Complete Guide To Physical Exam
Complete Guide To Physical Exam
Complete Guide To Physical Exam
Percussion of the chest sets the chest wall and underlying tissues into
motion, producing audible sound and palpable vibrations. Percussion
helps you establish whether the underlying tissues are air-filled, fluid-
filled, or solid. It penetrates only about 5 cm to 7 cm into the chest,
however, and therefore will not help you to detect deep-seated
• Hyperextend the middle finger of your left hand,
known as the pleximeter finger.
• Press its distal interphalangeal joint firmly on the Auscultation of the lungs is the most important examining technique
surface to be percussed. for assessing air flow through the tracheobronchial tree
• Avoid surface contact by any other part of the Auscultation involves:
hand, because this dampens out vibrations. (1) listening to the sounds generated by breathing
• Note that the thumb, 2nd, 4th, and 5th fingers (2) listening for any adventitious (added) sounds, and
are not touching the chest. (3) if abnormalities are suspected, listening to the
• Position your right forearm quite close to the sounds of the patient’s spoken or whispered voice as
surface, with the hand cocked upward. The they are transmitted through the chest wall.
middle finger should be partially flexed, relaxed,
and poised to strike.
Learn to identify five percussion notes.
Adventitious Breath Sounds
§ Crackles may be due to abnormalities of the
lungs (pneumonia, fibrosis, early congestive
heart failure) or of the air- ways (bronchitis,
§ Wheezes suggest narrowed airways, as in
asthma, COPD, or bronchitis.
§ Rhonchi suggest secretions in large airways.
§ Fine late inspiratory crackles that persist from
breath to breath suggest abnormal lung tissue.
There are several points to remember prior to beginning the examination of the CVS. These include:
8. Review the blood pressure and heart rate recorded during the General Survey and Vital Signs at the start of the
physical examination.
9. Take the time to measure the blood pressure and heart rate using optimal technique.
10. Systematically organize your examination following these components:
a. The jugular venous pressure
b. The carotid upstrokes and presence or absence of bruits
c. The point of maximal impulse(PMI)and any heaves, lifts, or thrills
d. The first and second heart sounds, S1 and S2
e. Presence or absence of extra heart sounds such as S3 or S4
f. Presence or absence of any cardiac murmurs.
§ Decreased pulsations may be caused by decreased stroke volume, but may also be due to local factors in the artery - During the cardiac examination, remember to correlate your findings with the patient’s jugular venous pressure and
such as atherosclerotic narrowing or occlusion. carotid pulse. It is also important to identify both the anatomic location of your findings and their timing in the cardiac
§ Amplitude: Small, thready, or weak pulse in cardiogenic shock; bounding pulse in aortic insufficiency cycle.
§ The contour of the pulse wave, namely the speed of the upstroke, the duration of its summit, and the speed of the § Note the anatomic location of sounds in terms of interspaces and their distance from the midsternal,
downstroke. The normal up- stroke is brisk. It is smooth, rapid, and follows S1 almost immediately. The summit is midclavicular, or axillary lines.
smooth, rounded, and roughly midsystolic. The downstroke is less abrupt than the upstroke. § Identify the timing of impulses or sounds in relation to the cardiac cycle.
o Delayed carotid upstroke in aortic stenosis
1 Very faint, heard only after listener has “tuned in”; may not be heard in all positions
2 Quiet, but heard immediately after placing the stethoscope on the chest
3 Moderately loud
4 Loud, with palpable thrill
5 Very loud, with thrill. May be heard when the stethoscope is partly off the chest
6 Very loud, with thrill. May be heard with stethoscope entirely off the chest
shape of murmur
§ Shape
§ Location of Maximal Intensity. This is determined by ⇒ For example, a murmur best heard in the 2nd right
the site where the murmur originates. interspace usually originates at or near the aortic valve.
Opening snap (diastole) Mitral stenosis
S3 Occurs during diastole as a result of the rapid deceleration of
column of blood against the ventricular wall
S4 Marks the atrial contraction (precedes the S1)
2ND- 3RD, Left parasternal border Splitting (S2)
Tricuspid area at the lower left Splitting (S1)
Wide and fixed S2 splitting ASD, LV dysfunction
Wide S2 splitting Right bundle branch block, mitral regurgitation, pulmonary stenosis
Paradoxycal splitting Narrow in inspiration, wide in expiration à left BBB
Soft S1 Severe LV dysfunction, CHD, severe MR
Decreased S1 1st degree block
Decreased S2 Aortic stenosis
Thrills with harsh, rumbling murmurs AS, PDA, VSD
Upward apical pulse Pregnant
Laterally displaced apical pulse Cardiomegaly due to CHF, cardiomyopathy, ischemic HD
Decreased apical pulse Obesity, tick chest and increased AP diameter
Increased amplitude Normal: young patient after exercise
Abnormal: hyperthyroidism, severe anemia, pressure overload due
to AS and volume overload due to MR
Increased amplitude, but normal duration ASD
Increased amplitude, increased duration PS, pHPN
Palpable S2 at the pulmonic area pHPN
Palpable S2 at the aortic area HPN
Small weak pulses ◦ Decreased stroke volume (e.g. heart failure, hypovolemia,
severe AS)
◦ Increased PVR (e.g. cold and severe CHF)
Large, bounding pulse ◦ Increased SV and decreased PVR or both (e.g. fever,
hyperthyroidism, aortic regurgitation, AV fistula, PDA
◦ Increased SV due to bradycardia and complete heart block
◦ Decreased compliance (e.g. atherosclerosis)
Bisferiens pulse Increased pulse w/ double systolic peak (e.g. pure AR or AR w/ AS)
Pulse alternans LV failure with left- sided S3
Bigeminal pulse Alternating beat w/ premature contraction
Paradoxical pulse Decreased amplitude during quiet inspiration, pericardial
tamponade, constrictive pericarditis and restrictive lung diseases.
There are several points to remember prior to beginning the abdominal examination. These include: Auscultation provides important information about the bowel motility
1. Have patient empty bladder prior to examination Steps:
2. Use proper lighting and warm hands to examine abdomen 1. place the diaphragm of your steth gently on the abdomen
- You can rub your palm together or place them under warm water 2. listen for the sounds and note their frequency
3. Undrape abdomen from above xiphoid process to symphysis pubis. Groin area should be visible with genitalia 3. normal sounds consist of gurgles and clicks occurring at 5- 34
draped. per min
4. Visualize each organ in the region under examination 4. since the bowel sounds are transmitted widely throughout the
5. Begin assessment at patient’s right and proceed to examine all 5 abdominal regions: abdomen, listening in one spot such as RLQ is usually sufficient
RUQ LLQ 5. report no bowel sounds when no significant sounds have been
RLQ Epigastric area recognized for 2 minutes.
LUQ Bowel sounds (normal, increased/decreased,
6. The exam technique sequence is as follows: absent)
Inspection àAuscultation àPercussion àPalpation Frequency
INSPECTION IMPORTANT POINTS TO CONSIDER Bruits and friction rub (aorta, renal, iliac, femoral - listen on the epigastrium and in each upper quadrant, bruits confined
Peristalsis (increased/decreased peristaltic waves) - if you suspect for bowel obstruction (increased) arteries, costovertebral angles) to systole may be heard for pxs w/ high BP
- for very thin people peristalsis is normally visible - bruits in these areas that has both systolic and diastolic components
strongly suggest renal artery stenosis as the cause of HPN
Umbilicus (contour, location, inflammation, hernia)
Peritoneal rubs (RUQ or LUQ) - listen over the liver and spleen for friction rub
Striae (color: red, white, purple) - old silver striae or stretch marks are normal, while pink-
purple striae may be associated to Cushing’s syndrome ◦ friction rub in liver tumor, gonococcal infection around the liver,
splenic infarction
Hernias (abdominal, umbilical, incisional, diastasis
recti, epigastric, inguinal, femoral)
Vascular changes: dilated veins - dilated veins of hepatic cirrhosis or of inferior vena cava - Helps you to assess the amount and distribution of gas in the
obstruction abdomen and to identify possible masses that are solid or fluid- filled
- It can also be used to estimate the span of the liver and spleen
Lesions or rashes (areas of discoloration)
PERCUSSION - In general, most of the areas of the abdomen are tympanitic when
Abdominal contour - bulging flanks of ascites percussed because of gas, but there are also scattered areas of
flat, scaphoid, protuberant, rounded - suprapubic bulge of a distended bladder or pregnant dullness from fluid and feces and solid organs such as liver and
bulging flanks/local bulges uterus or hernias spleen
symmetry - asymmetry from an enlarged organ such as liver and
4 quadrants (clockwise pattern)
visible organs or masses spleen or mass like lower abdominal mass of an ovarian or
visible movement a uterine tumor Tympanitic/ dull - A protuberant abdomen that is tympanitic all throughout suggests
intestinal obstruction
Pulsation (increased/decreased pulsations) - normal aortic pulsation is frequently visible in the
- Large tumor à dull to percussion and the air- filled bowel are
displaced to the periphery
- increased pulsations of an aortic aneurysm or of increased
pulse pressure ◦ Markedly distended bladder can be mistaken for such a tumor
- Dullness on both flanks prompts further assessment for ascites.
Scars (location, appearance) - you may describe or diagram the location
Spleen - Locate for the Traube’s space between a resonant lung above and When identified, map the area of tenderness
Traube’s space the costal margin along the anterior axillary line. Normally, the sound Rebound tenderness - Press down with ur fingers firmly and slowly, then withdraw then
is tympanitic but when dullness in precussion is present, it detects the quickly. Watch and listen to the px for signs of pain. Ask the px “which
presence of splenomegaly one hurts more, when I press or when I let go?”
Splenic percussion sign - Percuss the lowest interspace in the left anterior axillary line. This - If tenderness is felt elsewhere than where you were trying to eliicit the
area is usually tympanitic. Ask the px to take a deep breath and rebound tenderness, that area may be the real source of tenderness.
percuss again. Spleen - With your left hand, reach over and around the px to support and
- (+) splenic percussion sign is noted when a change of tympanitic to press the lower left rib cage and adjacent soft tissue. With your right
dullness on inspiration is present, and this suggests splenomegaly hand below the left costal margin, press in towards the spleen. Begin
Liver - Use light to moderate percussion palpating low enough so can you palpate an enlarged spleen. Ask the
- Begin with identifying the lower border of dullness in the MCL. Starting px to take a deep breath
from the level of the umbilicus with a tympanitic sound, percuss Liver - With your left hand, place it behind the px supporting the right 11th
upwards towards the liver until you first recognized a dull sound; this and 12th ribs and adjacent soft tissues. By pressing your left hand
marks your lower border of liver dullness. forward, the px’s liver may be felt more easily by your right hand.
- Next, establish an upper border of dullness starting from the nipple - Ask the px to take a deep breath or breath with their abd and plapate
line to make sure that u started on a resonant area, percuss the liver edge; note for any tenderness, normally: it is soft, sharp, with
sequentially downwards towards the liver until you hear a liver smooth surface and slightly tender
dullness. Kidney - Usually not palpable
- Now measure the distance between the 2 points, that is your vertical
span of liver dullness w/c is normally 6- 12 cm. You can also measure
Aorta - Press firmly deep in the upper abdomen, slightly to the left of the
midline and identify the aortic pulsations
the midsternal vertical liver span with the same steps but conducted
along the mid- sternal line. SPECIFIC TESTS
- Decreased span of liver dullness: when air is present below the Ascites: shifting dullness/ fluid wave/ballottement Assessing possible ascites:
diaphragm, perforated viscus, hepatitis or CHF - Since the fluid seeks its own level, the dependent area is usually dull
in percussion while the gas filled bowel floats at the center percussion
gives a tympanitic sound.
PALPATION - With px in supine postion, start percussing from an area of tympany
at the center going outward in several directions. Map the border
General palpation (areas of tenderness=facial !!!!!! Ask the px to point areas of tenderness and examine them lasts. between tympany and dullness.
expression of Px, muscular resistance, superficial a. Light palpation Confirming ascites:
organs and masses) - Use pads of first three fingers of one hand and a light, gentle, dipping Test for Shifting dullness:
Light palpation maneuver to examine abdomen - Turn the px onto one side, percuss and mark the boarders again. For
Deep palpation - Identify superficial organs or masses and any areas of tenderness or px w/o ascites, the previously marked areas of tympany and dullness
increased resistance to your hand. If resistance is present, try to usually stay relatively constant.
distinguish voluntary guarding from involuntary muscular spasm - (+) shifting dullness is when the px changes position for supine to
- Always observe the facial expression of the patient as this serves as lateral, areas of dullness shift to dependent areas.
the most accurate assessment of abdominal tenderness. Fluid Wave:
b. Deep palpation - ask the px or an assistant to press the edges of both hands firmly
- Use palmar surface of fingers of one hand and a deep, firm, gentle down the midline of the abdomen.
maneuver to examine abdomen (two hands, one on top of the other, - While you tap one flank w/ ur fingertips, feel on the opposite flank for
may be required if obesity or muscular resistance occurs an impulse transmitted through the fluid.
Peritoneal inflammation - Ask the px to cough and identify where the cough produces the pain. Ballottement: identifying an organ or mass in an ascitic abdomen
- Straighten and stiffen the fingers of one hand together, place them
on the abdominal surface and make a jabbing movement directly
toward the anticipated structure.
- This movt quickly displaces the fluid so that your fingers can directly
touch the surface of the structure through the abdominal wall.
Appendicitis: Psoas sign, obturator sign, Psoas sign:
Rovsing’s Sign - Pain on passive extension of the right thigh. Patient lies on left side.
Examiner extends patient's right thigh while applying counter
resistance to the right hip
- Anatomic basis for the psoas sign inflamed appendix is in a
retroperitoneal location in contact with the psoas muscle, which is
stretched by this maneuver
Obturator sign:
- Pain on passive internal rotation of the flexed thigh. Examiner moves
lower leg laterally while applying resistance to the lateral side of the
knee resulting in internal rotation of the femur
- Anatomic basis for the obturator sign inflamed appendix in the pelvis
is in contact with the obturator internus muscle, which is stretched by
this maneuver.
Rovsing’s sign:
- Press deeply and evenly in the LLQ, then quickly withdraw your
- Pain in the RLQ during a left- sided pressure suggests appendicitis.
- Aka known as referred rebound tenderness
Peritoneal irritation: rebound tenderness Same as above
Acute cholecystitis: Murphy’s sign - Hook fingers under costal margins on the right.
- Have the patient take deep breath.
- Sharp increase in tenderness with sudden stop in inspiration is
- Positive sign is indicative of gall bladder disease.
Renal disease: Costovertebral Tenderness - Warn the patient what you are about to do.
- Have the patient sit up on the exam table.
- Use the heel of your closed fist to strike the patient firmly over the
costovertebral angles.
- Compare the left and right sides.
- Tenderness elicited suggest kidney infection such as pyelonephritis or
perinephric abscess.
§ Coldness, numbness, pallor in the legs/feet, ⇒ Decreased arterial perfusion = HAIR LOSS on ant. tibial
HAIR LOSS over ant. tibial surface. surface
There are several points to remember prior to beginning the PVS examination. These include: ⇒ Gangrene = “dry”/brown-black ulcers
1. Taking complete vital signs of the patient. Take BP in both arms.
2. Palpate carotid pulse, auscultate for bruits. PAD WARNING SIGNS:
3. Auscultate for aortic, renal and femoral bruits; palpate aorta, and determine maximal diameter. • Fatigue, aching, numbness, or pain that limits walking or exertion in the legs; if present, where?
4. Palpate brachial, radial, ulnar, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arteries. • Erectile dysfuntion
5. Inspect ankles and feet for color, temperature, skin integrity; note any ulcerations; check for hair loss, trophic skin
• Poorly healing/ non healing wound of the lower ex
changes, hypertrophic nails.
6. Assessment of the peripheral vascular system relies primarily on inspection of the arms and legs, palpation of the • Any pain at rest
pulses, and a search for edema • Abdominal pain after meals
• First degree relatives with AAA
Special Techniques
Measuring the length of the legs
Describing limited motion of joint – degree of movement