Carlos Moore Leflore Sanctions
Carlos Moore Leflore Sanctions
Carlos Moore Leflore Sanctions
Petitioner by counsel, pursuant to M R.A.P. 5, petitions this Court for permission to appeal
an interlocuto1y order of the Circuit Court of Leflore County, Mississippi, and for other relief In
I. Petitioner is the Plaintiff to the case in the Circuit Court of Leflore County, Mississippi.
Petitioner"s motion for reconsideration or in the alternative, motion to stay payment was
2. In this Petition, Petitioner seeks r~lief from this Court from an order of the Circuit Court
motion to stay payment in the civi I matter asserting as a basis that Circuit Court of Leflore
County abused its authority by imposing sanctiops in the amount of $27,467.83 upon
Petitioner's counsel. Further, Petitioner asserts that the Circuit Court of Leflore County
abused its authority when Plaintiffs motion was denied without presentation of any oral
arguments. Petitioner will further state that she was not provided a copy of the defense's
3. Circuit Court of Leflore County unjustly enriched Respondents and caused substantial and
irreparable harm to Petitioner's ability to fully prosecute her case. The basis of
wasted preparing for a trial that did not occur. However, Respondents were aware of
Petitioner's desire for a request of trial continuance prior to September 51\ 2017 trial date.
Additionally, the fact that trial was continued, means a trial will be scheduled to commence
in the future. Therefore, any preparation for trial made by Respondents' and their counsel
5. A copy of the Leflore County Circuit Court Order dated January 5, 2018 is attached hereto
as Exhibit ''B.''
6. A copy of the Original Order granting Sanctions dated December 1, 2017 is attached hereto
as Exhibit ''C.''
7. The facts necessary to an understanding of the question of law determined by the order of
a. Petitioner filed her medical malpractice Complaint on or about January 30, 2014
b. The bench trial was set to commence at 9:00 a.m. on September 51\ 2017 via an
e. The Circuit Court of Leflore County granted the continuance but not without
advising Respondents that any motions for sanctions would be entertained relating
to attorney's fees and expert witness fees Hence, Respondents filed its Motion for
f On December P1, 2017, Respondents motion was granted and sanctions were
g. On December 11 1'\ 2017, Petitioner filed her Motion for Reconsideration on the
grounds that if her counsel is forced to pay expenses prior to trial or the conclusion
h. On January 5, 2018, Plaintiff's motion for reconsideration was denied. See A:'Chibit
1. The Order indicated that the defense filed their opposition to the motion, but
Statement of the Current Status of the Case and why it should be stayed
8. The trial of this case has not been set. A decision by this Court in favor of Respondents
could result in the dismissal of Petition's claims with prejudice. The Circuit Cami action
should therefore be stayed pending this Court's decision on this appeal in order to avoid
the expense of complying with the January 5th Order enforcing a $27,467.83 sanction upon
undersigned counsel.
Issues Presented
9. This Petition for Interlocutory Appeal is being filed within twenty-one days of the effective
date of the trial court's Order Denying Plaintiffs Motion for Reconsideration, which was
entered on January 51\ 2018. The question of law decided by the Circuit Court and to be
a. Whether the Circuit Court of Leflore County erred in ruling that Plaintiffs motion
IO. Petitioner's circuit court case will be irreparably harmed absent an interlocutory appeal.
I I. Pursuant to F.R.A.P. 5(a), ·'an appeal from an interlocutory order may be sought if a
12. Due to the fact that Petitioner was denied reconsideration and/or in the alternative stay of
the order to pay sanctions imposed upon her counsel, the instant motion is in compliance
13. In order to satisfy the Order (dated January 51h, 2018) of the Circuit Court of Leflore
County, Petitioner's case in said circuit court will suffer tremendously. It is not within the
($27,467.83) and still be able to adequately prosecute her claims. See 1~:'Chihit A.
l 4. So,?ford Products Corp. v. Freels, 495 So.2d 468 - Miss Supreme Court 1986 held," ... that
warranted. (citing Kilgore v. Barnes. 490 So.2d 894 (Miss. l 986)) The survival and
15. ln her Motion for Reconsideration, Petitioner informs Respondents of the financial strain
that compliance with the sanctions will inflict upon undersigned counsel's ability to
prosecute her medical negligence case. If undersigned counsel pays the $27,467.83,
Petitioner's access to the circuit court will be hindered. The guideline for the granting of
such appeals from circuit court trials was stated to be in cases where the appeal may settle
an important principle of law in the case and may advance the ultimate determination
16. Clearly, a decision in favor of Petitioner on the issues presented would stay payment of
sanctions in the Circuit Court case, thereby " ... avoid[ing] exceptional expense to
[Petitioner]; [and]/or protect[ing] a party from substantial and irreparable injury." See Miss.
17. Petitioner's motion must be granted to avoid expense and undue delay. In particular, the
Petitioner may suffer irreparable harm personally if interlocutory review is not granted.
FOR THESE REASONS, Petitioner respectfully prays that this Court will grant the
following relief:
a. Enter an order staying the payment of sanctions for 30 days after the conclusion of
b. Grant such other relief as the Court may deem appropriate in the circumstances.
Respectfully submitted, this the ) ~ of January, 2018.
By: ~ (.Q"\~
Carlos E. Moore, MSB# 100685
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I have this date served via the electronic filing
system and/or mailed via U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid, a true and correct copy of the above and
foregoing to the following:
COl\1ES NOW, Plaintiff Lue R Sanders (hereinafter ·'Plaintiff'), by counsel, and files this
her ,'vfotionfor Reconsideration or in the Alternative, A lvfotwn to Stay Payment of.Sancttons, and
1 On or about January 30, 2014, P]aintiff filed her medical malpractice Complaint. Moore
Law Group, PC associated attorneys Katrina S Brown and Lillie Evans Bass in this matter.
On November 30, 20 J 7, an Agreed Order Re-Setting Case for Bench Trial was executed,
setting the bench trial to begin at 9:00 a.m. on September 5, 2017 and notably said Order
was signed by Katrina Brown and not Carlos E. Moore Nevertheless, On August 28, 2017
Ms. Brown and Ms. Bass were granted permission to withdraw as counsel for Plaintiff
2. Ms. Brown was lead counsel and designated as counsel to appear for the trial date of
September 5th, 20 l 7 Plaintiff and Moore Group requested a continuance of trial on
September I st_ 20 l 7 and requested to vvithdraw as counsel for Plaintiff Said requests were
made due to an impasse that both Plaintiff and undersigned counsel had reached, regarding
trial strate~,y. Additionally, the request was made because the undersigned counsel was
to unduly prejudice the P!aintifr~ but Defondant.s were informed that any motions for
sanctions would be entertained as it relates to attorney's fees and expert witness fees.
Defendants complied, and as a result undersigned counsel has been ordered to reimburse
-· --- - - ------····- ----·---- - ·-- .
grounds that an award of such expenses would be unjust and hamper and hinder
undersigned counsel's effort to prosecute the instant medical malpractice case on behalf of
Plaintiff "ln determining an appropriate amount of attorney's foes .. the fee depends on
consideration of, in addition to the relative .financial ability of the parties, the skill and
standing of the attorney employed, the nature of the case and novelty and difficulty of the
the cause, the time and labor required, the usual anti customary charge in the
comnumity .. . " Walton v. Walton, 44 So.3d 1035 .. Miss: Court of Appeals 2010.
5. Pursuant to Rule 37(a)(S)(A)(iii), the Court is allowed to not sanction a party or counsel if
"other circumstances make an award of expenses unjust. There is a striking absence by this
attorney of any willful attempt to deceive or mislead this Court or opposing counsel. Both
parties were aware prior to trial that Plaintiff wished to continue the trial date of September
0-c While the court may find a case appropriate for the award of attorney's fees, the actual
mvard of attorney's tees is still dependent upon specific proof Romne_v v. Barbetta, 88l
So 2d 958_ 962(Miss.Ct.App.2004) Defendant have not proven that rhey have actually paid
experts any money or that said ,;:xperts lost business because of the trial being continued
7. Further, as the case vvas not dismissed and will be reset for trial, defense counsels'
8. In Walton. the court affirmed a party's Liability for attorney's fees pursuant to Rule l l and
th_~n-~~Il_~ phtin_ e_f!"or_in a chancellor's actual award. In re Spence,~ 985 So.2d 3_30, 339
{Miss 2008), ln that case, the Mississippi Supreme Coun found plain error in the award of
fees in excess of the proot: vacated the judgment regarding the precise vaJue of the award,
and remanded for a factual finding of the amount of reasonable attorney's tees. Defendants
9. Lastly, undersigned counsel should have been given the oppo1tunity to present arguments
on his behalf prior the court's ruling and hereby requests an evidentiary hearing on review
of sanctions
1O. Undersigned counsel humbly requests that he only be required to pay reasonable expenses
counsel is forced to pa.y expenses prior to trial, or the end of this case will hinder Plaintiff's
access to Court or to fully prosecute her case Thus, counsel for Plaintiff re.quests a stay
and that he be allowed to pay said sanction thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the this
Honorable Court grant counsel for Plaintiff relief from the Order of the Court requiring Carlos
Moore to pay sanctions er e-..:penses of the Defendants related to !\tr Moore's failure to appear for
trial or motion hearing on September 5th, 20 l 7 Additionally, given the simplicity of this motion,
Plaintiff respectfully request to be excused from filing a separate memorandum of laws Finally.
Plaintiff prays for all general re!jef this Honorable Court deems to be fair and just
Carlos E. Moore, MSB# 100685
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that T have this date served via the electronic filing
system and/or mailed via US . .Ylail, postage pre-paid, a true and correct copy of the above and
foregoing to the following:
DEC 112017
TIDS CAUSE came before the Court on Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration or in the
Alternative, a Motion to Stay Payment of Sanctions. After due consideration of said motion and
opposing party's response thereto, this Court finds the motion is not well taken and shall be denied.
hereby DENIED.
'JAN 05 2018
BY~oa . ] { ~ ~ n.c
II -..:::..___ RECEIVEO;o 82018
TIDS CAUSE came before the Court on the Defendant Greenwood Leflore Hospital's
Motion for Sanctions. After due consideration of said motion and opposing party's response
2. On January 30, 2014, the complaint in this case was filed on behalf of the Plaintiff by
3. Subsequently, the law firm of Brown Bass & Jeter, PLCC, and its attorneys Katrina S.
Brown and Lilli Evans Bass were associated by the law firm of Moore Law Group
(currently kwon as Tucker Moore Group) in this case. The Plaintiff has never signed
any type ofretainer or attorney-client agreement with Brown Bass & Jeter, PLCC,
4. On November 30, 2017, an Agreed Order Re-Setting Case for Bench Trial was signed
setting this case for a bench trial to begin at 9:00 a.m. of September 5, 2017;
5. On August 18, 2017, _Katrina S. Brown and Lilli Evans Bass filed a Motion to Withdraw
as Counsel for the Plaintiff based on a conflict of interest. According to that motion,
"Brown Bass & Jeter's withdrawal as counsel in this matter will not unreasonably delaY. ~
\\ \ \\'i
EXHIBIT ~'c.C'c.\~'c.\l
the case or prejudice the parties in any manner, as Carlos Moore of the law firm Tucker
Moore Group is still and will remain attorney of record for the Plaintiff;"
6. On August 28, 2017, after receiving no objection from the Defendant or Attorney
7. On Friday, September 1, 2017, one business day prior to the trial, Attorney Moore, filed
a Motion to Withdraw as Counsel and Assert Lien, Motion to Continue Trial, and a
Notice of Hearing in which he noticed his motions for a hearing the morning of trial;
8. Monday, September 4, 2017, was the Labor Day Holiday and was observed as a State
9. Although the documents were not filed until September 1, 2017, the Court received a
10. In the Motion to Withdraw, Attorney Moore claims that he reached an impasse with his
client on how to proceed, that he would be out of state on September 5, 2017, and that
11. In the Motion to Continue, Attorney Moore claims that he had a scheduling conflict and
would be out of state on September 5, 2017. Attorney Moore never stated the nature of
his conflict. However, the Defendant has presented evidence that Attorney Moore had a
12. In his Motion to Continue, Attorney Moore further claims that he has a previous
obligation for a trial commencing on September 12, 2017, in Shelby County, Tennessee.
That trial was set to begin a week after the trial in this case and the order scheduling that
trial was not entered until July 24, 2017, approximately seven months after this case was
13. At 9:00 a.m. on September 5, 2017, the Court, the Defendant, and the Defendant's
attorney were present in the Leflore County Courthouse and were ready to proceed with
14. Attorney Moore failed to appear and sent Justin Smith to argue his Motion to Continue;
15. After due consideration of the evidence presented at the hearing, the Court reluctantly
granted the continuance, and asked the Defendant to submit a cost bill for his attendance
16. In preparing for the September 5, 2017 trial the Defendant incurred attorney fees in the
17. In preparing for the September 5, 2017 trial the Defendant incurred expert witness fees
The Court finds that the costs of the attorney fees and expert witness fees submitted by
the Defendant are reasonable and that Attorney Carlos Moore shall be responsible for
paying those fees based on his failure to attend the trial and motion hearing on September 5,
shall be and is hereby ordered to reimburse the Defendant for the reasonable attorney fees
and expert witness fees incurred by Attorney Moore's failure to attend the trial set on
September 5, 2017. The total amount to be reimbursed is $27,467.83. This Amount shall
DEC o12017