EDCA Publishing v. Santos, 184 SCRA 614 (1990) .

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EDCA Publishing vs. Santos [G.R. No. 80298. April 26, 1990.] has lost any movable or has been unlawfully deprived thereof, may
First Division, Cruz (J): 4 concur recover it from the person in possession of the same. If the possessor of
a movable lost or of which the owner has been unlawfully deprived
Facts: On 5 October 1981, a person identifying himself as Professor has acquired it in good faith at a public sale, the owner cannot obtain
Jose Cruz placed an order by telephone with EDCA Publishing and its return without reimbursing the price paid therefor.
Distributing Corp. for 406 books, payable on delivery. EDCA prepared
the corresponding invoice and delivered the books as ordered, for 2. Arbitrary action, act of taking the law on own hands, condemned
which Cruz issued a personal check covering the purchase price of The Court expresses its disapproval of the arbitrary action of EDCA
P8,995.65. On 7 October 1981, Cruz sold 120 of the books to Leonor Publishing in taking the law into its own hands and forcibly recovering
Santos who, after verifying the seller’s ownership from the invoice he the disputed books from the Santos spouses. The circumstance that it
showed her, paid him P1,700.00. Meanwhile, EDCA having become did so with the assistance of the police, which should have been the
suspicious over a second order placed by Cruz even before clearing first to uphold legal and peaceful processes, has compounded the
of his first check, made inquiries with the De la Salle College where he wrong even more deplorably. Questions, such as the ownership of the
had claimed to be a dean and was informed that there was no such books, are decided not by policemen but by judges and with the use
person in its employ. Further verification revealed that Cruz had no not of brute force but of lawful writs.
more account or deposit with the Philippine Amanah Bank, against
which he had drawn the payment check. EDCA then went to the 3. Possession of movable property acquired in good faith equivalent to
police, which set a trap and arrested Cruz on 7 October 1981. title
Investigation disclosed his real name as Tomas de la Peña and his sale The first sentence of Article 559 provides that “the possession of
of 120 of the books he had ordered from EDCA to Leonor Santos (and movable property acquired in good faith is equivalent to a title,” thus
Gerardo Santos, doing business as Santos Bookstore). On the night of dispensing with further proof. It cannot be said that the spouses
said date 7 October 1981, EDCA sought the assistance of the police in cannot establish their ownership of the disputed books because they
Precinct 5 at the UN Avenue, which forced their way into Santos have not even produced a receipt to prove they had bought the
Bookstore and threatened Leonor Santos with prosecution for buying stock.
stolen property. They seized the 120 books without warrant, loading
them in a van belonging to EDCA, and thereafter turned them over to 4. Santos a purchaser in good faith, even if books were bought at
EDCA. Protesting this high handed action, the Santos spouses sued for discount
recovery of the books after demand for their return was rejected by Leonor Santos first ascertained the ownership of the books from the
EDCA. A writ of preliminary attachment was issued and EDCA, after EDCA invoice showing that they had been sold to Cruz, who said he
initial refusal, finally surrendered the books to the Santos spouses. was selling them for a discount because he was in financial need. The
Santos spouses are in the business of buying and selling books and
Ownership of the books was recognized in the Santos spouses by the often deal with hard-up sellers who urgently have to part with their
Municipal Trial Court, which was sustained by the Regional Trial Court, books at reduced prices. To Leonor Santos, Cruz must have been only
which was in turn sustained by the Court of Appeals. EDCA appealed one of the many such sellers she was accustomed to dealing with. It is
to the Supreme Court. hardly bad faith for any one in the business of buying and selling books
to buy them at a discount and resell them for a profit.
The Supreme Court affirmed the challenged decision and denied the
petition, with costs against EDCA Publishing. 5. Contract of sale consensual and is perfected upon agreement
The contract of sale is consensual and is perfected once agreement is
1. Article 559 of the Civil Code reached between the parties on the subject matter and the
Article 559 provides that “The possession of movable property consideration. According to Article 1475 of the Civil Code, “The
acquired in good faith is equivalent to a title. Nevertheless, one who contract of sale is perfected at the moment there is a meeting of
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minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the she had been unlawfully deprived of it by reason of Feist’s deception.
price. From that moment, the parties may reciprocally demand In ruling for Jimenez, the Court of Appeals held that “the fraud and
performance, subject to the provisions of the law governing the form deceit practiced by Feist earmarks this sale as a voidable contract
of contracts.” Article 1477, on the other hand, provides that “The (Article 1390). Being a voidable contract, it is susceptible of either
ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred to the vendee upon ratification or annulment. If the contract is ratified, the action to annul
the actual or constructive delivery thereof.” Article 1478 provides that it is extinguished (Article 1392) and the contract is cleansed from all its
“The parties may stipulate that ownership in the thing shall not pass to defects (Article 1396); if the contract is annulled, the contracting
the purchaser until he has fully paid the price.” parties are restored to their respective situations before the contract
and mutual restitution follows as a consequence (Article 1398).
6. Rule in the transfer of ownership However, as long as no action is taken by the party entitled, either
Ownership in the thing sold shall not pass to the buyer until full that of annulment or of ratification, the contract of sale remains valid
payment of the purchase price only if there is a stipulation to that and binding. When Tagatac delivered the car to Feist by virtue of said
effect. Otherwise, the rule is that such ownership shall pass from the voidable contract of sale, the title to the car passed to Feist (the title
vendor to the vendee upon the actual or constructive delivery of the was defective and voidable). Nevertheless, at the time he sold the car
thing sold even if the purchase price has not yet been paid. Absent to Felix Sanchez, his title thereto had not been avoided and he
the stipulation, delivery of the thing sold will effectively transfer therefore conferred a good title on the latter, provided he bought the
ownership to the buyer who can in turn transfer it to another. car in good faith, for value and without notice of the defect in Feist’s
title (Article 1506). There being no proof on record that Felix Sanchez
7. Effect of non-payment; Relief acted in bad faith, it is safe to assume that he acted in good faith.
Non-payment only creates a right to demand payment or to rescind 10. Ownership validly transferred to the Santos spouses
the contract, or to criminal prosecution in the case of bouncing Actual delivery of the books having been made, Cruz acquired
checks. ownership over the books which he could then validly transfer to the
Santos spouses. The fact that he had not yet paid for them to EDCA
8. Asiatic Commercial Corporation vs. Ang; Company not unlawfully was a matter between him and EDCA and did not impair the title
deprived of property, sale valid acquired by the spouses to the books.
In Asiatic Commercial Corporation v. Ang, the company sold some
cosmetics to Francisco Ang, who in turn sold them to Tan Sit Bin. Asiatic 11. Injustice will arise if “unlawfully deprived” would be interpreted in
not having been paid by Ang, it sued for the recovery of the articles a different manner
from Tan, who claimed he had validly bought them from Ang, paying One may well imagine the adverse consequences if the phrase
for the same in cash. Finding that there was no conspiracy between “unlawfully deprived” were to be interpreted in the manner premised
Tan and Ang to deceive Asiatic, the Court of Appeals declared that on the argument that the impostor acquired no title to the books that
the company was not unlawfully deprived of the cartons of Gloco he could have validly transferred to the spouses. A person relying on
Tonic within the scope of this legal provision. It has voluntarily parted the seller’s title who buys a movable property from him would have to
with them pursuant to a contract of purchase and sale. The surrender it to another person claiming to be the original owner who
circumstance that the price was not subsequently paid did not render had not yet been paid the purchase price therefor. The buyer in the
illegal a transaction which was valid and legal at the beginning. second sale would be left holding the bag, so to speak, and would be
compelled to return the thing bought by him in good faith without
9. Tagatac vs. Jimenez; Sale voidable due to fraud but subsists as valid even the right to reimbursement of the amount he had paid for it.
until annulled In Tagatac v. Jimenez, Trinidad C. Tagatac sold her car
to Warner Feist, who sold it to Sanchez, who sold it to Jimenez. When 12. Diligence exercised by Santos, but not by EDCA
the payment check issued to Tagatac by Feist was dishonored, Leonor Santos took care to ascertain first that the books belonged to
Tagatac sued to recover the vehicle from Jimenez on the ground that Cruz before she agreed to purchase them. The EDCA invoice Cruz
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showed her assured her that the books had been paid for on delivery.
Santos did not have to go beyond that invoice to satisfy herself that
the books being offered for sale by Cruz belonged to him; yet she did.
Although the title of Cruz was presumed under Article 559 by his mere
possession of the books, these being movable property, Leonor Santos
nevertheless demanded more proof before deciding to buy them. By
contrast, EDCA was less than cautious — in fact, too trusting — in
dealing with the impostor. Although it had never transacted with him
before, it readily delivered the books he had ordered (by telephone)
and as readily accepted his personal check in payment. It did not
verify his identity although it was easy enough to do this. It did not wait
to clear the check of this unknown drawer. Worse, it indicated in the
sales invoice issued to him, by the printed terms thereon, that the
books had been paid for on delivery, thereby vesting ownership in the

13. Santos spouses cannot be made to suffer

It would certainly be unfair to make the spouses bear the prejudice
sustained by EDCA as a result of its own negligence. There is no justice
in transferring EDCA’s loss to the Santoses who had acted in good
faith, and with proper care, when they bought the books from Cruz.
While the Court sympathized with EDCA for its plight, it is clear that its
remedy is not against the spouses but against Tomas de la Peña, who
has apparently caused all this trouble.

14. Santos have the right to complain

The spouses have themselves been unduly inconvenienced, and for
merely transacting a customary deal not really unusual in their kind of
business. It is they and not EDCA who have a right to complain.

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