DK Eyewitness Guides - Islam PDF
DK Eyewitness Guides - Islam PDF
DK Eyewitness Guides - Islam PDF
Seventh-century coin, minted
when the Umayyad dynasty
ruled from Damascus, Syria
A poetry reading
Mosque finial of
Selimiye Mosque,
Star lantern
ISLAM Written by
Editorial consultant
Prayer beads
Gold bracelet
Saudi Arabian
woman wearing a
face veil
Early Arabia
The Prophet Muhammad
The Qur’an
The Five Pillars of Islam
The mosque Mamluk mosque lamp
The caliphate
22 46
First conquests Spain
24 48
Scholars and teachers Africa
28 50
The spread of learning Mongols and Turks
32 52
Nomadic or settled Central Asia, Iran, and India
34 54
Islamic culture China and Southeast Asia
36 56
The Islamic city Costume and jewelry
38 58
Merchants and travelers Islamic society
42 60
The crusades Festivals and ceremonies
44 64
Arms and armor Index and acknowledgments
Early Arabia
the Arab people. There had already been
advanced cultures in this area before the
birth of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam,
in the sixth century. Arabia’s position at a
crossroads between Asia, Africa, and Europe SOUTH ARABIC INSCRIPTION
allowed many Arabs to make fortunes The Sabaeans, who ruled southern Arabia
between the eighth and second centuries BCE,
trading. Although most of the Arab tribes used a script called South Arabic. Archaeologists
Much of Arabia is desert –
either vast expanses of sand
with rolling dunes or the
desert of black volcanic rocks
around the city of Mecca.
The name Arab means
“nomad” because, in such an
environment, many Arab
people adopted a nomadic
way of life in order to survive.
The Arabian Peninsula lies
30° 50° 60° 70°
and on the coasts. To the
(A Ox
northeast, the Sasanid Empire
40° Constantinople as mu us
us 40°
G Da Bukhara
of the Persians occupied Iran.
K ry a G
GREECE u ra )
G Samarkand
GAthens GPergamum To the northwest lay the
n S
Christian Byzantine Empire.
Lake Balkh
Edessa Van sh
Ku Altar for burning frankincense
Tarsus G
Antioch G du
M Cyprus
GG Nishapur
Aleppo n
ite Eu
Sea Beirut
G GDamascus
G Ctesiphon Iranian
GJerusalem 3 0°
H elm
30° G Susa G M Plateau
GHeliopolis Mu'tah SDyersiearnt
Alexandria GHira ou
nt D a r ya
-y e
E G Y P T G GApologos i n s a
Aylah G
G Siraf
BYZANTINE GTabukTayma’ N a f u d rs
i an
E M P I R E GThebes G GHormuz
De se rt Gu
T r o pi
c o f Ca
G Khaybar BAHRAIN T r o p ic
of Can
G Yathrib
‘ a
l- Arabian
e d
widely traded. Trade routes criss-
S e
At b
G Meroë G Ma‘rib
0 miles 500
vital to the area ever since.
Ad Socotra
Gulf of
10° 10°
W h i t e N il e A BY S SI N I A H orn of
Af ri c a
30° 40° 50° 60°
The Arab world at the time of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad in 570
Ma’rib, in Yemen, was
the capital city of the
Sabaeans, and some
of its ancient walls
survive. Ma’rib was
built on a trade route
and grew into a large,
thriving city, with a
palace (home of the
Queen of Sheba) and
many houses. There
was also a famous
dam, an amazing feat
of engineering for the
seventh century BCE.
This calligraphy
represents the name
of the Prophet,
Muhammad. According
to tradition, he actually
has 200 names,
including Habib Allah
(Beloved of God) and
Miftah al-Jannah (Key THE LIFE OF A TRADER
of Paradise). When As a young man, Muhammad became a merchant, working for a
referring to Muhammad, wealthy widow called Khadija. Arabia was crisscrossed with trading
Muslims usually add the routes linking the peninsula with the Mediterranean and the Indian
phrase ‘alayhi-s-salam Ocean. Muhammad traveled with camel caravans along these routes
(peace be upon him). and made several trading journeys as far as Syria. Khadija was
The word “Muhammad” written in calligraphy impressed with Muhammad, and, although she was considerably
older than he was, the two married.
Jabal an-Nur (the Mountain of Light) a few miles
from Mecca, is the place where Muhammad
went to meditate. Every year, during the Muhammad, whose
month of Ramadan (p. 15), Muhammad name is shown here
retired to the mountain to pray, fast, in stylized form, is
and give to the poor. It was on one the Prophet of Islam.
of these retreats that the Muslims see him as
Prophet received the first the last of a series of
revelation of the Qur’an. prophets, including
Abraham, Moses, and
Jesus, all of whom
were mortal.
When visiting Jabal an-Nur,
Muhammad stayed in a cave called
Hirah, at the top of the rocky peak.
The cave, with an opening that faced
toward Mecca, was very small, but
there was enough space for
Muhammad to pray. One of the
Prophet’s daughters used to climb
the mountain to bring him food so
that he could stay in the cave for the
whole month of Ramadan.
Star pattern
based on “Allah”
in Arabic script
Allah is the name of the
one God in whom Muslims
believe and upon whom all
life and all existence
depends. He is unique and
face is veiled
infinitely greater than any
because Islam
thing He has created. The
does not allow
Qur’an says that He is
him to be
“unbegotten.” In other
words, He is eternal, having
no origin and no end. He is
and always will be. The
Muhammad was persecuted in his native Mecca and some of
his followers took refuge in Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia)
under the Christian ruler there. In 622, people from the city
of Yathrib, later called Medina, to the north of Mecca, invited
Muhammad to go and live there. The Prophet and his THE NIGHT JOURNEY
followers took up the invitation. Their migration, known as One night the archangel Gabriel woke The Buraq
the hijrah, forms the start of the Islamic era. Eventually Muhammad and led him to a steed called
Muhammad defeated the pagans and cleared the idols from the Buraq, which the Prophet mounted
the Ka‘ba, so Islam could flourish in Mecca, too. (p. 61). The Buraq carried Muhammad to
the “Furthest Mosque” in Jerusalem, from
where he ascended to heaven.
Pattern based
on names of the
The Prophet died in
the lap of his favorite COMPANIONS
wife, ‘A’isha, in her The Prophet’s
apartment near the Companions
mosque at Medina. were his closest
His tomb was built where followers. They listened
he died. Later, his close carefully to his teachings,
Companions Abu Bakr and memorized the Qur’an, and
‘Umar, the first two caliphs, were passed it on to others before it
buried on either side. was written down.
The Qur’an
IN THE YEAR 610, the archangel
Gabriel appeared to the Prophet
Muhammad and through Gabriel,
Allah began to reveal the Qur’an,
the holy book of Islam. This
continued for 22 years. Muslims
believe that the Qur’an, Allah’s final
revelation to humanity, completes
the sacred writings of the Jews and
Christians, but is on a higher level
because its text consists of Allah’s
actual words. Ever since the Qur’an
was revealed, Muslims have
preserved its words, first learning
them by heart, and later
also writing them
down. They aim
to live by the
This beautiful inlaid box
is designed to contain
a copy of the Qur’an
divided into 30 sections.
One section is read on
each night of Ramadan,
the month of fasting, a
time when the Qur’an
is read intensively.
Bold Kufic
In the eyes of a Muslim, this
gemstone (below) has been made
far more valuable as it has a
Qur’anic inscription on it, which
is translated below.
When people talk about
“the Qur’an,” they are
usually referring to a
The text on this page book that has the Qur’an
is the opening chapter, written in it. However,
Sura al-Fatiha, which is originally the Qur’an was
translated below to the left. recited only and Muslims
learned it by heart. Later,
it was written down and
the written version was
called a mushaf, which
means a collection of
pages. A mushaf will
usually indicate whether
each sura was revealed
at Mecca or Medina.
Copying the text of the Qur’an is
something that must be done with
care and reverence – none of
Allah’s words must be altered. To
make a handwritten copy of the
Qur’an like this is an activity of
great religious devotion.
The Five Pillars of Islam
The Muslim profession of
faith is called the Shahada. The
English translation of it is: Islam, called the Five Pillars of Islam. The first
“There is no god but God;
Muhammad is the
and most important is the profession of faith.
messenger of God.” Islam, which means “submission” and comes
“In the name of Allah, Muslims use the Arabic
the Merciful, the word for God, which is
from the word “peace,” is considered by
Compassionate.” “Allah.” When Muslims Muslims to be a restating of the same truth –
use the term Allah, they
are referring to the same
belief in the one God – that was revealed to the
God that is worshipped by Christians and the Jews. This faith was revealed
Christians and Jews. The
words of the Shahada are through all God’s prophets, including Moses and
heard often in the Muslim Jesus, or Musa and ‘Isa as they are known in
world because they are
repeated during the call to Arabic. Muslims believe that God’s final and
A crescent moon with a star above
prayer. The Shahada is
normally whispered in a
most universal message was revealed to the last
it was used as a symbol by the
Turks in the 15th century. Since
Muslim baby’s ear at birth of the prophets – the Prophet Muhammad. Faith
and at the time of death. in this one God is the basic belief of the Islamic
then it has become the symbol of
Islam. The words of the Shahada in
Arabic calligraphy have been used
religion. The remaining four Pillars of Islam
here to form the shape of the moon. require all Muslims to be committed to prayer,
The words, “In the name of Allah,
the Merciful, the Compassionate,” almsgiving, fasting, and the pilgrimage to Mecca.
make the star.
Muslims must pray at five set times during
the day. These regular prayers, known as salah,
make up the second Pillar of Islam. Muslims
may pray on their own or in a group, but
every Friday at midday, Muslim men are
required to gather together for salat al-juma‘a,
or Friday prayers. Friday prayers are led by
an imam (literally “one who stands in front”),
who will also give a sermon, or khutba.
Because Muslims face the Ka’ba in Mecca during indicator
prayers, they need to know the direction,
qibla, of the city. In the Middle Ages,
people made instruments to determine
the direction. In mosques, a niche,
mihrab, in the wall indicates the PRAYER MAT
direction of Mecca. The majority of Muslims
pray on a mat, and some
PRAYER BEADS people take this with them
Allah is referred to in many wherever they go, so that they
different ways, known as al-asma are always able to use it. Prayer
al-husna, meaning the 99 beautiful rugs are often beautifully made,
names. Many Muslim names, such but any mat, from a silk rug to a
as ‘Abd al-Rahman, servant of piece of reed matting, may be
the Merciful One, are based on used. It is also permissible to
one of these names. The string of pray on the uncovered ground,
99 beads, like a rosary, that a provided that it is clean.
Muslim uses in private prayer, is a
reminder of the 99 Divine names.
Prayer beads may be used
to repeat the 99 beautiful
names, or to repeat other
phrases used in prayer.
prayer mat
The final
stage is called
This seated
salam, or peace.
The person looks
position, called julus, to left and right,
gives the opportunity and then says,
This position,
known as sujud, shows
for a short silent prayer. “Peace be with
Then the prostration is you and the
repeated. The sequence mercy of Allah.”
the Muslim’s humility. concludes with a short These words are
The worshipper says prayer for the addressed to all
silently, “Glory to my community of Muslims present, seen and
Lord the Most High. and for the worshipper’s unseen.
Allah is greater.” sins to be forgiven.
When another passage
from the Qur’an has been
Stages of prayer
recited, the worshipper Prayer is performed following a precise order of
bows down, to show words and motions. Each unit of this order is called
respect for Allah. This a rak‘a and is composed of several stages. During
motion, called ruku‘, is prayers the rak‘a is repeated two, three, or four times
followed by qiyam,
standing and
– the exact number depends on which of the five
praising Allah. daily prayers is being performed.
Hygiene is very important in Islam, and
baths are a common sight in towns in
Muslim countries. They are often paid for by
donations. A typical public bath has a
changing room, often roofed with a shallow
dome, connected to a series of rooms at
different temperatures. The hottest of all is
the steam room, where the bather works up
a sweat before being cleaned and massaged.
The places where the sick are
treated are another group of
facilities that have been
paid for by almsgiving.
This beautiful latticed
window is part of a
hospital originally
financed with
almsgiving contributions.
Medicine was one area
where the Muslim world
made many advances before
the West (p. 30).
Zakat is commonly paid in money but
may also be given in the form of
goods. In both cases, rates of payment
are laid down, starting at 2.5 percent
of a person’s wealth. A person’s home
and other essential items are not
counted when determining what they
will pay. The word zakat means
“purification”, because it is believed
that giving up part of your wealth
purifies what remains.
During Ramadan,
Muslims break their fast
after sunset with a light snack,
which may consist simply of a
few dates with water. Sunset
prayers are followed by the main
meal. This is a bigger meal, but should
not be too large because Muslims are
not encouraged to eat heavily after the
day’s fast. In addition, the snack should
have already taken the edge off a person’s
hunger, so a simple dish, such as vegetable
soup with bread, may be eaten.
When the great solemnity of the month of
Ramadan comes to an end, there may be a
procession. This illustration, from a 13th-century
book from Baghdad, shows a procession
accompanied with trumpets and banners.
Muhammad received the first revelation of
the Qur’an during the month of Ramadan,
and this month has a special significance in
Islam. Every day during Ramadan, Muslims
fast from dawn to sunset, avoiding food,
drink, and sexual relations. Although this
fast, or sawm, is one of the Pillars of Islam,
not everyone has to go without food. For
example, those who are too sick to fast,
women who are pregnant, and very young
children may be excused.
In many Muslim countries, it is the
custom to fire cannons before the
first day of Ramadan, to signal the ENDING RAMADAN
beginning of the month. Cannons The end of Ramadan is
are also used to signal the marked by the festival of
beginning and end of each day ‘Id al-Fitr – the feast of the
of Ramadan. breaking of the fast –
(p. 60). At the beginning
of this festival, the whole
community gathers at an
outdoor prayer area (or at a
mosque) to perform the ‘Id
prayer. Celebrations last for
three days, during which
time alms are given to the
poor and friends may
exchange gifts.
Upon arrival in Mecca, the
pilgrims perform ‘umrah, when
they circle seven times around
the Ka’ba and then pray near
the Station of Abraham. In
After performing ‘umrah, the pilgrims leave
Mecca and travel to the valley of Mina. On the
second day, they go to Arafat and pray for
forgiveness. This is said to give pilgrims a
foretaste of the Day of Judgment, when they
will rise from the dead, have their souls judged
by Allah, and enter paradise if they are worthy.
On their way back, they stop at Muzdalifa, Tile with the Plan
where they spend part of the night resting, of the Sacred
praying, and gathering small pebbles before Mosque at Mecca,
returning to Mina. On the third day, they throw known in Arabic
seven of the pebbles at the largest of the three as the Masjid
stone pillars, which represents the temptations al-Haram
of Satan. For the following two days, the
pilgrims stay at Mina and throw further
pebbles at the pillars. They must also make an
animal sacrifice. They then wash, and clip their
hair or shave their heads, to symbolize a new
beginning, before returning to Mecca to make
the final seven circuits around the Ka’ba.
Pilgrims must be
in a special state of
consecration, or holiness, Rows of arches
known as ihram, achieved surrounding the
by washing and declaring Ka‘ba were hung
their intention. Male with oil lights.
pilgrims wear a simple Today the Mosque
costume that symbolizes is lit electrically.
ihram. It consists of two
large pieces of seamless,
unstitched, white
cloth. The Ka’ba
The multazam –
an area of wall
thought to be
particularly holy
The Station of
Abraham, from
which Abraham
directed the
rebuilding of
the Ka‘ba
The Black
The courtyard
is a place to
meditate or read.
Prayer hall
floor is
Crescent finial
to mosque
The call to prayer
is given from the
A fountain or
area for washing
is found inside.
A minaret is the highest point of a
BRITISH MOSQUE mosque, from which the muezzin
Mosques are often traditionally gives the call to prayer
built in the local style (p. 12). Minarets have been built in many Minaret Minaret Minaret Minaret of
of architecture, like different styles. They can be lavishly of Sinan’s of Salihiye of Giralda, Samarra
this example in a decorated or plain; square, many-sided, Mosque, Mosque, Mosque, Great
British city. or round; slender or stocky. Damascus Syria Spain Mosque, Iraq
At Friday prayers the The traditional way of
congregation listens to lighting a mosque was to
the khutba, a sermon use oil lamps. These large,
given by the imam from hanging lamps could be
a raised pulpit called the brightly decorated, like
minbar. Some minbars, this example of bronze
which can be beautifully covered with gold and
adorned with inlay and silver, so that they
carving, have survived reflected the light
from 1,000 years ago. and shone more
brightly. People who
wanted to give alms
often made gifts of
money for oil for
the lamps in their
mosque lamp
Mosque finial of
Selimiye Mosque
in Turkey
Elaborate tile
The earliest mosques had more simple designs, like
this 16th-century mosque in Africa. Domes and intricate
decoration developed later. The nature of the building,
however, is not significant in a mosque. Its function as a
meeting place to pray is the most important thing.
As Muslims prospered, they devoted
more of their wealth to their faith, and
some mosques were adorned with
sumptuous decoration, like these tiles
atop a minaret in Turkey. Carpets for the
prayer hall were another favorite gift.
The caliphate
0m 500
Outer wall
Basra Syrian
Gate Gate
r nm e n t off i ce
s IN 632, THE PROHET MUHAMMAD died leaving no obvious
successor, so prominent Muslims came together to choose
a leader. They elected Abu Bakr and gave him the title
es a nd shop s
es an d shop
wall khalifa (caliph), which means “successor” or “viceroy.”
Some people thought that the right candidate was ‘Ali,
the Prophet’s cousin, who had married Fatima, the
Prophet’s daughter. Those who favored ‘Ali as caliph
n m e n t o ff i c
es became known as Shi’i Muslims, “supporters” of ‘Ali. In
Kufa Khurasan
656, ‘Ali became caliph, but Muslims were still divided
Gate Gate
about how the caliph should be chosen. Sunni Muslims
supported the system of an elected caliphate. Shi’i
The first dynasty of Islam was the Umayyad, who Muslims believed that the caliphs
ruled from Damascus, Syria. In 749, they were
replaced by the Abbasid caliphs who ruled for
should be descended from ‘Ali
over 500 years from their capital in Baghdad, Iraq. and Fatima.
The city was founded in 763 and was planned as a
great circle. This shape, with gates aligned with the
compass points, was like a map of the universe.
“Allah is the Light of the
The caliph was the symbolic head of the
Heavens and the Earth;
Muslim community throughout the world.
He was expected to rule in accordance with the likeness of His Light
Islamic principles and to lead the army. He
also gave authority to Muslim leaders who is as a niche wherein
were often very powerful in their own right.
The Mamluk sultanate, for example, ruled in Egypt is a lamp.”
until the 16th century. This is a Mamluk mosque
lamp. Such lamps were often decorated with script SURA AL-NUR, LIGHT CHAPTER, THE QUR’AN
from the Sura al-Nur of the Qur’an (right).
Rulers like eighth-
century caliph Harun
al-Rashid were very
powerful. Harun
exchanged gifts with
Charlemagne, the
Frankish emperor who
ruled a vast area of
Western Europe. He
sent Charlemagne
this jeweled pitcher,
with an elephant.
Repeating calligraphic
inscription Some caliphs gave courtiers,
Calligraphy reads,
ambassadors, and foreign rulers
“Allah, Muhammad,
lengths of specially made cloth – tiraz
Fatima, and ‘Ali, Hasan
– or robes, woven with calligraphy. In
and Husayn.”
particular, this was a custom of the
Shi’i Fatimid caliphs (who claimed to
be descendents of ‘Ali and Fatima) of
Cairo. The cloths were inscribed with
the caliphs’ names, Islamic prayers,
or poems, and were highly prized.
In 680 at Kerbala, the army of the Umayyad
caliph killed Hussayn, son of ‘Ali and Fatima. Inscription
The battle standard (above) was used to mark the proclaiming the
point at which the Shi’i army collected before the unity of Allah
battle began and was then a focal point for the
army. What happened at Kerbala divided Shi’i
and Sunni Muslims still more deeply. Today,
around one-tenth of all Muslims are Shi’i.
The last caliphs were
the Ottoman rulers of
Turkey. In 1923,
UMAYYAD COIN Turkey’s first
Abd al-Malik, one of the president, Kemal
Umayyad caliphs, minted Atatürk, came to
this coin when they ruled power. He decided to
from Damascus, Syria. After modernize his country
their defeat by the Abbasids, and in 1924 he
an offshoot of the Umayyad abolished the
caliphate ruled Muslim lands caliphate.
in the West from Spain.
First conquests FRANCE
GPoitiers Da
n ube Aral Sea
Black Sea
GCordoba G M ed SYRIA
it e rrCarthage Eu
Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, and anean Sea DamascusG ph
Alexandria G
‘Uthman, expanded their EGYPT SIND
S a h a r a GMecca
empire that eventually
Arab Empire Sea
stretched from the Arabian by 632
by 661 0 miles 1000
Peninsula to Spain. Much by 750 0 km 1000
land was gained by military
conquest, but Islam also spread peacefully into EXPANDING EMPIRE
By the end of ‘Uthman’s reign in
areas where local rulers made alliances with the 656, the empire included Arabia,
Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Iraq,
caliphs. People of other religions living in these large parts of Persia (modern-day
areas – Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians – Iran), and Sind (modern-day
Pakistan). The Umayyad dynasty
became known as dhimmis (protected people) (661–750) expanded into the rest
because they were protected in return for the of North Africa and Spain and
pushed eastward.
payment of a tax. Later, other peoples, including
CROWN OF RECCESUINTH Hindus in western India,
This crown was worn by an
early Muslim ruler of Spain, also became dhimmis.
at the request of his wife,
who was a princess of the
Germanic people, the Visigoths.
Muslim forces landed in Spain in 711, arriving first
on the Rock of Gibraltar under their commander, a
Berber former slave, Tariq, from whom Gibraltar
takes its name (Jebel Tariq). By 715, they had taken
over most of Spain, settling mainly in the south,
MAP OF JERUSALEM and soon their armies were entering France.
This mosaic map shows Jerusalem in the sixth century. It
must have looked like this in 638 when, during the reign
of caliph ‘Umar, the Muslims conquered the city. For many
centuries, the city’s Islamic rulers governed Jerusalem in a
way that was tolerant of the Jews and Christians who lived
there and regarded it as a holy place.
Mosques were built all
around the empire, and
many were lavishly
decorated. This arch, above
MOSQUE AT DAMASCUS a doorway at the Great
Under the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus,
dynasty, the city of shows how Muslim
Damascus in Syria stone masons used
became the capital of different marbles,
the Islamic empire. The together with inlays
Umayyads built the and mosaics made
Great Mosque in the of other brightly
early eighth century. colored stones.
RUINS OF CARTHAGE Roman triumphal
The great North African city of Carthage, first the home of the Phoenicians, arch, Carthage
had been ruled by the Romans before it became an outpost of the Christian
Byzantine empire for a short time. The victim of many battles, in 697–8
Carthage fell to Muslim armies. The native Berber population who lived there CHARLES MARTEL, KING OF THE FRANKS
soon accepted Islam and joined the westward drive of the Muslim forces. In the eighth century, much of Western Europe
was ruled by a Germanic people called the
OUT IN FORCE Franks, under their king, Charles Martel. In 732,
This image from an early manuscript shows Charles defeated the Muslim army between
Muslim soldiers gathering near their tents. Tours and Poitiers, France, which marked the
Soldiers like these, efficient and well northwestern limit of the Muslim empire. Five
disciplined, were greatly feared in years later, he also drove the Muslims out of
Western Europe. They advanced as southern France.
far as France to conquer areas such
as Languedoc and
In 1212, Spain saw a battle at Navas de Tolosa, between the
Almohads, the local Muslim dynasty, and a Christian army. The
Almohads, who marched behind this standard, were defeated,
and Muslim power in Spain was weakened.
Scholars and teachers
part in the Islamic world. A system of
education developed in which children
learned to memorize and recite the text
of the Qur’an at school. When they had
mastered this, they could become
students at a higher-level school called
a madrasah. Still more advanced
study could be followed at
Cairo’s al-Azhar University was founded in the university level. Muslim education
10th century and became the world’s most
famous Islamic university. Renowned for its has always had a religious basis,
philosophical and theological scholarship, its and the high standards produced
name means “the resplendent.” Many academic
traditions, such as the distinction between scholars in a range of fields, from AVICENNA
graduates and undergraduates, began at al-Azhar. mathematics to poetry. The scholar Ibn Sina (980–1037), known
in the West as Avicenna, wrote many
important books on medicine and
philosophy. In both fields, he developed
the work of the ancient Greeks.
A madrasah was a school in which
subjects such as law, logic,
mathematics, and history were
taught. Madrasahs were usually
arranged around a courtyard, GLOBE
with large halls for teaching and By the 13th
smaller rooms for the students. century,
Muslim scholars
knew a vast
amount about
astronomy (p. 29).
They produced celestial
globes like this to show the
positions of stars in the sky.
Sometimes a famous scholar is
commemorated with a large tomb. Bin Ali,
a notable scholar of the 14th century from
Yemen, was buried in this striking double-
domed tomb near Dhofar, Oman.
Arabic scholarship has always been central
to Islam. Muslims traditionally learn to recite
the entire Qur’an by heart, and they always
recite it in the original Arabic, no matter
what language they use in everyday life.
Centers of learning grew up in big cities
such as Baghdad, Iraq, and Damascus,
Syria, and these had libraries that were
often much larger than the collections in
Western cities and universities.
Muslim scholars
produced some
very advanced
laws. From the
A mullah is a person who is learned
earliest times, for
in religion. Most mullahs have had
example, Muslim
a formal religious training, but the
women – unlike
title can be given to someone with a
women in the West –
reputation for religious scholarship.
had the right to own
and inherit property.
This book contains POETRY READING
information about how Recited or set to music, poetry was
inheritance was important in Arabia even before the
calculated. time of Muhammad. It continued to
be popular. In addition to religious
subjects, common poetic themes
Inkpot were love and politics.
made of
gold and
Calligraphy was an important and
respected art. While most writing materials
were simple, some very fine pieces, like this
19th century inkpot, were also made.
Flowing maghribi
script is one
popular style of
Islamic calligraphy.
Some Muslim children, like these in Uzbekistan,
still attend traditional Qur’anic schools.
In many places, modern schooling has replaced
this as the main type of education, though
children may attend both kinds of school.
Some Muslim
calligraphers can make
beautiful pictures using
the curving forms of
Arabic script. This
horse is made up
entirely of Arabic
script, adorned with
different colored inks.
Inscription Calligraphy is used on many Islamic
written in buildings. At this madrasah in Konya,
legible form Turkey, bands of carved calligraphy curve
around the doorway and cross in a knot-
like form above it, like fabric banners.
Two bands of
calligraphy decorate
this inkwell, which was
made in Iran in the
16th century. It would
have inspired its user to
produce writing of
beauty and elegance.
This book is an epic
poem composed in
Iran. It is written in a
flowing form of Arabic
script called nasta’liq.
The long curves in the
script are said to look
like birds’ wings.
An Indian craftsman holds the
pages of a book together to
bind them. Bookbinding
became an important
craft because of the
need to protect copies
of the Qur’an.
brushes for
The spread of learning
study of the Qur’an. In a famous saying, Muslim
scholars are told to “Seek knowledge, even unto China.”
In the Middle Ages, there were well-known Muslim
scholars in many fields, from astronomy and
mathematics to medicine and natural science, and in
most areas their ideas were among the most advanced
in the world. The Islamic scholars gained much of their
knowledge from the ancient world. They translated the BAGHDAD
works of ancient Greek scholars, preserving information Under the Abbasids, the walled city of Baghdad
became an important center of learning, with its own
that had been lost or forgotten. The Muslim scholars university and numerous schools. The city was at its
then built on this with their own original work, carefully height during the reign of Caliph Harun al-Rashid,
who ruled from 786–809. At this time, it was the
recording all their discoveries. intellectual center of the Muslim world.
Wherever Islamic people have settled for any
length of time, they have built using the AL-IDRISI
distinctive Islamic architectural style. Writer and
These buildings often had simple exteriors which traveler
concealed lavish interiors decorated with al-Idrisi
geometric patterns and calligraphy. (1099–1180) was
The horseshoe arch was also popular because it born in Ceuta,
was elegant and withstood stress and strain well. Morocco, but worked
Unlike modern western for much of his life for
maps, south is at the top the Norman king, Roger II
Shaft turned and north is at the bottom. of Sicily. He drew this map of the
by donkey to known world for King Roger and also
operate scoop wrote a book on geography, describing the
Europe world north of the equator.
Scoop raises water into
system of channels
With water in short supply in
many parts of the Islamic world,
inventors used their skill to build
irrigation devices. These ranged
from simple systems, such as this
donkey-powered water scoop, to a
network of irrigation channels in
Iran, which were built
underground to reduce loss of
water from evaporation. These
channels are called qanat, and
some are 12 miles (19 km) long.
JAIPUR OBSERVATORY used to measure the height of
Astronomy This observatory at Jaipur,
India, was built during the
planets as they moved across the
sky. The astronomers at Jaipur
The science of astronomy was important to Muslims 18th century. Many of its were successful because
because it could be used to figure out the direction of instruments are built of they drew on knowledge
Mecca, so that people knew which way to face during stone. These include from both the Arab
great curving quadrants, world and from earlier
prayers. It also helped them to determine the correct which astronomers Indian scientists.
times to pray. As a result, Islamic astronomy became
highly advanced. Astronomers developed better
instruments, made precise tables showing the
movements of the planets, and put together accurate
calendars. We are still influenced by these scientists –
the names of certain stars derive from Arabic words.
In 1575, when the Ottoman empire was
at its height, the astronomer Taqi ad-
Din founded an observatory at Galata
(now part of Istanbul, Turkey). Persian
This painting of the time shows astrolabe
the astronomers with their
equipment, which includes
a globe, a sand glass for
timing, items for
drawing, and all kinds The astrolabe is an
of sighting devices. instrument for measuring
the height of a star or planet
in the sky. It was probably
invented by the ancient
Greeks, but Muslim scholars
and craft workers developed
the instrument, making it
more accurate and
Scales showing incorporating more data to
the positions of show the positions of a
different stars variety of different stars. It was
especially useful to travelers
because it could help them to
determine their position at sea.
Arabic quadrant
This was the simplest instrument for
measuring the height of a star.
It consisted of a quarter-circle-shaped
framework with a scale on the
curving part of the frame and a
plumb line hanging down vertically.
The user looked at a star through a
hole in the frame. The height of the
star was shown at the point where
the plumb line touched the scale.
Title page of
the Canon of
Early Islamic medicine was
very sophisticated for its time.
Doctors knew a great deal
about the diagnosis and
treatment of diseases, anatomy,
childcare, public health, and
even psychiatry – and much of
this knowledge is still relevant
today. Medicine was also
well taught, with students
traveling thousands of
miles to study at famous
centers such as Baghdad’s
‘Adudi hospital.
Like the ancient Greeks, Muslim physicians
believed that bleeding a patient could cure many
diseases. Although this practice seems crude Folding
today, the early Islamic doctors knew a great deal handles
about blood and how it traveled around the
body. One 13th-century Egyptian writer, Ibn an-
Nafis, wrote about the circulation of blood, some
400 years before this was “discovered” in Europe.
Many medicines were made with
fresh herbs, but these could not
always be found all year round.
Herbalists therefore dried leaves,
seeds, and other plant parts, so
that they were available for use at
any time of the year. Herbs were
stored in glass or pottery jars,
and these were usually sealed
with a cork or stopper.
Dark color
to keep out
The ancient Greek surgeon Dioscorides
wrote a famous herbal encyclopedia that
was translated into Arabic. Its five books
describe all kinds of herbs, spices, roots, Pottery
juices, and seeds that were used to make storage
medicines and other preparations. This jars
page from a 10th-century Arabic version of
Dioscorides shows henna, a plant used
widely in the Arab world as a dye.
Nomadic or settled
S ISLAM SPREAD, the faith came to
people with many different lifestyles.
Some were nomads, living in tents and
moving from one place to another in
search of new grazing lands for their
animals. Others lived in settlements that
Water trapped deep under the varied from small oasis villages to some of the
ground comes to the surface at
oases, small patches of green
world’s most sophisticated cities. Even town-
among the desert’s rocks and sand. dwellers were often on the move, for many were ON THE THRESHOLD
People can settle here and cultivate In Islamic tradition, the
crops such as date palms. Oases are merchants, taking caravans of camels across the door forms the meeting
also vital water sources for desert from one market to the next. In this way, point between the private
nomadic desert peoples. house interior and the
both nomadic and settled people helped to spread public outside world and
Islam across western Asia and North Africa. may have beautiful carved
or painted decoration.
For centuries, Yemen has been a prosperous part of
Arabia. The area was ideally placed to allow the
people to make money from the water-
borne trade in the Red Sea and
build cities with beautiful tall
brick houses like these. The
comings and goings in such
cities made Yemen a melting
pot of ideas where both main
branches of Islam – Sunni
and Shi’i – became
well established.
From Tangier in North Africa to Muscat in Arabia,
most Muslim cities have always had markets that
formed meeting places for traders all over the Islamic
world. Everyone came to trade here – nomads,
settled farmers and craft workers, and merchants
from near and far. This coming together of peoples
made markets prime places for the spread of Islam.
Horses have always been important to the
Arab people, especially those living a nomadic
lifestyle. Arabian horses are still widely prized
today. This saddle with matching saddle cloth
is fit for the finest Arabian horse.
This small statuette of
FIT FOR A SULTAN a bird is an example of the
The Topkapi Palace in Istanbul was metalwork of Persia and dates
home to the rulers of the Ottoman from the 12th or 13th century.
empire from the 15th to the 19th The patterns on the bird’s wing
centuries. The beautifully decorated and body are typical of the period.
private apartments include the dining
room of Sultan Ahmet III, adorned
with colorful paintings of flower
arrangements and bowls of fruit. WRITING BOX
Decorated with inlay and
calligraphy, this writing box would
have belonged to a very wealthy
person. It contains pens, knives,
brushes, inks, and other equipment
DECORATED QUR’AN for the calligrapher. The superb
This copy of the Qur’an, made in craftsmanship and luxurious
the 17th century in Delhi, India, materials of this object show the
has patterns picked out in gold great importance placed on
leaf. Not all copies are as richly calligraphy in Islamic culture.
decorated as this, but when
copying the Qur’an, Muslim
calligraphers always try to make
their script as beautiful as possible. Ivory-handled knives
The brightly colored
patterns on this rug show
how Islamic artists adapt
shapes and other motifs
from the natural world.
The design is based on
flowers, but they have been
simplified, to give them a
more abstract quality.
Sufism is the name given today to the
spiritual way at the heart of Islam. Those
who follow it have their own spiritual
practices and a distinctive culture of
poetry and music. Sufis aim to discover
the inner meaning of Islam. They study
under a spiritual teacher in order to
come closer to Allah. Their practices TUNIC
sometimes include ecstatic singing and The bold zigzag design on this tunic
sacred dance rituals that have earned was made using a technique called
one group of Sufis the nickname ikat. Ikat involves tie-dyeing the
“whirling dervishes”. threads before weaving. This method
is used widely in Central Asia to
produce bold, dramatic patterns.
Five double
courses of
Inlaid decoration
Arab music has its own
instruments, and one of the most
popular is the ‘ud, the ancestor of
the Western lute. The ‘ud is used for
Pear-shaped both solos and playing in a group of
body instruments. Its warm sound, and the
subtle effects that skilled players can
produce, have earned the instrument the
title amir al-tarab (prince of enchantment).
Ceramic tiles
are a favorite
kind of
decoration on
Islamic buildings.
They usually have
abstract or calligraphic
patterns and can come in
intricate shapes, like this star.
The Islamic city
MUSLIMS INHERITED ideas about city
planning from early civilizations such as
ancient Rome, and they built large cities
with facilities that were far in advance of
those in Europe. A typical city in the
year 1000 would have had a large
mosque – usually with a school and
library – and a market and baths.
There were also caravanseries,
which were hotels providing Main
accommodation for traveling mosque
merchants and their animals.
Water sellers were a common Houses in an old Islamic city, such as Fez,
sight in many Middle Eastern were tightly packed, but each house had a private
cities before reliable water courtyard with a small garden and a fountain, as well as
supplies were installed. a flat rooftop. Many cities, especially in Turkey and Mughul Central
They can still be seen India (pp. 52–53), had public gardens beyond the walls. square
in some places.
cups Medicine was advanced in the Muslim
world (pp. 30–31) and some Islamic cities
became renowned for their able doctors.
Travelers would often return home with
news of remarkable cures using remedies
such as herbs and spices, and spread this
knowledge further
around the
Islamic world
and beyond.
Suqs, or covered markets, are usually large,
busy places. They are arranged so that shops
selling similar goods are close together, so
purchasers can compare quality and prices,
and so that the official market inspectors
(p. 58) can do their job effectively.
In some cities, comfortable coffee houses
provided entertainment. People went to
this coffee house in Istanbul both for
refreshments and to while away the
hours listening to the local storyteller.
Major Islamic cities were
connected with an efficient
postal service. Mail
was transported by
camels, mules, or horses,
and in 1150, the Sultan of WATERWHEELS
Baghdad even started a Bringing water into the city was sometimes
postal service using a major task. In Hamah, Syria, two huge
carrier pigeons. wooden waterwheels mounted on massive
CITY WALLS stone arches were built to raise water from
Walls enclosed many Muslim cities. They had the river to supply the town. Building wheels
to be strong enough to keep out attackers, give like this required great engineering skill.
City walls, somewhere for defenders to stand safely, and
Morocco provide a good view of the surrounding
countryside. Gates could be locked to keep out
enemies, or opened, when guards could keep an
eye on who was entering and leaving the city.
Merchants and travellers
T RADE HAS ALWAYS played a key role in
the Islamic world. The Prophet himself
came from a people who had long ago
established the two great caravan
journeys from Mecca, the Winter
Caravan to the Yemen and the Summer
Caravan to the outskirts of the Roman
Empire. When Muslim armies took over
Among the early Muslim territory, traders were quick to follow,
travelers, Ibn Battuta, from opening up routes that led east to
Tangier (in present-day
Morocco), was the most China, south into Africa, northwest to
remarkable. Setting out on
the Pilgrimage in 1325, he
Europe, and southeast across the Indian
continued traveling, going Ocean. The faith of Islam was soon
75,000 miles (120,000 km) in
29 years. He visited West
spread by merchants as far as Malaysia MERCHANTS ON THE MOVE
This 13th-century illustration of merchants comes
and East Africa, Arabia, and Indonesia. Muslims did not only from a book by the writer al-Hariri, who came from
India, and China, and when
he returned he told the story travel for trade, they also went in search Basra, Iraq. Men like these didn’t just carry items for
sale; they also carried ideas, inventions, and Islam
of his adventures to the of knowledge, on diplomatic missions, itself, which was often introduced to new areas by
Sultan of Morocco.
and of course to make the Pilgrimage. merchants who settled far from home.
20° 40°
G 60° 80° 100° 120°
Moscow S i b e rO i a 0 miles 1000 Islamic trade
Silver coins b routes
from Baghdad ga 0 km 1000
G Kiev A S I A
found in a Viking
grave in Sweden
E U R O P E GKarakorum
GVenice GCaffa GAstrakhan Aral Lake Balkhash MONGOLIA
Caspian Sea Shangdu
Black Sea
Sea G o b i G
GNaples G Constantinople
Bukhara Samarkand Kashgar
Anxi G Beijing G 40°
Athens Anatolia Tig GG G
Yell o
G Rayy Merv
Sicily Balkh
Aleppo G Khotan G wR
G iv er
Mediterranean Sea Baghdad G G
Herat Kabul H i T I B E T Xian
Damascus m tze
Tripoli Alexandria Basra ng
GG G a l a
Jerusalem Ya
y a s Hangzhou
Cairo s
Hormuz Delhi G
G Ganges CHINA
Patna Chittagong
G G GYunnan GGuangzhou
Tropic of Cancer G G MeccaArabian
Peninsula Arabian
Bay of Pegu
Sea Bengal
Aden Philippines
G Calicut Thon G GAngkor
G Buri
A F R I C A China
G Ceylon
COINS FOR TRADE Maldive G Brunei
Congo Mogadishu Islands Malacca
Archeologists have found out where
G G 120°
This salt caravan is traveling to Timbuktu in Mali
(p. 48). Salt was essential for seasoning and preserving
food, and early Muslims sold it for vast sums. There were
rich sources of salt in Africa, at places such as Taghaza,
today in Algeria, where the locals even constructed
buildings from salt. From here, caravans carried salt
south, and the merchants spread Islam as they traveled.
The most common trading vessels in the Tasseled
Indian Ocean were dhows, which are still saddlebag
used today. With their triangular sails, these
boats are easy to maneuver and sail in
headwinds. Their captains navigated by
looking at the stars and many of them
also used the
magnetic compass. BACTRIAN CAMEL
They also had an With their great
excellent staying power and
knowledge of their ability to
currents, sea- produce milk on a
marks, and diet of bitter
winds. vegetation and foul-
tasting water, camels
enabled the Muslims
to survive and travel in
inhospitable places. The
two-humped Bactrian camel
was found on the northern
routes, the one-humped
dromedary in the south.
Furled lateen
(triangular) sail
Stern rudder
NARWHAL TUSKS Nobles in both East and West enjoyed hunting with
Among the marvels on sale in medieval falcons, and the Arab world produced some of the
markets were tusks taken from the narwhal, best, and most expensive, birds. When Muslim
a small species of whale. Stories of the unicorn, envoys visited the Chinese emperor during
the mythical beast with a single horn, fascinated the Ming dynasty, he asked them to
people in the Middle Ages and bring him falcons.
unscrupulous traders claimed that
narwhal tusks were unicorn horns.
A resin from trees growing in
Exotic goods
southern Arabia, frankincense is The Muslim world had two enormous business
burned for its perfume and was also advantages. Muslim merchants had a huge range of
an ingredient in medieval medicines.
Frankincense was in great demand
contacts over land and sea, so they could trade in
in Christian Europe because it was everything from African gold and Chinese porcelain to
used in religious services. It became European amber and furs. Muslim craft workers were
a major trading item for Muslim also highly skilled, so merchants could bring back raw
merchants. materials, which workers then transformed into all
kinds of items – leather goods,
metalwork, textiles, glass –
COTTON that always found a
Grown originally ready market.
in Egypt and
Iraq, cotton was
a popular OILS
material for Used in cooking, for
clothing because soaps and cosmetics, and
it was cool, in lamps like this, oil was
comfortable, and traded widely. The fine plant-
cheaper than linen. based oils of the Muslim world were CAMEL
far more pleasant to use than the smelly CARAVAN
fish oil that was often found in Europe. Before modern
forms of transportation
Cotton plant appeared, camel caravans,
each beast loaded with bags
containing trade goods, were
a common sight in Arabia,
the Sahara, and on the
Silk Road across Asia.
Robe dyed
using indigo
Blue was a very popular color
SILKS for fabrics and there was a
Muslim valuable trade in indigo, a
merchants blue dye made from plants
brought silk and used today in clothes such
yarns and as denim jeans. Other dyes,
finished fabrics such as Roman purple made
from China along from murex shellfish, were
the Silk Road (p. 38). rarer and more expensive.
The yarns were woven
into cloth in cities such as
Damascus (which gave us Silk fabric
the word damask), in Syria, THE IVORY TRADE
and sold on to Western traders. Elephant ivory was brought across
the Sahara and through Ethiopia to
be exported from the ports of
Oyster shell North Africa. Much of it went to
with pearl PEARL FISHING Muslim Spain, where craft
Diving for pearls was dangerous work, but workers produced stunning
divers risked their lives in the fine pearl ivory objects, such as
beds of the Arabian Gulf and Indian Ocean decorated horns and
because of the huge demand. There were intricately carved
thriving pearl markets in Bahrain, Sri caskets.
necklace Lanka, and around the Strait of Hormuz, Elephant
between Oman and Iran. ivory
Food trade
The Muslim world developed a vigorous trade in
various types of foods, and this business still continues
today. The trade was beneficial in several ways. Not
only was there great financial gain for the merchants,
but Western Europe was also introduced to foodstuffs
from all over Asia. Without Muslim merchants,
Europeans would have had no rice, sugar, or coffee.
In addition, the merchants set up trading colonies in
many parts of the world, and this helped Islam to
spread eastward as far as Southeast Asia.
The Muslims brought
Cinnamon rice from Southeast
sticks Asia and it soon became a
popular food in parts of
Europe. Later, Western
Peppercorns growers learned how to
grow rice for themselves.
Thai rice pot
Grown on the islands of Indonesia, Apricots
spices fetched high prices in Europe
and western Asia, where they were
Cloves used in both food and medicines.
From the time of Muhammad until the
16th century, Muslim merchants ran
the spice trade, bringing nutmeg,
cloves, cinnamon, and other spices to
Arabia by sea and selling them at a
huge profit to European traders. Figs
The crusades
THE CITY OF JERUSALEM is sacred to followers of three faiths --
Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. From the seventh century,
Jerusalem and the surrounding area were ruled by Muslims, who
had mostly lived in harmony with the Christians and Jews of the
city. But in the late 11th century, the Christian Byzantine Empire,
based in Turkey on the pilgrimage route to Jerusalem, was at war
with the Muslim Seljuk Turks, and Christian pilgrims reported
difficulties in visiting Jerusalem. The Europeans launched a series
of largely unsuccessful wars called the crusades
In 1095, Pope Urban II preached at to try and defeat the Muslims and take over
Clermont, France. He called for a
Christian army to capture Jerusalem.
Jerusalem and other nearby lands.
A number of European lords saw this
as an opportunity to create power
bases in and around the city.
The crusades involved many sieges when the
European armies attacked fortified cities such
SELJUK BOWL as Antioch and Damascus. These attacks were
In the 11th century, Turkish often ruthless, bloodthirsty assaults,
warriors called the Seljuks, and the crusaders sometimes
portrayed on this painted bowl, used powerful, outsize
ruled a Muslim empire that weapons, like this giant
stretched from Iran and Iraq to crossbow, when besieging
the eastern Mediterranean. Muslim cities.
The first crusade ended when Jerusalem
fell to the Europeans in July 1099, and
Count Baldwin of Flanders was
crowned king of the city.
Christians remained in power
here for over 80 years.
KRAK DES CHEVALIERS Tall tower gives
The European knights who occupied good lookout
the Holy Land during the crusades position
built impressive castles as military
bases. The strongest and biggest
of these castles was Krak des
Chevaliers in Syria. It was
rebuilt by French knights in
the early 12th century, and its
massive walls kept out
many attackers.
Aqueduct for
water supply
Salah ad-Din, known in the
West as Saladin, was a
Muslim leader who fought a
jihad (a struggle in accordance
with strict limitations set out
in the Qur’an) against the
crusaders under Richard the
Lionheart. In 1187, he
recaptured Jerusalem,
which would remain
under Muslim rule for
the next 800 years.
Saladin, who is buried in this
tomb in Damascus, Syria,
was a fearless fighter who
was always just to his THE MAMLUKS
enemies. He built up The Mamluks were originally slaves
an empire in Syria, who were recruited to fight for the
Palestine, and Muslims. Eventually they became
Egypt, and founded a military ruling class, defeating
the Ayyubid Christians in the later crusades.
dynasty, which After overthrowing the Ayyubids
ruled until 1260. in the 13th century, they ruled their
own empire for over 250 years.
Arms and armor
BY THE 11TH CENTURY, Muslims were highly skilled in metal
craftsmanship – and this included weapon production. For a
fighting man, good arms and armor were often a matter of life
and death, so soldiers wanted the best equipment that they could
afford. The mounted warriors of the Islamic world used the
sword, lance, and mace. Most were also skilled archers. Beautiful
and intricate swords, shields, and other weaponry were the envy
of the non-Muslim world. However,
Muslim armies were also quick to
adopt weapons that originated
in the West, such as cannons
and firearms.
Indian steel
shield with gilt
By the early 14th century, European
armorers were starting to make cannons
and these powerful weapons were quickly
taken up by Muslim armies. This painting
shows cannons being used by Muslim
troops at the Siege of Vienna in 1529.
This Turkish helmet dates from around
1500. It is made of iron and patterned
with silver. It carries the mark of the
“Arsenal of Constantinople” (now
Istanbul) where the weapons and
armor of the Turkish army were held.
The Mongols developed small, round shields
made of leather. When enemy archers fired,
their arrows stuck in the leather and could be
pulled out and reused. Later round shields
were made of steel with a curving surface, to
protect the user from both bullets and sword
blows. Shields like this were popular in India
and Iran from the 18th century onward.
Jambiya (and sheath,
below right)
Maces were Khanjar and
sometimes carried decorated sheath
as a sign of rank, but
they were also fighting
weapons used by
mounted warriors. In
skilled hands, a mace
could break an opponent’s
bones, even if he was
wearing armor.
Handheld guns first appeared in
Western Europe in the 15th century
Steel mace and Muslim soldiers soon began to
from Persia use them. It was not long before
Muslim craft workers started to
JAMBIYA make such weapons for themselves,
KHANJAR First made in the often in workshops run by master-
In many parts of the Muslim Arabian Peninsula, armorers from Portugal. In this
world it was common for the jambiya was a curved dagger. picture, 16th century Indian
men, and even boys, to It proved popular – either as a Emperor Akbar is learning how to
carry weapons. This is a plain fighting dagger or as an handle one of the latest weapons.
20th-century dagger from ornate ceremonial weapon – and
Yemen, called a khanjar. spread all over the Muslim world.
Gold-barreled musket When they were first imported to the
East, guns like this European flintlock
musket were resisted by high-ranking
Muslim soldiers, who preferred the bow
and the curved sword. But when their
enemies began to take up firearms,
Muslim warriors were forced to do the
same, and weapons like the musket
were valued all over Asia.
Muslims from Morocco invaded Spain –
soon they controlled most of the Iberian
MOORISH COIN Peninsula. Muslims ruled in Spain until
The Moors – the name
Christians gave to the
the 15th century, although they never
Muslims from Morocco governed the entire peninsula, as
– brought with them
their own coinage and Christian kingdoms survived in the
systems of government. north. After the fall of the caliphate in
After the defeat of the
Moors, early Spanish the 11th century, Moorish Spain began GREAT MOSQUE AT CORDOBA
Begun in the ninth century and later extended,
Christian kings
continued to use Islamic
to be conquered by the Christians of the Great Mosque, or Mezquita, in Cordoba was
a symbol of Muslim power in Spain. It is a
designs on coins. the north and the east, but southern dazzling example of Islamic architecture. Over
cities such as Cordoba and Seville were 850 columns of granite, jasper, and marble
support a ceiling raised on double arches.
centers of Islamic art and learning.
The musicians of Muslim CALIPH’S BOX
Spain were among the best in A great Moorish
Europe. Some of them were craftsman produced
wandering minstrels who this box during the 10th
introduced European players to century. It is inscribed
the lute, and to the use of the bow with the name of Al-
to play stringed instruments. Mughira, son of ‘Abd al-
Rahman III, who reunited
Islamic Spain after a time
of disorder and ruled as
In the 14th century, Spain was
Caliph of Cordoba.
ruled by the Nasrid dynasty
who were based in Granada, in
Scenes showing
southern Spain. Here they built
pleasures of
the great fortified palace called
courtly life
the Alhambra, which means “red
palace,” after the warm color of
its stone. It was designed to
represent paradise on Earth and
its tall towers and strong outer
walls hide luxurious interiors.
The beauty of the
Alhambra lies not only in
its exquisite Islamic
decoration, but in the clever
use of light and water to
create a sense of space.
Courtyards fill the palace
with light, and many have
tranquil pools that gently
reflect the light. Arched
walkways create shaded
areas where the Nasrids
could walk or relax.
In many parts of Spain, Muslim
craftsmen carried on working under
Christian rule. They developed a
style, now known as mudéjar, which
used Islamic patterns to decorate
brick-built wall surfaces, as in this
tower at Teruel.
caliphs in 750, Islam had spread across North
Africa from Egypt to Morocco. From here, the
faith spread southward, as Muslim Berber
and Tuareg merchants crossed Africa
carrying not just goods, but also ideas.
Great cities of Islamic scholarship were
established at Timbuktu and Djenne
(both in Mali) and Chingetti, in
Mauritania. Today Muslims – most of
them Sunnis – are in the majority in
North and West Africa, and many East One of the best known accounts of
African countries. Africa is a vast and the Muslim conquests in North
Africa is an epic called the Sirat Beni
varied continent, in which Islam exists Hilal. One especially popular
side by side with many different local character is the heroine Jazia, a
warrior who is shown here riding
cultures and with political systems that her camel.
range from socialism to monarchy.
The Berbers are the peoples
of the mountains and ILLUMINATED COPY OF THE QUR’AN
deserts of North Africa. Calligraphy and other scholarly skills
They are Muslims who were as highly valued in Africa as in
have held on to many of the rest of the Muslim world, and Africa
their local traditions, had some famous centers of learning.
such as wearing bright- One of the largest of these was 15th-
colored costumes and and 16th-century Timbuktu. Scholars
silver jewelry. from all over North Africa came to
the city’s library to consult precious
manuscripts like this copy of
the Qur’an.
Wide margin allows
the pages to be
turned without
touching the text.
Earth pinnacle
built around
wooden post
Earth is the traditional building material
in many parts of Africa. In addition to
being used for houses, large
buildings, like this mosque at
Djenne in Mali, can be made of
earth. Djenne was one of the
most important trading centers
along the Niger River.
When the Muslim
conquerors took over
areas like Tunisia, they
founded cities and built
mosques in which to
pray. The ninth-century
mosque at Sousse, with
its round stone minaret,
is one early example.
This tunic was worn by a warrior of
the Asante people of West Africa. The
pouches each contain a text from the
Qur’an, which warriors believed
would protect them in battle.
Leather pouch
containing verse
from the Qur’an
These hexagonal wall tiles
from North Africa bear
patterns that are based on
plant forms. The flowers,
leaves, and twining stems
have been made into abstract
designs in typical Islamic style.
The people of West Africa were
skilled gold workers before the
arrival of Islam. The Muslims
put these skills to work to
MEMORIZING THE QUR’AN produce gold coinage.
Islam brought formal education to many
parts of Africa for the first time. This
Mauritanian student is reading a
sura (chapter) of the Qur’an,
and learning it by heart.
Mali was the center of a large West African empire
during the 14th century. Its ruler, Mansa Musa, made
Wooden beams the pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324–25, and his long
Smooth outer journey is recorded on this map.
strengthen the
coating of mud structure.
protects walls.
Most Muslims have simple graves, but there is a tradition
of building larger tombs for caliphs and other notable
people. The small tomb above, near Khartoum in Sudan,
was probably built for a local saint. It is marked by a simple
dome so that people can visit to pay their respects.
Mongols and Turks
IN 1219 THE LANDS OF ISLAM were invaded by
Mongol armies from the north. By 1258, the
Mongols – great warriors from the steppes
of Mongolia – had sacked Baghdad and
killed the caliph, devastating Islam’s
political center. But in 1260, the Mongols
were defeated by the Mamluks, and
many converted to Islam. The next
great Muslim power was the Ottoman
empire, founded by the Turks in 1290.
They conquered part of Eastern Europe
and, like the Arabs before them, became
the dominant political force in Islam.
Genghis Khan was a Mongol warlord The Mongol warriors were skilled horsemen and
who came to power in 1206 when he ruthless fighters. Moving at great speed, they
succeeded in uniting warring Mongol killed millions and destroyed hundreds of
tribes. He then began a campaign of settlements to bring much of Asia under
raiding and conquest. At his death in the control of Mongol rulers.
1227, his empire stretched from
China to the borders of Europe.
The Mongols were proud
of their warriors, as this
decorated bowl from the
ninth century shows.
Because they began as
a nomadic people, the
Mongols’ detailed Embroidered
knowledge of the land cloth
meant that they were able to
vanish into the countryside,
reappearing again suddenly to Pillar of
take their enemies by surprise. skulls
Constantinople (modern Istanbul) was the capital
of the Christian Byzantine Empire. During the Fortress of Rumeli
Middle Ages, the Turks took over more and more of Hisari, built by
this empire, and in 1453, Constantinople itself fell Mehmet II as a base
to the sultan Mehmet II. The city became the new from which to attack
center of the Ottoman Empire. Constantinople
Recurved bow,
the favorite
Mongol weapon
Text reads:
“Suleiman Shah
son of Salim Shah
Khan always
triumphant.” SIGN OF THE SULTAN
Tughra of Each Ottoman sultan had a tughra,
Suleiman I or official signature, specially
created for him. It was designed to
prevent forgery and could only be
used by the sultan’s staff. These staff
were part of a huge civil service that
the Ottomans developed for
running their empire. Able civil
servants could be promoted and rise
to high social rank.
Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II,
was known as “the
Conqueror,” after his
capture of Constantinople
in 1453. He was a
broadminded man,
interested in all types of
culture. His court
attracted scholars and
craftsmen from all
over the Muslim
Suleiman 1 world and he had his
portrait painted by the
Italian artist Bellini.
The Ghaznavids,
whose craftsmen made
elaborate metalwork
Central Asia, Iran, and India
like this lamp, were Seljuk
rulers who controlled
Afghanistan and much of ISLAM CAME EARLY TO IRAN, an area that was completely
Iran. They were at the
height of their power in
conquered by Muslim rulers by the year 641. In the following
the early 11th century. The centuries, a series of ruling dynasties reigned in Iran, including
Ghaznavids were Sunni
Muslims who opposed the
the Seljuks from Turkey, the Mongols from Central Asia, the
rival Shi’i dynasty, the Timurids (the dynasty of the war leader Timur), and the
Buyids, in Iran.
Safavids. India was also a region of huge variety,
with many different religions. Muslims –
from the first conquests in
decoration Sind in 712 to the Mughal
emperors – controlled all or part
of India from 1193 to the 19th
century, when the subcontinent became
part of the vast British Empire. When the
country won its independence from Britain in
Lamp is 1947, it was split up and the new Muslim
made of cast
state of Pakistan was created. A growing
Muslim minority remains in India.
The Mughal empire
The Muslim Mughal dynasty ruled in India from 1526 to 1858, with
the greatest emperors in power toward the beginning of this period.
Under their rule, the diverse Indian subcontinent was united and Babur discusses
underwent a unique period of achievement in art, music, literature building progress
and architecture. Under the later Mughal rulers, however, the empire with his architects
began to fall apart.
The first Mughal emperor was Babur, who came from Iran and
was descended from Timur and Genghis Khan. The word
Mughal comes from “Mongol,” because of Babur’s origins.
Babur was just 11 when he became a ruler in Transoxiana, and
Akbar leads aged 14 when he conquered Samarkand. He established a
his army kingdom in Iran, which he lost, and another in Afghanistan.
into battle In 1526, Babur conquered India. A well-educated man, he was
a poet and historian who encouraged the arts.
The greatest Mughal emperor was Akbar,
who ruled from 1556 to 1605. Skilled in
government, Akbar set up an efficient
bureaucracy, the structure of which still
influences Indian government today. Akbar
was also known as one of the most tolerant
of rulers. He abolished a tax on the Hindu
population, and encouraged artists to combine
Hindu and Islamic styles in their work.
This book contains the letters of the last important
Mughal leader, emperor Aurangzeb (1658–1070),
whose rule saw a decline in the health of the
Mughal state. He expanded the empire but failed
to invest in agriculture and so did not make
enough money to support his army or court.
He persecuted non-Muslims, taxing Hindus
heavily and destroying many of their temples.
China and Southeast Asia Name of Allah
The shadow puppet theater
called wayang golek is
performed with carved and
painted wooden figures that
are manipulated with rods.
Wayang is a traditional Javanese
entertainment, widely enjoyed
by Muslims at festivals and
Articulated arm
Wooden rod is
used to move
puppet’s arm.
These schoolgirls from Brunei are
wearing the tudong, a form of head-
covering that extends down to conceal
the neck and upper body. Wearing the
tudong is just one way in which women
can obey the Qur’an’s instruction to
dress modestly (p. 56).
Costume and jewelry
Many Muslim
children wear
modern dress, like
these Chinese
Muslim boys often wear this
type of brightly colored cap. The
shape is traditional, as is the
technique of embroidery used to
decorate it. But the pattern can
be modern, like the helicopter
design used here.
Some Muslims carry an ornament
or piece of jewelry to protect
HEAD DECORATION them from evil, called an amulet.
This is a traditional This might be a stone carved
form of jewelry with a verse from the Qur’an, or
in the Arabian a box containing Qur’anic texts.
Peninsula. A woman
wears a pair of head
decorations, one
Arab metalworkers pride over each ear.
themselves on their jewelry.
For centuries, they worked mostly
in silver, but now gold is a
popular material for the bracelets
Chains and
and other pieces that are bought ENAMELED NECKLACE
for a bride when she marries. Jewelry can be given bright red, blue,
made of
silver and green colors by enameling. This
involves applying a mixture of
powdered colored glass to the
metalwork and heating the piece in a
kiln to make the decoration hard and
Fine silks, often with added
embroidered decoration, are
among the most elegant of
Chinese traditional garments.
The example below has wide
sleeves, which are typical of
Oriental designs.
This North African robe shows
two forms of bright, colorful
decoration. The stripes are made
by sewing different colored
fabrics together. But what really
makes the robe stand out is the
encrustation of brilliantly
colored beads.
The outside of the Central Asian robe
above is produced using the ikat technique
(p. 35). The lining stands out as its flower
patterns contrast well with the zigzag ikat.
Islamic society
THE QUR’AN TELLS MUSLIMS that man is God’s vice regent on Earth and
is responsible for taking good care of everything from the environment
to the people around him. Muslims are told to be tolerant of other
peoples and to create societies in which
justice, personal kindness, and the
avoidance of wrongdoing are upheld.
Virtues such as these start within the
family and the Qur’an describes clearly
the roles of men, women, and children.
SULTAN AND HIS SUBJECTS Within these guidelines, which are
Muslim countries are
governed in different ways. known as the sharia, Muslim society
In the past, many had
heads of state who ruled
can take a variety of forms.
with absolute power, like
this Moroccan sultan. Since
World War II and the Slavery had been an
abolition of the caliphate important part of the social SCALES OF JUSTICE
(p. 20), most Muslims system since ancient times, Islamic law also covers business, encouraging
now live in modern and was still common in the trade, but setting guidelines that ensure fairness.
nation states. time of Muhammad. It Since Abbasid times (p. 20), markets in Muslim
continued to be a part of life in countries have had officials who checked weights
medieval times as this picture and measures and the quality of merchandise. The
of a North African slave Muhtasib, as this public official was called, is still
market shows. The Qur’an found in some traditional markets.
encouraged the freeing of
slaves and insisted that they
be treated with kindness.
“Allah created nothing finer on The Qur’an stresses that there
should be tolerance between
Earth than justice. Justice is Muslims and non-Muslims. Jews
and Christians, people who, like
Allah's balance on Earth, and any Muslims, believe in the One
God, are given particular respect
man who upholds this balance will in the Qur’an. They should be
able to coexist peacefully, like
be carried by Him to Paradise.” the Muslim and Christian chess-
players in this Spanish picture.
Many Muslims live side by side
with people of very different
beliefs. For the most part, they
live in harmony, like these
Muslims and Buddhists in China.
Islam makes a clear Muslims regard children as gifts of
distinction between the Allah and as one of the great joys
roles of men and women of life. Parents are expected to
in the home. The man’s care for their children and to
job is to deal with give them a good start in life,
relations between the making sure they have a proper
family and the outside upbringing and education.
world, as this man is Children are expected to
doing when he respect and obey their
entertains his guests. parents and to show qualities
of kindness, virtue, and
toward them.
Henna is used in a traditional
ritual that is usually performed
on the day before a marriage.
The bride’s hands and feet are
adorned with beautiful
patterns using a dye made
Muslims are usually expected to
from henna leaves. This may
marry and have children.
be done by the bride’s female
Marriage not only unites
friends and relatives.
individuals, but it also
brings together
families, making the
Muslim community
more unified and
reflecting the
harmony of
In many societies, Muslim
women are educated to a high
level, are employed in
professions such as medicine
A Muslim man
or law, and may even take a
gives his bride-to-be a
prominent part in public life.
dowry, a payment in
Baroness Uddin, a Muslim
money or property, which
member of the British House
may be presented in a box
Pattern is said of Lords, is a good example.
like this. The amount of
the dowry can vary to symbolize
according to the man’s strength and
wealth. love.
In traditional Muslim
societies such as Sudan,
women usually keep to
their roles of homemaking
and childcare. Even in
early Muslim societies,
however, there were
notable women who
worked as scholars MAN AT PRAYER
and occasionally According to Islam, everything
ruled. Many Local terra-cotta pot comes from Allah and will
learned Muslim eventually return to Allah.
women, such as Qualities that are loved in
the great Egyptian family members, friends,
scholar Umm Hani and the wider society are
(1376–1466), were all qualities that have
famous in the come from Allah. So the
Middle Ages. individual’s relationship
with Allah is paramount.
Each Muslim turns to
Allah for guidance,
forgiveness, and support.
Festivals and ceremonies
THE MUSLIM CALENDAR contains a number
of yearly festivals. Some commemorate key
events in the history of the faith, such as
the birthday of the Prophet or the Night
Journey. Others are connected with the Five
Pillars of Islam: ‘Id al-Adha (the feast of the
sacrifice) takes place during the time of the
The Islamic calendar is
pilgrimage, and ‘Id al-Fitr marks the end of
based on the phases of the Ramadan, the month of fasting. There are also
Moon. Each year has 12
lunar months of 29 or 30 festivals such as Nauruz in Iran to celebrate the
days each, and a total of New Year, and celebrations, from birth to
354 days. Each month
begins with the sighting marriage, to mark key points in a Muslim’s life.
of the new Moon. KERBALA
RAMADAN Kerbala, Iraq, is where Muhammad’s
During the month of Ramadan, grandson Husayn was killed in 680.
Muslims fast between sunrise and Husayn’s shrine (above) is sacred to the
sunset (p.15). At sunset each day, Shi’i Muslims, who are the largest
people first pray and then eat. religious group in Iran and Iraq. The
Special lights, such as this star- death of Husayn is marked by the
shaped lantern, may be lit during festival of Ashura (see opposite).
the evening meal.
These boys from Kenya are
taking part in a procession
celebrating Mawlid an-Nabi, the
birthday of the Prophet. This
day is a public holiday and is
also marked with recitations of a
poem called the Burdah, in praise
of Muhammad.
During the festival of ‘Id al-Fitr, people
knock on the doors of neighbors,
greeting them with the phrase “Eid
Mubarak” (Blessed Eid). Friends or
relatives living away are sent Eid
greeting cards (left).
Eid greeting
Colorful balloons are a
popular feature of the
celebrations of ‘Id al-Fitr,
which marks the end of
Stained glass Ramadan (p. 15). Celebrations
panel include a festival prayer, a
substantial breakfast, and the
giving of alms to the poor.
The sacred month, 30 days The month which is void The first spring
1: Ra’s al-’Am (New Year) 29 days 30 days
10: Ashura 12: Mawlid an-Nabi (birthday of the Prophet)
Some Muslim festivals
are local celebrations
that take part in just
one country or region
of the Islamic world.
For example, the Sallah
festival is held in
northern Nigeria as
part of the rituals
marking the end of
Ramadan. The
highlight is a colorful
procession featuring
chiefs in ceremonial
robes, brightly
costumed horsemen,
and lute players.
The festival of Ashura
marks the death of
Husayn and, in one of
Members of the Sufi Mevlevi the ceremonies, models
order (p. 35) hold festivals at of Husayn’s tomb are
which they perform their carried through the
“whirling” dance, known as streets. Plays reenacting
sama‘. One such festival the death of Husayn
marks the death of their may also be performed.
founder, the great Sufi
poet and mystic,
Jalaluddin Rumi
In Islam, a contract of marriage is made by
the groom giving the bride-to-be a dowry,
and the bride then giving consent to
marriage before witnesses. The dowry
may be presented in an embroidered
wallet. Wedding celebrations vary
according to the local traditions of the
different areas of the Muslim world, but
will usually include recitations from the
Qur’an and a great feast.
Muslim boys are usually Dowry wallet
circumcised in a ceremony called
khitan. This is often done around
age seven, though it may be done
any time before a boy reaches 12
years old. These Turkish boys are
attending a mosque before their
khitan ceremony.
A rich variety of food originated in the
Islamic countries, and many of these foods
have spread far and wide. This variety is only
slightly limited by some simple dietary rules
that restrict what a Muslim may eat. Islam
forbids the drinking of alcohol, and Muslims
are not allowed to eat pork which, as in other
traditions, is considered to be unclean. Other
CANDY TRAY animals may be eaten, provided that they are
The availability of sugar meant that many slaughtered in the correct way, with the
Muslim areas developed their own Name of God pronounced as the creature’s
traditional types of candy. These examples
come from Malaysia. Known as kuch, they
life is taken. Meat that is slaughtered in this MINT TEA
way is described as halal, or lawful to eat. Tea is widely drunk in many
are rich cookies flavored with palm sugar
Muslim countries. Usually
and coconut.
served in a glass, hot, sweet
mint tea is very popular and
Cardamom Cumin refreshing. Lemon tea is a
common alternative.
The spice trade was always important to
Muslim merchants, so many spices from India and
Southeast Asia found their way into the cooking of
the Middle East. Ingredients such as cumin and
cardamom were valued for their fragrance, flavor
and as aids to digestion.
This mother and
daughter in Isfahan,
Iran, are buying food from a
local dealer in dried fruit and
spices. In this traditional
FAST FOOD shop, most of the goods are
The idea of fast, ready-to-eat food is displayed loose, so that
nothing new in the Islamic world, purchasers can see exactly
and street sellers cooking and what they are buying.
selling their own food are a
common sight. In Egypt,
street vendors like this man
sell passersby fava bean
patties cooked in the open
air and flavored with
local herbs.
Date palms are one of the
few crops that grown all over the dry
areas of western Asia and northern
Africa. Tasty and rich in carbohydrates,
dates are a popular staple food.
Sweet pastries are one of
the delights of western
Asia. This shop is in Syria.
It is selling local pastries
called hama, which get their
sweetness from a covering
of honey. Several different
varieties are displayed in
the shop window to tempt
Unleavened bread – bread baked without yeast, so that it
stays flat and does not rise – is a common staple food
throughout the Islamic world. This woman in Kyrgyzstan
is making it on an open fire, which is one of the traditional
ways to bake bread. Bread like this may also be baked on a
hot stone.
Oranges came to Europe along trade routes
from the Islamic world, and their juices were
quenching thirsts in Western Europe by
about the 14th century. The very term orange
is derived from the Arabic word naranj.
The technique of grilling small pieces of
meat on a skewer to make a kebob is used
in the eastern Mediterranean and Turkey.
Kebobs made with ground lamb, cubes of COFFEE POT
lamb, or pieces of chicken, are now popular Another item introduced to the
all over Europe and beyond. West by the Muslims is coffee.
Excellent coffee has been grown
for centuries in the southwestern
corner of the Arabian Peninsula
and is still served there today,
Hospitality has always been a
usually very strong and sweet,
virtue in Islam, especially in the
from elegant pots like this.
desert, where food is hard to
come by. This early illustration
shows some Persians sharing
food with a stranger. FAMILY FOOD
This family in Senegal
is cooking their meal
over an open fire.
When it is ready, they
will all eat the food
from the one pot.
Everyone looks
forward to this daily
family gathering. It is
a chance to catch up
on the news as
well as to enjoy a
welcome meal.
Index caranvanserai 36, 55
Carthage 23
ceremonies 60-61
hajj 16
halal meat 62
houses 17, 32
Kublai Khan 50, 54
law, Muslim, see sharia
learning 24, 28
NOPQ Shahada 12
sharia 58
Shi‘i Muslims 20, 21,
A China 54-55, 57
Christians 12, 42, 46, 58
Husayn 21, 60
Ibn Battuta 38
libraries 18, 25 Night Journey 60, 61
Night of Destiny 8
52, 60
Silk Road 38, 39, 40
Abraham 17
Adam 17
circumcision 61
cities 36-37; walls 37
Constantinople see
Ibn Sina 24, 30
‘Id al-Adha 60
‘Id al-Fitr 15, 60
M nomads 6, 32-33
oases 6, 7, 32
observatories 29
society 58-59
soldiers 23, 50
Southeast Asia 54-55
Africa 23, 48-49 Istanbul ikat 35, 57 madrasah 24 Ottomans 19, 50 Spain 22, 23, 46-47
Akbar 45, 53 Cordoba 46 iman 12 Mali 48, 49 pharmacists 30, 31 spices 41, 62
‘Ali 20, 21 costume 17, 48, 56-57 India 52, 53 Mamluks 43, 50 pilgrimage to Mecca 13, Sufism 35, 61
al-Idrisi 28 crusades 42-43 Indonesia 54 Ma‘rib 7 16-17 sugar 41, 62
Allah 9, 10, 12, 13 Iran 52 markets 32, 36 pilgrims 16, 17, 42 Sunni 20, 21
almsgiving 12, 14, 19
Arab Empire 22 DF Isfahan 52
Islam, basic belief 12
marriage 59, 61
Martel, Charles 23
poetry 25
prayer 12-13, 15, 18, 59;
suqs 36
Arabia 6-7
Arabian Nights 27
Arabic: numbers 31;
Damascus 22, 40
dhows 39
Islamic: art/decoration
11, 20, 26, 34-35, 53; city
36-37; culture 34-35
mathematics 31
Mawlid an-Nabi 60
Mecca 13, 16, 17; Sacred
call to 12, 18; direction
of 13; stages of 13
Prophet of Islam, The see
script see script, Arabic dietary rules 62 Istanbul 51: Blue Mosque Mosque 16 Muhammad tents 17, 33
Arabs 6 dowry 59, 61 19; Hagia Sofia 51; medicine 30-31, 36 prophets 8 Timur (Tamerlane) 50, 52
Ashura 60, 61 faith see Shahada observatory 29; Medina 9 public baths/fountains tombs 9, 24, 49, 52
astronomy 24, 29 family life 58-59 Topkapi Palace 34 Mehmet II 51 14, 37 trade/traders 6, 8, 32, 38-
Ataturk 21 fasting 12, 15 men 59 Qur’an 8, 10-11, 25, 34; 41, 54
Avicenna 24 festivals 15, 60-61
Five Pillars of Islam 12-17 JKL merchants 8, 32, 38-41,
54, 55
copying out/writing
down 8, 11, 48;
trade routes 6, 7, 38, 39
travelers 38-41