Hydrographic Report

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is the science of measurement and description

of features which affect maritime navigation,

marine construction, dredging, offshore oil
exploration/drilling and related activities.
Strong emphasis is placed on soundings,
shorelines, tides, currents, sea floor and
submerged obstructions that relate to the
previously mentioned activities.
History of Hydrographic Surveying

(1940’s-1980’s) (1990-present)
Single Beam Multibeam
Hydrographic Survey is characterized by
the observation and measurements which are
undertaken to determine and subsequently
portray the topography above and beneath the
water surface. As well as to locate important
marine features.
The term use in hydrographic
survey which mean depth of water.
Method in locating soundings:
 By means of boat towed at uniform speed along a known
range line at equal interval of time.
 By means of range line and an angle from the shore
 By means of range line and an angle from the boat
 Two angles from the shore
 Two angles taken simultaneously at the boat by using
sextant and three station on the shore
 By transit and stadia
 By intersection of fixed ranges
 By wire stretch along a river of known distance
 By electronics positioning system
The principal objective of most hydrographic
surveys, is to obtain basic data for the compilation
of nautical charts with emphasis on the features
that may affect safe navigation. Other objectives
include acquiring the information necessary for
related marine navigational products and for
coastal zone management, engineering, and
Bathymetric chart
- is the submerged equivalent of an above-water topographic
map . Bathymetric charts are designed to present accurate,
measurable description and visual presentation of the
submerged terrain. Bathymetry is the foundation of the
science of hydrography, which measures the physical
features of a water body. Hydrography includes not only
bathymetry, but also the shape and features of the shoreline;
the characteristics of tides, currents, and waves; and the
physical and chemical properties of the water itself.
- can be expected to be accurate to within ± 10 cm
Nautical Chart
is a graphic representation of a maritime area and adjacent coastal
regions. Depending on the scale of the chart, it may show depths
of water and heights of land (topographic map), natural features of the
seabed, details of the coastline, navigational hazards, locations of
natural and human-made aids to navigation information on tides
and currents local details of the earth’s magnetic field, and human-
made structures such as harbors , buildings and bridges. Nautical
charts are essential tools for marine navigation; many countries require
vessels, especially commercial ships, to carry them. Nautical charting
may take the form of charts printed on paper or computerized electronic
navigational chart.
 ensures the coastal resources were safe and healthy
 resource exploitation - fishing, minerals, ...
 environmental protection and management
 maritime boundary delimitation
 national marine spatial data infrastructures
 recreational boating
 maritime defense and security
 tsunami flood and inundation modeling
 coastal zone management
 tourism
 marine science
 Determination of channel depth for navigation
 Determination of quantities of bottom excavation
 Location of rocks, sand bars and navigation aids
 Measurement of areas subject to scour or sitting
 For offshore structure sitting
 For river flood control
 For power development such as dam construction
 For water supply like reservoir construction
 Bridges, pipeline crossing
 Underground cable crossing
 Water storage
Essential Hydrographic Survey Equipments
Echo sounder

- is a device used to determine

the depth of the water and the
nature of the sea bed
- is a device offered with a
210kHz transducer as standard,
and uses sophisticated digital
signal processing procedures to
ensure high accuracy and
dependable bottom tracking. It
reflects sound from ocean floor.
Sound Velocity Profiler

- is a device that is used for

measuring the speed of
sound, specifically in the
water column, for
oceanographic and
hydrographic research
Side Scan Sonar

-is a specialized system for detecting objects on the

seafloor. It transmits sound energy and analyzes the
return signal(echo) that has bounced off the
seashore or other objects.
LiDar (Light Direction And Ranging)
- a device used to measure
distance or depth by
analyzing pulses of laser
light reflected off an
object and acquire data in
areas with complex and
rugged shorelines. These
are typically aircraft-
mounted and provide
seamless coverage
between land and sea.
Survey Vessel
- is any type of ship or boat that is used for mapping. It
is a type of research vessel. It’s task is to map to the
bottom, benthic zone, full water column, and surface
for the purpose of:
 Hydrography
 General oceanography
 Marine habitats, etc.
 Dredging
 Marine archeology
The IHO(International Hydrographic Organization) publishes Standards and
Specifications followed by member states as well as Memoranda of Understanding and Co-
operative Agreements with hydrographic survey interests.

 United Kingdom - British Admiralty Hydrographic Office

 Argentina – Argentine Hydrographic established in 1879.
 Australia - provided by the Royal Australian Hydrographic Service.
 Canada. Hydrographic services are provided by the Canadian Hydrographic Service.
 France. Hydrographic services are provided by the Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic
 Germany. Hydrographic services are provided by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic
 Iceland. Hydrographic services are provided by the Iceland Coast Guard- Hydrographic
 India. Hydrographic services are provided by the National Hydrographic Office
 United States-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
 Philippines – National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NMRIA) 1987
Finn 

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