Some Results On Completability in Commutative Rings
Some Results On Completability in Commutative Rings
Some Results On Completability in Commutative Rings
(1 + A) e (a, + A, . •, an + A), n ^ 3
(αx + A, , α%_2 + A) g J(R/A) = J(R)/A ,
^ — Σ a{bi + (α w _! + δ α j δ % _ π δ^ G i?, i — 1, ,n — 1 .
(X2 U/ W _ 2
0 Γ
Then F h a s determinant u, and it follows that [α n , an] is completable.
0 0\
1 o I and let J3 = I D
\0 . . . 0 1,
Then BU is an n x n unimodular matrix whose first row is [aλ, « , an].
Proof. The essentials of the proof are due to Reiner [4]. Let
1 e (αx, , an), n ^ 3, and (alf , an_2) g£ J(R). By the hypothesis on
R, Z(A) is finite where A = (αx, , α n _ 2 ). Let Z(A) = {Mίy > , Mr],
and note that iΐ be R and αίl_1 + ban ξ. Mi9 i = 1, , r, then [αL, ,
αw_2, a%_! + δαj is primitive.
For any M,eZ(A) such that aneMiy we have αw_x + ban^.Mi1 for
all 6ei2; otherwise, α ^ e J I ί i , and (αlf * , α j £ .Mi which contradicts
the hypothesis that [αx, * , α j is primitive.
For those M{eZ(A) for which an£M{, we have (αw, M*) = (1).
Hence there exists an %{ such that anXι = an^ (mod Mi). For these
Mif we can find (by the Chinese Remainder Theorem) an element be R
such that b = 1 — Xi (mod Mt). It follows that an^ + bang Mi, ί =
1, , r. Hence [α15 απ_2, αTO_! + 6αft] is primitive.
Proof. Let d e (αx, α2, α3), with αx G J(i2), iϊ a quasi-local ring. Since
aι $ J(R), aγ is a unit of R; hence, d e (α15 a, + 6α3) = (1) for every be R.
LEMMA 3.4. Let Rbe a B-ring, let e = e2 e R, and let e e (aly , an)
with (alf , αw_2) g J(R), n ^ 3. ΓAe7^ e e (α1? , α w _ 2 , an^ + 6αw) /o?*
some be R.
1. L. Gillman and M. Henriksen, Some remarks about elementary divisor rings, Trans.
Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1956), 362-365.
2. M. Henriksen, Some remarks on elementary divisor rings II, Michigan Math. J. 3
(1955-56), 159-163.
3. I. Kaplansky, Elementary divisors and modules, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 66 (1959),
4. I. Reiner, Unimodular complements, Amer. Math. Monthly 6 3 (1956), 246-247.