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Business Innovation Observatory

Smart Living

Advanced building

Case study 18

and Industry
The views expressed in this report, as well as the information included in it, do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of
the European Commission and in no way commit the institution.

Smart Living
Advanced building materials

Business Innovation Observatory

Contract No 190/PP/ENT/CIP/12/C/N03C01

Authors: Laurent Probst, Erica Monfardini, Laurent Frideres, Safaâ Moujahid, PwC Luxembourg.

Coordination: Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, Directorate B “Sustainable Growth and
EU 2020”, Unit B3 “Innovation Policy for Growth”.

European Union, February 2014..

Table of Contents
1. Executive summary 2

2. Smart living and advanced building materials 3

3. The potential of advanced building materials and socio-economic relevance 4

3.1. Advanced building materials market potential as driver of competitiveness 4

3.2. Companies offering innovative solutions in advanced building materials 6

3.3. The expected impacts of the development of advanced building materials 8

3.4. Client perspectives and challenges related to advanced building materials 8

4. Drivers and obstacles 9

4.1. Governmental strategies empower the development of innovative solutions for sustainable growth 9

4.2. Certification of building materials may become a driver for client acceptance 10

4.3. The development of partnerships is crucial to go international 10

4.4. Strict EU regulatory environment and the different national standards pose barriers to new materials to gain
market acceptance 11

5. Policy recommendations 11

6. Appendix 14

6.1. Interviews 14

6.2 Company websites 14

6.3 References 14
Smart Living

1. Executive summary
The construction sector has been impacted dramatically by rely on the development of collaborations with local partners
the global downturn and is currently moving to a more on the targeted markets. Collaborations are typically
innovative and cross-sectoral model. Advanced building established with local retailers that have in-depth knowledge
materials are a subsector of the construction sector. This of local markets or large companies that have extensive
subsector represents a new generation of construction distribution networks. For example, Kebony is clearly a
materials which demonstrate exceptional properties. Through successful model of this strategy. Through collaborations
advanced building materials, new technologies are with local distributors, Kebony’s products are sold in ten EU
integrated into both residential and commercial buildings countries.
and infrastructures to make them smarter, more sustainable,
energy efficient and secure, thereby addressing The availability of funding sources remains as another key
environmental and social challenges globally. issue for the companies developing innovative products.
There is a major gap for more public and private investments
Governments are supporting the creation and development to support the establishment of innovative start-ups and to
of advanced building materials as they provide innovative support R&D&I in this sector. The novelty of these advanced
solutions to achieve the EU 2020 objectives. Customer materials poses a risk to the accessibility to public funds and
demand for these new construction materials has also been constitutes an obstacle to rapid client acceptance.
boosted due to greater environmental awareness and an
increase in energy prices across Europe combined with the The development of public demonstrators offers good
economic crisis. opportunities for companies to showcase their innovations
and prove the reliability of their technologies. Some already
However, companies developing advanced building materials exist in Europe. Even though they have been conceived and
are facing several obstacles. The lack of EU standardisation designed for large companies, SMEs are occasionally also
in the sector is one of the main issues for companies to go included in the picture. What is still required though is a
international and to gain market acceptance quickly. Indeed, more customised approach to the prototyping and pre-
different national and European regulatory requirements and commercialisation issue faced by SMEs. In the advanced
standards related to energy consumption, quality of building materials sector, small demonstrators would be
products, security, impact on environment and health needed, covering small-scale project sizes, and adapted to
represent important and costly administrative burdens for the needs of a small company.
To support the development of the current and future
The diversity and inconsistency in policies and regulations advanced building materials sector, policy measures could
across the EU make it almost hard for small companies to focus on the development and implementation of common
get into foreign markets. So far, these regulatory conditions European regulation and standards for advanced building
are perceived as barriers for the development and the materials, and the development of EU certifications for
competitiveness of the European advanced building advanced building materials. Besides, the reduction of the
materials sector. administrative burden related to intellectual property would
be helpful for small companies. Finally, the adaption of
Reaching international markets appears to be quite difficult university programmes to the new trends emerging in the
for most of the companies developing advanced building sector in which design and architecture have to consider
materials and especially for SMEs. Having limited resources, multiple parameters at the same time: materials,
these companies focus primarily on the development and aestheticism, building regulations and requirement in terms
optimisation of the technical properties of the advanced of security, would be essential.
materials. As a consequence, to go international enterprises

Advanced building materials 2

Smart Living

2. Smart living and advanced building

According to the International Energy Agency, buildings Advanced building materials range from new forms of
account for 30 to 40% of energy use in Europe with a concrete (lower carbon, with fibres that alter its resistance
supplement of 5 to 10% being used in processing and and durability or with air purifying capabilities), and
transport of construction products and components. This innovative wooden structures, glass with enhanced qualities
gives rise to around one third of the region’s CO 2 emissions.1 (electro chromic glass, photovoltaic embedded construction
Moreover, the onsite construction industry and the glass), to automated infrastructure. Green building materials
manufacturing of construction materials also consume such as cork, bamboo and woven flooring can also be
billions of tons of natural resources, while producing a large considered part of advanced construction materials. Concrete
amount of non-recyclable waste. Therefore, over the past production from recycled materials is also a dynamic growth
few decades, this sector has been under increasing pressure area within the industry, along with wood from sustainable
to improve its cost efficiency, sustainability, and capacity, forests, energy-efficient lighting fixtures and water-efficient
pushed by the endeavour and need to face consequences of plumbing fixtures.2
global warming and climate change. Radical improvements
are needed and these have lately also largely been Increasing urbanisation around the world will continue to
encouraged by governments. drive the construction of innovative buildings, where
materials play a key role. Developing advanced building
Increased awareness of climate change and other materials for sustainable construction has become not only a
environmental concerns is changing priorities as people vital necessity, but a moral imperative for the next
transform the way they live to limit the impacts of their daily generations.
life on environment. In fact, customers are seeking
innovative solutions that would improve their quality of life These new materials and construction technologies
while being environmentally-friendly. The willingness to use incorporate cutting-edge and economically viable sustainable
greener building materials for home construction has solutions thereby increasing profitability, decreasing
become a fast growing trend over the last few years, mainly construction time and overall favourably impacting the
motivated by growing environmental consciousness and cost environment. The potential for application of these
saving opportunities through better energy management. innovations is therefore wide, and can feed vitality and
diversification into an industry sector which so far accounts
The design, height, characteristics, and energy performance for a large proportion of the European economy added value.
of buildings have been deeply impacted by the development
of new technologies for new building materials The companies in this case study have developed new and
demonstrating particular properties. Traditional building innovative building materials which support the construction
materials such as concrete, steel and plastics have been industry in facing societal, environmental and economic
improved and/or replaced by more advanced materials challenges. The value proposition of these companies
allowing for unusual and sophisticated architecture and consists in providing solutions to increase the security,
design while assuring energy efficiency, sustainability and durability, design, and energy performance of buildings while
security. The development of technologies and new materials decreasing the negative impacts on environment, the cost of
to improve building energy efficiency is an important construction, and the operational costs related to
instrument for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and for maintenance and energy.
preserving the limited natural resources in the short to mid-

Advanced building materials 3

Smart Living

3. The potential of advanced building

materials and socio-economic relevance
Global awareness on environment is growing across the According to studies published by Navigant Research, Europe
world, especially in industrialised countries where consumers accounts for about half of the market, and will be the largest
aspire to improve their living conditions whilst also limiting regional market in 20205 (Figure 1). The residential market
negative impacts on the environment. Further, implementing, will be a major driver of the forecasted growth of the
into both households and commercial buildings, conducive advanced building materials sector and especially for the
solutions for energy and cost saving is becoming a crucial green building materials, both aiming at providing innovative
focus, given the energy price increases across Europe over products to improve thermal efficiency, or lower energy
the last two years.3 consumption.

European governments are supporting the construction Figure 1: Market value of green construction materials
sector to make it capable of addressing both environmental by region, World Markets: 2013-2020
and social challenges. Global efforts have been made
through collaborations across disciplines in academia and
business, with the aim to develop new types of building
materials with outstanding properties: more secure, solid,
durable, environmentally-friendly, recyclable and
energetically efficient.

3.1. Advanced building materials

market potential as driver of
Source: Navigant Research, 2013, Materials in Green Buildings
The financial crisis has had a dramatic impact on the
construction industry and particularly on the residential The deployment of national incentive schemes and
property market. The construction sector has strategic regulations, and the development of “sustainable and green”
importance in Europe as the largest single economic activity building certifications empower the development of new and
offering highest number of employment in Europe with innovative advanced materials. Engineer, designers,
almost 20 million direct jobs.4 This sector over the years has researchers and architects are under pressure to grasp this
been integrating its value chain technologies and activities opportunity and become more imaginative and innovative.
coming from industries specialising in building materials. Construction companies worldwide are shifting their business
These are extremely diverse and represent an important part toward green building.
of the industrial base of developed countries. They include a
highly diverse range of suppliers, from cement, plastics, and According to a survey led by McGraw-Hill Construction, a
research firm, 51% of companies related to the construction
wood manufacturers, to specialty glass, steel, paint and
industry expect more than 60% of their work to be green by
wiring manufacturers.
2015. In 2008 and 2013, their ambition to do so was 13%
The advanced building materials market (including green and 28%6 respectively. The construction sector is both an
building materials) is constituted by innovative new product ideal test bed for scientific innovation and a powerful
types with particular strength, thermal and/or low- economic driver of innovation; where successful products
maintenance properties. The demand for advanced buildings can be taken up in large quantities on a worldwide scale.
materials is expected to grow, driven by a combination of Thereby, the growth potential of companies specialised in
challenges related to competitiveness: energy efficiency, advanced building materials will be mainly boosted by this
green design and sustainability, expansion of voluntary new emerging context.
certification programs for green buildings, cost reductions for
green materials, consumer demand for environmentally-
friendly building solutions, and adaptation of infrastructure
to future climate risks.

Advanced building materials 4

Smart Living

With regards to the Europe 2020 strategy and its targets, it In order to better understand and assess the potential of the
appears to be important to boost innovation by supporting market and identify the impact of advanced building
R&D in the building materials sector and more globally in the materials on others related markets, the following section of
construction industry. Companies have the opportunity to the case-study has drawn based on the information
explore new technologies to offer tailored solutions to face collected via interviews with four companies presented in
the changing social and economic needs of people, Table 1. By showcasing their products and services we will
businesses and societies. demonstrate how their novel business innovation can lead to
successful business development and growth.

Table 1: Overview of the company cases referred to in this case study

Company Location Business innovation Success signals

Pro-Teq United Pro-Teq has patented innovative re- The Cambridge City Council has agreed to trial
Surfacing Kingdom surfacing products offering a quick the product in October 2013 on an existing
drying, spray applied elastomeric coating pathway that measures 150 square meters in
that can be applied into a wide range of Christ’s Pieces park. The pathway is used by
mediums such as: stone to create a pedestrians and cyclists during the day and
nonslip pathway, or inject rubber crumb night.
to resurface an old playground. Based on Pro-Teq has recorded more than three million
this technology, Pro-Teq has created the hits on their web site following the official
STARPATH, the world first UV powered launch of the Starpath product.
pathway. This product can be applied to The company is a 2013 nominee for the Global
any type of existing surface, and it Business Excellence Award for the category
absorbs and stores energy from ambient “Outstanding Innovation”.
light (UV rays) during the day, then
release this energy at night allowing the
particles to shine.
Designergy Switzerland Designergy has recently innovated solar Designergy’s innovation has been recognised
building materials combining in one piece, and the company succeeded in raising funding
all roofing materials and a photovoltaic through several initiatives:
system. The complete system is mounted
in one step and with the best possible - Best entrepreneurial idea of Canton Ticino
materials reduction. On top of cost 2010 giving access to CHF 10’000
optimization and mounting advantages sponsored by BSI Bank and the access to
Designergy’s concept has been conceived the Centro Promozione Start-up facility.
to avoid standard PV installation roof - Microcredit prize city of Lugano City 2010
damage risks as well as to improve fire consisting in CHF 30’000 prize instituted by
safety and thermal insulation’s long term the municipality of Lugano to foster the
performance. seeding of innovative companies lead by
young entrepreneurs.
- CTI project “Solar brick” 2011-13:
Designergy and other partners (SUPSI…)
received an important funding from the CTI
in order to develop and test prototype
materials, roofs and industrialize the
Designergy concept.
- Venture kick profile Stage 1, 2 and 3: the
company has been awarded for a brilliant
business idea and a solid business case
respectively, and raised in total CHF

Advanced building materials 5

Smart Living

Company Location Business innovation Success signals

Kebony Norway Kebony has developed an innovative Kebony has been recognized as one of the
technology named “Kebonization” to world’s most innovative technology start-ups
produce sustainable wood by increasing for 2014 for its revolutionary process of
its durability, hardness and more stability “Kebonization” by the World Economic Forum.
using liquids from biowaste material. Kebony is FSC ® - Forest Stewardship Council ®
- certified and is allowed to apply the Swan
eco-label (the official Nordic eco-label,
introduced by the Nordic Council of Ministers).
Kebony has already delivered hundreds of
national projects across Norway with support
from ’The Rainforest Association’
The company has also received Norway's
national environmental prize, the "Glass Bear"
for sustainable consumption and production.
Innovative France IFS is a leader in developing innovative Since the implementation of the European
Fire passive fire protection systems for directive in 2006 regarding the fire safety, IFS
Systems different types of industries: Public has successfully completed 66 contracts in
(IFS) Commercial & industrial buildings, Oil and tunnels in 5 different European Countries and
Gas industry, Roads, and Railways South Korea.
Tunnels. Each product developed by IFS,
has its specific way to achieve the Significant references include tunnels in Paris-
required insulation. The passive fire La Defense, the first immersed tunnel in Oslo
protection solutions developed by IFS (Norway) and in Busan (South Korea).
protect the structure and prevent the
building from collapsing when subjected
to fire. Such protection buys time for the
occupants to escape, and/ or the fire
fighting services to safely enter in the
building in order to contain and extinguish
the conflagration.

Innovative solution 1 – Pro-Teq Surfacing Ltd. has

3.2. Companies offering innovative developed a spray-on coating that makes ordinary
solutions in advanced building pathways glow in the dark. This innovative coat can be
materials applied onto any solid surface including tarmac, concrete
and wood. During the day, it absorbs UV rays and releases
European industry is transforming, pushed by new societal, them at night as a soft blue glow. This solution could
economic and energy challenges. In this context, the replace the need for bright light, not on busy streets, but on
construction industry and its related sectors such as the pedestrian or cycling pathways where it could be possible to
building materials sector are moving towards a more cut costs by eliminating lights. This product would be
innovative model. Indeed, the part of R&D and innovation is perfect for reducing the risk of collision between cyclists
increasing in the building materials sector that is nowadays and pedestrians at night. Besides, thanks to its anti-slip
looking for offering more innovative solutions integrating properties, this new coating is safer for cyclists and
new technologies. enhances access for disabled people.

The companies described in this case study aim to provide The Starpath is a cost effective solution as it allows to turn
innovative solutions to increase the sustainability, the off the light at night to realise energy savings; and also
security, and the energy efficiency of residential and non- because it doesn’t require resurfacing thereby eliminating
residential infrastructures. Companies have found niches in the substantial cost of removal and disposal of the existing
the advanced building materials market and are providing surface. This product can be applied quickly and makes the
innovative solutions and products to respond to customer surface anti-slippery, and water-resistant. The Cambridge
needs and governments’ political priorities. pathway measures 150 square metres, it took only 30
minutes to spray the material on, and the surface was
ready for use less than four hours after the application of
Problem 1 – Public expenditure related to energy
the product started. This short installation time allowed
consumption (street lighting) and infrastructure maintenance minimal disruption to the public circulation. Starpath can be
is constantly increasing in all countries. applied both in public and private areas.

Advanced building materials 6

Smart Living

The process currently works at around 84€ per m²

Problem 3 – The demand for tropical hardwood is
increasing worldwide due to its quality, durability and
solidity. However, one third of the world’s rainforests have
already been disappeared within the last 50 years,
corresponding to a loss of around 6 million hectares a year.
The global demand for tropical hardwood cannot be met
through sustainable means, constituting a major
environmental and climate issue.

Innovative solution 3 − Kebony has developed a sustainable

Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and- alternative to the production of hardwoods from tropical
tech/news/starpath-a-sprayon-coating-that-makes-paths-glow-in- regions providing a global eco-solution to the major
the-dark-8899443.html environmental challenge of rain forest deforestation.
Indeed, the company has come up with an innovative wood
Problem 2 – Construction processes are usually complex in transformation process named “Kebonization”. This
terms of type and number of materials to be included in a transforms the wood into sustainable species so that they
single element of a building. acquire the same aesthetical and physical properties of
hardwood, making them more durable, attractive, low
Innovative solution 2 – Designergy has developed an maintenance, environmentally friendly, and suitable for use
innovative building construction material combining both in construction.
solar exploitation through photovoltaic modules, and energy
In January 2009, Kebony opened a full scale plant,
saving functions through thermal insulation roof materials
increasing production capability tenfold. The global market
into a single piece system mounted in one step. This new for rain forest timber is worth approximately 14.5€ billion a
innovation is making the roof construction process much year. Kebony sees great opportunities both in Norway and in
less complex. the international market.
The roof is not only a cost centre but it becomes an income
source while producing renewable energy and also saving
energy by providing the right thermal insulation. The system
designed by the company is more advanced than the
traditional system consisting in two separate components
(roof and solar PV system) or the standard BIPV (Building
Integrated PV) system, having only the most external roof
layer (e.g. tiles) substituted by a PV module arrangement.
This new and innovative concept allows the customer to
reduce the investment cost of the roof, to considerably
Source: http://www.kebony.com/en/
reduce the pay-back time of the PV system, and to simplify
the roofing assembly.
Problem 4 – Security is a crucial requirement in building
The R&D phase is completed; the first pilot roof and the
construction. Over recent decades public and private
production line have been installed, so that the Company is
buildings have become larger and more complex. Each year,
now starting its path to market.
hundreds of fatal fires occurred across Europe. Smoking,
candles, cookers, chemicals, etc. are the causes of at least
60 % of all fire deaths, leading also to important economic
losses. Currently, there is a clear need to increase the fire
safety in the near future.

Innovative solution 4 − IFS produces and installs innovative

insulation systems. It offers a complete range of solutions
on passive fire protection products & services to protect
lives and industrial assets against fire. The solutions
developed by IFS allow contributing to save lives by offering
more time for people to escape when fire occurs and
protecting industrial & buildings assets by destruction delay.
Source: http://www.designergy.ch/

Advanced building materials 7

Smart Living

By combining nanoparticles with refractory cement, the IFS Advanced building materials offer a wide range of innovation
technology demonstrates two key characteristics: opportunities that are as broad as designers’ imagination.
Thereby, related to their intrinsic innovative properties, these
■ The technology is less intensive in material consumption;
new building materials have re-boosted the growth of the
■ The technology offers thinner and lighter material with construction industry that was facing a hard time due to the
higher thermal insulation and longer fire protection financial crisis. The construction industry may become a
rating. significant economic driver for innovative advanced building
materials as the most successful products could be rapidly
IFS is also providing services for the maintenance of the
produced in large quantities on a worldwide scale, depending
products. The company is currently operating in traditional
on the national regulations regarding the materials’
markets such as the construction market (residential and
non-residential buildings) and targets two other markets:
Tunnels infrastructure & oil and gas industry. IFS relies on Besides, one important impact due to the emergence of
an attractive business model through three different advanced building materials are the new challenges faced by
revenue streams (1) from the "end user customer" (sales of designers and architects who are not focusing only on the
equipment + services); (2) from local partner (yearly form of the building but also on its functions. The increasing
subscription fees + usage fees); (3) from licencing for use of demand for eco-efficiency, cheaper, smarter, and more
their intellectual property. durable buildings represents an important element that has
Production workshop at IFS deeply impacted architects’ work in a sense that they have
to take into account both the choice of materials and the
design of the building itself.

3.4. Client perspectives and challenges

related to advanced building
Consumer attitude and awareness towards greening and
Source: http://www.innovativefiresystems.com/ energy consumption has been changing over the last
decades. Awareness on environmental issues has increased
with higher recognition of climate change, and the influence
3.3. The expected impacts of the
of human activities on it. This new way of thinking leads to a
development of advanced shared consensus on taking actions on saving the
building materials environment and ecological balance. Consumers are more
convinced that individual lifestyles have to be changed. As
In response to customer demand, policy priorities focused on reported by a UK National Regulatory Authority recognized
the development of more sustainable and energy efficient by EU Directives, 70% of the European consumers agree to
infrastructure. The emergence of the advanced building do a lot to reduce energy consumption at home.7
materials has impacted the construction industry and other
related sectors such as design and architecture. The increase in energy costs, on top of the economic crisis,
encourages people to seek solutions for energy saving.
Advanced building materials are the result of intensive R&D Indeed, across Europe, average electricity cost for
activities that have been considerably reinforced within big households and industries have increased by 29% between
construction companies, and 2005-2011, while it was only 5% and 1% in USA and Japan,
“We’re getting a massive
developed as a core activity by respectively over the same period of time.8
response from developing
start-ups. The necessity to create
countries where power
new types of building materials has This new way of thinking had considerable influence on
supplies are very hit and miss.
transformed the industrial base of customer’s interest towards the use of advanced building
The client demand is not just
the construction sector. Companies materials. Convenient solutions for low maintenance,
for pathways or cycle ways
have shifted their business model automation, flexibility, health improving features, and
but also for hard shoulders
towards a more innovative system, optimal environmental integration in the short, medium and
and central reservations.”
encouraging the collaboration long terms are in demand. Customers represent not only
― Pro-Teq Surfacing
between multiple disciplines: civil households but also companies and governments who are
engineers, designers, architects, scientific researchers willing to implement solutions for energy saving within
especially on material sciences, new materials, KETs, etc. commercial buildings and public infrastructures.

Advanced building materials 8

Smart Living

For instance, Pro-Teq Surfacing brought an interesting According to an independent UK National Regulatory
solution for both energy saving and refurbishment of public Authority recognized by EU Directives, people are less willing
infrastructure. The perspectives of development of the to spend money to tackle
“Getting the market adoption
market are expected to be good. However, the barrier to the environment issues. In 2007,
of innovative products is not
client uptake of advanced building materials is the 14% of people believed that
an easy task. It’s very difficult
technology and the innovation itself. Many customers are the economy was the most
to shift the way of thinking of
sceptical about the environmental benefits of such new important issue, while 30% of
the customer.” ― Designergy
materials and are often hard to convince of their proven people considered that
efficiency. environment is the most crucial issue to tackle. After the
European credit crunch, the view has changed. 25% of
Moreover, some of them are simply satisfied by traditional people believed that efforts have to be put for re-boosting
materials and do not see the necessity to shift towards new the economy whereas only 7% were still considering that
materials whose efficiency and reliability are not fully proven environment is an urgent issue to handle.9
in the long term yet. Changing client’s buying habits is
sometimes very hard. As a conclusion, despite the advantages, many clients (both
companies and end users) are still hesitant to make use of
Also, in the common thinking, sustainable and eco-efficient advanced building materials in their construction processes.
solutions are seen as expensive to buy and to install High costs and a shortage of appropriately skilled workforce
compared to their traditional counterparts. Although citizens are among the reasons for this reluctance. Indeed, the
are more environmentally aware and realise the need to act adoption of these new materials requires the recruitment of
to protect the environment, the recent economic crisis might people with better science-based qualifications. Besides, the
have negatively impacted their motivation. money and time that will have to be invested in training the
existing workforce can be significant for companies, that
would thereby prefer to continue using traditional materials.

4. Drivers and obstacles

Technological developments, growing competitive pressure, • Sustainable growth: promoting a more efficient, greener
and political priorities for sustainability will set the future for and more competitive economy;
the construction sector and related sub-sectors in Europe.
Companies are exploring opportunities to provide innovative • Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy
solutions to environmental, economic and societal challenges delivering social and territorial cohesion.”
through the use of new technologies and processes.
According to an estimation of the EU energy efficiency plan
Besides the trend drivers, there are a number of issues that of 2011, governments are convinced that the
hinder the market uptake of advanced building materials. implementation of existing and new energy and climate
Complex regulatory frameworks at the EU and national change policies will transform people daily life and lead to
levels are one of the main obstacles faced by companies many macroeconomic benefits. The green economy is seen
that are stuck in the plethora and mismatch of requirements as an opportunity to have a smart and sustainable growth
to get their product certified for entering into new markets. based on energy efficiency, collaborative research, and the
development and commercialisation of innovative green
technologies. Reducing energy dependency and spending on
4.1. Governmental strategies empower energy imports will also have a positive effect on the current
the development of innovative account balance; in 2011 net imports of fuels to the EU
solutions for sustainable growth amounted to €388 billion, more than 3% of EU GDP.
Moreover, investing in energy efficiency will not only reduce
European and almost all other governments around the energy consumption costs, but also the social costs related
world are implementing national environment programs. For to pollution caused by fossil fuels, such as health
instance, the Europe 2020 strategy is targeting three expenditures. Considering all these elements, European
strategic objectives: strategy targets by 2020 to generate financial savings of up
to € 1 000 per household every year; improve Europe’s
• Smart growth: developing an economy based on
industrial competitiveness in the growing global market;
knowledge and innovation;
create up to 2 million jobs; and reduce annual greenhouse
gas emissions by 740 million tons.

Advanced building materials 9

Smart Living

For example, some European local authorities are looking for Kebony has been awarded several certifications that have
innovative solutions to introduce sustainable materials and considerably contributed to the reputation of their products
innovative solution in new construction. Bristol local authority on their national market and even internationally. The
was keen to increase recycled materials in the construction company has been awarded the “Swan”/Nordic Ecolabel,
of four new schools under the PFI programme that which is the strictest environmental standard in Scandinavia,
represents a value of €145 million.11 Combined with other and the Forest Stewardship Council certification that helps
waste reduction initiatives, Bristol City Council calculated the access international markets for non-timber forest products
reduced waste disposal costs, avoidance of landfill tax and and leads to better forest management.
lower material wastage providing an overall cost saving
estimated at €820,000 for the total project. Other example, Building security is also deeply regulated. IFS technology
in January 2009, the city of Oslo started to look for meets the requirements of European safety directives about
renewable, optimal and innovative heating solutions for tunnels infrastructures and UL & BS standards about oil &
substituting fossil fuels in Oslo’s school. Through the gas industry, allowing the company to gain client’s trust and
dialogue with several companies on the market, some acceptance and to get into international market.
solutions were selected involving biogas, solid biofuel, heat
pumps and solar energy. Through this procurement, the city 4.3. The development of partnerships
of Oslo clearly encouraged a new push for the market to
innovate and provide new heating solutions.
is crucial to go international
The companies described in this case study have
Also, European regulation will drive the growth of the
international ambitions and plans to develop licensing
advanced building materials by empowering companies and
packages for the products, brand and technology, and to find
academics to collaborate to develop the best buildings
out local partners in the most important markets for
materials to make the buildings and private home more
distributing their products.
sustainable, energy efficient and smarter.
Let’s take the example of Pro-Teq surfacing and Designergy.
4.2. Certification of building materials Both are start-ups and do not have the capacity and the
may become a driver for client necessary financial support to access international markets
alone, nor the local markets knowledge (e.g. culture,
acceptance language, regulation, etc.). For instance, Pro-Teq surfacing
aims to collaborate first with large companies which have a
Today, “green” labels are more and more co-opted by
strong and well-structured distribution network in several
industry for marketing purposes. As a consequence,
countries around the world such as Middle East and North
customers are becoming confused and even sceptical about
America. These, could serve as first source of revenue, as
the real sustainability of the products. As a consequence,
local landing platform, and as source of knowledge of local
consumers are demanding more relevant information about
the products they buy.
Kebony succeeded to bring the brand and the technology on
In the building industry, consumers are demanding more
international markets. The company has built its
transparency from suppliers. Renowned certification of
international presence focusing
products, professional construction “Developing partnerships is
“Certification is a pre- on geographical areas which
services and key processes could crucial for our development.
condition for client’s are seeking to new alternative
become a driver for growth and We need local partners who
acceptance.” ― Designergy to the use of tropical hardwood
increased internationalisation of understand the local market
due to political pressure or
the sector. Indeed, officially certified product may be seen as and its regulation, and who
shortage of quality tropical
a real guarantee of quality by the customer. A certification will be willing to share the risk
timber. Kebony’s products are
of buildings materials may be an efficient mean to make the with us.” ― Designergy
available in several European
client trustier to buy and to use the product, and to
countries including: Belgium,
strengthen the brand on international markets.
France, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, UK, Spain, Germany,
In many countries around the world, Leadership in Energy Denmark and Switzerland where partnerships have been
and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, developed established with local distributors. Today, Kebony is looking
and managed by the US Green Building Council, is now the for licensing partners who will be able to reproduce Kebony’s
recognized standard for measuring building sustainability. technology and production.

Advanced building materials 10

Smart Living

4.4. Strict EU regulatory environment local regulatory requirements and standards; and the
different level of transposition of EU regulation and
and the different national standards on the national markets make the situation very
standards pose barriers to new confusing and complex for the small companies.
materials to gain market As a consequence, construction market is mainly dominated
acceptance by local companies and reduces both the opportunity for
innovative start-ups to go
The European construction sector is subject to various “It took a very long time and
international, and for public
national and European regulatory requirements and too much money to manage
procurement to have access to
standards concerning energy to finish off with all the
“The different regulation innovation-oriented solutions as
consumption, environmental risks documentation needed for the
existing in each EU Member decision-makers have a limited
and impact, health and safety, certification.” ― Kebony
State represents a big issue view of the existing
quality of products, etc. These technologies, and of the investments required for bringing
for the internationalisation.
surplus and mismatch of the products to the market. It occurs that investments are
The implementation of EU
regulations and standards at generally done by firms on the basis of long term plans and
standardisation will facilitate
national and EU level are quite hard on the basis of policies and regulations. Regulations which
the exportation of products
for the companies to comply, as are different from country to country and subject to abrupt
across EU.” ― IFS
they are responsible of high changes constitute a detrimental eco-system for companies.
administrative burdens and costs.
This prescriptive regulatory environment and the
The complex regulatory framework can deeply impact the multiplication of national standards and approval systems
competitiveness of European companies in the construction represent an important barrier for the development and the
sector and its related markets such as advanced buildings competitiveness of advanced buildings materials sector.
materials. Indeed, the large amount of administration and
documentation to prove the conformity of the product to

5. Policy recommendations
Despite the significant impact of the current economic crisis barrier for companies to take full advantage of the Single
on the construction industry, the construction materials Market and to enter new markets in Europe. Addressing
subsector is considered to perform well with regard to these policy challenges in the future strategic agenda for the
turnover, value added, and employment. 12 The future sector will be crucial.
competitiveness of the construction industry and its related
sectors is likely to be influenced by a number of factors Besides, the European construction materials subsector, and
including regulation. more globally the construction sector, is also facing
considerable competitiveness challenges with regard
The European construction sector is subject to various to the rising costs of energy and raw materials. Policy
national and European regulatory requirements and measures to reduce these costs are welcomed to support the
standards related to energy consumption, future competitiveness of the sector.
environmental risks and impact, health and safety,
quality of products, etc. These requirements and Further, there is a lack of workforce and especially
standards are costly for companies in terms of qualified labour. The financial crisis has significantly
administration. Indeed, the documentation of adherence to impacted the construction sector leading to a high level of
regulatory requirements and standards and the different unemployment. Also, the limited attractiveness of the sector
approval systems specific to each EU country is leading to to young talents due to uncertain employment perspectives
important administrative burden. might also induce an important lack of qualified skills and
competences whilst, they represent a key element for the
Moreover, there are different levels of national use of new materials in construction processes. Indeed, the
implementation of European regulations and standards that construction sector integrates more and more new
are making the situation more complicated for companies. technologies and innovation that require trained workers and
The complexity of the regulatory framework is significantly experts in these technological and scientific domains who
impacting the competitiveness of European construction are currently missing and needed.
companies and the future development of the sector and
related sectors. These problems constitute a significant

Advanced building materials 11

Smart Living

The Policy and regulations are expected to support and Policy action should be taken to accelerate the
encourage the creation of training and courses to develop standardisation process at EU level in order to decrease
expertise and skill sets in the advanced building materials. the administrative burden, to reduce the time and costs for
These courses will have to be transversal and linked to applications for business licences and permits, and thereby
several technological areas such as ICT, engineering, eco- to facilitate the development and the export of advanced
design, etc. that are currently transforming the building building materials. Besides, standardisation and
materials sector and are crucial for the European certification at EU level of advanced building materials
competitiveness of the sector. could considerably support companies for entering the
international market and thereby getting more visibility.
Furthermore, it would be beneficial to support the
deployment of advanced building materials within the Indeed, the Single Market is a significant driver for the
construction sector by encouraging the take-up amongst internationalisation of companies. However, most of
construction companies. Indeed, private and public them being small companies are not able to achieve all
companies might be reluctant to use advanced building administrative and cultural requirements related to
materials in their construction projects given their novelty every specific market. 'That’s why, policy makers should
and the related risk and potential quality issues of the ensure to provide advisory service to SMEs to help them
material no matter how innovative the material is. Policy navigate their businesses within the Single Market, and
measures that encourage the usage of advanced building encourage economic development agencies to be
materials in public construction projects to demonstrate the
proactive in helping SMEs overcome cultural barriers on
utility, quality and sustainability of such materials would give
international markets.
to start-ups the opportunity to gain more visibility and to
convince new clients. Intellectual property remains a complex and costly
process for advanced building materials, above all if
Finally, the development of certifications of products,
companies intend to get their technologies protected across
professional construction services and key processes
several EU countries. Still, the system and procedures are
at EU level is still missing. Certification of new advanced
different from country to country. Policy makers should
building material could become a driver for growth, increase
ensure to provide support to companies by strengthening
client acceptance and increase internationalisation of the
the existing IPR support mechanisms (e.g. through
companies within the sector
Technology Transfer Organisations), reviewing and
The development and adoption of advanced building simplifying administrative procedures and establishing one-
materials has the potential to improve the performance and stop-shops providing services for companies, especially for
competitiveness of European companies within the IP matters, and introduce tax incentives on intellectual
construction industry. This new generation of building property protection.
materials is bringing innovative solutions to make residential
The development of advanced building materials requires a
and non-residential buildings more sustainable and energy
strong financing base that is difficult to access for start-ups.
efficient. Recommendations to support the development of
Policy makers could ensure the set-up of public financial
advanced building materials are provided below.
solutions such as tailored public procurement mechanisms
In order to support the future competitiveness of the (big tenders split into smaller lots), and loan guarantees to
advanced building materials sector, policy makers will support the research, development, prototyping and
have to strengthen the single market rules by adapting innovation in this sector.
the existing national regulations to comply with the EU
Furthermore, the development of European collaborative
Single Market regulations. This harmonisation is expected to
allow the standardisation of administration and projects and initiatives involving companies, academics,
approval systems for the introduction of advanced building architects and designers across Europe to develop new
advanced building materials could ensure access to finance
materials in the national markets. The development and
for companies and an exchange of skills and expertise.
implementation of European regulation and standards (e.g.
the Construction Product Directive/Regulation, the Eurocodes
Advanced building materials are innovative products that
design standards, the ECOdesign directive, etc.) are vital for
may find difficulty to get into markets because of client’s
the future development and competitiveness of the sector.
reluctance. Policy makers should encourage the
multiplication of public demonstrators. The trial of the
product into public infrastructure could prove the qualities
and the reliability of the concept thereby encourage clients
to adopt the new products.

Advanced building materials 12

Smart Living

Companies in the advanced building materials sector need construction industry, to respond to societal, economic and
more transversal competences. Technology is an integral energy challenges. Thereby, internship opportunities at
part of this new generation of building materials. Designers, commercial companies would allow students to have a field
architects and engineers have to shift their experience and to better understand the challenges faced by
traditional thinking and their way to work to include the companies, while companies will have the chance to hire
cutting-edge technologies. Policy makers could ensure the students they have trained as regular workers.
that university curricula related to design, architecture or civil
engineering include the changes that are currently operated
in the building material sector, and more globally within the

Advanced building materials 13

Smart Living

6. Appendix
6.1. Interviews
Company Interviewee Position
Kebony Per Brynildsen R&D director
Innovative Fire Systems Albert Benhammou CEO
Pro-Teq Surfacing Scott Hamish CEO
Designergy Daniel Lepori CEO

6.2 Company websites

Kebony http://www.kebony.com
Innovative Fire Systems http://www.innovativefiresystems.com
Pro-Teq Surfacing http://www.pro-teqsurfacing.com
Designergy http://www.designergy.ch

6.3 References
Ecorys SCS Group, 2011, “Sustainable Competitiveness of the Construction Sector”, available at:
QFinance Newsletter, 2013, Construction and Building Materials Industry, available at: http://www.qfinance.com/sector-
Eurostat, “Energy Price Statistics”, 2012, available at:
ECORYS SCS Group, 2011, “Sustainable Competitiveness of the Construction Sector”, available at:
Forbes, 2013, “Building Green Increases Demand For Traditional Materials”, available at:
Environmental & Energy Management News, 2013, “Green Building Materials ‘$254bn Annual Market by 2020”, available at:
Ofgem, 2008, “Consumer attitudes and awareness of green issues and energy”, available at:
EurActiv, 2013, “Soaring energy costs make Europeans poor” available at: http://www.euractiv.com/energy/soaring-energy-
Ofgem, 2008, “Consumer attitudes and awareness of green issues and energy”, available at:
Communication from the European Parliament on the Energy Efficient Plan, 2011, available at: http://eur-
Waste Resources and Action Programme (WRAP) article available at: http://www.wrapni.org.uk/content/recycled-content-
Ecorys SCS Group, 2011, “Sustainable Competitiveness of the Construction Sector”, available at:

Advanced building materials 14

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