Khan - Seismic B-Value and The Assessment of Ambient Stress in Northest India
Khan - Seismic B-Value and The Assessment of Ambient Stress in Northest India
Khan - Seismic B-Value and The Assessment of Ambient Stress in Northest India
Abstract—Seismicity data of northeast India, recorded between function of time, space, and depth since ISHIMOTO and
1986 and 1999 by a local network, are analysed for estimation of b-
values. Based on the obtained values, viz. low (b B 0.5), moderate
IDA (1939) and GUTENBERG and RICHTER (1954),
(0.5 \ b B 0.7) and high (b [ 0.7), the study area is classified into through their seminal works, established the empiri-
different seismic-domains. An assessment of stress level is also cal relationship between occurrence-frequency and
carried out in identifying seismic-domains. Seismic activities,
magnitude of earthquakes in a given region for a
though mostly confined in some sectors, are presumably triggered
by mutual interaction of the Shillong Plateau, Mikir Hills, Indo- finite time-window. Like many other self-organised
Burman Ranges and the easternmost part of the Himalayas, and the and self-similar non-equilibrium systems, the earth-
contributions from deep-seated fractures cannot be ignored. The quake magnitude–frequency relation follows an
results resemble the seismic character of a foreland setting adjacent
to a convergent margin. The b-values estimated for 240 square grids exponential relation, represented empirically by the
of dimension 0.6° 9 0.6° over five seismic domains indicate wide equation
variation. An analysis of cumulative seismic moment release (MO)
in different layers also indicates an anomaly in reference to the total Log N ðM Þ ¼ a bM ð1Þ
seismic-energy budget of the five zones. The lower b-value and
higher MO recorded at relatively lower depth (*30 km) towards the where N(M) is the cumulative number of earthquakes
southwest of the study area might be associated with upward having Richter magnitude larger than M, ‘a’ is a
bulging of a strong lithosphere. The bulging is perhaps regionally
measure of seismic activity that depends on the size
compensated by the downward flexing of the descending Indian
lithosphere beneath the Upper Assam area; features unequivocally of the area, length of the observation period, the
observed in any foreland setup. Towards the north and east of the largest seismic magnitude and stress level of the area,
study area, random variations of in both b-value and MO along the etc., measured as the logarithm of the annual total of
converging zone suggest a varied tectonic environment with active
interaction between the tectonic elements in these areas. all earthquakes with M [ 0 (ALLEN, 1986). Statisti-
cally, the b-value is the slope on the log
Key words: b Value, seismic moment energy, strong litho- N * M regression line and is a constant parameter
sphere, foreland, deep-seated fracture.
that determines the rate of fall in the frequency of
occurrence of events with increasing magnitude.
High b-values indicate a large number of small
1. Introduction earthquakes expected in regions of low strength and
large heterogeneity, and low b-values indicate high
Several studies have been carried out on the fre- resistance (asperity) and homogeneity of the constit-
quency–magnitude relationship of earthquakes as uent rock-mass (TSAPANOS, 1990; UDIAS, 1999;
WASON et al., 2002). In natural situations, b-values
are found to lie between 0.5 and 1.5, depending on
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s00024-010-0194-x) contains supplementary
the tectonics of a region. MOGI (1963, 1967) and
material, which is available to authorized users. SCHOLZ (1968) studied the behaviour of b-values
1 during fracturing of rocks in the laboratory. While the
Department of Applied Geophysics, Indian School of
Mines, Dhanbad 826 004, India. E-mail: pkkhan_india@yahoo. study of MOGI (1967) was mainly concerned with the
com; [email protected] mechanical behaviour of the rocks, SCHOLZ (1968)
Reliance Industries Limited, Seismic Data Acquisition and inferred that the state of stress, rather than the het-
Processing Group, Mumbai, India. E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Geology, University of Delhi, New Delhi erogeneity of the material constituting the rocks,
110007, India. E-mail: [email protected] plays the most important role in determining the
1694 P. K. Khan et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
b-value. Later studies (MORI and ABERCROMBIE, 1997; anomalous patterns, if any, and identification of
WIEMER and WYSS, 1997) observed a decrease in causative forcings are still awaited. The present study
b-value with increasing depth and related the obser- thus aims towards characterisation of space- and
vation with increasing applied stress at deeper levels depth-wise b-value distribution over the entirety of
(BHATTACHARYA and KAYAL, 2003). The b-values also northeast India and to understand the possible bearing
decrease with increasing effective stress or increasing of rheology/strength of the lithosphere on the b-value
seismic moment (MO) release (SCHOLZ, 1968; WYSS, distribution pattern. Although we appreciate the lim-
1973; CAO and GAO, 2002). In this paper we re- itations in ‘b’ value estimation using available seismic
examine the distribution of b-values with depth for catalogues (discussed later), we feel that the estimated
northeast India through a high resolution analysis b-values can be efficiently linked with the lithosphere
using seismic data recorded at stations in a local strength profile in a depth domain (MOLNAR, 1988).
The study area lies between latitude 24.5°N and
27.2°N and longitude 89°E and 96°E, and is known 2. Tectonic Setup
for its strong seismic history. Although detailed
investigations involving seismicity for the Shillong Northward convergence, anticlockwise rotation
plateau as well as the whole of northeast India have against Eurasia and oblique convergence against the
been undertaken by several researchers (VERMA et al., Southeast Asia (DEWEY and BIRD, 1970; FITCH, 1970;
1976; MUKHOPADHYAY, 1984; KAYAL, 1987; KAYAL SEEBER et al., 1981; LE DAIN et al., 1984; KLOOTWIJK
and ZHAO, 1998; RADHA KRISHNA and SANU, 2000; et al., 1985; MAUNG, 1987; KHAN, 2005b) characterise
BILHAM and ENGLAND, 2001; BHATTACHARYA et al., the journey of the Indian plate since the Cretaceous
2008; STECKLER et al., 2008; KHAN et al., 2009), period, and have led to the development of compli-
studies pertaining to the strength of the lithosphere cated tectonics in the northeast part of India.
and lithospheric-scale buckling are long-awaited for According to CURRAY (1989), the situation became
this convergent margin. Seismic b-values were ana- even more complex near the syntaxis where the three
lysed on a localised scale for appreciation of crustal plates viz., Indian, Eurasian and the Burma platelet,
heterogeneity (KAYAL, 1987; BHATTACHARYA et al., joined together and, accordingly, the deformational
2002, BHATTACHARYA and KAYAL, 2003; KHAN and style changed from dextral shear, between India and
CHAKRABORTY, 2007). Geophysical tools such as Southeast Asia in the east, to a frontal collision at the
seismic tomography and receiver functions were eastern Himalayas. The entire northeast area has been
applied by KAYAL and ZHAO (1998) and MITRA et al. tectonically active since the Mesozoic. Along with
(2005) for identifying heterogeneities in the crust and mountain building activities in the Burma and
upper mantle. Analysis of Bouguer and isostatic Himalaya regions in the east and north, large scale
gravity anomalies (VERMA and MUKHOPADHYAY, 1977; vertical movements resulted upliftment of the Shan
CHEN and MOLNAR, 1990) led to the quantification of plateau in Burma and the Shillong Plateau in north-
*33–40 km crustal thickness for the Shillong Plateau east India (KRISHNAN, 1960). Interference of Shillong
area. Also, velocity structure and crustal configuration Plateau, Mikir Hill, Namcha Barwa Hill, Himalaya,
beneath northeast India were estimated on the basis of Indo-Burman Ranges, etc., have resulted the devel-
arrival time of local/teleseismic events (TANDON, opment of a number of major crustal discontinuities,
1954; KAYAL and DE, 1987; DE and KAYAL, 1990; viz. Dauki Fault, Naga thrust, Kopili Lineament, and
MUKHOPADHYAY et al., 1995; RAI et al., 1999; BHAT- Main thrust-sheets in the northeast part of India
TACHARYA et al., 2008). Depth-wise qualitative stress (Fig. 1). As detached blocks from the Peninsular
assessment beneath the Shillong Plateau area was India Shillong plateau and Mikir Hills shifted over
carried out by KHAN (2005a) and KHAN and CHAKR- 200 km towards east through the gap between Ra-
ABORTY (2007). Despite all these advancements, jmahal and Garo Hills (EVANS, 1964), eastward
documentation of b-value distribution in a space– motion of the Shillong Plateau along the transcurrent
depth framework over the entire area, recognition of Dauki fault and the vertical tectonics of the entire
Vol. 168, (2011) Seismic b-Value and the Assessment of Ambient Stress 1695
Figure 1
Map showing the tectonic setup of the northeast part of India (after KRISHNAN 1960; EVANS 1964). Inset map represents the location of the
study area. DT Disang thrust; MBT Main Boundary Thrust; MCT Main Central Thrust; NT Naga Thrust; DF Dauki Fault; PF Padma Fault; TF
Tista fault; HF Halflong fault; LT Lohit thrust; MT Mishmi Thrust. The permanent seismic stations are shown by solid squares. Solid stars
indicate the locations of historical large earthquakes. Solid converging arrows represent the direction of compressive stress field (after RADHA
KRISHNA and SANU, 2000)
northeast region of India (EVANS, 1964) led to the by a narrow strip of southerly dipping beds associated
development of the complex tectonic setting in with an important E–W discontinuity, the Dauki
northeast India. The 1897 Shillong earthquake and fault. The Disang thrust, southwest of Naga Hills,
1950 Sadiya earthquake are explained as fallout of passes to a narrow but complex fracture belt near
the southward movement of the Shillong Plateau at Haflong, i.e., the Haflong fault. With change in ori-
the last phase of Himalayan orogeny and oblique entation from NE–SW to due west (EVANS, 1964), the
convergence of the Indian plate against the Burmese fracture belt continues westward up to the Dauki
micro-plate, respectively (EVANS, 1964; BEN MENA- fault.
HEM et al., 1974).
The combined gravitational, aeromagnetic and
seismic data indicate that a buried ridge represents 3. Seismic Data and Methodology
the basement below the alluvial cover of Upper
Assam and the ridge extended towards the northeast The seismological observatory network in north-
(VERMA and MUKHOPADHYAY, 1977; KENT and DAS- east India was constructed jointly by the National
GUPTA, 2004; MITRA et al., 2005). To the northern part Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad,
of the Shillong Plateau, the basement of the Lower and the Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), Jorhat,
Assam Valley is exposed as low-lying ridges on in the 1980s (BHATTACHARYA et al., 2002; BHATTACH-
either side of the Brahmaputra River. Satellite ARYA and KAYAL, 2003; BHATTACHARYA et al., 2008),
imagery (NANDY and DASGUPTA, 1986) shows a and has been recording local seismicity for more than
number of buried lineaments beneath the alluvium in two decades. The earthquake data used for the present
the Lower Assam Valley. The Shillong plateau is study were collected from the earthquake catalogues
separated from the western part of the Surma valley published by the NGRI, Hyderabad, and RRL, Jorhat.
1696 P. K. Khan et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
Figure 2
Map showing seismicity in Northeast India occurring between 1986 and 1999, and recorded by the local network of National Geophysical
Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad, and Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat
These catalogues incorporate the events recorded by analysed b-values along the peripheral zone for high-
the NGRI and RRL networks containing 30 digital resolution investigation.
stations and also the data recorded by temporary local The study area (Fig. 1) was divided into 240
networks’ digital seismic stations (*47) run by dif- square grids for exploring the spatial variation of b-
ferent institutes in different times and places; these values over the region. Each grid has a dimension of
stations were not in operation at a single time in the 0.6° 9 0.6° (geographical window) with a moving
northeast region. The over all timing accuracy for the window (overlapping area) of 0.3° 9 0.3°. The
temporary stations was maintained to ±0.1 s syn- moving window was chosen for comprehensive
chronizing radio signal (KAYAL, 1987; KAYAL and DE, analysis and to maintain the inherent grid-to-grid
1991). The timing for the digital seismic stations, is continuity of the data points. The dimension of the
however, maintained by GPS. The three component geographic window under the present study was
digital seismograms provided high precision P-wave selected to introduce an adequate number of events
(±0.01 s) and S-wave (±0.05 s) arrival times. The representing the b-values at each grid. A few squares
catalogues generally are completed for the most part with poor event records (Table 1 in Electronic Sup-
down to magnitude 2.0. In the present study we have plementary Material) were excluded from the
used the network duration magnitude for an earth- analysis. Some other squares which lack sufficient
quake. Under this measure, the magnitude for an events (occasionally \30) are, however, considered
earthquake is determined from the arithmetic mean of for maintaining good correspondence between pro-
duration magnitudes over different stations. A total of jection points in adjacent grids. For a defined
3,655 events occurring in the areas between latitude magnitude range, b-values for each block were
24.2°N and 27.5°N and longitude 89.3°E and 96.2°E computed using Eq. 1.
(Fig. 2) during the period between 1986 and 1999 Figure 3 illustrates the computed b-values from
were used. An extended rectangular area surrounding cumulative frequency–magnitude relationships for
the main study region was considered to include the four grid squares. The plots ubiquitously show
Vol. 168, (2011) Seismic b-Value and the Assessment of Ambient Stress 1697
Figure 3
Diagram showing the variation of cumulative frequency with earthquake magnitude for four seismic blocks (19, 2), (16, 8), (12, 9) and (13,
10), respectively. Selection of best fit lines is explained in the text. Arrows mark the smallest magnitude at which the distribution in the
respective grid is complete
deviations from linearity at both higher and lower change with time in most catalogues for different
ends of the data values. While the deviations in the regions, usually decreasing with increase in the
higher end may be accounted for by scarcity of large number of seismographs and improvement in the
magnitude (M) events within the considered time- methods of analysis, it is widely and effectively
window (1986–1999 i.e. *15 years), the deviations practised in literature for b-value assessment of high
in the lower data values may be due to incomplete- seismic areas (RYDELEK and SACKS, 1989; WEIMER and
ness in the data catalogue. Such heterogeneity in the WYSS, 2000). Since the area under study is seismi-
data catalogue, particularly in the lower data range, cally very active, we pursued our study with
may stem from (1) lack of enough stations to record demarcation of Mc (i.e. lower bound of MRBE in
very small events (2) disinterest of network operators Table 1 in Electronic Supplementary Material) on the
in recording events below a certain threshold or (3) cumulative frequency–magnitude database (Fig. 3)
non-random aftershock events which may be too based on the points at which the b-value departs from
small to be detected within the code of larger events. linearity (cf. RYDELEK and SACKS, 1989). The b-values
Several workers (WEIMER and WYSS, 2000; WOESSNER we estimated are restricted to a dataset that shows the
and WEIMER, 2005) have discussed this limitation and self-similar character (cf. PACHECO et al., 1992)
have stressed the requirement of minimum magni- without any significant modulation. Further, we have
tudes for complete recording (Mc) in studies related to carried out the exercise of estimating the root mean
seismicity. Despite the understanding that Mc may square error (RMSE) in reference to the predicted
1698 P. K. Khan et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
Table 1
Values of the parameter b computed at different depths for seismic zone I, II, III, IV, V
Zone I
1 0.0 B h \ 12.0 6.0 0.32 14 11 2.0–5.1 2.5–4.7 78.87 0.06
2 6.0 B h \ 18.0 12.0 0.57 25 19 2.2–5.1 2.8–4.8 76.00 0.07
3 12.0 B h \ 24.0 18.0 0.77 41 28 2.1–5.4 3.0–4.3 68.29 0.07
4 18.0 B h \ 30.0 24.0 0.68 38 25 2.1–5.4 3.0–4.6 65.78 0.04
5 24.0 B h \ 36.0 30.0 0.43 20 15 2.7–4.9 3.1–4.6 75.00 0.06
6 30.0 B h \ 42.0 36.0 0.43 16 12 3.1–4.7 3.3–4.4 75.00 0.03
7 36.0 B h \ 48.0 42.0 0.53 14 11 2.6–4.4 2.9–3.7 78.57 0.03
8 42.0 B h \ 54.0 48.0 0.62 91 69 1.8–5.4 3.0–4.8 75.82 0.06
Zone II
1 0.0 B h \ 12.0 6.0 0.81 96 61 1.0–4.5 3.0–4.2 63.54 0.05
2 6.0 B h \ 18.0 12.0 0.86 187 161 1.0–4.8 2.6–4.3 86.10 0.07
3 12.0 B h \ 24.0 18.0 0.73 319 257 1.1–5.4 2.6–4.8 80.56 0.05
4 18.0 B h \ 30.0 24.0 0.65 276 266 1.1–5.4 2.6–4.7 96.38 0.04
5 24.0 B h \ 36.0 30.0 0.46 90 85 1.1–5.0 1.9–4.7 94.44 0.10
6 30.0 B h \ 42.0 36.0 0.96 58 50 1.5–5.4 3.3–4.9 86.21 0.07
7 36.0 B h \ 48.0 42.0 0.70 53 39 2.1–5.4 3.0–4.2 73.58 0.08
8 42.0 B h \ 54.0 48.0 0.57 25 20 2.1–4.3 2.9–4.0 80.00 0.05
Zone III
1 0.0 B h \ 12.0 6.0 0.56 94 89 1.1–5.2 1.8–4.8 94.68 0.05
2 6.0 B h \ 18.0 12.0 0.67 155 108 1.1–5.2 2.5–4.4 69.68 0.05
3 12.0 B h \ 24.0 18.0 0.70 316 235 1.0–4.9 2.5–4.3 74.37 0.06
4 18.0 B h \ 30.0 24.0 0.64 326 280 1.0–5.0 2.3–4.5 85.89 0.09
5 24.0 B h \ 36.0 30.0 0.62 173 119 1.5–5.3 2.7–4.9 68.79 0.05
6 30.0 B h \ 42.0 36.0 0.61 143 118 1.6–5.3 2.5–4.8 82.52 0.05
7 36.0 B h \ 48.0 42.0 0.73 146 114 1.8–5.2 2.8–4.8 78.08 0.70
8 42.0 B h \ 54.0 48.0 0.59 97 89 1.8–5.2 2.5–4.8 91.75 0.08
Zone IV
1 0.0 B h \ 12.0 6.0 0.93 111 91 1.7–4.8 2.8–4.6 81.98 0.07
2 6.0 B h \ 18.0 12.0 1.12 240 211 1.7–5.2 3.0–4.8 87.92 0.06
3 12.0 B h \ 24.0 18.0 1.14 563 376 1.4–5.2 3.0–5.0 66.79 0.10
4 18.0 B h \ 30.0 24.0 0.99 593 410 1.4–5.7 3.0–5.1 69.14 0.09
5 24.0 B h \ 36.0 30.0 0.66 288 235 1.7–5.7 2.8–4.6 81.60 0.06
6 30.0 B h \ 42.0 36.0 0.93 242 159 1.8–5.3 3.2–4.6 65.70 0.05
7 36.0 B h \ 48.0 42.0 0.75 251 187 1.6–6.2 3.0–4.3 74.50 0.07
8 42.0 B h \ 54.0 48.0 0.79 153 112 1.6–6.2 3.2–5.1 73.20 0.08
Zone V
1 0.0 B h \ 12.0 6.0 0.58 58 42 2.6–4.7 3.0–4.7 72.41 0.03
2 6.0 B h \ 18.0 12.0 0.60 107 80 2.5–5.2 3.1–4.6 74.77 0.04
3 12.0 B h \ 24.0 18.0 0.79 214 151 1.7–5.2 3.3–4.7 70.56 0.04
4 18.0 B h \ 30.0 24.0 0.77 234 179 1.7–5.2 3.2–4.7 76.50 0.08
5 24.0 B h \ 36.0 30.0 0.67 125 98 2.2–5.3 3.2–4.8 78.40 0.05
6 30.0 B h \ 42.0 36.0 0.46 100 87 2.3–5.3 2.9–4.6 87.00 0.08
7 36.0 B h \ 48.0 42.0 0.93 130 70 2.7–5.2 3.4–4.6 53.85 0.10
8 42.0 B h \ 54.0 48.0 0.80 131 107 2.2–5.1 3.3–5.0 81.68 0.09
best fit line over the self-similar dataset, which dataset where the catalogue is complete (Fig. 3)
enhanced the degree of accuracy of the estimated b- placed the estimated ‘b’ values on very strong
values. We agree that the present entire exercise has footing.
narrowed down the considered database (Table 1 in On the map, the estimated b-value for each square
Electronic Supplementary Material; Table 1), but at grid was spatially assigned to a point that defined the
the same time, confining our study to a self-similar intersection of two diagonals of the square block; the
Vol. 168, (2011) Seismic b-Value and the Assessment of Ambient Stress 1699
Figure 4
b-Value contour map for the northeast India. Contour interval is 0.1. Different seismic zones (demarcate by solid lines) were classified based
on b-values
projected values were then used for b-value mapping (0.5 \ b B 0.7) and high (b [ 0.7). High resolution
over the entire study area (Fig. 4). Based on a com- observation reveals sectorial preference of values,
parative analysis of b-value contours, five broad e.g., low b values (0.4–0.6) in the southwest, eastern
zones (Zones I–V) of nearly uniform b-values were part of *95.2° longitude, and northwest, compara-
identified, and depth probing of b-values was carried tively higher values (*0.5–1.6) in the central part
out at different layers with 12 km thickness, starting between latitudes 24.5°N and 26.5°N and longitudes
from surface down to 54 km depth (Table 1 in 92.3°E and 94.5°E. For understanding the vertical
Electronic Supplementary Material) for understand- strength (MOLNAR, 1988; WATTS and BUROV, 2003)
ing the intra- and inter-zone variations in b-values variation within the lithosphere of the study area, the
with respect to depth. An overlapping layer of 6 km estimated b-values over a 54 km thickened single-
thickness (moving depth-window) was considered for layer were further critically analyzed. Considering
maintaining inherent continuity of the data points, the available concentration of earthquake event data
minimization of depth error and observation at high- and necessity of depth probing, the b-values were
resolution. Further, the total seismic moment energy assessed for comparatively thinner slices (of 12 km
( MO ¼ 10ð1:53mb þ16:17Þ , MO seismic moment thickness) in each contoured zone (Fig. 4). To
energy for each layer, mb body wave magnitude) understand the role of different deep-seated geo-
released in each zone was estimated and a compara- morphic features on earthquake incidences, analysis
tive assessment of MO carried out between layers for of seismic moment release was also carried out in
individual zones. each layer of the five specific zones (Fig. 6). Maxi-
mum energy release amounts to 1.6691026 dyne-cm
in Zone IV; successively lesser amounts are recorded
4. Results in other zones viz. 1.3091025 dyne-cm in Zone I,
1.0991025 dyne-cm in Zone II, 3.7891025 dyne-cm
Overall, the b-values are widely spreaded (Fig. 4) in Zone III and 5.6491025 dyne-cm in Zone V.
over the northeast part of India. The minimum and The five zones (Zones I–V) can now be charac-
maximum estimated b-values in the study area are terized spatially in terms of seismic b-values (Fig. 7)
0.23 and 1.78, respectively (Table 1 in Electronic and moment energy release (Fig. 6). Zone I docu-
Supplementary Material; Table 1); maximum con- ments low to moderate b-values, and the highest
centration around 0.6 (Fig. 5). Based on the seismic moment energy was released through a
distribution (Fig. 5), b-values were classified into crustal domain (i.e., *25 and 36 km depths) where
three categories; viz. low (b B 0.5), moderate the lower b-values were recorded. Zone II documents,
1700 P. K. Khan et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
Figure 6
Plots showing the depth-wise variation of percentage of seismic moment (Mo) released through the five zones
tectonics (EVANS, 1964), also partially influence the zones with high b-values in some pockets in the
seismic activities of the area. High seismicity with western part of the study area can possibly be related
high b-values is commonly associated with a high to the presence of high density rock-fractures result-
degree of crustal heterogeneity (LOWRIE, 1997; ing from strong tectonisation between the Himalaya
WASON et al., 2002), and corroborates the above and the Shillong Plateau (cf. KHAN and CHAKRABORTY,
observation. Structural complexity, including thrust 2007). The relatively higher b-values in Zone IV may
sheets in the north and east and criss-crossing high- be the result of mutual interaction between the Shil-
density faults/lineament systems are very common long Plateau, Mikir Hills, Kopili Lineament and the
features of northeast India (NANDY, 1980). Seismic Indo-Burman Ranges.
1702 P. K. Khan et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
Figure 7
Plots showing the depth-wise variation of b-values for the five zones
The lower b-values and relatively high seismic northern and eastern boundaries. Positive Bouguer
moment release in the mid-crustal domain beneath anomaly as high as *?40 mGal (Fig. 8) and iso-
the southwestern part of the study area (Figs. 2, 6, 7) static anomaly *?100 mGal (Fig. 9) recorded in the
may be better understood in terms of rheological southwest part of the area were explained by over-
anomaly, presen, though unambiguous, in parts of compensation of the Shillong Plateau and Mikir Hills
northeast India. Modification of the stress field as a (CHEN and MOLNAR, 1990). In contrast, Bouguer
result of continuing interaction of northeast India gravity as low as *-260 mGal and isostatic anom-
with the Himalaya and Indo-Burman Ranges is also aly *-125 mGal in the northeastern part clearly
another dominant process, particularly noted along its argue for a state of undercompensation in the
Vol. 168, (2011) Seismic b-Value and the Assessment of Ambient Stress 1703
Figure 8
Bouguer gravity anomaly contour map for northeast India (after VERMA and MUKHOPADHYAY, 1977). Contour interval is 10 mGal. Note the
wide variation of Bouguer gravity from *?40 mGal over Shillong Plateau to *-260 near Upper Assam
Figure 9
Isostatic anomaly map of the study area (after VERMA and MUKHOPADHYAY, 1977). Contour interval is 10 mGal. Note the wide variation of
isostatic gravity anomaly from *?100 mGal over Shillong Plateau to *-125 near Upper Assam
foreland of upper Assam area. The resultant isostatic year (RADHA KRISHNA and SANU, 2000) is possibly
imbalance near the foothills is possibly accommo- linked with incidence of the great 1897 Assam
dated through flexural bulging beneath the Shillong earthquake (BILHAM and ENGLAND, 2001).
Plateau area. This broad sub-surface trend is normally A quantitative appreciation of the earthquake
a typical feature observed at convergence margins record over a time window may sometimes offer
where collisional orogens with five tectonic compo- clues, not only for understanding the long-term lith-
nents, viz. thrust belts, foreland flexures, plateaux, osphere deformation, but also the constitution of the
widespread foreland deformational zones, and zones continental crust at any particular region in terms of
of orogenic collisional collapse, are ubiquitous different rheological domains (MEISSNER and STREH-
worldwide (CONDIE, 1997; KHAN et al., 2010). It is LAU, 1982; CHEN and MOLNAR, 1983; KIRBY and
thus inferred that the positive compensation towards KRONENBERG, 1987). Though it has been postulated
the southwestern part is caused by the elevated that the lower crust in continental areas is devoid of
descending Indian lithosphere (e.g., lithospheric-scale any seismic activity because of its higher geothermal
buckling, cf. RODGERS, 1987), whereas low b-value condition and lower strength (cf. CHEN and MOLNAR,
and high seismic moment release can be linked with a 1983), the recorded seismicity at greater depth in
higher level of stress. The proposed active deforma- northeast India can possibly be correlated with lower
tion of the uprising Shillong–Mikir massif (a heat flow (cf. THUSSU, 2002), as usually observed in
fragmented portion of the Indian shield, MUKHOPAD- shield areas and platforms. Further, the crustal
HYAY, 1984) with crustal thickening of *2.4 mm/ strength with depth varies with tectonic setting, strain
1704 P. K. Khan et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
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(Received March 15, 2010, revised July 24, 2010, accepted July 27, 2010, Published online September 30, 2010)