Chemistry (MAke It Easy To Learn)
Chemistry (MAke It Easy To Learn)
Chemistry (MAke It Easy To Learn)
This also helps us to check whether the equation we make Correct or Not.
This also mean at the Cathode liquid change to solid and at the anode is Vice Versa
Molten PbBr the ion discharge is Pb2+ and Br-
Cathode: Zn2+ and H+ the ion discharge is Zn2+.This because H+ has located lower than Zn2+
in ECS.
Zn2+ + 2e Zn
Anode: Br- and OH- the ion discharge is OH-. This because OH- has located lower than Br- in
4OH- H2O + 2O2 + 4e(memorise this)
2. Concentration ion in electrolyte the ion discharge same with molten compound
because the concentration of water(OH- and H+) is very low and do not choose to
3. Type of Electrode
The electrode used must another from carbon and platinum because they are inert
The electrode used is Cu.
Cathode: Cu2+ + 2e Cu
Anode: Cu Cu2+ + 2e
This process used in:
1. Extraction of metals
2. Purification of metals
3. Electroplating of metals
Caution the solution used must be the same with electrode used.
Cu electrode used. The solution use CuSO4.
Now I know about Electrolytic Cell but what about Voltaic Cell?
In Voltaic Cell we have only one factor affect the discharge of ion.
The factor is Position in ECS.
The ion occur in this Voltaic Cell is only a Cation.
The cation selective to discharge(release electron) is the ion has located higher in ECS
Zn2+ and Mg2+ the ion selective to discharge is Mg2+.
Anode: Mg Mg2+ + 2e
Cathode: Zn2+ + 2e Zn
To form a rusting,Fe(OH)2 at anode the ion have to discharge must be Fe2+. Thus we can
prevent rusting by three methods:
1. Alloying
2. Sacrificial Protection
Iron connected with more electropositive metal/higher place than metal in ECS.
3. Protective Coating/Painting
What about voltaic cell process and Redox reaction, is that same?
1. ECS