Spanish 1 Syllabus Block
Spanish 1 Syllabus Block
Spanish 1 Syllabus Block
Spanish 1!
Ms. Basile
Spring 2018
EGHS phone: (336) 449-6311 ext. 1636
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to Spanish 1!
I am very excited about having you in this class! I will challenge you to do your best and to strive for success.
The Spanish 1 course is designed to help you establish and explore your Spanish capabilities.
Attitude: You need to have a GREAT attitude for this class! We will be moving quickly and
your positive attitude is just as necessary as your notebook. BELIEVE in a positive attitude
and you will foster one!
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. Please refer to your Student Handbook for the full outline of this
policy. You receive an F in any course that you have 4 or more absences in. If you have more than 4 absences,
you may schedule make up time. If you do not schedule this and make up your time, you will fail this course.
This rule is GCS policy (not EGHS developed) and it applies to all of your classes. This is not a joke. **YOU
absent, retrieve any handouts from the Student Center, and ask a buddy in the classroom. See me to clear up any
confusion or if you have questions.
Classroom Expectations: Consequences-
1. Verbal Warning (for minor offenses, ie- talking
1. Be prompt excessively during lecture, getting out of seat, first
2. Be prepared tardy, etc)
3. Be respectful 2. One on one conversation
3. Phone call home (made by student and teacher)
4. Be productive, positive 4. Parent/Teacher Conference with guidance
and proactive. counselor
5. Administrative involvement
Grading Scale:
20%- Reading
20% -Writing
20%- Speaking
20%- Listening
20%- Integrated & Culture
This new grading system is to help the student, parent and teacher have a true
understanding of the student’s Spanish abilities. The “Integrated & Culture” category will
contain assignments that are not clearly defined by the other categories, as well as current
event assignments and others.
Bathroom/Hall Pass Policy: This is a split period course. Students come to class for 50 minutes,
then are dismissed for lunch for 33 minutes, then return to class for an additional 40 minutes. Students
are expected to take care of personal business during class change or at lunch. Students should not
expect to use the bathroom, go to attendance or guidance offices during class. Passes will not be given.
Tutoring: Tutoring will be offered Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 7:30 -8:30 am.
Students should check with me to secure a hall pass by the end of second block.
The beginning of class: Upon entering the classroom, students are to sit in their assigned seats and
begin the bell ringer which will either be on the white board. Bell Ringers will be graded daily after
the first 10-15 minutes of the class period. Homework, if assigned, is expected to be out and ready to
be checked or turned in during this time.
The end of Spanish Class: Class is not over or dismissed until the teacher dismisses the class. The
bell does not dismiss students. Students should not begin packing up materials before dismissal.
Grades: The student is responsible for turning in their work on time. No late work is accepted. There
are no quiz or test corrections or extra credit available for this class.
Current Events: Current event assignments are due every Thursday by 11:59 PM. Students must find a
news article from a Spanish speaking country. They must write a one paragraph summary and one
paragraph personal response. These can be turned in online or in class. These are to be completed in
The end of Spanish Class: Class is not over or dismissed until the teacher dismisses the class. The bell
does not dismiss students. Students should not begin packing up materials before dismissal.
Textbooks: Textbooks will not be used unless absolutely necessary. Students are encouraged to use their
interactive notebooks as a reference.
Computer Lab: Students will be granted access to the computer lab regularly. Students are to be focused
and working on the designated and assigned task. Students are not to use their electronic devices or
listen to music during this time. A failure to comply with the rules will result in a loss of computer
Cell phones: The use of cell phones or other electronic devices is strictly prohibited during instructional
time. This time is from bell to bell. Students may not have their devices visible during that time. The
devices will be taken by the teacher and sent to the office for parent retrieval.
Plagiarism: It has become sadly obvious that some students will choose to cheat their way through
Spanish class. In the event that a student is caught using an online tool, someone else, a translation app
or website, that student will receive a zero on the assignment and be referred administratively. If a
repeat offense is detected, the student will be subject to receive a failing grade for the course. By signing
below, you agree to not use online resources to help with your Spanish work. If you are caught using
such tools, you agree to subject yourself for failure of the course.
School Rules: Students are expected to follow all Guilford County and Eastern Guilford High School rules
and expectations at all times in addition to the specific Spanish classroom rules. Cell phones, ipods,
ipads, iphones, MP3 players, headphones and any other forms of electronic devices are not
allowed during class time. If you choose to bring one of these devices to class, it must remain turned off
and put away at all times. If you are caught using your phone during class time, that phone will be
confiscated and turned in to administration. Please turn your phones to silent mode when entering
the classroom. I do not want to take your phone, but will if I catch you using it.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This is my fifth year at EGHS. I teach Spanish 1, 2 and Honors Spanish 3 & 4. I love the Spanish
language! I have a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish from UNCG. I am currently enrolled at UNCG to earn a
Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies. I aspire to someday work internationally as a Foreign Service
Officer for the US government. I am from New Jersey and have a beautiful German shepherd named Koda.
I have studied in Chile (8months), and Spain (6 months), and have visited Argentina (1 month). I love
sharing my experiences and stories with my students. I encourage all students to take Spanish 3 in high school
so that they can test out of Spanish in college.
Please read the syllabus, review the supply list and rules for my class with your child and sign the
agreement acknowledging that you received this syllabus and information. I strongly encourage you to retrieve
a planner for your student. The school year quickly fills up and a planner will be extremely helpful to keep your
student on track with assignments, due dates, major tests, practices, games, etc. I keep a classroom blog that is
updated every week with what we do in class. I put links to helpful sources or practice activities. Please visit the
Please do not ever hesitate to contact me for even the smallest question. Your student’s education is my
Ms. Basile
Spanish 2
Fall 2017
Powerschool is an online tool that you can use to check on the progress of your student in all of their classes! There is no
longer a need to wait for progress reports (which are printed 3 times per 9 nine weeks and sent home through your
student) or to leave a message with a teacher and await the returned call to hear about the academic progress of your
student! Check it from your computer or smart phone any time you want, any day you want! If you haven’t set up an
account, please do so immediately. Whenever your student’s grade is updated, it takes 24 hours for it to show on your
end. If you ever have any questions about what you see on Powerschool, feel free to call or email.
To participate in receiving text message reminders, simply text ____________________________ with the
Rest assured that you will not receive advertisement texts and you phone number will remain private. You may
choose to opt out of this service at any time by messaging ‘stop’ to the above number.
It is my hope that this will help strengthen the home-to-school connection. Please do not hesitate to contact me if
you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you!