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[Myers98] C. Myers, “Transformers – Condition Monitoring by Oil Analysis, Large or Small; Contentment or
Catastrophe”, Proceedings of the 1998 1st IEE/IMeChE International Conference on Power Station
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[C57.125] IEEE PES Transformers Committee, “IEEE Guide for Failure Investigation, Documentation, and
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[Darv97] M. Darveniza, T.K. Saha, D.J.T. Hill, T.T. Le, “Investigation into Effective Methods for Assessing
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[Chu99] Donald Chu, Andre Lux, “On-Line Monitoring of Power Transformers and Components: A
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[Lund92] L.E. Lundgaard, “Partial Discharge – Part XIV: Acoustic Partial Discharge Detection – Practical
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[Gold83] T.W. Goldsborough, J.F. Millward, “On-Line Hydrogen-in-oil Monitoring”, Minutes of Fiftieth
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[McDe85] W. McDermid, J.F. Millward, “On-Line Hydrogen-in-oil Monitoring (A Progress Report)”,
Minutes of Fifty-Second International Conference of Doble Clients, 1985, Section 6-701
[Bel85] G. Belanger, “Field Testing of HYDRAN® 101 and 201 for Dissolved Hydrogen in Transformer
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[Ger95] P. Gervais, J. Aubin, “On-Line Monitoring of Key Fault Gases in Power Transformers and Shunt
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Fiftieth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1983, Section 10-801
[Nick91] Nick Dominelli, “The Analysis of Transformer Oil for Degradation Products from Overheated
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[Grant92] D.H. Grant, “A Study of Furanic Compounds Generated in Transformers During Heat Runs”,
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Diagnostic Value for Transformer Insulating Aging”, Minutes of Sixtieth International Conference
of Doble Clients, 1993, Section 10-5
[Griffin94] P.J. Griffin, L.R. Lewand, B. Pahlavanpour, “Paper Degradation By-Products Generated Under
Incipient-Fault Conditions”, Minutes of Sixty-First International Conference of Doble Clients,
1994, Section 10-5
[Rogers78] R.R. Rogers, “IEEE and IEC Codes to Interpret Incipient Faults in Transformers, Using Gas In Oil
Analysis”, IEEE Trans., Vol.EI-13, No.5, Oct 1978, pp.349-354
[Pugh74] D.R. Pugh, “Advances in Fault Diagnosis by Combustible Gas Analysis”, Minutes of Forty-First
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[Yosh87] Yoshida, Ishioka, Y., Suziki, T., Yanuri, T., Terinash, T., “Degradation of Insulation Materials of
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Furfural in Insulating Oil into Paper Insulation in Oil-Immersed Transformers”, Conference Record
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CIGRE 1970 Report 15-07
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the Analysis of Dissolved Gas in Transformer Oil for the Detection of Incipient Faults”, IEE
Conference on Diagnostic Testing of High Voltage Power Apparatus in Service, March 6-8, 1973
[Rogers75] R.R. Rogers, “U.K. Experiences in the Interpretation of Incipient Faults in Power Transformers by
Dissolved Gas-in-oil Chromatography Analysis (A Progress Report)”, Minutes of Forty-Second
International Conference of Doble Clients, 1975, Section 10-201
[Rogers77] R.R. Rogers, “U.K. Experience in the Interpretation of Incipient Faults in Power Transformers by
Dissolved Gas-in-oil Chromatography Analysis (A Progress Report)”, Minutes of Forty-Fourth
International Conference of Doble Clients, 1977, Section 10-501
[Man78] H.C. Manger, “Combustible Gas Ratios and Problems Detected”, Minutes of Forty-Fifth
International Conference of Doble Clients, 1978, Section 6-1101
[Kelly80] J.J. Kelly, “Transformer Fault Diagnosis by Dissolved-Gas Analysis”, IEEE Trans., Vol.IA-16,
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[Sobral86] C.L.C. Sobral Vieira, “Correlation Between Results of Dissolved Gas Analysis and Actual
Transformer Inspection”, [Baker82] A.E. Baker, “Gas Composition in Corona Discharge”,
Minutes of Fifty-Third International Conference of Doble Clients, 1986, Section 6-501
[Pugh73] D.R. Pugh, “Combustible Gas Analysis”, Minutes of Fortieth International Conference of Doble
Clients, 1973, Section 10-401
[Griffin88] P.J. Griffin, “Criteria for the Interpretation of Data for Dissolved Gases in Oil from Transformers
(A Review)”, Electrical Insulating Oils, STP 998, H.G. Erdman edited, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1988, pp.89-106
[Barrett89] K.A. Barrett, “Dissolved Gas-in-oil Analysis – An Expert System”, Minutes of Fifty-Sixth
International Conference of Doble Clients, 1989, Section 10-3.1
[Lin93] C.E. Lin, J.M. Ling, C.L. Huang, “An Expert System for Transformer Fault Diagnosis Using
Dissolved Gas Analysis”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol.8, No.1, Jan. 1993, pp.231~238
[Joseph94] J. Carbonara, M. Lynch, M. Hunt, J. Brazil, “The Transformer Gas Analyzer, “A Practical Expert
System for the Diagnosis of Operational Faults in Electrical Transformers”, Proceedings of the
American Power Conference, Vol.56, Part I, 1994, pp.342-347
[Duk93] James J. Dukarm, “Transformer Oil Diagnosis Using Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks”, 1993
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol.1, pp.329~332
[Tom93] K. Tomsovic, M. Tapper, T. Ingvarsson, “Fuzzy Information Approach to Integrating Different
Transformer Diagnostic Methods”, IEEE Trans., Vol.PD-8, No.3, July 1993, pp.1638-1644
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Methods”, Proceedings of 1998 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, in
conjunction with 1998 Asian International Conference on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,
Toyohashi, Japan, Sept 27-30, 1998, pp.767-770
[Yang981] H.T. Yang, C.C. Liao, “Adaptive Fuzzy Diagnosis System for Dissolved Gas Analysis of Power
Transformers”, IEEE 1998 WM, PE-069-PWRD-0-12-1998
[Sumit93] Sumit K. Bhattacharyya, R. E. Smith, Tim A. Haskew, “A Neural Network Based Approach to
Transformer Fault Diagnosis Using Dissolved Gas Analysis Data”, NAPS, 1993
[Zhang97] Y. Zhang, X. Ding, Y. Liu, P. J. Griffin, “An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Transformer
Fault Diagnosis”, IEEE Trans. on PWRD, Vol.11, No.4, Oct 1997, pp1836~1841
[Wang97] Zhenyuan Wang, Yuwen Zhang, Chun Li, Yilu Liu, “ANN-Based Transformer Fault Diagnosis”,
Proceedings of the 59th American Power Conference, Vol.59-I, Chicago, April 1997, pp.428~432
[Yang98] H.T. Yang, Y.C. Huang, “Intelligent Decision Support for Diagnosis of Incipient Transformer
Faults Using Self-Organizing Polynomial Networks”, IEEE Trans., Vol.13, No.3, Aug 1998,
[Esp98] D.G. Esp, M.Carrillo, A.J. McGrail, “Data Mining Applied to Transformer Oil Analysis Data”,
Conference Record of the IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Arlington,
Virginia, USA, June 7-10, 1998, pp.12-15
[Omn82] T.V. Oommen, H.R. Moore, L.E. Luke, “Experience with Gas-in-oil Analysis Made During
Factory Tests on Large Power Transformers”, IEEE Trans., Vol.PAS-101, No.5, May 1982,
[MacD80] J.D. MacDonald, A.P. Vitols, “Gas-in-oil Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool for Monitoring Power
Transformer Insulation Integrity”, Minutes of Forty-Seventh International Conference of Doble
Clients, 1980, Section 6-901

[Griffin91] P.J. Griffin, “Monitoring the Integrity of Cellulose Insulation in Order to Determine Power
Transformer Life”, Minutes of Fifty-Eighth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1991,
Section 6-16
[Myers92] D.P. Myers, J.R. Sans, S.D. Myers, “Field Studies of Furan Formation in Transformer Fluid as an
Indicator of Damage to Paper Insulation”, Minutes of Fifty-Ninth International Conference of
Doble Clients, 1992, Section 10-6
[Domi93] N. Dominelli, F.J. Bird, E.A. Hall, S.J. Hassanali, “Recent Developments in Paper Degradation
Products Analysis”, Minutes of Sixtieth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1993, Section
[Griffin93] P.J. Griffin, L.R. Lewand, E. Finnan, “Measurement of Cellulosic Insulation Degradation”,
Minutes of Sixtieth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1993, Section 10-3
[Griffin94] P.J. Griffin, L.R. Lewand, B. Pahlavanpour, “Paper Degradation By-Products Generated Under
Incipient-Fault Conditions”, Minutes of Sixty-First International Conference of Doble Clients,
1994, Section 10-5
[Griffin95] P.J. Griffin, L.R. Lewand, “A Practical Guide for Evaluating the Condition of Cellulosic Insulation
in Transformers”, Minutes of Sixty-Second International Conference of Doble Clients, 1995,
Section 5-6
[Griffin97] E. Finnan, P.J. Griffin, E. Zuleta, A. Matamoros, A. Ciendua, M.P. Diaz, “A Report on the
Assessment of Insulation Aging and Condition by Means of Laboratory Oil Tests”, Minutes of
Sixty-Fourth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1997, Section 5-5
[Mar77] A. Marquez, “Recurring Core Ground Found by Combustible-Gas Analysis”, Minutes of Forty-
Fourth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1977, Section 6-301
[Oms81] L.W. Oms, “Transformer Problems Detected or Confirmed by Use of Combustible Gas Analysis
(A Progress Report)”, Minutes of Forty-Seventh International Conference of Doble Clients, 1980,
Section 10-101
[Bak81] J.F. Baker, J.A. Salovaara, “Gas-in-oil Practice and Experience on Ontario Hydro Power
Transformers and Shunt Reactors”, Minutes of Forty-Eighth International Conference of Doble
Clients, 1981, Section 10-201
[Men82] K.A. Mennerich, “Additional Experience with Gas-in-oil Analysis Involving Step-up Transformer
No.2 at the Riseton Electric Generating Station”, Minutes of Forty-Ninth International Conference
of Doble Clients, 1982, Section 6-101
[Duval88] M. Duval, F. Langdeau, G. Belanger, P. Gervais, “Interpretation of Dissolved Gas-In-Oil Levels in
Power Transformers”, Minutes of Fifty-Fifth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1988,
Section 10-7.1
[Duval89] M. Duval, F. Langdeau, P. Gervais, G. Belanger, “Acceptable Dissolved Gas-In-Oil Concentration
Levels Versus Age in Power and Instrument Transformers”, Minutes of Fifty-Sixth International
Conference of Doble Clients, 1989, Section 10-4.1
[Gri90] P.J. Griffin, C.E. Locke, “Dissolved Gas-in-oil Database”, Minutes of Fifty-Seventh International
Conference of Doble Clients, 1990, Section 10-9.1
[Cro95] D.W. Crofts, B.R. Hughes, “Generator Step-up Transformers at Texas Utilities’ Comanche Peak
Nuclear Plant – Identification and Resolution”, Minutes of Sixty-Second International Conference
of Doble Clients, 1995, Section 8-7.1
[Gri96] P.J. Griffin, E. Finnan, L.R. Lewand, “Case Studies”, Minutes of Sixty-Third International
Conference of Doble Clients, 1996, Section 5-4.1
[Gri97] P.J. Griffin, L.R. Lewand, “Case Studies”, Minutes of Sixty-Fourth International Conference of
Doble Clients, 1997, Section 5-7.1

[Hau97] T. Haupert, D. Hanson, W. McDonald, “The Use of Diagnostic Testing of Insulating Oil for Fault
Detection in Electrical Equipment”, Proceedings of the Electrical Electronics Insulation
Conference, 1997, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 97Ch36075, pp.537-541
[Gri98] P.J. Griffin, L.R. Lewand, E. Finnan, “Evaluation of Electric Apparatus - Case Studies”, Minutes of
Sixty-Fifth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1998, Section 5-2.1
[Griffin84] P.J. Griffin, A.E. Baker, “Some Precision Factors in Dissolved Gas Analysis”, Minutes of Fifty-
First International Conference of Doble Clients, 1984, Section 10-5
[Duval84] M. Duval, Y. Giguere, “Preparation of Standard Samples of Dissolved Gases in Insulating Oil”,
Minutes of Fifty-First International Conference of Doble Clients, 1984, Section 10-601
[Ferrito90] S.J. Ferrito, “A Comparative Study of Dissolved Gas Analysis Techniques: The Vacuum
Extraction Method Versus the Direct Injection Method”, IEEE Trans., Vol.PD-5, No.1, Jan 1990,
[Jalbert94] J. Jalbert, R. Gilbert, “Comparison Between Headspace and Vacuum Gas Extraction Techniques
for the Gas Chromatographic Determination of Dissolved Gases from Transformer Insulation
Oils”, Conference Record of the 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation,
Pittsburgh, PA USA, June 5-8, 1994, pp.123-129
[Omn821] T.V. Oommen, “Adjustments to Gas-in-oil Analysis Data Due to Gas Distribution Possibilities in
Power Transformers”, IEEE Trans., Vol.PAS-101, No.6, June 1982, pp.1716-1722
[Hayk99] Simon Haykin, Neural Networks – A Comprehensive Foundation, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, New
Jersey, 1999
[Dorn70] E. Dornenburg, W. Strittmatter, “Monitoring Oil-Cooled Transformers by Gas Analysis”, Brown
Boveri Review, Vol.61, No.5, 1970, p.238
[Griffin86] A.E. Baker, P.J. Griffin, C. Locke, “An Update on Fault-Gas Analysis (A Review)”, Minutes of
Fifty-Third International Conference of Doble Clients, 1986, Section 10-301
[C57.106] IEEE PES Transformers Committee, “IEEE Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating
Oil in Equipment”, IEEE Standards Board, C57.106-1991
[Gri87] P.J. Griffin, “Characteristics of Electrical Insulating Mineral Oils (A Review)”, Minutes of Fifty-
Fourth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1987, Section 10-701
[Gri90] P.J. Griffin, “Aging Characteristics of Transformer Mineral Oils (An Interim Report)”, Minutes of
Fifty-Seventh International Conference of Doble Clients, 1990, Section 10-3
[Hey98] R.G. Heydon, B. Gronowski, J. Rungis, J. Diesendorf, F. Mitchell, “Condition Monitoring of
Transformer Oil”, 1998 International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems
for Industrial Growth”, Perth, Western Australia, Dec 1-3, 1998, pp.240-253
[Gri881] P.J. Griffin, C.M. Bruce, J.D. Christie, “Comparison of Water Equilibrium in Silicone and Mineral
Oil Transformers”, Minutes of Fifty-Fifth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1988, Section
[James86] R.E. James, F.E. Trick, B.T. Phung, P.A. White, “Interpretation of Partial Discharge Quantities as
Measured at the Terminals of HV Power Transformers”, IEEE Transactions on Electrical
Insulation, Vol.EI-21, No.4, Aug 1986, pp.629-638
[Vaz95] D.C. Vazquez, E.O. Lopez, R.M. Albores, “Insulation Power Factor Measurement Options in Oil-
Filled Power Transformers”, Minutes of Sixty-Second International Conference of Doble Clients,
1995, Section 8-15
[Griffin89] P.J. Griffin, J.D. Christie, “Power-Factor Characteristics of Oil-Impregnated Cellulose (A
Review)”, Minutes of Fifty-Sixth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1989, Section 10-6

[Ali96] M. Ali, C. Eley, A.M. Emsley, R. Heywood, X. Xaio, “Measuring and Understanding the Ageing
of Kraft Insulating Paper in Power Transformers”, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol.12,
No.3, May/June 1996, pp.28-34
[Bas90] A. Bassetto F., J. Mark, “Analysis of the Degree of Polymerization of Paper Samples from Service-
Aged Transformers”, Minutes of Fifty-Seventh International Conference of Doble Clients, 1990,
Section 10-5
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Transformers”, Minutes of Fifty-Ninth International Conference of Doble Clients, 1992, Section
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