501 0 1 - IM - 03b OC1 Set - 20111101
501 0 1 - IM - 03b OC1 Set - 20111101
501 0 1 - IM - 03b OC1 Set - 20111101
General Data
Relay Identifier (13 characters) ID =
Relay Application (OFF, MOT, BFR, FDR, OC1, TMR) APP =
Current Transformer Ratio (CTR:1); (1–6000) CTR =
Demand Ammeter Time Constant (Off, 5–60 minutes) DATC = ___________
Programmable Input Function (EN, BLK, ET)
{EN = Enable, BLK = Block, ET = External Trigger} IN = _______________
Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent Pickup—step size 0.1 A
(Off, 0.5–80 A sec {5 A Model}, 0.1–16 A sec {1 A Model}) 50NH = ____________
Assign 50NH to trip output contacts (N, 1, 2, B)
{N = none, 1 = TRIP1, 2 = TRIP2, B = both} 50NHT = ___________
50NH controlled by input IN (Y, N) 50NHC = __________
Assign 51NT to trip output contacts (N, 1, 2, B)
{N = none, 1 = TRIP1, 2 = TRIP2, B = both} 51NTT = ___________
51NT controlled by input IN (Y, N) 51NTC = ___________
Protocol Settings.
Set PROTOCOL = SEL for standard SEL ASCII protocol.
Set PROTOCOL = LMD for SEL Distributed Port Switch Protocol (LMD).
Set PROTOCOL = SYMAX for the Square D PowerLogic SY/MAX protocol (SEL5011 only).
Set PROTOCOL = MOD for Modbus® RTU protocol (not available with SEL5011).
Refer to Appendix D: Distributed Port Switch Protocol for details on the LMD protocol.
Refer to Appendix F: SY/MAX Protocol for details on the SY/MAX protocol.
Refer to Appendix G: Modbus RTU Communications Protocol.
Protocol = SEL
If PROTOCOL is set to SEL, the following are the applicable fields that need to be entered by
the user.
Communications Settings
Baud Rate (300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400) SPEED =
Data Bits (7, 8) DATA_BITS =
Parity (None [N], Even [E], Odd [O]) PARITY =
Stop Bits (1, 2) STOP =
Other Port Settings. Set TIMEOUT to the number of minutes of serial port inactivity for an
automatic log out. Set TIMEOUT = 0 for no port timeout.
Set AUTO = Y to allow automatic messages at the serial port.
Set RTS_CTS = Y to enable hardware handshaking. With RTS_CTS = Y, the relay will not send
characters until the CTS input is asserted. Also, if the relay is unable to receive characters, it
deasserts the RTS line. Setting RTS_CTS is not applicable for EIA485 serial port option or
Protocol = LMD
If PROTOCOL is set to LMD, the following are the applicable fields that need to be entered by
the user.
Communications Settings
LMD Prefix (@, #, $, %, &) PREFIX =
LMD Address (1–99) ADDRESS =
LMD Settling Time (0–30 seconds) SETTLE_TIME =
Baud Rate (300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400) SPEED =
Data Bits (7, 8) DATA_BITS =
Parity (None[N], Even [E], Odd [O]) PARITY =
Stop Bits (1, 2) STOP =
Other Port Settings. Set TIMEOUT to the number of minutes of serial port inactivity for an
automatic log out. Set TIMEOUT = 0 for no port timeout.
Set AUTO = Y to allow automatic messages at the serial port.
Set FAST_OP = Y to enable binary Fast Operate messages at the serial port. Set FAST_OP = N
to block binary Fast Operate messages.
Protocol = SYMAX
If PROTOCOL is set to SYMAX, the following are the applicable fields that need to be
entered by the user.
Communications Settings
Baud Rate (300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400) SPEED =
AddressX (1–99) ADDRESSX =
AddressY (1–99) ADDRESSY =
Data Bits (7, 8) DATA_BITS =
Parity (None[N], Even [E], Odd [O]) PARITY =
Stop Bits (1, 2) STOP =
Protocol = MOD
If PROTOCOL is set to MOD, the following are the applicable fields that need to be entered by
the user.
Communications Settings
Baud Rate (300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200) SPEED =
Parity (None[N], Even [E], Odd [O]) PARITY =
Stop Bits (1, 2) STOP =
Modbus Slave ID (1–247) SLAVEID =