Instructions For Implementing The PPR Cohesive Model in ABAQUS

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Instructions for Implementing the PPR Cohesive Model in ABAQUS

The following presents detailed instructions for implementing the PPR potential-based cohesive model into
a nite element mesh and running the analysis in ABAQUS via a user-dened element (UEL).

Download the Fortran UEL

In order for a UEL to be imported into ABAQUS, it must be written in a separate Fortran le. The PPR
Fortran le is available for download here. A owchart depicting how the UEL is called in ABAQUS is
shown to the right. Comments within the UEL reference equations given in the Educational Paper, which
gives more details on their derivations. In addition, a list of the nomenclature that is used within the code
is provided in order to help alleviate any confusions bewteen the code and the paper.

Create Input File and Run Abaqus

Before a problem can be run in ABAQUS, a few changes must be made to the input le to incorporate a
UEL. First, the cohesive elements must be declared using the *USER ELEMENT command, e.g.


1, 2
The TYPE indicates the name of the element type, NODES is the number of nodes, COORDINATES is the largest
active degree of freedom, PROPERTIES is the number of the input parameters (for the PPR choesive model,
there are nine), and VARIABLES is the number of solution dependent variables. The next line lists the active
degrees of freedom, i.e. 1, 2, which corresponds to the horizontal and vertical displacements.

Next, the cohesive element connectivities must be dened, using the typical *ELEMENT command. The TYPE
used is the same as the one given when the UEL was dened (e.g. U1). The element connectivities are then
listed in the standard fashion:


101, 1, 2, 3, 4

Here, ELSET is the name of the element set to which these elements are assigned, which is this case is COH_ELE.
After the element connectivities are listed, the input parameters must be dened for the given element set,
which are dened as follows,


100, 200, 4e6, 3e6, 5, 1.6, 0.005, 0.005,
The nine parameters must be listed in the following order: φn , φt , σmax , τmax , α, β , λn , λt , and the thickness
along the out of plane-direction. The rest of the input le remains unchanged.

After moving the input le, and PPR UEL into a directory, one can execute an ABAQUS analysis in
conjunction with the UEL subroutine through the following command, i.e.

abaqus job=input_file_name user=UEL_file_name

If using the input le provided, the analysis may take close to an hour. After the analysis has been completed,
a series of additional les will have been created in your directory; including, but not limited to:

• input_le_name.dat : contains printed error messages, results and other comments

• input_le_name.log : contains a very short summary (20 lines) of the starting and stopping steps in
the analysis.

The key results can be found in the .dat le. In order to produce plots from the results le one can extract
the data using a variety of means. If using the les provided, for this specic problem, a Matlab parser has
been created: simply called  parser.m .

To use the parser the user need only change the name of the input .dat le at the beginning of the code.

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