Java Course Outline

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Suite#606 4789 Yonge St, North York ON - M2N 0C8 | [email protected] | (905) 447 - 4769


An Overview of Java
 Evolution of Java
 Write Once Run Anywhere: Java Byte code
 Java Highlights
 What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?
 OOP Principles: Encapsulation, Inheritance & Polymorphism
 Hello World first Java Program
 Java Keywords

Data Types, Variables & Arrays

 Types of Variables – Primitive & References
 Primitive Data types – boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float & double
 Strings in Java
 Variables: Declaration & Initialization
 Scope and Lifetime of Variables
 Type Conversions Rules
 Arrays: One & Multi-dimensional arrays

 Arithmetic Operators (+, -, /, *, %, =)
 Compound Assignment Operators (+=, -=, /=, *=, %=)
 Increment & Decrement Operators (++, --)
 Relational Operators (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=)
 Boolean Logical Operators (&, &&, |, ||)
 Ternary Operator
 Operator Precedence

Control Statements
 Selection Statements:
o If – else, Nested ‘if’s, if-else-if ladder
o Switch Statements
 Iteration Statements
o For loop
o While loop
o Do-while loop
 Jump Statements
o Break Statement
o Continue Statement
Suite#606 4789 Yonge St, North York ON - M2N 0C8 | [email protected] | (905) 447 - 4769

Introduction to Classes: A First step to Object Programming

 Classes and Objects in Java
 Class Members: Instance variables & Methods
 A Sample program demonstrating a Class & Object
 Constructors
 Local variables
 Overloading Constructors and Methods
 Using ‘this’ keyword

Access & Non Access Modifiers

 Public, Private, Protected & Default access levels
 Non Access modifiers
o Final keyword for class, variables, method declarations and arguments
o Static keyword for class members
o Transient keyword
o Volatile keyword
o Synchronized keyword
o Abstract keyword for classes and methods

 Declaring Interfaces
 Use of Interfaces
 Interface rules

 How inheritance works in Java
 Sample Program explaining inheritance
 Member access and inheritance
 Invoking superclass variables and methods
 How constructors work in Inheritance
 Overriding methods in Inheritance
 Using ‘super’ keyword
 Dynamic method dispatch
 How ‘final’ keyword prevents inheritance
 Inheritance in Interfaces
 How a class can use an interface

Packages & Imports

 Defining packages in classes and how it is being used
 How access modifiers (private, public, protected) work when classes are present in
 How to import a class from a package

Strings in Java
 How are strings handled in Java
Suite#606 4789 Yonge St, North York ON - M2N 0C8 | [email protected] | (905) 447 - 4769

 Discussion on various methods in String class

 StringBuffer class
 StringBuilder class
 How strings are handled in memory?

Exceptional Handling
 Types of Exceptions: Exceptions and Errors
 Using ‘try’ and ‘catch’ to handle the uncaught exceptions
 Using multiple catch blocks
 Using ‘finally’ keyword in try-catch block
 Using ‘throw’ statement
 Using ‘throws’ statement in method
 Checked and Unchecked exceptions
 Creating our own exception classes

 Overview on Multithreaded programming
 Main thread
 Creating and starting a thread
 Thread priorities
 Using join() and synchronized keywords
 Deadlock in multithreading

Input-Output (I/O) Streams & Files

 File Class overview
 Types of Streams: Characters & Bytes
 Various inbuilt classes of input and output streams
 Opening a file
 Reading and writing data from/to a file

Java Collection Framework

 Lists, Maps, Queues and Sets
 Usage of Maps: HashMap
 Usage of Lists: ArrayLists
 Usage of Sets: HashSets
 Usage of Queues: PriorityQueue

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