Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan RAY
Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan RAY
Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan RAY
September 2014
This report has been prepared by CEPT University’s
Centre for Research and Development Foundation
for Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.
The Team
Dinesh Mehta
Meera Mehta
Dhruv Bhavsar
Nidhi Trivedi
Sunil Sapte
Ashish Sontakke
Nilesh Parmar
Kevil Vavaiya
Jignesh Solanki
Anushri Sardeshpande
Table of Contents
Exexutive Summary
1.2 Methodology Adopted for Preparation of Slum Free City Planning ................................. 2
1.3 City Profile .................................................................................................................................. 4
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Annexure II : City level/ Slumwise Vulnerability and Tenability Assessment ............................. 112
Annexure: III – List of Maps ................................................................................................................. 145
List of Annexure Tables: City Level/ Slum wise Vulnerability and Tenability Assessment
Annexure II: Table 1 – Fully Rehabilitated Slums after Survey ...................................................... 113
Annexure II: Table 2 – Partially Rehabilitated Slums after Survey................................................. 114
Annexure II: Table 3 - Slum Settlements that Required to be Delisted (less than 20 huts) ......... 115
Annexure II: Table 4 - Slums with Well Maintained Structure and Infrastructure Required to be
Delisted .................................................................................................................................................... 116
Annexure II: Table 5 – Slums in Gamtal / Walled City Area Required to be Delisted................. 117
Annexure II: Table 6 – List of Non-cooperating Slum Settlements................................................. 118
Annexure II: Table 7 – Slums with Pending Court Litigation ......................................................... 118
Annexure II: Table 8 – Partially Rehabilitated Slums to be Rehabilitated ..................................... 119
Annexure II: Table 9 – Rehabilitation of Slums on or Near Water Bodies ..................................... 119
Annexure II: Table 10 – Rehabilitation of Slums on Major Roads or Road Margins.................... 120
Annexure II: Table 11 – Rehabilitation of Slums in or around Heritage Monuments ................. 122
Annexure II: Table 12 – Rehabilitation of Slums along Drains or Canals ...................................... 122
Annexure II: Table 13 – Rehabilitation of Slums under Sabarmati Riverfront Phase II............... 122
Annexure II: Table 14 – Rehabilitation of Slums on Railway Land ................................................ 123
Annexure II: Table 15 – Rehabilitation of Slums on Objectionable Land ...................................... 123
Annexure II: Table 16 – Slums Already Taken for In-situ Redevelopment through PPP Model125
Annexure II: Table 17 – Potential Slums to be Undertaken under PPP Model by Open Bidding
.................................................................................................................................................................. 125
Annexure II: Table 18 – In-Situ Redevelopment on Public Land (Slums on Public Land).......... 127
Annexure II: Table 19 – Strategy for In-Situ Infrastructure Upgradation of Slums on Private
Land ......................................................................................................................................................... 130
Annexure II: Table 20 – Mixed Strategy: Combination of In-Situ Upgradation + Redevelopment
+ Relocation Based on Physical Condition and Land Ownership................................................... 143
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List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 1-1 Status of Municipal Primary Schools in AMC as of 2010-11............................................. 10
Table 1-2 List of Municipal Libraries in Ahmedabad ......................................................................... 10
Table 1-3 List of Urban Health Centres in Ahmedabad ..................................................................... 12
Table 1-4 List of Municipal Hospitals in Ahmedabad ........................................................................ 13
Table 3-1 City Profile ............................................................................................................................... 37
Table 3-2 Existing Status of Slums ......................................................................................................... 38
Table 3-3 Zone wise Distribution of Slums .......................................................................................... 40
Table 3-4 Distribution of Slums Based on Land Ownership.............................................................. 41
Table 3-5 Average Dwelling Unit Size (Sq. mt) in Slums of Ahmedabad........................................ 43
Table 3-6 Slum Categorization by Tenability ....................................................................................... 46
Table 3-7 Minimum Service Level Norms ............................................................................................ 49
Table 3-8 Distribution of Slums with Reference to Physical Location of Slums ............................. 54
Table 3-9 Matrix for In-situ Infrastructure Upgradation Strategy .................................................... 67
Table 3-10 Prioritization Matrix for Slums on Private Land for In-situ Upgradation
(Infrastructure) Model ............................................................................................................................. 68
Table 3-11 Estimates for Housing Shortage in Ahmedabad .............................................................. 70
Table 4-1 Cost Summary: Slum Free City Plan .................................................................................... 80
Table 4-2 - Proposed Cost-Sharing Formula: Slum Free City Plan ................................................... 81
Table 4-3 Cost-sharing: Slum Free City Plan ........................................................................................ 82
Table 4-4 Slum Redevelopment Option: Phasing of Implementation (2013-2022) ......................... 83
Table 4-5 Slum Free City Plan: Phasing of Financial Plan .................................................................. 84
Table 4-6 Investment Plan for Curative Strategy (Rs. in Cr.) ............................................................. 85
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Table 4-7 Sharing Cost for the Curative Strategy: Housing Component (Rs. in Cr.) ..................... 86
Table 4-8 Sharing Cost for the Curative Strategy: Infrastructure Component (Rs. in Cr.) ............ 87
Table 4-9 Total Cost for Housing and Infrastructure Components (Rs. In Cr.) .............................. 87
Table 4-10 Central Share: Phasing of Credit Plan (2013-2022) ........................................................... 88
Table 4-11 State Share: Phasing of Credit Plan (2013-2022) ............................................................... 89
Table 4-12 AMC (ULB) Share: Phasing of Credit Plan (2013-2022)................................................... 90
Table 4-13 Beneficiaries Share: Phasing of Credit Plan (2013-2022).................................................. 91
Table 4-14 Slum Free City Plan: City level Programme Cost (Rs. in Cr.)......................................... 92
Table 4-15 Municipal Finance Assessment for AMC (Rs in Cr) ........................................................ 92
List of Maps
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Ahmedabad is one of the few cities in India that has a pro-poor policy for the provision of water
and sanitation to slums. The Slum Networking Programme (SNP) of Ahmedabad Municipal
Corporation (AMC) has won many accolades and is recognized globally as a model for such a
Urban poverty alleviation has been at the forefront of urban development agenda in the State.
The State government had declared the year 2005 as the Urban Development Year. A
comprehensive and holistic urban vision was formulated in the Urban Year 2005. The
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) of the Government of India,
launched in 2005 was helpful in achieving a part of this vision. In the year 2009, a holistic
framework under the Swarnim Jayanti Mukhya Mantri Shaheri Vikas Yojana (SJMMSVY) was
put in place to support and sustain urban livelihoods and liveability for the poor. This involved
skill upgrading of urban youth, construction of shelter for slum dwellers, provision of safe
drinking water and toilets, and improving mass transport facilities.
A state level policy framework also supports pro-poor urban development. Under the Gujarat
Town Planning Act, there is a provision for reservation of up to 10 per cent of land for EWS
housing. The State government has also enacted policies for slum rehabilitation and
involvement of the private sector. At local level, since 1971, when a slum census was carried
out, AMC has adopted policies to provide services to slum dwellers.
The present document is part of the overall strategy of AMC’s Slum Free City Action Plan
under the Rajiv Awas Yojana. Slum Free City was one of the important goals of AMC in its
Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). This action plan, being prepared for RAY support,
would help AMC to achieve the goal of making Ahmedabad a city without slums.
to tackle the problem of slums in a definitive manner. The President of India, in his address to
both houses of Parliament on 4th June 2009, declared the resolve of the government to usher in
a Slum-free Urban India in five years through the launching of RAY. This is an important
instrument to implement to national strategy of Inclusive Growth as well as the National Urban
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Housing & Habitat Policy (2007). It is an instrument for making cities slum-free by extending
policy level and financial support to states and cities. It calls for a multi-pronged approach
focussing on
Bringing existing slums within the formal system and enabling them to avail of similar
Redressing the failures of the formal system that underlie the creation of slums; and
Tackling the shortages of urban land and housing that keep shelter out of reach of the
urban poor and compel them to resort to extralegal solutions in a bid to retain their
A Slum Free City Plan of Action (SFCPoA) is an important instrument and foundation for cities
to attain the objectives of RAY. It is a citywide plan of action, which consists of a plan to bring
about the improvement of existing slums and strategies for prevention of future slums. In doing
so, the SFCPoA takes into consideration not only the present status and priorities of slum
dwellers but also the resources and capabilities of the city in improving the quality of life of the
• The present report identifies a slum based on AMC’s definition, used in its slum related
programmes, as “A compact settlement of at least 10 houses built mostly of non-durable
materials and poor construction, temporary in nature, crowded together with
inadequate sanitary and drinking water facilities”.
• A detailed socio-economic survey of all slum households and total station survey of all
slum pockets was carried out in 2009.
• The slum household survey, carried out by agencies hired by AMC, was validated
through a process of community consultation with the help of CEPT and Mahila
Housing Trust (MHT) teams visiting each slum pocket. They corrected the survey forms
where necessary and submitted a verification report with signatures of slum households
for each settlement.
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• In adopting a ‘whole-city, ‘whole-slum’ approach, for slum upgrading, the focus has
been on in-situ upgrading with minimum displacement. A key focus is on provision of
water and toilets to all slum houses, and supporting shelter upgrading in slums where
basic services have been provided through the SNP. Private sector participation is
sought under the policy framework laid down by the State government.
The choices of slum redevelopment options presented in this report emanate from
consultations with various slum communities. Their views and opinions have been
incorporated in identifying upgrading strategies for each slum.
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Figure 1-1 Planning Process of RAY
Preparatory Phase
Formulation of Slum
Redevelopment Plans
Implementation modalities
Financing Strategy
Institutional Arrangement
Today, Ahmedabad is the seventh largest city of India. It is a major industrial and commercial
centre of Western India. The city contributes significantly to the economy of the state and the
country. Within municipal limits, it is administered by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
(AMC); outside these limits village Panchayats are responsible. Urban planning and
infrastructure development in the area outside AMC limits is done by the Ahmedabad Urban
Development Authority (AUDA).
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AMC derives its legislative basis from the Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporations (BPMC)
(Gujarat Amendment) Act, 1999. It carries out obligatory and discretionary functions as
incorporated in the said Act.
In 2006-07 the AMC area was increased from 190 to of 466 km2. It is divided into six
administrative zones and 64 wards. The area within AMC limits consists of
1. the old city centre within the gates with relatively high-density development, large
concentration of commercial activities and narrow streets;
2. the area east of the Sabarmati River accommodating large and small industries and low-
income residential areas;, and
3. the area west of the river, accommodating major educational institutions and middle-
and uppe- income residential areas.
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Ward Offices mentioned is headed by a Ward Officer. The major responsibilities at this include
minor engineering, health and sanitation.
1.3.1 Demography
Ahmedabad city population increased from 1.58 million in 1971 to 5.5 millions in 2011. During
the 2001-11, the decadal population growth declined to 27.6%. This is partly due to the fact that
the population in the peripheral area has increased significantly. The decadal growth in
Ahmedabad urban agglomeration was 40% in % Decadal
Census Year Population
the same period. Thus, the aggregate growth Growth Rate
1971 1,585,544 37.88
of Ahmedabad’s population has been high.
1981 2,548,000 29.91
The congenial environment and surroundings, 1991 3,312,200 30.00
with good water, sanitation, and road facilities 2001 4,362,900 31.70
The city is expected to grow at a moderate rate and stabilize by the year 2035 with a population
of 11 million. The plan for a city without slums will have to take cognizance of this projected
growth and ensure that new slums do not occur in the future. This would happen only when all
households have access to affordable shelter options.
The greater Ahmedabad area has grown at a moderate rate. Growth rates have declined from
3.2 and 2.2 per cent (compounded per annum) during the past two decades. However, the rates
vary across different spatial units. The population within the AMC limits appears to approach a
stabilization level. The areas adjoining AMC, falling within AUDA limits, have shown rapid
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As stated above, the population growth in the peripheral areas is more rapid than in the areas
within city limits. This is partly due to the saturation of population within the city area and the
consequent large-scale housing development in the peripheral areas. The contrasting spatial
patterns observed in the eastern and western areas of AMC have extended into the peripheral
areas in similar manner. The western part is experiencing more rapid growth than the eastern
part. Rapid ribbon development was witnessed along the Sarkhej-Gandhinagar highway during
the 1990s (see Map 1.2). These trends are likely to intensify further in the coming decades. It is
also noteworthy that Ahmedabad’s spatial expansion is largely contiguous and relatively
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years. It also appears that most of the eastern part and a few parts in the southwest and
northwest have higher densities.
Box-1: Ahmedabad – A Compact City
In terms of spatial expansion, as may be seen from the satellite images below, unlike Bangalore
and Hyderabad, the city during the past ten-year period has expanded in a contiguous manner
and remained compact.
A comparative analysis of three cities in terms of spatial expansion over a decade has been
carried out based on Lan Sat Image. From the above it is evident that Hyderbad is the most
spread out city followed by Bangalore. The blue patches indicate low-density sprawl type of
The study referred to below analysed planning mechanisms and concluded that the Master
Plan/ Development Planning and Town Planning Scheme mechanisms have been effective in
Ahmedabad in keeping the city compact. Further, it concludes that the effect of urban sprawl is
also evident in terms of acute traffic and transport problems in Bangalore, and to some extent in
Source: Desai Sowmya (2005), Urban Spatial Structures & Land management Mechanisms.(Unpublished M. Tech.
Planning Dissertation, CEPT University, Ahmedabad).
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AMC provides piped water to 85% of the households through 124 water distribution stations
situated in various zones. The total length of piped water distribution network is approximately
3000 km. At present, AMC supply is 750 MLD of treated water at the rate of 140 lpcd. The main
source of surface water is the Sabarmati River and Narmada Main Canal. AMC plans to stop the
use of groundwater completely by the year 2015. Construction of new Water Distribution
Stations is underway and nearing completion. AMC plans to cover 100% population by piped
water supply. All slum dwellers, irrespective of their tenure status, are eligible for water
connections. Where this is not possible, public taps are also provided to ensure access to water
for the poor.
1.4.2 Sanitation
AMC has adoped a strategy of “sanitation to all”. A major component of this plan is to provide
a toilet to each slum house. During 2005-8, nearly 29,000 individual toilets were constructed
under various schemes of AMC and the state government. The pace of construction was
accelerated during the period 2008-2011, when 31,561 toilets were built. Where provision of
toilets was not possible, community toilets and pay-and-use toilets were provided. There are
956 community toilet blocks in Ahmedabad. In addition, 254 pay-and-use toilet blocks are
functioning and another 80 are under construction.
AMC runs pre-school centres (anganwadi) in all slums. It also runs primary schools in or near
many slum areas. It has drawn up an action plan for increasing enrolment of slum children to
municipal schools and to reduce the dropout rate.
There are urban health centres run by AMC and its partners. These centres provide a range of
services, ranging from immunization, prenatal and postnatal care, and services under the Anti-
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Malaria Programme and Integrated Child Development Scheme. AMC also runs the municipal
hospitals to cover the major heal care facilities. Urban poor’s are the major beneficiaries of these
A. Municipal Schools:
AMC runs 464 municipal primary schools for educating urban poor families. In 2010-11, about
1.5 lakh students were enrolled in these schools, which offer education, in Urdu, Hindi,
Marathi, Sindhi and Tamil and English medium besides Gujarati. The numbers of of teacher-
students is given below in table:
AMC also runs five girls’ high schools for higher secondary studies. As of 2010-11, there were
1,340 girls enrolled in them.
B. Municipal Libraries:
Name Address
1 Nanhalal Kavi Municipal Library Opp. Parsi Agiyari, Ahmedabad
2 Manishankar Ratanji Bhatt Municipal Library Opp. Bajkhedavala Society, Khokhra, Ahmedabad
3 Pannalal Patel Municipal Library Opp. Gomtipur Darwaja, Ahmedabad
4 Dadabhai Navroji Municipal Library Opp. Pankor Naka, Ahmedabad
5 Bhikhubhai Chavda Municipal Library Opp. Liladharbhai Hall, Behrampura, Ahmedabad
6 Bhaishankar Nanalal Municipal Library Panditjini Pole, Raipur, Ahmedabad
7 Govardhanram Tripathi Municipal Library Opp. Fire Brigade, Rambaugh, Maninagar
8 Mahatma Gandhi Municipal Library Ramnagar Chowk, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad
9 V N Shah Municipal Library Rakhial Char Rasta, Ahmedabad
10 Jyotindra Dave Municipal Library Opp-Lalakaka Hall Shahpur Ahmedabad
11 Patel K K Municipal Library Naroda Gam Na Nake, Ahmedabad
12 Koutilya Municipal Library Dayanand Asarwa Chakla, Asarwa, Ahmedabad
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Name Address
Sarswati Municipal Library
Chimanlal Purshottamdas Gajjar Municipal
13 Jivankadashi Ni Pole, Shahpur, Ahmedabad
Surendrabhai Patel (Daskaka) Municipal
14 Astodia Chakla, Dhalni Pole
15 Shekhadam Abuvala Municipal Library Opp. Jamalpur Pagathiya, Tangarvad, Ahmedabad
Opp. Joseph School, Rajpur, Mansuri ni Chali,
16 Shree Ramanlal Nilkhanth Municipal Library
Kalupur Municipal Gujarati School No. 22, Khodi
17 RBGU Municipal Library
Aambali Ahmedabad
Sodagar Ni Pole, Opp. Jamalpur Darwaja,
18 Suny Palanpuri Municipal Library
Opp. Police Chowki, Ambavadi, Sardarnagar
19 Radhakishan Sharma Municipal Library
Opp. Fire Brigade, Dharmanagar, Sabarmati,
20 Kavi Nanhalal Municipal Library
Opp. Anjuman High School, Chipavad, Jamalpur,
21 Swa. Lalbhai Kundivala Municipal Library
22 Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Municipal Library Thakorvas, Ghatlodiya, Ahmedabad
Kundavadi Chali Gomtipur Darwaja Bahar
23 Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Municipal Library
Hajipura Garden Madhupura Bardolpura
24 Kavi Narmad Municipal Library
Tirthankar Udyan, Opp. Rajashthan Hospital,
25 Tirthankar Udyan Municipal Library
26 Jethabhai Garden Municipal Library Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad
Ishawarlal Kachrabhai Parmar Municipal
27 Opp. Shreeji Vidyalaya Bapunagar Ahmedabad
28 Vasantbhai Rami Municipal Library Opp. Jodhpur Grampanchayat, Jodhpur Ahmedabad
Sakriben Chaturbhai Sr. Citizens’ Municipal
29 Shahibaugh Dafnala Ahmedabad
30 Vir Savarkar Municipal Library Sport Compound, Memco Ahmedabad
Kavi Ramanlal Vashantbhai Desai Municipal Opp. Krishnapark Tubewell Fa Plot No28 Nikol
Library Ahmedabad
Bh. Devpath Flat Urban Health Centre, Nava Vadaj
32 Chandrakant Bakshi Municipal Library
33 Kavi Dalpatram Municipal Library Opp. Calico Dome, Relief Road, Ahmedabad
Opp. Gurulrupa Pumping Station Kubernagar
34 Kanaiyalal Nathuram Bhil Municipal Library
Opp. Amiraj Park Garden Judges’ Bungalows Rd.
35 Makrandbhai Desai Municipal Library
36 Umashankar Joshi Municipal Library Opp. Circuit House, Gayatri Temple, Ahmedabad
Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi Municipal
37 Bhilvada Road, Bhaipura
38 Narsinhrao Divetia Municipal Library Opp. P M Gyanmandir, Amraivadi, Ahmedabad
39 Kavi Suresh Hariprashad Joshi Municipal Old Malaria Office, Khokhra, Ahmedabad
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Name Address
40 K K Shastri Municipal Library Dhrnidhar Derasar Char Rasta, Paldi, Ahmedabad
41 Kaka Kalekar Municipal Library CTM Char Rasta, Ahmedabad
Source: http://www.egovamc.com/Citizens/LibraryList.aspx
There are 57 urban health centres available across the different wards of Ahmedabad. Based on
population, urban health centres are distributed across the city limit.
The following is the ward wise list of urban health centres in Ahmedabad.
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There were 6,91,767 new cases and 5,12,406 old cases registered at the end of financial year
2010-11 in these Urban Health Centres. A majority of the cases were from BPL families residing
in slums and chawls.
D. Municipal Hospital:
AMC runs 26 municipal hospitals in addition to 57 urban health centres in Ahmedabad for
critical health care facilities. Urban poor families avail the benefits of various health services
through municiapal hospitals. The following is the list of municipal hospitals of AMC:
Name Ward Address
Pirana Road, Jamalpur Darwaja Bahar,
1 Chepi Rog Hospital Behrampura
343 NHL Medical College VS Hospital Compound
2 Public Health Laboratory Ellisbridge
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Name Ward Address
3 Physiotherapy Centre Navrangpura Nr. Navrangpura Bus Stand Ahmedabad
4 Physiotherapy Centre Astodiya Opp. Mandvi Ni Pol, Astodiya
TB Hospital Compound, Opp. ST Bus Stand,
5 RNTCP Astodiya
Astodiya Darwaja
TB Hospital Compound, Opp. ST Bus Stand,
6 TB Clinic Astodiya
Astodiya Darwaja
Shahpur Prasuti Gruh Municipal and Chandulal Municipal Prasruti
7 Shahpur
Building Gruh, Opp-Shahpur Chkla
Kalupur A.G.Hava Municipal Hospital Sodagar ni
8 AG Hava Hospital Kalupur
Bardolpura municipal Hospital and Padmavati
9 Prasuti Gruh Bardolpura
Jayantilal Prasuti Gruh Madhupura Muster Station
10 Municipal Hospital Mirzapur Municipal Hospital Dinbai Tower
New Municiapal Hospital and Prasuti Gruh,
11 Shahpur Prasuti Gruh Shahpur
Kirannagar Shahpur Darwaja
12 Municipal Hospital Danapith Municipal Hospital Municipal Bank Danapith
13 Aruvedic Hospital Kalupur Municiapal Aruvedic Hospital Raja Mehta Pol
Municipal Shahpur Aruvedic
14 Shahpur Municipal Ayurvedic Hospital Kirannagar
Khokhra Mehmdavad Municipal Hospital, Shree
15 Prushurti Gruh Khokhra Rukshmaniben Balabhai Prasuti Gruh, Khokhra
Rakhial Municipal Dental Hospital, Rakhial Char
16 Dental Hospital Rakhial
Shree Revabhai Prabhubhai Bidivala Municipal
17 Prasuti Gruh Gomtipur
Prasuti Gruh, Opp.-Fire Station, Gomtipur gam
18 Referral Hospital Gomtipur Gomtipur Referral Hospital
19 Referral Hospital Sabarmati Sabarmati Referral Hospital Ramnagar
Shree Hiralal Hargovandas Municipal Prasuti
20 Prasuti Gruh Sabarmati
Gruh, Dharmanagar
21 Arogya Kendra Chandkheda Chandkheda Samuhik Arogya Kendra
22 Prasuti Gruh Naroda Naroda Municipal Prasuti Gruh, Naroda Gam
Danilimda Municipal Prushurti Gruh Danilimda
23 Prasuti Gruh Danilimda
Municipal Hospital Prushurti Gruh Kashiba
24 Prasuti Gruh Vatva
Muni.Ganeral Hospital Dnilimda gam
25 Prasuti Gruh Behrampura Behrampura Referral Hospital Untvadi Chali
26 Referral Hospital Behrampura Behrampura Referral Hospital Untvadi Chali
Source: http://www.egovamc.com/Citizens/HospitalList.aspx
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Ahmedabad Corporation carried out the last slum census during 1974-76. Subsequently, it has
been doing a settlment level survey once each decade. Therefore, as of noe no accurate
information is available regarding estimation of slums, their characteristics, or a key basic slum
profile for AMC. This has resulted in a poor slum database and an absence of slum
infrastructure-related information. The lack of a robust slum information system is a barrier to
effective decision making for slum redevelopment.
• Data are scattered across various municipal departments without proper collation and
with poor inter-departmental communications.
Basically, lack of information results in poor decision making and increases service inequities.
Therefore, AMC has recognized the need for a GIS-enabled slum information system for
effective decision-making. In order to develop such a system, AMC has carried out a socio-
economic slum survey and a total station survey for all slums at household level.
The questionnaire used for household survey in slums was as per the guidelines issues by
Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation, Government of India. The checklist suggested by
the National Buildings Organisation was used. It captures family details, livelihood details,
housing condition, and infrastructure facilities and services available at slum and cluster level.
A slum information system was prepared for this database. Field verification of the household
survey was done by CEPT and MHT teams.
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Figure 2-3 Sample Output of Total Station Survey Result for Slum
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All the information collected is being collated into a management information system (MIS) for
slums. A location map of all slums on a GIS platform was prepared, and being updated with
Google Earth images and Satellite images. This map was used for linking the total station
surveys and household surveys. Efforts were made to collect information from various
departments of AMC, e.g. Engineering Department for water and drainage services, Town
Planning Department for land ownership and plot reservations, and Health Department for
community toilets.
All slums survey results are collated in a base map of Ahmedabad. Based on this, AMC now has
a well-functioning MIS of slums that is used to carry out detailed plot level analysis for slum
upgrading strategy.
With the help of slum mapping, it has been possible to identify changes in slums over time. See
below for examples of slum pockets that were listed in the 2001 survey, but do not exist or have
changed completely in built form in ten years.
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Map 2-1 Slum on Ground (Google Image 2001) Map 2-2 Slum Does not Exist (Google Image 2010)
All the information related to slum pockets, e.g. the digital maps of total station survey, land
ownership information, socio-economic surveys etc. is integrated in the GIS database. Maps for
various infrastructure networks, viz. water supply, drainage, storm water have been integrated
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as GIS layers. AMC has procured a satellite image of Cartosat-II, which has enabled fine-tuning
of the maps prepared using Google Earth. The MIS linking the socio-economic data to GIS maps
provides a basis for evolving slum-specific strategy.
AMC has developed a web-based MIS for Slums. This helps retrieve all physical and social
information related to slums. A GIS-based MIS system is developed and customised on Map
server platform. In this system, front-end management is through PHP and back-end is
managed over MySQL server. It includes a query builder system, which helps generate required
results from the slum survey.
• Guest User: Such users get to have a basic look at the map, restricted to basic details.
Guest Interface:
⇒ Map View
⇒ Ward/ Zone View
⇒ Slum View
⇒ Zoom-in/ Zoom-out
• Registered User: Registered users are provided a specific ID with login credentials,
which need to be authenticated. These users have access to the total functioning of the
MIS. They can view detailed slum wise maps.
⇒ User Authentication
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Administrator Interface
⇒ User Authentication
⇒ Forgot Password Management
⇒ Map View
⇒ Ward/ Zone View
⇒ Slum View
⇒ Pocket View
⇒ Info Gallery
⇒ Zoom-in/Zoom-out
⇒ Query Builder (limited to the details associated with particular Map)
⇒ User Management
⇒ Data Management
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1. Main Page
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6. View slum level (showed in summary)/ household level information by clicking on hut
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8. Query builder: Select query – Slums having > 50% Individual water facilities
9. Query builder: View result in summary – Slums having > 50% individual water facilities
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10. Query builder: View result in summary – Slums having < 50 huts
AMC is also exploring the possibility of linking this with the e-governance system. Once the
slum information system is linked to the e-governance system, it will be possible to use it to
mainstream slum locations in routine AMC work.
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a. Survey Validation
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In the slums taken up under SNP or other infrastructure improvement programmes, many
households have begun upgrading shelter on their own, with their own funds. In some of these
slum pockets, one can see two-storeyed houses as well. The Ahmedabad strategy recognises
that shelter upgradation – transforming kucha shelters to pucca – is happening and needs to be
supported; various technical options and financing options were considered for this in the
overall strategy. In addition, under The regulation for the Rehabilitation and Redevelopment of
the Slums Policy of 2010, private developers are encouraged to play a major role in slum
Based on the above, the following five options were identified for slum upgradation in
• In-situ service upgradation to ensure access of water, toilets, to every slum, and street
paving, open drains and street lights in all slums (as in SNP)
• In-situ shelter upgrading in slums that have all the basic facilities and/or those covered under
SNP. Technical options of wall and roof construction were demonstrated by models to the
• In-situ reconstruction of houses, where major restructuring of layout is required. A few new
housing options were developed and presented to the community.
• Relocation options on sites that are on marginal lands – lakes and ponds or on the right of
way of major roads. For this, various possible sites were discussed with the community.
• Public-Private shelter construction on slums where private developers have expressed
willingness to construct shelter as per The regulation for the Rehabilitation and
Redevelopment of the Slums Policy of 2010.
Based on the specific situation of each slum pocket in terms of existing housing conditions, level
of services, dwelling unit density, land ownership and location of settlement, a set of options
were prepared for consultation with the community. Community suggestions in terms of the
various options, their implications for the community and the financial contributions that
community can make etc. were discussed.
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Making Ahmedabad a slum-free city was a goal in the City Development Plan (CDP) prepared
in 2006. This CDP had envisaged goals “to ensure access to all at acceptable standard house,
owned or rented within the plan period and move towards a City without slums”. With this
aim, the CDP identified Slum Networking in 149 slum pockets at a cost of Rs. 120 cr. It also
listed a Chawl Reconstruction Programme in 1,34,000 chawl houses at a cost of Rs. 750 cr. In
addition, it proposed weaker section housing on the periphery of Ahmedabad for families to be
relocated from lakes and road land, and create affordable housing at a cost of Rs. 500 cr.
Since 2006-07, there has been some progress in pursuing the CDP goals. Under Basic Services
for Urban Poor (BSUP), 32,500 new housing units have been built by AMC and AUDA at a total
cost of Rs. 550 cr.
AMC now has an opportunity to revisit its slum development strategy for RAY. The key to the
successful implementation of this strategy lies in more realistic targets and focus on in-situ slum
development. .
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or Development Plan roads, or near railway tracks. In addition, many slum pockets
are along the planned BRTS corridor or other major transport projects. These slum
settlements will need to be relocated at sites as close to original site as possible. For
this option, various possible sites need to be discussed with the community.
Ahmedabad has a segmented development pattern. With its concentration of textile mills in the
eastern part, rental housing for industrial workers, in the form of chawls – single-room housing
units with common water and sanitation facilities – were built in the proximity of the textile
mills. Many private entrepreneurs and industrial units provided such low-cost rental units,
which provided an affordable housing option to migrant industrial workers during the 1930s
and 1940s. The Bombay Rent Control Act of 1949, enacted to safeguard interests of the tenants
in the post-war period, had an adverse impact on low-income housing options for the poor.
Controls imposed by the Rent Control Act kept rents extremely low, discouraging maintenance
and resulting in deterioration of the chawls. No new Chawls were built in the 1950s and
migrant labour and other low-income families had to find shelter in the slums that emerged as a
response to the demand for low-income housing. Many new slums also came up in Ahmedabad
during the late 1970s and early 1980s after the Urban Land Ceiling Act was enacted.
As Mahadevia (2011) 1 states, “After the enactment of the Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation
Act (ULCRA) 1976, private owners holding land in excess of the permitted amount divided
their land into sub-plots which they sold to low-income households. The purpose of the
legislation was to prevent the monopolisation of land and make land available to public
agencies to house the urban poor. Residents believe the sale agreements, made on a stamp-
paper or by issuing receipts through affixing revenue stamps, to be legal transactions as they
are unaware of land transactions documents. Similarly, land in the peri-urban areas has been
sub-plotted by its respective owners and sold to low-income buyers without obtaining non-
agriculture (NA) permission from the designated competent authority or any development
permission. The third category of land that has come into the informal housing market is that
reserved for public purposes in the city’s Master Plan. Before such land is acquired for public
purpose by the competent authority, this too is sub-plotted and sold off. Intermediaries or
developers (operating in the informal market) are involved and are given power of attorney to
carry out sale transactions on behalf of the private owner.”
Thus in Ahmedabad, a large number of slums located on private land do have de-facto tenure.
Many have some informal sale deeds, often on a stamp paper of inadequate value, which makes
the legal process of establishing title on land extremely tenuous.
Mahadevia, Darshini, Tenure security and urban social protection in India; IDS/CSP working paper, January 2011
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There are two types of low-income settlements in the city: the chawls originally built as low-
income rental units, and slums that represent informal settlements with varying forms of land
and shelter tenure. The focus of AMC’s slum free city plan is on the slums and all the surveys
and studies have been done for the slum settlements. The chawls are excluded from the survey
in the current phase.
AMC has been proactive in providing basic services to the poor. During the 1970s, a slum
survey was carried out and identity cards were issued. The AMC also decided to provide water
and toilets to slum dwellers, irrespective of tenure. In the 1980s, subsidies were provided to
slum dwellers for toilets. When it was found that the eligiblility criteria for the toilet subsidy
scheme were too rigid, AMC relaxed them and increased the subsidy amount to 90 per cent of
the cost of the toilet. A policy to link slums with the main infrastructure of the city was evolved
under the SNP. In the initial years, SNP was implemented as a partnership of AMC, private
sector, NGOs and Community. This programme has received global recognition. In the 1990s,
the AMC liberalized the provision of services to slum dwellers buy simplifying the application
procedures and issuing No Objection Certificates for water and drainage connections to all
housing units of less than 40 m2. This programme got further intensified under the Nirmal
Gujarat programme of the Gujarat government, which also provided funds for toilet
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Estimating the slum population has been a difficult task, partly because of the definitional issue
and partly because inclusion of chawls in the slum estimates. Slum estimates are available from
special surveys carried out by agencies on behalf of AMC. In 2009-10, AMC undertook a
household survey for slums.
The first slum census for Ahmedabad was carried out by ORG (Operations Research Group) in
1972 for AMC. In 1982, AMC engaged Core Consultants to do a similar census. Estimates were
made from the population censuses of 1981 and 1991. The Censuses of 2001 and 2011 provided
direct estimates of slum households.
The percentage of housing categorized as slums was estimated to be 17.2 in 1961, which
increased to 22.8 in 1971 and 25.6 in 1991(Mehta and Mehta 1989) 2. The ORG census estimated
that in 1972, 17.1 per cent of the population was living in slums. The Core Consultants census
suggested that in 1982, 21.4 per cent lived in slums. The Population Census of 2001, which for
the first time estimated population living in slums, states that only 13.4 % of Ahmedabad’s
population in that year lived in slums. The City Development Plan (CDP) of Ahmedabad
prepared by AMC in 2006 states that “presently there are around 710 slums in the city housing
Meera Mehta and Dinesh Mehta, “Metropolitan housing market: a study of Ahmedabad”, Sage Publications, 1989
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around 9 lakh population”. It cites the source as a survey conducted by local NGOs. It ignores
the figures of Census 2001 slum population figure of 439,843. Thus the CDP, like many other
estimates of slum population, includes the chawls and suggest that around 25 percent of
Ahmedabad population live in slums. Recent estimates, from the Census of 2011, suggest that
13 per cent of Ahmedabad’s population lives in slums. There are thus varied estimates of slum
population in Ahmedabad.
Given the various estimates of slum population in Ahmedabad, AMC decided to build its own
information on slums. It decided to carry out a household survey of all slum dwellers and map
each slum house through a total station survey. These activities were carried out during 2009-
10, much before the RAY programme was formulated.
Table 3-1 City Profile
3.7 Current slum population in % terms of current population in city (2011) 13.1%
3.8 Current slum households in % terms of total current Households in city 13.1%
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The slum population in Ahmedabad accounts for 13 percent of the total population. There are
about 691 slum settlements within AMC limit.
No of Slum
No of houses Population
Total AMC (466 km2) 691 1,62,749 7,27,934
*Source: Based on Socio-economic Slum Survey result, 2010-11
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Average slum density in Ahmedabad is 317 dwelling units per ha. The average density of
population in the slums is 1,539 persons per ha. The average dwelling size is 26.8 m2.
Map 3-5 Dwelling Unit Density (DUs per Ha) for Slums in Ahmedabad
Table 3-5 Average Dwelling Unit Size (Sq. mt) in Slums of Ahmedabad
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AMC is responsible for water supply to the city. AMC has a liberal policy for granting water
connection and provides water connection irrespective of tenure status. The household survey
reveals that about 60 per cent of slum households have piped water in their premises (of these
about 10% households have stated that they share water taps with their neighbour). All the
slums in the old municipal limits are connected with the city water supply network. Slums in
ewly extended area of AMC are yet to be connected. This is a major barrier for universalizing
access to water. AMC has ongoing projects to extend services to the new area and soon all the
slums will be covered by the water supply network.
AMC provides reliable water supply for about 1½ hours a day round the year. Slums also
receive water during the same hours as the non-slum areas. Slums on the periphery, in the West
and South zones, however, face water supply problems, especially in the summer season
3.2.8 Sanitation
The slum survey shows that 62 per cent of slum dwellers have an individual toilet in their
house and about 15 per cent share toilets with their immediate neighbours. The individual
toilets are connected with the city’s sewerage. In the periphery, oilets are connected to septic
tanks. The remaining 23 per cent of slum households are dependent on community toilets and
pay-and-use toilet blocks. Paucity of space is the major constraint in providing individual toilets
to all slum households. The state government’s Nirmal Gujarat Sanitation Programme has
provided over 18,000 new toilets in the slums of Ahmedabad. Nearly 70 per cent of slum
settlements are connected with city’s sewerage. More than 64 per cent of slum houses have
drainage connection.
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3.2.9 Electricity
Torrent power, a private company, provides electricity in Ahmedabad. More than 85
per cent of slum dwellers have electricity connection.
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No of Slum No. of
Settlements Huts
Slums Survey Result 691 1,62,749
1. Slums rehabilitated after completion of Survey 33 7,025
i. Fully Rehabilitated Slums 28 6,235
ii. Partially Rehabilitated slums 5 790
2. Slums to be delisted (Less than 20 dwellings with private sheds) 23 270
3. Slums (well-maintained structure with infrastructure) required
to be delisted 25 6,103
4. Gamtal area to be counted in slums required to be delisted 25 2,695
5. Slum upgradatation/redevelopment projects approved under
RAY 3 1,201
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No of Slum No. of
Settlements Huts
bidding (slums on public land with high land value)
3. In-Situ redevelopment on public land (Slums on public land) 62 24,153
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City level/ Slum wise vulnerability and tenability assessment of each slum is provided in
annexure – II.
Zone wise/ Ward wise – Slum location maps are provided in annexure – III.
Provision of Housing
As per the objectives of RAY, housing conditions in slums are to be upgraded to a minimum
acceptable level of housing. Dwelling unit size of minimum 25 m2 carpet area shall be provided
with two rooms, kitchen, WC and bathroom in single or multiple storeys. During the
assessment and community consultation for various options for housing, the slum dwellers
appear to have put considerable investment in their dwelling units but may require shelter
improvement support for things such as strengthening of walls and roofs. Many houses need
incremental improvements such as addition of a room, extension of room/ kitchen, construction
of toilet block etc. to be taken care of under this programme. Transit accommodation in case of
in-situ redevelopment also needs to be considered.
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AMC had decided to provide minimum essential level of service to all slums. The bare
minimum level for basic services are identified and set as under by the stakeholders. The core
criteria of providing this service will include
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It was decided that tenable slums located on public land would be taken up for in-situ
redevelopment on PPP basis, floating tenders based on the Government of Gujarat model for
such redevelopment. AMC would accord priority to those slums for which positive response
was received. If no response was received, AMC would redevelop these sites on its own
through funds from RAY.
In-situ infrastructure and housing upgradation model would be implemented based on existing
housing conditions and service level for slums located on private land. The slum would be
prioritised depending on positive response from community to take part in a redevelopment/
upgradation model and contribute their share of costs.
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Figure 3-5 Framework for Identification of Slum Redevelopment Strategy
Note: Semi-tenable slums have already been classified into either non-tenable or tenable slums.
A few slum pockets do not exist on the ground as they have been already rehabilitated in safer
places. They are to be removed from Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) slum lists.
No of Slum No of Huts
i. Fully Rehabilitated Slums 28 6,235
ii. Partially Rehabilitated Slums 5 790
Total 7,025
The list of rehabilitated slums is attached as Annexure 2: City level/ Slumwise vulnerability
and tenability assessment of each slum (Tables 1 & 2)
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i. Fully Rehabilitated Slums:
Slums are required to be delisted as per the definition of slum adopted by Census and
MoHUPA for minimum huts of 20 to count in the slum list.
Slums are required to be delisted from AMC list as a majority of houses in them are pucca, with
all basic facilities of water, toilet and electricity to household level.
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Image: Slums with Good Housing Condition (Majority G+1) with Infrastructure Facility
Slum Code: 133; No of Huts: 258
In addition to this there are a few slum pockets with a 3,940 hutments that have refused to be a
part of AMC’s programme. No consultation could take place in these slums and they have
opted out of the programme. In addition, five slum pockets are under litigation, where no
action can be taken until a judgment is delivered.
3 According to the GDCR Clause No. 16.2.2., DP/TP roads abutting such building units/ plots may also be cleared of existing slums by the
owners of such land by providing them accommodation in the scheme, and only commercial use shall be permitted.
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transport routes, public spaces or facilities, in the vicinity of heritage properties (declared as no
construction zones), railway land and other objectionable land etc. eligible for relocation. These
need to be relocated tin safer places.
The table above shows that about 102 slum settlements are non-tenable with respect to physical
location. Thus, 22,004 new housing units (13.5% of total slum households) are required to
rehabilitate these slum dwellers to safer and more secure places.
Under JnNURM, 18,248 dwelling units have been constructed; about 14,000 units are allotted to
urban poor families (8,757 from Sabarmati riverbank and the rest from categories affected by
other projects such as BRTS, bridges, Lakefront development etc) as on 2013.
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It is possible for AMC to meet the requirement to rehabilitate households from untenable
The Town Planning Scheme (TPS) has been the predominant mechanism in Gujarat to plan and
develop new urban residential areas. The mechanism is an effective alternative to land
acquisition under the Land Acquisition Act (LAA), 1894 as it is more equitable, self-financing,
and enables planned urban expansion. Under the TP scheme mechanism, the local authority
pools various owners’ land holdings, rationalizes the property boundaries and, after deducting
land for infrastructure and services, replots and allocates it back to the owners. In this process,
the local authority is required to reserve up to 10% of land for EWS housing. With nearly a
hundred TP schemes in and around Ahmedabad, AMC and AUDA have a sizeable land bank
clearly earmarked for EWS. AMC also has land under the green belt and under the vacant mills
that can be used. These are described in detail below.
In absolute quantitative terms, AMC has reserved approximately 22.64 lakh m2 area under TP
Schemes for EWS housing, to be utilized after the finalization of the draft TP. This will enable
AMC to plan the construction of new housing against future demand. These plots, in different
TP Schemes, are spread all over the city.
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B. 20% land acquired from closed mills to be used for the construction of EWS houses
Ahmedabad has many lands of closed mills in the vicinity of prime locations, already
developed and near the central city area and therefore highly priced. If the landowners wish to
develop such properties, then, under the General Development Control Regulations (GDCR) 4,
they have to surrender 20% of the total land area to the AMC. AMC has taken a decision to use
these plots for the construction of EWS houses and has already acquired approximately 1,28,000
m2 of land under these criteria.
• Provision of dwelling units with two rooms, kitchen, bathroom and water closet.
• Development of plots with water, sewerage and paved streets.
• Social infrastructure such as anganwadis and healths centre based on requirement.
4 According to GDCR Clause No. 10.10.2, “in case of development/ redevelopment of land of closed mills for any
permissible purpose other than use of textile mills, the competent authority shall be given 20% in aggregate of its
plot/ building units (Final Plot) by reconstitution of such plot/ building unit, so as to provide land for public
amenities/ public purpose in that area. The land so obtained shall not be used other than public purpose and public
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• Each block shall form a co-operative society for operation and maintenance and each
member will pay a fixed amount every month for maintenance.
This is the mainstay of the slum development strategy for Ahmedabad. Based on land
ownership, housing condition and level of infrastructure, slum redevelopment options would
be categorized as follows:
A. In-Situ Redevelopment
B. In-situ Infrastructure Upgradation
C. In-Situ Housing Upgradation
All tenable slum pockets of Ahmedabad city, except those to be relocated, will be taken up for
in-situ redevelopment/ upgradation. Based on preliminary analysis, 465 slum pockets with
1,18,000 dwelling units will be taken up under this option.
At present AMC has prioritized slums on public land for in-situ redevelopment. This includes
both strategies of redevelopment, by AMC and through PPP.
The decision on in-situ housing upgradation or only infrastructure upgradation will be taken
after consultation with the community as the shelter upgrading component will depend on the
willingness of community to contribute.
At present, there are no clear policy guidelines from Ministry of Housing and Poverty
Alleviation, Government of India, regarding housing upgradation. The current guidelines focus
on construction of new dwelling units, while in the studies conducted by CEPT-MHT, it was
demonstrated that existing shelter units can be upgraded with less investment. There also no
clear policies on upgrading slums on private lands. The issue of land tenure in Ahmedabad
slums has been studied in detail and it is shown that establishing clear land title is very difficult.
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In this context, AMC has to focus on universalizing access to basic services for all slum dwellers
as per minimum service norms adopted under SNP.
This option will allow AMC to create new housing stock by densification or by refinancing
construction cost through commercial development in low-density slums. Private sector
partnership is sought for slums at prime locations. This option will depend on the size of plot
and number of dwelling units to be built. The model also allows AMC to construct basic
infrastructure facilities like drainage lines, water supply systems, paving, road network, street
lights etc. The redevelopment strategy allows people to live in a better shelter with improved
physical environment and remain close to their places of work.
The table below shows that 105 tenable slums are located on public land, for which in-situ
redevelopment strategy will be applicable. Ten slums have already beibg taken up by private
developers and notified under the GoG’s policy on “The Regulation for the rehabilitation and
redevelopment of slums, 2010.” AMC has identified 37 slum settlements, which have the
potential to attract Private developers owing to high land value. AMC has floated an open
tender under “The regulation for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the slums, 2013”
policy for in-situ redevelopment through PPP in 6 slum pockets. The strategy to be adopted for
redevelopment of the remaining 62 pockets will be through public funding. As part of the
implementing modality, AMC first floated tenders for these 62 slum pockets under the PPP
model. If there is no interest shown by private developers, then AMC would plan through
public funding.
B. Strategy for In-Situ Redevelopment (Tuneable Slums)
No of slum No of Huts
1. Slums already taken for in-situ redevelopment through PPP
model as per GoG’s Slum Redevelopment Guidelines 9 2,264
2. Potential Slums that can be undertaken under PPP model by
open bidding (slums on public land with high land value) 34 12,635
3. In-Situ redevelopment on public land (slums on public land) 62 24,153
Strategy for In-Situ Redevelopment (Total B.) 105 39,052
The list of slums is attached as Annexure 2: City level/ Slumwise vulnerability and tenability
assessment of each slum (Tables 16 to 18)
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AMC or the developer will provide transit-housing facilities to the slum dwellers during the
implementation period or provide adequate compensation to them for transit accommodation
during the construction period. AMC will identify the land parcel to construct transit camp.
Detailed implementation plan and phasing will be worked out to minimize the transit period.
The rehabilitation scheme shall be developed either on the same plot or on plots which are
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• Dwelling units with all basic facilities with minimum built-up area of 36 m2 excluding
common areas. The dwelling unit shall include at least two rooms, kitchen, a bath and a
water closet, excluding, common areas, such as stairs and passages.
• Provide social infrastructure for every 500 dwelling units are as under:
• five-room school of minimum total area 100 m2
• a Community Centre of minimum area 50 m2
• an Anganwadi/ Health Post of minimum area 50 m2
• Shops of maximum size 25 m2 can be provided on the ground floor, up to maximum
25% of ground coverage.
• Parking requirement, height restrictions, common plots and all other provisions shall be
provided as per GDCR.
For the purpose of this development, the floor space shall be computed as under:
The FSI permitted under GDCR for the remaining plot shall be on the basis of Gross Building
unit/ Plot area.
As per the regulation for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the slums, 2010
Private developer has to take consent of at least 75 per cent of the occupants of any slum
settlement being considered under the scheme. This consent shall contain willingness to join the
slum rehabilitation scheme and come together to form a co-operative housing society of eligible
hutments through a resolution to that effect. Afterwards, the private developer has to submit a
detailed proposal to competent authority for slum redevelopment.
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As per the regulation for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the slums, 2013
Under this policy, AMC will float a tender and identify the lowest bidder for the slum
redevelopment. A private developer has to quote the price for slum rehabilitation component
and land premium charges.
• The formulae for conversion of bid price of the selected developer into TDRs shall be as
TDR = (Total BUA of SRS) × (per m2 bid price/jantri value of recipient land).
• For example, if the total BUA for SRS is 50,000 m2, the per m2 quoted bid price is INR
30,000 and the jantri rate is INR 10,000/ m2, then the developer will get a TDR of (50,000)
× (30,000/10,000) = 1,50,000 m2.
TDRs shall be valued at jantri price of the recipient land. Land premium shall be viewed
with respect to jantri price. Quoted land premium for free component shall not be less
than the existing jantri price.
Transfer of FSI from one plot to the other shall be permitted proportionate to the jantri value of
respective plots in case of clubbed plot.
Irrespective of any zone, uses as proposed shall be permissible as proposed in the application
under these regulations provided that such permission can be denied by the government on
account of safety.
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• The scheme developer shall be permitted to construct buildings other than those of slum
rehabilitation only after the construction of dwelling units and infrastructure relating to
slum rehabilitation is completed.
• If at any point in time it is found that the slum dweller, after the allotment under the
slum rehabilitation scheme, has encroached on any land, then the allotment under the
scheme shall stand cancelled and the dwelling unit shall be forfeited. Such dwelling unit
shall be in the ownership of the authority.
Projects under the regulation for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the slums, 2010
Sr. No. of
Zone Ward Area’s Name T.P.S F.P. No. Current Status
No. houses
1 West Sabarmati Kailashnagar 23 450, 451, 452 65 Work completed
2 East Amraiwadi Bhikhadevano 48/P 287 Work completed
3 Rushinagar 27 49 384 Work completed
Talawadina 50 213 Work completed
East Amraiwadi Talawadi na 52 Work in Progress
Talawadi na 51 Work in Progress
4 West Ambawadi Abhujikuva na 422 55 Work in Progress
5 East Gomtinagar Salatnagar 16 305 292 Work completed
6 South Danilimada Bhilvas,Shahealam 49 82+17 Work completed
Tolnaka Sector-2 Shops
7 East Khokhra Bavajina Chhapara 25 164 196 Work in Progress
8 East Khokhra Bavajina Chhapara 25 162 42 Work in Progress
9 West Naranpura Lakhudi Talavadi 3 190 512 Work in Progress
10 West Vasna Mangal Talavadi na 274, 275 416 Under Approval
11 North Potaliya Sanjay Nagar 12 196 188 Plan Approved
12 West Navrangpura Gulbai Tekra 20 282, 284 400 Plan Approved
Total 3,333
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For example:
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In this framework, services will be provided at dwelling unit level will include individual toilet
and water connection. At slum settlement level, water supply network and drainage and
sewerage will be provided (or if it exists already, it will be refurbished) as per minimum norm
adopted by AMC for infrastructure service provision.
Aim: Universalize access to water and sanitation facilities to all slum households
Major Challenges:
• Provision of housing or housing upgradation component is not permissible in slums on
private land
• Space constraints in some slum areas for providing infrastructure
• Space non-availability for toilet construction in some slum areas
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Components to be provided
Water Toilet Individual Strategy for In-situ
Connection: Water Drainage
Coverage Coverage Toilet Infrastructure Upgradation
Drive for Network Network
Provision of water connection
> 70% > 70% Yes Yes No
and toilet facilities
> 70% 51-70% Yes Yes Provision of water connection
and toilet facilities with partial
> 70% 25-50% Yes Yes No network
drainage network
Provision of water connection
> 70% <25% Yes Yes and toilet facilities with full
drainage network
Provision of water connection
51-70% > 70% Yes Yes No and toilet facilities with partial
water supply network
51-70% 51-70% Yes Yes Provision of water connection
Partial and toilet facilities with partial
51-70% 25-50% Yes Yes network water supply and drainage
Provision of water connection
Full and toilet facilities with partial
51-70% <25% Yes Yes
Network water supply and full drainage
Provision of water connection
25-50% > 70% Yes Yes No and toilet facilities with partial
water supply network
25-50% 51-70% Yes Yes Provision of water connection
Partial and toilet facilities with partial
25-50% 25-50% Yes Yes Network water supply and drainage
Provision of water connection
Full and toilet facilities with partial
25-50% <25% Yes Yes
Network water supply and full drainage
Provision of water connection
<25% > 70% Yes Yes No and toilet facilities with full
water supply network
<25% 51-70% Yes Yes Provision of water connection
Partial and toilet facilities with fully
<25% 25-50% Yes Yes Network water supply and partial
drainage network
Full Provision of full service Package
<25% <25% Yes Yes
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Table 3-10 Prioritization Matrix for Slums on Private Land for In-situ Upgradation
(Infrastructure) Model
Priority Strategy for In-situ infrastructure up gradation No of Slum No of Huts
P1 Provision of full service package 84 12,564
P1 Provision of water connection and toilet facilities 93 18,184
P2 Provision of water connection and toilet facilities with partial
drainage network 4 2,481
P2 Provision of water connection and toilet facilities with partial
water supply and full drainage network 3 234
P2 Provision of water connection and toilet facilities with partial
water supply network 3 157
P2 Provision of water connection and toilet facilities with partial
water supply and drainage network 5 581
P3 Provision of water connection and toilet facilities with partial
water supply network 53 8,677
4 Provision of water connection and toilet facilities with partial
water supply and drainage network 33 7,372
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Ahmedabad has had pro-poor policies and programmes since long. This has resulted in
improvement of slums areas. Over the past four decades, it is observed that the number of slum
locations in Ahmedabad has not increased. Granting that there are issues related to defining a
slum, series of surveys suggest that the proportion of slum population in Ahmedabad has been
on a decline. (Census 2011 suggests that there are only 51,000 slum households in the city).
While these numbers are problematic, it does suggest that many slum households have been
moving out of slums and many slum locations in Ahmedabad are being transformed into non-
slum areas as a result of AMC’s policies of providing infrastructure to all. In the preventive
strategies outlined below, the focus is on creating adequate supply of housing and adopting
flexible building and planning norms to enable transformation of slum housing to formal
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The housing shortage for Ahmedabad according to Census of India, 2011 has been calculated as
Thus, Ahmedabad city had a housing shortage of 1.27 lakh in beginning of the year 2012.
Against this, an average of approximately 3,500 housing stock is added per annum in the city by
private developers. Under BSUP, approximately 28,000+ dwelling units are allotted for slum
dwellers by AUDA and AMC. AMC and Gujarat Housing Board have launched subsidized
EWS, LIG, MIG and HIG housing schemes.
5Congestion Factor: Percentage of households in which at least one couple does not have a separate room
to live in. This includes households in which couples sharing rooms with member of the household aged
The Ninth Plan Working Group on Urban Housing had adopted the factor as “percentage of married
couples requiring Separate room/house”.
6Obsolescence Factor: Percentage of households in dwelling units that are 40-80 years old and in bad
condition, and percentage of households in structures that are 80+ years old, irrespective of condition of
structure, is taken together as obsolescence factor for the purpose of the report.
The Ninth Plan Working Group on Urban Housing had adopted the obsolescence factor as “percentage of
households living in 80+ years old dwelling units”
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4. Growth Centres
• Development of growth centres in the villages adjoining the city as future industrial
areas. Ahmedabad DP has identified seven growth centres around the city.
• Regulated expansion of industries in the city. Allowing industrial expansion or
growth of industrial cluster outside the city.
The Ahmedabad Development Plan-2021 has proposed special affordable housing zones to
create 15 lakh affordable housing units as a part of its slum prevention strategy. The salient
features of the DP are as follows, which encourage creation of affordable housing stock to
reduce housing shortage and to meet future housing demand:
• Affordable housing zone R-AH planned in 76 km2 area encircling SP Ring Road. A 1-km
width along the road has been declared as an ‘Affordable Housing Zone’ where the
government will allow FSI of 4., if developers promotes dwelling units size of 36 m2 and
80 m2 respectively for EWS and LIG/MIG.
• Nearly 1,076 hectares area declared as high density corridor with FSI 4. Residents here
will have access to BRTS or Metro rail within 200 metres.
• Besides this, on land available from 38 closed mills, 15,00,000 new housing units are
planned. Given that these must cater to both EWS and LIG, they will be of varying sizes
between from 36 m2 to 80 m2.
• Transit-oriented development (TOD):An FSI of 4 has been proposed within the 200
metres margins of BRTS (bus) and MRTS (rail) corridors
• 218 ha land of 38 closed mills to be used for institutions, education and affordable
• Developers will be allowed to buy additional FSI in R1 and R2 residential zones, where
the existing permissible FSI is 1.8 and 1.2 respectively. The DP has allowed developers to
buy FSI up to 2.7 in R1 and up to 1.8 in R2 zones
• There will be concessions for those who make affordable houses, especially 36 m2
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Affordable Residential Housing
• There is a separate General Development Control Regulation (GDCR) norm for the
walled city and for areas around the Sabarmati riverfront
• Affordable houses will be sold extra 2.2 FSI at highly concessional rates above the FSI of
In a recent study (Aneez, et.al. 2012) 7, argue that the planning and building regulations in
Ahmedabad have curtailed supply of affordable housing units. They argue that , while many
TP schemes have been started since the new DP was in place, none of them has completed the
Aneez Patricia, Alain Bertaud, Marie Agnes Bertaud, Bijal Bhatt,Chirayu Bhatt, Bimal Patel, Vidyadhar Phatak:
Ahmedabad:More but Different Government for “Slum Free” and Liveable Cities, March 2012, draft, World Bank,
New Delhi (2012)
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process of converting all lots from rural to urban designation and approving new ownership
boundaries. Unlike zoning for urban use, this process takes place plot by plot and is slow and
unpredictable. They argue that the process of conversion of agriculature land to non-agriculture
use should be streamlined. In many states, land under urban development plan is deemed to be
non-agriculture, unless otherwise specified. Whereas in Gujarat, permission are required for
plot by plot conversion of agriculture to non-agriculture use.
The General Development Control Regulations, according to Aneez et. al. (2012) also requires
major revisions. They argue that, “these regulations, running to many pages, fix a number of
land use and design parameters that make formal housing voracious consumers of land—the
most expensive input to a home. Setbacks, plot coverage limitations, requirements for parking
and elevators impose upper middle class tastes on new formal development.” Unlike these
modern town planning regulations, many tradition neighborhoods in walled city of
Ahmedabad provide high density living environment that is conducive to the climate as well as
life style of people.
“Allowing more flexibility in the multiple requirements in the GDCR would offer options for
supply of lower cost formal housing, which is still safe, decent, and acceptable to cultural norms
and practices. Selective application of different standards in different neighborhoods could
open up more options for affordable formal housing. Scope to allow grandfathering of housing
that is safe and clean but not up to GDCR standards would facilitate regularizing tenure and
increase the supply of legal housing that can be mortgaged and improved using formal finance
Considering the suggestions made above, it is proposed to make the following relaxations in
GDCR to promote private sector involvement in provision of housing facilities for EWS
housing/ Slum redevelopment schemes:
• The minimum height of the plinth shall be 45 cm from the top surface of approach road
or path way.
• The carpet area of any dwelling unit shall be minimum 25 m2.
• The dwelling unit shall at least include two rooms, kitchen, and a bath, a water closet.
• Building length can be continuous with expansion joints as required.
• Margins for the purpose of slum rehabilitation only shall be applicable as under:
Margin Low rise/Mid-rise building
Roadside margin (up to road width 9 m) 3 m.
Roadside margin (above 9 m) 4.5 m.
Other than roadside margin 3 m.
Building-to-building margin 4.5 m.
Common plot to building margin 3 m.
• Relaxation can be granted for margin from building to common plot. At present, 3 m.
and 6 m. margin are required for building height of 25 m. and more than 25 m.
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respectively (as per AMC-GDCR). It can be relaxed, up to 1.5-2 m. as the case may be for
building height up to 25 m.
• G+7 is permissible only with the condition of developer agrees to bear Operation and
Maintenance cost for a period of 5 years
• Rehabilitation scheme of G+3 or higher shall be permitted on 9.0 m. and wider roads.
• Minimum area of 200 m2 or 8% of the area of the building unit, whichever is larger, shall
be provided for common plot.
AMC has recently launched self-finance LIG housing schemes at 14 locations and EWS housing
schemes at 15 locations as part of the preventive strategy. The income criteria of eligibility for
EWS housing would be up to Rs 1 lakh per family per annum and for LIG Rs.1-2.5 lakh per
family per annum.
AMC has mobilized land from Town planning schemes and closed mill land for this purpose.
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In addition to this, Gujarat Housing Board has launched schemes for HIG, MIG and LIG
categories at various locations in Ahmedabad. Government of Gujarat is also encouraging
private developers to participate in the scheme of affordable housing in partnership.
Map 3-8 Spatial Distribution of Affordable Housing Projects Developed in last 5 years
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Rental Housing
A recent study by a global Real Estate agency suggests that house price to income ratio in India
is highest among Asian countries. This is the ratio of the cost of a typical upscale housing unit of
100 m2, compared to the country’s GDP per capita. Normally this ratio will be much higher in
low-income countries than in high-income countries. (Chart-1)
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landlords. These constrains vary from city to city. The demand of rental housing is so diverse in
nature that it is very hard to cater to it through a single agency. There are also some legal
obligations, because of which vacant stock is not circulated in the rental housing market.
Rental Housing can be categorized in various segments according to supplier, tenure and level
of services provided. Figure 3.6 explains the categories of rental housing in India.
Rental housing in Gujarat is 24 per cent, which lower than the stock in India. (43 %).
Ahmedabad has only 20 per cent of housing stock for renting.
Further classification of rental housing shows that houses with one room are the type most
preferred by tenants. The highest number of rented houses in the city is of one room (59%) and
houses of two rooms account for 24 per cent. The data reflects that smaller sized houses have
highest demand for renting.
Given such a low proportion of rental housing stock in Ahmedabad, no special schemes are
proposed. Instead, it is expected that with redevelopment of slums and creation of more
housing stock for the EWS and LIG category, the demand for rental housing will further reduce.
Slum prevention strategies have to be proactive rather than regressive. The approach adopted
in Ahmedabad is to ensure adequate supply of affordable housing through the public and the
private sectors. As shown above, land availability for EWS housing is not a major constraint.
Under the recent development plan, many innovations have been made in relaxing the GDCR
and building regulations to provide incentives for private sector developers to build affordable
housing. Simultaneously, the strategy to improve services in existing slums will be followed.
With these strategies, it is likely that no new slums in Ahmedabad will occur.
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The following table shows the finance required for achieving Slum Free City Status (inflation
index is applied on block cost):
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Under RAY, The central assistance would be 50% with a ceiling of Rs. 5 lakh per dwelling unit
including physical and social infrastructure development. The central government also
provides incentive funding if any state or city demonstrates innovative financing mechanism
through involvement of private developers.
The state share would be 28 per cent and beneficiary’s contribution 12 per cent.
RAY would not provide any central assistance for in-situ infrastructure upgradation. This has to
be financed by the city government.
4.2.1 Proposed Cost-Sharing Formula for Slum Free City Action plan
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The city will require on an average Rs. 87 crore per annum for the period 2013-2022 to
implement the Slum Free City Action Plan. The AMC have considered the cost for curative
strategy only.
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Slum Redevelopment Option 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
Relocation/rehabilitation model (slums
on non-tenable slums) 0 2,528 3,144 3,144 3,144 3,144 3,144 3,144 612 0
1. Slums already taken for in-situ
redevelopment through PPP model as
per GoG Slum Redevelopment
Guideline 935 935 394 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Slums can be undertaken under PPP
model by open bidding (slums on high- 12,635
value public land) 0 3,641 0 6,040 0 2,954 0 0 0 0
3. In-Situ redevelopment on public land
(Slums on public land) 0 3,013 3,020 3,020 3,020 3,020 3,020 3,020 3,020 0
C. Strategy for in-situ infrastructure
upgradation of slums on private land 0 6,984 6,984 6,984 6,984 6,984 6,984 6,984 6,984 6,986
D. Mixed strategy: combination of in-
situ upgradation + redevelopment + 15,670
relocation 0 0 0 1,958 1,958 5,877 5,877
Total DUs to be addressed 935 17,495 20,132 14,162 20,132 11,076 20,132 12,041 17,600 5,877 1,39,584
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Financial Plan:
Slum Redevelopment Option: Phasing of Financial Plan (2013-2022)
Note: Cost including housing, physical and social infrastructure component, 6% of O&M, DPR and PMC cost
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Investment Plan
Description No. of Number Housing Physical & Total Cost O&M , DPR Total Cost
Slums of Units Cost Social and PMC
Infrastructure cost @ 6%
A B C D E = C+D F G=E+F
A. Relocation Strategy 102 22,004 988.6 148.8 1,137.4 68.2 1,205.7
B. Strategy for in-situ redevelopment 105 39,052 0.0
1. Slums already taken for in-situ 9 2,264 - 16.0 16.0 1.0 17.0
redevelopment through PPP Model as
per GoG Slum Redevelopment guideline
(component of external infrastructure)
2. Slums can be undertaken under PPP 34 12,635 - 95.3 95.3 5.7 101.0
model by open bidding (slums on public
land with high land value)
(component of external infrastructure) 62 24,153 10,94.3 164.7 1,259.0 75.5 13,34.5
3. In-situ redevelopment on public land 337 62,858 - 500.1 500.1 30.0 530.1
(slums on public land)
C. Strategy for in-situ infrastructure 28 15,670 544.2 81.9 626.1 37.6 663.7
upgradation for slums on private land
D. Mixed strategy: combination of in- 572 1,39,584 2,627.1 1,006.8 3,633.9 218.0 3,851.9
situ upgradation + Redevelopment +
Figures in Crores
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Table 4-8 Sharing Cost for the Curative Strategy: Infrastructure Component (Rs. in Cr.)
MoHUPA State ULB Beneficiary Total
Slum Redevelopment Option Government
A. Relocation/rehabilitation model (slums on non-tenable slums) 74.4 41.7 14.9 17.9 148.8
B. In-situ redevelopment
B1. Slums already taken for in-situ redevelopment through PPP 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.0
Model as per GoG Slum Redevelopment Guidelines
B2. Slums can be undertaken under PPP model by open bidding 95.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 95.3
(slums on high-value public land)
B3. In-Situ redevelopment on public land (slums on public land) 82.3 46.1 16.5 19.8 164.7
C. Strategy for in-situ infrastructure upgradation for slums On 0.0 0.0 440.1 60.0 500.1
Private Land
D. Mixed Strategy: Combination of in-situ upgradation + 41.0 22.9 8.2 9.8 81.9
Redevelopment + Relocation
Total Cost for Slum Free City Action Plan 309.0 110.7 479.6 107.5 1,006.8
Table 4-9 Total Cost for Housing and Infrastructure Components (Rs. In Cr.) (Table 4.7+4.8)
MoHUPA State ULB Beneficiary Total
Slum Redevelopment Option Government
A. Relocation/rehabilitation model (slums on non-tenable slums) 568.7 318.5 113.7 136.5 1,137.4
B. In-situ redevelopment
B1. Slums already taken for in-situ redevelopment through PPP 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.0
Model as per GoG Slum Redevelopment Guideline
B2. Slums can be undertaken under PPP model by open bidding 95.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 95.3
(slums on high-value public land)
B3. In-situ redevelopment on public land (slums on public land) 629.5 352.5 125.9 151.1 1,259.0
C. Strategy for in-situ infrastructure upgradation for slums on 0.0 0.0 440.1 60.0 500.1
private land
D. Mixed strategy: Combination of in-situ upgradation + 313.0 175.3 62.6 75.1 626.1
Redevelopment + Relocation
Total Cost for Slum Free City Action Plan 1,622.6 846.3 742.3 422.7 3,633.9
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Slum Redevelopment
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Cost in Cr.
Relocation/ rehabilitation model
0.0 63.2 78.6 84.1 84.1 89.6 89.6 95.1 18.5 0.0 602.8
(slums on non-tenable slums)
1. Slums already taken for in-situ
redevelopment through PPP
7.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0
Model as per GoG Slum
Redevelopment Guidelines
2. Slums can be undertaken
under PPP model by open
0.0 30.3 0.0 48.5 0.0 25.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 104.0
bidding (slums on high- value
public land)
3. In-situ redevelopment on
public land (slums on public 0.0 75.3 75.5 80.8 80.8 86.1 86.1 91.4 91.4 0.0 667.2
C. Strategy for in-situ
infrastructure upgradation for - - - - - - - - - - -
slums on private Land
D. Mixed Strategy: Combination
of in-situ upgradation + 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.7 0.0 39.1 0.0 124.4 0.0 131.6 331.8
Redevelopment + Relocation
Total Cost 7.0 175.8 154.1 250.0 164.9 240.0 175.7 310.9 109.9 131.6 1,719.9
Note: Cost including housing, physical and social infrastructure component, 6% of O&M , DPR and PMC cost
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Slum Redevelopment Option 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Cost in
Central Share 7 173 157 250 165 240 176 311 110 132 1,720
State Share 0 78 86 113 92 120 98 174 62 74 897
AMC Share 0 74 77 90 82 95 88 118 78 85 787
Beneficiaries Contribution 0 40 43 55 46 59 49 82 34 40 448
Total Cost for Slum Free City
7 364 364 508 386 514 411 685 283 330 3,852
Action Plan
The table above shows that AMC is in position to implementation of slum free city action plan and faces
no financial resource constrains in contributing its own share for SFCPoA.
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In order to access funding under RAY, the following reforms are required at both state and ULB level.
Sl No Reform
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
(Either through Executive Remark
(2013-14) (2014-15) (2015-16) (2016-17)
1. Commitment and willingness to Yes
assign mortgageable and
renewable long-term (15 years)
inheritable lease rights to slum
dwellers who have been a
resident of the slum for more
than 5 years.
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SI Reform
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
(Through Executive Order/ Remark
(2013-14) (2014-15) (2015-16) (2016-17)
Notification/ Legislation)
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The success of slum redevelopment projects partly depends on the implementation schedule
and packaging of contract arrangement.
• Physical progress reports showing details of work being done on each site, for each
• Financial progress reports that show corresponding expenditure for each of the activity
A consolidated monthly physical and financial progress status report along with supported
document will be submitted to the Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) established at AMC and at
state level.
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Municipal Commissioner
Deputy Engineer
Asst. Engineer
Admin. Staff
The operation and maintenance of the assets is very important for the sustainability of the
projects, especially projects related to the urban poor. The CBOs (Slum Dwellers Associations)
under the guidance of lead NGOs in collaboration with AMC, will be able to ensure proper
upkeep and maintenance of the created assets. It is proposed to create Residential Welfare
Associations (RWAs)/ societies to implement the O&M plan, for which community consent will
be taken. AMC would provide support to the residents’ societies to maintain the services and
infrastructures created. This is being facilitated under RAY, with central assistance extended for
bearing part of the O&M costs. These are limited to 4 per cent of the project cost, of which the
Government of India share will be half (2%). The State/ ULB have to bear the remaining cost.
This O&M fund will be utilized as a corpus fund and administered by the AMC involving the
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The O&M strategy is to be adopted majorly at three levels: 1. Household, 2. Community, and 3.
City, based on the functions and responsibilities of users and service providers.
1. Household Level:
Every household will be responsible for maintaining the infrastructure facility within its own
premises and will be bound to pay service charge, user charge, property tax, electricity bill and
corpus against the availability of services/ facilities. The individual household will be solely
responsible for periodic repairs, painting, retrofitting etc. inside the dwelling unit. AMC will be
responsible for door-to-door collection for solid waste at household level, for which individual
households would pay user charges as per existing norms.
2. Community level:
AMC will be responsible for periodic repairs and maintenance of services such as water supply,
drainage network, street lighting, road-paving etc. using the O&M corpus created under RAY.
The Community/ RWA/ Society will be responsible for payment of electricity bills for the
functioning of various infrastructural services like pumping of water from common storage to
household level, providing electricity within the common area etc. through contribution. The
Community/ RWA/ Society will look after the assets created under this scheme such as park,
open space, garden, anganwadi, community hall etc.
3. City Level
AMC will be responsible for operation and maintenance of the trunk network for water supply,
sewerage, stormwater, solid waste management, public transport, road network connecting to
the slum location etc. AMC will carry out all these activities through its own revenue streams
under the existing budgetary process.
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Annexure I: Community
Consultation Process under RAY
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Annexure II: Table 1 – Fully Rehabilitated Slums after Survey: (No. of Slums = 28; No. of Huts = 6,235)
Harijan Na 16 +
Central AMC 3/DK 4,995 171
405 Dudheshwar Zupda Riverfront
Vanzara Na
1/P + 15 m.
Central Private 3/DK Wide Road 4,190 146
(Anwarnagar Ni
+ River
448 Dudheshwar Chali)
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Annexure II: Table 2 – Partially Rehabilitated Slums after Survey: (No. of Slums = 5; No. of Huts = 790)
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Annexure II: Table 3 - Slum Settlements that Required to be Delisted (less than 20 huts)
(No. of Slums = 23; No. of Huts = 270)
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Annexure II: Table 4 - Slums with Well Maintained Structure and Infrastructure Required to be
Delisted (No. of Slums = 25; No. of Huts = 6,103)
Area in
Slum Code Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership TP Scheme FP Number No. of Huts
Mehnatpura Na
West Private 3 458 to 469 31,563 791
15 Ambawadi Chhapara
Madrasi Na 671, 669/2,
West Private 28 10,706 212
29 (803) Juna Vadaj Chhapara 669/1
31 West Juna Vadaj Panchal Nagar Government 28 520 + 519 1,190 91
New Sur. No. 167
Private 23 11,743 205
107 West Kali Parvati Nagar + 168
Satya Narayan
West Private 23 166 347 22
115 Sabarmati Na Chhapara
Bhikha Bhai
West Juvabhai Na Private 26 286 5,781 258
133 Vasana Chhapara
136 West Vasana Desai Vas Private 26 280 1,205 91
Malav Talav
West Chamunda Private 26 40 7,712 246
141 Ambawadi Nagar
66/2 + 67 +
South Private 1 19,676 723
218 Kankaria Sutariya Ni Chali 68 + 69
223 South Behrampura Babu Nagar Private 37-Sector 1 85 7,839 170
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Annexure II: Table 5 – Slums in Gamtal / Walled City Area Required to be Delisted
(No. of Slums = 25; No. of Huts = 2,695)
Area in
Slum Code Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership TP Scheme FP Number No. of Huts
Rabari Na Kochrab
70 West Paladi Chhapara Private 3 Gamtal 5,425 70
Rabari Vas
(Dahyabhai Ni
111 West Sabarmati Chali) Private Ramnagar Gamtal 947 13
914 West S.P.Stadium Thakorvas Gamtal 15 Gamtal 4,284 121
(920+922) West Nava Vadaj CHALI Private 28 Gamtal 11,480 342
227 South Dani Limda Bharvad Vas Gamtal Danilimada Gamtal 1,483 46
Bhil Vas Na
228 South Dani Limda Chhapara Gamtal Danilimada Gamtal 9,313 245
Patel Vas Na
240 South Dani Limda Chhapara Gamtal Danilimada Gamtal 8,096 113
Thakor Vas Na
244 South Dani Limda Chhapara Gamtal Danilimada Gamtal 4,304 70
Atmaram Ni
247 South Ishanpur Chali Gamtal Ishanpur Gamtal 300 10
332 South Vatva Godhai Vas + Private Vatva Gamtal 1,031 28
960 South Vatva Sultanpura Private Vatva Gamtal 2,290 58
969 South Vatva Moto Bhoivas Private Vatva Gamtal 3,396 58
970 South Vatva Navo Cunarvas Private Vatva Gamtal 6,552 125
971 South Lambha Bhutiavas Private Vatva R.S1, 4, 5 1,424 31
Green Chowk
973 South Vatva Dargha Road Private Vatva Gamtal 3,626 117
266 Central Khadia Nu Pithu Gamtal Bhavanpura Gamtal 7,260 247
Jugaldas Nu
281 Central Khadia Dehlu Gamtal Bhavanpura Gamtal 815 22
Kumbhar Vas Na
Chhapra (Lodha
382 Central Dariyapur Vas) Government 3,660 122
385 Central Dariyapur Vaghri Vad Private 5 SEC 5 3 5,734 219
Shahpur Mill
Compound Na 4249/18/C/2
512 Central Raikhad Chhapara Private Shahpur 8/shah-2 7,170 239
525 Central Raikhad Bhilvas Private Shahpur 4139/A\P 3,240 108
Hanuman Vali
541 North Asarva Chali Private Asarva Gamtal 464 31
Slums Near
554 North Asarva Tilaknagar Private Asarva Gamtal 641 15
668 East Amaraiwadi Tahkorewas Private wadi Gamtal 803 20
EX61 East Hathijan Chunaravas Private Ramol Gam Gamtal 18,622 225
Total 25 1,12,360 2,695
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership FP No.
Code Scheme m2 Huts
Ramsingbhai Na Government + Sur. No.
New West 28,500
37 Bodakdev Chhapara Private 29 134 950
43 West Navarangpura Chhapara Private 20 281 3,330 111
Gulbai Tekra Na
West AMC 20 282 75,000 2,500
44 Navarangpura Chhapara
West 1,350
West 1,800
Vanik Chatralay Na
49 Navarangpura Chhapara Private 20 280 60
Girnar Soc Na 120 +
West Private 6 5010 167
62 Paladi Chhapara 122/1
Nr Hindustan Livers
West Private 23 869 450 15
106 Sabarmati Chhapara
Private 34 +
Central Rabari Na Slum 1 600 20
210 Jamalpur 35/P
Bhairav Tekri Na Private 8 165 240 8
533 North Asarva
Mohanbhai Rabari Na Private
30 160 1,800 60
547 North Asarva Chhapra
Total 10 1,18,080 3,936
Annexure II: Table 7 – Slums with Pending Court Litigation (No. of Slums = 5; No of Huts = 1,935)
Slum TP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership FP Number
Code Scheme m2 Huts
Rabari Na AMC
18 Chhapara(Jiva Dosa 21 232 4,426 162
West Ambawadi Na Chhapara)
53 Rabari Na Chhapara 28 On Road 15,737 466
West Nava Vadaj Private
Private S.R. No. 203,
202, 208, 18
147 Rajiv Nagar 21 14,081 439
m. Wide
West Ambawadi Road
Private Sur. 46, 47,
Yogeshwar Na
156 26 52/P + 40 m. 37,043 842
West Vasana Wide Road
351 South Vatva Rajabhai Ni Chali Private 52 82 730 26
Total 5 72,016 1,935
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership FP Number
Code Scheme m2 Huts
312/1/2, 30
Nathavbava Ni mt. wide
429 Central Dudheshwar Chali Private 14 Road 5,579 109
30 mt. wide
435 Central Dudheshwar Phoolghar Ni Chali Private 14 Road + 309 2,796 54
Vidhya Manadas
449 Central Dudheshwar Ni Chali Private 14 355 + River 7,210 273
Slums Near Nehru
516 Central Raikhad Bridge AMC In river In river 12,547 370
30 A, 30 B,
Shankar Bhuvan 29/1, 32, 31,
529 Central Shahpur Na Chhapara Private 3/DK 118/4, 118/5 57,250 2175
2,191 huts out of
Total 5
Note: 790 huts out of 2,981 huts already rehabilitated; remaining 2,191 huts to be rehabilitated.
Slum TP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership FP Number
Code Scheme m2 Huts
Chhapara (J P Ni 878, 874, 875
80 West Sabarmati Chali ) Private 23 + Riverbank 36,652 497
Navabkhan Na 37- Chandola
239 South Dani Limda Chhapara Private Sector-5 Talav 1,31,116 4,105
Shah Nagar Na 37- 140/P + 151 +
241 South Dani Limda Chhapara AMC Sector-4 152 11,585 478
248 South Ghodasar Kantinagar Government 53/D (Talavadi) 8,898 228
Kashi Vishwanath
Na SR 328
Chhapara(Chamun Government + (Talav) +
249 South Ishanpur danagar) Private 53/D Road 5,395 202
251 South Ghodasar Ramwadi Government 53/D (Talavadi) 21,371 683
259 South Lambha Thakorvas Gamtal Narol Gamtal 9,783 231
AMC+ SR 42
260 South Lambha Vaghrivas Government Narol (Talavadi) 9,645 210
261 South Lambha Vanjaravas AMC 56/D 21+22+23+41 16,769 459
Bibi Talav Na
325 South Lambha Chhapara Private 85 90 Talav 2,403 33
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP Area in
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership FP Number No of Huts
Code Scheme m2
262 + 12
11 West Ambawadi DHOR VADO Private 21 .9 m. Road 1,599 49
26 West S.P.Stadium Gopal Nagar Private 3 On Road 672 25
Chhapara Village
36 West S.P.Stadium (Khodiyar Nagar) Private 29 186/p, 26 2,681 40
FUGULLA SOC On road nr.
60 West Paladi NA CHHAPARA Private 3 876 607 10
67 West Paladi CHHAPARA Private 6 119/1 446 12
804, 806,
Nr Power House 864, 865,
105 West Sabarmati Chhapara Private 23 866 6,870 229
96+ 18 m.
Ganj Sahid Tekra's Road nr.
176 South Behrampura Chhapara Government 13 F.P.96 1,450 105
Kabrastan Na
184 South Behrampura Chhapara On Road 13 On Road 2,154 84
19, 20, 21,
23, + 12 m.
192 South Behrampura Lablavi Ni Chali AMC 13 Wide Road 16,185 506
Madhubhai Ni
Chali(160 Aec
Kotni Rang Na Near 101 &
196 South Behrampura Chhapara) Private 13 T.P.Road 394 17
Pirana Road Na
1019 South Behrampura Chhapara Private Road 2,574 124
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP Area in
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership FP Number No of Huts
Code Scheme m2
7 South Dani Limda Ektanagar Government 37 77 5,824 221
SR 383 +
404 + 282 +
Suryanagar Na 37- 30 m. wide
243 South Dani Limda Chhapara AMC Sector-5 road 8,245 301
Kashiram Na
250 South Lambha Chhapara Government 63 TP Road 721 24
Ambica Tube Na On Road
322 South Vatva Chhapara Government 87 Nr. 26//1 4,547 54
397 Central Dudheshwar Dal Mill Na Zupda Government 3/DK On Road 225 15
453 Central ar Ashaben Ni Chali Private 17 8 + Road 2,928 104
Slums Behind
Giridharnag Tolnaka(Chandra
479 Central ar Skekhar Ni Chali) AMC 8 5 441 28
Astodiya Darwaja
482 Central Jamalpur Na Chhapara In road In road In road 2,078 113
Jamalpur Kot Ni
486 Central Jamalpur Rang Na Zupda In road In road In road 3,424 147
Madrasi Ni
Mandir Ni Kot Ni TP Road,
488 Central Jamalpur Sate Na Chhapara) Private 13 Nr F.P. 4 530 35
Sorath Mill Na
Comp. Na
555 North Asarva Chhapara Private 8 On Road 885 33
Sitaramnagar Na 1
564 North Nobal Nagar Chhapara Government Naroda 460 P 993 31
Naroda Asarwa Railway 10, 11, 14,
568 North Road Yard Na Chhapara AMC 16 15, 16 5,350 128
12 m. wide
Meghaninag Bhimrav Nagar Na Road, Nr.
571 North ar Chhapara Private 30 F.P.122 1,936 59
Anil Starch Police
Naroda Chowki Na 32\P ON
605 North Road Chhapara Private 12 TP RD 249 18
Naroda On road
610 North Road Eklavya Ni Chali Private 12 near FP 139 199 13
Leela Desai Na
612 North India Colony Chhapara AMC 12 164/p 134 8
Sonaria Blocks Na
618 North Saraspur Zupda Private 11 167 583 16
Girdhar Master Na
701 North Saraspur Zupda Government 16 91 + Road 865 16
Crossing Na ON On Road
672 South Khokhara Chhapara IN ROAD ROAD near FP 2 728 74
675 East Gomtipur Inamdar Ni Chali Private 7 12 1,166 22
Kabrastan Na
698 East Rakhiyal Zupda Private 16 137 + Road 12,945 359
D-20 Davakhana
699 East Rakhiyal Na Chhapara AMC 11 Road 3,550 103
New Vadiyakuva Ghatlod
EX23 West Ghatlodia Vasahat - iya -1 64 2,486 60
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP Area in
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership FP Number No of Huts
Code Scheme m2
New 1
EX39 West Vejalpur Jaltarang - Vejalur 1 1,223 35
675 East Gomtipur CHALI Private 7 12 1,166 22
Total 38 97,887 3,303
Slum TP Area in
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership FP Number No of Huts
Code Scheme m2
23 West Juna Vadaj Babar Ni Chali Private 28 566/1, 566/2, 567 2,315 28
Bholenath Tekri
Na Chhapara
24 West Juna Vadaj (Kabirtekri) AMC 28 416 10,610 270
30 West Juna Vadaj Nagar AMC+Private 28 566 1,294 112
Juni Mazjid Na
64 West Paldi Chhapara Government 3 938 + 939 2,613 75
Jaisinghbhai Ni
500 Central Dudheshwar Chali Private 14 322/p 347 11
Kanubhai Ni
502 Central Dudheshwar Chali Private 14 347 726 25
Slum At Khanja 2+30 mt.wide
514 Central Raikhad Gate Private 13 Road+Riverfront 9,153 225
Burhani Na
EX121 North Naroda Road Chhapra AMC 16 69 13,775 66
Total 8 40,833 812
Slum Ward TP FP No Of
Zone Slum Name Ownership Area In m2
Code Name Scheme Number Huts
Chandrabhagh AMC
25 a Pool Na 28 713/2 P 3,919 71
West Juna Vadaj Chhapara
Kheta Vanzara
East AMC 3,240 108
1219 Odhav Na Zupda
Total 2 7,159 179
Annexure II: Table 13 – Rehabilitation of Slums under Sabarmati Riverfront Phase II
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum Area in
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership TP Scheme FP Number No of Huts
Code m2
171 South Behrampura Nagar AMC 13 174/P 29,828 1,088
Hanuman Ni
179 South Behrampura Jupda) AMC 13 174/P 5,580 186
174 +
190 South Behrampura Khodiyarnagar AMC 13 T.P.Road 7,434 277
Mochivad Ni
199 South Behrampura Chali AMC 13 174/P 3,487 169
Mohanbhai Na
200 South Behrampura Chhapara AMC 13 174/P 3,391 83
Ramdevpir Ni
296 South Behrampura Chali Private 13 174/P + Road 4,201 174
Total 8 58,990 2,141
Slum TP FP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership
Code Scheme Number m2 Huts
295 East Gomtipur CHALI Railway 2 colony 891 32
101 + 102
704 East Rakhiyal Madhubhai Na Zupda AMC 16 + 100 1,141 68
New nr.r.s.no.
EX1 West KALI Shamalbhai ni chali Railway non. T.p. 313 17,288 221
Indiranagar 230 to
(chharanagar, Madarashi 235 , 237,
New ni chali, Digvijay new 257 to
EX14 West KALI chali) Railway - 260 26,502 347
EX17 West KALI Madrashi na chhapara Railway Non Non 2,687 59
Juni Dholka railway line
New (Specific name to be
EX15 West Ranip given) Railway 2 Ranip 26 3,493 65
EX19 West Ranip Visvakarmanagar Railway 1-Ranip 64+65 6,164 97
New 115,118,
EX53 West Ranip Gopalpura Railway Ranip- 121 8,347 205
New Railway station na
EX46 West Sarkhej chhapra - Sarkej 372 3,683 45
Total 9 70,196 1,139
Slum TP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership Numbe
Code Scheme m2 Huts
272 South Kankaria Chhipa Kabrastan Private 2 104/2/1/ 183 7
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership Numbe
Code Scheme m2 Huts
Compound Na P
Shusan Ali Kabrastan
298 South Kankaria Ni Chali Private 2 200 554 9
412 Central Dudheshwar Kazi Miya Ni Chali + Private 3 65 + 66 20,483 701
433 Central Dudheshwar Pathan Ni Chali Private 3 88 1,470 49
501 Central Raikhad Jamalpur Na Zupda Private 17 13 4,218 86
MLA- Quarters Na
546 North Asarva Chhapara Private 30 173 351 20
Cheharvas (Krushna
560 North Krishnanagar Nagar Na Chhapara) Government 66 27/3 253 9
13, 14,
EX115 North Sardarnagar Bhilvas - non T.P. 15 13,398 317
Chali (Sakarahira No
662 East Amaraiwadi Wado) Government 10 161/p 506 25
666 East Amaraiwadi Slum Qrs. Na Zupda Government 10 161\P 1890 63
Ramol- b. no.
EX57 East Hathijan Noraninagar Government 76 415 903 24
Ramol- Machunagarna Government
EX72 East Hathijan Chhapara (Gauchar) GIDC - 48,677 841
Total 12 92,886 2,151
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Annexure II: Table 16 – Slums Already Taken for In-situ Redevelopment through PPP Model
Slum TP FP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership
Code Scheme Number m2 Huts
Abhuji Na Kuva
1 West Ambawadi Na Chhapara AMC 21 422 1,424 59
46 West Navarangpura Talavdi AMC 3 190 12,265 453
Bhikhadev No AMC+
661 East Amaraiwadi Vado Government 27 60 + 48\P 10,935 340
Talawadi Na 49 + 50 +
667 East Amaraiwadi Zupda AMC 27 51\P 23,030 547
Annexure II: Table 17 – Potential Slums to be Undertaken under PPP Model by Open Bidding
Slum TP FP Area in
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership No of Huts
Code Scheme Number m2
Bhill Vas Na
5 West Ambawadi Chhapara AMC 21 505 3,975 120
Talavdi Na
40 West Naranpura Chhapara AMC 29 351, 352 33,426 1311
Navarang Bhagat Na
41 West pura Chhapara Government 3 309 13,574 455
435, 436,
83 West Sabarmati Gandhi Vas Private 23 437 72,489 1687
88 West Sabarmati Nagar Government 23 435 10,393 241
Harivan Na
89 West Sabarmati Chhapara AMC 23 440 4,109 69
Sur. No.
113 West Sabarmati Sant Keval Nagar Government 23 176 7,304 204
Hanuman Nagar-
157 East Mahavirnagar 1 Government 51/D 223 + 225 6,371 204
Hanuman Nagar- 225 +
158 East Mahavirnagar 2 Government 51/D 249, 7,065 230
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP FP Area in
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership No of Huts
Code Scheme Number m2
Afjalkhan No 12 +
262 Central Khadia Tekro AMC 5-Sector-2 13/1/P 9,831 418
Slums Behind B
478 Central Giridharnagar Colony Government 8 221 + 223 16,114 518
RS No.
1130 (CS
No. 8455,
Nehrunagar AMC+ 8456,
625 North Krishnanagar (Sanjaynagar) Government 35 8457) 7,213 224
Bhangi Na
683 East Odhav (Valmiki Vas) Government Odhav1 199 8,946 197
Bharwad Na
684 East Odhav Chhapara Government Odhav1 199 + 201 417 15
Nagar/ Sukhia
687 East Odhav Nagar Government Odhav1 204 + 263 8,776 157
Chunara Na
689 East Odhav Chhapara Government Odhav 1 207 1,044 26
Harijan Na
690 East Odhav Chhapara Government Odhav1 199 + 201 690 23
Indiranagar(Old +
New) Na 199 + 201
691 East Odhav Chhapara Government Odhav 1 + 204 25,356 575
Vanzara Na
695 East Odhav Chhapara Government Odhav1 201 3,693 114
175 +
Adjacent to Muni. ADJ TP
697 East Rakhiyal Garden Na Zupda AMC 11 ROAD 4,137 149
Chunar Vas
943 South Maninagar (Ramgali) AMC 24 2/3 5,811 229
9 South Kankaria Rabarivas Government 4 13 2,125 69
EX2 West Gota Bhamariya Government 1 Thaltej 75 40,158 948
New Ghatlodiya
EX22 West Ghatlodia Khodiyarnagar - 1 41 11,887 373
New Harsiddhinagar 1
EX33 West Thaltej na chhapra Government Bodakdev 716 7,456 177
(1) Suryanagar,
New (2) Chandranagar,
EX36 West Jodhpur (3) Bhilvas Reservation 3 Vejalpur 292, 74/1 25,343 615
New Vishatnagar - 7/1, 7/2,
EX37 West Jodhpur Talavdi Reservation 4 Vejalpur 190 12,958 391
New Siddheshwari na
EX4 West Ranip chhapara Reservation 3 Ranip 116, 117 1,489 48
Oil mill Na
(Chhotalalni chali)
New sr. No. 5 & 13
EX5 West Ranip combined drg. Government 3 Ranip 16, 24, 18 22,007 493
New AMC +
EX50 West Jodhpur Ramdevnagar Private 6 Vejalpur 93/1, 95/1 32,431 794
EX51 New Jodhpur Ranuja 1 - 6 Vejalpur 221 11,409 322
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP FP Area in
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership No of Huts
Code Scheme Number m2
EX52 West BODAKDEV Ranuja -2 - 6 Vejalpur 42/2 9,691 357
New Jogeshwari na
EX6 West Ranip Chhapara Government 3 Ranip 187 5,329 131
P&T Na Chhapara
New & Hanuman 107/1,
EX7 West Ranip Nagar Government 3 Ranip 107/2 , 33 9,566 187
EX9 West Ranip Vanzara no tekro Government 3 Ranip 34, 35, 36 3,522 86
Total 37 4,69,947 13,029
Annexure II: Table 18 – In-Situ Redevelopment on Public Land (Slums on Public Land)
Slum TP FP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership
Code Scheme Number m2 Huts
Bhudarpura Na
6 West Ambawadi Chhapara (Bhilvas) AMC + Private 21 503 + 504 41,60 74
563/2, 564,
413 To 416,
330, 331,
32 West Juna Vadaj Ramdev Pir No Tekro AMC 28 713/1 2,50,009 8,476
Bank of Baroda Society 19/1 + 19/2
56 West Paladi Na Chhapara AMC 6 + 18 3,745 91
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP FP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership
Code Scheme Number m2 Huts
Sardarji Na Bangla
Chhapara (Panch 760, 759,
114 West Sabarmati Bangla Na Chhapara) Government 23 752 2,748 100
Shubhash Nagar Na
116 West Sabarmati Chhapara Government 23 486 + Road 14,674 307
117 West Juna Vadaj Kanku Ma Ni Chali AMC 23 879 + 880 6,104 166
(805 +
806 +
807 + Rohidas Nagar,
812) West S.P. Stadium Jognima Ni Chali Government 28 562 18,262 677
129 West S.P. Stadium Shramik Nagar AMC 15 212 2,918 113
130 West S.P.Stadium Shubhash Nagar AMC 15 212 4,030 141
255 South Lambha Saraniya Vas Government 56/D Sr 105 39,865 428
308 South Kankaria Amar Bhuvan Na Slum Government 4 18 8,313 289
335 South Indrapuri Hanuman Nagar Government 64 10//2 4,826 188
R.S 708,
Ramol- Government + 709, 713,
338 East Hathijan Indiranagar Private 76 714 20,293 255
Satyapriya Na
358 South Vatva Chhapara Government 64 65 1,054 30
444 Central Dudheshwar Shantilal Ni Chali AMC 3 17/1 + 17/2 1,241 60
532 North Asarva Babupuri Na Chhapara AMC 8 114 3,516 126
542 North Asarva Kantaan Vali Chali AMC 8 200 1,518 47
Slum B/H
553 North Meghaninagar Siddheshwari Park Soc AMC 30 110 + 107 2,985 114
715, 716,
717, 699 +
Tp Road +
563 North Naroda Santoshinagar AMC 1 Naroda Rly 26,525 1061
573 North Meghaninagar Chhanagi Na Chhapara Government 30 125 4,889 251
591 North Meghaninagar Nadia Vas AMC 30 98/1 909 40
140 + 9 m.
592 North Meghaninagar Narayan Patel Ni Chali AMC 30 Wide Road 1,133 44
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Slum TP FP Area in No of
Zone Ward Name Slum Name Ownership
Code Scheme Number m2 Huts
Parsi Na Bhatta Na
595 North Saijpur Bogha Chhapara AMC 30 48, 49 4,932 133
Meldipura Kantibhai
613 North Naroda Road Desai Ni Chali AMC 12 143 1,904 53
+12.5 m.
616 North India Colony Radharaman Ni Chali AMC 12 Wide Road 10,768 459
2 m. Wide
628 North Naroda Road Bordivarnagar AMC 16 Road 5,340 189
641 North Nobal Nagar Kamdar Nagar Government 99/D 101 + 102 14,124 342
647 North Nobal Nagar Rajivnagar Government 97/D Sr 290+291 12,159 329
11 + 2/2 + 9
650 North Nobal Nagar Subhashnagar Government 97 + Sr 269 58,267 1131
663 East Amaraiwadi Gandalal Ni Chali AMC 27 527 + 528 7,401 243
705 East Rakhiyal Madhubhai Ni Chali AMC 16 101 3,653 144
Satyadev Soc. Na
709 East Rakhiyal Zupda Government 11 172\P 4,635 82
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
180 Central Jamalpur Hanumanwali Chali Private 1-Jamalpur 48/3 3,844 134
181 South Behrampura Indira Nagar Private 13 93+92 2,010 53
Kabrastan Na 161+ TP
185 South Behrampura Chhapara Private 13 Road 10,743 377
122, 123,
188 South Behrampura Kasai Ni Chali Private 13 TP Road 2,100 70
Khushal Karbhari
191 South Behrampura Ni Chali Private 13 38 3,820 91
195 Central Jamalpur Lodhani Chali Private 1-Jamalpur 47/C 2,365 56
201 South Behrampura Momin Ni Chali Private 13 33 1,959 60
Narayandas Ni
203 South Behrampura Chali Private 13 42 + 43 4,831 177
Narayan Das Ni 34 + TP
204 South Behrampura Chali Private 13 Road 6,729 204
Pethaji Nathaji Ni
206 Central Jamalpur Chali Private 1 47/A 2,005 116
Pinko Textile Mill
207 South Behrampura Ni Chali Private 13 162/P 6,778 180
209 South Behrampura Punjalal Ni Chali Private 13 41 1,318 25
160 + 161
Ram Rahim Tekra + TP
212 South Behrampura Ni Chali Private 13 Road 34,068 1488
216 South Behrampura Saranagar Private 13 122/P 5,936 128
Tarachand Gandhi
219 South Behrampura Ni Chali Private 13 40 2,698 91
220 South Behrampura Visaji Ni Chali Private 1 82/P 6,215 217
Buddh Nagar
231 South Behrampura (Narayan Ni Chali) Private 37-Sector-1 13 2,330 59
232 South Behrampura Chippa Ni Chali Private 37-Sector-3 46/P 3,262 95
Gajanand Na
Chhapara / Kanu
Bechar Na
233 South Dani Limda Chhapara Private 37-Sector-1 40 + Road 2,653 64
Govindbhai Ni
234 South Dani Limda Chali Private 37-Sector-4 SR 368 2,486 90
236 South Dani Limda Millat Nagar Private 37 -Sec.5 1 40,140 1681
245 South Dani Limda Vadivas Private 37-Sector-2 66 1,642 16
Ranchod Park Na
253 South Ishanpur Chhapara Private 54/D 34 + 35 795 22
254 South Ishanpur Rasikbhai Ni Chali Private 56/D 66 + 67/P 571 31
Shree Nivas Ni
Chali (Bharwad
257 South Lambha Vas) Private 62 8/3 FP 3,750 125
Slams With In R.S. No.
258 South Lambha Calico Nagar Private 62 225 1,835 31
Bahucharaji Ni 105/2 +
263 South Kankaria Chali Private 2 149 639 28
Behra Pitamber Ni
265 Central Khadia Chali Private 18 60 2,058 72
Bhailalbhai Patel Ni S.R. No.
267 Central Khadia Chali Private 18 232 + 235 4,552 135
269 Central Khadia Bordi Mill Ni Chali Private 18 32 2,518 71
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Narmadben Na
593 North Asarva Chhapara Private 30 200\P 4,296 130
Nava Gokulpura Na 238 + TP
594 North Naroda Road Chhapara Private 30 Road 10,827 275
Pataninagar Na
597 North Naroda Road Chhapara Private 30 236 6,662 121
Colony Na
600 North Asarva Chhapara Private 30 205 19,790 541
601 North Asarva Na Zupda Private 30 216 2,098 31
198\P +
12.3 m.
Soma Kumbhar Na Wide
603 North Asarva Chhapara Private 30 Road 1,949 95
606 North Saraspur NI CHALI Private 11 95 + 96 6,821 209
Dhanaji Raghaji Ni
608 North Naroda Road Chali Private 12 8 2,780 69
609 North Saraspur CHALI Private 11 86 2,303 88
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
956 South Lambha Barot Vas Private 57 42, 41, 23 3,750 165
957 South Lambha Bhill Vas Private 57 42, 41, 23 3,810 127
959 South Ishanpur Anvar Elahi Nagar Private 1,620 54
R.S. 739,
961 South Vatva Mota Thakor Vas Private Vatva 740 7,556 104
Rohit Vas R.S.739,
962 South Lambha (Chamarvas) Private Vatva 740 7,565 76
963 South Vatva Khara Kuva Private Vatva 8,479 218
R.S. 1075,
964 South Vatva Rahemat Nagar Private Vatva 1076 1,523 55
965 South Vatva Darbar Nagar Private Vatva R.S. 1074 4,959 118
Devadiya RS. 1274,
966 South Vatva (Cunaravas) Private Vatva 1278 1,380 46
R.S. 1184,
Bachubhai No 1187,
967 South Lambha Kuvo Private 128 1188 11,4911 2417
968 South Vatva Navapura Private 86 74 1,650 55
R.S. 1466,
972 South Vatva Matiyavas Private Vatva 1238 3,180 106
975 South Lambha Vanjaravas Private 128 678,778 5,907 83
RS, 1409,
985 South Lambha Saraniya Vas Private 128 1412 1,740 58
998 South Kankaria Rto Na Chhapara Private 37 SEC-1, 47 1,462 67
999 South Kankaria Baliyadev Ni Chali Private 37 - 3 AD 3,420 114
1003 South A Jogmaya Nagar Private 13 109 817 30
BEHRAMPUR Gulam Nabi Master
1027 South A Ni Chali Private 1 98/1 6,080 168
1048 South Indrapuri Azad Nagar Private 50 Part 6,249 199
1051 South Indrapuri Uday Nagar Private 80 + 81 - 3,324 115
1052 South Indrapuri Ram Rajya Nagar Private 49 89 7,184 218
1066 South Indrapuri Kevda Wadi Private 50 118 24,563 759
1067 South Indrapuri Matru Bhakti Nagar Private 50 115-116 27,654 679
1068 South DANI LIMDA Musa Miya Ni Chali Private 37, 45 52 2,597 75
Raktpit Nagar
1070 South Indrapuri (Leporsocpy) Private 50 129-130 5,267 141
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: West Ward: Naranpura
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: West Ward: Navarangpura
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: West Ward: Nava Vadaj
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: West Ward: Paldi
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: West Ward: Chandkheda-Motera
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: New-West Ward: Bodakdev
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: New-West Ward: Jodhpur
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: New-West Ward: Vejalpur
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: New-West Ward: Thaltej
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: New-West Ward: Chandlodia
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: New- West Ward: Ranip
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: South Ward: Behrampura
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: South Ward: Maninagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: South Ward: Indrapuri
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: South Ward: Ishanpur
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: South Ward: Vatva
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: South Ward: Lambha
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: South Ward: Khokhara
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: Central Ward: Jamalpur
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: Central Ward: Khadia
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: Central Ward: Dariyapur
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: Central Ward: Shahpur
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: Central Ward: Raikhad
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: Central Ward: Dudheshwar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: Central Ward: Madhupura
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: Central Ward: Girdharnagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: Central Ward: Kalupur
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Naroda Road
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Meghaninagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Saijpur-Bogha
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Naroda
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Nobel Nagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Kubernagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Sardarnagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Krishnanagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Thakkar Bapanagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: Saraspur
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: North Ward: India Colony
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Mahavirnagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Amaraiwadi
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Rakhiyal
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Odhav
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Rajpur
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Arbudanagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Bhaipura-Hatkeshwar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Ramol-Hathijan
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Nikol
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Viratnagar
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Ahmedabad Slum Free City Action Plan
Zone: East Ward: Vastral
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This report has been prepared by CEPT
University’s Centre for Research and
Development Foundation for Ahmedabad
Municipal Corporation.