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Troubleshooting: 4.1 Service Call Conditions

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There are 4 levels of service call conditions.
Level Definition Reset Procedure
To prevent damage to the machine, the main Enter SP mode, and then turn
machine cannot be operated until the SC has the main power switch off and
been reset by a service representative (see the on.
note below).
SCs that disable only the features that use the Turn the operation switch or
defective item. Although these SCs are not main switch off and on.
B shown to the user under normal conditions,
they are displayed on the operation panel only
when the defective feature is selected.
The SC history is updated. The machine can be The SC will not be displayed.
operated as usual. Only the SC history is updated.

Turning the main switch off then on resets SCs Turn the operation switch off
D displayed on the operation panel. These are re- and on.
displayed if the error occurs again.
When a Level “D” SC code occurs
When a Level D SC occurs, a screen opens on the operation panel to tell the
• An error occurred
• The job in progress will be erased
• The machine will reboot automatically after approximately 30 seconds.
The operator can wait until the machine reboots automatically or touch “Reset” on
the screen to reset the machine immediately and go back to the copy screen.
If the operator does not touch “Reset”
The next message tells the operator that the machine will reset automatically and
that the previous job was lost and must be started again. After reading the
message, the operator touches “Confirm” on the screen. The next screen shows
the number and title of the SC code, and stops until the operator turns the machine
off and on.
If the operator touches “Reset”
If the operator touches "Reset" to bypass the 30-second interval for the machine to
reboot, the machine reboots immediately and the operation panel displays the copy
• Do not try to use the operation panel during an automatic reboot.
• If the Remote Service System is in use, the SC code is sent immediately to the
Service Center



• If a problem concerns a circuit board, disconnect and reconnect the connectors
and then test the machine. Often a loose or disconnected harness is the cause
of the problem. Always do this before you decide to replace the PCB.
• If a motor lock error occurs, check the mechanical load before you decide to
replace the motor or sensors.
• When a Level “A” or “B” SC occurs while in an SP mode, the machine cannot
display the SC number. If this occurs, check the SC number after leaving the SP
• The machine reboots automatically when the machine issues a Level “D” SC
code. This is done for Level “D” SC codes only.

Never turn off the main power switch when the power LED is lit or flashing.
To avoid damaging the hard disk or memory, press the operation switch to
switch the power off, wait for the power LED to go off, and then switch the
main power switch off.

NOTE: The main power LED ( ) lights or flashes while the platen cover or
ARDF is open, while the main machine is communicating with a facsimile
or the network server, or while the machine is accessing the hard disk or
memory for reading or writing data.



101 D Exposure lamp error • Exposure lamp defective
The standard white level was not • Lamp stabilizer defective
detected properly when scanning the • Exposure lamp connector defective
white plate. • Standard white plate dirty
• Scanner mirror or scanner lens out of
position or dirty
• SBU defective
120 D Scanner home position error 1 • SIB or scanner drive motor defective
The scanner home position sensor • Scanner motor defective
does not detect the on condition during • Harness between SIB and scanner
initialization or copying. drive motor disconnected
• Harness between SIB and scanner
drive motor power source
• Scanner HP sensor defective
• Harness between SIB and HP sensor
• Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, or

carriage defective
121 D Scanner home position error 2 • SIB or scanner motor drive board
The scanner home position sensor defective
does not detect the off condition during • Scanner motor defective
initialization or copying. • Harness between SIB and scanner
drive motor disconnected
• Harness between SIB and scanner
drive motor power source
• Scanner HP sensor defective
• Harness between SIB and scanner
HP sensor disconnected
• Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, or
carriage defective
143 C SBU auto adjust error • Exposure lamp defective
One of the following occurred: • Lamp stabilizer defective
When the machine was powered on, • Lamp stabilizer connection loose,
automatic adjustment of the SBU failed. disconnected or damaged
Automatic white density adjustment • White plate mounting is incorrect or
failed when reading standard white defective
plate. • Scanner mirror or scanner lens out of
position or dirty
• SBU defective
• BICU (Ri10) defective
• SIB defective
• Harness connections between SIB
and SBU loose, disconnected, or


144 B SBU communication error • Flat film or harness connectors

Immediately after power on, the between the SBU and SIB are loose,
operation check done by the SIB for the disconnected, or damaged
SBU failed because the SBU was not • Replace SBU
operating normally. • Replace BICU
165 B Copy Data Security Unit error • The Copy Data Security Unit card not
An error occurred when the machine installed
attempted to set the Copy Data • The Copy Data Security Unit card is
Security Unit SD card. installed, but it is not the correct type
for the machine.
302 D Charge roller current leak • Charge roller damaged
A charge roller current leak signal was • High voltage supply board defective
detected. • PCU harness defective or
304 D Charge roller current correction error • ID sensor defective
The charge roller bias correction is
performed twice even if the maximum
charge roller bias (-2000V) is applied to
the roller.

321 D F-Gate error: No laser writing signal • BICU board defective

The laser writing signal (F-GATE) does • PCI harness between the controller
not go to LOW for more than 30 board and the BICU defective or
seconds after the copy paper reaches disconnected
the registration sensor.
322 D Synchronization error • Laser synchronization board
The synchronization signal was not connectors loose, disconnected, or
issued within 500 ms after the LD fired damaged
while the polygon motor was turning at • Laser synchronization board
the prescribed number of revolutions. defective
• LD drive board defective

323 D LD drive current too high • LD unit defective (not enough power,
The LD drive board applies more than due to aging)
100 mA to the LD. • Poor connection between the LD unit
and the BICU board
• BICU defective
327 D LD unit home position error 1 • HP sensor/harness defective
The LD unit home position sensor does • LD unit home position sensor
not detect an on condition when the LD defective
unit moves to its home position. • LD positioning motor harness
• LD unit movement blocked because
of incorrect connector routing
328 D LD unit home position error 2 • HP sensor/harness defective
The LD unit home position sensor does • LD positioning/harness motor
not detect an off condition when the LD defective
unit moves from its home position. • LD unit movement blocked because
of incorrect connector routing


329 D LD unit beam pitch adjusted incorrectly • After initialization of the SP modes,
The LD unit HP sensor does not detect SP2-109-3 or SP2-109-4 was not
the ON condition while changing the LD executed.
unit position for correcting the LD • The harness is blocking the LD drive
position or changing the dpi. (PCB), preventing adjustment of the

335 D Polygon motor error 1: On timeout • Polygon motor drive board I/F
The XSCRDY signal did not go LOW harness loose, disconnected, or
(Active) within 10 sec. after the polygon damaged
motor was turned on. • Polygon motor drive board defective
• Polygon motor defective
336 D Polygon motor error 2: Off timeout • Polygon motor drive board I/F
The XSCRDY signal did not go HIGH harness loose, disconnected, or
(Inactive) within 3 sec. after the polygon damaged
motor was turned off. • Polygon motor drive board defective
• Polygon motor defective
337 D Polygon motor error 3: XSCRDY signal • Polygon motor drive board I/F
error harness loose, disconnected, or
The XSCRDY signal did not go HIGH damaged

(Inactive) after the polygon motor had • Polygon motor drive board defective
been rotating normally for 200 ms. • Polygon motor defective

338 D Polygonal Mirror Motor Error 4: • I/F harness of the polygonal mirror
Unstable Timeout motor disconnected or defective.
The XSCRDY signal is detected LOW) • Polygonal mirror motor or polygonal
(Active) after the polygonal mirror motor mirror motor driver defective.
switches on, but the signal is not • Polygonal mirror motor drive pulse is
detected LOW after 1 s has elapsed, not output incorrectly.
and not detected after another 500 ms
has elapsed.
350 D ID sensor pattern test error • ID sensor defective
One of the following ID sensor output • ID sensor connector defective
voltages was detected twice • Poor ID sensor connector connection
consecutively when checking the ID • I/O board (IOB) defective
sensor pattern. • High voltage supply board defective
1) Vsp ≥ 2.5V • ID sensor dirty
2) Vsg ≤ 2.5V • Defect at ID sensor pattern writing
3) Vsp = 0V area of the drum
4) Vsg = 0V
351 D ID sensor Vsg test error • ID sensor defective
When the ID sensor was checked, the • ID sensor connector defective
ID sensor output voltage was 5.0V • Poor ID sensor connection
while the PWM signal input to the ID • I/O board (IOB) defective
sensor was 0. • Scanning system defective
• High voltage supply board defective
• ID sensor dirty
• Defect at the ID sensor pattern
writing area of the drum


352 D ID sensor, pattern edge detect error • ID sensor defective

The ID sensor pattern edge voltage is • ID sensor connector defective
detected to be not 2.5V twice • Poor ID sensor connector connection
consecutively during an 800 ms • I/O board (IOB) defective
interval. • High voltage supply board defective
• Dirty ID sensor
• Defect at the ID sensor pattern
writing area of the drum

353 D ID sensor, LED current abnormal at • ID sensor defective

initialization • ID sensor harness defective
One of the following ID sensor output • ID sensor connector defective
voltages is detected at ID sensor • Poor ID sensor connection
initialization. • I/O board (IOB) defective
1) Vsg < 4.0V when the maximum • Exposure system defective
PWM input (255) is applied to the • High voltage supply board defective
ID sensor. • Dirty ID sensor
2) Vsg ≥ 4.0V when the minimum
PWM input (0) is applied to the ID
354 D ID sensor timeout abnormal at • ID sensor defective
adjustment • ID sensor harness defective
Vsg falls out of the adjustment target • ID sensor connector defective
(4.0 ± 0.2V) at the start of Vsg checking • I/O board (IOB) defective
after 20 seconds • Exposure system defective
• Poor ID sensor connector connection
• High voltage supply board defective
• Dirty ID sensor
390 D TD sensor error: Test value abnormal • TD sensor defective
The TD sensor output voltage is less • TD sensor not connected or
than 0.5V or more than 5.0V after 10 connector damaged
consecutive times during copying. • Poor connection between the TD
sensor and the I/O board (IOB)
• I/O board (IOB) defective
• Toner supply defective
391 D TD sensor error: Auto adjust error • TD sensor abnormal
During automatic adjustment of the TD • TD sensor disconnected
sensor, output voltage is less than 1.8V • Poor TD sensor connection
or more than 4.8V during TD sensor • I/O board (IOB) defective
initial setting. • Toner supply defective
395 D Development output abnormal • High voltage supply board defective
A development bias leak signal is • Poor connection at the development
detected. High voltage output to the bias terminal
development unit exceeded the upper • Poor connection at the high voltage
limit (65%) for 60 ms. supply board
401 D Transfer roller leak detected • High voltage supply board defective
A transfer roller current leak signal is • Poor cable connection or defective
detected. cable
• Transfer connector defective


402 D Transfer roller open error • High voltage supply board defective
The transfer roller current feedback • Transfer connector cable defective
signal is not detected. • Transfer connector defective
• Poor PCU connection
403 D Transfer belt position sensor error • Main motor/drive malfunction
The transfer belt position sensor does • Transfer belt contact clutch defective
not activate even if the transfer belt • Transfer belt position sensor
contact clutch has been switched on defective
twice and rotated once. • Harness disconnected

405 D Transfer belt error • Main motor/drive malfunction

The transfer belt does not move away • Transfer belt position sensor
from the drum during ID sensor pattern defective
checking. • Poor transfer belt position sensor
• Transfer belt contact clutch defective
440 D Main motor lock • Too much load on the drive
A main motor lock signal is not mechanism
detected within 2 seconds after the • Main motor defective
main motor turns on.

450 D Feed Development Motor Error • Motor lock caused by overload.
The PLL lock signal remains LOW for 2 • Motor driver defective.
s while the feed development motor is
490 D Exhaust fan motor lock • Too much load on the drive
An exhaust fan motor lock signal is not mechanism
detected within 5 seconds after the • Exhaust fan motor defective or a
exhaust fan motor turns on. loose object is interfering with the fan
• Poor fan motor connector connection
492 D Cooling fan motor lock • Too much load on the drive
A cooling fan motor lock signal is not mechanism
detected within 5 seconds after the • Cooling fan motor defective or a
cooling fan motor turns on. loose object is interfering with the fan
• Poor fan motor connector connection

501 B 1st tray lift malfunction

The paper height sensor is not activated after the tray lift motor has been on for 10
seconds. If the main power switch is turned on when the paper is already at the
feed height, the paper height position is detected again. At this time, the paper
height sensor should de-activate within 5 seconds after the paper bottom plate
starts to drop. If it does not deactivate within 5 s four times consecutively, a
message will prompt the user to reset Tray 1. After two attempts to release the
error by re-setting the paper tray, if this does not solve the problem then this SC is
• Lift motor malfunction or disconnected
• Height sensor abnormal, or connector loose
• Loose paper or object between the tray and motor
• Pick-up arm malfunction


502 B 2nd tray lift malfunction

The paper height sensor is not activated after the tray lift motor has been on for 10
seconds. If the main power switch is turned on when the paper is already at the
feed height, the paper height position is detected again. At this time, the paper
height sensor should de-activate within 5 seconds after the paper bottom plate
starts to drop. If it does not deactivate within 5 s four times consecutively, a
message will prompt the user to reset Tray 2. After two attempts to re-set the
paper tray, if this does not solve the problem then this SC is displayed.
• Lift motor abnormal or disconnected
• Height sensor defective or disconnected
• Loose paper or object between the tray and motor
• Pick-up arm malfunction
503 B 3rd tray lift malfunction (optional paper tray unit)
The paper height sensor is not activated after the tray lift motor has been on for 13
seconds. If the main power switch is turned on when the paper is already at the
feed height, the paper height position is detected again. At this time, the paper
height sensor should de-activate within 5 seconds after the paper bottom plate
starts to drop. If it does not deactivate within 5 s four times consecutively, the tray
lift motor halts. After two attempts to re-set the paper tray, if this does not solve
the problem, then this SC is displayed and tray control halts.
• Tray lift motor defective or disconnected
• Height sensor defective or disconnected
504 B 4th tray lift malfunction (optional paper tray unit)
The paper height sensor is not activated after the tray lift motor has been on for 13
seconds. If the main power switch is turned on when the paper is already at the
feed height, the paper height position is detected again. At this time, the paper
height sensor should de-activate within 5 seconds after the paper bottom plate
starts to drop. If it does not deactivate within 5 s four times consecutively, the tray
lift motor halts. After two attempts to re-set the paper tray, if this does not solve
the problem, then this SC is displayed and tray control halts.
• Tray lift motor defective or disconnected
• Height sensor defective or disconnected
506 B Paper tray unit main motor lock • Paper tray unit main motor defective
(optional paper tray) • Paper tray unit main motor
A main motor lock signal is detected for connection loose
more than 50 ms during rotation. • Too much load on the drive
507 B LCT main motor lock • LCT main motor defective
A main motor lock signal is detected for • Paper tray unit main motor
more than 50 ms during rotation. connection loose
• Too much load on the drive


510 B LCT tray malfunction

1) One of the following has occurred:
2) The LCT lift sensor does not activate for more than 18 seconds after the LCT
lift motor turned on.
3) The LCT lower limit sensor does not activate for more than 18 seconds after
the LCT lift motor turned on.
4) The LCT lift sensor is already activated when the LCT lift motor turns on.
5) After the paper end sensor is actuated while the tray is raising, the upper limit
sensor is not actuated within 5 s. A message is displayed to remind the user
to set the paper and tray control halts. Resetting the display is done by
opening and closing the LCT door.
6) The 4) state has been detected 3 times in succession.
• LCT lift motor defective or disconnected.
• Upper limit sensor defective or disconnected
• Pick-up solenoid defective or disconnected
• Paper end sensor defective
520 D Fusing/Feed-Out Motor Error
The PLL lock signal remains LOW for 2 • Motor lock caused by overload.
s while the feed development motor is • Motor driver defective.
• Fusing thermistor disconnected

541 A Fusing thermistor open

The fusing temperature detected by the • Fusing thermistor connector
thermistor was below 7°C (44.6oF) for 5 defective
seconds, or 2 seconds after reaching • Fusing thermistor damaged or
45oC (113oF) the temperature does not warped
reach an additional 15oC (59oF) after • Fusing temperature –15% less than
checking five times at 0.1 intervals. the standard input voltage

542 A Fusing temperature warm-up error • Fusing lamp defective

The fusing temperature does not reach • Poor fusing unit connector
the fusing standby temperature of 45oC • Thermistor warped or broken
(113oF) within 9 seconds [for the • Thermostat has tripped
B003/B006 (35 cpm)]/14 seconds [for • BICU defective
the B004/B007 (45 cpm)] after • Power supply board defective
switching on the main power or closing
the front cover, or 40 seconds after
reaching 50oC the fusing roller does not
reach warm-up temperature.
543 A Fusing overheat error (software • Power supply unit defective
detection) • I/O board (IOB) defective
A fusing temperature of over 230°C • BICU defective
(446oF) is detected for 5 seconds by • Fusing thermistor defective
the fusing thermistors at the center or
at either end of the fusing roller.
544 A Fusing overheat error (hardware circuit • Power supply unit defective
detection) • I/O board (IOB) defective
The dual monitoring circuitry of the • BICU defective
BICU detects extremely high • Fusing thermistor defective
temperature and tripped the relay
circuit off.


545 A Fusing lamp remains on • Thermistor is out of position.

After warm-up the fusing lamp remains
at full power for 10 seconds without the
hot roller rotating.
546 A Fusing ready temperature unstable • Thermistor connection loose
The fusing temperature is fluctuating. • Fusing unit connector loose
547 D Zero cross signal error • Switch the main switch off and on
One of the following occurred: • Defective fusing relay, replace the
1) The fusing relay remained off for 50 PSU
ms after power on and continued to
remain off after the after 3 attempts
to detect the zero-cross signal.
2) During 11 zero-cross signal
detections, two zero-cross signal
detections were below 44 Hz.
3) The zero-cross signal could not be
detected within 3 sec. after the
fusing relay switched on.
548 A Fusing unit installation error • Fusing unit is not installed
The machine cannot detect the fusing • Fusing unit connection loose
unit when the front cover and right
cover are closed.
557 C Zero-cross frequencyover • Nose on the ac power line
The applied power ac frequency was
detected less than 66 Hz more than 10
times, or less than 44 Hz one time.
599 D 1-Bin tray motor lock • 1-bin tray motor locked from overload
A 1-bin tray motor lock signal is not • 1-bin tray motor defective
detected for more than 300 ms during • 1-bin tray motor connection loose
601 D Communication error between BICU • Serial line connecting the BICU and
and scanner unit SIB defective
Within 800 ms after power on, after 3 • External noise on the serial line
attempts the BICU does not • SIB board defective
communicate with the SIB via the serial • BICU board defective
610 D Communication timeout error between • BICU board and ADF main board
BICU and ADF serial line connection defective
The BICU cannot receive a response • External noise
within 100 ms after 3 attempts after • ADF main board defective
sending data to the ARDF. • BICU board defective
611 D Communication break error between • Serial line connecting BICU and ADF
BICU and ADF unstable
The BICU receives a break signal from • External noise
the ADF main board. • ADF main board defective
• BICU board defective


612 D Communication command error • Abnormal operation performed by

between BICU and ADF software
The BICU sends a command to the ADF
main board that it cannot execute.
620 D Communication timeout error between • Serial line connecting BICU and
BICU and finisher or mailbox finisher unstable
The BICU cannot receive a response • External noise
within 100 ms after 3 attempts after • BICU board and finisher main board
sending data to the finisher or mailbox. connection defective or loose
• Finisher main board defective
• BICU board defective
621 D Communication timeout error between • Serial line connecting BICU and
BICU and finisher or mailbox finisher unstable
A break (low) signal was received from • External noise
the finisher or the mailbox.
623 D Communication timeout error between • Serial line connecting BICU and
BICU and paper tray unit paper tray unit unstable
The BICU cannot receive a response • External noise
within 100 ms after 3 attempts after • BICU board and paper tray main
sending data to the paper tray unit. board connection defective or loose

• Paper tray main board defective
• BICU board defective
624 D Communication break error between • Serial line connecting BICU and
BICU and paper tray unit paper tray unit unstable
The BICU cannot communicate with the • External noise
paper tray unit normally as a result of • BICU board and LCT main board
receiving a break signal. connection defective or loose
• Optional paper feed unit interface
board defective
• BICU board defective
626 D Communication timeout error between • Serial line connecting BICU and
BICU and LCT LCT unit unstable
The BICU cannot receive a response • External noise
within 100 ms after 3 attempts after • BICU board and LCT main board
sending data to the LCT. connection defective or loose
• LCT interface board defective
• BICU board defective
627 D Communication break error between • Serial line connecting BICU and
BICU and LCT LCT unit unstable
The BICU cannot communicate with the • External noise
LCT unit normally as a result of • BICU board and LCT main board
receiving a break signal. connection defective or loose
• LCT interface board defective
• BICU board defective
630 D Communication failure with CSS (RSS) • Occurred with a SC call, CC call,
The communication from the copier was Supply Management call, User call,
detected as abnormal at the CSS or CE call.
center. This error occurs when the • Timeout while no response from the
acknowledge signal from the LADP does LADP, and signal on the RS-485
not complete normally. line between PI and LADP is


632 B Key/card counter device error 1

After 1 data frame is sent to the device, • The serial line from the device to the
an ACK signal is not received within 100 copier is unstable, disconnected, or
ms, and is not received after 3 retries. defective.
633 B Key/card counter device error 2
During communication with the device, • The serial line from the device to the
the BCU received a break (Low) signal. copier is unstable, disconnected, or
634 B Key/card counter device error 3
The backup battery of the counter • Replace the RAM backup battery.
device RAM is low.
635 B Key/card counter device error 4
After installation of the device a • Device control board defective
message alerts user to a battery voltage • Device control board backup battery
abnormal error. defective
670 D Engine startup error
The BCU failed to respond with the • Connections between BCU and
prescribed time when the machine was controller board are loose,
turned on. disconnected, or damaged
• Replace the BCU
• Replace the controller board
672 D Controller startup error
• After power on, the line between the • Controller stalled
controller and the operation panel did • Controller installed incorrectly
not open for normal operation. • Controller board defective
• After normal startup, communication • Operation panel harness
with the controller stopped. disconnected or defective
692 D GAVD block I2C bus error
The I2C bus is defective. • Replace the BICU.


700 D ARDF original pick-up malfunction Original stopper HP sensor (output

After the pick-up motor is turned on, the abnormal)
original stopper HP sensor is not Pick-up motor defective (not rotating)
detected. Timing belt out of position
• ADF main board defective
701 D ARDF original pick-up/paper lift • Original pick-up HP sensor defective.
mechanism malfunction • Pick-up motor defective
The original pick-up HP sensor does • ADF main board defective
not activate three times consecutively
after the pick-up motor has turned on.
722 B Finisher jogger motor error • Jogger HP sensor defective
The finisher jogger HP sensor does not • Jogger motor defective
return to the home position, or move
out of the home position, within the
specified time.
724 B Finisher staple hammer motor error • Staple jam
Stapling does not finish within 600 ms • Stapler overload caused by trying to
after the staple hammer motor turned staple too many sheets
on. • Staple hammer motor defective
725 B Finisher stack feed-out motor error • Stack feed-out HP sensor defective

The stack feed-out belt HP sensor does • Stack feed-out motor overload
not activate within a certain time after • Stack feed-out motor defective
the stack feed-out motor turned on.
726 D Finisher shift tray 1 lift motor error • Shift motor defective or overloaded
Tray shift does not finish within the • Shift tray lift motor defective or
specified time after the shift motor overloaded
turned on, or the stack height sensor
does not activate within the specified
time after the shift tray lift motor turned
727 B Finisher stapler rotation motor error • Stapler rotation motor defective or
Stapler rotation does not finish within overloaded
the specified time after the staple • Stapler rotation motor connection
rotation motor turned on, or the stapler loose or connector defective
does not return to its home position
within the specified time after stapling
729 B Finisher punch motor error • Punch motor defective or overloaded
After the punch motor is turned on, the • Punch HP sensor defective
punch HP sensor does not activate • Punch motor connection loose or
within the specified time. connector defective


730 B Finisher stapler positioning motor error • Stapler positioning motor defective or
After the stapler motor is turned on, the overloaded
stapler does not return to its home • Stapler HP sensor defective
position within the specified time, or the • Stapler positioning motor connection
stapler HP sensor does not activate loose or connector defective
within the specified time after the
stapler motor is turned on.
731 D Finisher exit guide open/close motor • Finisher exit guide open/close motor
error defective
After the finisher exit guide open/close • Open/close sensor defective
motor is turned on, the open/close
sensor does not activate within the
specified time.
732 D Finisher upper tray shift motor error • Upper tray shift motor defective or
The upper tray shift motor does not overloaded
stop within the specified time. • Upper tray shift sensor defective

733 D Finisher lower tray lift motor error • Lower tray lift motor defective or
The stack height sensor does not overloaded
activate within a certain time period • Upper stack height sensor defective
after the lower tray lift motor turned on. • Lower tray lower limit sensor
734 D Finisher lower tray shift motor error • Lower tray shift motor defective or
The lower tray shift motor driving the overloaded
lower tray does not stop within the • Lower tray shift sensor defective
specified time.


740 D Booklet finisher error 1: Not Saddle Stitch • See description below
741 D Booklet finisher error 2: Saddle Stitch
SC740 and SC741 are issued when an error occurs in the 1000-Sheet Saddle-
Stitch Finisher B546. Specific details about these SC codes are not displayed on
the operation panel display. However, you can determine the specific cause of an
error by observing the number of flashes and the lengths of the intervals between
To Read SC740/SC741 from LED 2
1. Remove the upper rear cover.
2. Look at LED 2 and observe the number of flashes and the lengths of the
intervals between flashes.

ON: 300ms OFF: 200ms



2sec 1sec Break: 500ms Break: 500ms Break: 500ms

START 1 4 2 Repeat


What You See What It Means

500 ms ON, 500 ms OFF Finisher operating normally
2 s ON, 1 s OFF START
Example: 1-4-2 The numbers refer to the flashes and intervals in the
illustration above.
1 300ms ON, 500ms OFF
4 300ms ON, 200ms OFF (Repeats 3 times), 300ms ON, 500ms OFF (break)
2 300 ms ON, 200ms OFF, 300 ms ON, 500ms OFF (break)
Returns to START and repeats (2 s ON, 1 s OFF, then 1-4-2)


Pattern Error Status Possible Cause

1-1-1 Shutter The shutter position switch does not • Transport motor
movement turn on within 1 second after the defective
transport motor starts to turn in reverse. • Shutter position
1-1-2 The shutter sensor does not deactivate switch defective
within 1 second after the transport • Shift tray safety
motor starts to turn in reverse. switch defective
1-1-3 The shutter position switch is off when
the shift tray safety switch is off.
1-2-1 Exit motor After the exit motor turns on, the exit • Exit motor
motor sensor does not send the proper defective
signal to the finisher board. • Exit motor sensor
1-2-2 The exit motor sensor does not send defective
the clock signal to the finisher board for
certain period while the exit motor is on.
1-3-1 Upper exit plate The upper exit guide 2 switch does not • Guide plate motor
movement turn on within 1s after the guide plate defective
motor turns on. • Upper exit guide 2
1-3-2 The upper exit guide sensor does not switch defective
activate within 1s after the guide plate • Upper exit guide
motor turns on. sensor defective
1-3-3 The upper exit guide 2 switch does not • Shift tray safety
turn on when the shift tray safety switch switch defective
is off.
1-3-4 The guide plate motor sensor does not
send the clock signal to the finisher
board for certain period while the exit
motor is on.
1-4-1 Jogger motor After the jogger motor turns on to move • Jogger motor
the jogger fence from its home position, defective
the jogger HP sensor does not • Jogger HP sensor
deactivate within 2s. defective
1-4-2 After the jogger motor turns on to return
the jogger fence to its home position,
the jogger HP sensor does not activate
within 2s.
1-5-1 Stapler motor After the stapler motor turns on to move • Stapler motor
the stapler unit from its home position, defective
the stapler unit HP sensor does not • Stapler unit HP
deactivate within 4s. sensor defective
1-5-2 After the stapler motor turns on to
return the stapler unit to its home
position, the stapler unit HP sensor
does not activate within 4s.
1-6-1 Staple hammer The staple hammer HP sensor does not • Staple hammer
motor deactivate within 0.5s after the staple motor defective
hammer motor turns on. • Staple hammer HP
1-6-2 The staple hammer HP sensor does not sensor defective
activate within 0.5s after the staple
hammer motor turns on.


Pattern Error Status Possible Cause

1-7-1 Tray lift motor The tray lift motor does not stop within • Tray lift motor
15s after being turned on. defective
The shift tray HP sensor does not • Lift motor sensor 1
activate within 15s after the tray lift defective
motor turns on.
• Lift motor sensor 2
1-7-2 The shift tray upper limit switch turns on defective
while the shift tray is being raised.
• Shift tray HP
1-7-3 Lift motor sensors 1 & 2 do not send sensor defective
the clock signals to the finisher board
• Shift tray upper
every 200ms while the tray lift motor is
limit switch
1-8-1 Shift tray height Abnormal communication data between • Shift tray height
sensor finisher board and shift tray height sensor defective
sensor. • Finisher board
1-8-2 No communication between finisher defective
board and shift tray height sensor for a
certain period.
1-8-3 The finisher board detects a connection
error with the connector for the shift tray

height sensor.
1-8-4 Adjustment error during shift tray height
sensor adjustment.
1-9-1 Back-up RAM The check sum is abnormal when the • Finisher board
main switch is turned on. defective
1-10-1 Communication Communication error between finisher • Finisher board
board and copier mainframe. defective
1-10-2 Communication error between finisher • Booklet unit board
board and booklet unit board. defective
• Poor connection of
the interface
1-11-1 Positioning After the positioning plate motor turns • Positioning plate
plate motor on to move the positioning plate from its motor defective
home position, the positioning plate HP • Positioning plate
sensor does not deactivate within HP sensor
1.25s. defective
1-11-2 After the positioning plate motor turns
on to return the positioning plate to its
home position, the positioning plate HP
sensor does activate within 1s.
1-12-2 Folder roller The folder roller motor sensor doesn’t • Folder roller motor
motor send the clock pulse to the booklet unit defective
board within a certain period after the • Folder roller motor
folder roller motor turns on. sensor defective
1-13-1 Shutter guide After the shutter guide motor turns on to • Shutter guide
motor move the shutter guide from its home motor defective
position, the shutter guide HP sensor • Shutter guide HP
does not deactivate within 0.4s. sensor defective


Pattern Error Status Possible Cause

1-13-2 After the shutter guide motor turns on to sensor defective
return the shutter guide to its home
position, the shutter guide HP sensor
does not activate within 1s.
1-14-1 Booklet jogger After the booklet jogger motor turns on • Booklet jogger
motor to move the booklet jogger plate from motor defective
its home position, the booklet jogger HP • Booklet jogger HP
sensor does not deactivate within 0.5s. sensor defective
1-14-2 After the booklet jogger motor turns on
to return the booklet jogger plate to its
home position, the booklet jogger HP
sensor does not activate within 1s.
1-15-1 Front stapler The front staple hammer HP switch • Front stapler motor
motor does not turn off within 0.5s after the defective
front stapler motor turns on. • Front staple
1-15-2 The front staple hammer HP switch hammer HP
does not turn on within 0.5s after the switch defective
front stapler motor turns on during jam •
1-16-1 Rear stapler The rear staple hammer HP switch • Rear stapler motor
motor does not turn off within 0.5s after the defective
rear stapler motor turns on. • Rear staple
1-16-2 The rear staple hammer HP switch hammer HP
does not turn on within 0.5s after the switch defective
rear stapler motor turns on during jam
1-17-1 Folder plate After the folder plate motor turns on to • Folder plate motor
motor error return the folder plate to its home defective
position, the folder plate HP sensor • Folder plate HP
does not activate within 0.3s. sensor defective
1-17-2 After the folder plate motor turns on to • Folder plate return
move the folder plate from its home sensor defective
position, the folder plate HP sensor
does not deactivate within 0.3s. • Folder plate motor
sensor defective
1-17-3 After the folder plate motor turns on to
return the folder plate to its home
position, the folder plate return sensor
does not deactivate within 0.3s.
1-17-4 The pulse count from the folder plate
motor sensor is lower than the target
1-18-1 Connector The connector of the shutter guide HP • Poor connection or
sensor is not connected. no connection of
1-18-2 The connector of the folder plate HP the shutter guide
sensor is not connected. HP sensor


Pattern Error Status Possible Cause

1-18-3 The connector of the folder plate return connector
sensor is not connected. • Poor connection or
no connection of
the folder plate HP
sensor connector
• Poor connection or
no connection of
the folder plate
return sensor
1-19-1 Switch When the booklet entrance guide • Booklet entrance
sensor, lower door sensor and booklet guide safety
exit cover sensor are all activated switch defective
(doors closed), the booklet entrance • Lower door safety
guide safety switch does not turn on switch defective
within 1s after a copy job or warm-up
idling begins. • Booklet exit cover
safety switch
1-19-2 When the booklet entrance guide defective
sensor, lower door sensor and booklet
exit cover sensor are all activated

(doors closed), the lower door safety
switch does not turn on within 1s after a
copy job or warm-up idling begins.
1-19-3 When the booklet entrance guide
sensor, lower door sensor and booklet
exit cover sensor are all activated
(doors closed), the booklet exit cover
safety switch does not turn on within 1s
after a copy job or warm-up idling


818 C Watchdog error

The bus is being held by another • System program defective; switch off/on,
device, or a CPU-device infinite or change the controller firmware if the
loop has occurred. A module that problem cannot be solved
the watchdog is monitoring has not • Controller board defective
closed properly at the conclusion of • Controller option malfunction
its task, or the module cannot
continue processing.

819 C Fatal kernel error

Due to a control error, a RAM • System program defective
overflow occurred during system • Controller board defective
processing. One of the following • Optional board defective
messages was displayed on the • Replace controller firmware
operation panel.
0x696e init died
0x766d vm_pageout: VM is full
4361 Cache Error

For more details about this SC code error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC report so you can read
the error code. The error code is not displayed on the operation panel.

820 D Self-Diagnostic Error: CPU • Controller board defective

The central processing unit returned an error • Software defective
during the self-diagnostic test.

821 D Self-diagnostic error 2: ASIC

The ASIC provides the central point for • ASIC (controller board defective)
the control of bus arbitration for CPU
access, for option bus and SDRAM
access, for SDRAM refresh, and for
management of the internal bus gate.

NOTE: For more details about this SC code error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC
report so you can read the error code. The error code is not displayed on the
operation panel.

822 B Self-diagnostic error 3: HDD

3003 Check performed when HDD is installed: • HDD defective
• HDD device busy for over 31 s. • HDD harness
• After a diagnostic command is set for disconnected, defective
Sthe HDD, but the device remains • Controller board defective
busy for over 6 s.
A diagnostic command is issued to the
HDD device but the result is an erro
3004 No response to the self-diagnostic • HDD defective
command from the ASIC to the HDDs


823 B Self-diagnostic Error: NIC • Network interface board defective

The network interface board returned an • Controller board defective
error during the self-diagnostic test.

824 D Self-diagnostic error 4: NVRAM

NVRAM device does not exist, NVRAM device is • NVRAM defective
damaged, NVRAM socket damaged • Controller board defective
• NVRAM backup battery
• NVRAM socket damaged

826 D Self-diagnostic Error: NVRAM/Optional NVRAM • Make sure NVRAM is

The NVRAM or optional NVRAM returned an error seated correctly in its
during the self-diagnostic test. socket
• Replace the NVRAM on
the controller board

827 D Self-diagnostic Error: RAM • Update controller firmware again
The resident RAM returned a verify error • Replace RAM DIMM
during the self-diagnostic test.

828 D Self-diagnostic error 7: ROM

• Measuring the CRC for the boot • Software defective
monitor and operating system • Controller board defective
program results in an error. • ROM defective
• A check of the CRC value for
ROMFS of the entire ROM area
results in an error.

NOTE: For more details about this SC 833, SC834 error, execute SP5990 to print an
SMC report so you can read the error code. The error code is not displayed on
the operation panel. The additional error codes (0F30, 0F31, etc. are listed in the
SMC report.

829 B Self-diagnostic Error: Optional RAM • Replace the optional memory board
The optional RAM returned an error • Controller board defective
during the self-diagnostic test.

838 D Self-diagnostic Error: Clock Generator • Replace the controller board

A verify error occurred when setting data
was read from the clock generator via
the I2C bus.


850 B Net I/F error

• Duplicate IP addresses. • IP address setting incorrect
• Illegal IP address. • Ethernet board defective
• Driver unstable and cannot be • Controller board defective
used on the network.

851 B IEEE 1394 I/F error

Driver setting incorrect and cannot • NIB (PHY), LINK module defective;
be used by the 1394 I/F. change the Interface Board
• Controller board defective

853 B Wireless LAN Error 1

During machine start-up, the • Wireless LAN card missing (was
machine can get access to the removed)
board that holds the wireless LAN,
but not to the wireless LAN card
(802.11b or Bluetooth).

854 B Wireless LAN Error 2

During machine operation, the • Wireless LAN card missing (was
machine can get access to the removed)
board that holds the wireless LAN,
but not to the wireless LAN card
(802.11b or Bluetooth).

855 B Wireless LAN error 3

An error was detected on the • Wireless LAN card defective
wireless LAN card (802.11b or • Wireless LAN card connection incorrect

856 B Wireless LAN error 4

An error was detected on the • Wireless LAN card defective
wireless LAN card (802.11b or • PCI connector (to the mother board)
Bluetooth). loose

857 B USB I/F Error

The USB driver is not stable and • Bad USB card connection
caused an error. • Replace the controller board

861 B HDD re-try failure

At power on with the HDD detected, • Harness between HDD and board
power supply to the HDD is disconnected, defective
interrupted, after the HDD is • HDD power connector disconnected
awakened from the sleep mode, the • HDD defective
HDD is not ready within 30 s. • Controller board defective


860 B HDD startup error at main power on

• HDD is connected but a driver • HDD is not initialized
error is detected. • Level data is corrupted
• The driver does not respond with • HDD is defective
the status of the HDD within 30

863 D HDD data read failure

The data written to the HDD cannot • HDD defective
be read normally, due to bad Note: If the bad sectors are generated at
sectors generated during operation. the image partition, the bad sector
information is written to NVRAM, and the
next time the HDD is accessed, these bad
sectors will not be accessed for read/write

864 D HDD data CRC error

During HDD operation, the HDD • HDD defective

cannot respond to an CRC error
query. Data transfer did not execute
normally while data was being
written to the HDD.

865 D HDD access error

HDD responded to an error during • HDD defective.
operation for a condition other than
those for SC863, 864.

866 B SD card error 1: Confirmation

The machine detects an electronic license error in the application on the SD card
in the controller slot immediately after the machine is turned on. The program on
the SD card contains electronic confirmation license data. If the program does not
contain this license data, or if the result of the check shows that the license data in
the program on the SD card is incorrect, then the checked program cannot
execute and this SC code is displayed.
• Program missing from the SD card
• Download the correct program for the machine to the SD card

867 D SD card error 2: SD card removed

The SD card in the boot slot when • Insert the SD card, then turn the machine
the machine was turned on was off and on.
removed while the machine was on.

868 D SD card error 3: SC card access


An error occurred while an SD card • SD card not inserted correctly

was used. • SD card defective
• Controller board defective
Note: If you want to try to reformat the SC
card, use SD Formatter Ver 1.1.

870 B Address book data error

Address book data on the hard • Software defective. Turn the machine
disk was detected as abnormal off/on. If this is not the solution for the
when it was accessed from either problem, then replace the controller
the operation panel or the firmware.
network. The address book data • HDD defective.
cannot be read from the HDD or
SD card where it is stored, or the
data read from the media is
More Details
• Do SP5846 050 (UCS Settings – Initialize all Directory Info.) to reset all
address book data.
• Reset the user information with SP5832 006 (HDD Formatting– User
• Replace the HDDs.
• Boot the machine from the SD card.

872 B HDD mail receive data error

• The machine detected that the • HDD defective
HDD was not operating correctly • Machine was turned off while the HDD
at power on. was being accessed.
• The machine detected that the • Do SP5832 007 to format the mail RX
HDD was not operating correctly data on the HDD.
(could neither read nor write)
while processing incoming email

873 B HDD mail send data error

An error was detected on the HDD • Do SP5832-007 (Format HDD – Mail TX
immediately after the machine was Data) to initialize the HDD.
turned on, or power was turned off • Replace the HDD
while the machine used the HDD.

874 D Delete All error 1: HDD

A data error was detected for the • Turn the main switch off/on and try the
HDD/NVRAM after the Delete All operation again.
option was used. • Install the Data Overwrite Security Unit
Note: The source of this error is the again. For more, see section “1.
Data Overwrite Security Unit B660 Installation”.
running from an SD card. • HDD defective


875 D Delete All error 2: Data area

An error occurred while the • Turn the main switch off/on and try the
machine deleted data from the operation again.
Note: The source of this error is the
Data Overwrite Security Unit B660
running from an SD card.

876 D Log data abnormal • Software error. Update the firmware

An error was detected in the handling of • NVRAM defective
the log data at power on or during • HDD defective
machine operation. This can be caused
by switching the machine off while it is

880 B File Format Converter (MLB) error

A request to get access to the MLB • MLB defective, replace the MLB
was not answered within the

specified time.

900 D Electrical total counter error

The total counter contains • NVRAM incorrect type
something that is not a number. • NVRAM defective
• NVRAM data scrambled
• Unexpected error from external source

901 D SC901 Mechanical total count error • Mechanical total counter

The IO board cannot receive the mechanical total defective
count data.

920 B Printer error 1

An internal application error was • Software defective; turn the machine
detected and operation cannot off/on, or change the controller firmware
continue. • Insufficient memory


925 B Net File function error

The NetFile file management on the • Refer to the four procedures below
HDD cannot be used, or a NetFile (Recovery from SC 925).
management file is corrupted and
operation cannot continue. The
HDDs are defective and they
cannot be debugged or partitioned,
so the Scan Router functions
(delivery of received faxes,
document capture, etc.), Web
services, and other network
functions cannot be used.
HDD status codes are displayed
below the SC code:

Here is a list of HDD status codes:

Display Meaning
(-1) HDD not connected
(-2) HDD not ready
(-3) No label
(-4) Partition type incorrect
(-5) Error returned during label read or check
(-6) Error returned during label read or check
(-7) “filesystem” repair failed
(-8) “filesystem” mount failed
(-9) Drive does not answer command
(-10) Internal kernel error
(-11) Size of drive is too small
(-12) Specified partition does not exist
(-13) Device file does not exist


Recovery from SC 925

Procedure 1
If the machine shows SC codes for HDD errors (SC860 ~ SC865) with SC 925, do
the recovery procedures for SC860 ~ SC865.
Procedure 2
If the machine does not show one of the five HDD errors (SC860 ~ SC865), turn
the machine power off and on. If this is not the solution for the problem, then
initialize the NetFile partition on the HDD with SP5832-011 (HDD Formatting –
Ridoc I/F).
NetFiles: Jobs printed from the document server using a PC and DeskTopBinder
• Before you initialize the NetFile partition on the HDD, tell the customer that:
• Received faxes on the delivery server will be erased
• All captured documents will be erased
• DeskTopBinder/Print Job Manager/Desk Top Editor job history will be erased
• Documents on the document server, and scanned documents, will not be erased.
• The first time that the network gets access to the machine, the management

information must be configured again (this will use a lot of time).
Before you initialize the Netfile partition with SP5832-011, do these steps:
1. Go into the User Tools mode and do “Delivery Settings” to print all received fax
documents that are scheduled for delivery. Then erase them.
2. In the User Tools mode, do Document Management> Batch Delete Transfer
3. Do SP5832-011, then turn the machine power off and on.

Procedure 3
If “Procedure 2” is not the solution for the problem, do SP5832-001 (HDD
Formatting – All), then turn the machine power off and on.
SP5832-001 erases all document and address book data on the hard disks. Ask
the customer before you do this SP code.

Procedure 4
If “Procedure 3” is not the solution for the problem, replace the HDD.


990 D Software error 1

The software performs an • Software defective, re-boot*1
unexpected function and the
program cannot continue.
991 C Software error 2
The software performs an • Software defective, re-boot*1
unexpected function. However,
unlike SC990, recovery processing
allows the program to continue.
: In order to get more details about SC990 and SC991:
1) Execute SP7403 or print an SMC Report (SP5990) to read the history of the 10 most recent
logged errors.
2) If you press the zero key on the operation panel with the SP selection menu displayed, you
will see detailed information about the recently logged SC990 or SC991, including the
software file name, line number, and so on. 1) is the recommended method, because
another SC could write over the information for the previous SC.

992 D Software error 3: Undefined

An error not controlled by the • Software defective
system occurred (the error does not • Turn the machine power off and on. The
come under any other SC code). machine cannot be used until this error is

997 B Software Error 4: Cannot select application function

An application does not start after • Software bug
the user pushed the correct key on • A RAM or DIMM option necessary for the
the operation panel. application is not installed or not installed

998 D Software Error 5: Application cannot start

Register processing does not • Software bug
operate for an application within 60 • A RAM or DIMM option necessary for the
s after the machine power is turned application is not installed or not installed
on. No applications start correctly, correctly.
and all end abnormally.

951 D F-gate error at write request • Software defective

After the IPU receives an F-gate signal, it receives • BICU defective
another F-gate signal.
953 D Scanner setting error • Software defective
The IPU does not respond with the scanner
setting signal required to start scanning
954 D Printer setting error • Software defective
The IPU does not respond with the settings that
are required to start image processing by the


955 D Memory setting error • Software defective

The IPU does not respond with the settings that
are required to start image processing using the
984 D Print image data transfer error • Controller board defective
The image transfer from the controller to the • BICU defective
engine via the PCI bus does not end within 15 s • Connectors between BICU
after starting. and controller loose or
985 D Scanner image data transfer error • Controller board defective
The image transfer from the engine to the • BICU defective
controller via the PCI bus does not end within 3 s • Connectors between BICU
after starting. and controller loose or
• SIB defective
986 D Software write parameter setting error • Software defective
An unstable area at the storage destination in the
settings table is set NULL for the parameter
received by the write module.

995 D Machine Type Information Error • Replace the controller board with
After the machine is powered on, a the correct board.
mismatch is detected between the CPM
information sent from the controller to
the engine.

999 D Program download error

The download (program, print data, language data) from the IC card does not
execute normally.
• Board installed incorrectly
• BICU defective
• IC card defective
• NVRAM defective
• Loss of power during downloading
• Important Notes About SC999
• Primarily intended for operating in the download mode, logging is not performed
with SC999.
Note: If the machine loses power while downloading, or if for some other reason
the download does not end normally, this could damage the controller board or the
PCB targeted for the download and prevent subsequent downloading. If this
problem occurs, the damaged PCB must be replaced.



Component (Symbol) CN Condition Symptom
Scanner Home Position Open SC121 is displayed.
(S1) Shorted SC120 is displayed.
Open APS and ARE do not function properly.
Platen Cover (S2) 504-8 (SIB)
Shorted No symptom.
CPU cannot detect the original size
505-3, 4 Open properly. APS and ARE do not function
Original Width (S3)
(SIB) correctly.
CPU cannot detect the original size
505-8,9 Open properly. APS and ARE do not function
Original Length-1 (S4)
(SIB) correctly.
SC328 is displayed when the laser
LD Unit Home Position 204-B2 beam pitch is changed.
(S6) (IOB) SC327 is displayed when the laser
beam pitch is changed.
The add toner indicator blinks even if
Toner Density (TD) 222-5 there is toner in the development unit.
(S7) (IOB) SC390-01 is displayed.
The Paper Jam indicator will light
202-B2 whenever a copy is made.
Paper Exit (S8)
(IOB) The Paper Jam indicator lights even if
there is no paper.
The Paper Jam indicator lights even if
224-B2 there is no paper.
Registration (S9)
(IOB) The The Paper Jam indicator will light
whenever a copy is made.
Image Density (ID) 203-5 Open SC350-03 is displayed after copying.
(S10) (IOB) Shorted SC350-01 is displayed after copying.
Add Paper is displayed even if there is
Open paper. If this condition occurred four
Upper Paper Height 220-2 times, SC501-02 will be displayed.
(S11) (IOB)
SC501-01 is displayed.
Add Paper is displayed even if there is
Lower Paper Height 214-2 Open paper. If this condition occurred four
(S12) (IOB) times, SC502-02 will be displayed.
Shorted SC502-01 is displayed.


Component (Symbol) CN Condition Symptom

The Paper End indicator lights even if
Open paper is placed in the upper paper
220-8 tray.
Upper Paper End (S13)
(IOB) The Paper End indicator does not light
Shorted even if there is no paper in the upper
paper tray.
The Paper End indicator lights even if
paper is placed in the lower paper tray.
Lower Paper End (S14) The Paper End indicator does not light
Shorted even if there is no paper in the lower
paper tray.
The Paper Jam indicator will light
220-5 whenever a copy is made.
Upper Relay (S15)
(IOB) The Paper Jam indicator lights even if
there is no paper.
The Paper Jam indicator will light
214-5 whenever a copy is made.
Lower Relay (S16)
(IOB) The Paper Jam indicator lights even if
there is no paper.

Transfer Belt Position 202-A10 Open No symptom
(S19) (IOB) Shorted SC403 is displayed


CN Condition Symptom
“Doors/Covers Open” is displayed even if the
Right Lower 216-4 right lower cover is closed.
Cover (SW1) (IOB) The LCD goes blank when the lower cover is
102-1~4 Open The machine does not turn on.
Main (SW3) (PSU) The machine does not turn off.
“Doors/Covers Open” is displayed even if the
Front Cover 107-1 front cover is closed.
Safety (SW4) (PSU) “Doors/Covers” Open is not displayed even if the
front cover is opened.


Fuse Symptom at power on
115V 210 ~ 230V
Power Supply Board
FU1 6.3A / 125V 6.3A / 250V “Doors/Covers Open” is displayed
6.3A / 125V 6.3A / 250V “Doors/Covers Open” for the finisher is
FU3 6.3A / 125V 6.3A / 250V Paper end condition
FU5 6.3A / 125V 6.3A / 250V SC302, or SC403, or SC405 displayed
FU6 3.15A/125V 3.15A/250V
FU9 5A/125V 4A/250V
FU101 15A / 125V 8A/250V No response
FU102 10A / 125V 5A / 250V No response
FU103 2A / 125V 1A / 250V Normal operation (optional heaters do not work)

20 June 2005 LEDS

4.4 LEDS
BICU LED Sequences
LED 101 LED 102 LED 103
(Green) (Yellow) (Red)
Normal Operation Flashes Off Flashes
System Startup Flashes On (1~2s) then Off Flashes
Firmware Update: Normal Flashes On Flashes
Firmware Update: Error Flashes Flashes Flashes
Firmware Update: Normal End Flashes Off Flashes
Energy Save Mode Off Off Off

Controller LED Sequences

(Red) (Red)

System Startup (including Self-Diagnostics) On Off
Self-Diagnostic Error On On
Normal Operation Flashes Off
Firmware Update: Normal Execution Flashes Flashes
Firmware Update: Error Off Off
Firmware Update: Normal End On On
NOTE: LED 1 monitors Data Bus Bit 14, LED 2 monitors Data Bus Bit 15.


Controller Board
Number Monitored Signal
TP11 +5VE
TP13 +5V
TP14 +5VE


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