Sample CMR PDF
Sample CMR PDF
Sample CMR PDF
Monitoring conducted
Conduct of compliance Monitoring conducted
quarterly likewise with
and impact self- last Aug. 11 and Nov.
ambient and wastewater
monitoring 13, 2014;
Ambient air monitoring
Results showed that
obtained values for NO2,
SO2 and Particulates by
Fast Laboratories, Inc.
were within DENR
Regular reporting Proof of receipts by LLDA 2014 3rd and 4th Quarterly
and CMR) submitted last Sept. 08,
2014 and Dec. 10, 2014,
2014 2nd and 3rd Quarter
submitted last July 11,
2014 and Oct. 10, 2014,
respectively at DENR
Central Office and EMB
2014 1st Semi Annual
CMR and CMVR was
submitted to DENR
Central Office and EMB
R4A last July 11, 2014.
Institutional PCO ID and Certificate of Compliant
arrangements necessary Training
for implementation of
management measures
Standard DENR A letter of CBK Power Co. Letter was received by EMB
requirement on transfer Ltd dated Jan. 13, 2005 was R-IV and DENR Central
of ownership forwarded to DENR Central Office on Jan. 14, 2005 and
Office informing Sec. Jan. 17, 2005, respectively
Michael Defensor of the
change in ownership of the
project from Edison Mission
Energy (EME) to J-Power
and Sumitomo Corporation
which took effect on Jan. 12,
Standard DENR Not yet applicable since Compliant
requirement on project is still in operational
abandonment phase
Compliance with Construction / DENR accreditation of water Compliant
EMP Contractor’s and air testing firm; and TSD
Environmental Program facility
Social Development Company has numerous SDP prepared and submitted to
Program (SDP) Social Development DENR - EMB, Region IV and
Programs as evidenced by PENRO. Consultation with host
pictures, reports, plaques of municipalities has been held and
will continue to assure relevance
appreciation of and need for projects.
CBK thru its Social Development
activities has extended
numerous assistance to its host
municipalities with the following
1. College Scholarship
Program which include
Tuition Fees and
Allowances. There are
currently 30 scholars
from the host
2. Adopt a School
Program which include:
a. Mentoring the
Mentors, b. Brigada
Eskwela, c. Repair of
school facilities due to
typhoon damage, d.
Donation of Books and
Bookshelves, among
3. Public Health
Assistance Program
which include medicines
and medical supplies
and donation of
medicines for medical
and dental mission.
4. Development and
Livelihood Program
which include Skills
Training Program,
Livelihood Training
5. Sports and Physical
Fitness Development
6. Environmental
Enhancement Program.
7. Civic Consciousness
Development Program.
8. Information Education
and Communication
9. Cultural Development
Program Support
(Community Festivals).
10. Plant Tour of
Engineering Students
from different
Contingency/Emergency ERA Report & Emergency Emergency Response Plan
Response Plan Response Plan have been cascaded to stakeholders
submitted to EMB on
Risk Management
December 21, 2001.
Abandonment Plan
(when applicable)
Environmental EMoP implemented EMoP and EMP – Monitoring
Monitoring Plan activities are carried out
according to schedule.
Impact Mitigating EMP implemented
Appropriate & In case of non- SMR and CMR; Results of air and water
effective compliance w/ any of the Results of air and waste sampling showed compliance
environmental prescribed water sampling to DENR standards
impact remedial environmental
actions or performance criteria and
mitigation exceedances over any
measures applicable environmental
In case of unacceptable
deterioration or
degradation of
environmental media or
adverse health and
welfare impacts to
human receptors
Complaints the complaint receiving Procedures on complaint No complaint during the
Management set-up management are specified in period.
the MMT MOO.
Case investigation
implementation of
corrective measures
communication with the
complainant / public
Realistic and sufficient budget for conducting Appropriate Financial EMF budget for CY 2014 was
the environmental monitoring and audit Statement on the Project established. A separate
activities Operating Budget sufficient budget is
established for hiring
technical experts for air,
water and noise quality
Accountability - qualified personnel are in- Relevant credentials of key EMS training is provided and
charged with the routine monitoring of the environmental management updated on a periodic basis.
project activities in terms of education, personnel and appropriate
training, knowledge and experience of the organizational structure
environmental team
The proponent made available for a table review of the MMT with DENR all monitoring reports generated
in the monitoring activities of the proponent. These include but not limited to the following :
1. SMR
2. CMR
3. Environmental Monitoring Report
4. Permits
5. Any other reports required by DENR.
B. Process Documentation for Validation of Water Quality (if confirmatory sampling is conducted.)
There is no validation of air quality performed for the project since the readings of the said sampling were
stable and the MMT members were present during the conduct of sampling of DENR – certified laboratory
C. Process Documentation for Validation of Air Quality (if confirmatory sampling is conducted.)
There is no validation of air quality performed for the project since the readings of the said sampling
were stable and the MMT members were present during the conduct of sampling of DENR – certified
D. Process Documentation for Validation of Hazardous Waste Management (if confirmatory sampling
is conducted.)
There is no validation of hazardous waste management performed for the project needed based on the
periodic monitoring of the MMT.
Directions: The MMT shall check documentary compliance of the Proponent to the conditions
stipulated in the ECC.
Upper canal intake
Service and control buildings
Tailrace and Lower Canal
Electromechanical equipment (i.e. reversible
vertical francis pump turbine; motor
generator, step-up transformer; cooling
water system; oil water circulation system;
drainage system; blowdown system;
supervisory control and data acquisition
system; automatic voltage regulator system
and governor system)
Temporary facilities(i.e. aggregates shed,
batch plant, testing laboratory, warehouse,
motor pool and fuel depot; site offices,
canteen and parking, disposal area for
excavated solid / dredged materials and
penstock fabrication shop)
Environmental Management
1. Continuous implementation of the CBK is implementing the following
Watershed Management Program and the environmental protection programs:
Caliraya – Lumot Watershed Land Use
Annual Arbor Day Tree Planting, Semi-
Development Plan developed for the
Annual Aquatic Ecology Study and the
KPSPP Rehabilitation Upgrading
Bathymetric Survey for Caliraya and
Expansion Project (RUEP)
Laguna Lakes which is conducted every
three (3) years.
2. Implementation of a continuous The Information and Education Campaign
information, Education and (IEC) on Solid Waste Management (RA
Communication (IEC) Program to explain 9003) was conducted last Nov. 18, 2014
to all stakeholders, especially to its local for the Municipality of Kalayaan and last
residents the final approved EMP and the Dec. 3, 2014 for the Municipality of
conditions of this ECC as well as updates Lumban among all stakeholders.
on project status including any significant
changes on the EMP/EMoP, results of CBK together with the Foundation for
MMT activities and over-all performance Worldwide People Power Inc. (FWWPPI)
against this ECC; sponsored and organized a follow-through
to the Mentoring the Mentors Program
(MMP) last May 26-28, 2014 and Adopt-A-
School Program last May 2014 that started
2003 year with the local public high school
and college state universities (Attachment,
name of schools and course). At present,
CBK has 30 scholars.
More than 50% (93) of regular employees
and most contractual workers are from
host and nearby municipalities.
4 Semi-annual monitoring and submission The 2014 sediment accumulation
of report on sediment accumulation in the monitoring and study has been conducted
identified influence areas of Laguna Lake by NPC Dams Management Department
and Caliraya Reservoir; last June 30 to July 11, 2014. DENR EMB
thru its letter dated Nov. 13, 2012
approved CBK’s request to conduct
sediment accumulation monitoring every
three (3) years (See attached letter from
DENR). The last sediment accumulation
monitoring was conducted by NPC last
5 Semi-annual biological monitoring on the The 2014 Wet Season aquatic ecology
established baseline stations in the monitoring and study was performed by
Laguna Lake and Caliraya Reservoir in NPC EMD last Oct. 13-17, 2014.
order to determine potential changes in
frequency, distribution and composition of
aquatic organisms due to water pumping
to the Caliraya Reservoir and water
discharge to Laguna Lake;
6 The project operations shall conform with As per last monitoring, the following
the provisions of observations were made:
R.A. 6969 (Toxic and Hazardous a. RA 6969 – Secured Hazardous Waste
Waste Act of 1990), ID with Reference no. 04-34-0029.
Hazwastes generated include Used
Oil, (I 101), BFL (D407), Contaminated
Rags (I104) and Lead Acid Batteries
(D406). Last hauling of Hazwastes
(contaminated rags) was conducted
last Nov. 11, 2014 with Genetron
International Marketing as its
transporter and treater. Said transport
is covered by PTT No. 03-14-1014
issued on Oct. 28, 2014. Hauling of
used batteries was conducted last
Nov. 17, 2014 with Oriental and
Motolite Marketing Corporation. Said
transport is covered by PTT Nos. 03-
14-0914-1374 issued on Oct. 7, 2014.
R.A. 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste b. RA 9003 – All residuals and recyclable
Management Act of 2000) wastes are properly segregated and
stored at the Material Recovery Facility
(MRF). Residuals are hauled by the
Municipality of Kalayaan once a month
or if the need arises;
R.A. 8749 (Clean Air Act of 1999) and c. RA 8749 – Secured PTO for 1 MW
diesel genset with Reference Nos.
2013-POA-0434-466 issued on
October 31, 2013 and 75Kva genset
issued in April 21, 2014. Fast
Laboratories has conducted ambient
air sampling on Aug. 11 and Nov. 13,
2014. Parameters tested include TSP,
NOx and Sox. Results obtained
showed compliance to DENR
previous years’ requirements and
11 No other activities should be undertaken No other activities have been undertaken
other than those stipulated in the outside the EIS/EPRMP.
EIS/EPRMP. Any significant expansion or
modification of the approved project
components and operations shall be
subject to a new Environmental Impact
Assessment; and
12 In case of plan of transfer of project
ownership, the concerned parties shall
notify the EMB within 15 days about the
planned transfer of ownership.
Directions: The MMT shall check compliance of the Proponent to the commitments made in the
3. Species list, Conduct semi- NPC EMD conducted the √ Continue with the
density and annual aquatic aquatic ecology study for planned mitigating
relative ecology monitoring wet season last Oct. 13-17, measure.
abundance of at Laguna, Caliraya 2014.
fresh flora and and Lumot Lakes
fauna (plankton
& benthos)
4. Quantity and - Conduct semi- NPC EMD conducted the √ Continue with the
species annual aquatic aquatic ecology study for planned mitigating
composition of ecology monitoring wet season last Oct. 13-17, measure.
fish catch, at Laguna, Caliraya 2014.
aquatic flora & and Lumot Lakes
-Conduct biological
analysis of Laguna,
Caliraya and Lumot
5. Generation of - Construction of Hazwaste storage facility Continue with the
hazardous hazwaste storage already constructed planned mitigating
wastes facility measure.
- Inspection & Aside from frequent
monitoring of monitoring of the PCO, the
hazwaste storage MMT conducted
facility monitoring on Aug. 11 and
Nov. 13, 2014
Directions: The MMT shall compare current sampling results as stated/reflected in the SMR from
the previous quarter’s results, DENR standards and the EQPL.
Sampling Location 1: Maintenance Bldg, KPSPP Complex, Kalayaan Laguna (Table must be used per
sampling location)
(August (Nov. 13, NPCC for Class C FLAG
11, 2014) 2014) Area for Noise)
1 NO2 (µg/Ncm) <0.03 <0.001 260 234 247 260 Passed
2 SO2 (µ/Ncm) <20 <20 340 306 323 340 Passed
3 Particulates(µ/Ncm) 3 18 300 270 285 300 Passed
4 Noise (dB) 59 61 70 65 68 70 Passed
Sampling Location 2: KPSPP Intake, Lumban, Laguna (Table must be used per sampling location)
Sampling Location 3: Caliraya Spillway, Lumban, Laguna (Table must be used per sampling location)
Since the stack diameter of the two (2) standby generators is less than four (4) inches which is the
minimum diameter recommended by USEPA for stack sampling, sampling from emission sources
could not be conducted. In lieu of the said sampling, ambient air quality monitoring was conducted
while the diesel engine was running.
Directions: The MMT shall compare current sampling results as stated/reflected in the SMR from
the previous quarter’s results, DENR standards and the EQPL.
Sampling Location 1: Lumot Lake (Serves as the Inlet of Caliraya-Lumot connecting tunnel. The area
is used as a laundry, swimming, car wash area and boat ride pier of the
Sampling Location 2: Sierra Lake (Serves as the outlet of Caliraya-Lumot connecting tunnel. The
station is a covelet which has minimal water circulation.)
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
increase increase increase increase
7 Turbidity (NTU) 2.54 1.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8 Oil & Grease(mg/L) 1.1 1.8 2 1.8 1.9 2 Passed
9 Phosphate (mg/L) 0.72 0.05 – 0.1 0.0475 – 0.045 – 0.05 – 0.1
0.995 0.09
10 Nitrate Nitrogen <0.1 0.22 10 9 9.5 10 passed
11Conductivity (µS/cm) 66.8 42.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
12 Total Coliform 230 13 x 102 5,000 4,500 4,750 5,000 Passed
MPN/100 ml (shall not (shall not (shall not (shall not
be be be be
exceeded exceeded exceeded exceeded
in 20% of in 20% of in 20% of in 20% of
the the the the
samples samples samples samples
taken taken taken taken
during the during the during the during
period) period) period) the
13 Potassium (mg/L) 0.59 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
*Method Detection Limit
the period) period)
13 Potassium (mg/L) 3.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
*Method Detection Limit
Sampling Location 4: KPSPP Dockyard (Located near the Tailrace. Also used as local fishermen’s pier.)
3 DO (mg/L) 7.2 6.3 5.0 min 5.5 min 5.75 min 5.0 min Passed
4 BOD (mg/L) 4 1 50 47.5 45 47.5 passed
5 COD (mg/L) 9 10 100 81 95 100 passed
6 TSS (mg/L) 17 11 70 66.5 63 70 passed
7 Turbidity (NTU) 55.9 8.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
8 Oil & Grease(mg/L) 3.4 1.3 5 4.5 4.75 5 passed
9 Phosphate (mg/L) 1.37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
10 Nitrate Nitrogen 0.78 0.21 10 9 9.5 10 passed
11 Conductivity(µS/cm) 292 156 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
12 Total Coliform 230 270 10 x 103 90 x 102 95 x 102 10 x 103 passed
MPN/100 ml
13 Potassium (mg/L) 4.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
*Method Detection Limit
Directions: The MMT shall indicate its observations on how hazardous waste is handled, stored
and disposed.
2. Used Handled 70 kgs piled horizontally & No waste treatment Compliant to
Fluorescent w/ PPEs stored in carton boxes / disposal DENR
Lamps located at KPSPP conducted regulation
(D407) Hazwaste storage area
3. Lead Handled No stored used batteries Hauling of 15,900 Compliant to
compounds w/ PPEs kgs. of used DENR
(D406) batteries was regulation
conducted by
Motolite last Nov.
17, 2014
4. Oil Handled 1000 liters stored at Hauling of 6,030 Compliant to
Contaminated w/ PPEs KPSPP Hazwaste storage kgs of used rags DENR
Used Rags area was conducted by regulation
(I101) Genetron last Nov.
11, 2014
Directions: The MMT shall indicate its observations on how solid waste is stored and disposed.
Directions: The MMT shall discuss the reason/cause for the conduct of confirmatory sampling and
Remarks : N/A
Directions: The MMT shall discuss how complaints were handled (process documentation as
attachment), problems encountered, solutions and recommendations made.
Remarks : N/A
The approval of request of Condition I.4 that sediment accumulation monitoring in the identified influence
areas of the Laguna and Caliraya Lakes shall be undertaken by the proponent every three (3) years is
based from the amendment of ECC Condition # 32 of ECC # 9904-009-201 issued on July 19, 1999.
The following activities were conducted by the MMT for the period July – December, 2014 :
Conducted the 3rd and 4th Quarter Monitoring last Aug. 11 and Nov. 13, 2014, respectively.
Conducted the Annual Work and Financial Planning Workshop for 2015 Budget last Sept. 12,
2014 at the KPSPP Training Room.
Participated in the Information and Education Campaign (IEC) for Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act (RA 9003) and Toxic Substances and Nuclear Waste Act (RA 6969) sponsored
by CBK for the Municipality of Kalayaan last Nov. 18, 2014.
Participated in the Information and Education Campaign (IEC) for Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act (RA 9003) and Toxic Substances and Nuclear Waste Act (RA 6969) sponsored
by CBK for the Municipality of Lumban last Dec. 3, 2014.
Conducted Semi-Annual CMVR Presentation and Year-End Evaluation last December 5, 2014 at
NPC Camarin Guesthouse Brgy. West Talaongan Cavinti, Laguna.
Prepared by:
MMT Member
MPDC, Lumban, Laguna