Proceedings of The IRE Volume 42 Issue 7 1954 (Doi 10.1109/jrproc.1954.274552) Sherr, S. - Generalized Equations For RC Phase-Shift Oscillators
Proceedings of The IRE Volume 42 Issue 7 1954 (Doi 10.1109/jrproc.1954.274552) Sherr, S. - Generalized Equations For RC Phase-Shift Oscillators
Proceedings of The IRE Volume 42 Issue 7 1954 (Doi 10.1109/jrproc.1954.274552) Sherr, S. - Generalized Equations For RC Phase-Shift Oscillators
13 =
(Z4 + Z6 + Z6) (Z1 + Z2) (Z2 + Z3 + Z4) Z22(Z4 + ZS + Z)
- -
Z42(Z1 + Z2)
and e=I3Z6.
The transfer characteristic is defined by
e Z2Z4Z6
E (Zl + Z2) (Z2 + Z3 + Z4) (Z4 + Z6 + Z6) -
Z22(Z4 + Z5 + Z) -
Z42(Z1 + Z2) (1)
C = (Z4 + Z6 + Z6)
Z2 =
Z4 = ZB R.
d = (Z2 + Z3 + Z4)
el = (Z1 + Z2).
49 7 -= K14 + 17+-K13+ t15+ 6 -K12
as the minimum gain required for oscillation. This cor- eR R,
responds to the correction of the Ginzton and Hollings- R'\ R'
worth2 result given by Blanchard.3 In addition, if the + 10 + 10R )Kl +4-+ 1.
substitutions ZA = Z3 = -jXc, Zf = Z7 = -jXc,l and Z2
=Z4=Z6=Z8=R are made, then the final correction Equating j terms to zero and substituting Z1'=-jX,
by Blanchard,3 which is K, = -jX,/R gives
C) /C 2 \ C
9 -+ 114 -+ 352~~+ 342 ± 4 2
(4 + 3 -
can be derived. 1
If we wish to find the effect of the vacuum tube in the * (10)
complete circuit shown in Fig. 5(a) we may use the R 1OR(1+-)
equivalent circuit of Fig. 5(b) and make the following
substitutions: V7R+R'
Z= R' + Z1', If we wish to assess the effect of input and Miller
Z2 =
Z4 =
Z6 =
Z8, capacity we let Z1=Z3 = Zb = Z7, and Z2 = Z4 = Z6.
and The equation becomes
Z3 -Z6 = Z7 = Z1'. E Z14 6Z13 1OZ12 4Z1 Z13
=___+ +
+ 4_
F=/ C~~~C R
This reduces to 27rCR 2 R'Cl
E Z14 (4K + 3) Z13 (6K2 + 6K + 3) Z12 RC
e Z24 K Z23 K2 Z22 The plus solution corresponds to the zero-phase shift
See Appendix I for the exact solution. case and does not satisfy requirements for oscillation.