Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach. He was a composer, organist, violinist, church’s teacher and Singer
of the baroque period. He was the member more important of one of the musician´s family
more important of the history.
His reputation how organist and clavencist was legendary.
Bach was born in March, 21, 1685. The same year if George Friederich Haendel and
Domenico Scarlatti. He was the 8th son of Maria Elisabetha Lämmerhirt and Johann
Ambrosius Bach. His uncles were all professional musicians. His uncle Johan Cristoph Bach
was when started the practice of the organ.
His mother died in 1694, when Johan Sebastian was 9 years old, and his father died 8
months after, Johan Sebastian, orphan whit 10 years old, went to live and study with his
brother, Johan Cristhop Bach.
Learned musical theory, composition and interpretation of the organ of his brother, also in
this time he studied theology, Latin, Greece, French and Italian in the “gymnasium” of the
At the 14 years old, whit his friend of the school George Herdman, were awarded whit one
enrollment for perform musical studies in the prestigious School of Saint Miguel in
In January, 1703, Bach worked in Weimar, in this time, he composed preludes for organ and
composed the legendary “Toccata and Fugue in D minor”.
After that, In 1706, Bach worked in the church of Saint Blasius how organist, this work was
good recompensed, the next year he took a best work how teacher and musical director.
The 17, October, 1707, Bach married whit Maria Barbara Bach, one cousin in second grade,
with she, had seven sons, only four survivor.
Next to, In 1708, Bach retuned to Weimar with a best work, in this time he studies the
compositions of Italian composers as Antonio Vivaldi, Arcangelo Corelli and Guisepe Torelli
and he composed scores for organ and orchestra.
In 1917, Bach worked in Kothen, in this time Bach composed his best compositions how:
The suites for violoncello solo, the sonatas and partitas for violin solo and the
Brademburgo´s Concerts.
But in 7, July, 1720, his wife died, some say that Bach Composed the Partita No. 2 for violin
solo in special the final section “the chaconne” in her name.
The next year Bach married with Ana Magdalena Wilke, one young singer soprano, whit
she, had thirteen sons, but only survivor six.
After that, he was named musical director of the Church of Saint Tomas, this was his final
work. In Leipzing, Bach composed his last compositions in special sacra music, and one
Mass in B minor, St. Mateo Passion and St. Juan Passion.
Bach had famous sons also composer as: Carl Philip Emanuel Bach, Johan Cristhian Bach,
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach.
The music of Bach was polyphonic, hs was the more important exponent of counterpoint
and fugue. His legacy in the music remains to this days.
Bach composed in his life 1128 compositions, his music catalog is divided into: Vocal music
and instrumental music.
Bach died in 28, July, 1749, to 65 years old, his son Emanuel and his student Johan
Friederich Agricola wrote his obituary, the Bach´s possessions included: five harpsichords,
three violins, three violas, two cellos, one gamba´s viola and one laud. His tomb was 150
years without identify. In 1894 his coffin was located and transferred at the church of St.
Juan in Leipzing. But in the Second War this church was destroyed, for this situation his
coffin was transferred at the church of St. Tomas in Leipzing.