Wet Damage To Cargo

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The document discusses recurring issues that cause wet damage claims like damaged valves/lines and leaking cargo hatch covers/manhole covers. It focuses on preventive measures for areas like cargo bilge systems, manhole covers, and hatch covers. Root cause analysis of past claims is also discussed.

Recurring issues that cause wet damage claims include damaged valves and lines, leaking cargo hatch covers, coamings/rubber seals in poor condition, and leaking manhole covers.

Main areas of concern regarding wet damage include ignoring procedures such as risk assessment and work permits, insufficient maintenance of valves/lines, unmaintained/untested bilge alarms, crew ignoring bilge alarms, and lack of due diligence/adequate checks.

Wet Damage to Cargo

IRCA-cases starts
at page 12

Read about prevention

at page 16


Wet Damage to Cargo


Introduction 3
Statistics 3
Executive summary 4
P&I Wet Damage 2008 – 2012 6
Bulker and Container vessels, Immediate causes 6
Bulker and Container vessels, Type of damaged cargo 7
Water ingress detection system 8
Leaking manhole covers 8
Cargo bilge system 9
Cargo hatch covers 10
Maintenance 11
Interactive Root Cause Analysis — IRCA cases 12
Leaking bilge valves 12
Cargo hold flooding 14
Prevention 16

Wet Damage to Cargo


The Club has noticed that there is an increased

number of costly wet damage claims. To prevent this
trend it is essential that owners take appropriate
loss prevention measures.

In this study we have focused on some specific

areas asleaking manhole covers, the cargo bilge
system and cargo hatch covers.

Analysis of wet damage claims from 2008-2012
Vessel types: Bulker and Container vessels
Claims: 122
Average claim cost: USD 55.000 (excess of deductible)

For several years now, The Swedish Club

has applied the IRCA method to establish the root
cause of a casualty. If you want to find out even
more, contact our Loss Prevention department.
You find the contact persons on page 17.

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Wet Damage to Cargo

Executive summary

Recurring issues
`` Damaged valves and lines
`` Leaking cargo hatch covers
`` Coamings/rubber seals in poor condition
`` Leaking manhole covers
Main areas of concern
`` Ignoring procedures such as risk assessment, work permits etc
`` Insufficient maintenance routines for valves and lines
`` Bilge alarms not maintained and tested properly
`` Crew ignoring bilge alarms
`` Location of the bilge alarm panel
`` Lack of due diligence and adequate checks
`` Insufficient experience

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Wet Damage to Cargo

Preventive measures for leaking manhole covers

`` All nuts and bolts should be in place and tightened evenly for the manhole cover
`` Two people should check when the job is finished that it has been completed correctly
`` It is important that the gasket for the manhole is clean and there is no debris or dirt causing leaks
when the manhole cover is refitted
`` The ventilators into the cargo holds should be in good operating order and capable of being closed
Preventive measures for the bilge system
`` Bilge wells should be cleaned and inspected regularly. It is imperative that this is documented
`` Air and sounding pipes should be inspected for debris
`` Valves and lines should be included in the PMS (Planned Maintenance System) and tested at regular intervals
`` It should be verified that remote control valves are operational
`` Ensure all critical parts of the bilge system are included in the PMS
`` Ensure all valves are closed when not in operation

Preventive measures for cargo hatch covers

`` Do regular ultrasonic tests on cargo hatches
`` Ensure there are SMS (Safety Management System) procedures that address required jobs to maintain
the cargo hatches in proper condition. These jobs should be included in the PMS
`` Risk assessment addressing the problems of leaking cargo hatch covers
`` The crew need to ensure that the paint is intact, which will give good protection against corrosion
`` Essential to verify that gaskets and coamings are in good condition
`` Keep detailed records of completed maintenance, inspections and tests by both the crew and third parties

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Wet Damage to Cargo

P&I Wet Damage 2008 – 2012

Bulker and Container vessels, Immediate causes

Graph No 1 - Total number of claims

8% 7%

Blocked bilges

31% Leaking manhole covers

Leaking hatch covers

Leaking lines

Leaking ventilators


Graph No 2 - Total cost of all claims

(excess of deductible)

Blocked bilges

Leaking manhole covers

8% Leaking hatch covers

Leaking lines

Leaking ventilators


Graph No 3 - Average per claim cost

(excess of deductible)


Average cost per claim

100000 The most expensive claims are leaking lines

and ventilators. Leaking manhole covers is the
overall most expensive category. These claims
60000 are often caused by lack of maintenance and
40000 ignoring procedures.



























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Wet Damage to Cargo

Bulker and Container vessels, Type of damaged cargo

Graph No 4 - Total number of claims

8% 5%
3% Bagged bulk

Container dry bulk

Container reefer

21% Container unitised

Dry bulk


Steel products

Graph No 5 - Total cost of all claims

(excess of deductible)
13% 3%

1% 0,1% Bagged bulk

Container dry bulk

Container reefer

Container unitised

Dry bulk

41% Steel products

Graph No 6 - Average per claim cost

(excess of deductible)



Dry bulk claims are both the most frequent and
Average cost per claim

have the highest total cost of all wet damage
claims. There is no surprise that steel products
are the most expensive claims because of the
40000 high value compared to bulk cargo.






















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Wet Damage to Cargo

Water ingress detection system

Bulker vessels are required to have a system in place that
will give a warning of water ingress as per the Safety of Life
At Sea (SOLAS) convention. The purpose of a water ingress
detection system is to provide an early warning of a condition
that may seriously threaten the safety onboard. The alarm
has two levels, the first at 0.5m and the second at a height of
not more than 2m.
The spaces monitored are the cargo holds and the fore-
peak tank. A panel must be positioned on the bridge together
with audible alarms. Repeaters can be placed in other spaces
but it is not compulsory.
In the event of a flooding alarm the Officer Of the Watch
(OOW) should, without delay, determine the exact nature of
the water ingress.
Any water ingress for bulker vessels must be monitored, as
flooding or liquefaction of cargo represents a major risk for
loss of buoyancy.

Leaking manhole covers

In connection with a tank inspection it is not unusual that
flooding occurred because the manhole did not have a gasket
or the nuts or bolts were not tightened properly. There are
also casualties which happened because the manhole was left
When a tank inspection is to be done, there is a require-
ment to issue an entry into enclosed space work permit and
a risk assessment. Usually there is also a requirement that the
safety officer should inspect that the job has been prepared
as per procedures. This is to ensure the safety of the crew To be able to prevent one person’s mistake a two-person
and to prevent casualties. Unfortunately there have been check should be carried out. This is usually done for critical
casualties when the crew has disregarded procedures or just navigation decisions, but can also be implemented for tank
assumed that the tank inspection was completed correctly. inspections.

Preventive measures for leaking manhole covers
`` All nuts and bolts should be in place and tightened evenly
`` It is important that the gasket is clean and that there is no debris or dirt causing leaks when the
manhole cover is refitted
`` The ventilators into the cargo holds should be in good operating condition and capable of being
closed and made watertight
`` A two-person check should be carried out for closing the hatch and manhole covers

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Wet Damage to Cargo

Cargo bilge system

To prevent cargo holds flooding there must be established cargo onboard. Bilge valves should be included in the PMS
routines onboard for how to test bilge valves and bilge lines. (Planned Maintenance System) and tested at regular intervals
There is often debris from the cargo pumped through the and it is important to verify that remotely operated bilge
bilge lines, which causes damage to bilge valves or blockages. valves are in good condition.
To ensure there is no Lack of maintenance on bilge valves and lines passing
debris, or build up of through cargo holds
cargo around the bilge or adjacent compart-
valves, there should be ments is a concern.
a visual inspection. It is important that
Bulker vessels must shipowners/managers
comply with the IMSBC have a plan for testing
code section 2.2 “Due bilge valves and bilge
consideration shall lines. During the test
be paid to bilge wells it should be verified if
and strainer plates, for there is any significant
which special prepa- corrosion or not.
ration is necessary, There is also a risk
to facilitate drainage that bilge valves can
and to prevent entry seize up if they are not
of the cargo into the operated. When the
bilge system. Bilge bilge pump has been
lines, sounding pipes stopped it is
and other services lines Leaking bilge valves cause serious wet damage. important that the
within the cargo space non-return bilge valves are closed to prevent back flow.
shall be in good order.” There have been casualties when a high level alarm has been
On container vessels there is no requirement to have a acknowledged but without any investigation as to what
bilge alarm, but a prudent owner will install this for proper caused the alarm. It is a concern if the bilge alarm panel is
safety measures. only on the bridge as many of these floodings happen during
It is also essential that bilges are cleaned and that bilge cargo operations when the bridge is usually unmanned.
valves and lines are tested and inspected before loading The consequences of ignoring work permits, risk
commences. It is also prudent to test the bilge lines by assessments and maintenance can lead to expensive claims,
pumping water through the system, but only if there is no detentions and off-hire.

Preventive measures for the cargo bilge system

`` Bilge wells should be cleaned and tested regularly. It is imperative that this is documented
`` Bilge lines and valves should be tested before loading commences
`` Air and sounding lines should be inspected for debris
`` Bilge valves and lines should be included in the PMS and tested at regular intervals
`` It should be verified that remotely controlled bilge valves are in good condition
`` Ensure all critical parts of the bilge system are included in the PMS
`` Ensure all bilge valves are closed when not in operation
`` Complete a two-person check when an enclosed space has been opened/closed

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Wet Damage to Cargo

Cargo hatch covers

Leaking cargo hatch covers are a common immediate cause If the cargo hatches are battened down incorrectly
to wet damage, which can be expensive for sensitive cargo because the vessel is in a hurry to leave the port, this could
like steel products. also cause leaks. Another issue is if the cargo hatch is secured
When the vessel arrives at the discharge port and the too tightly which damages the seal. If the gasket is too
cargo hatches are removed, it is important that the crew is compressed it will be counterproductive. It is essential that
present to protect the owner in relation to potential cargo the correct pressure is applied. The cargo hatch should be
disputes. The crew should verify that the cargo hatches and secured as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
cargo are in sound condition. To verify the integrity of a cargo hatch there are three
Cargo hatch cover leaks are often caused because of common methods: the water hose test, the chalk test and
poor condition of the joints, seals and coamings. This can be the ultrasonic test. The only one of these tests that can
because the cargo hatches have not been opened or closed ensure that the cargo hatches are in good condition is the
correctly. ultrasonic test.

Chalk test
Tests the compression of the rubber packing but will not
test the integrity of the cargo hatch.

Ultrasonic test
A much more effective method is to use an ultrasonic
device, which is designed for this purpose and can pin-
point the area which is leaking and if the compression
of the gasket is sufficient. The advantages of using this
type of equipment are evident, since ultrasonic tests can
be carried out during any stage of the loading without
risking cargo damage. The test can also be completed in
sub-zero temperatures.
Cargo hatch cover packing

Water hose test

The crew use pressure fire hoses and spray the cargo hatches. When the water hose test is being done it is important
that the interpanel void spaces are filled with water to ensure that the cross-joints are immersed. The class societies
testing method should be followed during the test.
This test gives an indication that there is a leak but not easily where. It will also give an indication of the condition
of the transverse joints, but the horizontal seals on the coamings are far more difficult to address.
There have been casualties where the cargo hatches have passed a water hose test but failed the ultrasonic test.
Unfortunately this was not discovered until after the vessel had sailed through heavy weather. It is possible that there
would not have been any wet damage if the vessel had not sailed through such heavy weather because the pressure of
the sea can hardly be simulated with a fire hose.
It seems that the hose test is of little value for ensuring proper sealing on a vessel at sea.

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Wet Damage to Cargo

It is becoming more difficult to carry out maintenance as corrode which weakens the integrity of the cover itself and
vessels are becoming larger and the crew is getting fewer. also affects moving parts, like wheels, rails, hinges and cleats.
What the crew can do is to ensure that the paint is intact, A prudent shipowner will instruct the crew to inspect the
which will give good protection against corrosion, and to cargo hatches, gaskets and coamings during every loading
ensure that gaskets and coamings are in good condition. and discharge. It is usually best to arrange complicated
A gasket can be maintenance through
expected to last for the manufacturers,
about four to five who can often
years. This short offer professional
lifespan might be service and provide
further shortened by the correct rubber and
over-compression and packing materials.
contact with abrasive
materials. If the gasket Prevention for
is damaged the af- cargo hatches
fected area should not
It is essential that
only be repaired but
cargo hatch covers
the entire section also
are inspected and
needs to be replaced.
tested at regular
It is also important
intervals to ensure
to monitor the con-
that the watertight
dition of cleats and
integrity is maintained
replace them when
Corroded cargo hatch cover and that the vessel
they are in a poor
is in a cargoworthy
condition and to keep
and seaworthy condition. If complicated repairs are required,
spare cleats onboard. There should also be specific jobs in the
professional specialists should be employed.
PMS for the seals, coamings and pads.
It is important that records are kept about what mainte-
To prevent inadequate maintenance of the cargo hatches it
nance and service has been completed in the PMS. It is also
is important that there are SMS procedures in place address-
important that the SMS addresses how the maintenance
ing what tests and inspections should be carried out. These
should be done and which areas need to be inspected and
tests and inspections should also be included in the PMS.
Lack of maintenance will eventually cause steel covers to

Prevention for cargo hatches

`` Do ultrasonic tests on cargo hatches
`` Ensure there are SMS procedures that address which jobs are required to maintain the cargo
hatches in a proper condition. It is also essential that these jobs are included in the PMS
`` A risk assessment for the cargo hatch cover
`` The crew must ensure that the paint is intact
`` Verify that gaskets and coamings are in good condition
`` Keep detailed records of maintenance, inspections and tests completed both by the crew and third parties

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Wet Damage to Cargo

Interactive Root Cause Analysis — IRCA cases

Leaking bilge valves
The vessel was carrying coal from South America and was The vessel’s own procedure was to flush the bilge system
destined for Europe where the cargo would be discharged to avoid contamination after each cargo hold cleaning.
at two ports. The discharge procedure was uneventful at The manager’s internal investigation concluded that the
the first port. However at the second port the vessel had incident was caused by the deteriorated condition of the
to ballast cargo hold 2 to stay within the quay’s air draft bilge valves coupled with a faulty switch.
requirements. The water in cargo hold 2 was drained into There was no scheduled testing of the bilge system as the
one of the ballast tanks and afterwards the cargo hold manager had not identified this as a risk.
was washed down.
The vessel had two pumps, each intended for General
Flooding of the cargo hold
Service/Fire Fighting/ Bilge pump duty, which were used WHAT?
when cargo hold 2 was washed down. Shortly afterwards
the stevedores noticed patches of water in cargo hold 1and
informed the master immediately. One hour later the master
stopped the cargo operation. By this time the water level Water entered the cargo hold through
had risen to 5 meters. WHY? the cargo bilge line
The crew started to search for the origin of the leak and
adjacent ballast tanks were filled up but no leakage was
found. The bilge system was pressurized, all valves were
closed and this was double checked through the pipe trunk.
It was obvious that several valves were leaking as water WHY? Valves in the bilge line were leaking
entered the cargo hold through the bilge wells. It was further
discovered that one of the valves that was indicated as closed
on the ballast console panel was in fact open, which was
caused by a faulty switch. There were actually six valves that
failed and the crew repaired them two days later. No previous WHY? The bilge valves were heavily corroded
testing or maintenance had been carried out on the faulty
bilge valves.
The malfunction of the bilge valves was likely caused
by corrosion, which could have been aggravated by cargo
residue. The vessel had been carrying coal on its three
WHY? Insufficient maintenance routines
previous trips.
To monitor if water enters any tank or cargo hold, the
vessel had a Water Ingress Monitoring System (WIMS) that
indicated if water entered a tank. The alarm panel was on the The manager had not identified the risk
bridge, but it was also linked to the alarm monitoring system of leaking bilge valves and did not have
in the Engine Control Room. Apparently the WIMS alarm had WHY? any specific procedures in place that
already been activated as the forepeak had been filled with specified when bilge valves should be
water. Because of this, the alarm for the flooded cargo hold inspected.
1 only appeared on the bridge panel and was not transmitted
to the engine panel. During cargo operations the bridge was
The manager’s SMS states that the bilge system should be
inspected before cargo operations commence. There was no
The flooding of the cargo hold delayed the vessel
requirement to pressure test the bilge line in either the SMS in port for one day.
or PMS.

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Wet Damage to Cargo

Preventing recurrence
`` The manager has submitted a Safety Alert email to the bulker fleet relating to the incident, including
instructions to onboard personnel about promptly checking the bilge system in the cargo hold (including
non-return bilge valves, hand operated and hydraulically remote controlled butterfly bilge valves), undertaking
all necessary repairs (if required) and reporting any findings to the Superintendent.
`` The manager has sent a Safety Alert email to the bulker fleet regarding the limitation of the Water Ingress
Monitoring System (WIMS) and the use of the alarm’s overriding function (interlock).
`` The manager will write about the casualty in the company’s own safety publication.
`` The manager will include a guideline about hold preparation and cleaning, in the ship’s electronic library.
`` The manager will publish a Technical Fleet Circular about handling cargo hold bilge systems onboard bulk carriers.
`` The manager has now identified that the entire bilge and ballast system must be included in the PMS.
`` The manager will implement periodic checks and tests of all valves for the cargo hold bilge system.
`` The manager should include periodic checks and pressure tests of the bilge system in the PMS.
`` It would be advisable for the manager to evaluate the PMS and see if there are critical jobs missing.
`` The manager should include testing high-level alarms in the PMS.
`` The manager should ensure that all flooding alarms appear on the engine control WIMS panel.
`` It would be advisable to have a WIMS slave panel in the cargo control room.
`` The manager should be more specific about what equipment and systems should be inspected before cargo
operations commence.
`` It would be advisable to install bilge alarms in the bilge wells of the cargo holds.

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Wet Damage to Cargo

Cargo hold flooding

The crew discharged the water using the ballast pump,
bilge pump and a portable bilge pump. Afterwards, the
crew inspected the cargo hold and discovered that the tank,
which had been inspected, was missing a gasket to the
manhole. The ballast tank was pressure tested and it was
discovered that water was leaking from the manhole. A gasket
was refitted and the ballast tank was pressure tested again
and no leakage was discovered.
In this case, approved procedures were ignored and the
crew assumed the job had been carried out correctly.
Ignorance is not acceptable, but a lack of knowledge
should be corrected by further training. The Master of any
vessel has a huge responsibility, which includes ensuring
that the crew follows and knows all about the SMS. These
requirements were not fulfilled in this case.

When the vessel arrived in port it was instructed to anchor

Water flooded the cargo hold
and wait until its berth was available. While the vessel was WHAT?
through a ballast tank manhole
waiting for the berth, the Chief Officer decided to carry
out a routine ballast tank inspection. The Chief Officer
completed a Permit for entry into confined/enclosed space The crew members securing the
and also an initial risk assessment for Entry into enclosed WHY? manhole had not attached a gasket
spaces. The manager has a requirement for carrying out
detailed risk assessments, but no specific requirement when
this should be done. In this case, the officers did not think The crew ignored the manager’s
it was necessary.
According to the manager’s SMS, it is the responsibility of
the Chief Officer to verify that the manhole cover is properly
WHY? The Chief Officer had not explained the
secured when the job is completed. The following day the
importance of following procedures
vessel berthed and the cargo operation commenced. During
loading, the vessel carried out a normal ballast operation for
stability reasons. The cargo operation was completed in the The Chief Officer lacked the correct
evening and the vessel sailed for the next port. WHY? attitude about the importance of
About 24 hours after the ballast operation had been following procedures
completed, the Chief Officer discovered that one of the cargo
holds had been flooded with more than one meter of water. There was a lack of onboard
Prior to this there had been scheduled inspections but they leadership as all crew members involved
had failed to discover any water. had been negligent, and the manager
The vessel was fitted with both cargo hold bilge alarms WHY? had not been able to implement a
and high-level alarms. These were monitored from the bridge. culture onboard that ensured that the
There was no bilge alarm until 10 hours after the flooding. crew understood the importance of
The bilge alarm is included in the list of Monthly inspection of required procedures.
critical equipment which had obviously not been completed
correctly, as it had been inspected a couple of days previously
and found at the time to be in good condition. The bilge CONSEQUENCES
sensor was actually broken and heavily corroded, which takes The flooding caused extensive damage to almost
a long time to happen. 30 containers. If the SMS procedures had been
There was a failure with the visual inspection and no followed it is likely that the casualty would have
proper soundings were taken. If this had been done it is likely been prevented. The manager reviewed the SMS
that the flooding would have been discovered sooner. and additional measures were introduced.

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Wet Damage to Cargo

Preventing recurrence
`` The manager recognised that there was inadequate assessment of operational readiness, inadequate monitoring,
lack of supervisory/management job knowledge, inadequate enforcement of work standards.
`` The manager has informed all vessels in the organisation about the casualty and reminded the vessels that there
were breaches as per the SMS that were unacceptable and needed to be rectified at once.
`` All vessels were required to carry out an unscheduled inspection of the cargo hold bilge alarm system.
`` The casualty has been discussed during safety meetings on all other vessels.
`` The Risk Assessment for Enclosed Space Entry has been revised and a new section has been introduced called
Hazards/Control Measures to be Taken, which addresses the risks of pollution, flooding and cargo contamination
and what preventive measures should be implemented.
`` A new logbook for recording cargo hold bilge alarms has been introduced, and is maintained onboard. When a
cargo hold bilge alarm is activated all action taken should be recorded in this log.
`` The manager has MRM, but it would be beneficial to train more officers about MRM.
`` The manager should ensure that the procedures are more specific when a detailed risk assessment should be
`` The manager should implement specific training for senior officers about the importance of following the man
ager’s SMS and what the consequences of disregarding procedures can lead to.
`` The auditor should, during internal audits, verify the crew’s knowledge of work permits and risk assessment.

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Wet Damage to Cargo

The importance of the crew following procedures is for seaworthiness. This could also be implemented after a tank
imperative. Unfortunately it is not unusual that procedures inspection, as it is a recurring issue that manhole covers are
are ignored. The consequences of ignoring procedures need not refitted correctly.
to be explained. The master must ensure that there is a There are many important issues presented in this study
culture onboard that follows safety. The Master must have but the main issue is that the root cause to these casualties
the full support from the manager that safety most be needs to be addressed. It needs to be understood why mistakes
adhered to at all the time and should be the top priority. are being made and why the crew is disregarding procedures.
It is imperative that the manager verifies this during internal It is hard and time-consuming to address these issues.
audits. It is also essential that cargo handling procedures To implement an effective safety culture is a difficult task
are comprehensive. for any company. The problem is that if this is not addressed
Many companies have implemented two-person checks it is likely that the incident will happen again.
for critical operations such as navigation and key operations

The main focus should be to establish

what the real root cause of the casualty is
and then to focus on how to rectify this.

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Wet Damage to Cargo

Loss Prevention
The Loss Prevention unit is placed within Risk & Operations and provides active loss prevention support, analysis, reports as well
as advice to members.

Lars A. Malm
Director, Risk & Operations

Telephone: +46 31 638 427

E-mail: [email protected]

Joakim Enström
Loss Prevention Officer

Telephone: +46 31 638 445

E-mail: [email protected]

Anders Hultman
Loss Prevention, Project Coordinator

Telephone: +46 31 638 426

E-mail: [email protected]

Head Office Gothenburg
Visiting address: Gullbergs Strandgata 6,
411 04 Gothenburg
Postal address: P.O. Box 171,
SE-401 22 Gothenburg, Sweden
Tel: +46 31 638 400, Fax: +46 31 156 711
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +46 31 151 328

5th Floor, 87 Akti Miaouli, GR-185 38 Piraeus, Greece
Tel: +30 211 120 8400, Fax: +30 210 452 5957
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +30 6944 530 856

Hong Kong
Suite 6306, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2598 6238, Fax: +852 2845 9203
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +852 2598 6464

2-14, 3 Chome, Oshima, Kawasaki-Ku,
Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0834, Japan
Tel: +81 44 222 0082, Fax: +81 4 4222 0145
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +81 44 222 0082

Tjuvholmen Allé 17,
NO-0252 Oslo
Tel: +47 9828 0514
E-mail: [email protected]
Emergency: +46 31 151 328
Produced inhouse by The Swedish Club, Corporate Communications


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