Table of Content
Table of Content
Table of Content
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Accounting
CHAPTER 2: Branches of Accounting (Definition and Services Rendered)
CHAPTER 3: Users of Accounting Information
CHAPTER 4: Forms of Business Organizations (Definition, Advantages/Disadvantages,
CHAPTER 5: Types of Business According to Activities (Definition,
Advantages/Disadvantages, Examples)
CHAPTER 6: Accounting Concepts and Principles
CHAPTER 7: The Accounting Equation
CHAPTER 8: Types of Major Accounts
CHAPTER 9: Books of Accounts
CHAPTER 10: Business Transactions and Their Analysis as Applied to the Accounting
Cycle of a Service Firm (Part 1)
CHAPTER 11: Business Transactions and Their Analysis as Applied to the Accounting
Cycle of a Service Firm (Part 2)
CHAPTER 12: Accounting Cycle of a Merchandising Business
Principles of Marketing is envisioned to be a marketing textbook that is designed for
ease of comprehension, enabling high readability especially for 11th Grade students,
while offering a depth of perspective that is useful even for professionals and marketing
Peppered with captivating stories, anecdotes and case studies from the Philippine
market, it is designed to make the learning of marketing an engaging and eye-opening
process. And with its tone that is closer to popular non-fiction books than it is to the
traditional textbook voice, readers can be expected to actually enjoy reading the book in
full, thereby making the learning process as painless as possible.
Table of Contents
1. The Principles of Marketing
2. The Environment and Its Opportunities
3. Market Segments and Consumer Behavior
4. Positioning
5. Product Strategies
6. Pricing Strategies
7. Place and Placement
8. Promotion Strategies
9. Integrated Marketing Communications
The book has been designed for young Filipino senior high school students (Grade 11)
who would immediately take on responsibilities to put up or manage a small family-
owned business. We also had in mind the K12 graduates who would continue to college
to pursue a career in professional management.
Another idea that was emphasized in the book is the importance of the "soft skills"
(values, attitudes and behavior) attributes required of a competent manager. These
would be on top of the "hard skills" the manager must have such as business acumen,
technical/functional knowledge, experience, talents and training.
Generally, this book provides our young Filipino future managers and entrepreneurs a
practical guide in their journey towards a successful career in management. For
management teachers, instructors, coaches, and mentors, we trust we are able to
provide you a useful reference material.
Table of Contents
Chapter I. The Job
Chapter II. Requirements of the Job
Chapter III. The Firm and Its Environment
The book covers the basic concepts in financial management. It provides an overview of
the financial system, the overall objectives of management, and the roles of financial
manager in a corporation.
The book covers a wide range of topics which include financial statement analysis,
planning and forecasting, working capital management, short term and long term
sources of financing and evaluation of long term investment. The risk-return trade off of
different investments such as those related to stocks, government securities and
corporate bonds will likewise be discussed. The book also provides a chapter on
managing personal finances where individuals will be apprised on how to save and
The book will provide examples that involve some of the listed Philippine companies,
whenever applicable, to give students the impression that the theories and concepts
discussed in the book are applied by real companies.
The book will provide real cases and examples of investments in financial instruments.
Aside from teaching investment management courses, both authors are actively
involved in fund management in the University.
Table of Contents
Each chapter begins with an Assignment for Research to highlight the relevance of the
topic at hand. Jollibee Foods Corporations, a company with operations that are very
familiar to majority of the students, illustrates the applications of accounting concepts in
the business world. Also, the comprehensive and continuous case of Mira's Store, a
neighborhood school and office supplies store, is used to guide the students in the
application of accounting in a sole proprietorship. Finally, illustrations, chapter tests and
problem sets give students practice materials to reinforce their understanding of the
theories in each chapter. Teachers may refer to the accompanying Teacher's Resource
Manual for lecture guides and solutions to problems.
This book shed light on the manual procedures to illustrate the accounting process. The
problems in Chapters 7 to 9 may be used as mini practice set as students fill out
business forms, BIR-accredited receipts, bank forms and accounting books. Also, this
textbook is better used together with the supplementary Cheeky Triplets Accounting
Practice Set. The objective of the practice set is to give the students the experience of
performing the accounting cycle from business forms to financial statements.
Table of Contents
Statement of Financial Position (SFP)
Statement of Comprehensive Income (SCI)
Statement of Changes in Equity (SCE)
Cash Flow Statement (CFS)
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements
Accounting Books Journal and Ledger
Basic Documents and Transactions related to Bank Deposits
Bank Reconciliation Statement
Accounting Practice Set
Income and Business Taxation