Four Taize Songs

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PRAISE AND ADORATION Laudate Dominum/Sing, Praise, 591 and Bless the Lord psaim 11711 Refrain Am E Am G tatin Lau date Do-mi-num, — lau - da = te Do- mi-num bless the Lord. Sing, praise, and bless the Lord, English Sing, praise, and © « TAm F Dm —E 2 Am Dm Am omnes, gen tes! al-le- lu ial al - le - Iu ial peo-ples! —_na-tions! Al-te- tu - ia! AL -e- lu - ia! PP} Forother settings of Ps. 117 see 279, $70, $88, $89 Words and Music (LAUDATE DOMINUM The Community of Ta2é, Jacques Herter (1923-1994) ns, Ine, 18 1991 Atelier et Presses Taz, Taize Community France, GIA Publ exclusive North American agent Laudate omnes gentes/ 592 Sing Praises, All You Peoples o cm a totin Law -da ~ te om-nes gen tes, — lau- da - te Do-mi-num! Sing prai - ses, all you peo - ples, sing praises to the Lord! nish Lau-da - te om-nes gen-tes, lau-da - te Do - mi-num, Sing prai - ses, all you peo-ples, sing prai - ses to the Lord. Words and Music (LAUDATE OMNES GENTE): Psalm 117:1 The Community of Tae © 1991 Atelier et Presses de Taz, Taizé Community, Fance, GIA Publications Inc, exclusive North American agent PRAISE AND AORMTION 894 Adoramus Te Domine ® ® A-do-ra-mus te Do-mi- ne. Verses y@_ cornet CSS — eI — 1 With the an gels and arch - an - gels: 3 With the Vir - gin Mar - y, — moth-er of God: ja . SSL 4 With the a- pos-tles and e - van-gel-ists: ® @ Laan SWith all, the martyrs of Christ fC -pp eed fs 6 With all who wit-ness to the Gos-pel of the Lord: ® _ 9 ® 7 With all Your peo-ple of the Church through-out the world: Aderanus te Domine \ah-doh-RAH-meos tay DOW mec-nay: We dere You, Lov Tet Become 8 AboRaMUS TE SOCIAL HOLINESS Live in Charity 2179 (Ubi Caritas) Vocal 1. Ostinate Chorale (Repeat as desired.) 7) Descant and stead — and stead = =a God will — dwell” with De- we i bi est Congregations Unison or parts MUSIC: Jaques ete od the Community of Tat (01 Lem de ram ada by CIA ttn ne Lumcanimas raze rut 360 Bless the Lord, My Soul : . G 8 c & A 1 Dm C Dm F my soul, and bless God’s ho - ly name. === Bless the Lord, oe Dm Bless the Lord, my soul, who leads me in - to life. Buass THE Lorn st Para, dnd music © 1991 Les Presses de Tatee, Used by permission of GLA. Publications ne, excanive agent

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