(Chinyanja) Chewa - English Dictionaryvermeullen PDF
(Chinyanja) Chewa - English Dictionaryvermeullen PDF
(Chinyanja) Chewa - English Dictionaryvermeullen PDF
This dictionary was originally compiled by the late Father Jan Vermeullen of
the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) in 1979 and published with the following
"This dictionary has been prepared to help people trying to learn Chinyanja
(Chicewa). It has been kept as simple as possible, endeavouring to give only the
more commonly used words.
This is just a trial run to fill the need for such a book while waiting for a re-
vised edition of the D.C. Scott - A. Hetherwick "Dictionary of the Nyanja Lan-
guage", or possibly a completely new one which may now be in preparation at the
University of Zambia or the University of Malawi.....
Mission L.C.
P.O. Box 8076,
We thank those who are helping in this project to revise Father Vermuellen's
dictionary, especially Miss Agnes Tikili-Banda who has put the dictionary on disc.
As before comments and suggestions are welcome.
Ai A short form of iai
Amba to begin.[see - yamba].
Ani what? What kind? What sort?
Anthu people.
Asamula to yawn. [see - yasamula].
Asilikali soldiers
Ati isn't it? Don`t you? (asking for consent) [see also: Eti? Wati?].
Atsa to kindle, to light.
Apa here.
A there.
Azimu the spirits of the dead.
Ba To steal. [see Kubera].
Ba A verb tense infix indicating the time during which stg is being done
Badisa To be born (as to time).
Badili a relay, someone replacing another.
Badwira born (as to place).
Bafuta white Calico or thin white linen.
Bala to give birth, to produce (used of people, plants, animals).
Bala a wound or an ulcer. [see Mabala and cironda].
Bambo Father, Sir, Master.
Bango Reeds. Matete (Ns).
Bangula to roar (Lion), to shout.
Banja Family, Relatives.(Li ndi Banja - he has got a Wife and Children).
Basela a little extra gift you give to customer who has bought goods from
Basi that`s all, that`s enough, its enough.
Bata calm (no noise).
Baya to stab, pierce (with a spear or any sharp instrument).
Befu being out of breath (cifuwa ca Befu Asthma).
Bemberezi mud wash .
Bere Breast.
Bereka to bear, to produce to have a child, to give birth, to
carry a child on your back.
Biliwila to be green (as new grass).
Bingu roar of thunder, noise of rapids, earthquake.
Birimankhwe Chameleon.
Bisa To hide something. [see - Bisya].
Bisala to hide oneself.[see - Bisyala].
Bodza a lie. - Bodza = its a lie!
Nena Bodza = to tell a lie.
Cita bodza = to tell a lie. [see Nama = to tell a lie].
Boma Fort, Government Offices, The Government (Administration).
Bondo Knee.
Bongo-Bongo Brain.
Boola to pierce, to drill a hole through.[see - Doola].
Bovu cheeks [see -Masaya].
Buluzi Lizard.
Bunda (pl. Maunda) young bird. young Pigeons, the young of large bird. [see
- Liunda].
Busa to herd, to drive together.
Busa place for flock to rest or eat.
Buthu a little girl who has not yet reached puberty.
Buula to groan.
Bvaka to clothe someone, to provide or give clothing. [see -Bveka].
Bvala to put on clothes or to wear.
Bveka to clothe someone: to provide or to give clothing. [see - Bvaka].
Bvika to thatch.
Bviika to dip, to put in water, to steep, to soak in water.
Bvina to dance.
Bvumbala to take out or to overturn.
Bvomera to agree, to accept, to say "yes".[see - Bvomereza & Bvomekeza].
Bvula to take off clothes or to undress.
Bvulala to be wounded or to be hurt.
Bvulaza to hurt someone seriously or badly.
Bvuma to give assent, to consent, to take up the chorus (when singing or tell-
ing a story). - Ku Bvuma - to give consent to something.
Bvumbwe wild cat.
Bvumbwa to be wet with rain.
Bvunda to be rotten [see - Vunda].
Bvundikila to cover or to put a lid on.
Bvundula to stir up.
Bvundukula to uncover or to take lid off [see - Vundukula].
Bvuta to be difficult, to trouble, to worry, to bring difficulties.
Bvutana to quarrel.
Bvutika to be poor or to live in poverty.
Bvuto trouble,problame, difficulty.
Bvuula to take out of the water.
Bwalo yard, ground around, courtyard, court.
Bwanji How are you? how? What about (this or that).
Bwato Boat.
Bwebweta to babble, to stutter, to rave, to be delirious.
Bwenzi (1) (n) Friend.
(2) (adv.) ought, should be, if only ( used in the second part of a con-
ditional sentence).
Bwera to come. - Bwera ndi - to bring, to come with.
Bwereka to borrow ot to lend.
Bwerekana to borrow or to lend to one another.
Bwerera to return or to come back.
Bwererana to come back together again.
Bweretsa lit. to make come; to cause, to order (a book), to bring,
to go and get, to fetch.
Bwereza to repeat or to do again.
Bweza to give back, to send back.
Bwinja pl.mainja, a deserted place, an uninhabited or deserted village.
Bwino (adv) well, carefully, gently, later, in good time.
Ku Cita Bwino Bwino - to be accurate.
Bwinoko a bit better or rather well.[see Bwinopo].
Bwinopo to chew cud.
Bzola to pass through. [see Pyola].
Celela to start off early in the morning. [see - Lawila or Lawilila].
Cha (1) to give a name, to be ripe (fruit), to pluck(fruit).
(2) to set a trap.
Chabe useless. Nothing, only, just.
Chaka Year or feast.
Chakudya something to eat or food.
Chala finger or toe.
Chamba (1) Indian hemp.
(2) dance (any)
Chambu Medicine for protecting gardens, camp, and house.
Chambuyo backwards.
Changu diligence. - cita cangu, to be diligent.
Chanza palm of your hand. -Gwirana canza, to shake hands.
Chapa to wash clothes.
Chaulere gift (freely given).
Che possessive stem: his, hers, its.[see - Ke].
Chedwa to delay, to be late, to linger.
Cheka to cut, to slice, to saw, to cut across.
Chembere old woman.A married woman with children. [see - Ncembere].
Chenjera to be clever, to be cunning.
Chenjerera to outwit.
Chenjeretsa to ask for too high a price, to steal. To want to appear
too clever in front of others.
Chenjeza lit. to make clever, to warn in advance, to give good advice.
Chepa to be small, to be few in number, little, to be too few.
Chepetsa to diminish,to make small. [see - Kudzichepetsa].
Cheuka turn around.
Chete adv. quietly, quiet, still.
Cheza to converse, to talk to, to chat to, to visit.
Cezela to visit. - Cezela usiku = to spend the whole night (doing something:
e.g. dancing, drinking. travelling etc,etc.,)
Chezima to shine, to gleam, to glitter.[see - Cezimira].
Chedwa (1) to be called, to be named so and so.
(2) to be late.
Cheru attention. - Chita Cheru = to pay attention (to)
Uzivelala = to pay attention to.
Chidindo a stamp seal or a date stamp.
Chire the bush [see - thengo].
Chimwa to do wrong or to sin.[see - cimwa].
Chinga Fence or enclose with a fence.
Cholakwa fault or mistake.
Chula (1) to pronounce, to mention, or to say.
(2) to lance, to open a boil.
Chibade cranium, head, hard rind of a gourd.
Chibayo Pneumonia, Pleurisy.
Chibonga a club with a head or knobkerry.
Chiboo a hole, in cloth or wood.
Chibuma a clod of earth.
Chibvomezi noise of an earthquake, of a crowd or of dancing.
Chibvundikiro lid of a pot or container.
Chibwana childishness or childhood.
Chibwano chin.
Chibwebwe stuttering, babbling or stammering.
Chibwenzi friendship - pen pala Cibwenzi.
Chida weapon.
Chidani hatred.
Chidule briefly or with brevity.
Njira ya cidule = (Kanjira aka ne ka shorti ) a short cut.
Chidulo salt made from burnt ashes used in the same way as
Bicarbonate of Soda.
Chiduka a broken piece (of brick) or its broken.
Chidutswa a bit cut or broken off something.
Chifukwa because. - Chifukwa ca = because of.
Chifukwa cace = the reason for it.
Chifukwa ciani? = why? for what reason?
Chifuwa chest, a cold or a chest trouble.
Chifwamba a person who steals, a bandit, a thief.[see Kawalala].
Chigamba a patch.
Chigawo a part. [see - Gawa].
Chigololo improper sexual conduct or adultery.
Chigumula (1) a flood,(water rising over its banks).
(2) Retrenchment.
Chigwa a valley.
Chigayo grinding mill.
Chikaso yellow color of ginger.
Chikasu Ginger root.
Cikasu - yellow, the colour of ginger.[see - Cikaso].
Chikho gourd or cup ( Chalice).
Chikhulupililo trust, belief or faith [see - khulupililia].
Chikole something given as a pledge.[see- Mkole].
Chikoba hide of an animal.
Chikondi Love.
Chikope eyelids.[see - Kakope].
Chikumbumtima memory or rememberance.
Chikunu Rape or abduction.
Chikwakwa sickle, reaping-hook, the long hook-knife used as a grass cutter, a
slasher. - (plur) Zikwakwa.
Chikwanje a large-bladed knife.
Chikwati wedding. [see - Ukwati - marriage].
Chilakolako extreme desire.
Chilala drought, famine, destruction of food.
Chilankhulo language.
Lankhula - to speak.[see -Yankhula and Ciyankhulo].
Chilayo Vows.
Chilema a deformity, a maiming.
Chilimwe the dry season.
Chilombo a dangerous animal, a wild animal.
Chilumba an island.
Chimake a sheath.
Da to be black, to be dark, to be dirty. [see - kufipa].
Dabwa to be astonished.
Dala (adv.) purposefully, purpodely, on purpose, intentionally, knowingly
Wa citela Dala = you have done it on purpose.
Dala to be blessed, to be happy.
Dalitsa - to caused to be blessed, happy.
Ne wa Dalitsawa - he/ she is blessed.
Dama pride, pride of estate, also lust, impurity.
Dambo a grass-covered plain, a watery marsh.
Dana to hate one another.
Dandaula to complain, to grumble, to grieve for.
Dazi baldness.
Dekha to settle (as water), to be calm of mind, to be quiet of heart, gracious
Denga roof. [see tsindwi].But most people refer to the roof as Menje.
Dere like that [see - Tere: Conci].
Dikira to wait, to wait for. [see - Lindira, Yembekeza].
Dimba a garden near water. (Sugar-cane fields mostly grown in dimbas).
Dinda to give a blow with your fist. to stamp - as with a date stamp.
Diso eye pl. Maso [see -Liso: Meso].
Diza (1) to delay, to wait, to hesitate. –
(2) a type of large locust.
Dodoma to be astonished, to be puzzled [see - Zizwa].
Dondo thick bush.
Dongosola to arrange in order, to do in order, to speak in order. [see longosola].
Dontha to drop, to leak.
Dontho a drop.
Dooko a landing place.
Doola to pierce, to pass through. [see - Boola].
Dothi soil, earth. Mostly used in reference to rubbish or dirty surroundings.
Duka to be broken in pieces, to break in pieces, to be cut.
Dula to cut, to cut across, to take a short-cut.
Dula Nkhani = to interrrupt.
Dululu snake poison.
Dumbo malice,evil speaking of another, insolence.
Duwa pl.Maluwa flower.
Dwala to be sick, to be ill.
Dya to eat.
Dyera eat, excell, surpass, excess, to over do things.
Mwadyera ? = how`s life ?
Dyeratu waste, to over eat.
Dyetsa to feed.
Dza to come, [see - bwera].
Dza- verbal infix (1) gives the meaning of coming to do something.
(2) of future tense.
Dzala to fill, to be full. [see -Dzaza which means to overfill
or fill to the brim
Dzala ash heap, waste heap.Also called Chisala.
Dzana the day before yesterday(can also be refered to as Mazo).
Dzabdira to stagger(as when drunk), to wobble from side to side.
Dzanda to stagger, to rebound, to be elastic [see - Nzanda].
Dzandidzandzi the weak or staggering walk of a sick or drunk person.
Dzanja arm or hand [see - Manja].
Dzaza to fill, to be full. [see - Dzala].
Dzenje a pit, a hole.pl. Maenje.
Dzi verbal infix, indicating the reflexive, -self.
Dzidzimuka to be startled.
E, EE, Eya yes.
Edzeka to lean anything against (something). [see - yedzeka].
Same for all verbs beginning with `e` as: -enda = yenda: -enera=yenera, etc,.
Eni Plural of Mwini, -selves, owners.
Enieni true, truly, really.
Eti Isn`t it? Don`t you? (asking for consent).
[See also: Ati? and Wati?]
Fa to die, to be dead.
Falitsa to spread about, to make known (as a rumour).
Fanana to be similar, to reseambel, to tbe like. [also - Fana fana].
Fanizo a parable, a comparison.
Fano an image, an idol.
Fatsa to be kind, to be gentle, to be meek.
Felela thatch.
Feluka to fail, [see - Lephera. -Jomba refers to getting stuck]
Fendaluzi the Luzi tree [see - Mbobvu or Nyanda]
Fesa to sow (by scattering small seeds in the wind or seedbed).
Fewa to be soft.
Fika to arrive (at a place), to reach.
kufikira - until
Kufikira paka pa - until a certain date
Finya to squeeze, to twist, to press in order to get out pus (in a wound or
boil), to squeeze water from clothes, to wring.
Mafinya - pus.
Fisi Hyena [see also -Cimbwi].
Fiyira to be red or reddish. [see - Fuyira].
Folera to spread the grass on the roof when thatching, to thatch.
Fooka to be weak. to be spiritually weak.
Fota to wither (as leaves, or a flower).
Fotokoza to explain.
Fufuza to grop for (something), search, investigate.
Fuka to rise and spread, as smoke.
Fuko People.
Fukata to embrace, to carry a child on your breast
Fukula to dig, to dig up.
Fula (1) to dig a hole.
(2) to castrate.
(3) to forge (as a blacksmith). - [see also - Sula]
Fulatira to turn your back on.
Fulu Tortoise.
Fulula (phala) porrige of mixture water and flour.
Fulumira to be in hurry. [also - Fulumiza]
Fuma to come from.
Ku fumila - come from = originate from.
Fumbi dust.[see - Pfumbi].
Gadama to lie on your back.
Gaduka to boil (water). be boiling [see also - Wira].
Gaga bran, husk.
Gaki sisal
Gamuka to fall down (wall, hut).
Gamula (1) to cause to fall, to destory.
(2) to chop down a tree
(3) to decide, to give a verdict.
Ganiza to think, to consider, to suppose.
Ganizo = a thought & Maganizo = thoughts.
Ganyu a small bit of work to be paid on the spot. (piece work)
Mkazi wa Ganyu = prostitute.
Munthu wa Ganyu
Ndikulembani Ganyu
Gareta a cart.
Garu a dog.
Gaula to dig or plough the garden.
Gawa to divide, to share out, to apportion.
Gaya to grind.
Gela/Gera to shave, to cut your hair or beard
Gogo a grandparent.
Gogoda to knock (e.g. on the door).
Goli a slave-stick, a harness for oxen.
Gombe the edge or bank of the river or lake.
Gomola sweet.
Gona to lie down, to sleep, to stay long in a place.
Ne wugona -can even mean a person who is natually dull.
Goneka to lay down (as a child, a book).
Gonja to do obeisance to, to submit to somebody. [Also:- Khonja].
Gontha to be deaf (to be disabled).
Gonthi a deaf person.
Gowero a boy`s house or dormitory.
Guda a jar (large or small), a pail for water.
Gudira to be wide and spreading, providing shade (tree).
Guga to be threadbare (cloth,to be barren (old garden), to look old.
Gula buy.
Gulitsa to sell.
Gule a dance.
Gulu a group of people or animals.
Gulu la nkhondo, the army, soldiers.
Guluka to slip out(e.g. a hoe or an axe from its handle or tooth from its
Gulula to take out of it`s socket or from its handle, to dislocate.
Gumuka to fall down (wall or plaster from the wall). [see Gamuka]
Gund to hit, to bump into, to thunder.
Gundika to be in full swing, to make a big noise - (gule wagundika).
Guwa a platform, a kind of shelf made of clay in the house, altar.
Gwa to fall, to collapse.
Gwa strong, hard, firm.
Gwada to knee, to kneel down.
Gwedza to shake, to be shaky, to be slack.
Gwedeza to shake.
Gwero a source, beginning of a river or stream.
Gwira to catch, to hold, to grasp.- Gwira nchito = to work.
Gwirana to hold each other.
iai no [see Ai].
Ife we.
Ika to put, to place, to bury, to lay eaggs (hen).
Ima to stop moving, to stand still, to wait, to be in the early months of
Imba to sing, to beat a drum [see Omba].
Imbvi white hair, grey hair.
Imfa death.
Imika to put upright, to stand upright.
Imilila to stand, to stand upright, to stand by, to minister to.
Inga to send away, to drive away, to frighten away
(usually birds, goats or chickens).
Insa a Duiker or small Antelope.
Inwsa collective singular, for winged white ants.
Inu you (2nd Plural).
Ipa to be bad, to be evil, (when one is ugly, one is said to be ‘ipa’ in the
meaning of ‘ugly’, not of ‘bad’ and ‘evil’).
Ipitsa to spoil, to ruin,to disfigure, to abuse, to do ill to.
Itana to call, to invite, to summon.
Iwala to forget.
Iwe you (2nd person singular).
Iwo they (3rd person plural).
Iye he, she, it.
Ja Demonstrative stem, for something easily identified or already men-
tioned . Also `that over yonder`, farther away.
Jambula to draw (a picture), to print.
Jenjemera to shiver, to tremble.
Jolika to hold your head down, to be ashmed.
Jujuka to fad, to lose its colour, to be worn out or threadbare.
Jumpa to jump.
Ka a diminutive prefix, small.
Ka (1) a verbal infix indicating motion, to go and do (something).
(2) if, when
Kada a verbal infix for the past condition, would (have come), if ....
Kada (also daka) = still.
kabudula short pants or underware.
Kabvalidwe manner of dressing or clothes.
Kabvira to slpash over (as when carrying water) to spill.
Kabvumbulu a whirlwind.
Kacamba sweet potatoe [see Kadolo].
Kacasu distilled beer or spirits.
Kacere a tree, a very large evergreen tree.
Kacetecete in silence.
Kacisi a small hut for the spirits of the dead.
Kadendene heel [see - cidendene].
Kaduka jealousy, evy, malice.
Kadzitape a tell-tale.
Kadzidzi a small owl with a large head.
Kaidi a jail.
Kaikakaika to doubt.
Kaingo (Ns) Leopard [see - Nyalubwe, Kangombwa].
Kakamira to stick fast to, to catch fast hold of.
Kakamiza to force, compel, oblige.
Palibe Kukakamiza - there is no forcing.
Kalamba to be old, to become old, to grow old.
Nkhalamba - an old person.
Kalanga adv. expresses regret, remorse, grief.
Kalanzi small white ants.
Kalata a letter, paper.
Kale in the past, formerly.
Kale-kale - a long time ago, long, long ago.
Kaleza (1) lightnening.
(2) razor blade.
Kali angry, fierce [see Kalipa].
Kalimba a hand piano.
Kalipa to be angry, to be firece.
Kalipira to be angry against someone, to scorn.
Kalilombe a Chamleon (large).
Kaliwa a pipe ( for smoking).
Kalize centipede [see - nankalize].
Kalulu Rabbit or Hare.
Kama to milk - Kukama mkaka = to milk the cow.
Kama a bedstead.
Kamba to tell, to narrate, to relate, to talk.
Kamba a Tortoise.
Kamba Ka - because of [see -Chifekwa Cha].
Kambiri often.
Kambiri-kambiri - many times.
Kambuku Leopard [see -Nylubwe, Kangombwa].
Kamodzi once - Kamodzi-kamodzi = once in a while.
Kamundi a Lemur.
Kamwa mouth. - Pa Kamwa = on the mouth.
Kamwazi dysentery.
Kana to refuse, to say no.
Kanda to knead (dough), to push down (earth or mud with your feet),
Ne zamukanda = to beat up.
Kanense (also kaninse) =- the little finger.
Kanga to be hard, to be difficult, to be impossible.
Ku kangana = to argue.
Mwandi kanga = you have failed me.
kangamira to grasp, to grapple, to hold fast [see - Kakamira].
Kang`antha to beat, to shower blows upon [see - Kankhantha].
Kanganula to loosen.
Kangati how may times?
Kangaude a spider.
Labada to care for, to head.
Labvula to spit.
Laka (1) to desire, long for. [see - Lakalaka]
(2) to be baffled, puzzled, to fail, to be at a loss.
Alikuchita lakalakawo? Alikupa ndiwo.
Lakwa to be unskilful, akward.
to fail, miss ,to be inaccurate.
Lalanje Orange, pl.Malanje.
Lalata to evil entreat,taut, speak harshly or evil to
Lalika to proclaim, make known.
Lamba (1) belt, girdle.
(2) to pay respect, to do obeisance to, obey, stay under a chief.
Lambalala to skirt, to go around by the side of.
Lambula to order, to command, rule,decide.
Lamulo order, command, law.
Malamulo - rule of law, set of rules, constitution.
Landa to seize, to take, snatch, to steal, to take by force.
Landira to receive.
Landitsa to set free, resuce.
Langa to punish, to admonish, to instruct.
Langiza to advise, to instruct.
Lankhula to speak, talk [see - Yankhula].
Lapa to regret, repent.
Lasa to hit, to wound, to shoot.
Nda Lasidwa ndi munga - I have been piecred by a torn.
Laula to utter bad things, unlawful, to swear (at a person), to meet with a bad
omen (see Malaulo)
Lawa (1) to taste
(2) to test, to try.
Lawi Malawi - Flame of fire.
Lawira (1) to take leave, to say good -bye.
(2) to leave very early in the morning.
Payila = its morning. - [see - Lawirira].
Ledzera to be drunk- kuKulewa is the term mostly used. - [see - Lodzera].
Leka to cease doing something, to stop.
Lekana to part, to separate, leave each other (husband and wife).
Lekerera to bear with, spare, not to take care of.
Lema to be tired.
Lemara to be lame.[see - Lumala] - Munthu wulemara.
Lemba to write, to draw, to ingrave.
Lemkeza to honour, to respect.
Lemera (1) to be heavy
(2) to be rich.
Cholemekra ngako! Kulemera!
Lenda to be gluey, sticky as some boiled leaves, gums.
Lenga to do wonders, create, to do things beyond power of man.
Lengeza to make known, proclaim, to send notice around.
Lephera to fail (to do something), to be at a loss [see - feluka].
Lera to care for, to nurse.
Leretsa to separate two combatants, to recuse from.
Lekura or Leluka - to be not heavy, to be light [see Luluka and Pepuka].
Leta (Ns) to bring. - Letani mpindo.
Letsa to forbid, to hinder. - coletsa = hindrance.
Leza (1) God [Mlezi].
(2) to be patient with, bear with. - Leza mtima = be patient
Uta wa Leza = rainbow.
Li to be.
Li ndi to have.
Libe to not have, to be without.
Licelo a flat basket (for winnowing).
Likha to hew down, to fall down, to know down ( a tree).
Likongwe a Weasel, a Ferret.
Lilime tongue [see - lulime].
Lima to hoe, cultivate, to use a hoe (khasu).
Limba to be hard, firm, strong.
Limba mtima - be of a strong heart.
Limba a musical instrument, several strings strung on a board,
harmonium, organ.
Limbika to be firm, strong.
Ma- (1) verbal infix, contiunace, something often repeated.
(2) sign of respect when answering back, when an older
person calls you.
Mabuka eruptions, swelling which come of themselves, on any part of the body,
not directly traceable to external cause.
Mabvu wasps, hornets [see - mago].
Mabvume a chorus response in singing.
Macedzana (lit.) the year before, the year before last, a long time ago
[see Makedzana].
Macila (1) a sedan-chair, a stretcher.
(2) payment of a ransom, a ransom.
Madoda a mature man, somethime headman, sing. Ndoda or Lidoda.
Madzi (pl.) water.
Madzulo late afternoon, early evening.
Maere (1) wonders, things that astonish, are strange.
(2) the `lots`.
Mafinya pus.
Mafuta fat or oil.
Mafuwa stones for cooking.
Maganizo thought (s). The action of thinking is expressed by the verb ‘kuganiza’
Magazi blood [see - Mwazi].
Magwero head or source of river.
Mai Mother, my mother.
Maike or Mai ake - his/her mother.
Mailo tomorrow/Yesterday.
Makaka kuchita to be proud, to show off.
Makamaka especially, surpassing [see - Maka].
Makama crowds [see - Magulu].
Makande black clay, soil.
Makangaza a friut similar to pomegranate.
Makani a contest, in word or deed, rivalry,struggle.
Makedzana lit. the year before, the year before last, along time ago.
Makhalidwe nature, disposition, custom, habit.
Makhalo private parts of both men or women, [see - Mapeto].
Makono nowadays, this present tiem, season, year.
Mbatatase potatoes.
Mbawala an Antelope, Bush-buck.
Mbe white, clear, open (ideophone).
Mbedza a fish-hook, a hook.
Mbemberezi the Ichneunon-fly.
Mbendela flag.
Mbereko goat skin or linen cloth used to carry child.
Mberere sheep [see - Nkosa].
Mbeta a unmarried woman, free.
Kuka funsira Mbeta = to begin marriage negotiations.
Mbetete a trumpet made of an animal horn, also a long-handed gourd
Mbeu seed vegetable, sprouting plants.
Mbewa field mice eaten as it is considered a delicacy.
Mbidzi Zebra.
Mbili account, narrative.
Mbiri (1) a story, rumour, fame, a report.
(2) [adj] many
Kwambiri = very much (zikomo kwambiri = thank very much).
Mbiya jar, pot (general word)
Mbobo a long green/grey snake (very deadly in a very short time)
Mbobvu the Luzi tree [see - Fendaluzi and Nyanda].
Mbola a sting.
Mbombo a selfish man.
Mboni (1) witness, one who sees.
(2) the pupil of the eye.
Mbu white, whitish (ideophone) [see - Mbe].
Mbulu a lump (as in porride), a lump of anything moulded with the hands, a pill
Mbumba kindred, those sustained by one, one` female relations
Mbuna a game-pit.
Mbusa a shepherd, one who herds, Church leader or Pastor.
Mbuto a sleeping place, a nest, a burrow (rabbit).
Mbuwa of skin to be whitish with dust or dirt.
Mbuye (1) Master, Lord, Grandparent.
(2) [pl.] Ambuye = reverence
Mbuyo back.
Mbuzi goat.
Mbwemba the Tamarind tree.
Mchapi witch-doctor in reference to cleasing.
Mcenga sand.
Mcere Salt.
Mcewere a species of small grain head about 1 foot long.
Mcira a tail.
Mcombo naval.
-na- verb infix, past tense.
also -da-.
-na and, with (used for ndi).
-na some, some more.
other e.g. ina, ena.
nadzikambe chameleon.
-nai four.
-nama to tell a lie.
namgumi a whale.
-Namiza to deceive, to slander.
namkholow sweet-potatoe leaves used as ndiwo.
namkungwi instructor, adviser during initiation rites.
namondwe a storm, a wind-storm, waves.
namsongole a species of grass, weed.
namtindi 'muchness, many, a multitude.
namwali a grown up girl ready for marriage.
namwino a mid-wife.
nanga yes, and how?, how about this?, well then.
namkalize a centipede (painful bite), sometimes also a scorpion
See nkhanira and also kalize.
ncafu the thigh, lap.
ncefu an eland, also nsefu.
ncembele a woman who has children.
ncence a fly.
ncenzi large water rat, beaver rat.
ncetho an arrow with barbs.
ncisi a dirty person.
nchito work, labour, occupation.
wanchito - a worker, labourer.
ncofu (1) colic, bile, vomiting.
(2) navel cord.
Ocha to roast, toast; burn.
Chimanga Cho ocha - roasted green Maize.
Odzera to nod, sleep while sitting up.
Sinza - shut one's eyes.
Akustira - he is falling asleep.
Oka to transplant.
Ola I to rot, decay [see - Vunda].
II to gather and take away, something that is spilled or spread.
Oloka to cross, to ford (river).
Kuolowa manja - to be generous.
Omba to sound.
Omba Mfuti - to fire a gun.
Omba Ng`oma - beat the drum.
Ombera to shoot at
Ombeza to cast lots.
Ombola to ransom;rescue; redeem.
Omola to take out from pot with a spoon ( portion of Nsima).
Ku Pakula nsima - taking out a portion of nsima.
Ona to see, to look.
Oneka = to see, to be visible, to happpen.
Onekela = to apppear.
Onetsa = to show.
Onda to be thin, lean. - Ne onda = he is thin.
Onga to thank. - Kuwanongera manja-
Onga gun powder [see - Wonga].
Ongeza to add [ see - Onjeza].
Ongoka to be straight.
Ongola to make straight. - Kuongola myendo = to stretch the legs.
Onja to take off a noose animal caught in a trap.[see - Onjola].
Onjenza to add to; sometimes also -Onjeza.
Onjola to take off a noose from an animal trapped [see - Onja].
Ononja to destroy, spoil, waste.
Onongeka to be demaged, spoiled. - Cha onogeka = its been demaged or spoiled.
Opa to fear, be afraid. - Ne mu opa = I am afraid of him.
Opsa/Opsya to cause to fear, to frighten, to be dreadful.
Otha moto to warm yourself by the fire.
Othela moto to warm oneself n th sun.
Owani a crested crane.
Pa at. - Pamwamba pa = on top of , above.
Pachika to hang, to suspend, put above (on rafter or shelf).
Pafupi near.
paka to smear, paint. - Anthu ali ku paka = they are many.
Pakati (pa), in the middle of between.
Tenga pakati = become pregnant.
Ali ndi pakati = she is pregnant.
Pakiza to put in, fill up (a bag)
Pakuti because of, since, seeng that - (also| poti, popeza kuti.
Pakula (ndiwo) = to dish out (the relish).
Pala to plane, to smooth, scrape.
Palana cibwenzi to make friendship with another
Palamula to be guilty of, be given a case, to provoke
Palapata to be restless
Palasa to paddle, row (a boat), to pedal(bicycle) chova
Palibe Kanthu it doesn't matter
Palira (from Pala): to remove as weeds or grass in maize field.
Dzipalira = self-help.
Pama a slap with a open palm.
Pamantha to beat clay,stamp a mud floor.
Pamba pancreas sometimes also used to refer to the spleen.
Pambana to be better, to excel, to surpass.
Pambasuka to uncoil (piece of string or snake).
Pambuka (1) to side aside.
(2) euphemism for releasing oneself (often for child).
[see - Pakuta].
Pambuyo (pa) behind, after, (time and space).
Pamene when; where.
Pamodzi together (Limodzi).
Pampasa to feel out with hands, as blindman or in darkness.
[see - Pampasira; Papasa].
Pamwamba (Pa) above over upon.
Pana to fix between 2 sticks.
Panda (1) to beat or slap.
(2) to be without, lack.
Popanda = without.
Panga to make do, fabricate.
Sa (1) not, verbal affix, also, si
(2) related to master, master of [see - Tsa].
Sace a broom [see - Tsace].
Sadsa to lop off (a branch from a tree0.
Sadzula to take off the husk off, to skin, take the bark off,
Sukuluza to rinse
Sukuluza mu Kamwa - rinse your mouth.
Sula (1) to forge, hammer red-hot Iron.
(2) to look down upon someone.
Sumu poison.
Sunama to pout the lips (in anger), to sulk.
Sunga to keep.
Sungaunuka to melt ( wax: lead: sugar), become watery.
Sunsa to dip morsel in sauce, Ndiwo.
Sunso a strainer.
Suntha to move.
Suta to smoke.
Kusunta fodya - to smoke a pipe/take snuff.
Suzumira to peep, to look up, to spy.
Swa to break or smash.
Sweka to be broken in pieces.
Ta (1) verb infix after doing something.
(2) used when answering to your Father as sign of respect.
Tafula to mock at, use filthy language.
Tafuna to chew.
Talala hail strom pl. Matalala.
Tail far, long, tall.
Kutali - far away.
Talika (1) to be long, high or far.
(2) to be too long, high, far.
Tama to praise.
Tamanda to praise, to thank.
Tamba to spread (water, plants, shoots).
Tambala Cock.
Tambalala to stretch out.
Tambasula to spread, stretch out, to relax [see - Tambutula].
Tambwali a unreliable person.
Tandala to recreate, relax to visit.
Tanganidwa to be busy.
Tani (1) (verb) to do what? to say what?
(2) (adj) of what sort; of what quality? – See Nji ? = of what nature ?
Tansa to stretch, extend.
Tandthauza to mean, to signify.
Tanza to stretch forth a hand or leg.
Tapa to take a portion of.
Tapa mo -take some and leave the rest.
Tate Father pl. Atate sign of respect.
Taya to lose, to throw away.
Tayika to be lost, lose one`s way.
Tema (1) to cut with an axe or a knife, to cut across.
(2) to hit someone with a stone.
Temba (1) to carry on a pole.
(2) to give someone a credit in a card game.
Tembenuka to turn (a complete turn) turn around, to change.
Anatembenuka = he has become born again.
Tembenuza active voice.
Tenga to get, to fetch, take, carry.
Tengulira to prune a tree or plant.
Tentha to be warm, to be hot, to burn, set fire to.
Tepa to bend (not to be strong enough).
Tera to alight (bird or plane).
Tere like this [see - dere: Chonci].
Tereka to put pot on the fire, to set well down or upon.
Terera to be slippery, to slip.
Tero to do or say like that [see - Chonci: Dere: Tere].
Teteka (1) to crack and spark (fire-wood or pop-corn).
(2) to split and scatter seeds or some palnt when ripe.
Tetemera to shake or quiver as arrow, reed, spear.
Tetera (1) to cluck as hen, to cackle.
(2) to talk to one`s ancestory spirits.
Teteza to support, assist,to defend, help [see - Chirikiza: Thandiza]
Tewera (1) a loin-cloth.
Tha to be finished, to be able to, to finish, to be exhausted (i.e no more ).
Thabwa board, plank.
Thadzi a female.
Thako buttock, the bottom pl. Mathako.
Thala (1) the inner wall of hut, the sleeping palce inside the hut.
(2) the tarmac as in road.
Mitala = polygamy.
Thale Iron ore [see - Nthale].
Thamanga to run [see - Thaminga].
Tsata to follow.
Tsatila to imitate, to follow, to pursue.
Tsatsa a small stick, fire-wood, a switch.
Tsaya cheek pl. Masaya.
Tsazaikana to separate from, to take leave of.
Tsece trattles bound on legs pl. Masece.
Tseguka to open by itself, not by somebody else.
Tsegula to open [see - Tseguka: Tsekula: Vula].
Tseka to close, to lock, shut [see - Vala}.
Tsekemera to be sweet (sugar-cane, honey).- [see Tsecemera: Nzuna: Zuna].
Tsekera thick stemmed grass used in house making.
Tsekereza to shut in, to intercept.
Tseketa to shut off, to cut to size.
Tsekula to open [see - Tsegula].
Tsekwe wild duck, goose.
Tsempho a sickness caused by a woman putting too much salt in ndiwo during her
Tsendera to pack close, to dam, to ram close.
Tsenga a trick, sleight of hand.
Tseri the side of [see Seri]. - Ku seri/tseri = behind
Patseri/Paseri = on the other side.
Tsidya the other side, across the river or lake.
Tsiku day - (pl.) Masiku - Tsiku lanji ? = what day?
Tsikla to overturn to tilt up something.
Tsimba the girls' house.
Tsimbe charcoal pl. Masimbe [see - Malasha].
Tsimikiza to confirm,to be determined,make sure,to ratify.
Tsimphina to limp.
Tsina to pinch, press.
Tsinda/Tsindira to press down [see - Sinda].
Tsinde the base, heavy end.
Tsindwi roof pl. Matsindwi [see - Denga].
Tsinya wrinkle pl. Matsinya [see- Manya]>
Tsinzina to shut one's eyes against dust or wind, also being sleepy.
Tsipa to sip, suck from.
Tsira to pour [see - Thira].
Tsirirka to guard, protect with medicine.
Tsirirza to finish, to end.
Tsiru a mad person, fool.
Ne tsiru = he is mad or a fool
Tsiruka to become mad or insane.
Tsitsa to lower, put down from [see - Tsika].
Tsitsi hair.
Ubve dirt.
Ubwana childhood.- Chibwana = childishness.
Ubweya fur, hair (body), down.
Uci honey.
Udindo responsible job, duty, position, work dignity.
Udongo cleanliness.
Udzu grass pl. Maudzu.
Udzudzu Mosquito.
Ufa Flour.
Ufiti witchcraft.
Ufulu freedom, generosity.
Ufumu sovereignty, kingdom.
Ugogodi slander.
Uja that one.
Uje so and so, I forget his name
Uka to rise, get up [see - Dzuka].
Ukali fierceness, ferocity. - Kali = fierce.
Uja Munthu ne wa Ukali = that one is a fierce person.
Ukapolo slavery.
Uko there, over there.
Ukonde net for hunting.
Ukulu size, dignity.
Ukwati marriage but Chiwati is a wedding.
Ula lot, divining sticks.
Ulalo bridge [see - Mlatho].
Ulembe poison, arrow-poison from a poisonous plant.
Ulemerero glory
Ulemu respect. - Kuchita Ulemu = to be polite, to show respect.
Ne waulemu = he is very respectful.
Ulendo a journey, a trip.
Ulere freedom of manner, action, a free gift.
Ulesi laziness. - Achita Ulesi = he/she is being lazy
Ulimbo bird-lime.
Ulongwe dung.
Uluka to fly.
Ulula to reveal or make known something hidden.
Ana ulula kani - he revealed the secret, he was told.
Ululu pain, poison.
Uma to dry up - Kuuma manja = to be hard hearted or mean.
Umba to mould, to make bricks.
Umbala to circumcise.
Umbeta the state of a woman without a husband = widowhood.
Umbombo selfishness, miserliness.
Umboni testimony.
Umiriza to urge, to compel
Umodzi 'oneness', unity.
Umphawi poverty.
Unda (1) to make mound, buildwith clay, earth as white ants.
(2) to make a plat-form with earth.
Udana to stick together.
Undukula to remove the medicine safe-guarding the crops before
Unguza to look around.
Unika to light (as touch), give light.
Unjika to heap up, to gather scattered items.
Unthama to crouch (as Lion), to stoop.
Unyamata boyhood, youth.
Unyinji big number, multitude.
Unyolo a chain.
Upo a counsel(advice),the person who counsels is Phungu.
Usa (1) to rest, take shelter. - Kuusa mvula = to take shelter from the rain.
(2) to drive cattle together [see -Busa, kusa].
Usana noon, daytime.
Usiku night-time.
Usiwa shabbiness of clothing.
Uta a bow.
Uta wa Leza - Rain-bow.
Utali length, distance.
Utata a flea.
Uthenga message [see - Mthenga].
Utoto paint
Utsa to raise up.
Utsi Smoke(n) [see - Chuci].
Uwa to bark, to howl.
Uza to tell, to say
Uzi thread as in neddle.
Uzimba a hunting.
Uzira to blow, puff.
Vimba(Ns) to thatch, to cover, conceal with grass.. - Ku bvika/Felela = to thatch.
Vukuta to blow bellows [see -Bvukuta].
Vumbula to turn something [see - Bvumbula].
Vumula use medicine to take out poison [see - Bvumula].
Vunda to be rotten, decay [see - Bvunda].
Vundula to stir [see - Bvundula].
Vundukula to uncover [see - Bvundukula].
Vunga to wrap up.
Wakha (1) to catch (ball) [see- Gwira].
(2) to catch fire, light a fire.
Wala to shine as in sun, to be light.
Waliwali bright, shining, polished.
Wamba (1) of no account. - Munthu wamba = a simple ordinary man.
(2) to harden, tighten by fire (as skin of drum), to toast, to patch.
Wamng`ono someone who is small, little.
Wanda (1) to lay flat, make level, as levelling grass when walking.
(2) to spread everywhere.
Wanditsa to make a thing known all around.
Wati? isn`t it? don`t you? asking consent [see - Ati? eti?].
Waula to singe, scorch.
Wawa (1) term of great respect, third person plural, for Iwo.
(2) to ache, to be bitter tasting.
Wawasa to be sour, to be acidic.
Waza (1) to sprinkle, to drizzle.
(2) to split wood.
Wenda to creep.
Wenga to peel fruit, to pare.
Werama to stoop, to bend down.
Weramuka to get up, raise up from stooping.
Werenga to read, to count.
Weruka to leave (e.g work or school) and go.
Weruza to judge.
Weta to tend, keep, look after people or cattle.
Weyula to wave, to turn to one side.
Wina to win.
Winda (1) to protect with medicine.
(2) Tsitsi - to let hair grow, remain unshorn as after a death or sickness.
Winduka to turn over.
Windula (1) to take away medicine protecting house or garden.
(2) to shave the hair after death or sicknes.
Wira to boil, to bubble.
Wirikiza to double, to repeat.
Wiringula to squabble, make excuse for refusing to so something.
Wirira to be rough with long grass or bush: or hair unshorn.
Wisi fresh, green.
Wo their, possessive stem.
Wonga gun powder.
Wotha to warm oneself [see Otha: Othera].
Wotha moto = to warm oneself near a fire.
Wothera Dzuwa = to warm oneself in the sun
Ya to be deep, long (time). - Muyaya = for ever.
Wamuyaya = eternal.
Yabwa to itch.
Yaka to burn, be lit [see - Yakha].
Yakha (1) to catch (ball).
(2) to catch fire, to burn, to be lit.
Yala to spread, arrange.
Yaluka to be insane.
Yamba to be first, to begin, to provoke.
Yambira to start (with). - Kuyambira ... Kufikira = from ... till.
Yambana to quarrel.
Yambuka to ford, go across [see - Oloka].
Yamika to thank, to praise.
Yamwa to suck ( breast), suckle.
Yandama to float.
Yanga to spread above, to float on water [see - Yangalala].
Yang`ana to look, to see.
Yang`anira to look after, superintend.
Yanika to spread in the sun to dry.
Yanjana to be reconciled, to be of one mind.
Yankha to answer.
Yankhula to speak, talk [see - Lankhula].
Yasama to open the mouth, to gape, to yawn.
Yasamula to yawn.
Yatsa to kindle, to light a fire, a candle, a lamp.
Yembekeza expect [see - Dikira].
Yenda to walk, move, travel.
Yendera to visit.
Yendetsa to drive, ride, move (something).
Yenera must, should, obligation, to fit.
Yenga to melt fat, tomake oil (from ground-nuts, Castor-beans).
Yera to be white, to be clean, to be pure.
Yerekeza to make like, to compare, to signify.
Yeretsa to clean.
Yesa to try, to guess, to measure, to test. - Mayeso = test, trial, exams.
Muyeso = a measure.
Yetsemula to sneeze.
Yokoka to fall and scatter on the ground (as flowers and seeds).
Yoyola to cause to fall and be scattered.
za concerning, about.
Zama to be deep, to go right down.
Zambwe the west wind, the west.
Zaza to be wild, fierece, to be angry.
Zedi (adv) very, really, truly (Malawi).
Zemba to disappear by getting out of sight, to avoid.
Zenera a window.
Zenga to tie, bind round.
Zengereza to linger, delay, be late (used in confiter?).
Zerenga to wrap around, twine around.
Zeze musical instrument with strings.
Zifuyo domestic animals, cattle.
Zika to pierce, put a post into its hole or of a root taking hold
in the ground.
Zikomo thank you, please, excuse me.
Zilakolako eager desires, to covet, lust.
Zima to be quenched, be out (a fire, a light) [see - Thima].
Zimitsa to quench, extinguish (a fire, a light) [see - Thimitsa].
Zimbiri rust [see - Dsimbiri].
Zimirira to fade away, become indistinct.
Zindikira to recognize, understand, realise.
Zinidikiza to mark, to stamp [see - Tsindika].Zinga to surround.
Zingano needle + mbota = thread.
Zingwa to be poor.
Zintambo bands of plaited grass worn around head by women after death of
husband [see Zitambo].
Zinyalalala sweeping, things spread on the ground.
Zinyau mask of wild beast used in the Nyau dance.
Zira to smooth by hand with clay, usually using a flat small stone
in the last stage of polishing a mud-floor or a wall.
Zirala to be partly quenched (fire or light), of fire or light dying out
Zitambo bands of plaited grass worn around head by women after the death of
Ziwanda evil spirits [see - Chiwanda: Zithumwa].
Ziwiya household utensils.
Ziya to be exhausted, faint [see - Lefuka].
Zizira to be cool, to be cold, to be insipid, without savour, to be calm.
Ziziritsa to chill, make cold, to be very cold.
Zizwa to be astonished [see - Dodoma].
Zokota to engrave, to carve, make embroidery [see - Zukuta].
Zolika to bend down the head, to be ashamed. - [see - Jolika: Zyolika].
Zoloweera to be accustomed to .
Zoloweza to accustom.
Zonda to spy, to look around.
Zonga to cut meat in long strips [see - Zyonga].
Zuka to come out, be uprooted.
Zukuta carve wood/Ivory embroider [see - Zokota].
Zula to pull up with the roots, to pull off (a peg, a nail).
Zula Msomali/Mtengo = pull off a nail / a tree.
Zuna to be sweet [see Nzuna: Tsemera].
Zungulira to surround, go around.
Zunguza to whilr around.
Zungunyula to sprain, twist [see – Dzungunyula: Dzungunyula].
Zunza to afflict, make suffer, annoy. - Mazunzo = suffering.
Zunzika to be afflicted, to suffer.
Zweta to wheel round.
Kuchita Chizwezwe = to lose one`s equilibrium (after whirling around).
Zyolika to hold one`s head down, to be ashamed [see ]
This computerised edition of Fr Vermeullen’s Cinyanja-English Dictionary was made for the
Archives of the Missionaries of Africa [WF] in Lusaka from a disket made under the supervi-
sion of Fr Charles Searson, SJ.
Director of the Archives: Fr Hugo Hinfelaar. Editor and printer: Fr M.C.J. Gruffat.
Date:: 30th October 2001.