Asco Series 300 Power Transfer Switches

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24-hour protection no matter

when trouble strikes

ASCO S eries 300

Power Transfer Switches
for Power Outage Protection

Where would you be generator and an automatic

without a constant flow of transfer switch (ATS) which
electrical power? We often transfers the load from the
take for granted that power utility to the generator.
will always be around when An ATS with built-in
we need it. In reality, power control logic monitors
failures are very common. your normal power supply,
And when the power goes senses interruptions and
out, your business suffers. unacceptable abnormalities.
Power failures are unpredict- When the utility power fails,
able. They can occur at any the ATS automatically starts
time and for any number of the engine and transfers the
reasons—a bolt of lightning, load after the generator has
a power surge, a blackout, reached proper voltage and
an accident or even equip- frequency. This happens in
ment failure. They come a matter of seconds after
without warning and often the power failure occurs.
at the most inconvenient When the utility power has
times. been restored, the ATS will
It’s for this reason that automatically switch the load
many businesses and other back, and after a time delay,
entities have invested in it will shut down the engine.
emergency power backup With an Automatic Transfer
systems. Typically, the sys- Switch, you are protected
tem consists of an engine 24 hours a day, seven days a

Typical Applications
Telecom Agriculture Commercial / Retail, Municipal
In the telecommunications Maintaining electrical power Light Industrial The ASCO Series 300 Transfer
industry, providing a high level is vital to an agriculture opera- The retail industry is very com- Switch can be a critical com-
of service and dependability is tion. If the flow of power is petitive. An electrical power ponent of a municipal gov-
crucial. Lost power means an interrupted, your operation failure can have a dramatic ernment’s emergency power
interruption in service for your could be at risk unless the impact on a retailer’s bottom backup system. Residents of
customers and lost business backup generator is quickly line. If power is interrupted townships, cities and counties
for your company. For instance, activated. A prolonged power during peak shopping times, rely on police, fire, ambu-
with cell sites scattered across a outage can affect numerous the effect could be extremely lance/first aid and other critical
wide geographical region and in aspects of the operation, from damaging to present and public sector services. An inter-
many remote areas, the chances housing and feeding livestock future business. A power inter- ruption in power would affect
of an interruption in power are to processing and produc- ruption will not only suspend the ability of emergency ser-
increased, making Automatic ing the end product. With shopping, it can also create vices to effectively respond to
Transfer Switches a valuable an ASCO Series 300 Transfer safety problems, result in lost the needs of the community.
resource at each location. To Switch, power will automatical- transaction data, lost account When time is a critical factor,
maintain dependable service, ly be transferred over to your information and damage to such as when responding to a
each cell site must be monitored backup generator, eliminating data collection equipment. In fire alarm or an emergency call,
24 hours a day. This can be the need to manually switch addition, retailers who rely on an ASCO Series 300 Transfer
very difficult without some from utility to generator. When controlled climates to protect Switch can be a lifesaver,
type of remote monitoring and power is restored, the ASCO valuable inventory could suffer switching power to the backup
testing capability. The Series 300 Series 300 Transfer Switch will, even greater losses, especially generator. While not all munic-
Transfer Switch, combined with after an adjustable time delay if the power failure occurs at ipal services are a matter of
ASCO’s monitoring and control to allow for utility stabilization, a time when no one is avail- life and death, they are always
management system, is a cost- automatically switch the load able to rectify the situation. To expected to be there.
effective, packaged solution back to the utility service. avoid any of these power out-
which can help meet both of age problems, simply install a
these challenging objectives backup generator with an ASCO
without a major investment Series 300 Transfer Switch and
at each cell site. With ASCO’s power outage concerns will be
connectivity solutions you can a thing of the past.
remotely monitor and control
numerous sites from around
the corner or around the world.

Series 300 Power Transfer Switches
Maximum Reliability & Excellent Value
With a Series 300 Transfer Switch, you get a product backed by
ASCO Power Technologies, the industry leader responsible for virtually every
major technological advance in the Transfer Switch industry.

The ASCO Series 300 was designed for one purpose–to automatically
transfer critical loads in the event of a power outage. Each and every
standard component was designed by ASCO engineers for this purpose.

The Series 300 incorporates the Group G controller with enhanced

capabilities for dependable operation in any environment. A user friendly
control interface with a 128x64 graphical LCD display and intuitive
symbols allow for ease of operation while visual LED indicators verify
transfer switch status. Operating parameters and feature settings can be
adjusted without opening enclosure door.
Fig. 1: ASCO Power Transfer Switch
The rugged construction and proven performance of the ASCO rated 200 amperes
Series 300 assure the user of many years of complete reliability.
30 through 3000 amps in a compact design.
The Series 300 is even designed to handle the extraordinary demands
Available to 600 VAC, single or three phase.
placed on the switch when switching stalled motors and high inrush
True double-throw operation: The single
solenoid design is inherently inter-locked
ASCO’s Series 300 modular, compact design makes it easy to install, inspect and prevents contacts from being in contact
and maintain. All parts are accessible from the front so switch contacts with both sources at the same time.
can be easily inspected. There’s no danger of the Series 300 ATS
transferring loads to a dead source because the
Features unique ASCO single-solenoid operator derives
The Series 300 is listed to UL 1008 standard for total system loads power to operate from the source to which the
and CSA standard C22.2 for automatic transfer switches. load is being transferred.
Meets NFPA 110 for Emergency and Standby Power Systems Easy to navigate 128x64 graphical LCD display
and the National Electrical Code (NEC) Articles 700, 701 and 702. with keypad provides LED indicators for switch
Controller is RoHS compliant (Restriction of Hazardous Substances). position, source availability, not in auto, and alert
UL Listed Withstand & Close-On Ratings
Integrated multilingual user interface for
Available Symmetrical Amperes RMS configuration and monitoring.
Delayed transition operation is now available
Switch Ratings
Current Limiting Fuses Specific Breaker (Dual Operator Configuration).
Non-automatic operation can be selected using
480V Max. 600V Max. 480V Max. 600V Max. the key pad without opening enclosure door.
30 100kA - 10kA 10kA Relay expansion module with extra relays for
70 - 150 200kA 35kA 22kA 10kA accessory outputs (Optional).
200 200kA - 22kA - Includes soft keys for test function and time delay
230 100kA - 22kA - bypass as standard features.
260, 400 200kA - 42kA - Historical event log (Optional).
150,200,230,260,400 Statistical ATS system monitoring information.
Series 3ADTS/3NDTS 200kA 200kA 50kA 42kA Diagnostic Functions.
Only Password protection to prevent unauthorized
600 200kA 200kA 50kA 42kA tampering of settings.
800,1000,1200 200kA 200kA 65kA 65kA Adjustable time-delay feature prevents switch
1600, 2000 200kA 200kA 85kA 85kA from being activated due to momentary
2600, 3000 200kA 200kA 100kA 100kA utility power outages and generator dips.
Supplied with solid neutral termination.
Notes: 1. Current limiting fuse should be class J type through 400 amps:
use Class L type above 400 - amp fuse rating Optional switched neutral pole available.
Current limiting fuse for 3ADTS/3NDTS only 150 - 400 amp
Field modification accessory kits available.
should be Class L type
4 2. Refer to publication 1128 for specific manufacturer­’s breakers Available for immediate delivery.
Series 300 Power Transfer Switches

Designed to Fit Anywhere

The ASCO Series 300 product line represents the most compact
design of automatic power transfer switches in the industry. With
space in electrical closets being at a premium, the use of wall or
floor-mounted ASCO Power Transfer Switches assures designers
optimum utilization of space.

All transfer switches through 2000 amps are designed to be

completely front accessible. This permits the enclosures to be
installed flush to the wall and still allows installation of all power
cabling and connections from the front of the switch. Cable entrance
plates are also standard on the 1600 and 2000 amp units to install Fig. 2: ASCO Power Transfer Switch
optional side-mounted pull boxes for additional cable bending space. rated 200 amperes

Fig. 3: ASCO Power Transfer Switch Fig. 4: ASCO Power Transfer Switch Fig. 5: ASCO Power Transfer Switch
rated 400 amperes rated 600 Amperes rated 1000 amperes

Fig. 6: ASCO Power Transfer Switch Fig. 7: ASCO Power Transfer Switch

rated 2000 amperes shown in Type 3R enclosure rated 3000 amperes

Series 300 New Microprocessor Controller

The Series 300 incorporates the

group “G” controller with enhanced
capabilities for dependable operation
in any environment.

Time Delays
Engine start time delay – delays engine starting signal to
override momentary normal source outages – adjustable to
0 to 6 seconds (Feature 1C)
Transfer to emergency time delay – adjustable 0 to 60
minutes (Feature 2B)
2) SE and ER Relay
Emergency source stabilization time delay to ignore
momentary transients during initial generator set loading
– adjustable 0 to 4 seconds (Feature 1F)
Interface Plug
Re-transfer to normal time delay – adjustable
Control Power
0 to 10 hours (Feature 3A)
Battery to Maintain
Unloaded running time delay for engine cooldown
Engine Exerciser
Clock Settings
Power Supply
– adjustable 0 to 60 minutes (Feature 2E)
Jumper Card
Pre and post signal time delay for selective load disconnect
with a programmable bypass on source failures – adjustable
Dip Switches for 0 to 5 minutes (specify ASCO Optional accessory 31Z)
and Feature Functions Optional fully programmable engine exerciser with seven
485 Configuration
Mounting Location
for Accessory Dongle
Dip Switches
independent routines to exercise the engine generator, with or
Mounting Location
NR Relay for Current Sensing Card without loads, on a daily, weekly, bi weekly or monthly basis
Customer Control
CAN Bus Port (Specify ASCO optional accessory feature bundle 11BE)
RS 485 Port (Optional)
Enabled with Feature
Delayed transition load disconnect time delay – adjustable
Bundle 11BE
0 to 5 minutes.
Fig. 8: ASCO Series 300
Microprocessor Controller
Standard Selectable Features
Performance Features Inphase monitor to transfer motor loads, without any
Control and Display Panel
600 volt spacing per UL and CSA standards.
Meets or exceeds the requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). intentional off time, to prevent inrush currents from
Easy to navigate
IEEE C37.90 128x64 graphical LCD display exceeding normal starting levels.
with keypad provides LED indicators for switch
IEC 61000 – 4 - 2 Electrostatic Discharge Immunity
Engine exerciser to automatically test backup generator each
IEC 61000 – 4 - 3 Radiated RF Field Immunity
position, IEC
61000 – 4 - 4availability, notImmunity
Electrical Fast Transient/Burst in auto, and alert condition. week—with or without load 20 minutes not adjustable.
It also includes test and time delay bypass soft keys.
IEC 61000 – 4 - 5 Surge Immunity
Commit to transfer.
IEC 61000 – 4 - 6 Conducted RF Immunity
CISPR 11 – Conducted RF Emissions and Radiated RF Emissions
Selective load disconnect control contacts (two provided)
Voltage & Frequency Sensing which operate with time delay prior to and/or after load
transfer and re-transfer.
3 — Phase under and over voltage settings on normal and
60Hz or 50Hz selectable switch.
single phase sensing on emergency source.
Three – phase/single - phase selectable switch.
Under and over frequency settings on normal and emergency.
True RMS Voltage Sensing with +/-1% accuracy
Remote Control Features
Frequency Sensing Accuracy is +/- 0.1Hz
External Inputs for connecting:
Voltage and Frequency parameters adjustable in
Remote test switch.
1% increments
Remote contact for test or for peak shaving applications.
Selecting settings : single or three phase voltage sensing on
If emergency source fails, switch will automatically transfer
normal, and single phase sensing on emergency; 50 or 60 Hz
back to normal source if acceptable.
Load current sensing card (Optional)
Inhibit transfer to emergency
6 Remote time delay bypass switch emergency to normal
Series 300 Group G Offers Sophisticated Functionality

The new Group G controller • Source Availability (no other components are approach allows greater
offers an intuitive, easy to (green for normal, red required for efficient application flexibility).
navigate 128*64 graphical for emergency LED) operation).
LCD display with soft keypad Multiple source sensing
• “Not In Auto”
and provides (6) LED indica- The controller allows for capabilities of volt-
(amber LED)
tors open or delayed transition age, frequency (under
• Common Alarm transfer operation (both au- frequency sensing on
•Switch Position (green
(amber LED) tomatic, and non automatic normal and emergency
for normal, red for
configurations). sources), and optional
emergency LED)
The ASCO group “G” current card, single and
controller is self contained Integrated multilingual user three phase (Does not
with an integrated display interface for configuration require an external me-
and monitoring (this design tering device).

Status Alarms Source


4 5

Data Logging Communication Settings


Fig. 9: Door-Mounted
Control & Display Panel

1 Common Alarm
2 Not In Auto Indicator
3 Scroll, Up/Down Arrows
4 Escape Key
Gen Status Engine Exerciser
5 Enter Key
6 LED Source Availability and
Switch Position Indicators
Transfer / Time Delay Override
control push-button

Series 300 ATS Optional Accessories

Accessory 1UP Accessory 72EE

UPS back up power to allow controller to run with LCD display Connectivity Module, enabling remote monitoring and
for 30 seconds without AC power control capabilities (Pages 12-14)

Accessory 11BE Feature Bundle Consists of: Accessory 31Z

A fully programmable engine exerciser with seven Selective load disconnect circuit to provide a pre – transfer
independent routines to exercise the engine generator, with and/or post transfer signal when transferring from emergency
or without loads, on a daily, weekly, bi – weekly or monthly to normal and/or normal to emergency.
basis. Engine exerciser setting can be displayed and changed
from the user interface keypad. Accessory 73
Surge Suppressor (TVSS) Rated 65kA
Event Log display shows the event number, time and date
of event, event type, and event reason (if applicable). Accessory 62W
A maximum of 300 events can be stored. Audible alarm with silencing feature to signal each time switch
transfers to emergency (City of Chicago requirement)
RS 485 Communications Port Enabled
Common Alarm Output Contact Accessory 37B
6’ Extension harness for units shipped open type to
Accessory 18RX accommodate customer mounting of controls and switch
Relay expansion module (REX) provides for some commonly
used accessory relays, includes one form C contact for source Accessory 37C
availability of normal (18G), and one contact for availability of 9’ Extension harness for units shipped open type to
emergency (18B) (contact rating 5 amps @ 30Vdc or @125 accommodate customer mounting of controls and switch
Vac resistive). Additional output relay is provided, the default Accessory 135L2
is to indicate a common alarm. (See operator’s manual for Power Meter on load side (Includes shorting block and CT’s)
configurable options). Note2: This feature is not available with Load Current Metering
Option (23GA, or 23GB)
Accessory 23GA1 (Single Phase),
and 23GB (Three Phase) Accessory 30AA3
Load current metering card, measures either single or three Load – shedding circuit initiated by opening of a customer –
supplied contact
phase load current
Note1: This feature is not available with a Power Meter Option (135L) Accessory 30BA3
Accessory 14AA/14BA Load – shedding circuit initiated by removal of customer –
Auxiliary contacts to indicate position of main contacts. Two supplied voltage (* Specify voltage)
Note3: Accessory 30AA, and 30BA are only available for
(2) for normal and two (2) for emergency position (one set is
3ADTS/3NDTS (Delayed Transition Transfer Switch)
Accessory 44A
Strip Heater with thermostat for extremely cold areas to
prevent condensation and freezing of this condensation.
External 120 volt power source required.
Accessory 44G
Strip Heater with thermostat, wired to load terminals:
208-240, 360-380, 460-480, 550-600 volts. Contains wiring
harnesses for all transfer switch sizes.
Fig. 10: Strip Heater Kit Fig. 11: Relay Expansion
Field Conversion Kits for (Accessory 44G) Module (Accessory 18RX)
Series 300 Transfer Switches
Kit No. Description
935147 Feature Bundle Includes Engine Exerciser/Event Log/RS 485/
Common Alarm Output Contact (Acc. 11BE) Dongle
935148 REX Module with Source Availability Contacts (Acc. 18RX)
935149 UPS to allow controller to run for 3 minutes minimum Fig. 12: Load Current Fig. 13: Programmable
without AC Power (Acc. 1UP) Card (Accessory 23GA/GB) Engine Exerciser
935150 1/3 Phase load current sensing card only (Acc. 23GA/GB)
K613127-001 Strip Heater (125 watt) 120 volt (Acc.44A)
K613127-002 Strip Heater (125 watt) 208 - 480 volt (Acc.44G)
948551 Quad - Ethernet Module (Acc. 72EE)
K609027 Cable Pull Box (1600 - 2000 amp) Fig. 14: Accessory 1UP
UPS Backup Power
Series 300 Power Transfer Switches

Series 300 Non-Automatic Transfer Switching (3NTS)

ASCO non-automatic transfer switches are generally used in applications where operating personnel are available and
the load is not an emergency type requiring automatic transfer of power. They can also be arranged for remote control
via ASCO’s connectivity products.

3NTS Features:
ASCO Non-Automatic Transfer Switches are electrically held,
manually initiated via soft keys on the user interface panel.
Sizes from 30 through 3000 amps.
Microprocessor based controller provides for addition of
optional accessories.
Controller prevents inadvertent operation under low
voltage condition.
Source acceptability lights inform operator if sources are
available to accept load.
Source inphase monitor to transfer motor loads between
live sources.
One auxiliary contact closed when transfer switch is
connected to normal and one closed on Emergency standard
feature 14A/14B

Fig. 15: ASCO 3NTS 400 Amp

Type 1 Enclosure

Series 300 Delayed Transition

Transfer Switching (3ADTS/3NDTS)
ASCO Delayed Transition Transfer Switches are designed to provide transfer
of loads between power sources with a timed load disconnect position for an
adjustable period of time.

3ADTS/3NDTS Features:
Sizes from 150 through 3000 amps.
Reliable field proven dual solenoid operating mechanisms.
Mechanical interlocks to prevent direct connection of both sources.
Adjustable time delay for load disconnect (0 to 5 minutes).
Available in manual operation configuration (3NDTS).
Available with optional load shed feature for (3ADTS).

Fig. 16: ASCO 3ADTS/3NDTS 400 Amp

Type 1 Enclosure

Series 300 Transfer Switch Ordering Information
To order an ASCO Series 300 Power Transfer Switch, complete the following catalog number:

3 + A + TS + A + 3 + 600 + N + GX + C
Product Neutral Phase Amperes Voltage Controller Enclosure
Code Poles Code Code
A3 115 G 0 Open Type
A Automatic TS Conventional A Solid 2 Poles Continuous (zero)
B3 120 GX
2 Position Neutral 1o rating Type 1
C 208 Optional C
N Non- (Standard)
302, 702, 1042, D 220 Accessories
Automatic DTS Delayed B1 Switched 3 Poles
1505, 2004,5, E 230 Type 3R
Transition Neutral 3o F
2302,4,5, 2602,5, F 240 Non-Secure2
4002,5, 6005, H 380 Type 42
8005, 10005, J 400 G
12005, 16005, K 415
H Type 4X2
20005, 26005, L 440
30005 M 460
N 480 L Type 122
Q 575 Non-Secure
R 600 M Type 3R Secure
N Type 4 Secure
Type 4X Secure
P Double Door
304 SS

Q Type 12 Secure
Double Door
Type 3RX7,8
R Secure Double
Door 304 SS

Notes: 1. Specify neutral code “C” for 260 and 400 amperes only for 3ATS/3NTS To provide an improved reduction in corrosion of salt and some
2. Available 30-600 ampere size switches available chemicals, optional type 316 stainless steel is recommended.
in non - secure type enclosures This is the preferred choice for marine environments.
3. 115-120 volt available 30-400 amps only. For other 8. Available on switches rated 1200, 2000, 2600, and 3000 amps.
voltages contact ASCO. 9. When temperatures below 32 F can be experienced, special
4. 200 and 230 amp rated switches for use with copper cable only. precautions should be taken, such as the inclusion of strip heaters,
5. Switch sizes 800 - 3000 ampere, and 150 - 400 ampere to prevent condensation and freezing of this condensation.
3ADTS/3NDTS provided in secure type outdoor This is particularly important when environmental (Type 3R,4) are
enclosures when required. ordered for installation outdoors.
6. Use 3R for 1200, 2000, 2600, and 3000 10. Extra shelter protection should be considered for wind blown rain
7. Type 304 stainless steel is standard. Suitable for indoor and snow, since ventilated type 3R enclosures due not protect
or outdoor use where there may be caustic or alkali chemicals in use. against these conditions.

Series 300 External Power Connections

Sizes UL-Listed Solderless Screw-Type Terminals
Switch Rating Ranges of AL-CU Wire Sizes Notes:
(Amps) (Unless Specified Copper Only) 1. All Series 300 switches are furnished with a solid neutral plate
(unless switched neutral configuration is specified) and
30 - 230 2
One #14 to 4/0 AWG terminal lugs.
Two 1/0 AWG to 250 MCM 2. 200 and 230 amp rated switches for use with copper cable only.
260, 400 Refer to paragraph 310.15 of the NEC for additional information.
or One #4 AWG to 600 MCM
3. Use wire rated 75oC minimum for all power connections.
600 Two 2/0 AWG to 600 MCM
800, 1000, 1200 Four 1/0 to 600 MCM
1600, 2000 Six 1/0 to 600 MCM
2600, 3000 Twelve 3/0 to 600 MCM

Extended Warranties for Series 300 Transfer Switches (3ATS/3NTS/3ADTS)

Catalog No. Description Notes:
1. Standard Warranty is (24) months, 2 years from date of shipment.
3EXW300 Three-Year Extended Warranty (Parts & Labor) Extended warranty is in addition to the two years, for total of
3,4, or 5 years.
4EXW300 Four-Year Extended Warranty (Parts & Labor)
5EXW300 Five-Year Extended Warranty (Parts & Labor)
Series 300 Transfer Switch Dimensions and Shipping Weights
UL Type 1 Enclosure1,2,3,4,5
Switch Rating Phase Neutral Dimensions, In. (mm) Approx. Shipping Notes:
1. Unit is designed for top cable
Amps Poles Code Width Height Depth Weight Lb. (kg) entry of emergency & load and
2 A 18(457) 31 (787) 13 (330) ­­69 (32) bottom entry of normal. A cable
304,704,1004*,1044 2 B 18(457) 31 (787) 13 (330) 72 (33) pull box is also available for all
top or bottom cable access when
1504, 2004 3 A 18(457) 31 (787) 13 (330) 72 (33)
required (optional accessory kit
*Series 3NTS only 3 B 18(457) 31 (787) 13 (330) 75 (34)
#K609027). Not required for type
2 A 18 (457) 48 (1219) 13 (330) 117 (53)
3R, 4X & 12 enclosures where
2 B3 or C 18 (457) 48 (1219) 13 (330) 125 (57) available.
2303, 260, 400 125 (57)
3 A 18 (457) 48 (1219) 13 (330) 2. Enclosures for 2600, 3000 amps
3 B3 or C 18 (457) 48 (1219) 13 (330) 133 (61) are free-standing with removable
2 A 24(610) 56(1422) 14(356) 196 (89) top, sides & back.
2 B 24(610) 56(1422) 14(356) 202 (92) 3. Neutral Code “B” for 230 amperes
260,400 3 A 24(610) 56(1422) 14(356) 202 (92) only.
Series 3ADTS/3NTS only 3 B 24(610) 56(1422) 14(356) 208 (94) 4. Dimensions for 30-200 amperes
2 A 24 (610) 63 (1600) 17 (432) 316 (143) when furnished with a power
2 B 24 (610) 63 (1600) 17 (432) 324 (147) meter, 18"W - 41"H - 13"D
600 5. Dimensional data is approximate
3 A 24 (610) 63 (1600) 17 (432) 324 (147)
3 B 24 (610) 63 (1600) 17 (432) and subject to change. Certified
332 (150)
dimensions available upon
2 A 34 (864) 72 (1829) 20 (508) 431 (196)
800, 1000 2 B 34 (864) 72 (1829) 20 (508) 460 (209)
3 A 34 (864) 72 (1829) 20 (508) 460 (209)
3 B 34 (864) 72 (1829) 20 (508) 489 (222)
2 A 38 (965) 87 (2210) 23 (584) 581 (264)
2 B 38 (965) 87 (2210) 23 (584) 611 (277)
3 A 38 (965) 87 (2210) 23 (584) 611 (277)
3 B 38 (965) 87 (2210) 23 (584) 639 (290)
3 A 38 (965) 87 (2210) 23 (584) 1160 (525)
1600, 20001
3 B 38 (965) 87 (2210) 23 (584) 1160 (525)
3 A 38 (965) 91 (2311) 60 (1524) 1430 (649)
2600, 30002
3 B 38 (965) 91 (2311) 60 (1524) 1495 (679)

UL Type 3R, 4 or 12 Enclosure1,2,3,4,5

Switch Rating Phase Neutral Dimensions, In. (mm) Approx. Shipping Notes:
1. When climate conditions at in-
Amps Poles Code Width Height Depth Weight Lb. (kg) stallation site present condensa-
303,703,1003*,1043 2 A 17 1/2 (445) 35 (886) 11 5/8 (295) ­­84 (38) tion risk, special precautions
2 B 17 1/2 (445) 35 (886) 11 5/8 (295) 87 (40) should be taken, such as the
1503, 2003 inclusion of space heaters, to
*Series 3NTS only 3 A 17 1/2 (445) 35 (886) 11 5/8 (295) 87 (40)
prevent interior condensation and
(Non Secure Enclosure) 3 B 17 1/2 (445) 35 (886) 11 5/8 (295) 90 (41)
freezing of this condensation.
2 A 18 (458) 50 1/2 (1284) 14 1/3 (364) 132 (60)
3 2. Neutral code “B” for 230 amperes
2302, 260, 400 2 B or C 18 (458) 50 1/2 (1284) 14 1/3 (364) 140 (63) only.
(Non Secure Enclosure) 3 A 18 (458) 50 1/2 (1284) 14 1/3 (364) 140 (63) 3. Dimensions for 30 - 200 ampere
3 B3 or C 18 (458) 50 1/2 (1284) 14 1/3 (364) 148 (67) when furnished with a power
150, 200, 230 2 A 24 (607) 63 (1593) 18 1/5 (468) 234 (106) meter 18"W - 48"H - 13"D
260, 400 2 B 24 (607) 63 (1593) 18 1/5 (468) 241 (109) 4. 30-1000 ampere switches are
*Series 3ADTS/3NDTS only 3 A 24 (607) 63 (1593) 18 1/5 (468) 241 (109) available in secure type
(Non Secure Enclosure) 3 B 24 (607) 63 (1593) 18 1/5 (468) 246 (112) enclosures, contact ASCO for
2 A 24 (607) 63 (1593) 18 1/5 (468) 320 (145) details
600 2 B 24 (607) 63 (1593) 18 1/5 (468) 328 (148) 5. Dimensional data is approximate
(Non Secure Enclosure) 3 A 24 (607) 63 (1593) 18 1/5 (468) 328 (148) and subject to change. Certified
3 B 24 (607) 63 (1593) 18 1/5 (468) 336 (152) dimensions available upon
519 (236) request.
2 A 34 (859) 72 (1821) 20 (506)
800, 1000 2 B 34 (859) 72 (1821) 20 (506) 543 (246)
(Non Secure Enclosure) 3 A 34 (859) 72 (1821) 20 (506) 543 (246)
3 B 34 (859) 72 (1821) 20 (506) 565 (257)
2 A 41 (1037) 95 1/2 (2415) 33 1/2 (848) 1131 (513)
12006 2 B 41 (1037) 95 1/2 (2415) 33 1/2 (848) 1160 (526)
(Non Secure Enclosure) 3 A 41 (1037) 95 1/2 (2415) 33 1/2 (848) 1160 (526)
3 B 41 (1037) 95 1/2 (2415) 33 1/2 (848) 1189 (539)
1600, 20002 3 A 41 (1037) 95 1/2 (2415) 62 (1569) 1705 (775)
(Non Secure Enclosure) 3 B 41 (1037) 95 1/2 (2415) 62 (1569) 1830 (832)
2600, 3000 3 A 41 (1037) 96 (2429) 74 (1872) 2150 (976)
(Non Secure Enclosure) 3 B 41 (1037) 96 (2429) 74 (1872) 2230 (1012)

Series 300 72EE Monitoring and Control
Tablet Mobile Device Desktop
72EE enables basic local or
remote monitoring for ASCO
Series 300 Transfer Switches.



300 ATS with 72EE Engine Generator Utility

Sample drawing for demonstration purposes only.
Consult ASCO for exact connection specifications.

72EE Features
Control Features Monitoring Features Connectivity Features
ATS Transfer/Re-transfer ATS and Generator Stats Modbus (over Ethernet or Serial)
ATS Timer Bypass Alarms SNMP Protocol
Generator Start Voltage and Frequency AES 128 Bit Encryption
Generator Test Statistics and Activity Four Port Ethernet Switch
Email Notifications
Event Log (300 Events)
Optional Monitoring Features
— Energy Consumption,
Acc 135L Required
— Power Demand,
Acc 135L Required

72EE Also Enables Enhanced PowerQuest CPMS Functionality

5310 Series Single Channel Annunciator

5350 Series Eight Channel Annunciator
5700 Critical Power Management Systems

Series 300 72EE Monitoring Screens

Fig. 18: Power Metering Screen

Fig. 19: Events Screen

Fig. 17: 72EE Home Page Dashboard

Fig. 20: Configuration Fig. 21: About

Content rich monitoring screens enable real time information

for power metering, event logs, voltages, time delays and alerts.
The 72EE also allows for switch transfer remotely.

Series 300 72EE Connectivity Module

Control to an email server to keep users

The control capabilities allows up-to-date on alarms and critical
remote transfer and retransfer of the power events with alerts.
ATS, while allowing you to view time
Fig. 22:
delays and bypass functions. The In addition the 72EE can interface to
Accessory an optional 5210 Power Meter, (stand
generators can also be called to start
72EE alone - or with the ATS Acc. 135L).
and stop for emergency situations as
well as for testing and maintenance. for enhanced monitoring features,
Running the generator periodically such as, power metering, demand
ensures that the battery is charged and energy usage.
for power anomalies and increases Connectivity
reliability. Generator Pick-up and
drop-out setpoints are also viewable Connect and extract ATS and meter-
The ASCO 72EE Connectivity for comprehensive understanding of ing data using industry standard
Module offers remote monitoring control events. open protocols, such as, Modbus and
for Series 300 ATS's and 5210 Power SNMP. An integrated four port Eth-
Meter. For the ATS, the optional Monitoring ernet Switch maximizes connectivity
accessory 72EE provides remote ATS Monitor transfer switch and genera- options and flexibility. Embedded
and Generator Control, Monitoring tor health, system state, metering password protection will only allow
and Connectivity Features via inte- and review calculated transfer statis- access to appropriate users, while
grated web page dashboards. Once tics and activity. Active control timer utilizing AES 128-bit encryption for
connected to an Ethernet, Wifi or information allows the operator to enhanced data security per National
Cellular connection, the dashboards anticipate an automated control ac- Institute of Standards and Technol-
can easily be pulled up by any mobile tion, such as, generator start or ATS ogy (NIST).
or desktop device on the network by transfer. The device can also interface
multiple users.

Additional Optional PowerQuest Components

5160 The ASCO 5160 Remote Connectivity Unit (RCU) provides

Connectivity 10 Ethernet and Dual-Fiber Optic connections in a NEMA 3R enclosure.

5210, 5220 ASCO 5210 (left) and 5220 (right) Power Meters
Power measure, displays and provides single- or 3-phase Energy
and Power information

ASCO 5221 ASCO 5221 Power Manager Unit (PMU) is used to enable power measure-
Power Manager ment, discrete inputs for status and output relays for control of generators,
Unit breakers and other power equipment via 5700 Series CPMS solutions.

5310, 5350 ASCO 5310(left) and 5350(right) ATS Remote Annunciators

Annunciators provide distributed monitoring of transfer switch position and source
availability as well as transfer test and re-transfer control.

5710, 5700 Critical Power Management Systems (5790 shown)

5750, 5790 provides various levels of monitoring, control and management capability of
Display power equipment. It seamlessly monitors ASCO transfer switches as well as
Terminals generators, breakers, paralleling buss, panel boards and other power equip-
ment via a 5221 PMU. It consists of servers and touch screen interfaces.


Drill down for a closer look - Each transfer switch,

generator, breaker and any other power equip-
ment has its own dedicated screens.

ASCO PowerQuest® Power Monitoring and Control Systems

The PowerQuest® family is
the most comprehensive
communication, monitor- HVAC Critical Power
ing and control solution ever Management System (CPMS)
offered by Emerson Network
Power. It empowers you. It
provides the ability to test,
manage loads, optimize the Security
bus bar, remotely monitor
and otherwise be aware of UPS
Static Transfer Paralleling Control
Transfer Switches Switches Switchgear
the status of your facility's
utility source and on-site CPMS
power. It provides reports Terminal
for events, tests, energy use Fire Alarm Generators

or settings and gets data Monitoring

directly from generators and

transfer switches. Management Internet
System (BMS) Display
Whether user's require stan-
dard monitoring and control,
PowerQuest provides monitoring, alarming and control of Critical Power Management Systems,
or a comprehensive Critical which comprise transfer switches, paralleling control switchgear, gensets, circuit breakers,
Power Management System, UPS, loadbanks, distribution and other gear. It also integrates with building management systems.
PowerQuest can satisfy your
Hardware. Software. Installa-
tion and testing. Service. And PowerQuest can enable you to:
upgrades and technology
refreshes. A truly complete • Monitor and control power transfer switches,
paralleling control switchgear, gensets,
solution for all your
breakers, UPS, bus bars and other equipment
communication, monitoring • Monitor normal and emergency voltages and
and control needs. frequency and their settings
• Know transfer switch position and source
This web enabled manage-
ment system is based on • Transfer and re-transfer loads for system testing
open protocols. As com- • View and adjust transfer switch time-delay settings
munications amongst • Receive automatic alerts or selected system alarms
equipment improve, so does on system operation via E-mail or pager
the performance of critical • View transfer switch event log and know the For more PowerQuest
power systems. transfer switch test schedule product information
• Generate reports for alarms, energy consumption, see publication 3245
settings, historical logs and code mandated tests

Emerson Network Power - Global Headquarters
1050 Dearborn Drive
Columbus, OH 43085
Tel: +1 614 888 0246

ASCO Power Technologies - Global Headquarters

50 Hanover Road
Florham Park, NJ 07932

Emerson. Consider it Solved., Emerson Network Power and the Emerson Network Power logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. ©2013 Emerson Electric Co. All rights reserved.
Publication 1195 R15-2 © October, 2013 Printed in the U.S.A.

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