Aggregates and Grain Size Analysis: Ogie 2011
Aggregates and Grain Size Analysis: Ogie 2011
Aggregates and Grain Size Analysis: Ogie 2011
Aggregates and
Grain Size Analysis
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Recycle concrete
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Natural Aggregates
Classification of rocks:
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• Weight
• Gradation
• Specific gravity and absorption
• Shape and surface texture
• Hardness
• Durability
• Deleterious substances
• Crushing strength
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Size classification:
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Grain Size distribution
Plotting percent passing versus log(particles
size (mm) or sieve size)
uniform (dense-graded)
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Properties with fines
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3-important parameters in GSD
• Coefficient of gradation
Cc= (D30)2/D60*D10
Well graded soil Cc from 1 to 3
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Max. density gradation
Fuller relationship:
Pi = 100(di/D)0.45
Pi = percent passing a sieve of size di
di = the sieve size in question
D = maximum size of the aggregate
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Blending aggregates
• Pi = Aa + Bb + Cc + ….
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Properties of Blended Soil
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Properties of Blended Soil
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Example: Three types of aggregates X, Y and Z are to be blended together. The
following are pertinent data:
Aggregate Type X Y Z
a. What will be the percent passing in the # 4 sieve of the blended aggregates?
b. What will be the percent passing in the #200 sieve of the blended aggregates?
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Strength of Aggregates
Rounded: Angular:
Poor interlocking good interlocking
Smooth surface – Rough surface – high
low friction friction
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Two Methods of Grain Size Analysis
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Following are the results of sieve analysis. Make the necessary calculations and
draw the particle distribution curve.
800 100
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Sieve # Sieve size Mass Retained % Retained Cumulative % Retained Cumulative %Passing
4 4.75 66
10 2 73
20 0.85 88
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1. D10 = 0.13mm
A large CU represents large range in grain sizes,
therefore the soil is regarded as well graded
D60 0.57
2. CU = = = 4.38 A value of CU near unity represents sizes of the
D10 0.13 same magnitude and if CU is less than 4.
the soil is uniform
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3. Cc =
(D10) (D60)
(0.13) (0.57)
= 0.78
4. D50 = Ave. part. size
= 0.40 mm
5. % of fines = 4.5%
6. % of gravel = 8.25%
7. % of sand = 87.25%
A large coefficient of curvature or concavity It is the mass retained in the # 200
or gradation (CC) measures the shape of the sieve but passing the # 4 sieve
GSD When CC is close to 1, soil is well D75
graded. If CC is much much less or greater 8. S0 = = 2.5
than 1, soil is poorly graded.
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a. D10 = 0.13 mm