n 19 June 1965 Republic Act No. 4379 was passed providing for the establishment of the University of the Philippines Institute of Mass
Communication (UP IMC). Dr. Gloria D. Feliciano was appointed Director, and later Dean, of the Institute. UP IMC was formally established
as a non-academic unit on 23 August 1966 offering Journalism courses leading to the AB Journalism degree.
In School Year (SY) 1966-67, the AB Broadcast Communication and the MA programs were instituted. It was also in May 1967 that the Institute
graduated its first batch of students consisting of nine (9) AB Journalism majors.
By 09 September 1969, the Institute had transferred from the College of Arts and Sciences to Plaridel Hall.
The third undergraduate program of IMC, AB Communication Research, was instituted on 07 April 1975. Seven years later, in SY 1982-83, the
PhD in Communication program was instituted. It was also during this time that the merging of the three undergraduate programs into one
BA in Communication program with major in any of the three old programs (Journalism, Broadcast Communication, Communication Research)
was undertaken. Likewise the three Master of Arts programs were merged into one MA in Communication program and students could major in
Broadcast Communication, Journalism, or Communication Research.
In SY 1984-85, the Film and Audiovisual Communication program was added to the Institute’s undergraduate course offerings.
The reactivation of the DZUP under the management of the Institute happened on 01 December 1987.
On 28 April 1988, almost 23 years after it was established, the UP IMC was elevated to college status by the UP Board of Regents; and became
the UP College of Mass Communication (CMC).
In 2001, the Broadcast Communication and Journalism programs changed the degree name from MA Communication to MA Media Studies to
give emphasis to the study of media as a consciousness industry and as a cultural practice. In 2002, the Film Institute introduced Film as a new area
of specialization under the MA Media Studies program.
It was also in 2002 that BA Broadcast Communication and BA Journalism were instituted as separate programs. BA Film was also instituted.
On 31 May 2012, the Master of Arts in Journalism was instituted as a separate Master of Arts program. In the same year, on 30 September, the
Doctor of Philosophy in Media Studies was instituted as the second offering under the College’s graduate program.
With its recent programs, the College of Mass Communication clearly continues to set milestones in the history and development of the scholarly
pursuit of understanding media and communication in the lives of Filipinos today.
UP CMC exists primarily to inculcate and foster awareness of the ethical and social significance of, as well as responsibility in, the use of
interpersonal and mass media including the press, radio, television, film, and new technological resources.
362 College of Mass Communication
press, committed to defend press freedom, and living up to the highest
professional and ethical standards.
The Department of Journalism has pioneered several journalism
Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication courses like Journalism Ethics, Environmental Reporting, Business
Reporting, Online Journalism, and Investigative Journalism. Its curriculum,
The undergraduate program leading to a BA in Broadcast comparable to many journalism programs abroad, is used as a pattern by
Communication recognized by the Commision on Higher Education the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in its design for journalism
(CHED) as a Center of Excellence in Broadcasting seeks to provide programs. CHED named the Journalism program a Center of Excellence in
students with the requisite training to become future broadcast Journalism for the 1999-2000 and March 2013-May 2014 terms.
practitioners who are competent, critical, and responsible. At the
same time, graduates are enabled to adapt to the changing broadcast
landscape in terms of new technologies, new modes of production,
distribution, and exhibition of broadcast products.
Master of Arts in Communication
The CHED uses the Broadcast Communication curriculum as the
standard for other broadcast academic programs in the country. The program provides a comprehensive and innovative advancement
of communication as an academic discipline and professional field of
The Broadcast Communication Department has also been active study. It seeks to develop critical inquiry and high-level research by
in spearheading alternative terrestrial broadcasting models as well as striking a balance between communication research theory and practice.
broadcasting over the Internet through the radio station DZUP 1602 AM
and through UPTV Online. The MA in Communication grounds the fostering of awareness and
responsibility in communication and its application in other disciplines.
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Research
Master of Arts in Journalism
Being a CHED Center of Excellence in Communication, the program is a
showcase of tertiary education in the fields of media and communication in Formerly known as MA Media Studies (Journalism), the MA Journalism
the country. It seeks to develop scholarship, skills, and proficiency among program is focused on how news gathering, writing, and development
its students by teaching and conducting communication research and by shape the socio-economic-cultural-political consciousness of the
grounding these with practical experience through fieldwork and internship. people and how these forces, in turn, shape journalism.
The UP Film Institute is the product of the integration of two film The MA Media Studies (Film) program acknowledges the extensive
institutions in the University in 2003 – the College’s Film Department and impact of Film and its immense popular appeal. The program provides
the UP Film Center. To this day, it is the sole academic body in the country scholars with a means of closely inspecting and evaluating film
that has full institutional membership in CILECT (The International as a complex social, cultural, and industrial phenomenon. It also
Association of Film and Television Schools). focuses on the study of film vis-à-vis the increasingly urgent issues of
globalization and new media technologies. It seeks to instill increased
professionalization in Philippine film practice and upgrade local film
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
The Journalism program, the oldest in the college, gives students a
strong grounding in the arts and sciences and equips them with skills The program’s courses operate on the principle of praxis, wherein
currently required by the profession. theory courses are tempered by the possibilities of real-life applications,
and production courses draw from and return to philosophical issues in
Students are trained to be socially responsible and critical the conception and evaluation of projects.
professionals – aware of the power and the responsibilities of the
College of Mass Communication 363
courses Film 102 (History of Philippine Cinema), Film 110 (Basic first year of enrollment or they must show proof of proficiency in the
Photography), and Film 131 (Narrative Film) prior to enrollment in major Filipino language.
courses. However, one or more of these undergraduate courses may be
waived if the applicant has both practical experience and a Bachelor’s
degree in a related field, such as Communication. PRIVATE SCHOLARSHIPS
The PhD Communication program aims to provide advanced graduate The GMA Network Scholarship Program provides financial assistance
training in theory, research, policy, planning, and management which for the education of poor yet deserving students. It aims to promote
would enable qualified students to carry out independent research in academic excellence.
the discipline and to pursue careers in academic, government, and private
communication media agencies and communication-related institutions. The Scholarship Program is open to University of the Philippines
(Diliman) graduating students in the fields of Broadcast Communication
The PhD in Media Studies program offers courses that are more and Journalism. One (1) scholar for each field shall be granted the
advanced than the MA Media Studies program to produce new critical scholarship. The scholarship grant covers the following fees:
knowledge through an emphasis on theorizing about media and culture. Tuition
This program aims to produce media teachers and critics who will raise Laboratory fee
the level of understanding of the part of the media in contemporary lives. Miscellaneous expenses
An applicant to the College’s PhD programs must have a Master of
Arts degree from a recognized institution of higher learning. CMC Alumni Scholarship
A general weighted average of 1.75 or higher in the Master’s studies The UP College of Mass Communication Alumni Association provides
is required of the PhD applicants. financial assistance for the education of poor yet deserving students. It
aims to promote academic excellence.
The applicant should exemplify a very high degree of accomplishment
in the desired field of study and must pass a series of in-depth interviews The Scholarship Program is open to University of the Philippines
to be conducted by a distinguished panel of PhD faculty of the College. (Diliman) students in the fields of Broadcast Communication, Journalism,
Moreover, the applicant must pass a written admission examination to be Communication Research, Film and Audio Visual Communication. One
administered by the PhD faculty committee to be constituted by the Dean. (1) scholar for each field shall be granted the scholarship. The scholarship
grant covers tuition.
An applicant must show proof of proficiency in English and/or Filipino
as determined by the Graduate Studies PhD Admissions Committee.
Philippine Daily Inquirer Scholarship
However, if the Department/Institute so requires, an applicant must
show proof of proficiency in both English and Filipino. The Philippine Daily Inquirer Scholarship Program provides financial
assistance for the education of poor yet deserving students. It aims to
Foreign applicants who obtained their Master’s degree abroad promote academic excellence.
must show proof that they passed the standard Test of English as a
Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 500 or 250 in the The Scholarship Program is open to University of the Philippines
computer-based TOEFL. (Diliman) incoming third year students in the field of Journalism. The
scholarship grant covers the following fees:
An applicant admitted to the PhD programs whose Master of Arts
degree was not received from the College is required to take the courses • Tuition and other miscellaneous fees
Communication 230 (Concepts and Issues in Communication Theory) • Monthly stipend
and Communication 210 (Approaches in Communication Research) • Book allowance
prior to enrollment in major courses. An applicant who does not
have a background in Communication is likewise required to take the Loren Legarda Scholarship
aforementioned prerequisite courses.
The Loren Legarda Scholarship Program provides financial assistance
Foreign applicants admitted into the PhD programs who obtained their for the education of poor yet deserving students. It aims to promote
Master of Arts degree abroad are required to take six (6) units of Filipino academic excellence. The program offers a P5,000 educational grant per
language courses as an additional requirement to be taken during the semester to students who will qualify for the scholarship program.
College of Mass Communication 365
144 units
CIBAC Educational Assistance
The CIBAC Educational Assistance Program provides financial 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012
assistance for the education of poor yet deserving students. It is open to
College of Mass Communication students. F I R S T Y E A R
1st Semester 2nd Semester
15 units 15 units
The program offers P2,500 per student every semester.
GE (AH 1) Eng 10
3 GE (AH 3) Comm 3 3
GE (AH 2)1 Free Choice 3 GE (MST 2) Free Choice 3
Magdalo Foundation Scholarship GE (MST 1) Math 2 3 GE (SSP 3) Philo 1 3
GE (SSP 1) Free Choice 3 BC 100 3
The Magdalo Foundation Scholarship Program offers financial
GE (SSP 2)2 Kas 1* 3 Comm 100 3
assistance to poor yet deserving regular graduating students. The PE (2) PE (2)
scholarship offers an education grant of P5,000 per student every year.
1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 18 units
1st Semester 2nd Semester
21 units 21 units
1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 18 units
BC 198 (SS) 3 BC 192 (C 110, SS) 3
BC 199 (BC 180, 181 or 182) 3 BC 200 (BC 199) 3
BC Elective 3 BC Elective 3
Comm 120 (C 100/COI) 3 BC Elective 3
Non-CMC Elective 3 Free Elective 3
PI 100 (SS) 3 Free Elective 3
In written communication skills.
The required six (6) units of GE courses in Philippine Studies are fulfilled by Fil 40
and Kas 1.
BC electives include BC 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 132,
134, 140, 141, 142, 144, 146, 148,160, 162, 164, 170, 172, 174, 196, and 197.
BC 181 and 182 may also be taken as an elective.
Non-CMC electives are any subjects from the Social Sciences and Philosophy, Arts
and Humanities, and Math, Science and
Technology clusters/domains with course number 100 or higher offered by UP units
other than the College of Mass Communication that the student is qualified to enrol in.
Free electives are any subjects from the Social Sciences and Philosophy, Arts
and Humanities, and Math, Science and Technology clusters/domains with
course number 100 or higher offered by UP unitsincluding the College of Mass
Communication that the student is qualified to enrol in.
* Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement
Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one
of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training
Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps
Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.
366 College of Mass Communication
120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
15 units 15 units 15 units 15 units
GE (AH 1) Eng 10
3 GE (AH 3) Comm 3 3 GE (AH 1)1 Eng 10 3 GE (AH 3) Free Choice
GE (AH 2)1 Free Choice 3 GE (SSP 3) Philo 1 3 GE (AH 2) Comm 3 3 GE (MST 3) Free Choice 3
GE (MST 1) Math 1 3 Math 11 3 GE (MST 1) Math 2 3 GE (SSP 2) Philo 1 3
GE (SSP 1) Free Choice 3 Comm 100 3 GE (MST 2) Free Choice 3 Film 100 3
GE (SSP 2)2 Kas 1* 3 POLSC 14 3 GE (SSP 2)2 Kas 1* 3 Film 110 3
PE (2) PE (2) PE (2) PE (2)
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 18 units 18 units 18 units
GE (AH 4) Fil 40* 3 GE (AH 5) Free Choice 3
GE (AH 4) Fil 40* 3 GE (AH 5) Free Choice 3
GE (MST 2) Free Choice 3 GE (MST 3) Free Choice 3
GE (SSP 5) Free Choice 3 GE (MST 4) Free Choice 3 GE (SSP 4) Free Choice 3
GE (SSP 4) Free Choice 3 GE (SSP 3) Free Choice 3 GE (SSP 5) Free Choice 3
Comm Res 110 (C Res 10; Co-req 3
Comm 130 (C 100) 3 Comm 100 3 Comm 130 (Comm 100) 3
C Res 115)
Comm Res 101 (C140 co-req) 3 Comm Res 115 (C Res 101) 3 Film 102 3 Film 103 (Film 100) 3
J101 3 Comm Res 125 (C Res 101) 3 Film 131 (Film 100, Film 110) 3 Film 151 (Film 131) 3
PE (2) PE (2) PE (2) PE (2)
NSTP (3) NSTP (3) NSTP (3) NSTP (3)
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 18 units 21 units 21 units
GE (MST 4) Free Choice 3 GE (MST 5) STS 3 3
GE (MST 5) STS 3 Comm 120 (C 100, JS)
BC 100 3 Comm 140 (C 130, JS, 3u PH) 3 3
Comm 140 3 Comm Res 101 ( C 130)
Comm 120 (C 100/COI) 3 Comm Res 165 (C Res 120 and 130) 3 3
Film 132 (Film 131) 3 Film 133 (Film 131)
Comm Res 120 (C Res 115) 3 Comm Res Elective2 3 3
Language Elective3 Film 135 (Film 100) 3 Film 154 (Film 153)
Comm Res 130 (C Res 110) 3 3 3
Non-CMC Elective4 Film 153 (Film 131) 3 Film 157 (Film 131)
Comm Res Elective 3 3 3
Film 156 (Film 131) 3 Film 158 (Film 153)
Film Elective3 3 Non-CMC Elective5 3
3 units F O U R T H Y E A R
Comm Res 160 ( C Res 120 and 130) 3 1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 18 units
CMC Elective6 3 Comm 110 (Comm 100) 3
1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 18 units
Film 159 (Film 154) 3 CMC Elective6 3
Film 171 (Film 100) 3 Film 200 (Film 199) 3
Comm 110 (C 100/COI) 3 Comm Res 200 (C Res 199) 3 Film 199 ( Comm Res 101, SS) 3 Film Elective3 3
Comm Res 199 (C Res 165) 3 Comm Res Elective2 3 Language Elective4 3 Language Elective4 3
Comm Res Elective2 3 Comm Res Elective2 3 Non-CMC Elective5 3 PI 100 (SS) 3
Language Elective3 3 Film 100 3
Non-CMC Elective4 3 Non-CMC Elective4 3
PI 100 (SS) 3 Non-CMC Elective4 3
In written communication skills.
The required six (6) units of GE courses in Philippine Studies are fulfilled by Fil 40 and
Kas 1.
Comm Res electives include Comm Res 170,175, 180, 190, 195, 197. 4Language
electives are any foreign language subjects, except English.
Non-CMC electives are Social Sciences, Humanities, Management and Economics
subjects with course number 100 or higher offered by other UP unit.Items in
parentheses are prerequisites.
* Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement
Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one of the
National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service
(CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military
Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.
College of Mass Communication 367
120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012
3 units
1st Semester 2nd Semester
15 units 15 units
Film 198 3
GE (AH 1) Eng 10 3 GE (AH 2) Free Choice 3
GE (MST 1) Math 1 3 GE (MST 3) Free Choice 3
GE (MST 2) Free Choice 3 GE (SSP 3) Free Choice 3
GE (SSP 1) Philo 1 3 GE (SSP 4) Free Choice 3
GE (SSP 1) Kas 1* 3 J 100 3
PE (2) PE (2)
NSTP (3) NSTP (3)
In written communication skills.
The required six (6) units of GE courses in Philippines are fulfilled by Fil 40 and
Kas 1. 1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 18 units
Film electives include Film 101, Film 106, Film 112, Film 130, Film 134, Film 152,
Film 175, Film 176, Film 177, Film 178, Film 180 and Film 197. GE (AH 3) Comm 3 3 GE (AH 5) Free Choice 3
GE (AH 4) Fil 40* 3 J 102 3
Language electives are any foreign language subjects, except English.
GE (MST 4) Free Choice 3 BC 100 3
GE (SSP 5) Free Choice 3 Film 100 3
Non-CMC electives are subjects with course number 100 or higher offered in J 1012 3 Comm 130 3
the College of Arts and Letters, the College of Fine Arts, and the College of Social Comm 100 3 POLSC 14 3
Sciences and Philosophy. Subjects to be enrolled in must be approved by the
CMC electives include BC 100, Comm Res 125 and J 101.
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students are required to take six units 21 units 21 units
in one of the NSTP components. R.O.T.C. and Civic Welfare Training Service are
offered by UPD. J 110 3 J 121 3
* Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement J Elective 3 J Elective 3
J Elective 3 J Elective 3
Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in
Comm 120 3 J Elective 3
one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare
Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s Comm 140 3 CMC Elective3 3
Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD. Econ 100.1 3 Comm Res 101 3
Non-CMC ELective4 3 Non-CMC Elective4 3
3 units
J 198 3
368 College of Mass Communication
120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 APPROVAL
124th UPD UC : 19 November 2012 | President AEPascual : 29 November 2012
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 18 units 12 units 12 units
Comm 201 3 Comm Elective 3
J 122 3 GE (MST 5) STS 3
Comm 230 3 Comm Elective 3
J 196 3 J 200 3
Comm 210 3 Comm Elective 3
J 199 3 CMC Elective3 3
Free Elective 3 Free Elective 3
PI 100 3 Non-CMC Elective4 3
Non-CMC Elective4 3 Non-CMC Elective4 3
3 S E C O N D Y E A R
Non-CMC ELective4 3 Non-CMC Elective4
1st Semester 2nd Semester
6 units
Comm 299 3 Candidacy Examination
in written communication skills Comm Elective 3
Any Communication or Komunikasyon course and any course in Philippine
1st Semester
CMC Electives are any Broadcast, Communication Research, or Film subjects 6 units
that the student is qualified to enroll in
Comm 300 6
Non-CMC Electives are subjects in any discipline with course number 100 or
higher offered by other UP units.
* Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement Notes:
1.Comm electives are courses offered in the Department other than the core
Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in
courses indicated in the curriculum. Free electives include CMC courses outside
one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare
of Communication, as well as Humanities and Social Sciences Course.
Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s
2. The students track will be identified in consultation with the program adviser.
Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.
Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS)
College of Mass Communication 369
120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 31 May 2012 120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 31 May 2012
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
12 units 12 units 12 units 12 units
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
9 units 6 units 12 units 6 units
Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS)
370 College of Mass Communication
120th Special UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 31 May 2012 117th UPD UC : 11 April 2011 | President AEPascual : 06 June 2011
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
12 units 12 units 12 units 12 units
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
9 units 6 units 12 units 12 units
1. Students who are not a graduate of BA Film are required to take Film 110
(Basic B and W Photography), Film 102 (History of Philippine Cinema), and Film
131 (Narrative Film).
2. Required Media Courses are the following: Media 210 (Media Theory), Media
230 (Media Ethics), Media 220 (Media Literacy), and Media 250 (Political
Economy of Media).
Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS)
College of Mass Communication 371
48 units
UNDERGRADUATE (Common Courses)
122nd UPD UC : 09 July 2012 | BOR : 20 September 2012
Communication (Comm)
1st Semester 2nd Semester 100 Introduction to Communication and Media. The overview
12 units 12 units and historical development of communication and media
in the world and in the Philippines. Prereq: 6 u. written
Media 301 3 Media 399 3
Media 302 3 communication skills. 3 u.
Media** 3
Non-CMC Elective* 3 Non-CMC Elective 3
CMC Elective 3 CMC Elective 3 108 Printing Techniques. Principles and practice of printing
techniques. Prereq: JS. 3 u.
Qualifying Examination
110 Communication and Media Ethics. Codes of ethical conduct
in the practice of communication and media. Prereq: Comm
100/COI. 3 u.
120 Laws on Communication and Media. Statutes dealing with
1st Semester 2nd Semester communication and media and their operations and legal
12 units 12 units
issues relating to freedom of the press and freedom of
Media** 3 Media 400 12 expression. Prereq: Comm 100/COI. 3 u.
Media** 3
Media** 3 130 Communication and Media Theories. The communication
Non-CMC Elective* 3 process and the development of communication and media
Candidacy Examination theories. Prereq: Comm 100. 3 u.
A student is considered a sophomore if he/she has already earned 33 units
Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS)
372 College of Mass Communication
120 Television News Production. Writing, editing, packaging, and 104 Introduction to Television and Related Media. Theories
casting the news for television and new media. Prereq: BJ and practices in audio-visual production for television
101/J 101. 3 h. (.5 lec, 2.5 lab) 3 u. and related media. Prereq: BC 102. 6 h. (1 lec, 4 lab, 1
fieldwork) 6 u.
170 Broadcast Newsroom Management. Concepts and practices
in the management of broadcast newsroom operation. 110 Writing Non-Dramatic Entertainment Materials for Radio
Prereq: BJ 110/BJ 120. 3 h. (.5 lec, 2.5 lab) 3 u. and Related Media. Principles and techniques in writing
non-dramatic materials for radio and related media. Prereq:
BC 102. 3 h. (.5 lec, 2 lab,.5 workshop) 3 u.
GRADUATE (Common Courses)
220 Media Literacy. Critical studies of content, structures, 114 Performance for Radio and Related Media. The development
production, and distribution of media texts. 3 u. of performance skills for drama and other entertainment
programs on radio and related media. Prereq: BC 102. 3 h.
230 Media Ethics. Ethical practices and legal standards in free (lab) 3 u.
media. 3 u.
116 Producing Live Radio and Related Media Programs. The
240 Media Research. Prereq: COI. 3 u. principles, procedures and practices in producing live
programs for radio and related media. Prereq: BC 102. 3 h.
250 Political Economy of Media. Dynamics of ownership and (.5 lec, 2 lab, .5 fieldwork) 3 u.
control of media. 3 u.
118 Producing Pre-Recorded Radio and Related Media Programs.
260 Media, Gender and Sexuality. The role of media in the The principles, procedures and practices in producing pre-
construction of gender and sexuality. 3 u. recorded programs for radio and related media. Prereq: BC
102. 3h (.5 lec, 2 lab, .5 fieldwork) 3 u.
280 Contemporary Issues in Media. 3 u.; May be taken thrice so long
as the issues/themes addressed in each seminar are different. 120 Writing Non-Dramatic Entertainment Materials for
Television and Related Media. Principles and techniques
300 Thesis. 6 u. in writing non-dramatic materials for television and related
media. Prereq: BC 104. 3 h. (.5 lec, 2 lab, .5 workshop) 3 u.
DEPARTMENT OF BROADCAST COMMUNICATION 122 Writing Dramatic Materials for Television and Related
Media. Principles and techniques in writing dramatic
GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE materials for television and related media. Prereq: BC 104. 3
h. (.5 lec, 2 lab, .5 workshop) 3 u.
100 Introduction to Broadcasting. Key aspects, history, and 126 Producing Live Television and Related Media Programs.
development of the broadcast media. Prereq: SYS. 3 h. (2.5 The principles, procedures and practices in producing live
lec, .5 lab) 3 u. programs for television and related media. Prereq: BC 104. 3
h. (.5 lec, 2 lab,.5 fieldwork) 3 u.
102 Introduction to Radio and Related Media. Theories and
Practices in audio production for radio and related media. 6 128 Producing Pre-Recorded Television and Related Media
h. (1 lec, 4 lab, 1 fieldwork) 6 u. Programs. The principles, procedures and practices in
Arts and Humanities domain
College of Mass Communication 373
producing pre-recorded programs for television and related 174 Broadcast Marketing and Promotion. Principles of marketing
media. Prereq: BC 104. 3 h. (.5 lec, 2 lab, .5 fieldwork) 3 u. as applied to the promotion of broadcast programs. Prereq:
JS. 3 h. (.5 lec, 2 lab, .5 fieldwork) 3 u.
132 Broadcast Documentary. Conceptualizing and producing
documentaries for radio, television, and related media. 180 Political Economy of Broadcasting. The dynamics of
Prereq: BC 104/COI. 3 h. (.5 lec, 1.5 lab, .5 workshop, .5 ownership and control of broadcast media. Prereq: Comm
fieldwork) 3 u. 130. 3 h. (.5 lec, 2 lab, .5 fieldwork) 3 u.
134 Broadcast Public Affairs and other Public Interest Programs. 181 Criticism of Broadcast Texts. The critical analysis of radio,
Conceptualizing and producing public affairs, public interest television and related media texts. Prereq: Comm 130. 3 h. (1
and public service programs for radio, television, and related lec, 2 lab) 3 u.
media. Prereq: BC 104/COI. 3 h. (.5 lec, 1.5 lab, .5 workshop,
.5 fieldwork) 3 u. 182 Broadcast Audience Studies. Theories and methodologies in
broadcast audience research. Prereq: Comm 130. 3 h. (.5 lec,
140 Sound Design for Broadcast. Principles and techniques of 2 lab, .5 fieldwork) 3 u.
sound production in radio, television, and related media.
Prereq: BC 104. 3 h. (2 lab, .5 workshop, .5 fieldwork). 3 u. 192 Broadcast Ethics. Ethical issues, problems and concerns
unique to the broadcast media. Prereq: Comm 110, SS. 3 u.
141 Music in Broadcasting. The principles and techniques in
the use of music in radio, television, and related media 196 Special Topics in Broadcasting. Prereq: JS. 3 h. (2 lec, 1 lab). 3 u.
productions. Prereq: BC 104. 3 h. (lab) 3 u.
197 Special Projects in Broadcasting. Broadcast production work
142 Television Production Design. Elements of production for exhibition under faculty supervision. 3 h. (1 lec, 2 lab) 3 u.
design, principles, techniques and special effects. Prereq: BC
104. 3 u. 198 Internship. 200 h. 3 u.
144 Videography. The principles and techniques of videography 199 Research in Broadcasting. Prereq: BC 180, 181/182. 3 h. (2
for broadcasting. Prereq: BC 104. 3 h. (2 lab, .5 workshop, .5 lec, 1 lab) 3 u.
fieldwork) 3 u.
200 Thesis. Prereq: BC 199. 3 u.
146 Non-linear Post Production for Video. Post-production
procedures for television and related media.
162 Instructional Broadcasting. Production of instructional 202 Critical History of Fiction Texts in Philippine Broadcast
materials for broadcast. Prereq: JS. 3 h. (1 lec, 2 lab). 3 u. and Related Media. A historical survey that explores,
examines, and interrogates the contexts, conventions,
164 Advertising and the Broadcast Media. Issues in advertising traditions, themes, and directions of fiction texts such as
and the broadcast media. Prereq: Comm 130. 3h. (.5 lec, 2 drama and comedy from the advent of radio and television
lab, .5 fieldwork) 3 u. to contemporary media. 3 u.
170 Broadcast Institution Management. Management principles 203 Critical History of Non-Fiction Texts in Philippine Broadcast
as applied to broadcast media institutions. Prereq: JS. 3 h. (2 and Related Media. A historical survey that explores,
lec, 1 lab) 3 u. examines, and interrogates the contexts, conventions,
traditions, themes, and directions of non-fiction texts from
172 Programming for Broadcast. The principles, practices and the advent of radio and television to contemporary media. 3 u.
strategies in programming for radio, television and related
media. Prereq: JS. 3 h. (.5 lec, 1.5 lab, .5 workshop, .5 206 Comparative Laws and Policies in Broadcast Media. A
fieldwork) 3 u. comparative survey of the systems, laws and state policies
374 College of Mass Communication
affecting the broadcast and related media in selected 265 Development Discourses in Broadcast and Related Media. A
countries, including intellectual property rights. critical survey and examination of diverse bodies of discourse
about development in local and global settings as produced
210 The Producer and the Creative Process. The creative by broadcast and related media. 3 u.
aspects of producing critical broadcast texts including idea
generation, writing, directing, acting, videography, and 270 The Business and Management of the Broadcast Media. A
sound and production design. 3 h. (1 h lec, 2 hrs. lab) 3 u. critical examination of the management of broadcast media
as an industry and an enterprise.
211 The Broadcast Writer. The creative aspects of writing for
various forms of broadcast texts in the age of convergence. 272 Broadcast Media Programming. Programming in a world of
Credit: 3 h. (1 h lec, 2 hrs lab) 3 u. media convergence. 3 u.
212 Broadcast Documentary Production. The critical examination 297 Special Topics. (May be taken for a maximum of three times
of conventions and the production of innovative broadcast provided the topics are diferent, and shall be indicated for
documentaries.Prereq: COI. 3 h. (1 h lec, 2 hrs lab) 3 u. record purposes). Prereq: COI. 3 u.
214 Broadcast Fiction Production. The critical examination of 298 Special Projects. Prereq: COI. Instructional Format: 3h. (3 hrs
conventions and the production of innovative broadcast lab). 3 u.
fiction programs. Prereq: COI. 3 h. (1 hr lec, 2 hr lab) 3 u.
216 Broadcast Non-Fiction Production. The critical examination
of conventions and the production of innovative broadcast
non-fiction programs. Prereq: COI. 3 h. (1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab)3 u. UNDERGRADUATE
232 Broadcast and Simulated Realities. Critical interrogations of Communication Research (Comm Res)
broadcast and new media content, video games, and other
interactive media as text. Prereq: None. 3 h. (2 hrs lec, 1 hr 101 Introduction to Communication Research. The nature,
lab) 3 u. concepts, uses, methods and tools of communication
research and basic statistics. Prereq/Coreq: Comm 140. 3 u.
240 Broadcast Criticism. The application of formalism, content
analysis, Marxism, feminism, semiotics, structuralism, 110 Introduction to Qualitative Research in Communication.
narrative theory, poststructuralism, postmodernism, Overview of major paradigms and perspectives in qualitative
postcolonialism, cultural studies, queer studies and gender research. Prereq: Comm Res 101; Coreq: Comm Res 115. 3 u.
studies to criticisms of broadcast texts. Prereq: Media 210 or
COI. 3 u. 115 Quantitative Analysis in Communication Research. The use
of statistics in the analysis of communication research data.
242 Broadcast Audience Studies. Perspectives and methods Prereq: Comm Res 115. 3 u.
in analyzing different conceptualization of audiences: mass
audience to specific publics; receivers of messages to readers 125 Introduction to Computer Technology. Application of
of text; audience as market to audience as commodity; computer technology to communication research. Prereq:
passive to interactive audiences; patterns of audience Comm Res 101. 3 u.
consumption to audiences in a situated culture; and listeners
and viewers to fans. Prereq: Media 210. 3 u. 130 Qualitative Analysis in Communication Research. Uses of
qualitative analytical tools for communication research.
260 Ethnography and Field Work in Broadcast Research. A Prereq: Comm Res 110. 3 u.
critical survey and examination of the contexts and the
presuppositions of approaches to ethnography and field 160 Internship. 200 h. Prereq: Comm Res 120 and Comm Res 130. 3 u.
work as methods of broadcast research. 3 h. (.75 h lec, 1 hr
lab, 1.25 hrs field work) 3 u. 165 Data Interpretation and Reporting. Principles and techniques
of interpreting and reporting research data. Prereq: Comm
264 Transmedia Narratives in Broadcast Texts and Related Res 120, 130. 3 u.
Media. An investigation of the adoption, adaptation,
transformation, and appropriation of forms and texts from 170 Fundamentals of Communication Planning. Basic concepts,
literature, cybermedia, the visual arts, the performing arts, models and principles in planning applied to communication.
and related genres to broadcast and transmedia texts. 3 h. (2 Prereq: Comm Res 110, 115. 3 u.
hrs lec, 1 hr lab) 3 u.
College of Mass Communication 375
175 Fundamentals of Communication and Management. Basic 224 Science Communication. The use of media and communication
management concepts, principles and techniques applied to to create public awareness of and appreciation for science
communication. Prereq/Coreq: Comm Res 110, 115. 3 u. and its role in national development. Prereq: Comm 210 or
COI. 3 u.
180 Project Development in Communication Research.
Application of basic principles in conceptualizing and 225 Strategic Communication. The strategic application of
developing action projects in communication. Prereq: Comm communication to address societal concerns and achieve
Res 120, 130. 3 u. organizational objectives. Prereq: Comm 210 or COI. 3 u.
190 Mass Media Research Methods. Current principles, methods 226 Organizational Communication Research. Theory, practice,
and techniques of mass media research. Prereq: Comm Res and methods to analyze communication in public and private
120, 130. 3 u. organizations. Prereq: Comm 210 or COI. 3 u.
195 Surveys in Communication. The design, conduct, and 230 Concepts and Issues in Communication Theory. Prereq:
analysis of various communication research surveys. Prereq: Comm 140/COI. 3 u.
Comm Res 120, 130. 3 u.
231 Participatory Communication. Communication concepts
197 Special Topics in Communication Research. Prereq: Comm and skills to enhance community involvement. Prereq:
Res 120, 130. 3 u. Comm 210 or COI. 3 u.
199 Research Design. Principles and techniques for preparing a 232 Issues in Crisis Communication. Risk, crisis and emergency
research proposal. Prereq/Coreq: Comm Res 165. 3 u. communication strategies for crisis prevention, management
and emergency response. Prereq: Comm 210 or COI. 3 u.
200 Thesis. Prereq: Comm Res 120, 165. 3 u.
233 Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility.
Communication theory in the practice of CSR. Prereq: Comm
210 or COI. 3 u.
222 Health Communication. Health communication theory, 286 Communication Evaluation. Principles and techniques of
research and practice. Prereq: Comm 210 or COI. 3 u. evaluating communication materials, projects and programs.
Prereq: Comm 211. 3 u.
376 College of Mass Communication
287 Communication Campaigns. Designing, implementing and 322 Philippine Communication Environment. Analysis of the
evaluating communication campaigns. Prereq: Comm 230, Philippine communication environment with emphasis on the
COI. 3 u. geographical, socio-economic, cultural and political factors
influencing communication processes and institutions. 3 u.
290 Management of Research. Principles and practice of
planning and implementing research projects. Prereq: Comm 330 Seminar in Comparative Communication Systems. 3 u.
210, COI. 3 u.
331 Seminar in Communication Technologies and Social Policies. 3 u.
297 Special Topics in Communication Research. Prereq: Comm
210. 3 u.; may be taken twice; topics to be indicated for 332 Seminar in Asian Communication Environment. 3 u.
records purposes.
341 Political Communication. Theory and practice of political
298 Special Projects. Prereq: Comm 185/Comm 211, COI. 3 u. communication. 3 u.
299 Communication Research Design. Research designs and 342 The Press and the Political Process. Roles and impacts of free
procedures for conductng communication studies. Prereq: and restricted press institutions in various political states. 3 u.
Comm 210, Comm 230. 3 u.
343 Communication and Public Opinion. The role of
300 Thesis. 6 u. communication in the formulation, measurement and
evaluation of public opinion for policy and planning. 3 u.
301 Communication Theories, Models and Frameworks. Model
building using communication theories and concepts. 3 u. 345 Mass Media, Government and Society. The dynamics of
the relationship between the mass media, government and
302 Seminar in Cross-Cultural Communication Behavior. society. 3 u.
Comparative study of communication behavior of various
cultures. 3 u. 353 Health Communication in Mass-Mediated Contexts. The
role of the mass media on the public’s health behavior. 3 u.
303 Seminar in Philippine Communication Behavior.
Comparative analysis of communication behavior between 354 Health Communication Campaigns. The role of
and among regional and ethnic groups. 3 u. communication in public health campaigns. 3 u.
304 Seminar in Communication and Social Constructions. The 361 Public Communication. Analysis of various public information
role of communication in evolving the social conventions programs as initiated and applied by government and its
that define a particular culture, with special emphasis on the agencies. 3 u.
Philippines. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
363 Communication in Management. Concepts and techniques
305 Data Construction in Communication Research. The nature, of communication as applied to the management of public
approaches, and methods of data construction, taking into organizations. 3 u.
account the researcher’s responsibility; with particular
attention to the Philippine context. Prereq: Comm 304. 3 u. 372 Risk Communication. Risk in crisis and risk-related
communication processes, issues and applications. 3 u.
306 Quantitative Approaches to Communication Research. The
quantitative research process applied to communication. 3 u. 397 Seminar in Contemporary Issues in Communication. 3 u
(may be taken twice, provided that the topics are different).
307 Qualitative Approaches to Communication. The qualitative
research process applied to communication. 3 u. 398 Independent Studies. Prereq: Comm 301, Comm 306 and
Comm 307 or COI. 3 u.
311 Seminar in Cross-Cultural Research. Case studies in planning,
management and evaluation of crosscultural research with 400 Dissertation. 12 u.
emphasis on developing countries. 3 u.
135 Acting. Fundamentals of acting for film. Prereq: Film 100. 3 u.
GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES 151 Scriptwriting I. Principles and techniques of writing narrative
and non-narrative films. Prereq: Film 131. 3 u.
12a Sine Pinoy. Philippine cinema as art form and cultural 153 Cinematography. Principles and techniques of cinematography.
product. 3 u. Prereq: Film 131. 3 u.
106 National Cinemas. A critical study of the growth and 171 Film Theory and Criticism. Survey of film theories and
development of national cinemas. Prereq: Film 100. 3 u. approaches to film criticism. Prereq: Film 100. 3 u.
110 Basic Photography. Fundamentals of photography as art and 175 Film and Literature. Analysis of problems of film adaptations
mass communication. 3 u. from literary sources. Prereq: Film 100. 3 u.
112 Advanced Photography. Special projects in photography. 176 Film and the Other Arts. The relations between film and the
Prereq: Film 110. 3 u. other arts, specifically the visual arts and architecture, the
performing arts, the broadcast and new media arts. Prereq:
130 Film Genres. Introduction to film genres as forms of popular Film 100/COI. 3 h. (1.5 lec, 1.5 lab). 3 u.
culture. Prereq: Film 100. 3 u.
177 Women in Cinema. Study of film text focusing on women as
131 Narrative Film. Aesthetics and production techniques of the subject and using feminism as framework of analysis. Prereq:
narrative film. Prereq: Film 100, 110. 3 u. Film 100/COI. 3 h. (1.5 lec, 1.5 lab). 3 u.
132 Documentary Film. History, aesthetics, critical study and 178 Queer Cinema. Study of film texts focusing on the queer
production techniques of the documentary film. Prereq: Film as subject of study with the queer theory as framework of
131. 3 u. analysis. Prereq: Film 100/COI. 3 h. (1.5 lec, 1.5 lab). 3 u.
133 Experimental Film. History, aesthetics, critical study and 180 Film Seminar. Issues and perspectives in film, with emphasis
production techniques of the experimental film. Prereq: Film on the Philippine context. Prereq: SS. 3 u.
131. 3 u.
197 Special Projects. Supervised individual productions. Prereq:
134 Animation Film. History, aesthetics, critical study and SS. 3 u.
production techniques of animation. Prereq: Film 131. 3 u.
198 Internship. Prereq: Film 154. 100 h. 3 u.
Arts and Humanities domain
378 College of Mass Communication
199 Research in Film. Conceptualization and design of research in 280 The Philippine Film Industry. Analysis of the structure and
film. Prereq: Comm Res 101, SS. 3 u. operation of the Philippine film industry, including the
financing, production, promotion, and distribution of films.
200 Thesis. Prereq: 199. 3 u. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
215 Genres and Auteurs in Philippine Cinema. Analyses of Filipino 300 Thesis. Prereq: Film 299. 6 u.
film genres and filmmakers. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
240 Cinema and Nation. The conepts of nation and nationhood Journalism (J)
as constructed through film practice and imagery. Prereq:
COI. 3 u. 100 History of the Press. Development of the news media,
including Asia and the Philippines. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
258 Directing the Narrative Film. Theory and practice of the
director’s vision, artistry, craft, and collaboration with other 101 Introduction to Journalism. Functions, principles and
artists in making narrative films. Prereq: COI. 3 u. standards of journalism; types of news; reportorial skills.
Coreq: any Communication or Komunikasyon and any course
260 Film Historiography. The different aspects of and approaches in Phil. History. 3 u.
to reading and researching film history. Prereq: COI. 3 u.a
102 News Reporting. Covering and writing the news. Prereq: J
269 Cinema, Gender, and Other Identities. An analysis of the 101. 3 u.
representations of gender and other identities in cinema.
Prerequisite : COI. 3 u. 103 Interpretative Writing. News analysis and commentary,
including columns and editorials. Prereq: J 102. 3 u.
270 Advanced Film Theory and Criticism. Intensive analysis of
selected Filipino and foreign films, using contemporary film 105 Investigative Reporting. Principles and techniques of
theories and methods. Prereq: COI. 3 u. investigative journalism. Prereq: J 102. 3 u.
industrial, educational and social organizations, with 195 Specialized Reporting. Writing for special newspaper and
emphasis on development activities. Prereq: J 102. 3 u. magazine sections, theory and practice. Prereq: J 102. 3 u.
107 Business Reporting. Covering developments in business and 196 Seminar. Prereq: SS. 3 u.
industry. Prereq: J 102, Econ 100.1. 3 u.
198 Journalism Internship. Practicum in a news media
109 Writing for Popular Audiences. Principles and techniques establishment or advertising agency. Prereq: SS. 3 u.
of popularizing technical and scientific materials for general
audiences and publication in the mass media. Prereq: JS/COI. 3 u. 199 Research in Journalism. Prereq: Comm Res 101, SS. 3 u.
122 Publication Design and Layout. Computer usage in designing 208 Scholastic Journalism. Scope, functions and management of
newspapers, magazines, brochures, newsletters, and school papers. Prereq: COI. 2 u.
websites. Prereq: J 121. 3 u.
212 Writing on Cultural Events. Reporting the arts for
123 Photojournalism. Basic principles of photographic coverage newspapers, magazines and other print media. Lectures and
of news events. Coreq: J 102, COI for non-majors. 3 u. assignments in reviewing motion pictures, plays, musicales,
concerts, books, and exhibits. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
133 Alternative Journalism. Reporting for and about special
audiences and developmental issues. Prereq: J 102. 3 u. 213 Investigative Journalism. Analysis of investigative reports.
Prereq: J 201. 3 u.
136 Community Press. History, development and present
conditions of the community press in the Philippines, with 216 Specialized Reporting. Writing on specialized issues for mass
practical application of journalism principles and techniques. audiences. Prereq: J 201. 3 u.
Prereq: J 102. 3 u.
217 Online News Production. Producing web content from breaking
151 Advertising. History, principles, management, and and developing news and social media updates, and generating
application of advertising processes. Prereq: J 102. 3 u. interactive materials from the web. Prereq: J 201. 3 u.
152 Public Information and Public Relations. Principles, ethics, 240 Seminar on the Press. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
processes, tools, techniques, and the practice of public
relations, including public information. Prereq: J 102, SS. 3 u. 250 The Western Media. Analysis of the impact of Western media
on Asian and Philippine press. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
192 Journalism Ethics. Analysis of ethical issues and problems in
journalism. 3 u. 260 Newspaper Management. Organization, fields of service,
personnel, equipment, production, community relations and
accounting. Prereq: COI. 2 u.
380 College of Mass Communication
270 Problems and Development in the Law of the Mass Media. 321 New Media and their Changing Technologies. The cultural and
Selected problem areas and current issues in the law of critical theoretical positions on New Media in the Philippines
defamation, privacy, contempt and obscenity as they apply within their changing technologies. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
to the mass media. Prereq: 6 u. of graduate work/COI. 3 u.
331 Media and Popular Culture. Epistemological discussion of
298 Special Projects. Prereq: COI. 3 u. the production and reception of popular culture, and the
instrumentalization of media in this cultural phenomenon.
300 Thesis Prereq: COI. 3 u.
302 Media Historiography. Historical approaches in the study of 397 Special Topics. (may be taken more than once provided the
Philippine media. Prereq: COI. 3 u. topics are different) Prereq: COI. 3 u.
303 Media and Discourses on Development. Media issues 399 Media Research. Critical cultural research approaches in
and concerns in discourses on society, with focus on media. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
development, governance and democracy. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
400 Dissertation. Prereq: Media 399 and passing the Candidacy
304 Media and Identities. Social constructions and Examination. 12 u.
representations of identities in Philippine Media. Prereq:
COI. 3 u.