PM Project Management Charter PDF
PM Project Management Charter PDF
PM Project Management Charter PDF
Risk Assessment
Closure Report
Project Charter
January 2010
Project Charter for VoIP Implementation Project Page ii
Table of Contents
1. Project Description ....................................................................................................... 1
2. Business Objectives and Success Criteria ..................................................................... 1
3. Preliminary Project Scope ............................................................................................. 1
4. Cost-Benefit Analysis .................................................................................................... 2
5. Assumptions and Dependencies ................................................................................... 3
6. Milestones..................................................................................................................... 4
7. Business Risks................................................................................................................ 4
8. Resources ...................................................................................................................... 4
9. Approvals ...................................................................................................................... 5
10. Revision History ............................................................................................................ 5
Project Charter for VoIP Implementation Project Page 1
1. Project Description
This projects goal is to replace the legacy phone systems in allocations with a new Voice Over IP
(VoIP) system that gives users better call quality while vastly expanding the features offered to
manage both incoming and outgoing phone calls, which ultimately will help improve the
customer experience.
Initially, the new phone system will be installed and then rolled out to our China office first.
Because of its smaller scale, more complicated configuration, and the ease of rolling back to the
old system, it is an ideal proving ground for the new system to be implemented in.
This project does not include any integration with our ERP solution.
Project Charter for VoIP Implementation Project Page 2
4. Cost-Benefit Analysis
The primary costs for the project initially is the physical hardware (phones, server, etc). Long
term costs, mostly on a monthly basis, include the cost of phone lines, a per minute charge on
incoming 800 calls, etc. The IT Department will be responsible for the labor of deploying the
phone system, with the potential for some outside help with running wire. Major benefits
include: lower monthly charges, integration with current and future sites, better reporting, and
more advanced features like call cascading, caller ID, DID’s, voicemail, etc.
Cost Estimate
This estimate is based on quotes from several vendors on the required equipment and services.
Costs and cost savings have been calculated based on replacing all phone systems throughout
the company. This estimate does not include any internal resource time required for testing
and implementation; it solely covers the physical costs of hardware, software, and services.
Advanced Features $
Features like voicemail, call forwarding,
caller ID, direct dial numbers, paging the
warehouse, break buzzers, call groups, and
call queues are built in and currently
unavailable or unreasonably priced in the
legacy system
Management Control $
Because we will own and control all aspects
of the new system, making changes like
adding or removing lines or voicemail can
be done internally, without support from
an external company (faster and cheaper)
Future Growth $
Since the new system runs over our data
network (which already exists and would be
required for any future sites), expanding to
a new location would require new phones
and licenses, nothing more.
TOTAL ESTIMATE (±15%) $26,000
Project Charter for VoIP Implementation Project Page 3
5. Assumptions and Dependencies
AS-001: Internal resources will be allotted the time for installation and testing as well as
solution development to bring this project to completion
DE-001: Project success will be largely dependent on commitment and support from
company management for budget and resources
7. Business Risks
8. Resources
9. Approvals
Approval Decision:
1 of 2
Stakeholder Analysis for VoIP Implementation Page 2
Name: Title:
1. What is their contribution to the project?
2. To whom do they report?
3. What authority do they have over the project?
4. What is their goal for the project (what is their stake in
the project) and how does it relate to their
organization’s goal or other personal goals? (What
makes this a ‘win’ for them?)
5. Do they present a specific threat or opportunity?
6. What perception do you want them to have about the
Plan Communication
Use the Communication Plan and Responsibility Matrix templates to document roles and responsibilities and how
you’ll keep your stakeholders engaged and informed.
2 of 2
Requirements List for VoIP Implementation Project Page 1
VoIP Implementation
Requirements List Project Manager: John Doe Last Updated:2010.08.31
Scope Statement
This project is responsible for implementing a new VoIP telephony solution. Specifically, the project will:
Purchase the necessary equipment to deploy a new phone PBX and new phones to the entire
company, only replacing existing phones, not adding additional ones.
Recreate the existing phone business rules on the new phone system
Implement voicemail and DID’s on specified numbers (dictated by the functional manager)
Train users on how to use the new phones at group meetings pre go-live
Any integration of the new VoIP solution and our ERP application
Adding any additional lines, phones, or functionality that does not already exist in the current
phone system and has not been specifically mentioned in the scope statement.
Work Breakdown Structure for VoIP Implementation Project Page 1
Page 1
Sep '10 Oct '10 Nov '10 Dec '10 Jan '11 Feb '1
29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
Page 2
August 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Research IP-PBX solutions and document about each, 5 days
September 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
Research IP-PBX solutions and document about each, 5 days
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Compare requirements to advertised
existing PBX, 1functionality
day on test IP-PBX, 2 days Implement new PBX features, 2 days
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Work with stakeholders to identify best solution, 1 wk
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Project manager decides on solution Procure Hardware, 0.5 daysMigrate test system to production, 1.5 days
26 27 28 29 30
Test systems with stakeholder input, 2 wks
October 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
Test systems with stakeholder input, 2 wks
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Test systems with stakeholder input, 2 wks
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Get final stakeholder signoff Deploy and implement to test location, 4 wks
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Deploy and implement to test location, 4 wks
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Deploy and implement to test location, 4 wks
Deploy and implement to test location, 4 wks
November 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6
Deploy and implement to test location, 4 wks
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Deploy and implement to test location, 4 wks Deploy and implement to primary location, 4 wks
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Deploy and implement to primary location, 4 wks
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Deploy and implement to primary location, 4 wks
28 29 30
Deploy and implement to primary location, 4 wks
December 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
Deploy and implement to primary location, 4 wks
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Deploy and implement to primary location, 4 wks
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
Communication Plan for VoIP Implementation Project Page 1
This communication plan describes our strategy for keeping the project’s stakeholders sufficiently informed to avoid any
disappointment regarding cost, schedule, or quality goals.
Description of fields:
Risk Id: A unique identifier Date found: Date risk became known. Strategy: What will be done to reduce the probability,
impact, or both?
WBS: WBS number of the task(s) related to this risk Assigned to: Person who is assigned to manage this risk Status: On-going log of changes to risk, in order from most
recent to oldest. Format: – action/update
Likelihood: What are the chances that this risk will Description: High level description of risk event, impact Close out date: When did the risk probability go to zero?
occur? Rank with 10= highest and 1=lowest. and probability Describe in the final status. Remove any rank from this risk.
VoIP Implementation Project Closure Report 1
Project Goal
This projects goal is to replace the legacy phone systems in both the Alabama and
Pennsylvania locations with a new Voice Over IP (VoIP) system that gives users better
call quality while vastly expanding the features offered to manage both incoming and
outgoing phone calls, which ultimately will help improve the customer experience.
Scope Comparison
Additional scope
No additional scope added to project.
Decreased scope
Scope was not decreased during project
Cost Performance
Cost Categories Approved Actual
Internal Labor hours 160 200
External costs
Labor (consultants, contract labor) 0 0
Equipment, hardware or software 50,000 42,180
List other costs such as travel & training 5,000 3,500
Explanation of cost variance
Additional hours were required for configuration, testing, and implementation.
Schedule Performance
Approved Actual
Project completion date 2010.10.01 2010.09.25
Explanation of schedule variance
Implementation was smooth and telephone providers were able to deliver ahead of schedule.
VoIP Implementation Project Closure Report 2
Closure Acceptance
Role or Title Name and Signature Date
Project Manager
Project Sponsor
Change Log for VoIP Implementation Project 1
Description of fields:
Change Id: A unique identifier Description: Describe the change being requested.
Date Submitted: Date issue became known. Impact: Describe the impact to cost or schedule.
Requested by: Person who is requesting the change Status: Approved or Pending or Rejected and date.
Change Request for VoIP Implementation Project 1
Impact Analysis
Related affects to
other projects or
parts of this project
Approval: [signature]
Agenda Item Responsible Time Allotted
1. [topic description]
[topic discussion]
[topic resolution]
2. [topic description]
[topic discussion]
[topic resolution]
3. [topic description]
[topic discussion]
[topic resolution]
4. [topic description]
[topic discussion]
[topic resolution]
5. [topic description]
[topic discussion]
[topic resolution]
Status Report for VoIP Implementation Project 1