Shelter Island Reporter Classifieds and Homeowners' Network: Feb. 1, 2018
Shelter Island Reporter Classifieds and Homeowners' Network: Feb. 1, 2018
Shelter Island Reporter Classifieds and Homeowners' Network: Feb. 1, 2018
RATES PER WORD (10 WORD MINIMUM) Karen 631-354-8029 or Kim 631-354-8013 1 4
100,000 READERS
FAX: 631-298-3287 3. Shelter Island Reporter
• 1 insertion 87¢ per word • $2.70 per word first insertion
For your convenience VOICE MAIL is available after hours. 4. East End Classified Network
• $2.40 per word per week E-mail 24/7 to: [email protected]
• 2 or more consecutive insertions
74¢ per word per week. succeeding insertions
CANCELLATIONS: The price of an ad will be
DEADLINES Housing Discrimination is Against the Law!
To Report Discrimination
• Boxed indented or display based on earned rate for the number of insertions. TIMES/REVIEW Classified Ads .......................TUESDAY 10 A.M. Call LIHS’ HOTLINE 800-660-6920
classified – call for information. Refunds will be credited to a credit card or sent
directly to the customer.
TIMES/REVIEW Classified Display Ads .......... MONDAY 4 P.M. Times/Review Newspapers follows the Fair Housing
ADJUSTMENTS: Every effort is made to insure E-MAILED ADS ........................................................... MONDAY 4 P.M. Amendments Act of 1988 and Title VIII of the Civil
the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad at
EAST END CLASSIFIED NETWORK ................ MONDAY 10 A.M. Rights Act. Together they make up the Fair Housing Act.
the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the The law provides protection against discrimi-
same ad, credit will be made only for the first
insertion. Credit given for errors in connections nation based on race, color, national origin,
with production on ads is limited to the printed
HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. religion, sex, familial status and handicap.
space involved. P.O. Box 756, Shelter Island, NY 11964
Insurance Agency
R.P. Brady
Low rates/Auto and Homes
[email protected]
Call 631-749-1014
ously injured in an auto accident? Let
us fight for you! We have recovered
millions for clients! Call today for a
free consultation. 855-977-9494. (N)
1. A hearing on the application of Mr. &
Mrs. Paul Hymowitz for a variance at 6 Bay
GERY: If you had hip or knee re-
placement surgery and suffered an LEGAL Avenue, Shelter Island, NY, which is Zone
“A-Residential” on the Shelter Island Zoning
Map, and specifically described on the Suf-
infection between 2010 and the pres- folk County Tax Map as 700-22-2-38. Appli-
ent time, you may be entitled to com- cant seeks a variance to construct a new addi-
pensation. Call Attorney Charles H. tion be located within the side yard setback by
Johnson, 1-800-535-5727. (N) approximately 23’-2”, which is less than the
Deadline: 25’ minimum requirement. Thus a variance of
approximately 1’-10” would be required.
Find your home in LUNG CANCER: Do you have lung Monday at 3 p.m. 2. A hearing on the application of John &
cancer and are age 60 plus? You and
Times Review Media Group’s your family may be entitled to a sig-
Blair Borthwick for expansion of a noncon-
nificant cash award. No risk. No Email: forming structure and issuance of a special
REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIEDS money out of pocket. For informa- [email protected]
permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals
concerning a, structure located at 71 Nostrand
tion, call 866-951-9073. (N) Parkway, Shelter Island, New York, which is
located within Zone AA Revert to A - Resi-
dential and more specifically described on the
AUTOS WANTED MASSAGE THERAPY Notice of formation of Tony Montalvo Con-
struction Management LLC Arts. of Org. filed
Suffolk County Tax Map as 0700/013/01/06.
The applicants propose additional second
with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on
LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPY: floor attic space which is being enlarged and
12/4/2017. Office location, County of Suf-
North Fork Massage. 20 years’ ex- converted to living space to include a full
folk. SSNY has been designated as agent of
perience. Swedish and Oriental ther- second story over the existing garage. Thus, a
the LLC upon whom process against it may be
apy in your home. From Southold to special permit from the Zoning Board of Ap-
served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC,
Orient, Shelter Island and the Ham- peals for the increased bulk of the existing
PO Box 164, Shelter Island, NY 11964. Pur-
ptons. Call 631-521-6255. non-conforming structure.;
pose: any lawful act.
All persons wishing to be heard should
appear at the aforementioned times and place.
By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals
LEGAL NOTICE Doug Matz, Chairman
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the fol- 2167870
lowing hearings will be held by the Shelter
Island Zoning Board of Appeals on the 14th
FOLLOW US! day of February, 2018 at the Shelter Island
Town Hall, 38 N. Ferry Road, Shelter Island, Thursday means the
Click on the icons at New York. Applications are scheduled to be-
gin at 7:30 p.m. or thereafter. Applications may be heard in any order.
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