Teaching of Sanskrit and The Use of ICT at Degree Level
Teaching of Sanskrit and The Use of ICT at Degree Level
Teaching of Sanskrit and The Use of ICT at Degree Level
UGC SPONSORED NATIONAL SEMINAR ON “Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in making a
Healthy Information Society with special Reference to use of ICTs in Educational Technology”
th th
ISSN-2320-7884 (Online)
ISSN-2321-0257 (Print)
Today the use of Information and the destination becomes the source, and transmission
Communication Technology in classroom is is now from the other side. Moreover this
encouraged by one and all. On one hand the dissemination of knowledge is between humans and
government is allocating funds for proper planning not between machines. Hence one can’t tune all the
and implementation of the use of ICT, and on the recipients to the same pitch. Machines can be thus
other hand the stakeholders, mainly the teachers and manipulated, not humans. So while using the ICT in
the students at the institutional level, whether they be a classroom one has to take into consideration this
universities, colleges or schools, are eager to explore unique feature.
this new technique. Using models, maps, charts and
other teaching aids is not uncommon at least at Similarly, a technique or experiment which
school level. However, utilizing the latest technology succeeded in one place may not yield the same result
in a meaningful way to get the desired result certainly at other place. And this fact should be taken into
needs a careful study of the pros and cons before account by the authorities or the people who are
implementing it on a large scale. For, it is not as responsible for implementing these techniques. The
simple as office automation, where one simply does rural-urban, the high-low, the intelligent-dull-witted,
digitalize the records, and use computers in place of the hardworking-lazy etc. differences also do play
pen and paper--a transition from man to machine. their part to make this a complex situation. Still, these
shall not be deterrents for the use of any technology
The aim of teaching-learning process is aided innovative practices in the educational
transmission of knowledge. In a classroom the institutes.
teacher is the source wherefrom the student receives Sanskrit being a traditional subject, its
information. The means of communication between teaching involves mainly making the student byheart
these two is mainly words in the form of speech or the verses, aphorisms, verb forms etc. This is a time
writing. But this is a two way system unlike the tested method and is still followed in the traditional
transmission of say electricity or light which is one schools. In fact, this is how this great language
way, from the source to the destination. In a survived for many centuries, not even being required
classroom the teacher has not only to teach but also ever to take recourse to the written form. But things
to check whether the student has received what he changed a lot first with the written form, and later the
has taught. Thus here the response check at every print form getting more dominant as the power of the
step makes it different from other transmissions, as human brain to remember complex structures started
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Dept of Computer Science, Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous), Vijayawada,
UGC SPONSORED NATIONAL SEMINAR ON “Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in making a
Healthy Information Society with special Reference to use of ICTs in Educational Technology”
th th
ISSN-2320-7884 (Online)
ISSN-2321-0257 (Print)
to diminish. And then the need to teach to the knowledge of the language on one hand, and of the
European students who could not digest this oral subject matter on the other hand. Specialized learning
method also made a strong demand for the written of Grammar, Chandas etc. used to be a different
form. We must consider the noun and verb tables, the thing. Nowadays, this language and literature
Sabdasand the Dhatus, and the Sanskrit syntax technique is followed rarely. But the ICT method of
lessons attempted by the modern authors in their teaching is very well suited for this technique.
works on Sanskrit Grammar and in the Sanskrit As an example of the above technique let us
Primers and Readers as an innovation in teaching consider a simple verse from the Raghuvamsa.
techniques evolved in the last century. And surely Vaagarthavivasampriktauvaagarthapratipatta
these have done their job well. Now the teacher has ye /
to step away from the blackboard and step into a Jagatahpitarauvandepaarvatiparameswarau //
smart classroom that provides for computer lessons The traditional explanation of the above
such as powerpoint presentations, playing of audio verse will have the following steps:
and video clips, web browsing, online teaching 1. Padacchedah--Word division
methods etc. to effectively communicate to the [Vaak+arthau+iva, sampriktau,
student. And let us see how best a Sanskrit teacher vaak+arthapratipattaye…]
can use these techniques in a classroom while 2. Anvayah--Prose-order
teaching a lesson to his students. [vaagarthavivasamprikataujagatahpitarau
…] or
Just as in case of other languages, teaching Dandanvayah--Prose-order connecting
Sanskrit consists of two parts: 1. Teaching the the words with queries. [vande,
language and 2. Teaching the literature. The first part kau, parvatiparameswarau,
is popularly known as the grammar part. The second kidrisau, vaagarthavivasampriktau,
part is known as the lesson part. There are many punahkidrisau…]
ways in teaching a language. Teach some grammar 3. Arthaah--Word meanings [vaagarthaviva
first, and start lessons later. Or start with simple = like word and its meaning,
lessons and introduce some grammar points and sampriktau = united …] or Arthaah
move on to grammar texts later. In traditional with grammar
Sanskrit teaching after some basic grammar teaching, [vaakcaarthahcavaagarthasabdartha
the lesson and grammar are simultaneously taught. u …]
There was a saying regarding scholarship in Sanskrit. 4. Vyakaranam--Grammar (This is not
If someone has studied the five great kavyas, then he necessary if Arthaas with grammar are taken up)
will be considered a scholar. Because, while studying Now these four steps can be effectively
the kavyas, the student will study the relevant presented through powerpoint slides as shown below:
grammar also. Thus he will get adequate working Slide 1: Sloka
65 www.ijdcst.com
Dept of Computer Science, Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous), Vijayawada,
UGC SPONSORED NATIONAL SEMINAR ON “Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in making a
Healthy Information Society with special Reference to use of ICTs in Educational Technology”
th th
ISSN-2320-7884 (Online)
ISSN-2321-0257 (Print)
66 www.ijdcst.com
Dept of Computer Science, Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous), Vijayawada,
UGC SPONSORED NATIONAL SEMINAR ON “Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in making a
Healthy Information Society with special Reference to use of ICTs in Educational Technology”
th th
ISSN-2320-7884 (Online)
ISSN-2321-0257 (Print)
67 www.ijdcst.com
Dept of Computer Science, Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous), Vijayawada,
UGC SPONSORED NATIONAL SEMINAR ON “Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in making a
Healthy Information Society with special Reference to use of ICTs in Educational Technology”
th th
ISSN-2320-7884 (Online)
ISSN-2321-0257 (Print)
68 www.ijdcst.com
Dept of Computer Science, Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous), Vijayawada,
UGC SPONSORED NATIONAL SEMINAR ON “Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) in making a
Healthy Information Society with special Reference to use of ICTs in Educational Technology”
th th
ISSN-2320-7884 (Online)
ISSN-2321-0257 (Print)
69 www.ijdcst.com