Cable Pulling Methods PDF
Cable Pulling Methods PDF
Cable Pulling Methods PDF
Engineering Specification
APPROVED: C. S. Malone P. Eng. OF
REV. DATE: 2008-12-03
GCS0004 15 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 4
2.0 REFERENCE.................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 CABLE PULLING METHODS ...................................................................................... 4
5.0 PREPARATION ............................................................................................................... 5
6.0 LUBRICANT..................................................................................................................... 5
7.0 CABLE PULLING............................................................................................................ 6
7.1 ONE WAY PULL IN ........................................................................................................... 6
7.2 ONE WAY FEED IN ........................................................................................................... 8
7.3 TWO WAY PULL .............................................................................................................. 9
7.4 AFTER THE PULL ............................................................................................................ 10
8.0 CABLE IDENTIFICATION ......................................................................................... 10
9.0 CABLE TRAINING ....................................................................................................... 10
10.0 CABLE RACKING ........................................................................................................ 11
11.0 SECONDARY SERVICES ............................................................................................ 11
APPENDIX A .............................................................................................................................. 12
2.0 Reference
Hydro Ottawa - ECS0002: 120/240V Underground Residential Meter Socket
Hydro Ottawa - GCS0012: Electrical Underground Distribution Plant Identification U/C
Hydro Ottawa - GMS0005: Underground Secondary
Hydro Ottawa - GMS0008: Underground Primary XLPE Concentric Neutral Cable
Hydro Ottawa - UTS0004: Single – Phase Padmount Transformer 2.4kV-16kV – Secondary
Wiring Detail
Hydro Ottawa - UTS0005: Single – Phase Padmount Transformer 2.4kV – 16kV – Primary
Wiring Detail
Prysmian – Handling and Installation Excerpt from Prysmian’s Wire and Cable Engineering
3.0 Scope
This specification covers how Hydro Ottawa and its contractors are to install underground cables
for Hydro Ottawa as well as maximum pulling tensions and sidewall bearing pressures.
Rod each duct with an appropriate size brush and mandrel to ensure ducts are properly fitted and
they are clean and free of all dirt, stones, scale, water etc.
For installation in conduit, place cable guides wherever necessary to avoid abrasion and/or
damage to the cable e.g. when guiding the cable from the reel to the duct mouth or trench, when
passing through or exiting manholes, when exiting a duct run. Cable guides shall be in the form
of large diameter, smooth-surfaced free turning sheaves or rollers. They shall be designed to
ensure that cable will not ride off the end of the roller or be pinched into a sheave contour.
Guide tubes or chutes may be used provided they have a smooth burr-free working surface, well
flared entrances, largest possible bending radius and are securely fastened so that the cable
passes smoothly over them. In any case, equipment shall be installed to ensure the minimum-
bending radius of the cable is not exceeded; see Appendix A Tables 5-5A & 5-5B.
Using suitable reel mounting equipment, locate and position the reels such that cable tension at
the feeding end is minimized.
Select pulling equipment, which can provide smooth speed control at the anticipated tensions.
Ensure the pull rope or flat line has the required tensile rating. Avoid the use of elastic materials.
6.0 Lubricant
Pre-lubricate duct runs or setup lubrication points along the duct run (e.g. feed in point, manholes
etc to reduce pulling tension and abrasion to the cable jacket). For long heavy pulls, pre-
lubrication of conduit and pull rope is essential to prevent abrasion at the bends, particularly
plastic conduit bends, which can become softened due to frictional heating. In the case of long
duct lengths or excessive curvatures in the duct the cable may have to be pulled in from two
The recommended amount of lubricant is depended on the size and length of the conduit system
into which the cable is being pulled. Typically, a ratio of 6.4 liters of lubricant per 100 linear
meters of 100 mm PVC duct would be used.
Hydro Ottawa will accept water-based Bentonite Clay lubricants. Compounds containing oils or
greases are not acceptable since they can adversely affect the cable jacket. The following chart
provides a list of pulling lubricants, which are acceptable to Hydro Ottawa. Lubricant not shown
on this chart, shall not be used without prior approval by Hydro Ottawa.
When using a mechanical means to complete a pull, (e.g. capstan, collapsible wheel, clutch-able
capstan, boom, vehicle), a Samson rope or equivalent, flat line, shall be used, as it does not
stretch in the same way that poly rope does, and presents less of a hazard.
Provide two-way voice communication and adequate resources at both feeding and pulling ends
of the run and at any interim location (e.g. manhole). Apply pulling lubricant liberally during the
cable pull.
To minimize back reel tension accelerate slowly and smoothly from rest to a constant pulling
speed of approximately 30 m/minute. Avoid stopping the pull midway through the installation;
the drag due to friction is greatly increased when pulling is restarted.
Position the pulling equipment at the pulling manhole or transformer base. Set up
equipment to maintain the minimum-bending radius of cable being pulled. See example
in Figure 7-1 and Figure 7-2.
Position the cable reel so that the cable can be handfed into the manhole. When possible
the cable shall be pulled off the reel by hand to reduce pulling tensions; see Figure 7-3
and Figure 7-4.
Figure 7-3 Reel End Setup for XPLE cable – Transformer Base
Figure 7-4 Reel End Setup for XLPE cable – Transformer Base
Position the cable reel near the center of your pull and pull required cable one way
according to all tension guidelines and pertinent specifications; see Figure 7-5.
Back reel cable length required for pull in other direction on debris free ground or a tarp
in a coil formation, large enough to not exceed minimum cable bending radius; see
Figure 7-6.
Position puller at pulling end and begin pulling. Maintain slack loop of cable at feed end
into duct structure; see Figure 7-7.
Seal the ends of the installed cable and the ends of unused cable remaining on the reel,
pending splicing or terminating, to prevent ingress of moisture.
Observe the minimum-bending radius when training cable into final position. Secure
cables to manholes, riser poles, etc., as per Hydro Ottawa Engineering Specifications.
Provide suitable mechanical protection during project construction for exposed cables.
Secondary cables shall be trained from the bottom of the transformer base to the secondary bus
of the transformer with care taken to ensure cables are not crossed and do not cause a downward
force on the transformer bus bars; see Hydro Ottawa Engineering Specification UTS0004.