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JSHP TRANSFORMER Transformer Test Report Type of Product: SFFZ11-90000/230 Serial No: HP2200026024 Drawing No: 1LB.710.8643.01 Customer: APR Organized by: x Checked by: EH Approved by: a) Date of Submittal: 2017.01.15 JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTDJSHP teansroruer JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 Contents 1 Description... 2 Technical Specification 3 Applicable Standards..... 4. Nameplate .. 5 Tests and Results of Tests..... 5.1 Measurement of Voltage Ratio and Check of Phase Displacement... 5.2 Measurement of Winding Resistance... 5.3 Measurement of Insulation Resistance to Earth of The Windings 5.4 Measurement of Dissipation Factor of The Insulation System Capacitances. 5.5 Measurement of Dissipation Factor of The Insulation System Capacitance of Bushing: 5.6 Measurement of No-load Current and No-load Loss... 5.7 Measurement of Harmonies of The No-load Current... 9 5.8 Measurement of Short-circuit Impedance and Load Lo: 10 5.9 Measurement of Zero-sequence Impedance (Special Test) .. 10 5.10 Lightning Impulse Withstand Test i 5.11 Separate-source Power-frequency Voltage Withstand Test... 22 5.12 Short Duration Induced Withstand Voltage Test (ACSD). 2B 5.13 Measurement of Partial Discharge(ACLD) 24 5.14 Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (Special Test)... 5.15 Testing of Transformer Insulation Oi 28 5.16 Tank Pressure (Leakage) Test 29 5.17 Test of on-load tap changer... 29 5.18 Control cabinet factory inspection report... 30 5.19 Other Test... 31 6 Conclusion of The Test .. 32TRANSFORMER JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 1 Description Name of Product | ‘Three-phase Power Transformer ‘Type of Produet_| _SFFZ11-90000/230 Serial No, HP2200026024 |_Drawing No._| _1LB.710.8643.01 2 Technical Specification Power Rating, 9045-45 MVA Cooling Type ONAN/ONAF 88.9%/100% Rated Voltage | 230(£8%1.65%6)/11-11 kV Number of Phases 3 Phases Rated Current 225.912361.9-2361.9A Rated Frequency 50 Hz Vector Group YNdIIdI1 H.V. TERMINAL SVLVAC _750/950/395 kV L.V, TERMINAL LUAC 95/35 KV Basic NEUTRAL. LVAC 325/140 kV Insulation Level TEC 60076 | IEC 60034 TEC 60137 TEC 60044 IEC 60599 TEC 60270 TEC 60060 3 Applicable Standards (All Parts) Power transformers ‘Thermal evaluation and classification of electrical insulation Insulating bushing for alternating voltages above 1000 volts Current Transformer Mineral oil impregnated electric equipment in service guide ‘To the interpretation of discharged free gases always. Partial Discharge Measurements, High Voltage ‘Test TechnologyJSHP JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 |4 Nameplate i TS ooo] S Se © a Questa © a —— a —| a —| oe ae JIANGSU HUAPENG TRANSEORMER CO.,LTD P.R.C E q FARE,JSHP JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 '5 Tests and Results of Tests (5.1 Measurement of Voltage Ratio and Check of Phase Displacement HN. LN.I Error (9%) Tap ]Votage| Tap |Vottge| “aio | AB/aNbL | BCVoIc1 | Ca/etal_ffoteranee Na, Position} (V) |Position) (V) Ratio }%Esror] Ratio |%Error} Ratio | %Error| 1 [260360] 23.669 [23.670] 0.04 [23.670] 0.04 [23.650] -0.08 2 _ [256565 23.324 [23.330] 0.04 [23.330] 0.04 [23.310] -0.04 3__[252770 22.979 [22.990] 0.08 [22.990] 0.08 [22.970] 0.00 4 [easo7s 22.634 [22.650] 0.08 [22.640] 0.04 [22.630] 0.00 5 [2asiso| 22.289 {22.300] 0.08 [22.300] 0.08 [22.290] 0.08 6 [paises 21,944 [21.960] 0.09 [21.960] 0.09 [1.940] 0.00 7_ [237590] 21.599 [21.620] 0.13 [21.620] 0.13 [21.600] 0.08 8_ [233795 21.254 [21.280] 0.14 [21.280] 0.14 [21.260] 0.04 9 [230000] / | 11000 | 20.909 [20.940] 0.14 |20.930) 0.10 [20.920] 0.05 | 40.59 | ynatiati 10 _|[226205| 20.564 [20.600] 0.19 [20.590] 0.14 [20.580] 0.09 11 aaato| 20.219 [20.250] 0.19 [20.250] 0.19 [20.240] 0.14 12 ais61s| 19.874 [19.915] 020 [19.914] 020 [19.899] 0.12 13 [2ias20] 19.529 [19.574] 0.23 [19.572] 0.22 [19.557] 0.14 4_[2tv02s| 19.184 [19231] 024 [19.230] 023 [19.215] 0.16 15 [207230] 18.839 [18.891] 0.27 [18.886] 0.24 [18.874] 0.18 16 [203435 18.494 [18.550] 0.30 [18.545] 0.27 |18.532| 020 17_ [199640] 18.149 [18.207] 0.31 [18.204] 0.30 [18.190] 022 Lvl Lv2 Error ‘Tap Vonage! tap ]Voltage|“hen*| atbi/a2b2 | blet/b2e2 | elal/eza2 [Foterancel eset |Position| (V) |Position) (V) Ratio }%Error] Ratio | %Error} Ratio | %Error| 7 [11000[ 7 [11000 | 1.000 frooral 0.14 [1.0020] 020 [i.oor7] 0.17 | 20.5% | yNattant [Measuring instrument: “Type: BBC6638, Manufacturer: JinDa CompanyJSHP transrorwer JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 '5.2 Measurement of Winding Resistance ‘Average Oil Temperature:19.0°C HV. Windings (®) Unbalanee Rate (%) AO BO co Measured 1 1.1020 1.1070 1.1080 0.54% a 1.0850 1.0890 1.0900 0.46% 3 1.0670 1.0710 1.0720 0.47% 4 1.0490 1.0530 1.0540 0.48% 5 1.0320 1.0350 1.0370 0.48% 6 1.0130 1.0180 1.0190 0.59% 1 0.9956 0,998 1.0020 0.64% 8 0977 0.9820 0.9834 0.58% 9 0.9587 0.9624 0.9629 0.44% 10 0.9774 0.9820 0.9831 0.58% ul 0.9955 0.9997 1.0010 0.55% 12 1.0130 1.0170 1.0190 0.59% 13 1.0310 1.0350 1.0370 0.58% 4 1.0490 1.0530 1.0840 0.48% 15 1.0670 1.0710 1.0720 0.47% 16 1.0840 1.0880 1.0900 0.55% 17 1.1020 1.1060 1.1080 0.54% L.V.1 Windings (Q) Unbatance Rate (%) albl blel clal Measured / 0.005910 0.005939 0.005900 0.66% Tap L.V.2 Windings (0) Unbalance Rate (%) position. a2b2 202 e202 Measured / 0.006110 0.006064 0.006139 1.23% [Measuring instrument: ‘Type JYR40D, Manufacturer:Jinyuan ChinaJSHP JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 \5.3 Measurement of Insulation Resistance to Earth of The Windings Relative Humidity: 60.0% Top Oil Temperature:19.0 Measued | —_insulation Resistance Mim) | Absortance | Potton | amos RIS R60 ooo | Rootis | Roooeo | “? HV~LVI, LV2& Earth] 23000 | 28200 | 43300 123, Let LVINHY. LV2&Earth| 22400 | 33700 | 71000 1.50 21 L.V2~HV. LVI &Earh| 22100 | 30000 | 62900 1.36 2.10 5000 HV. LVI~LV2&Barh | 19800 | 24300 | 42500 123, 15 HV, LV.I&LV2~Earth | 19500 | 26700 | 40100 137 1.50 Insulation Resistance (MQ) Voltage (V) Core~Clampé Earth 9920 2500 Clamp~Coreé Earth ~__ 12000 2500 [Measuring Instrument: MITS20, Manufacturer: Megger Ltd, '5.4 Measurement of Dissipation Factor of The Insulation System Capacitances Relative Humidity:60.0 %, Top Oil Temperature:19.0°C, Measured Dielectric Capacitance Tolerance Voltage Between Loss Factor 125 (%) Cx(pF) (%) «v) HVA~LV.A, LV2 & Earth 0.185 9601 10 LVITHV. V2 & Earth 0.213 8309 10 LV2~HV. LV.1 & Earth 0.191 8805 05 10 HV. LVI~LV2 &Eanh 0214 Bio 10 HV. LV@LV2~Earth 0.228 16240 10 [Measuring Instrument: AI-6000A, Manufacturer: Jinan China.JSHP teansrorver JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 5.5 Measurement of Dissipation Factor of The Insulation System Capacitance of [Bushings Relative Humidity:65.0%, Temperature:17.0°C ‘Type ofA. By C BRDLW-252/630-4 Manufacturer ‘NanJing Electric Type of 0 BRDLW-126/630-4 Manufacturer NanJing Electric Phase Serial No. 128(%) Cx (pF) por meus aroun 95%) cxer) A T6A0915 0.306 426.3 427 0.31 419.6 B 16A0917 0336 422.1 426 0.121 705.8 cc 16A0918 0320 4275 432 0.128 7449 ° 1683632 0307 3324 336 0.132 701.6 [Measuring Instrument: AI-6000A, Manufacturer: Jinan China,JSHP transroruer JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 \5.6 Measurement of No-load Current and No-load Loss ‘Test Voltage (kV) Test Current No-load Loss (kW) Voltage 1o(%6) % Mean | RMS | (A) Ses so en Required 10 | 1.063 | 1.070 0.30 0.006 | 0461 | 0.458 so | 5490 | 5.499 127 0027 | 1.212 | i.a94 60 | 6612 | 6622 1.52 0032 | 1s.742 | 15.718 mo | 272 | 7727 178 ! 0038 | 21.142 | 21.101 1 80 8.808 8.827 2.03 0.043 27.465 | 27.406 | 90 | 9924 | 9955 232 0.049 | 35.550 | 35.439 9s | 10.443 | 10491 | 248 0.053 | 40.376 | 40.190 loocist)| 11.000 | 11.085 | 278 0.059 | 4685s | 46.493 | 1o02nd)| 11.000 | 11.093 | 2.74 ° 0.058 | 46.707 | 46.312 * ws | ussi [ usu [328 0.080 | 56.535 | 55.752 no | 202 | 12s3s1 | 877 ‘ 0.186 | 72.744 | 70.228 ‘ [Measuring instrum nt: WT3000 precision power analyzer, Manufacturer: YOKOGAWA Ltd. INote: The first time test was performed before lightning impulse withstand test and the second time test was| lperformed after lightning impulse withstand test.JSHP teaxsrorver JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 5.7 Measurement of Harmonics of The No-load Current oo Harmonic of The No-load Current (100%Ur, 60Hz) ‘A. phase B_ phase C_ phase i 100 100 100 2 2.017 1.931 1.876 3 19246 21371 73.600 4 0.634 1136 os71 5 16368 15.3328 16954 6 0.682 0.541 0.973 7 13.813 16.541 11.236 8 0.375 0.412 0.238 9 0.981 0.437 0.975 10 0177 0.134 0.098 W 4.719 2.362 4.655 12 0.096 0.138 0.072 13 3.618 3.542 2.795 4 0.155 0.091 [ 0.026 15 0.482 0.564 0.319 16 0.138 0.082 0.061 7 2.137 1.983 1,586 18, 0.032 0.024 0.041 19 0.854 O72 0916 20 0.325 0.307 0.014 ‘Measuring Instrument 'WT3000 precision power analyzer, Manufacturer: YOKOGAWA Ltd,JSHP JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 ‘5.8 Measurement of Short-circuit Impedance and Load Loss Cav~Lvil Tap Impedance Temp.:18.0°C(KW)] —Temp.:75°C(KW) Fon | Test | Test i oA SMV s Position | rent| Volage Base:90MVA_ Base:4SMVA_ BasedSMVA, HV) LV.1) WA) | U(KV) | Required | Tokrance) Uk(%) | Zk(2) | PR Loss |Load Loss) Required | Load Loss 1 101.0 | 32.798] 7 1 | 2490 | 187.48 | 82.190 [139325] 7 147.339 9 | / | 113.6 | 27.762] 240 | +7.5% | 24.00 | 141.10 | 85.935 | 141323] 7 150.503 17 ais | 22578 | / | 2423 | 107.29 | 105.219] 160358] 7 173.929 (iv.~L.v2) TT tet | Ten Impedance Temp.18.0°C(KW)]_ Temp..75 CRW) Position Base:90MVA. Base:tSMVA. Base4SMVA (Current) Voltage HV.) L.V.2] MA) | U(KV) | Required | Tolerance | Uk(%) | Zk(Q) | IR Loss |Load Loss} Required | Load Loss 1 100.5 | 32.870] / 1 | 2507 | 188.83 | 93.757 | g2ssi] 7 150.614 9] 4 | 1184 | 29.307] 240 | 27.5% | 2431 | 142.91 | 87.502 | 144.825] 7 154.002 0 1244 | 23.293] / 1 | 2441 | 108.10 | 106.786 | 163.426] 177.074 V1&L.V21 Impedance Temp.218.0C(KW)] _ Temp.75°C(KW) Test | Test Base:90MVA Base:90MVA. Base:90MVA. Current] Voltage MA) | U(KV) | Required) Tokrance| UK(%) | Zk(2) | PR Loss |Load Loss] Required | Load Loss i 229.9 | 42.072 7 1 | 1403 | 105.68 | 23354 [ar2m4[ 7 | 316.960 9| 1 | 2277 [30055] 7 1 | 13.22 | 71.7 [248641] 280.245 | <0 | 330.461 7 242.3 | 24.786 | 7 1 | 1333 | 9.04 [326387] 354747[ 7 | 423.078 (Lvi~Lv2} Tap a Impedance Temp.:18,0°C(KW)| _‘Temp.73 CRW) Position | Test | Test Base:45MVA Base4SMVA Base4SMVA. 7" {current} Voltage Lva}Lva| 1A) | UV) | Ragin | Tokenee] UK(%) | ZK(2) | FR Loss Load Loss| Required | Load Loss 1 | # [12037] 1.288 | 440 | 75% | 4442 [060 [rooas| 336487] 7 | 289.062 [Measuring Instrument: WT3000 precision power analyzer, Manufacturer: YOKOGAWA Ltd '5.9 Measurement of Zero-sequence Impedance (Special Test) HV. Windings | L.V.1 Windings | _ L.V.2 Windings Impedance 20 Tp Current | Voltage | Base Positio eee Connection Mode | ConnectionMode | (A) | (¥) | (VA)! zoe) | Zo“ny a 5 eee) |: Open 1 Open | 114.47 }2703.32| 90 | 12.05 | 70.85 Supply [Measuring Instrument: WT3000 precision power analyzer, Manufacturer: YOKOGAWA Lid. 10JSHP traxsronuer JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 '5.10 Lightning Impulse Withstand Test [Test Room Condition Atmospheric Pressure (P): 101.2 kPas Ambient Temp. (1): 19.0°C Humidity: 60.0% [Test Item and Voltage Rated Withstand Voltage (kV) ‘Tap Position ‘Tested Terminals Result Full Wave Chopped Wave HY. LY. ABC 950 1 A17,B9,C1 1 Pass ° 325 1 o1 1 Pass al, 95 1 L t Pass 22,62,¢3 95 1 ! 1 Pass [Test Sequence H.¥. Line Terminals and L.Y. Line Terminals (1) One 50%~70% Reduced Full Wave (2) Three 100% Full Wave All Neutral Terminals (1) One 50%~70% Reduced Full Wave (2) Three 100% Full Wave IRequired Waveforms Front of the Wave 0.84ys~1.56jss(The time to crest shall not exceed 2.Sus except for windings Time of large impulse capacitance.) Half Crest Time 40us~ 60ys Lightning Impulse Test Hookup (Example by C): Go Re © cll *alzlec rt ||ra ce, gre D |C: 3MV, 300KJ impulsion voltage main-capacitance G ar[_bt cro in-phase discharge clearance Rt: trail-wave| resistance Rf: top-wave resistance Rd: cut wave loop damp resistance MG: 2.4MV more-clearance cut wave| lequipment C1, C2: 2.4MV feebleness damp capacitance CRO: Tek 3000 model digital oscillograph r: resistance]JSHP JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD [Applied Terminal:: A larity: Negative [Channels 1: Voltage wave Channels 2+ Neutral point current wave 530%~70% reduced full wave 100% full wave HP2200026024 2 omen 88 th iomeet oe Wont. who whe si” “hd sto tole who mo 100% full wave 100% full wave oo iomeeR oe (ets hts steeJSHP JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD plied Terminals: B Polarity: Negative [Channels 1: Voltage wave hannels 2: Neutral point current wave 50%~70% reduced full wave 100% full wave HP2200026024 mie os == bers hens ! Bass Paes so 180.0 ad.0™| iho ego" || 100% full wave 100% full wave wa 8 ome 0 fiesta “ae bette I oaJSHP TRANSFORMER plied Terminals: C Polarity: Negative [Channels 1: Voltage wave thannels 2: Neutral point current wave soe, JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD 50%~70% reduced full wave HP2200026024 ‘50%6-70% reduced full wave 100% full wave oe rontbasit 0 emesssams ee a ie |fese oe 100% full wave 100% full wave wee co ry roxeee oe feeTRANSFORMER JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 pplied Terminal:: © larity: Negative [Channels 1 Voltage wave hhannels 2: Neutral point current wave 50%~70% reduced full wave 100% full wave wate oe wae nes oe eee baw aoe ex || 2 do who iho _sobo"*| . Jo bo sho _bo™ | ‘ = we wo _wbe ao | “85 le who sho ado 100% full wave 100% full wave m wemeet ee | ua wsttek oe fe on iJSHP transroruer JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 [Applied ‘Terminal:: al Polarity: Negative channels 1: Voltage wave Channels 2: Neutral point current wave 50%~70% reduced full wave 100% fall wave wa eee waa sonteee oe * i brsor || "2 psc | 100% full wave ome ont iJSHP JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 plied Terminal::b1 Polarity: Negative thannels 1: Voltage wave [Channels 2: Neutral point current wave 50%~70% reduced full wave 100% full wave roses oe fie Se al who abo _ mio _ aio | 100% full wave 100% full wave co ote ow eo noes oe fier fenJSHP TRANSFORMER [Applied Terminal:: 1 Polarity: Negative hannels 1: Voltage wave hhannels 2: Neutral point current wave 50%~70% reduced full wave JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 100% full wave te 8 wut ce iomeee oe woot a hace sar === 100% full wave uaa iostReeR oe a week 8Js transrorwer JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 [Applied ‘ieminal:: «2 Polarity: Negative [channels 1: Voltage wave thannels 2: Neutral point current wave 50%~70% reduced full wave 100% full wave one ge roxtnee 88 100% full wave pacen’e 82) 100% full wave ommUeR oeJSHP teansroauer — JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD HP2200026024 plied Terminals: b2 larity: Negative Channels 1: Voltage wave Channels 2; Neutral point current wave 50%-70% reduced full wave 100% full wave uae ome 88 must 0@ 100% full wave 100% full wave wae amen 8e 20JSHP JSHP TRANSFORMER CO., LTD H1P2200026024 Applied Terminal::. ¢2 Polarity: Negative [Channels 1: Voltage wave Channels 2: Neutral point current wave 50%~70% reduced full wave 100% full wave @ one oe hus em 100% full wave 100% full wave wh wombs oe wh eoeR oe 2
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