Block 3 MECE 001 Unit 10

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10.0 Objectives
0 I Introduction
10.2 The Nature of Dummy Variables
10.3 A Simple Dummy Variable Model
10.4 Use of More than One Qualitative Variable
10.5 Testing for Structural Stability of Regression Models
10.6 Use of Dummy Variables in Seasonal Analysis
10.7 Pooling Cross Sectional and Time Series Data
10.8 Let Us Sum Up
10.9 Key Words
10.10 Some Useful Books
10.1 1 AnswersIHints to Check Your Progress Exercises

After going through this unit you will be able to:
explain the nature of dummy variables;
use dummy variables in regression models;
test for structural stability in dummy variable models; and
pool cross sectional and time series data by using dummy variables.

In the linear regression models considered in previous units so far we have assumed
the explanatory variables (i.e., the Xs) to be numerical or quantitative in nature. But
this may not always be the case. There can be instances when the explanatory
variable(s) are qualitative in nature. These qualitative variables are o%n called the
dummy variables. The purpose of this unit is to consider the role of such qualitative
explanatory variables in the regression analysis and also to show how the use of
dummy variables make the linear regression models an extremely flexible tool for
handling many interesting problems encountered in empirical studies.

I In regression analysis the dependent variable is frequently influenced not only by
! variables that can be readily quantified on some well defined scale (e.g., income,
output, prices, costs, weights, etc.), but also by other variables that are essentially
qualitative in nature (e.g., marital status, gender, religion, cute,ee.). For example,
1 holding all other factors constant, IIT graduates are found to earn more that1 their

counterparts from the regional engineering colleges in India. Shilariy studies in US
have reported that female college teachers earn less than their male counterparts.
Whatever may be the reason for this al.,parity, qwlitative variables like gender,
institution of education, etc. do influence the dependent variable and should be
included among the independent variables.
E%$ensionsof Regressian Since such qualitative variables usually indicate the presence or absence of sonre
attribute or quality, such as rural or urban, male or female, married or unmarried etc.
one can quantify such attributes by constructing artificid variables that take value 1
or 0, 1 indicating the presence (or possession) of a particular attrib~teand 0 the
absence of it or vice versa. For example, 1 ma) indicate that the person is a inale and
0 may indicate that the person is female; or 1 may indicate that a persorm is educated
and 0 that helshe is not educated and so on. Such ~~ariables which assume values 0
.and 1 are called Dummy variables.'
Like the quantitative variables the dummy variah!es tag be 11secl i:l regression
analysis very -easily. In fact it may so happen that a regression model may contain
only dummy explanatory variables. Regression models containing only dunlmy
explanatory variables are called the analysis of variance (ANOVA) models. The
following model is an example of ANOVA model

Y,=a, + a 2 D , + u , ... (10.1)

where, Y , = arinual starting salary of a school teacher
Dl = 1 if male teacher

0 otherwise (i.e., female teacher)

Model (1 0. I ) is like an ordinary two variable regression model. The only difference
is the use of a qualitative or dummy variable D. instead of quantitative explanatory
variable X.(From now on in the present unit we shall be using D to denote the
dummy variable). Assuming all the other factors such as age, years of experience,
etc. to be constant, the model (1 0.1) may enable us to find out whether gender (i.e.,
being a male or female) makes any difference in a school teacher's salary. In other
words it would enable us to find out whether a male school teacher's salary is
different from that of a female school teacher having the same qualifications and
years of experience.
Assuming the d'igturbance term u, in the model (10.1) satisfies the usual assumptions
of the classical linear regression model (CLRM), we obtain from (10.1) that mean
salary of a female school teacher is:

E(Y, ) D l=O)=a, .
+a2(0) ... (10.2)

and the mean salary of a male school teacher is:

= a,+a,

- the above model the intercept term a, gives the mean annual salary of a female
teacher while the slope coefficient a2tells how much the mean salary of a
male school teacher differs from that of his female counterpart with (a1 + ~ 2 )
reflecting the mean annual salary of a male school teacher.

We can also test for the hypothesis: Is there a discrimination in accordance to the
gender of an ihdividual while determining the salary of school teachers by running
OLS on the regression equation (1 0.1) and finding out on the basis of t-test whether
the estimated a2is statistically significant or not.

I ?

! The dummy variables are also known

.. as binary variables, indicator variables, categorical
. - . - 3

We shall demonstrate the above with the help of a hypothetical example. Consider Dumrlly Variable Models
Table 10.I which gives :,ypothctical data of annual salary of school teachers.
Table 10.1: Annual Salaries of School Teachers

Salary (0 Gender Dummy (D)

(Rs. 000) (Male =I, Female = 0)

The OLS results corresponding to the regression model (1 0.1) are as follows:


std error (0.32) (0.44) R* = 0.8737 I '- \

t-statistic (57.74) (7.444) :

From (1 0.4) we see that the estimated mean salary of female school teachers ( a ,) is
. A

Rs. 18000 and that of male school teachers ( a , +a2) is ~ s . 128b.'


From the reported t-statistic in regression (10.4), it is easy to verify that a, is

statistically significant (i.e. significantly d~tf'erentfrom zero), suggesting a difference
in starting salaries of male and female school teachers. We present the estimated
regression line in Fig. 10.1. In the figure we measure two categories of gender (male
and female) on the X axis and salary (in Rs. Thousand) on the y-axis. The
observations would lie on the vertical lines for males and females. The mean salaries
of both categories are shown as horizontal lines.
ANOVA models like those in (10.4), although frequently used in fields such as
-- .
sociology, education, market research etc. are not common in economics. Regression
models in most economic research consist of exp1anatory.variables that are both
quantitative and qualitative in nature. Such type of regression modejs which contain
both qualitative and quantitative explanatory variables are known as analysis of
covariance (ANC'OVA) models.
. .

2 rnlr~tlntincrthe nverake ~ a l a r i e so f mnle a d female ~ b h n n l t ~ nr

ar the. riatn. in T a h l e
Fig. 10.1: Male and Female Teachers Salary (Rs. '000)



Let us now consider the following model as an example of the ANCOVA model

where, Y, = annual salary of a school teacher

X, = years of teaching experience
.D.= 1 if male teacher

0 otherwise (i.e., female teacher)

Model (1 0.5) is similar to (I 0.1) except that it contains a quantitative variable (years
of teaching) in addition to the qualitative variable ((gender of the teacher) which has
two categories namely, male and female. Thus the model has two explanatory
variables one qualitative and one quantitative.
What does model (10.5) meanlimply? Assuming, as usual, E(uJ = 0,we see that
the mean salary of a female school teacher is

and the mean salary of male school teacher is

dZ(K ID,= l ) = ( a + P )+yX, ....(1 0.7)
From the model (10.5) we see that the male and female school teachers' sala~y
function in relation to the years of experience have the same slope (y) but different
intercepts. In other words, in the model, it is assumed that the level of mean salary of
male school teacher is different from that of his'female counterpart but the rate of
change in the mean salary by years of experience (represented by the slope term y) is
same for both male and female school teachers. Geometrically we can represent
models (10.6) and (10.7) as shown in Fig. 10.2 (in the figure a is assumed to be
greater than zero, i.e., a > 0).
Dummy Variable MJ e l s

Male teacher

Female teacher

> c

b .

I 'Teaching Experience I
Fig. 10.2: Salary Function of Teachers
Just as in regression (10.4)'here also one can use the t-test to test for the hypothesis
that male and female school teachers have the same mean annual salary.
Before proceeding further it is essential to discuss some of the important features of
the dummy variables which are as follows: .
1) In the above models we have introduced only one dummy variable, D, to
distinguish between two categories, male and female with Dl = 1 denoting
maje and D, = 0 denoting female. Now what happens if instead of one dummy
variable two dummy variables Dl, and D2, are introduced in the model, one
each for male and female? Model (10.5) can now be written as .

where, . Y, and X, are as defined before and

Dl,= 1 if a male teacher @

0 otherwise

= 1 if a female teacher
0 otherwise
Due to perfect collinearity between Dl and D2 (i.e., perfect linear relationship)
model (10.8) cannot be estimated (See Unit 6 for the problem of
multicollinearity). This can be more clearly explained with the help of the . .
following data table.
Table 10.2: Example of Perfect Linear Relationship
Intercept Dl D2 X
Male yI 1 1 0 XI
Male y2 1 1 0 x2

.Female Ya -
1 0 1 x3

-Male Y4 I . 1 . . O X4

'Female y5
.- P 0 1 xs

From the above table it is easy to verify that Dl and D2are perfectJycollinear,
as Dl = ( I - D2)or D2= (1- Dl). We know from the previous units that in case
n f n e r f e r t rnlinenritv i t i6 nnt nnccihie :n ~ c t i r n n t ethe vnrinllc n a m r n e t m '
Exfensions of Regression, There are, however, a number of ways of resolving this problem but the
simplest one is by assigning the dummies as we had done in model (1 0.5) and
using orlly one .dummy variable if there are two categories of a qualitative
Rule of Thumb: If a qualitative variable has m categories, introduce only (m -1)
dummy variables
Thus if a qualitative variable has 4 characteristics, introduce only 3 dummy
variables. If this rule is not followed, we shall fall into what is known as the
dummy variable trap, i.e., a situation of perfect multicollinearity.
The assignment of values 0 and I to two categories like rural and urban, or
educated and uneducated etc., is arbitrary. For example in our model 10.5
instead of assigping 1 to male teacher and 0 to female teacher we could have
assigned value 1 to female teacher and 0 to male teacher (and the coefficients
would change accordingly). In such a case what is of importance is the
interpretation of results. Thus in interpreting the results of the models that use +
dummy variables it is critical to know how the values 1 and 0 are assigned.
The category that is assigned a value 0 is often referred to as the base category b

or benchmark category and all the comparisons are made with reference to this
category. In model (10.5) female school teacher which is assigned value 0 is I

the base or benahmark category.

3) The coefficient attached to the dummy variable (for example, P in model 10.5)
is referred to as the differential intercept coefficient because it tells by how
much the value of the intercept term of the category that receives value 1
differs from that of the base category.

Check Your Progress 1

1) Under what circumstances is the use of dummy variable suggested? Give some
practical examples where dummy variable can be fitted.

2) Suppose an explanatory variable is divided into 4 categories and you plant to

fit. 4 dummies in. the regression equation. Can you estimate the equation?
D U & I ~Variable Models
We can extend the analysis in. the previous section to handle more than one
qualitative variable with ease. Consider once again the example of salary of school
teacher whlch was used in the previous section. In this section we assume that the
salary of a school teacher to be dependent not only on the years of experience and
gender of the teacher but also on the type of education of the teacher. In the present
example it is assumed that the type of education has two categories, convent
educated and non-convent educated. Incorporating the variable type of education of
the teacher in regression model (10.5) we can write it as:

I: =a+ PD,, + yD2,+ SX, + u,

1'1 where, Y, and X, are as defined before and
Dl, =. 1 if a male teacher
0 otherwise (i.e., female teacher)
Dli = 1 if convent educated
0 otherwise (i.e., non-convent educated)
In the above model (1 0.9) we have used two dummy variables one each for the two
qualitative explanatory variables 'gender of the teacher', and 'type of education of
the teacher'. The base or the benchmark category in the above model is 'nonconvent
educated female school teacher'.
Assuming E(uJ = 0, we can have from (10.9)
Mean salary of a ion-convent educated female school teacher:

mean salary of non-convent educated male school teacher:

mean salary of convent educated female school teacher:

E(K. ID, =0,D2 = l , X , ) = ( a + y ) + S X , ...(10.12)

mean sala~yof convent educated male school teacher:

E(Y, ID, =I'D2 = l , X , ) = ( a + P + y)+tiX,

A variety of hypothesis can be tested by the Ordinary Least Square estimation of the
model (10.9). For example, we can test for the sig~ificanceof the differential
intercept terms p or y, or both P and y thereby determining which of the possibilities
exists without running the regression separately for each combination of gender and
type of educatiap,
In a similar fashion we can extend the model to include more than one quantitative
and more than two qualitative variables. However, we have to always keep in mind
that the number of dummies for each of the qualitative variable should be one less'
than the number of categories of that variable.
dxtensions o f Regression
In the regression Aodels $hat have been discussed so far in the present unit we have
considered that the qualitative variables affect the intercept term only but not the
. slope coefficient. but what happens if the slope coefficients are also affected by the
qualitative variables? In such- situations testing for the differences in the intercepts
alone will be of little significance. Therefore, we need to look for a methodology that
will identify whether the differences in two or more regressions are due to
differences in the intercept, or slopes or both slope and intercept. In order t6
understand this problem let us consider the following example.
Suppose we are interested in estimating a simple savings function that relates
domestic household savings (S) with the gross domestic product (Y) of India for the
period 1980-81 to 2002-03. The relevaht data is given in Table 10.2 below. One way
of proceeding is to simply run an OLS regression of S on Y for the entire period
1980-81 to 2002-03 assuming that the relation between savings and GDP do not
change over the entire period. But, it may not be so. India, in 1991, introduced a
series of economic reforms thereby bringing in substantial change in its economic
system. Introduction of economic reforms would have also influenced considerably
the savings-income relationship. Thus our objective is now to check whether the
savings-income relationship has underg0ne.a structural change between the two time
periods or not. By structural change we mean that the parameters of the savings
function haveshanged.
*&.' '.-
One way of testing whether the savings function has undergone a structural change is
to use the techniques of Chow test which has been discussed in details in Unit 3.
Following the procedure of chow test we divide the time period 1980-81 to 2002-03
into two periods: pre-reforms period (1980-81 to 1991-92) and post-reforms period
(1992-93 to 2002-03). The savings function for the two periods would now be
written as

S, =A, + A2T +u,, ...(10.14)

for pre-teforms and .

St =B,+B2Y, +u2, . . ...(10.15) : .

for pdst-teforms period
where, Sf= household savings in period t
Y, = gross domestic product in period t
u = the error term in the two equations
The Chew test would tell us whether there was a structural change in the saving-
income lat ti on ship over the concerned period. However, what it will not tell us
whether the differences in the two regression'models (10.14) and (10.15) is in their
intercept values or the slope value or both. Comparing the two models (1 0.14) and
(10.1 5) we see that there are four possibilities: '(these possibilities are illustrated in
Fig 10.3)

a) AI=BI, and A2=B2;i.e., the two regressions are identical. This is the cpse of
coincident regression. (refer to Fig. 10.3a)

' b) Al#B1, but A2=B2;i.e., the two regressions differ only in their localion or;the
: intercepts. This is a case ofparallel regression. (refer to Fig. 1O.?b),
c) AI=BI, but A2#B2; i.e., the two regressions have same, interdept term butL
different slopeg. This is a case of concurrent regreksion $refer t o Fig. 10.3~)
d) , ,Al#BI,but A2fB2; i.e., the two regressions are completely different. This is a h m m y Vsri$pIe Models
case of dissimilar regression. (refer to Fig. 10.3d)
From the data on household savings and gross domestic product for India ,
Table 10.3 we can run the h'vo reg~essions(1 0.14) and (10.15) and apply the Chow
test,to see whether the savings function has undergone a structural change between
the two time periods.
(Students are advised to do this as an assignment).

Fig. 10.3: Possible Differences in the Two Regression Models

Table 10.3: Domestic Savings and GDP In India, 1980-81 to 2002-03
Domestic Gross Domestic Domestic 'Gross Domestic *
Year Year
Savings (S) Product (Y.-! - Savings (S) Product (Y)

Source: National Accounts Statistics

Extensions of Regression An alternative way of testing whether the savings f~nctionhas undergone a structural
change or not is the use of dummy variables. We shall see how the dummy variables
can be used to handle the problem of structural change.
Let us write the savings function as

where, S, = household savings in period t

Y, = GDP in period t
. Dl = 1 for observation in the pre-reform period
= 0 otherwise, i.e., for observation in the pre-reform period

In model (10.16) the parameter b is the dzferential intercept and d is the differential
slope coeficient indicating how much the slope coefficient of the pre-reform periods
savings function differs from the slope coefficient of the savings function in the post
reform period. Just as the introduction of an additive dummy enables us to
distinguish between the intercepts of the two periods, the introduction of
multiplicative dummy enables us to differentiate between the slope coefficients in
the two periods.
In order to see the implications of model (1 0.16) assuming E(uJ = 0, we get

E(St ID, =0, Y , ) = a + c Y , ...(10.17)

E(St ID, = 1 , Y , ) = ( a + b ) + ( c + d ) Y , ...(10.18)

which are respectively the mean savings function for the pre-reform and post-reform
period as represented by model (10.14) and (10.15) with a=Al, c=Az, and (a+b)=BI,
(c+d)=B2.Thus with the help of dummy variables a single regression can easily be
used to obtain two sub-period regressions.
Now estimating the regression (10.16) using the savings and income data given in
Table 10.3 we get

t-statistic (-6.289) (-7.429) (9.717) (7.674) R* = 0.9954

We can see from the regression (10.19) that both the differential intercept and the
differential slope coefficients are significant statistically, thereby implying that the
regressions or the savings-income relationship for the two periods are different. The
two functions can be graphically represented by ~ i10.3d. ~ Substituting
' for Dl the
values 0 and 1 we get

which is the regression model in the pre-reform period and

st = -1 33690.9 - 228628.9 (1) + 0.375 Y , + 0. 3385 (1)Y , ...(10.21)
= (-1 33690.9 - 228628.9) + (0.375 + 0. 3385)Y ,

which is the regression model'in the post-reform period.

(Note: You can see that these regressions are same as those obtained from the Chow Dummy Variable Models
test procedure).
Thus from the above discussion one can infer that the dummy variable technique has
some advantages over the Chow test.
The dummy variable technique requires running only a single equation while
for the chow test one has to run a number of regressions, one each for each of
the periods concerned.
The chow test does not tell us whether the intercept or the slope coefficient or
both are different in the two periods. In fact we cannot tell by the chow test
which of the four possibilities represented by Fig10.3 exists. In this respect the
use of dummy variables approach has a definite advantage as it not only tells
whether the two regressions are different but also pinpoints the source of their
difference, whether it is because of the intercept or slope coefficient or both.
r The use of single regression model in case of dummy variable approach
would mean higher degrees of freedom vis-a-vis more than one regression
models (in case of chow test) thereby improving the relative precision of the
estimated parameters (but it should be borne in mind that every additional
dummy variable used will also consume one extra degree of freedom).


Many economic time series based on monthly or quarterly data exhibit seasonal
patterns. For example the sale of woolens during the winter months, sales of
departmental stores during the festive season, sale of soft drinks in the summer
months, sale of refrigerators and air-conditioners in the summer season etc are some
of the examples of time series that show seasonal pattern. It is often desirable to
eliminate the seasonal component of such times-series. The process of
removing/eliminating the seasonal factor is known as deseasonalisation or seasonal
adjustment and the adjusted time series thus obtained is called the seasonally
adjusted or deseasonalised times series.
There are a number of ways of deseasonalising a time series. Dummy variables can
also be effectively used for deseasonalising a time series. We Shall in this section
deal with the use of dummy variable approach in deseasonalisation of time series.
Consider the sales of a departmental store. Table 10.4 gives data on the quarterly
sales and profits of a departmental store in New Delhi during the period 2001-02 and
Table 10.4: Sales and Profits of a Departmental Store (Rs.Lakhs)

Year Quarter Protlt (Y) - Sales (X)

i Extensions of ~egrw'ion
Year Quarter Profit (Y) Sales (X)
2003-04 I 19.46 167.4

The prdfit function of the departmental store is dependent on the sales. Let us
represent the profit findion as

where, Y, = profit of he store in period t

YI = sales in period t
the seasona' dummies are defined as
D2, = 1 if the lies in &e second quarter
= 0 otherwise

\ DJ, = 1 if the lies in the third quarter

= 0 otherwise

DII = 1 if ~ n lies
e in the fourth quarter
= 0 otherwise

In the above model we have, through the four quarters, incorporated the seasonal

v iation. It is assumed that the qualitative variable 'season' has four categories
th reby requiring the use of three dummies in the model. In the model as it is
desigtu&the first quarter is the base or benchmark quarter. The seasonal variation is
incorporated through the .use of differential intercepts. Each of these differential
intercepts tells us by how much the mean value of Y (i.e., the mean profit) differs in
each quarter in comparison to the base or the first quarter. Using the data in Table
10.4 the regression results of 10.22 are as follows

stderror (1.195) (0.491) (0.642) (0.525) (0.007)

As this regression shows that all the differential intercepts are statistically significant
it implies that the average profits differ across each the four quarters. It shows that
the average profit is the 6aximum inthe third quarter when the sales are the highest
on account of the festive season in the country.
Note: We have in the above model assumed that the seasonal variations effect the
intercept term qn!y and not the slope term. But this inay not be so in reality. In order
to find out w&&er the seasonal variation have affect the intercept or slope or both
we use the technique of differential intercept and differential slope coeff~cient
discussed in the'previous section (model 10:16). Applying the method we can rewrite
model 10.22 as shown by regression model ( 0.24) and test for the significance of ~"rnrn ~
differential intercept and differential slope terms.

where, the differential slope coefficients An, A p and Ag tell US by how the slope
coefficient of the second quarter, third quarter and the fourth quarter differ from the
base or the first quarter respectively.



ConsFder Table 10.5 which gives data on the energy demand (in million tones of oil
equivalent) and value of output (in Rs mn) for three sectors of Indian economy. This
is an example of a cross section time series data where we are intetested in finding
out the relation betw-en energy demand and value of output for three sectors of the
economy and for each sector we have data for 18 years from 1980~81to 1997-98.
There are a number of ways to study the relationship between energy demand and
value of output. First, we can run the following times series regression for each
sector separately:

for agricultural sector

for industrial sector and so on.

where, Y, - energy consumption
X, = sectoral value of output

Using the dummy variable technique as discussed earlier or the chow test one can
find out if the parameters of these demand functions are the same or not.
The second way is to estimate for each of the year the cross-sectional regression. In
such a case there would be one regression for each of the 18 years giving a total of
18 regressions to be estimated.
The third way is to pool all the 54 observations (1 8 times series observations for the
I three sectors) and estimate the following regression

where, i stands for i-th sector and t for the t-&htime perk i.
(In (10.27) we have assumed that only the 'intercept terms differ across the sector but
not the slope terms. Readers can assume both the slope coeficients and intercept
terms to be different across sectors and test of their significance themselves).
Estimating ( I 0.27) using data in Table 10.5 we get

Std error (1.482) (1.682) (3.010) (0.0000)

t-statistic (9.195) (-10.356) (2.224) (1 8.195) R' ='0.97602 -
Extensions of Regression
As the above results show that both the dummies are statistically significant it
implies that the three sectors have different intercept terms. (As an exercise you
should incorporate slope dummies and test whether they are also significant or not.)

Table 10.5: Energy Demand and Value of Output

Agricultural Sector Industrial Sector Transport Sector

Year Energy Energy Value of Energy Value of

demand Value of output . demand output demand output
(mtoe) (Rs-Mn) (mtoe) (Rs. Mn) (mtoe) (Rs.Mn)
80-8 1 5.47 466490 49.63 950820 18.04 249630

Check Your Progress 2

I) Consider the data given in Table 10.4 and divide it into two sub-periods 1980-
8 1 to 199 1-92 and 1992-93 to 2002-03. Test for structural break in the savings
functions using Chart test.

2)- Use the data given at Table 10.3 and run the regression given at equation
(10.24). Are the differential intercept and differential scope coefficients
statistically significant?
............................................................................................... - Dummy Vari+,l,e Models



In many instances in regression equations we have explanatory variables which are
qualitative in nature. It is difficult to quantify these qualitative variables as they at
best can be divided into certain categories. In such cases we use dummy variable
The dummy variable can affect the intercept or slope or both. Accordingly, we take
intercept or slope dummies. Remember that dumpy variables are used, as are
explanatory variables, on the basis of the logic we build up. Thus behind every
regression model there is a theoretical basis.
Dummy variables can be used in seasonal analysis. It also can be used in pooling
cross-sectional and time series data.


ANOVA models : This is similar to the case where only dummy
variable is taken as explanatory variable.
ANCOVA models : This is similar to regression model having both ,
qualitative and quantitative variables as explanatory
Cross-sectional data : This refers to data measured over geographically
dispersed units at a point of time.
Dummy variable : A qualitative variable which takes values that can be
divided into categories.
Time series data This refers to data measured
., over a period of time at
regular i~temals.


Gujarati, D.N., 1999, Essentials of Economgtrics, Second edition, Irwin McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi.
Gujarati, D.N., 2005, Basic Econometrics, Fourth edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Johnston, J., and J. DiNardo, 1997, Econometric Methods, McGraw-Hill Co. New
Y ork.
, -
I Koutsoyiannis, A., 1977, Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of
i 't
Econometric Methods, MacmiIlan Press Ltd, London.
Extensions of Regression Maddala, G.S., 1977, Econometrics, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd. Tokyo.
Maddala, G.S., 1992, Introduction to Econometrics, Second edition, McMillan
Publishers, New York.


Check Your Progress 1
1) Dummy variable is suggested where explanatory variable is qualitative in
nature. Go through Section 10.2.

2) It will lead to a situation of perfect multicollinearity. Go through Unit 6 to find

the consequences.

Check Your Propress,2

1) The procedure of chow test is given in Unit 3. On that basis test the model.

2) Go through Seqtion 10.3 and formulate the model with differential slope
coefficient. Test the model on the basis of t-test of the dummy variable

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