumps, the newly extended NOGGERATH® pump range also Our robust low-wear products perform efficiently, with longer
includes mixers and ball check valves. maintenance intervals and high operational dependability.
Thanks to their innovative design and the special materials used,
they are able to operate reliably and practically free of blockages.
We, as a multidisciplinary team of specialists, think and act with a direct focus on
customer needs. We use direct communication routes to find swift and efficient solutions
to each and every problem. We happily take on any challenge in order to constantly
provide the high quality standards set out in our service concept and we put them into
practise on a day to day basis. We understand the term “full service” as a dynamic
task and are open to change and any comments or suggestions you may wish to make.
Our constant objective is your satisfaction with us and our Our full service concept
products, as we are aware that only top quality in both production
and service will enable you to profit from durable machine
functionality and efficiency, low operational and investment Ins t a
ic e com mi llation
costs and reliability in all stages of your processes. Adv ssio &
Whether it is a question of a new installation, commissioning,
v ic
maintenance, spare parts, repair or refurbishment, our top priority
s er
r ts
an c e
we have a wide range of special parts and spare parts which are
developed and manufactured in our own certified workshops Bilfinger
(DIN EN ISO 9001:2008) and which undergo strict controls before Water Technologies
dispatch. We are able to develop an effective solution to suit your Service
f ur
We realise that breakdowns, production downtimes and machine men t
Rep a
failures are both extremely annoying and expensive. This is
why our dedicated team is at your service with state-of-the-art
technology, at all times, both within Germany and abroad.
Spare parts or service call-outs can be requested around the
clock. You will receive competent support via our service hotline
24 hours a day and 365 days a year.