Drugstudy Kay Sir Dexter

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Drug Mechanism of Contraindicatio Indications Side effect Nursing

action ns responsibilities

Brand Name: -With angle- Advanced epigastric pain; CV 1. Note indications

Hizon Stimulates beta closure cardiac life disorders; difficulty in for therapy, onset,
epinephrine receptors in lung. glaucoma, shock support, micturition with urinary characteristics of
Relaxes bronchial (other than anaphylactic retention; dyspnoea; signs and
Generic Name: smooth muscle. anaphylactic shock, ocular hyperglycaemia; symptoms.
Epinephrine Increases vital shock), organic hypertension, sweating; 2. Monitor v/s
capacity brain damage, open-angle hypersalivation; 3. Document
Classification Increases BP,  cardiac dilation, glaucoma, weakness, tremors; disease onset,
Beta2 HR,  PR arrhythmias, asthmatic coldness of subtype, other
Adrenergic Decreases airway coronary attacks extremities; agents trialed and
Agonists resistance. insufficiency, or hypokalaemia. outcome.
cerebral Gangrene, tissue 4. Take extra
Dosage: arteriosclerosis necrosis and precaution on the
0.5 mL IM -In conjunction sloughing patients with
with local (extravasation) when following
anesthesia, used in addition to conditions: CV
epinephrine is local anaesthetics. diseases;
contraindicated Eye drops: Severe hyperthyroidism;
for use in finger, smarting, blurred DM; Parkinson's
toes, ears, nose, vision, photophobia; disease; elderly;
and genitalia. naso-lachrymal ducts pregnancy,
-In pregnant obstruction. Oedema, lactation.
woman, drug is hyperaemia and
contraindicated. inflammation of the
-In breast feeding eyes with repeated
do not use the administration.
drug or stop
breast feeding.
Drug Mechanism of Contraindications Indications Side Effects Nursing
Action responsibilities

Nalbuphine has the . Patients who are For the relief of Sedation, 1. Instruct pt. to
Brand name: effect of ↓ the hypersensitive to moderate to severe drowsiness, change position
Nubain cardiac workload Nalbuphine. pain. Nalbuphine sweating, nausea slowly to avoid
and can be used can be also used or and vomiting, dizziness.
immediately in pre operative dry mouth, 2. Tell pt. to avoid
Generic Name: myocardial analgesia during dizziness, CNS Depressants
Nalbuphine infaction. labor and relief of headache, and (alcohol, herbs,
pain following acute blurred vision. and sedative-
Route of myocardial hypnotics) or at
administration infarction. least 24 hrs. after
: taking nalbuphine.
SC, IM , IV 3. Caution pt. to
avoid driving and
other hazardous
activities until he
Classification : knows how the
Anesthetics , drug effects
Analgesic concentration,
vision and
Dosage: alertness.
Adult- 0.15 –
0.2 mg/kg
Children- 0.1-
0.2 mg/kg
Drug Mechanism of Contraindications Indications Side Effects Nursing
Action responsibilities

Stimulates vascular .Hypersensitivity to .Prevention and Dizziness, 1. Know that I using

Brand name: smooth-muscle drug, treatment of post headache, at 3rd stage o
Methergine contractions in hypertension, partum hemorrhage. hallucination, labor , drug ↑ risk
uterus and cervix toxemia, seizures, CVA, of hemorrhage and
Generic Name: and ↓ bleeding after pregnancy ( except Thromboplebitis, infection.
Methylergonovi delivery. during 3rd stage of hypertension, 2. When giving IV ,
ne maleate labor). vomiting, nausea, closely monitor bp,
hematuria, leg pr, uterine
Route of cramps, dyspnea, contractions and
administration diaphoresis, allergic bleeding.
: IM, PO reaction, foul taste.

Classification :
Ergot alkaloid

Adult- 0.2

0.2 mg
Drug Mechanism of Contraindications Indications Side Effects Nursing
Action responsibilities

Stimulates smooth .Hypersensitivity to .To induce or Seizures, coma, 1.Monitor patient

Brand name: muscle drugs, fetal stimulate labor, neonatal brain extremely closely
Pitocin contractions in distress,labor to control post damage, during first and
uterus and cervix. induction or partum delivery and arrhythmias, second stage o
Generic Name: augmentation incomplete abortion. neonatal labor because o
Oxytocin when vaginal bradycardia, nausea risk of cervical
delivery is , vomiting, laceration, uterine
Route of contraindicated. postpartal rupture and
administration hemorrhage, uterine maternal & etal
: IV rupture, low 5- death.
minute Apgar score 2. Monitor
( neonate ) continuously
Classification : contractions, etal
Uterine active- and maternal heart
agent rate and maternal
blood pressure.
Injection: 10
units/ ml
ampule or vial
Drug Mechanism of Contraindications Indications Side Effects Nursing
Action responsibilities

Interferes with . Hypersensitivity . Used for treating Drowsiness, 1. Instruct pt. that
Brand name: prostaglandin to any components inflammatory and nausea, vomiting, drug is meant only
Toradol biosynthesis by of the formulations; pain in the operation headache, or short term pain
inhibiting cyclo opiod- dependent site. dizziness, edema, management.
Generic Name: oxygenase pt. ; acute epigastric pain, 2. Instruct pt. to
Ketorolac pathway of intoxication with flatulence and avoid aspirin
arachidonis acid alcohol , hypnotics, excessive thirst. products and herbs
Route of metabolism; also centrally acting during therapy
administration acts as potent analgesics,. 3. Caution female pt.
: IV, IM, PO inhibitor of platelet not to take drug I
aggregation. she’s breasteeding.

Classification :
Analgesic, Anti-

30 mg IV
10 mg PO
60 mg IM

1 mg / k IM
Drug Mechanism of Contraindications Indications Side Effects Nursing
Action responsibilities

. . Occur secondarily to 1.
Brand name: reversal 2.
Narcan (withdrawal) of 3.
narcotic analgesia
Generic Name: and sedation.
Naloxone Mental depression,
apathy, inability to
Route of concentrate,
administration sleepiness,
: irritability, anorexia,
IV nausea, and
vomiting in high oral
Classification : doses during initial
Narcotic treatment of opiate
antagonist addiction

100 mcg
10 mcg
Drug Mechanism of Contraindications Indications Side Effects Nursing
Action responsibilities

Inhibits descending . Short term Hypersensitivity to Hypoventilation, 1.

Brand name: pain pathways in analgesia before; fentanyl or adhesive, hypotension, 2.
Durogesic CNS increases during & after not recommended hypertension, 3.
pain threshold, anesthesia; for children <2 years; bradycardia,
alters pain supplement to the use of fentanyl is tachycardia, chest
Generic Name: perception by general or regional not recommended in wall rigidity,
Fentanyl binding opiate anesthesia; labor.. dizziness, sedation,
receptors. anesthesia with orientation.
oxygen for high
Route of risk patient.
administration Management of
: chronic pain
refractory to less
potents agents
Classification :

Adult- 0.15 –
0.2 mg/kg
Children- 0.1-
0.2 mg/kg
Drug Mechanism of Contraindications Indications Side Effects Nursing
Action responsibilities

. . 1.
Brand name: 2.

Generic Name:

Route of

Classification :

Adult- 0.15 –
0.2 mg/kg
Children- 0.1-
0.2 mg/kg

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