By-Laws of The Hoboken Democratic Committee

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[AS AMENDED JUNE 9, 1992 (HCDO), SEPTEMBER 22, 2007 (HDP) and
JANUARY 15, 2009 (HDP)]

(Adopted pursuant to Section 19:5-2 of the Revised Statutes of State of the State of New Jersey)


We, the Democrats of the City of Hoboken, County of Hudson, State of New Jersey,
united in common purpose, hereby rededicate ourselves to the principles which have
historically sustained the Democratic Party. Recognizing that the vitality of our political
institutions have been the foundation of its enduring strength, we acknowledge that a
political party which wishes to lead must listen to those it would lead, party which asks
for the people’s trust must prove that it trusts the people and party which hopes to call for
the best the community can achieve must embody the best of the City’s heritage and

What we seek for the City of Hoboken, we hope for all people: individual freedom in the
framework of a just society, political freedom in the framework of meaningful
participation by all citizens. Bound by the United States Constitution and the
Constitution for the State of New Jersey, aware that a party must be responsive to be
worthy of responsibility, we pledge ourselves to an open, honest endeavor and to the
conduct of public affairs in a manner worthy of a society of free people.

We do hereby establish and adopt these Bylaws of the Democratic Party of the City of
Hoboken in furtherance of these noble goals. We pledge to do all we can to nominate
and assist in the election of Democratic candidates for public office; adopt and promote
statement of policy; assist national, state, county and locate Democratic Party
organizations and candidates in their candidacies and education of the voters; raise and
disburse monies needed for the successful operation of the Democratic Party; establish
standards and rules of procedure to afford all members of the Democratic Party full,
timely and equal opportunities to participate in decisions concerning the selection of
candidates, the formulation of policy, and the conduct of other Party affairs, without
prejudice on the basis of sex, race, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, economic
status, sexual orientation, ethnic identity or physical disability, and further, to promote
fair campaign practices and the fair adjudication of disputes; work with Democratic
public officials at all levels to achieve the objectives of the Democratic Party; and
encourage and support codes of political ethics that embody substantive rules of ethical
guidance for public officials to assure that public officials shall at all times conduct
themselves in a manner that reflects creditably upon the office they sere, shall not use or
abuse their office to gain special privileges and benefits and shall refrain from acting in
their official capacities when their independence of judgment would be adversely
affected by personal interest or duties.




The County and Municipal Committees shall be composed of one male and one female
member elected per district in each ward of the City of Hoboken at the annual Primary
Election by the Democratic voters of each election district of the county and
municipality. Each member must be a duly registered Democrat who resides in that
electing district of Hoboken pursuant to the qualifications for voting and holding a
Partisan Party Committee seat under the laws of the State of New Jersey.


Pursuant to statute, the members of the County and Municipal Committees shall take
office for a one year term, commencing on the first Saturday following their election, on
which day the terms of all committee theretofore elected shall terminate, effective June


A vacancy in the office of a member of the County Committee shall be filled by the
Municipal Committee of the municipality wherein the vacancy occurs in accordance with
applicable New Jersey State Statues. The filled vacancy shall be promptly filed with the
Democratic County Headquarters within 30 days from the election of these new County,
and therefore Municipal, Committee people. A majority of the Hoboken Municipal
Democratic Committee (herein referred to as the “HMDC”) shall vote to confirm the
election of such members to fill such vacancies as prescribed in these By-laws.


The following elected or appointed Democratic residents of City of Hoboken shall be
honorary members of the Municipal Committee, with all the rights and privileges of
membership, excepting the right to vote and unless otherwise provided for in these By-
a. The Democratic Committee National, State and Hudson County
Committeemen and Committee Women;

b. The Chairpersons of all standing committees as defined in Article VIII,

Section I of these By-laws;

c. All Democratic elected officials within Hudson County.

Nothing therein, however, shall be interpreted to deny the right to vote to such elected or
appointed official, who also is a duly elected member of the Municipal Committee.




Any Democrat, male or female, shall be eligible to hold any office, whether or not he or
she is a member of this Committee, however, the Chair and the First Vice-Chair shall be
individuals of the opposite sex, and all officers are eligible to serve so long as they are
registered Democrats who are age 18 or older and legal residents of the City of Hoboken
for the duration of their term in office.


The Chair, the Vice-Chair(s), the Recording Secretary and/or Corresponding Secretary,
Sergeant-at-Arms and Treasurer shall be elected at the organization meeting of the
Municipal Committee at the beginning of each term, as provided by State law.
Individually these persons are officers of the Hoboken Democratic Party. Collectively
they shall be known as the Executive Committee. As a goal, the Executive Committee
should be comprised of at least three men and three women. The majority of the
Executive Committee cannot be constituted from any single same ward in the City of
Hoboken nor can there be more than any one officer serving from the same election
committee district, effective June 2009. There shall be either six officers (with a single
Vice Chair and a single Secretary) or eight officers (with two Vice Chairs and a
Recording Secretary and a Corresponding Secretary).


The officers of the Hoboken Democratic Party pledge to support, endorse or otherwise
aid in their official capacity only Democratic candidates for office running in partisan
and/or Democratic races. In the event any officer violates this pledge, said officer shall
forfeit the office and it shall be deemed vacant. Nothing within this section shall be
interpreted to prevent an individual from exercising political expression in his or her
personal capacity as a voter and every accord shall be made to respect such privacy
provided no advocacy is made in his or her official capacity to support a candidate in a
nonpartisan election or where such advocacy would run contrary to electing a Democrat
to office.


All officers shall hold office for the full term or until their successors are duly elected by
the committee body. If at any time said member of the Executive Committee no longer is
a bona fide resident of the City of Hoboken he or she will automatically forfeit the office
and the entire Committee as a whole of the HMDC will be convened for the purposes of
filling the vacancy in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 5.


Vacancies in any elective office of this Article shall be filled by the Municipal
Committee at its next succeeding meeting following the date of the vacancy, and voted
on by a majority of the Committee as a whole of the HMDC, in the manner hereinafter
provided for the regular election of officers. Failure of any Executive Committee
member to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, without
good cause, shall be deemed an automatic forfeiture and thus a vacancy that shall be
filled by the Municipal Committee as described in this Section. Any Executive
Committee vacancy should be filled within thirty (30) days of said vacancy.


Candidates for said offices shall be nominated by any elected member of the Democratic
Municipal committee.


a. If there is no contest for Chair, Vice-Chairs, Recording Secretary,
Corresponding Secretary, or Treasurer, election shall be held by voice vote;

b. If there is a contest for any office, election for that office shall be by secret
ballot or by a show of hands at a meeting of the whole HMDC.

c. In the event of a contest for any office, the candidate receiving a simple
majority of the vote of those members of the Committee present and voting
shall be the holder of the particular office. In the event that no candidate
achieves a simple majority of the vote, there will be a subsequent vote
between the top two vote getters to settle the vote, with an opportunity for
election speeches by the top two candidates.


Section 1. CHAIR:
The Chair shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the Municipal Committee and of the Executive

b. Appoint the Chair of all standing committees and be responsible to the

Municipal Committee for the faithful performance of their duties;

c. Serve as a member ex officio of all standing committees;

d. Faithfully execute the decisions of the Municipal Committee;

e. Shall authorize all expenditures prior to payment by the Treasurer of the

Disbursements of the Municipal Committee;

f. Prepare an annual budget for each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), which
budget shall be presented to the executive committee for its advice and
consent at the January meeting of the Executive committee;

g. All expenditures which:

(1) exceed $250.00 in total cost for any payee or any organization in the aggregate
in the Committee's fiscal year; or

(2) exceed the approved budget or appropriations previously approved

shall be taken to the Executive Committee for review and approval of the majority
of the Executive Committee prior to disbursement and payment by the Treasurer
with all subcommittee chairs receiving a copy of such decisions.

The Chair may assign and delegate any elected member of the HMDC to perform all or
any part of the duties herein assigned to the Chair.


The First Vice Chair and the Second Vice Chair shall:
a. Assist the Chair in the performance of the Chair’s duties;

b. In the absence of the Chair, preside at meetings of the Municipal Committee

or of the Executive Committee;

c. Perform such other duties as requested by the Chair.

d. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chair, the First Vice Chair shall
assume said office until such time as the HMDC is called to a meeting no later
than thirty (30) days of such vacancy to elect a new Chair.


The Recording Secretary shall:
a. Keep full and correct minutes of the proceedings of the Municipal Committee
and of the Executive Committee;

b. Keep a complete roster of all members of the Municipal Committee and of all
Municipal Chairs;

c. In the absence of the Chair, Vice-Chairs, and the Treasurer, preside at

meetings of the Municipal Committee or of the Executive Committee.

d. Perform such other duties as requested by the Chair.


The Corresponding Secretary shall:
a. Attend to all matters of correspondence as may be directed by the Chair, the
Executive Committee or the Municipal Committee;

b. Prepare and mail notices of all meetings of the Municipal Committee and of
the Executive Committee;

c. Perform such other duties as requested by the Chair;

Section 5. TREASURER:
The Treasurer shall:
a. Deposit all funds in his or her custody and in such banks as the Executive
Committee may designate, subject to the joint order of herself or himself and
of the Municipal Chair;

b. Keep full and complete account of all monies received and disbursed by him
or her;

c. Prepare and file such financial statements and reports as may be required of
and by the Municipal Committee by law, including but not limited to the New
Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission reports, and that these reports
shall be made available for inspection.

d. Act ex officio as a member of the Finance Committee.

e. In the absence of the Chair and the Vice-Chairs, preside at a meeting of the
Municipal Committee or the Executive Committee

f. Perform such other duties as requested by the Chair.

g. The Treasurer shall be charged with the responsibility of preparing and
making available to any elected Committee member who so desires a copy of
the Treasurer’s last report to the Executive Committee.

The Sergeant-At-Arms shall
a. Assist the Chair in maintaining order at all meetings


In Addition to the above-enumerated duties, each officer shall perform such other
functions as may be required of him or her by:
a. These By-Laws;

b. The Statutes and regulations of the State of New Jersey;

c. The rules and procedures of the Democratic National and State Committee;

d. The Municipal Committee; and
e. The Executive Committee shall meet at least four (4) times each year.
Meetings shall be called by the Chair or by written request of no fewer than
half of its members. The Executive Committee shall keep a record of its
proceedings which shall be available to the membership of the Committee as a
Whole of the HMDC.




There may be the following standing committees of the Hoboken Democratic Committee,
which will be established as needed and at the discretion of the Committee body:
a. Registration and Naturalization;
b. Speakers;
c. Rules, Resolutions and By-Laws;
d. Platform;
e. Political Education;
f. Finance; and
g. Publicity.


Each of the above Standing Committees shall consist of:
a. A chair, appointed by the Municipal Chair at the organization meeting of the
Municipal Committee or within four (4) weeks thereafter with the advice and
consent of the Executive Committee;

b. A minimum for two other elected committee members appointed by the

Municipal Chair at the organization meeting of the Municipal Committee or
within four (4) weeks thereafter;

c. Additional members shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.

d. No member of the Executive Committee shall serve as Chairman of any

subcommittee but may serve as an ex officio non-voting member and may
engage in debate and discussion of the matters before the subcommittee.
However, in the event of a tie vote, the Chairman of the HMDC shall be
entitled to cast a tie-breaking vote as ex officio member. This section is
effective June 2009


A vacancy in the chair or membership of any of the above Standing Committees may be
declared by a simple majority of those present at a special meeting of the Hoboken
Democratic Committee for the following reasons:

a. That member’s moving out of the municipality; or
b. That member’s non-performance of his duties on the committee; failing to
attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the committee, without good cause or
valid prior notification and excuse shall constitute a failure to meet the
minimum level of attendance and shall constitute automatic resignation from
the committee; or
c. That member’s violating the party pledge as described in Article II, Section 3.


The Standing Committees shall be comprised of the following committees:
a. Registration and Naturalization Committee: Attend to all matters
pertaining to the registration of voters and the naturalization of persons
desiring to become citizens.

b. Speaker’s Committee: Set up panel of public speakers on topics of general

interest, cooperate in supplying speakers to club meetings, and arrange for
speakers I all other public meeting in the county.

c. Rules, Regulation and By-Laws Committee: Consider and report to the

Chair and Municipal Committee on all questions of law, procedure,
resolution or proposed amendments to these By-Laws.

d. Platform Committee: To prepare the Hoboken Democratic Platform for

all Municipal, County and State Legislative election campaigns for
presentation and recommendation to the Chair and Municipal Committee,
to hold hearings thereon annually and to solicit the view of all candidates,
elected officials and others within the Democratic party and among
Independents having either personal or representative views on County
and State issues.

e. Political Education Committee: To prepare and develop programs of the

education of candidates, including interfacing with Caucuses described in
Section 7, members of the Hoboken Democratic Committee and
implementation for the program of the Hoboken Democratic Committee
and to assist them in their understanding of the rights, obligations and
techniques provided for by the election laws of the State of New Jersey
and to provide such information for the Publicity Committee as it deems
necessary, in keeping Democratic Candidates, members of the Hoboken
Democratic Committee and the public informed on the Democratic Party’s
programs and on the election laws of the State of New Jersey.

f. Finance Committee: Arrange and conduct all fundraising events and

functions, turning such funds over to the Treasurer who shall deposit said
funds into the HMDC official bank account in accordance with applicable
g. Publicity Committee: Prepare such materials as may be helpful to keeping
the members of the Municipal Committee and all Democratic candidates
informed as to the matters of interest to them, handle press and public
relations for the county committee, assist candidates in developing and
publicizing their programs and records; and help Local Clubs, officials
and candidates in developing their public relations activities.


The Chair from time to time may appoint such Special Committee, for specific purposes,
as he/she may deem advisable.


All committees shall report at such times as requested to do so by the Chair.

Section 7. CAUCUSES
In keeping with the spirit and principles of the National Democratic Committee, the
following caucuses shall be constituted and made open to the general public provided
each member is a duly registered Democrat and interested in furthering the goals of
outreach to key Democratic Party constituencies. Each member of the public who is a
member of the caucus shall be deemed a delegate of the HMDC but will not retain the
rights of voting, deliberation and discussion on regular agenda items of the voting elected
members of the Committee as a Whole of the HMDC unless previously invited to address
the HMDC on a particular agenda item of concern and that relates to the mission of the
caucus. The caucuses that shall be convened include the:
a. Latino/Hispanic Caucus: the aim and goal of which is to increase the
Latino population vis-à-vis Spanish language literature and to conduct
educational programs aimed at educating Latinos on Democratic Party
candidates and elections and civic affairs. They shall also be charged
with developing an agenda of issues that are key to this core Democratic
Party constituency.
b. African American Caucus: the aim and goal of which is to increase
registration within the African American population vis-à-vis targeted
educational programs and literature aimed at educating, fostering and
encouraging African Americans to become more involved with the local
Democratic party, its candidates, elections and local civic affairs. They
shall also be charged with developing an agenda of issues that are key to
this core Democratic Party constituency.
c. Asian/Pacific Caucus: the aim and goal of which is to increase
registration within the Asian/Pacific American population vis-à-vis
targeted educational programs and literature aimed at educating,
fostering and encouraging Asian/Pacific Americans to become more
involved with the local Democratic party, its candidates, elections and
local civic affairs. They shall also be charged with developing an
agenda of issues that are key to this core Democratic Party constituency.

d. Women’s Caucus: the aim and goal of which is to increase registration
of Women vis-à-vis targeted educational programs and literature aimed
at educating, fostering and encouraging Women to become more
involved with the local Democratic party, its candidates, elections and
local civic affairs. They shall also be charged with developing an
agenda of issues that are key to this core Democratic Party constituency.
e. Gay & Lesbian Caucus: the aim and goal of which is to increase
registration within the Gay & Lesbian population vis-à-vis targeted
educational programs and literature aimed at educating, fostering and
encouraging Gays and Lesbians to become more involved with the local
Democratic party, its candidates, elections and local civic affairs. They
shall also be charged with developing an agenda of issues that are key to
this core Democratic Party constituency.
f. Senior Citizen Caucus: the aim and goal of which is to increase
registration within the Senior Citizen population vis-à-vis targeted
educational programs and literature aimed at educating, fostering and
encouraging Senior Citizens to become more involved with the local
Democratic party, its candidates, elections and local civic affairs. They
shall also be charged with developing an agenda of issues that are key to
this core Democratic Party constituency.
g. Youth Caucus: the aim and goal of which is to increase registration
within the Youth population under the age of thirty (30) vis-à-vis
targeted educational programs and literature aimed at educating,
fostering and encouraging Young Voters to become more involved with
the local Democratic party, its candidates, elections and local civic
affairs. They shall also be charged with developing an agenda of issues
that are key to this core Democratic Party constituency




The annual organization meeting of the County Committee shall be held after the Primary
election each year, on the date fixed by the statutes, at 8:00 p.m. of said day, in a place to
be designated by the Chair in the call for the meeting.


Special meetings may be held at any time upon the call of the Chair, or upon the written
request of thirty (30%) percent of the members of the Committee addressed to the Chair
in the call for the meeting. All meeting notices must be made to all Committee members
with at least fourteen (14) days written notice and a subsequent seven (7) day reminder.
The Chair shall determine those instances in which a telephonic meeting of the Executive
Committee may be held in lieu of a meeting in person, provided, however, that upon
application of two-thirds (2/3) or more members of the Executive Committee, an in-

person meeting shall be held instead. The Recording Secretary will maintain minutes of
all Executive Committee meetings.

Section 3. QUORUM:
Fifty (50) percent of the elected and sitting members of the Committee plus (1), which
excludes vacancies, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the


Written notices of meetings setting forth the place, date, hour and agenda of meetings
shall be mailed by the Recording or Corresponding Secretary to all members as follows:
a. Organization Meetings: As soon as practicable after the Primary Election
but in any case not later than two days after the Primary Election.

b. Special Meeting of the HMDC: At least fourteen (14) days prior to the
date of the meeting with a follow up notice reminder issued no later than
seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting, such notice setting forth
the subject matter to be considered at this meeting.

c. Subcommittee Meetings: All subcommittee members must be given at

least fourteen (14) days prior notice of a meeting with a follow up notice
reminder no later than seven (7) days prior written notice of any
committee meetings by either official U.S. mail or by email or by



Section 1. CALL TO ORDER:

At the hour set in the call for the meeting, if a quorum is present, the Chair shall call the
meeting of the Committee to order.


At the organization meeting of the Committee, called as provided by statutes, the order of
business be as follows:
a. Salute to the flag;

b. Adoption of By-laws;

c. Nomination from the floor;

d. Election of Officers;

e. Other business.

At all other meetings of the Committee, the order of business shall be as follows:
a. Salute to the flag;

b. Consideration of minutes of previous meeting;

c. Reports of officers and action thereon, if required;

d. Reports of Standing Committee and action thereon, if required;

e. Reports of Special Committee and action thereon, if required;

f. Unfinished business, if any;

g. New Business, if any.

Section 4. RULES OF ORDER:

Unless otherwise provided for in these By-laws or by statute, all business shall be
governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.




Unless otherwise stated, these By-laws and amendments thereto shall become effective
immediately upon adoption.


Any proposed amendment to these By-laws must be submitted by a member of the
Municipal Committee in writing to the municipal Chair at least forty-five (45) days prior
to the date of the meeting at which said amendment is to be considered with written
notice to the entire HMDC membership.


The Chair, upon receipt of such proposed amendment, shall immediately submit it
to the Committee on Rules, Resolution and By-laws for study and
recommendation or by the Executive Committee. The recommendation of said
committee shall be made in writing to the municipal Chair within fifteen (15)
days of said Committee’s receipt of the proposed amendment.

Section 3. NOTICES:
The proposed amendment shall be considered by the elected Municipal Committee
members only after the complete text of the proposed amendment, the Committee on
Rules, Resolution and By-laws recommendation, and the existing By-law section is: a)
included in the meeting notice provided that seven (7) days written notice of any
proposed amendment has been given to the HMDC members or b) read aloud and
distributed in writing at a previous committee meeting.

Section 4. ADOPTION:
An amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the elected members of the
municipal Committee present and voting at the meeting at which said amendment is





The Municipal Committee shall endorse a single Democratic candidate for President of
the United States, Governor of New Jersey, United States Senator or Member of
Congress for that same presidential, gubernatorial, senatorial or congressional cycle’s
general election and may endorse a single Democratic candidate for President of the
United States, Governor of New Jersey, United States Senate or Member of Congress up
until the Democratic presidential candidate for that same presidential, gubernatorial,
senatorial or congressional cycle’s general election is determined by the Democratic
national convention, the New Jersey State party or election law, and shall generate such
endorsement according to the following procedure, which shall be specific to the
presidential primary endorsement process of this Committee:

a. The Hoboken Party Executive Committee will take to the Committee to

endorse by floor vote a single presidential primary candidate, conditional on
fulfilling the required procedures of the selected mechanism stated below.

b. The Hoboken Party mechanism cannot result in a non-endorsement for a

presidential candidate.

c. The chosen mechanism will be a secret ballot with a simple majority of the
votes cast by the committee members. If no one candidate receives a
majority, then there will be a run-off of the top 2 candidates immediately
following using a secret ballot, with no additional debate, commentary or
motions. The winner of the run-off will be the endorsed candidate of the
Hoboken Democratic Organization.



Section 1. The National Democratic Party has a long and proud history of
representing and protecting the interests of working Americans and guaranteeing personal
liberties for all as codified in the DNC Charter. An active, effective group of Democrats
organized in every single precinct in Hoboken are essential to that goal. Therefore, in
accordance with the DNC Rule Requiring State Parties develop a plan intending to secure
full participation of groups that are historically under-represented in Democratic Party
affairs, the HMDC pledges to make every effort to recruit elect a diverse group of
committee members and officers from historically under-represented groups, including
Women, Hispanics, African Americans, Asian/Pacific Americans and Gays & Lesbians.

In furtherance of said goal, the HMDC Caucuses shall make annual presentations on their
activities to the HMDC.


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