Wonder 5 Lang Ref Solucionario
Wonder 5 Lang Ref Solucionario
Wonder 5 Lang Ref Solucionario
Unit 1 Present Simple Unit 2 Any / Some with There is / There are
1 2 Lee likes to play online games. / Lee doesn’t like to 1 2 There is a butterfly over the water.
play online games. 3 Are there any ducks on the water?
3 We don’t go to the park every Saturday. / Do we go 4 There isn’t any pondweed in the pond.
to the park every Saturday? 5 Is there any grass around the pond?
4 They go camping with the scouts. / Do they go 2 2 a butterfly / there aren’t any dragonflies
camping with the scouts? 3 some snails / there aren’t any beetles
5 You speak two languages. / You don’t speak two 4 some grass / there isn’t any bamboo
languages. 3 2 There isn’t any pondweed in the water.
6 I study too much. / Do I study too much? Is there any pondweed in the water?
2 2 Who does she live with? 3 There aren’t any worms under the rocks. Are there
3 What do you like to play? any worms under the rocks?
4 Where is Jake from? 4 There isn’t a froglet on the water lily. Is there a
5 Where do they go to school? froglet on the water lily?
6 Why do you wear a tracksuit?
Unit 3 Present Simple with a passive structure
Unit 1 There is / There are 1 2 are / aren’t, 3 is / isn’t, 4 aren’t / are, 5 are / aren’t,
1 2 Is there, 3 There is, 4 Are there, 5 there is, 6 isn’t / is
6 Is there 2 2 Are the earrings made of glass? / Yes, they are.
2 1 Is there a playground? 3 Is the table made of wood? / Yes, it is.
2 Is there a library? 4 Are the chairs made of plastic? / No, they aren’t.
3 Are there trees? 5 Is the brooch made of diamonds? / Yes, it is.
4 Is there a park? 6 Is the sofa made of leather? / No, it isn’t.
5 Is there a basketball court?
6 Are there gardens? Unit 3 Present Continuous
7 Are there flats? 1 2 Tana is looking at the waterfall.
Child’s own answer 3 He is burning some wood in the cave.
3 Child’s own answer 4 They are flying back home.
5 The girl is climbing over the dangerous rocks.
Unit 2 Present Simple for scientific facts 6 They are going through the tunnel.
1 2 grows/changes, 3 don’t/eat, 4 swims/dives 2 2 is bending / ’s working
2 2 A snail grows a shell, it doesn’t grow legs. 3 are running / ’re getting
© Santillana Educación, S.L.
3 Tadpoles breathe with gills, they don’t breathe with 4 is shining / ’s looking for
lungs. 5 are looking / ’re using
4 An insect flies over the water, it doesn’t fly under 6 are pointing / ’re laughing
the water.
5 Froglets have tails. Frogs don’t have tails.
3 2 change, 3 grows, 4 becomes, 5 grows, 6 eats,
7 change, 8 lose
Unit 3 Structures with the modal verb can and the Unit 5 The verb to be in Past Simple
impersonal you 1 2 Women with a bird’s body and wings were called
1 2 You can burn paper. / You can’t burn metal. Harpies.
3 You can see through glass. / You can’t see through 3 Dragons weren’t real animals, they were mythical
gold. creatures.
4 You can tear fabric. / You can’t tear silver. 4 A Cerberus wasn’t an ordinary dog, it was a dog
2 2 This bracelet is made of fabric. / Can you fold fabric? with three heads.
/ Yes, you can. 5 Were Hydras kind and friendly?
3 This earring is made of gold. / Can you shatter gold? 6 Was a Pegasus part horse or part tiger?
/ No, you can’t. 2 2 Yes, it was. 3 Yes, they were. 4 No, they weren’t.
4 This chair is made of wood. / Can you see through 5 No, he wasn’t. 6 No, it wasn’t.
wood? / No, you can’t.
Unit 5 There was / There were
5 This shoe is made of leather. / Can you cut leather?
/ Yes, you can. 1 2 There were some thrones for the king and queen.
6 This sword is made of silver. / Can you burn silver? There weren’t any thrones for the king and queen.
/ No, you can’t. 3 There wasn’t a dangerous monster in the forest.
Was there a dangerous monster in the forest?
3 1 shatter, 2 see through, 3 tear, 4 burn
4 There were some happy centaurs. Were there any
Unit 4 Future with going to happy centaurs?
1 2 We’re going to / We aren’t going to explore caves on 2 2 there were some dragons / there weren’t any snakes
the expedition. 3 there was a king / there weren’t any knights
3 He’s going to / He isn’t going to sleep in a hotel. 4 there was a lion / there were some snakes
4 I’m going to / In the Black Forest, I’m not going to 5 there was a queen / there was a monster
hike with my family.
Unit 5 Comparative structures
5 She’s going to / She isn’t going to swim in the lake
and sea. 1 2 Centaurs were wiser than harpies.
3 Camelot was more famous than other castles.
2 2 Are your friends going to
4 A dragon’s claws were sharper than its horns.
3 Are you going to
5 A Cerberus was more dangerous than a tiger.
4 Is your brother going to
6 A dragon was bigger than a monster.
5 Am I going to
2 1 younger, 2 more interesting, 3 braver,
Unit 4 Wh- questions in the Present Continuous 4 more famous, 5 older
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Unit 6 Structures with the Past Simple of regular Unit 8 For + the gerund
verbs 1 2 doing, 3 playing, 4 having, 5 recording, 6 watching
1 2 designed, 3 invented, 4 lived, 5 worked on, 2 2 a microphone for recording your voice
6 designed 3 a computer for playing games
2 2 They didn’t design a new camera. 4 use a computer for listening to music
3 The helicopter didn’t work with solar panels. 5 uses a pen drive for saving his homework
4 Last week the children didn’t use the new computer 3 2 What does she use headphones for?
program. 3 What do you use a pen drive for?
3 a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4 4 What do they use a mobile phone for?
5 What do you use a keyboard for?
Unit 6 Wh- questions in the Past Simple
1 2-c, 3-e, 4-a, 5-d Unit 8 The modal verb can in the Past Simple
2 2 When, 3 What, 4 who, 5 How, 6 Why 1 2 One third of the class couldn’t use the Internet at
3 2 What / he invent, 3 Who / he work with, home.
4 When / he invent it 3 25% of the people asked, couldn’t use webcams for
video chats.
Unit 7 Past Simple of regular and irregular verbs 4 Most of my friends could play games on the
1 She eats, We did, It had, They sail, She is, You walked, computer at the weekend.
He wears 2 2 Could she listen to music on her phone?
2 2 Sailing ships had masts and sails. No, she couldn’t.
3 Life at sea could be hard and dangerous. 3 Could you send emails from that old computer?
4 The treasure chest was full of gold jewels. Yes, I could.
3 2 cleaned, 3 climbed, 4 didn’t, 5 slept, 6 ate, 7 drank 4 Could they use the computer in the library?
Yes, they could.
Unit 7 Sequencers: First, then, after, finally 5 Could Jane save her work on the pen drive?
1 2-a, 3-b, 4-f, 5-c, 6-e No, she couldn’t.
2 2 First, I ate soup. After that, I ate salad and finally,
I ate chicken.
3 First, she sailed north. After that, she sailed east
and finally, she sailed south.
4 First, he explored the beach. After that, he
explored the forest and finally, he explored the
© Santillana Educación, S.L.
5 First, he was a cabin boy. After that, he was a sailor
and finally, he was a captain.
3 1 First, 2 After that, 3 Then, 4 finally