Linear Interpolation Function
Linear Interpolation Function
Linear Interpolation Function
Please note that this Tarsier tool is distributed with NO WARRANTY.
This page contains the following information on this Tarsier Tool.
Usage Instructions
License Fee
How to Install
How to Uninstall
Revision History
Software for Download
Source Code
Technical Support
Further Information
Usage Instructions
To use the Linear Interpolation Function:
The following instructions assume you know how to use Excel Functions.
If you use Excel's function paste menu, our interpolation function can be found either under the "All"
listing or under "User defined".
The function has three mandatory arguments and two optional arguments.
You must;
1. specify the range of cells containing the known X values, (argument known_x)
2. specify the range of cells containing the known Y values, (argument known_y)
3. specify the X value you are interpolating against, (argument x_Value)
With this information the function will perform linear interpolation to find the specified value, or
extrapolate to find the Y value if the X value is outside the range of known X values.
Additionally, you can specify the following options;
1. what value should be returned if the X value interpolated against is outside the range of known X
values, (argument cutOffAction, 0 = extrapolate; 1 = cut off at the nearest known value, 2 = return
2. use step interpolation, (argument step binary value, false = perform linear interpolation, true =
perform stepwise interpolation),
Important Note:
The known X values must be in numerical order, minimum to maximum.
The values in the Example result column are calculated using the following data.
Note, constant values shown in the example equations above can of course be replaced be replaced by
cell references, definitions, etc...
Error Messages
When using the Linear Interpolation Function, it will return Excel error codes in the following
1. If you only supply one point (one X and one Y value) the function will return the Excel #NUM! value,
License Fee
There is no license fee for personal use of this tool. However, if you are using this software within
software that you are developing and intend to sell, please email me for details of the license fee.
How to Install
1. Download the appropriate Linear Interpolation Function for your version of Windows® and Excel (see
the Software section of this page) and use the save this file to disk option to save the file to a
directory on your computer where you'll be able to find it later. (See Note below). A good location to
save the file is to your Microsoft Excel AddIn directory, which can be found by completing steps 2, and
2. Start Microsoft Excel, and from the Tools menu, select AddIns...,
3. Click on the Browse... button, which will list all the non Microsoft Excel AddIns,
4. A. If you saved the file to your Microsoft Excel AddIn directory, select TT03002.xla from the list of
files and click the OK button,
B. If you saved the file to another directory, change to that directory in the same way that you would
use the Open file dialog to open a file; then select TT03002.xla from the list of files and click the OK
5. Ensure that the box for the "Linear Interpolator" is ticked/checked, as shown below, and click OK
My Linear Interpolator Function is now ready for use.
How to Uninstall
To uninstall the Linear Interpolator Function,
1. Start Microsoft Excel, and from the Tools menu, select AddIns...,
2. Untick/uncheck the box for the "Linear Interpolator Function" and click OK.
If you decide that you want to use the Linear Interpolator Function again, just perform steps 2 and 5 from
the How to Install Procedure.)
If you want to remove the Linear Interpolator Function reference from the list of AddIns,
1. Delete the file TT03002.xla from your computer,
2. Start Microsoft Excel, and from the Tools menu, select AddIns...,
3. Try to tick/check the box for the "Linear Interpolator Function" the following message will appear,
"Cannot find add in 'directory path\TT03002.xla'. Delete from list?". Click Yes,
4. Close the AddIn dialog box by clicking OK.
Revision History
Rev Date Description
1.0 10Nov03 Initial Version Released
Software for Download
Windows Ver. Excel Ver. Software
Win 2000 Excel 97 TT03002.xla
Win XP Pro Excel 2003
Please let me know if you have used my Linear Interpolation Function, successfully or not, on any other
Windows® and Excel combination.
Source Code
In accordance with the GNU General Public License the Microsoft Excel Addin used to distribute this
Tarsier Tool is not password protected allowing you to view and modify it if you require. You should
review the GNU GPL to determine your rights to distribute this software and be informed that this
software is distributebuted with NO WARRANTY.
Technical Support
Frequently Asked Questions
Currently there are no FAQ for this tool. If you have a question, please email it to us. Please ensure that
you identify which Tarsier Tool, (Linear Interpolation Function TT03002) the question is about.
If you suspect a bug in this Tarsier Tool, before contacting me, please check the FAQs and Bug Reports to
see if it has already been identified. If it hasn't, email me a description. Please ensure you identify the
Tarsier Tool, (Quadratic Regression Function TT03001), the operating system and spreadsheet program in
the email and include as much detail as possible; including a simple example application is always
helpful! but make sure it does not contain proprietary or confidential information.
Currently there are no reported bugs for this Tarsier Tool.
Further Information
This section will be updated with links to information relating to the principles behind and the uses of this
Tarsier Tool, as I become aware of them.
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