Not 0172017 6532017 PDF
Not 0172017 6532017 PDF
Not 0172017 6532017 PDF
Last Date:- 31.01.2018
Category No: 653/2017
Applications are invited online only by `One Time Registration' from qualified
candidates for the post mentioned below. Candidates shall apply only through the online facility
provided in the website of Kerala Public Service Commission viz,
Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile. Candidates who have
AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR as I.D. Proof in their profile.
1. Department : Police
The recruitment to the post of Woman Police Constable (Civil Police Officer) will
only be to the Woman Police Battalion and the vacancies occurring in the districts
will be filled up by transferring the officers on the basis of advise/rank seniority.
(G.O.(Rt)No.1484/2017/Home dated 05.06.2017.)
(i) The Ranked list published for this post shall cease to be in force after one year from
the date of finalization of the ranked list. Candidates will be advised from the said
list against the vacancies listed above and that may be reported to the Commission
in writing during the period of currency of the ranked list.
5. Method of appointment Direct Recruitment (Statewide)
(ii) Eye Sight: Must be certified to possess the visual standards specified below
without glasses.
Vision Right Eye Left Eye
(a) Distant Vision 6/6 Snellen 6/6 Snellen
(c) Must qualify in any five events out of eight events specified below of the National
Physical Efficiency, One Star Standard Test.
Note: - Physical measurement of candidates will be taken at the time of physical efficiency test
and those who do not possess the prescribed physical measurement will not be admitted for the
physical efficiency test. If accidents or injuries happen to a candidate while participating in the
physical efficiency test, she will not be given further chance to participate in the test. The
candidates should produce at the time of physical efficiency test, a Medical Certificate in
original in the form of prescribed hereunder, certifying to their physical fitness and eye sight
without glasses. The Medical Certificate should be one obtained from a Medical Officer under
the Government not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon/ Junior Consultant.
Standards of Vision
(without glasses)
(Specify whether field of vision is full or not. Entries such as Normal, Good etc are
inappropriate here)
She is physically fit for the post of Civil Police Officer in the Police Department.
Place: Signature
Date : Name and Designation of the Medical Officer
(Office Seal)
Note: Details regarding standards of vision should be clearly stated in the Certificate as given
above and vague statement such as Vision Normal/good will not be accepted. Specification for
each eye should be stated separately. If the specifications are not as indicated above, the officer
issuing the Certificate should certify whether the candidate has got better standards of vision or
worse standards of vision as the case may be, otherwise the Certificate will not be accepted.
8. Tentative Schedule
Date of OMR Examination : 26.05.2018
(For details, please refer the General Conditions given as Part II of ther notification.