1 Food and Drink
1 Food and Drink
1 Food and Drink
Which of these vegetables can you find in the picture? Label each vegetable in the
picture with the appropriate number.
Now try and do the same with the different fruit below. Then mark your favourite
fruit and vegetables by putting a ring round the number beside each of them.
This is a short section, in case you are a vegetarian! Most cuts of meat are spoken
of in English which comes from 'polite' Norman French. The parts that fall off or out
of the animal when it is cut up (offal) tend to come from Anglo-Saxon. Which of these
meats are your favourites? Which wouldn't you eat for a million dollars?
Food and drink
a fillet of beef
veal cutlets calf's liver
veal escalopes calf's heart
a shoulder of veal calf's foot
lamb chops lamb's brains
a shoulder of mutton sheep's head
a leg of pork pig's kidney
pork sausages pig's blood
Note that the pig is also responsible for providing us with cured and smoked meat:
ham, gammon and bacon.
These are birds which can be eaten but are not hunted with a shotgun. Read the
questions and select or write the appropriate answer for each of them.
1 Which of these five birds is white in the northern hemisphere but can be black in
a chicken b turkey с swan d goose e duck
2 What is eaten with each of the above types of poultry in your country?
Game is the group name for the wild animals and birds which are hunted and then
eaten (rabbits, hares etc). Select or write an answer for each question.
1 One of these meats is not from a bird. Which is it?
a pheasant b venison с partridge d pigeon e grouse
2 How popular is this type of food in your country?
3 Should shooting game as a sport be encouraged or discouraged?
Read the questions and select the appropriate answer(s) for each of them.
1 Which of these would you describe as white fish and which is oily?
a sole b cod с plaice d trout e haddock f salmon g eel
h mackerel і herring
2 Some of the above fish are freshwater fish, that is to say they spend all or most of
their life in a river. Some are sea fish. Underline the freshwater fish.
3 Ring your favourites in the list of fish in question 1. Then select how you like each
of them cooked.
a grilled b fried с baked d smoked e in a sauce f in a soup
g in a stew
4 One of these is not an example of shellfish (seafood). Which one?
a crab b lobster с shrimp d prawn e oyster f cockle
g mussel h kipper
Cereals and grasses
Match the list of cereals 1- 6 with statements a - f.
1 wheat 2 maize 3 rye 4 barley 5 oats 6 rice
a Most porridge is made of it. It is also used to feed horses.
b It is the staple diet in the East.
с It provides corn on the cob, a lot of cornflour, and American whisky.
d It is used to make black bread, cattle feed and some kinds of American whisky.
e It is used a lot in brewing and soups and malt is made from it.
f It is used to make white bread and most pasta.
Food and drink
Talking of pasta, below are a few of the approximately thirty types that are most
commonly eaten. Ring those that you like most.
a spaghetti b macaroni с noodles d ravioli e lasagne
Herbs and spices
[1] Which of these herbs do you like to use in your cooking? What sort of food do you use
them with?
[2] Which of these spices would you find it difficult to live without?
[3] Do you agree that if the ingredients of the meal have the proper taste you don't
need all that seasoning?
What our food contains
Look at the advertisement on the next page, which lists for you some of the elements
in the food we eat, for example protein, carbohydrates etc. Ask yourself how much
you eat of each in a typical day's diet.
Food in general
[2] Write or act out a conversation with a waiter. You are ordering one of the meals you
listed above. Remember the sort of restaurant you're in and be prepared to choose an
alternative if what you ask for is unavailable.
[3] Write a page from your diary. It is the fifteenth day that you have been on a really
strict diet.
[4] Write, in dialogue form, a conversation between a butcher and a regular customer
who does not find any of the meat in the window particularly attractive or good