555 Datasheet Revb1 PDF
555 Datasheet Revb1 PDF
555 Datasheet Revb1 PDF
175 San Lazaro Ave., Ste. 150 Sunnyvale CA 94086
Main Specifications
Tools and materials required for assembly (not included with kit):
•Soldering iron
• Wire clippers
•Phillips head screwdriver (#2 size recommended).
Electrical Components
Reference Qty Type Value
Q1-4, Q14-18, Q20-22, Q24 13 NPN Transistor 2N3904
Q5-13, Q19A, Q19B, Q23, Q25 13 PNP Transistor 2N3906
R1, R3, R7, R8, R9, R11, R15 7 Resistor, ¼ W 4.7 k
R2 1 Resistor, ¼ W 820
R4 1 Resistor, ¼ W 1k
R5 1 Resistor, ¼ W 10 k
R6, R17 1 Resistor, ¼ W 100 k
R10 1 Resistor, ¼ W 15 k
R12 1 Resistor, ¼ W 6.8 k
R13 1 Resistor, ¼ W 3.9 k
R14 1 Resistor, ¼ W 220
R16 1 Resistor, ¼ W 100
Parameter Symbol Value Unit
Output current IO ± 100 mA
Input voltage (Control Voltage, Threshold, Trigger, Reset pins) VIN VCC1
1. Exception for kit version 1.0 (without R17 and notch in PCB outline) only:
Input voltage at reset pin (VRST) should be kept to lesser of VCC or 6.6 V.
For VCC > 6.6 V, Reset pin may be pulled up to Vcc through a 100 kilohm resistor.
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VCC = 15 V, Low state 10
VCC = 15 V 10.0
VCC = 15 V 5.0
VCC = 5 V, IO = -8 mA 100 mV
1. Specified with trigger input high.
2. For long term static operation, limit to 50 mA maximum.
Terminal hole X8
• PCB in kit has 8-32 threaded insert
(PEM #KF2-832-ET) pre-installed. Mounting hole X6
•Bare PCB: .250” Thru .145” Thru (#6 Clearance)
• Printed Circuit Board size: 5.215 X 3.175 inches (13.25 X 8.06 cm) wide
• PCB thickness: 0.100" (2.54 mm) nominal, not including threaded inserts
• PCB thickness: 0.196" (4.98 mm) nominal, including threaded inserts
• Overall thickness: Allow 0.5" min. clearance above and below circuit board
• Mounting holes: Six #6 clearance holes provided. See drawing for locations.
• Nominal height of “IC legs” stand: 1.25 inches (3.175 cm), not including spacers
• Nominal height of “IC legs” stand: 1.31 inches (3.33 cm), including spacers, to bottom of PCB.
Bare PCB
LED flasher: