Overhead Crane Operator Candidate Handbook - 091517cNCCCO EN18 PDF

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OCO CH REV 09/17
Thom Sicklesteel
Leavitt Cranes

J. Kerry Hulse
Deep South Crane & Rigging

Peter Juhren
Morrow Equipment Co.


J. Chris Ryan
Boh Bros. Construction Co. (rtd.)

Ellis Vliet
Turner Industries

This candidate handbook contains complete Vinal George Bell

program information as well as applica- Cianbro Equipment
tions for the CCO Written and Practical
Examinations you must pass to earn your CCO James T. Callahan
certification. This handbook reflects NCCCO’s International Union of Operating Engineers
current policies at the time of publication; to
be sure that you have the latest version of this Pete Laux
book, see the Handbooks and Forms page on
Kiewit Companies
the NCCCO website. Please read this handbook
carefully and retain it for reference throughout
Tim Watters
the certification process.
Hoffman Equipment

Do not discard this document.

Graham J. Brent
National Commission for the
Certification of Crane Operators

NCCCO does not discriminate against any individual because

of race, gender, age, creed, disability, or national origin.

ii Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
Dear NCCCO Candidate:
Welcome to the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO)
overhead crane operator certification program.
NCCCO is a nonprofit organization founded in 1995 to establish a fair and independent
evaluation of crane operator knowledge and skills. Key to this industry-led effort has been the
development of the CCO Written and Practical Examinations, first for mobile crane operators,
This NCCCO and subsequently for tower, overhead, articulating, and service truck crane operators, boom
overhead truck operators, digger derrick operators, signalpersons, riggers, crane inspectors, and lift
crane operator directors. These nationally recognized and internationally accredited certification programs
are the culmination of many years’ hard work by experts from the various industries and
groups that use cranes, including construction, steel erection, utilities, crane rental, petro-
program is chemicals, pulp and paper, and operating engineers.
accredited by
The NCCCO Overhead Crane Task Force that determined the content of the exams was made
the American
up of experts from all aspects of the crane industry—crane operators, training directors,
National Standards managers, supervisors, manufacturers—who together represent many thousands of hours
Institute (ANSI) to of crane-related experience. These volunteers gave freely of their time and expertise with the
ISO 17024 (General primary goal of improving the safety of all whose work brings them into contact with cranes
Requirements for and lifting equipment.
Bodies Operating Until recently crane operator certification has been voluntary unless required by local jurisdic-
Certification Systems tions or specific employers. However, in August 2010, the federal Occupational Safety and
of Persons). Health Administration (OSHA) enacted new national standards for cranes and derricks used
in construction under 29 CFR 1926 Subpart CC. These new rules require that operators of
most cranes above 2,000 lb. capacity when used in construction need to be either certified
by an accredited crane operator testing organization such as NCCCO or qualified through
an audited employer program. Section 1926.1427 of the new rule describes crane operator
certification/qualification requirements. Option 1, which is anticipated to be the most com-
monly used, requires operators to be certified by a nationally accredited crane operator testing
Mobile, Tower, Overhead,
organization that tests operators through written and practical testing. Obtaining CCO certifi-
Articulating, and Service Truck Crane
Operator, Digger Derrick Operator,
cation from NCCCO meets all the requirements set forth by the new OSHA rule.
Signalperson, Rigger Level I and
Level II, Crane Inspector, and Lift
Director Programs Accredited
To ensure CCO examinations are—and remain—valid measurements of crane operators’ pro-
ficiency, NCCCO teamed its exam development expertise with the task force’s knowledge and
experience. In addition to guiding the development of new examinations, NCCCO continually
analyzes the performance of CCO exams and reports to the Exam Management Committees.
To be able to provide fair and independent assessments, NCCCO does not conduct training,
nor does it provide training materials.
NCCCO, as a third-party certification body, is fully committed to, and understands the impor-
tance of, delivering all certification activities on a foundation of impartiality. All policies and
procedures are established in an objective manner and ultimately strive to achieve fairness
throughout all activities. NCCCO prevents any conflicts of interest through detailed policies
and procedures observed by staff, governing body representatives, and those involved in writ-
ten and practical exam administration.
This Candidate Handbook has been prepared to provide you with comprehensive infor-
mation about the CCO Written and Practical Examinations leading to certification for
operating overhead cranes. NCCCO recognizes the commitment you are about to make and
will do everything it can to make your experience a positive and successful one. If, after read-
ing this handbook, there is anything you do not fully understand or need clarified, please
call NCCCO at 703-560-2391 or e-mail [email protected]. NCCCO staff will guide you through
any aspect of the program that you would like explained in more detail.
Thank you for your interest—and good luck with your efforts to become CCO-certified!

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 iii
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Table of Contents

Introduction................................................................................................................ 1
Program Description.......................................................................................................................1
CCO Examination Development.....................................................................................................1

Certification Policies................................................................................................... 3
Physical Evaluation.........................................................................................................................3
CCO Written Examinations.............................................................................................................3
CCO Practical Examinations...........................................................................................................3
CCO Certification Time Frames.......................................................................................................3
Recertification Requirements..........................................................................................................3
Code of Ethics for Certified Crane Operators..................................................................................4
Disciplinary Policy...........................................................................................................................4
Substance Abuse Policy..................................................................................................................5
Certification Cards..........................................................................................................................5
Change of Address.........................................................................................................................5

Written Examination Process...................................................................................... 7

Application Process to Take the Written Examination.....................................................................7
Paper/Pencil Testing (PPT) Option...................................................................................................7
Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Option............................................................................................9
Test Site Information....................................................................................................................11
Test Scoring Information...............................................................................................................11
Retaking the Examination(s)........................................................................................................12
Information Release Policy...........................................................................................................12

Written Examination Outline.................................................................................... 13

Domain 1: Pre-Operation Activities...............................................................................................13
Domain 2: Work Requirements.....................................................................................................13
Domain 3: Load Handling ............................................................................................................13
Domain 4: Shutdown and Secure .................................................................................................13
Domain 5: Technical Knowledge...................................................................................................14

Sample Questions..................................................................................................... 15
Reference List........................................................................................................... 16

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 v
Practical Examination Process.................................................................................. 17
Skills Tested..................................................................................................................................17
Scheduling a Test..........................................................................................................................17
Test Day........................................................................................................................................17
Practical Scoring...........................................................................................................................17
Practical Score Reporting..............................................................................................................17
Practical Exam Candidate Fees.....................................................................................................17
Practical Hand Score Requests.....................................................................................................17

Practical Examination Outline.................................................................................. 19

Candidate Instructions..................................................................................................................19
Time Limits...................................................................................................................................19
Pre-Test Briefing...........................................................................................................................19
Circumventing the Course............................................................................................................19
Unsafe Act....................................................................................................................................19
Candidate ID and Signature.........................................................................................................20
Weather Conditions and Equipment Problems.............................................................................20
Pre-Test Familiarization Period......................................................................................................20
Crane Walk Around.......................................................................................................................20
Task: Pre-Operational (Shift) Inspection........................................................................................20
Task 1: True Vertical Lift................................................................................................................20
Task 2: Place Load in Circle #1......................................................................................................21
Task 3: Negotiate Right Angle Corridor and Obstructions.............................................................21
Task 4: Trolley Laydown ...............................................................................................................21
Task 5: Safe Securing Procedures..................................................................................................22
Post-Test Procedures.....................................................................................................................22

Candidate Application Forms.................................................................................... 23

Candidate Application—Written Examinations............................................................................25
Candidate Application—Practical Examinations..........................................................................27
Recertification Application—Written Examinations.....................................................................29

Change of Address Form........................................................................................... 31

NCCCO Information Release Policy........................................................................... 32

vi Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION A practical (skills) examination is not required for

The National Commission for the Certification of Crane recertification, as long as the certificant meets specified
Operators (NCCCO) is an independent, nonprofit organi- experience requirements.
zation formed in 1995 to set standards for fairly measuring CCO EXAMINATION DEVELOPMENT
the knowledge and proficiency required for the safe opera-
The first step in the development of an objective test to
tion of cranes. NCCCO currently administers a nationwide
measure what is required to operate overhead cranes
program of certifications for crane operators and related
safely was a job task analysis. This study identified the
trades, including riggers and signalpersons.
knowledge and skills necessary for safe crane operations.
Based on extensive discussions with representatives from A representative number of crane operators then validated
all segments of business and industry who recognize the that the knowledge recommended by the experts was vital
impact of safety issues, NCCCO has identified the follow- to safe operations. The study and survey were then used to
ing potential benefits of operator certification: generate the test blueprints and content specifications.
• Fewer accidents, injuries, and fatalities Development of the Overhead Crane Operator Written
• Reduced risk of loss Examination involved a panel of crane operation content
• Assurance of operator’s abilities experts who worked with NCCCO staff to write and review
• Less property damage all questions used in the examination. Each examination
• Improved safety records contains a unique combination of questions from the
question bank. Questions are selected for examinations
• Enhanced public image of crane operators
on the basis of the content areas defined by the test
All candidates are required to pass both Written and blueprints.
Practical Examination(s) to be certified. As detailed in this
Similarly, the Overhead Crane Operator Practical Exami-
handbook, candidates may take the Practical Examination
nation was developed as a fair and objective assessment of
on either of the following overhead crane types:
the essential skills that a crane operator needs to operate
• Cab-operated overhead cranes safely.
• Pendant/remote control
These exams were developed over an 18-month period by
All overhead (bridge) and gantry cranes that meet the an NCCCO task force made up of experts from all aspects
requirements of the ASME B30.2, B30.11, B30.16, and/or of the crane industry—crane operators, training directors,
B30.17 standards and have powered functions for hoist, managers, supervisors, manufacturers—who together
bridge, and trolley are covered by CCO certification exams. represent many thousands of hours of crane-related
Note that the NCCCO Exam Management Committee experience. This task force teamed its knowledge and
draws questions from the ASME B30.2 standard for Over- experience with NCCCO’s exam development expertise.
head and Gantry Cranes in an effort to lessen the burden NCCCO guided the task force in establishing key elements
on candidates preparing to take the examination. Please of the program, including identifying essential skills,
see pg. 14 for a complete Reference List. selecting tasks, standardizing test conditions, develop-
The initial certification period is for five years, after which ing the scoring process, establishing reliability among
operators are required to recertify. Periodic written tests, and creating flexible application and scheduling
examinations are necessary to ensure that certificants’ procedures.
knowledge of industry standards, equipment, and In concert with the Overhead Crane Task Force, NCCCO
safety practices keeps pace with changes in these areas. also designed the Practical Examiner Accreditation Pro-
NCCCO’s subject matter experts, working in conjunction gram whereby NCCCO trains and accredits certified crane
with psychometric consultants, reviewed the speed of such operators to administer CCO Practical Examinations.
change in the industry and researched other comparable
certification and licensing programs before determining
that this goal could be achieved by setting the examination
interval at five years. Little, if any, additional benefit, it is
believed, would accrue by more frequent testing.

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 1
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Certification Policies


To be eligible for certification, candidates must: Candidates may take their Written and Practical Exams
in either order. Candidates have 12 months from the time
• Be at least 18 years of age
they pass the initial Written or Practical Exam they take to
• Meet medical requirements pass the corresponding (Written or Practical) exam.
• Comply with NCCCO’s Substance Abuse Policy
Any tests passed within a 12-month period count towards
• Pass a Written Examination certification. For example, a candidate who fails the
• Pass a Practical Examination Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam in January 2015
but passes the Overhead Crane Operator Practical Exam
• Comply with the Code of Ethics for Certified Crane
in June 2015 has until the end of June 2016 to retake (and
pass) the Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam.
EXPERIENCE If a certified operator subsequently becomes certified in
an additional operator designation by taking the appropri-
CCO certification exams are designed for operators who
ate written and practical exams, the certification period for
are trained and who currently work in crane operation.
the additional designation expires at the same time his/her
PHYSICAL EVALUATION original certification (i.e., all operator designations expire
on the same date, regardless of when in the five-year
Certified crane operators must continue to meet ASME certification period the candidate passed them). If the new
B30 physical requirements throughout their certification designation is added within the final 24 months of his/her
period and attest to their agreement to this requirement in certification period, the certificant is exempt from recer-
their applications. tifying for the new designation after five years; after that,
In appropriate circumstances, means of compliance with however, certificants must recertify for all designations
ASME physical requirements may include, but are not during the 12 months prior to their certifications’ expira-
limited to, a current Department of Transportation (DOT) tion date. This ensures that all of the certificant’s operator
Medical Examiner’s Certificate. designations maintain the same expiration date.
Candidates for certification or recertification may peti-
CCO WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS tion for an extension of NCCCO’s standard timeline(s).
The Written Examination consists of a single examina- NCCCO staff shall have the discretion to make the initial
tion in overhead crane operation. This examination has determination of whether a requested extension should
60 multiple-choice questions. Candidates are allowed 60 be granted. Petitions for an extension of time are generally
minutes to complete the Overhead Crane Operator Writ- denied absent a showing of extraordinary circumstances.
ten Examination. Denials of such petitions may be appealed to the Appeals
Written exams may be taken as either paper/pencil tests
(PPT), see page 7 for details, or computer-based tests RECERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS
(CBT), see page 9 for details.
CCO certification is valid for five years. Recertification
CCO PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS candidates must complete all of their recertification
requirements during the 12 months prior to their certifi-
The Practical Examination demonstrates crane operation cation’s expiration date. This includes:
proficiency and may be taken on either of the following
overhead crane types: • Passing the Recertification Written Examination
• Continuing to meet medical requirements
• Cab-operated
• Compliance with NCCCO’s Substance Abuse Policy
• Pendant/remote control
• Compliance with the Code of Ethics
Candidates must pass both the Written and Practical
Examinations to be certified for a five-year period. Candidates who can attest to at least 1,000 hours of crane-
related experience during their period of certification do
not need to take the Practical Exam to recertify. Crane-
Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 3
related experience is defined as: operating, maintaining, iii. So as to be free of bias with regard to religion,
inspecting, or training on cranes. ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, and disability.
Recertification candidates who do need to take the Practi- Furthermore, in connection with my work and in my deal-
cal Exam for any reason, however, must do so before their ings with NCCCO, I will:
certification expires. There is no grace period after their iv. Make management and appropriate personnel aware
certification’s expiration date. Candidates whose certifi- promptly if I have any safety concerns relating to
cation has lapsed must take the full Written and Practical the work that I am performing or with which I am
Examinations to be certified again. involved;
The Overhead Crane Operator Recertification Examination v. Not knowingly violate any safety-related regulations,
consists of 30 multiple-choice questions with a time limit warnings, or instructions set forth by OSHA,
of 45 minutes. recognized safety standards, prevailing jurisdictions,
Recertification candidates are allowed two attempts to or equipment manufacturers; and,
pass the Overhead Crane Operator Recertification Written vi. Not mislead, misrepresent or knowingly deceive others
Exam before their certification expires. Candidates who concerning my experience or the capabilities of myself
are unsuccessful after two attempts must take and pass the or the equipment I am operating or with which I am
regular Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam. working.
Candidates may take their Recertification Written Exami- In addition, in my dealings with NCCCO, I will:
nation up to one year prior to their certification’s date of vii. Provide accurate and complete information and abide
expiration. Regardless of the date of the recertification by NCCCO’s policies and procedures, including this
examination within that one-year period, the new five- Code of Ethics, as they may be updated from time to
year certification period begins from the date of expiration time;
of the candidate’s initial certification.
viii. Not act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an
[Note: Candidates who recertify more than 12 months advantage, or to provide another with an advantage,
prior to their certification’s expiration date will have their in connection with any dealings with NCCCO;
new certification period begin immediately, not from the
ix. Cooperate fully and completely with any administra-
end of their current certification period.]
tive inquiries or investigations by NCCCO; and,
Recertification Exams are available at regularly scheduled x. Not misrepresent or misuse any NCCCO card, or the
paper/pencil test administrations as well as via computer- NCCCO or CCO acronyms and logos, or any registered
based testing. Candidates wishing to recertify should trademark or other intellectual property of NCCCO;
contact the Test Site Coordinator who set up their initial and I understand that I must return the card to
certification. Candidates whose employment circum- NCCCO immediately if required to do so.
stances have changed should ask their new employer
to schedule a test administration. Candidates may also CCO-certified personnel who intentionally or knowingly
locate open paper/pencil Written Exam Test Sites at violate any provision of the Code of Ethics will be subject
www.nccco.org/testsites or apply online for paper/pencil to action by a peer review panel, the Ethics and Discipline
or computer-based tests sites at www.nccco.org. Committee, which may result in suspension or revocation
of certification.
CCO–certified crane operators must comply with NCCCO’s Ethics and Discipline Committee is responsible
NCCCO’s Code of Ethics during their certification, as set for establishing and implementing standards of conduct,
forth below: such as ethical standards and policies and procedures for
disciplinary action. Grounds for revocation of certification
In my occupation, I will conduct myself in a manner: status shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
i. So as to place the safety and welfare of others 1. Period of certification exceeded without renewal
associated with my work above all other
2. Evidence of falsification of any information on any
documents submitted to NCCCO or its agents
ii. So as to protect and preserve nearby general public
property and the environment; and
4 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
3. Evidence of non-compliance with NCCCO’s substance that may have an effect on the human body of
Substance Abuse Policy being a narcotic, depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen.
4. Evidence of culpability in an accident during An exception to this rule is that an operator may use such
certification period a substance or drug if it is prescribed by a licensed medical
5. Evidence of non-compliance with ASME B30 medical practitioner who is familiar with the operator’s medical
requirements history and all assigned duties and who has advised
6. Evidence of non-compliance with the Code of Ethics the operator that the prescribed substance or drug will
not adversely affect the operator’s ability to operate an
NCCCO has established policies and procedures to overhead crane safely.
address alleged violations of the Code of Ethics fairly
and consistently. The complaints procedures have CCO–certified crane operators shall comply with the
been designed to ensure that only valid and actionable substance abuse testing provisions of ASME B30.2. It is
complaints are investigated and considered. These a condition of certification that crane operators certified
procedures also ensure that all parties involved in by NCCCO attest to their compliance with this Substance
the complaint have an opportunity to document Abuse Policy. Non-compliance with this policy automati-
circumstances warranting the complaint and to respond to cally revokes a candidate’s certification status.
the complaint.
NCCCO has a two-tier process to ensure that issues
regarding the practice and conduct of certified crane Certified operators receive a laminated photo ID card at
operators are fairly and reasonably investigated and no cost when they certify for the first time and when they
determined, and that the public is protected against complete the requirements for recertification.
unprofessional and unethical conduct by certificants. Replacement cards, cards showing certification in an
Complaints against certificants are initially investigated additional designation, or updated cards for candidates
by NCCCO’s Manager of Test Integrity, who reports who retake and pass a designation they previously
to NCCCO’s Ethics and Discipline Committee. If the failed may be obtained from NCCCO at a cost of $25.
complaint is considered actionable, the Ethics and Dis- Updated or replacement cards can be ordered online at:
cipline Committee informs both the certificant and the www.nccco.org/newcard.
complainant of the official opening of the investigation.
Following the investigation of the complaint, the Ethics CHANGE OF ADDRESS
and Discipline Committee informs the certificant and the Certificants who change their address must notify NCCCO
complainant of its decision. as soon as possible. Failure to do so may cause important
If a sanction is imposed, the certificant may request an updates on NCCCO’s programs to be missed that could
appeal of the decision to the NCCCO Board of Directors. affect a certificant’s stature.
Appeals should be addressed to: Changes of address should be sent to NCCCO. They must
Chief Executive Officer be in writing but can be sent via letter or fax. A form for
National Commission for the Certification of Crane this purpose is provided in this handbook.
Operators (NCCCO)
2750 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 505
Fairfax, VA 22031
The decision of the NCCCO Board of Directors is final.


It is the policy of NCCCO that crane operators shall not use
any prescribed or over-the-counter substances that would
impair their ability to operate cranes safely. This includes
illegal drugs, controlled substances (including trace
amounts), look-alike drugs, designer drugs, or any other

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 5
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Written Examination Process

APPLICATION PROCESS TO TAKE THE WRITTEN Contact the Test Site Coordinator to confirm whether the
EXAMINATION application should be sent to the Test Site Coordinator or
directly to NCCCO. Check the application to ensure that
Overhead Crane Operator written exams and recertifica- all information provided is accurate and complete. In
tion exams may be taken either as paper/pencil tests addition to the completed application, make sure that the
(PPT) at an approved NCCCO written exam test site or appropriate fees are enclosed.
as computer-based tests (CBT) at approximately 300 PSI
test centers across the country. The content of both test Candidates may also submit applications and payment
formats is identical; see the appropriate sections below for online:
instructions on how to apply for either PPT or CBT exams. • Paper/pencil tests (PPT): www.nccco.org/ppt-apps
• Computer-based tests (CBT): www.nccco.org/cbt-apps
Candidates Requesting Testing Accommodations
Candidates must follow the directions carefully when fill-
Arrangements for persons with disabilities will be pro- ing in the required information. Incomplete applications,
vided upon request, in conformance with the Americans incorrect payment, and/or inaccurate documentation will
with Disabilities Act (ADA). delay the processing and incur additional fees. This could
Professional documentation in support of a request for result in NOT being able to sit for the examination(s).
accommodation must be submitted to NCCCO no later
than four weeks prior to the scheduled test date. For
further information about testing accommodations, see Please note that all deadlines are UPON RECEIPT dead-
the complete NCCCO Testing Accommodations Policy at: lines. Candidates and Test Site Coordinators are solely
www.nccco.org/accommodations. responsible for making sure that completed and accurate
applications reach NCCCO by the stated deadlines.
Examination Fees
Candidates desiring to sit for paper/pencil written exam(s)
should visit www.nccco.org/testsites to see a schedule of For paper/pencil tests (PPT), the appropriate Written
upcoming Test Dates and Locations and then submit a Exam fees must be enclosed with the Candidate Appli-
completed Candidate Application form with the appropri- cation. Checks, money orders, or credit cards (VISA,
ate documentation as directed on the form. Applications MasterCard, or American Express) may be used; do not
are due two weeks prior to the scheduled examination send cash. Please include payment in the envelope with
date. PPT application deadline examples are shown on all the other application materials. All returned checks are
page 8. Information about the specific locations of the Test subject to a $30 fee.
Sites will be available approximately one to three months
prior to the examination. Candidates eligible to sit for PPT Written Exam/Retest Fees:
the examination will receive an admission letter approxi- • Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam............... $165
mately one week before the scheduled test administration • Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam................. $50
date. (For current CCO-certified mobile crane
operators, or new candidates who are registering
Submission of Application for mobile crane operator exams at same time)
To apply for paper/pencil exams, use the Candidate Appli- • Updated/replacement certification card ................ $25
cation form at the back of this handbook. The Candidate
The same fees apply for retest examinations.
Application with the appropriate fees, as well as any cor-
respondence and requests for information concerning the
PPT Recertification Written Exam/Retest Fees:
administration of CCO examinations, should be sent to:
• Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam............... $150
NCCCO—Testing Services Department
• Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam................. $50
1960 Bayshore Blvd.
(For current CCO-certified mobile crane
Dunedin, Florida 34698
operators, or new candidates who are registering
Phone: 727-449-8525 for mobile crane operator exams at same time)
Fax: 727-461-2746
• Updated/replacement certification card ................ $25
Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 7
The same fees apply for retest examinations. Emergency Cancellations or Withdrawals
Other Fees: ONLY the following situations will be accepted as grounds
for emergency cancellations or withdrawals:
An additional $50 late fee will be charged if the application
is late. • Called to work—supporting documentation required:
letter from employer
An additional $25 will be charged if a candidate:
• Candidate illness—supporting documentation
• Wishes to reschedule without a valid reason (see required: doctor’s note
Emergency Cancellations or Withdrawals) • Family death—supporting documentation required:
• Needs a replacement certification card or score report death certificate or obituary notice
An additional $30 fee will be charged if: Requests for medical and personal emergency withdraw-
• An application form is incomplete als are handled by NCCCO’s Testing Services Department
upon submission of a letter describing the situation. Full
• Full payment is not received or a check is returned name, address, and Candidate ID/CCO Certification
• A credit card cannot be processed for any reason number must be included along with the scheduled test
• A candidate wants to add to (or change) the exams he/ date, site number, and supporting documentation indi-
she plans to take after scheduling has been completed cated above.
(in addition to the exam fee) NCCCO MUST receive written notification within seven
All application materials must be received at NCCCO’s business days after the scheduled examination date or all
office according to the sample test schedule outlined application fees will be forfeited. Candidates will, how-
under “Application Deadlines.” ever, be allowed to reschedule for a future examination
Applications received after the main application deadline,
but at least four business days prior to the exam admin- Candidates will NOT receive a refund if they decide they
istration deadline, may be accepted for an additional no longer wish to take the test.
$50 late fee. For example, for a test administration on a
Saturday, late applications that arrive at NCCCO’s office by Test Administration Schedule for CCO Examinations
5 p.m. (ET) on the Monday evening prior will be accepted. Paper/pencil CCO Written Examinations are available for
Candidate Applications that arrive after that time cannot administration on demand with at least four weeks’ notice.
be accepted.
Walk-in candidates cannot be accepted under any Application Deadlines
circumstances. Tests can be administered at any time as long as the appli-
cation deadlines are met. Sample deadlines shown are for
Rescheduling, Cancellations, and Withdrawals a test date of January 29.
Should a candidate be unable to sit for the examination, Written Test Administration January
NCCCO must receive notification in writing no later than Request Form due four weeks S M T W Th F Sa
seven business days prior to the examination date. Candi- prior to test date. 1 2 3 4 5 6
date fees will be held up to one year. When the candidate Candidate Applications due two
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
reschedules, he/she will need to pay an additional $25 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
weeks prior to test.
rescheduling fee. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Test Day 28 29 30 31
When the candidate is ready to reschedule his/her Written
Examination, he/she must notify NCCCO and submit the
necessary documentation and fees by the deadline for the Admission Letters
rescheduled test date. For paper/pencil exams, approximately one week before
Candidates withdrawing or canceling after the deadline the scheduled test date, registered and eligible candidates
or not sitting for the examination will forfeit all applica- approved to take CCO Written Examination(s) will receive
tion fees and will NOT receive a refund. an admission letter by mail. The admission letter contains
information regarding the test center address, the report-
ing time, the examination(s) the candidate is registered for,

8 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
and the materials candidates need to bring with them on approximately 12 business days after the examination
the day of the administration. This admission letter should administration.
be presented at the Test Site to gain admittance to the
Identification at the Test Site Candidates desiring to take their written exam(s) using
the computer-based testing (CBT) option should visit
Candidates must bring valid photo identification to the www.nccco.org and click on the Computer-Based Testing
test site on the day of the test administration. Candidates link under Test Dates and Locations (www.nccco.org/cbt).
will be required to sign the test site roster upon entry to the This page includes links to a directory of approximately
testing area. 300 PSI locations throughout the U.S. as well as the online
Acceptable forms of photo identification for paper/pencil application form.
tests are a current: Online applications may be completed and submitted at
• Passport any time. Candidates should apply to take CBT exam(s)
• Government–issued driver’s license as soon as possible, but no later than five business days
before their preferred exam date. Please note that site
• Military identification card availability is not guaranteed on the preferred exam date
• U.S. Government–issued alien registration card or location, and availability can only be confirmed when
• Work identification scheduling the appointment.
After the candidate completes and submits the online
NOTE: Candidates without appropriate identification application (with payment), the application will be
documents will NOT be admitted to take the CCO Written processed within two business days. Candidates
Examination(s) and all fees will be forfeited. authorized for testing will receive a scheduling
authorization email from PSI with specific instructions
Materials to Bring to the Test Site
on how to schedule an examination appointment. For the
Each candidate must bring the following items to the Test fastest and most convenient test scheduling process, PSI
Site: recommends that candidates use the online scheduling
service at www.goAMP.com. Candidates follow the
• Photo identification
onscreen step-by-step instructions to register for their
• Admission letter for the specific test date examination(s).
Candidates may also call the number provided in the
• Two sharpened #2 pencils (to complete the email to schedule the test(s) with PSI; the PSI customer
examination answer sheet) service representative will do his/her best to select a test
• A good eraser date and location convenient for the candidate. PSI will
NOTE: No books, scratch paper, calculators, reference send an appointment confirmation email within 24 hours.
materials, beepers, cellular phones, or other personal The candidate must then go to the selected test center at
items will be allowed in the examination room. the scheduled date and time.

Score Reporting CBT Examination Fees

Paper/pencil CCO Written Examinations are electroni- Candidates must pay the appropriate CBT Written Exam
cally scored at NCCCO’s facilities. For this reason, it is fees when they apply online. A credit card (VISA, Master-
important to complete the answer sheet according to the Card, or American Express) must be used to pay online.
instructions provided by the Chief Examiner on the day of CBT exam payments are valid for one year. If the candidate
the exam. Candidates will receive credit only for answers does not schedule and test within 12 months, he/she
recorded on the scannable answer sheet. Answers marked forfeits the fees. This does not affect the deadline(s) for
in the test booklet(s) will NOT be counted toward a certification or recertification as specified on page 3.
candidate’s score.
All candidates will receive a score report of their perfor-
mance. Examination results are mailed to candidates

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 9
CBT Written Exam/Retest Fees: Missed Appointment or Late Cancellation
• Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam............... $200 A candidate’s registration will be invalidated and the
• Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam................. $85 examination fee(s) will be forfeited if he/she:
(For current CCO-certified mobile crane • Does not cancel the appointment more than 24 hours
operators, or new candidates who are registering before the scheduled examination date
for mobile crane operator exams at same time)
• Does not appear for his/her examination
• Updated/replacement certification card ................ $25 appointment
The same fees apply for retest examinations. • Arrives after examination start time

CBT Recertification Written Exam/Retest Fees: • Does not present proper identification

• Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam............... $180 Identification at the Test Site
• Overhead Crane Operator Written Exam................. $80 Candidates must bring photo identification to the test
(For current CCO-certified mobile crane site on the day of the test administration. Candidates will
operators, or new candidates who are registering be required to sign the test site roster upon entry to the
for mobile crane operator exams at same time) testing area.
• Updated/replacement certification card ................ $25
Acceptable forms of photo identification for computer-
based tests are a current:
Other Fees:
• Passport
An additional $25 will be charged if a candidate:
• U.S. government– or state-issued driver’s license
• Needs a replacement certification card or score report
• Military identification card
An additional $30 fee will be charged if:
• U.S. government–issued alien registration card
• An application form is incomplete (e.g., name
misspelled or does not match name on valid NOTE: Candidates without appropriate identification
photo ID) documents will NOT be admitted to take the CCO Writ-
ten Examination(s) and all fees will be forfeited. Work
• A credit card cannot be processed for any reason
identification is NOT acceptable for computer-based
• Any changes are requested after submitting the testing centers.
NOTE: After the candidate has scheduled his/her Materials to Bring to the Test Site
appointment with PSI, no changes can be made (adding Each candidate must bring the following items to the test
exams, changing exams, etc.). If the name for the site:
scheduled appointment does not match that on the photo
• Valid photo identification
ID presented, all fees will be forfeited.
• Confirmation email from PSI (recommended)
Rescheduling, Cancellation, or Withdrawal NOTE: No books, scratch paper, calculators, reference
CBT candidates may cancel and reschedule an examina- materials, beepers, cellular phones, or other personal
tion appointment without forfeiting their fees if their items will be allowed in the examination room.
cancellation notice is received at least 24 hours before the
scheduled examination date. Score Reporting
Candidates will NOT receive a refund if they no longer CBT candidates receive their test results immediately fol-
wish to take the test. lowing their exams and should retain these score reports
To reschedule an exam appointment, candidates may for their records.
log into their PSI account or call PSI at 888-519-9901 to
speak with PSI Candidates Services Department. A voice-
mail message is not an acceptable form of cancellation.

10 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
TEST SITE INFORMATION (BOTH PPT AND CBT) Candidate Question Comment Forms
Candidates may comment on the examination(s) as a
Test Security
whole or on specific items within an examination by
For the purposes of test security, candidates who sit for writing their comments on the Candidate Question
CCO examination(s) acknowledge that they understand Comment Form. Written comments should reference the
the following: question number as well as the site code and the test date
• The examination is the exclusive property of NCCCO. and should accompany the examination. Examination
comments are reviewed by NCCCO content experts on a
• The examination and the questions contained therein regular basis.
are protected by federal copyright law.
Computer-based testing candidates may provide
• No part of the examination(s) may be copied
comments for any question by clicking on the
or reproduced in part or whole by any means
“Comments” button to the left of the Time button.
whatsoever, including memorization.
This opens a dialogue box where candidates may enter
• Theft or attempted theft of an examination booklet or comments.
any of its pages is punishable as a felony.
NOTE: Only comments completed on the Candidate
• While at the examination site, candidates are Question Comment Form or provided during the
considered professionals and shall be treated as computer-based examination at the Test Site will be
such. In turn, candidates must conduct themselves considered for review.
in a professional manner at all times. While at the
site, they shall not use words or take actions that are TEST SCORING INFORMATION (PPT AND CBT)
vulgar, obscene, libelous, or that would denigrate the
staff or other candidates. CCO Written Examinations are criterion-referenced
examinations; i.e., the passing score is set beforehand,
• No conversing or any other form of communication
and candidate performance on the examination is
among the candidates is permitted once they enter
not compared to the performance of others taking the
the examination area.
examination. In a criterion-referenced examination, a
• No smoking, eating, or drinking is allowed at the candidate must obtain a score equal to or higher than a
examination site. predetermined passing score to pass the test. The passing
• No guests, visitors, or family members are allowed in scores represent absolute standards and are determined
the testing room or reception areas. by panels of NCCCO content experts using a psychometri-
cally accepted standard-setting methodology.
• Candidate participation in any irregularity during
the examination, such as giving or obtaining In reporting the examination results to candidates,
unauthorized information or aid, as evidenced by an statistical procedures are used to convert raw scores
observation or subsequent statistical analysis, may be (i.e., the number of test questions answered correctly)
sufficient cause to terminate participation, invalidate to scaled scores, which are set for all administrations of
the results of the examination, or other appropriate the examination(s). The scaled score is not a number-
remedy. answered-correctly score.
• Candidates verify that they have successfully met the Candidate results are reported on a scale ranging from
physical/medical requirements and are eligible to zero to 100 points, with a score of 70 representing the
take this examination. If at any time it is confirmed minimum passing score for this test. Written exam score
that a candidate has not met all the requirements, the reports include a strength and weakness report by content
candidate will no longer be eligible for certification. domain.
• A candidate’s signature on the answer sheet or roster Candidate scores are never reported by telephone, email,
for the administration of the examination confirms or facsimile.
that the candidate has read and understands the
above statements. Hand Score Requests
Candidates not passing exam(s) may request from NCCCO
a hand scoring of their answer sheet(s), provided their
request is made in writing within three months of the test

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 11
date. Hand-scoring requests must be accompanied by a
processing fee of $25 for one test score or $50 for two or
more failed test scores per test administration. Requests
should be mailed to:
NCCCO—Testing Services Department
1960 Bayshore Blvd.
Dunedin, Florida 34698
Phone: (727) 449-8525
Fax (727) 461-2746
In the event that the hand scoring of a failing candidate’s
answer sheet results in a passing score, the hand-scoring
fee will be refunded in full.


Candidates who fail an examination(s) may retake the
examination(s) by reapplying and paying all correspond-
ing fees. CBT candidates may reapply any time after taking
their exam(s); however, the new authorization email will
be delayed pending the receipt of the exam results from
PSI, which normally takes approximately 72 hours.


NCCCO releases information pertaining to individuals
who have successfully passed one or more CCO exami­
nations according to its Information Release Policy (see
page 32).

12 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
Written Examination Outline

The Overhead Crane Operator Written Examination tests DOMAIN 2: WORK REQUIREMENTS
the following knowledge areas relating to the operation of
overhead cranes: Approximately 27% of test
1. Know how to determine how much the load weighs.
Domain 1: Pre-Operation Activities
2. Know the proper use of below-the-hook lifting devices
• Approximately 27% of test (ASME B30.20).
Domain 2: Work Requirements 3. Know proper rigging selection and applications.
• Approximately 27% of test 4. Know how to move crane into correct lifting position
Domain 3: Load Handling to assure true vertical lift of load.
• Approximately 27% of test 5. Know how to avoid side pulling or swinging of load
during start, stop, and travel.
Domain 4: Shutdown & Secure
• Approximately 4% of test 6. Know how to identify signalperson.
7. Know ASME B30.2 hand signals.
Domain 5: Technical Knowledge
• Approximately 15% of test 8. Know how to communicate lift activities to other


Approximately 27% of test Approximately 27% of test
1. Know emergency shutdown procedures. 1. Know how to verify communication devices (e.g.,
2. Know where to locate and verify access to main radios) are functioning correctly.
runway disconnect. 2. Know how to perform hoist-brake check with load.
3. Know lockout/tag-out condition resolutions. 3. Know how to verify crane and load path is clear of
4. Know how to perform initial inspection of both visual personnel and obstructions.
and audible hazards. 4. Know when to activate warning alarm system.
5. Know proper control labeling and conditioning. 5. Know how to operate hoist, bridge, and trolley safely.
6. Know pendant control strain relief requirements. 6. Know how to avoid shock loading.
7. Know warning and capacity labeling requirements. 7. Know how to minimize load swing.
8. Know where to check for oil leaks. 8. Know how to verify floor capacity.
9. Know how to inspect wire rope or chain condition and 9. Know how to safely set load down and remove rigging.
how to ensure proper spooling.
10. Know applicable requirements for guards. DOMAIN 4: SHUTDOWN AND SECURE
11. Know applicable fire extinguisher requirements. Approximately 4% of test
12. Know how to use emergency stop function. 1. Know where to park the crane.
13. Know applicable bumper/stop requirements. 2. Know shutdown procedures.
14. Know ASME B30.2 control layout. 3. Know when to report deficiencies or problems to
15. Know how to use all limit devices and control supervision.
16. Know brake test procedure.
17. Understand all warning devices.
18. Know load block, hook, and latch requirements.

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 13
Approximately 15% of test
1. Know ASME B30.2 - Overhead and Gantry Cranes
(Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Girder, Top
Running Trolley Hoist).
2. Know ASME B30.20 - Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices.
3. Know OSHA 1910.179 - Overhead and Gantry Cranes.
4. Know OSHA 1910.184 - Slings.
5. Know other applicable rules, standards, and
6. Understand crane manufacturers’ operating
7. Know functions and limitations of crane components
and attachments.

14 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
Sample Questions

The following sample test questions are typical of the 4. ASME B30.2 standards:
style and content of the questions used in CCO Written a. Have no binding effect on the overhead crane
Examinations. industry
b. Guide U.S. government and other regulatory
1. Creating a braking motion by applying energy to bodies on overhead crane criteria
reverse the motor is called:
c. Guide U.S. government and other regulatory
a. Stopping bodies on tower cranes
b. Plugging d. Are accepted internationally
c. Inching
d. Jogging 5. According to ASME B30.20, below-the-hook lifting
devices shall be operated by:
2. A hook’s opening is called its: a. Reliable persons
a. Latch gap b. Trained persons
b. Tongue c. Knowledgeable persons
c. Throat d. Anyone
d. Mouth
6. The weight markings must be identified on a
3. The OSHA CFR 29 standard relating to slings is: structural or mechanical below-the-hook lifting
a. 1910.179 device if the weight exceeds:

b. 1910.181 a. 50 lb.

c. 1910.184 b. 100 lb.

d. 1910.198 c. 150 lb.

d. 200 lb.

B 6
B 5
B 4
C 3
C 2
B 1
Answer Question #

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 15
Reference List

The following reference materials are used by NCCCO’s IPT’S CRANE AND RIGGING TRAINING $34.00
Examination Committee to verify the accuracy of CCO test MANUAL (2005) + S&H $10.00
questions. (Prices shown current at press time.)
Order by Internet: www.iptbooks.com
Candidates are strongly advised to become familiar with Order by Mail:
manufacturers’ operator’s manuals in preparing for the
IPT Publishing and Training Ltd.
CCO certification examinations.
P.O. Box 9590
Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 5X2 Canada
ASME B30.2 (2011) $60.00 ph: 780-962-4548; fax: 780-962-4819
OVERHEAD AND GANTRY CRANES Payments accepted: VISA, MasterCard, American Express,
And successive addenda check, money order

And successive addenda Pocket Size: $10.00
Order by Internet: http://catalog.asme.org Order by Internet: www.donpellow.com
Order by Mail: Order by Mail:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Pellow Engineering Services
22 Law Drive, Box 2900 406 West 50th South
Fairfield, NJ 07007 Kansas City, MO 64112
ph: 800-843-2763; fax: 201-882-1717 ph: 877-473-5569; fax: 816-931-4113
Payments accepted: Check, VISA, MasterCard, American Payments accepted: VISA, MasterCard, check, money order
Express, Discover, Diner’s Club


OPERATOR’S MANUAL (2012) $5.00
+ S&H $7.00
CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, PART 1926 Order by Internet: www.mhia.org/publications
CONSTRUCTION; PART 1910.179—OVERHEAD & Or contact:
GANTRY CRANES; AND PART 1910.184—SLINGS Material Handing Institute
ph: 704-676-1190
Order by Internet: www.osha.gov
Payments accepted: VISA, MasterCard, American Express

16 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
Practical Examination Process


The CCO Overhead Crane Operator Practical Exam may be All candidates receive score reports of their performance.
taken on either of the following crane types: Examination results are mailed to candidates approxi-
• Cab-operated mately 12 business days after the receipt of their Practical
Examination score sheets by NCCCO.
• Pendant/remote control
Please note that while Practical Examiners are encouraged
The Practical Examination is comprised of four main tasks
to expedite score sheets after each test administration,
that increase progressively in the skill level tested. Skills
they may batch score sheets from several test administra-
tested are: trolley travel, hoisting, bridge travel, and com-
tions over a number of days. This means that candidates
bination (multifunction) operations. Crane operation with
may receive their score reports from NCCCO more than
load and without load is required.
three weeks after their test administration.
NCCCO provides a Test Site Layout (CAD) for each type
Both the Practical Examination and the scoring system
of overhead crane used for the Practical Examination
have been validated and verified by NCCCO’s pilot test-
to ensure the examination remains standardized for all
ing program. A score of 74 represents the minimum
candidates, wherever and whenever they may test.
passing score for the Overhead Crane Operator Practical
Candidates for the Practical Examination should contact PRACTICAL EXAM CANDIDATE FEES
their Test Site Coordinator to determine the date of the
The appropriate fee must be submitted with the candi-
next scheduled Practical Exam. Alternatively, candidates
date’s application through the Test Site Coordinator.
may contact NCCCO for information about open practical
Test Sites. • Overhead Crane Operator Practical Exam............. $60
• Overhead Crane Operator Practical Exam
TEST DAY (For current CCO–certified mobile crane
Candidates must report to the Test Site at the scheduled operators or new candidates registering for the
time. Candidates must bring their completed Practical mobile crane operator exams at the same time)..... $50
Exam Candidate Application forms and fees with them The same fees apply for retest examinations.
to their scheduled examination, along with any required
All candidates shall comply with Test Site requirements Candidates not passing the examination(s) may request
concerning personal protective equipment (PPE), which from NCCCO a hand scoring of their answer sheet(s),
at a minimum shall meet OSHA requirements. provided the request is made in writing within three
months of the test date. Hand scored practical exam
PRACTICAL SCORING reports include details of a candidate’s performance on
Candidate performance on the Practical Examination is each task. Hand-scoring requests must be accompanied
recorded by an NCCCO–accredited Practical Examiner. by a processing fee of $25 for each test requested. Requests
Examiner requirements include meeting requirements for should be mailed to:
certification, passing the Written and Practical Exams, and NCCCO—Testing Services Department
successfully completing an accreditation workshop.
1960 Bayshore Blvd.
The testing procedure has been developed to provide Dunedin, Florida 34698
the highest degree of standardization and reliability. The Phone: (727) 449-8525
Examiner’s task is primarily to record the performance of Fax: (727) 461-2746
the candidates. Candidates may lose points either through
operational errors or exceeding established optimum time In the event that the hand scoring of a failing candidate’s
limits. The scoring of candidates’ performances is done off answer sheet results in a passing score, the hand-scoring
site at NCCCO’s facilities. fee will be refunded in full.

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 17
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Practical Examination Outline

The following is an outline of the practical testing proce- have lost all the points allotted to that particular task. At
dure, as provided to candidates at the time of testing. two times the optimum time the Examiner may end the
task and move on to the next task.
The following sections describe the specific tasks that you
will be performing when taking the Practical Examination. While you are waiting to take your test you will have
It is important that you understand these instructions. If sufficient time to read this description of the tasks to
there is anything you do not understand, please request be performed and review the operator’s manual for the
clarification from the Examiner. crane you will operate. In addition, you will be informed
of the make and model of the crane and the weight of
TASKS the test load. You will also watch a short video showing
all the tasks you will be required to perform during the
The Practical Exam tasks are:
• Task: Pre-Operational (Shift) Inspection
• Task 1: True Vertical Lift CIRCUMVENTING THE COURSE
• Task 2: Place Load in Circle Circumventing the course on the CCO Overhead Crane
Operator Practical Exam is defined as when:
• Task 3: Negotiate Right Angle Corridor with
Obstructions • Chain leaves the corridor while on or off the ground
and passes more than one pole left still standing on
• Task 4: Trolley Laydown
the original string line before re-entering the corridor;
• Task 5: Safe Securing Procedures you must enter the circles from inside the corridor to
There is also a Pre-Test Briefing and a Pre-Test Familiariza- avoid this being marked as a deficiency
tion Period. You will be required to complete all phases of • Chain leapfrogs from one leg of corridor to another
the test in sequence. with the chain off the ground, outside the corridor

The Test Site Coordinator is responsible for setting the test- • Chain passes four or more poles consecutively with
ing schedule. If you are familiar with the operation of the the chain off the ground, inside the corridor
test crane, you may elect to test first to allow other candi- • Test Weight and chain enters or exits the corridor
dates time to review the operator’s manuals. Otherwise, without vertically clearing the hurdle (i.e., by going
selection shall be by random drawing or by assignment of around the hurdle)
the Test Site Coordinator. All points for that task are lost if a circumvention occurs.
During the Practical Examination, you are under the The Examiner has the authority to stop the task at any time
direction of the Examiner and must follow the Examiner’s if he/she feels that the candidate is attempting to circum-
directions at all times. vent the course.

Once you have completed all of the tests you are taking, UNSAFE ACT
you must leave the test area. Only personnel involved in
If, at any time during the Pre-Test Familiarization Period
the administration of the test are allowed in the test area.
or during the test, you commit an unsafe act, you will be
disqualified from continuing with the test. Unsafe acts
include but are not limited to the following:
For all scored tasks an optimum time limit has been set
and is stated as part of the task descriptions. Note that • Dropping the ball or load hook on ground
slightly longer times are allowed for cab-operated cranes • Two-blocking of the crane
with a cab floor/platform more than 25 feet above the • Contacting the crane with the Test Weight
• Uncontrolled or reckless operation (must be sufficient
If the task is completed within the optimum time period, to cause safety concern to personnel or crane)
you receive no time penalty. Once you exceed this time
• Failure to respond to a stop signal
limit, you will lose points on a gradual basis. If you take
one and a half times as long as the optimum time, you will • Contacting obstruction with crane or Test Weight

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 19
Note that you may not walk through the Right Angle • You may not interfere with the test course, lift the Test
Corridor at any time during the exam. Weight, or shadow the Right Angle Corridor.
The Examiner has the authority to stop the test at any time • You must finish the Pre-test Familiarization Period
for reasons of safety. Please ask the Examiner if you have with the load hook under control in Circle #1 within
questions. the five-minute period.

If you are disqualified due to an unsafe act, you will not be • The Examiner will notify you when there is one
permitted to test on any crane until the next day. minute remaining.
• If you are ready in less than five minutes, you may
CANDIDATE ID AND SIGNATURE indicate this to the Examiner.

Prior to beginning the examination, the Examiner will ask • If, at the end of the Pre-Test Familiarization Period,
you for photo identification such as a driver’s license. you feel you are not ready to take the examination,
you should notify the Examiner. You will have,
The Examiner will ask if you have read the Candidate in effect, disqualified yourself from taking the
Instructions and will answer any questions you may have. examination at this time, and you will be required to
He/she will review with you the weather conditions and sign to that effect on the Candidate Score Sheet.
ask you to sign indicating that you understand the instruc-
• You may not walk through the test course at any time
tions for the test and that you agree with the Examiner’s
during any task.
assessment of the weather conditions.
PROBLEMS • Before you begin operations, you are allowed a couple
of minutes to walk around the crane to ensure proper
For outdoor tests, the Examiner will use an anemometer setup.
to check the wind speed and then will record the weather
conditions on the score sheet. TASK: PRE-OPERATIONAL (SHIFT) INSPECTION
The Examiner has the responsibility to determine if • The Examiner will identify five items regarding the
weather conditions or equipment problems are such that a crane that are part of the pre-operational inspection.
test needs to be suspended. If the test is interrupted due to One at a time, you will describe how you would
weather conditions or equipment problems, the procedure conduct the inspection and what deficiencies you
for restarting is as follows: would look for.
• You will resume the test at the beginning of the task • You have approximately one minute per item.
you were performing at the time of the interruption.
• You will be entitled to a Pre-Test or Pre-Task
Familiarization period before resuming the test. Optimum time: 2:00 minutes (2:15 minutes for cab-
operated cranes with a cab floor higher than 25 ft.)
• If testing resumes on a different machine, you must
start the test over from the beginning. The first score • At the Examiner’s indication to start, at which point
sheet will be marked as “VOID” with an explanation timing begins, raise the load hook to clear all obstacles
and returned to NCCCO. and personnel.
• If the testing is delayed to a different day, the test must • Bring the load hook from Circle #1 to the Test Weight
be restarted from the beginning. Circle within approximately one foot over the center
of the Test Weight.
• When you indicate that you are ready for the Test
• You will be allowed five minutes to familiarize yourself Weight rigging to be attached to the load hook, timing
with the crane and to examine anything on the crane will end and the Proctor will attach the rigging to the
that you feel is necessary to operate it comfortably. hook.
• You will be allowed to get the feel of the controls and • You are not allowed to adjust the position of the hook
run the crane through its functions. The brakes and after the Test Weight rigging is attached. The Proctor
other devices will have been set according to the or Examiner may adjust the rigging so that bunching
crane manufacturer’s recommendation. or shock loading does not occur.

20 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
• At the Examiner’s indication, lift the Test Weight until crossed the first denotation line, which is located 4 ft.
the chain leaves the floor; you are not allowed to before the hurdle.
bridge or trolley once the Examiner has given the hoist • Raise the Test Weight and chain over the horizontal
signal. PVC pole without touching or knocking over the
• Once the Test Weight chain has left the floor, the hurdle.
Examiner will give you a stop signal, a lower signal, • Once clear, lower the Test Weight and chain until the
and a stop signal, in that order. You are not allowed to chain makes contact with the ground before reaching
stop hoisting while lowering the Test Weight. the second denotation line.
• Points are deducted for the following: • Continue to guide the Test Weight along the corridor
a. Test Weight touching ground outside of the 42 in. to the Test Weight Circle without touching the ground
circle with the Test Weight or touching or knocking over any
b. Test Weight touching any part of the course part of the PVC pole barrier.
c. Stopping while lowering Test Weight • After passing the line that is 4 ft. before the second
d. Exceeding the optimum time horizontal PVC pole, raise the Test Weight and chain
high enough to clear the horizontal pole obstruction
TASK 2: PLACE LOAD IN CIRCLE #1 and PVC pole barriers and place the Test Weight
within the larger Test Weight Circle outside perimeter.
Optimum time: 2:30 minutes (2:45 minutes for cab-
operated cranes with a cab floor higher than 25 ft.) • Timing ends with the task completed when you have
placed the Test Weight on the ground completely
• At the Examiner’s indication to start, at which point within the outside perimeter of the larger Test Weight
timing begins, raise the suspended Test Weight and Circle and the Examiner has given you a stop signal.
chain to a sufficient height to clear all obstacles If the Examiner has not given you a stop signal, this
and personnel. Bring it from its starting position in indicates that the Test Weight is not within the circle
the Test Weight Circle and place it on the ground and the task continues to be timed.
completely within Circle #1.
• The Examiner will direct you in centering the Test
• The Examiner will give you the stop signal once Weight within the smaller circle before detaching the
the Test Weight is under control inside the outer Test Weight from the hook.
perimeter of the circle.
• At the Examiner’s indication, move the crane hook
• The task is not complete until the Test Weight is over to the Pin Assembly in readiness for the next task.
placed completely within the outside perimeter of the
• Points are deducted for the following:
circle. If the Examiner does not give you a stop signal,
this indicates the weight is not within the circle and a. Knocking ball off pole
the task continues to be timed. b. Moving pole base off line
• Points are deducted for the following: c. Knocking pole over
a. Exceeding the optimum time d. Chain leaving or touching ground outside of
b. Hitting any part of the course designated areas
c. Load touching ground outside of circle e. Passing poles with chain off the ground (includes
poles passed after the second denotation line with
TASK 3: NEGOTIATE RIGHT ANGLE CORRIDOR chain not touching the ground)
AND OBSTRUCTIONS f. Load touching ground outside of circles
Optimum time: 4:30 minutes (4:45 minutes for cab- g. Touching or knocking off horizontal bars
operated cranes with a cab floor higher than 25 ft.) h. Circumventing the task
• At the Examiner’s direction to start, at which point i. Exceeding the optimum time
timing begins, lift the Test Weight and guide it from
Circle #1 through the Right Angle Corridor.
• Avoid touching anything, but keep the chain on the
ground until any part of the chain has touched or

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 21
TASK 4: TROLLEY LAYDOWN • If you have made formal application to test on any
Optimum time: 2:00 minutes (2:30 minutes for cab- other cranes, return to the candidate briefing area.
operated cranes with a cab floor higher than 25 ft.) • If you have completed all of your tests, you must leave
the Test Site.
• At the Examiner’s direction, position the Chain-and-
Ring assembly directly over the pin.
• The Examiner will then position the ring on the pin
before beginning Task 4.
• At the Examiner’s indication to start, at which point
timing begins, lay down the master links within the
• Once each master link makes contact with the carpet
and is down and stable either inside or outside the
target, the Examiner will say “Go,” which indicates you
should proceed to the next target.
• Do not apply excessive side-load pressure that will
pop the ring off the pin.
• Timing ends when the last set of master links has been
placed within the third target and is under control.
• At the Examiner’s direction, bring the load hook to
Circle #1 in readiness for the next candidate.
• Remain in the cab or at the operator’s station until the
Examiner gives you a clear indication that you may
• Return all controls to neutral position and de-energize
the runway disconnect or depress the emergency stop
button on pendant or remote control units before
• Points are deducted for the following:
a. Master links missing targets
b. Ring pops off pin
c. Exceeding the optimum time


• Describe the procedures you would follow to secure
the crane at the end of the work day.

Once you have completed the Practical Examination:
• The Examiner will record your performance.
• The Examiner is not permitted to review your score
sheet or discuss your performance on the test.
• Exam results will be mailed to you within
approximately 12 working days of NCCCO’s receipt of
the score sheet.

22 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
Candidate Application Forms

Please photocopy and complete all sides of the following forms when applying for CCO Written
and Practical Examinations.

• Candidate Application—Written Examinations

• Candidate Application—Practical Examinations

• Recertification Application—Written Examinations

• Change of Address Form

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 23
This page intentionally left blank
Candidate Application

Please type or print neatly.

FULL LEGAL NAME First Middle Last Suffix (Jr., Sr., III)
(as shown on driver’s license)

(if previously tested)




(For details on NCCCO’s Testing Accommodations policy, please see www.nccco.org/accommodations.)


FILL IN the circle next to the crane type(s) for which you are applying; for Mobile Cranes, CHECK ☑ the load chart you want to
use for that crane type. Also FILL IN the appropriate circle(s) below for correct fees. NOTE: If you are registering for Mobile Crane
exams, you must register for the Mobile Core Exam and at least one Specialty Exam (unless you are a Retest Candidate).
If you are recertifying, please use separate Recertification Written Examination Application Form.


PP Mobile Core Exam 652603 (Check one for each Specialty Exam) PP Core Exam plus one Specialty Exam............................. $165
PP Lattice Boom Crawler 652620  Terex/American PP Core Exam plus two Specialty Exams........................... $175
(LBC) 652607  Manitowoc PP Core Exam plus three Specialty Exams......................... $185
PP Lattice Boom Truck 652609  Link-Belt PP Core Exam plus four Specialty Exams........................... $195
(LBT) 652610  Manitowoc
PP Telescopic Boom— 652612  Grove (Truck Mount) RETEST or ADDED SPECIALTY FEES
Swing Cab (TLL) 652613  Link-Belt (Rough Terrain) PP Core Exam only or Core plus one Specialty (Retest)..... $165
652618  National (Boom Truck) PP One Specialty Exam (Retest or Added Specialty)............ $65
PP Telescopic Boom— 652616  Manitex (Boom Truck) PP Two Specialty Exams (Retest or Added Specialty)........... $75
Fixed Cab (TSS) 652660  Shuttlelift (Carry Deck) PP Three Specialty Exams (Retest or Added Specialty)......... $85
PP Four Specialty Exams (Retest)......................................... $95
PP Boom Truck—Fixed 652671  Manitex (Boom Truck)
Cab (BTF)
PP Tower Crane 654601
PP Tower Crane Written Exam (new Candidate)................ $165
PP Overhead Crane 653601 PP Tower Crane Written Exam (current CCO-certified
Mobile Crane Operator, or new candidate taking
exam same time as Mobile Crane exams)...................... $50


PP Overhead Crane Written Exam (new Candidate).......... $165
PP Candidate Late Fee (if applicable).................................. $50 PP Overhead Crane Written Exam (current CCO-
PP Incomplete Application Fee (if applicable)...................... $30 certified Mobile Crane Operator, or new candidate
PP Updated/Replacement Card............................................ $25 taking exam same time as Mobile Crane exams)........... $50


Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 25






I declare that the foregoing statements and those in any required accompanying documentation are true. I understand
and agree that my failure to provide accurate and complete information or abide by NCCCO’s policies and procedures,
including the Code of Ethics, shall constitute grounds for the rejection of my application, or denial or revocation of my
certification. I understand that NCCCO reserves the right to verify any information in this application or in connection
with my certification. I consent to NCCCO’s release of any information regarding this application and my examination
administration to third parties, consistent with NCCCO’s Information Release policy. I have received a copy of the NCCCO
Candidate Handbook, have read it, and agree to be bound by it. I also agree to be bound by all NCCCO policies and
procedures, as they may be amended from time to time, including without limitation those posted at nccco.org. I attest
that I have passed a substance abuse test conducted by a recognized laboratory service and agree to comply with NCCCO’s
substance abuse policy. I have passed a physical exam that complies with the ASME B30 standard for my certification
designation and I will continue to comply with those requirements. I understand that if at any point during my
certification period I fail to meet any of the requirements outlined above, or if matters arise that can affect my capability
to continue to fulfill certification requirements, I must report it to NCCCO immediately and agree to cooperate with any
subsequent investigation regarding such matters.


    Personal check  Employer check  Money Order Please do not
staple your check
enclosed enclosed enclosed or money order.
If paying by credit card, complete the following information:


NAME (Print as it appears on card) SIGNATURE (on card)

* Three- or four-digit code located on the card.

Checks and money orders should be payable to: NCCCO

Please send application and payments to:
NCCCO—Testing Services Department
1960 Bayshore Blvd.
Dunedin, Florida 34698
Phone: 727-449-8525
Fax: 727-461-2746
Email: [email protected]

26 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
Candidate Application
Please type or print neatly.
FULL LEGAL NAME First Middle Last Suffix (Jr., Sr., III)
(as shown on driver’s license)

(if previously tested)






SS Lattice Boom Crane SS Tower Crane
SS Telescopic Boom Crane—Swing Cab (TLL): Testing on a boom truck?  Yes  No SS Overhead Crane
SS Telescopic Boom Crane—Fixed Cab (TSS): Testing on a boom truck?  Yes  No






I declare that the foregoing statements and those in any required accompanying documentation are true. I understand and
agree that my failure to provide accurate and complete information or abide by NCCCO’s policies and procedures, including
the Code of Ethics, shall constitute grounds for the rejection of my application, or denial or revocation of my certification. I
understand that NCCCO reserves the right to verify any information in this application or in connection with my certification. I
consent to NCCCO’s release of any information regarding this application and my examination administration to third parties,
consistent with NCCCO’s Information Release policy. I have received a copy of the NCCCO Candidate Handbook, have read it,
and agree to be bound by it. I also agree to be bound by all NCCCO policies and procedures, as they may be amended from time
to time, including without limitation those posted at nccco.org. I attest that I have passed a substance abuse test conducted by
a recognized laboratory service and agree to comply with NCCCO’s substance abuse policy. I have passed a physical exam that
complies with the ASME B30 standard for my certification designation and I will continue to comply with those requirements. I
further attest that I am physically and mentally capable of safely operating equipment on the day of the Practical Examination. I
understand and agree that any personal injury and/or property damage resulting from or caused in any way by my participation
in the CCO Practical Examination is not and shall not be the responsibility of NCCCO. I understand that if at any point during
my certification period I fail to meet any of the requirements outlined above, or if matters arise that can affect my capability to
continue to fulfill certification requirements, I must report it to NCCCO immediately and agree to cooperate with any subsequent
investigation regarding such matters.

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 27


Candidates who meet all the requirements for certification in any one
designation are issued a certification card at no charge. Replacement and
updated cards are available for an additional fee; see panel below.
Please email a digital color photo (without hat or sunglasses) to
[email protected] and label it with your full name and birth date.
Enclose with your application form any required payment based upon the
information listed below.
A 1⅜” 1¾” passport color photo may be substituted for a digital photo; if
submitting a passport photo, please give it to your Test Site Coordinator.


Checks and money orders must be made payable to NCCCO. Credit cards (Visa, Master Card, or American Express)
may be used by completing the credit card information below.
Check the box(es) next to the Practical Exam category(s) for which you are registering.
Practical Examination Fees:
SS One Mobile Crane type: $60  Two Mobile Crane types: $70  Three Mobile Crane types: $80
SS Tower Crane only: $60
SS Tower Crane (current CCO–certified Mobile Crane Operator, or new candidate registering for Mobile Crane
Operator exams at the same time): $50
SS Overhead Crane only: $60
SS Overhead Crane (current CCO–certified Mobile Crane Operator, or new candidate registering for Mobile Crane
Operator exams at the same time): $50
SS Updated/replacement card: $25


    Personal check  Employer check  Money order Please do not

staple your check
enclosed enclosed enclosed or money order.

If paying by credit card, complete the following information:


NAME (Print as it appears on card) SIGNATURE (on card)

* Three- or four-digit code located on the card.

Checks and money orders should be payable to: NCCCO

Do not send this application to NCCCO. Give this application, along with payment and all necessary
documentation, to your Test Site Coordinator on test day.

28 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
Recertification Application
Please type or print neatly.
FULL LEGAL NAME First Middle Last Suffix (Jr., Sr., III)
(as shown on driver’s license)






(For details on NCCCO’s Testing Accommodations policy, please see www.nccco.org/accommodations.)


This application is for recertification only. You may ONLY recertify for the designation(s) in which you are currently certified.
FILL IN the circle next to the crane type(s) for which you are applying for recertification. If you would like to take Additional
Examinations for cranes that you are not currently certified on, then FILL IN the examinations of your choice and CHECK the load
chart you want to use for that crane type.
RECERTIFICATION EXAMS LOAD CHARTS PP Mobile Core Exam plus one Specialty Exam................. $150
PP Core Exam 652605 (Check one for each Specialty Exam) PP Mobile Core Exam plus two Specialty Exams............... $155
PP Lattice Boom Crawler 652625  Terex/American PP Mobile Core Exam plus three Specialty Exams............. $160
(LBC) 652608  Manitowoc PP Mobile Core Exam plus four Specialty Exams............... $165
PP Tower Crane (only)....................................................... $150
PP Lattice Boom Truck 652611  Link-Belt
PP Tower Crane (with Mobile Crane)................................... $50
(LBT) 652635  Manitowoc
PP Overhead Crane (only).................................................. $150
PP Telescopic Boom— 652614  Grove (Truck Mount) PP Overhead Crane (with Mobile Crane)............................. $50
Swing Cab (TLL) 652645  Link-Belt (Rough Terrain)
652646  National (Boom Truck) PP Mobile Core Exam or Core plus one Specialty Exam
PP Telescopic Boom— 652656  Manitex (Boom Truck) (Retest)......................................................................... $150
Fixed Cab (TSS) 652665  Shuttlelift (Carry Deck) PP One Mobile Specialty Exam (Retest)............................... $50
PP Tower Crane 654602 PP Two Mobile Specialty Exams (Retest)............................. $55
PP Three Mobile Specialty Exams (Retest)........................... $60
PP Overhead Crane 653602
PP Four Mobile Specialty Exams (Retest)............................. $65
(Check one for each Specialty Exam)
(*ONLY for candidates adding to existing Mobile certifications;
PP Lattice Boom Crawler 652620  Terex/American
for candidates adding Mobile to Tower or Overhead certifications,
(LBC) 652607  Manitowoc
use standard Written Exam Candidate Application form.)
PP Lattice Boom Truck 652609  Link-Belt PP One Mobile Specialty Exam............................................ $65
(LBT) 652610  Manitowoc
PP Two Mobile Specialty Exams.......................................... $75
PP Telescopic Boom— 652612  Grove (Truck Mount) PP Three Mobile Specialty Exams ....................................... $85
Swing Cab (TLL) 652613  Link-Belt (Rough Terrain)
PP Tower Crane Exam.......................................................... $50
652618  National (Boom Truck)
PP Overhead Crane Exam.................................................... $50
PP Telescopic Boom— 652616  Manitex (Boom Truck)
Fixed Cab (TSS) 652660  Shuttlelift (Carry Deck) OTHER FEES
PP Boom Truck—Fixed 652671  Manitex (Boom Truck) PP Candidate Late Fee (if applicable).................................. $50
Cab (BTF)
PP Incomplete Application Fee (if applicable)...................... $30
PP Tower Crane 654601
PP Overhead Crane 653601 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 29






SS I do NOT have 1,000 hours of documented crane-related experience and must take a CCO Practical Exam for each designa-
tion for which I wish to be recertified.
I declare that the foregoing statements and those in any required accompanying documentation are true. I understand and agree
that my failure to provide accurate and complete information or abide by NCCCO’s policies and procedures, including the Code
of Ethics, shall constitute grounds for the rejection of my application, or denial or revocation of my certification. I understand that
NCCCO reserves the right to verify any information in this application or in connection with my certification. I consent to NCCCO’s
release of any information regarding this application and my examination administration to third parties, consistent with NCCCO’s
Information Release policy. I have received a copy of the NCCCO Candidate Handbook, have read it, and agree to be bound by it. I
also agree to be bound by all NCCCO policies and procedures, as they may be amended from time to time, including without limitation
those posted at nccco.org. I attest that I have passed a substance abuse test conducted by a recognized laboratory service and agree
to comply with NCCCO’s substance abuse policy. I have passed a physical exam that complies with the ASME B30 standard for my
certification designation and I will continue to comply with those requirements. I further affirm either that I have maintained at least
1,000 hours of crane-related experience in the past five years or, if I have not maintained this experience, I have checked the box above
this panel indicating that before my certification expires I will take and pass a practical exam for each designation for which I wish to
be recertified. I understand that if at any point during my certification period I fail to meet any of the requirements outlined above, or if
matters arise that can affect my capability to continue to fulfill certification requirements, I must report it to NCCCO immediately and
agree to cooperate with any subsequent investigation regarding such matters.


    Personal check  Employer check  Money order Please do not
staple your check
enclosed enclosed enclosed or money order.
If paying by credit card, complete the following information:


NAME (Print as it appears on card) SIGNATURE (on card)

* Three- or four-digit code located on the card.
Checks and money orders should be payable to: NCCCO
Please send application and payment to: NCCCO—Testing Services Department Phone: 727-449-8525
1960 Bayshore Blvd. Fax: 727-461-2746
Dunedin, Florida 34698 Email: [email protected]
SS I have completed and signed this Recertification Exam Application.
SS I have provided credit card information or a check or money order for the correct amount due.
SS I have emailed a color digital photo (full face, no sunglasses, no hat) to [email protected] and labeled it with my full name
and birth date.
SS I do not have a digital photo, so I am attaching a 1⅜" 1¾" passport photo with this application.

For additional information regarding recertification, contact:

National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO)
2750 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 505 Phone: 703-560-2391 [email protected]
Fairfax, VA 22031 Fax: 703-560-2392 www.nccco.org

30 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17
Change of Address Form

Please use this form to advise of any changes of address. Please mail, fax, or email this completed form to:

NCCCO—Testing Services Department

1960 Bayshore Blvd.
Dunedin, Florida 34698

Phone: 727-449-8525
Fax: 727-461-2746
Email: [email protected]

Please type or print neatly.

FULL LEGAL NAME First Middle Last Suffix (Jr., Sr., III)
(as shown on driver’s license)















Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 31
NCCCO Information Release Policy

A. Definitions the actions taken, and the effective dates of any such
1. “NCCCO” means and refers to the National
Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators 5. If a Third Party seeks information other than the
acting through its staff and authorized agents and foregoing information, generally, absent a subpoena
representatives. or similar legal process, such information will not
be released. However, in the course of business, as
2. “Releasable Information” means and refers to the
circumstances reasonably warrant, NCCCO reserves
following information: name, certification status,
the discretion to release information other than the
examination dates, certification dates, certification
foregoing information.
number(s), and designations.
6. Certain situations may require or warrant the
3. “Third Party” means and refers to an employer,
immediate verbal confirmation of an individual’s
prospective employer, regulatory agency, or any other
certification status or other Releasable Information in
person or entity that makes an inquiry to NCCCO.
response to a written or verbal request. Under such
B. Policies circumstances, NCCCO may provide such immediate
verbal confirmation, at its discretion. When such a
1. It shall be the policy of NCCCO to provide verbal confirmation is provided, it shall be NCCCO’s
Releasable Information pertaining to individuals policy to follow up with a written confirmation.
who have successfully passed one or more NCCCO
7. It shall be the policy of NCCCO to discuss score-
examinations. It shall also be the policy of NCCCO to
related and test-specific matters only with a candidate
provide Releasable Information pertaining to such
or a candidate’s authorized legal representative.
individuals on its website using such protocols as may
be established. 8. NCCCO will release Releasable Information about an
individual upon receipt of a written request (including
2. Releasable Information may be released to a Third
electronic correspondence) from that individual.
Party who makes a written request, including by
NCCCO may release information other than
electronic correspondence. Generally, Releasable
Releasable Information about an individual, at its
Information will be released within one business day
discretion, upon receipt of a signed, notarized, written
from actual receipt of a written request.
request from that individual. In addition, NCCCO
3. If a Third Party requests information concerning an will release information other than Releasable
individual who has not taken or successfully passed a Information about an individual when required by
CCO examination, NCCCO may release a statement a legal authority of competent jurisdiction under a
confirming that, as of a given date, the individual does duly-issued subpoena, subject to any objection, or as
not appear on NCCCO’s list of successful candidates otherwise required by law.
in one or more categories of certification.
4. If an applicant or certificant is under formal sanction,
suspension, or revocation by NCCCO, then NCCCO
may release a statement to that effect to any persons
and by any reasonable means, including by means of
a list published on the NCCCO website. In addition, if
an individual applicant or certificant is under formal
investigation, sanction, suspension, or revocation
by NCCCO, then NCCCO may release a statement
concerning the status of the applicant or certificant to
any Third Party and to any jurisdiction that requires
or accepts CCO certification as a basis for satisfying
requirements to work in the jurisdiction. Any such
statement to a Third Party or jurisdiction may identify
the applicant or certificant, the certifications affected,

32 Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17


2750 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 505
Fairfax, VA 22031-4312
Phone: 703-560-2391
Fax: 703-560-2392
Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2005–2017 National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. All rights reserved. OCO CH REV 09/17 33
2750 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 505
Fairfax, VA 22031-4312

Phone: 703-560-2391
Fax: 703-560-2392
[email protected]

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