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Volume 2017, Article ID 1837475, 9 pages

Research Article
Variations of Surveillance Practice for Patients with
Bone Sarcoma: A Survey of Australian Sarcoma Clinicians

Jeremy Lewin,1,2 Kate Thompson,1 Susie Bae,3 Jayesh Desai,3 Robyn Strong,4
Denise Caruso,3 Deborah Howell,1 Alan Herschtal,5 Michael Sullivan,6,7 and Lisa Orme1,6
Victorian Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Service, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
Australasian Sarcoma Study Group, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Australian and New Zealand Children’s Hematology/Oncology Group, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Centre for Biostatistics and Clinical Trials, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Children’s Cancer Centre, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Correspondence should be addressed to Jeremy Lewin; [email protected]

Received 5 January 2017; Accepted 2 February 2017; Published 28 February 2017

Academic Editor: R. Lor Randall

Copyright © 2017 Jeremy Lewin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Introduction. After treatment, bone sarcoma patients carry a high chance of relapse and late effects from multimodal therapy. We
hypothesize that significant variation in surveillance practice exists between pediatric medical oncology (PO) and nonpediatric
medical oncology (NP) sarcoma disciplines. Methods. Australian sarcoma clinicians were approached to do a web based survey that
assessed radiologic surveillance (RS) strategies, late toxicity assessment, and posttreatment psychosocial interventions. Results. In
total, 51 clinicians responded. No differences were identified in local disease RS. In metastatic disease response assessment, 100%
of POs (23/23) and 93% of NPs (24/26) conducted CT chest. However, this was more likely to occur for NPs in the context of a
CT chest/abdomen/pelvis (NP: 10/26; PO: 1/23; 𝑝 = 0.006). POs were more likely to use CXR for RS (𝑝 = 0.006). POs showed
more prescriptive intensity in assessment of heart function (𝑝 = 0.001), hearing (𝑝 < 0.001), and fertility (𝑝 = 0.02). POs were
more likely to deliver written information for health maintenance/treatment summary (𝑝 = 0.04). The majority of respondents
described enquiring about psychosocial aspects of health (𝑛 = 33/37, 89%), but a routine formal psychosocial screen was only used
by 23% (𝑛 = 6/26). Conclusion. There is high variability in bone sarcoma surveillance between PO and NP clinicians. Efforts to
harmonize approaches would allow early and late effects recognition/intervention and facilitate improved patient care/transition
and research.

1. Background survival approximating 60–70% [5]. With improving sur-

vival, follow-up procedures for patients with bone sarcoma
Sarcomas of the bone are rare primary malignant tumors are becoming increasingly important, especially as primary
arising from mesenchymal or neuroectodermal tissue and treatment carries significant risks of long-term physical and
account for less than 1% of all malignancies [1]. The most psychological sequelae.
common subtypes are osteosarcoma (OS) and Ewing’s sar- The aim of surveillance is multifold, including the poten-
coma family tumors (ESFT) with an average of 3000 new tial to detect treatable recurrences, manage chronic toxicities,
cases being diagnosed in the United States [2] and 200 cases and screen for late effects. However, these benefits need to be
being diagnosed in Australia each year [3]. Prior to the era tempered with healthcare expenditure concerns [6], anxiety
of multimodality therapy, bone sarcomas were associated associated with surveillance procedures, and cumulative
with an 80–90% risk of metastasis with resection alone [4]. radiation exposure from surveillance imaging [7]. Systematic,
However, advances in treatment have led to 5-year overall uniform, and sustainable targeted disease surveillance (DS)
2 Sarcoma

and long-term follow-up (LTFU) strategies that take these particular practice. Before distribution, the questionnaire was
factors into account would allow evaluation and evidence piloted by a small group of clinicians. Reminder emails were
generation regarding best practice in posttreatment follow- sent at 2 time points to maximize the response rate.
up. However, differences in established guidelines (which
often do not translate into uniform practice) will poten- 2.3. Statistical Analysis. The data collected from Survey-
tially lead to significant variation in surveillance approaches. Monkey was exported to the R statistical programming
For example, guidelines written by the Children’s Oncol- language for analysis [14]. Descriptive statistics were used
ogy Group (COG) [8], National Comprehensive Cancer to summarize characteristics of the respondents. Differences
Network (NCCN) [9], and European Society for Medical between PO and NPs were tested using Fisher’s exact test for
Oncology (ESMO) [10], which are all based on consensus categorically valued policies and Wilcoxon’s test for ordinal
opinion, vary slightly with regard to the optimal timing valued policies. Given that not all questions were mandatory,
for DS, with pediatric protocols showing more concern for sample size varied according to the particular question.
cumulative radiation exposure (Table 1). Thus it is likely Thus responses have been displayed with the numerator (𝑛)
that posttreatment surveillance schedules vary in regard to and denominator (𝑁) (largest possible number of available
timing of clinical reviews, investigation choice, frequency, responses). The denominator is reported for each section
and duration, both between and within adult and pediatric once, unless it changes. Statistical significance was set at a 𝑝
sectors. value < 0.05 and all 𝑝 values were 2-sided.
Previous US and UK based clinician surveys have demon-
strated significant variation in follow-up procedures for
patients with primarily soft tissue sarcoma [11–13]. This
3. Results
survey of Australian clinicians was undertaken to evaluate 3.1. Participants. The survey was sent to Australian clinician
variations in bone sarcoma surveillance between exclusively memberships of the ASSG (𝑛 = 228) and ANZCHOG
pediatric based medical oncologists and nonexclusively pedi- (𝑛 = 129) database, of which 12 emails were undeliverable.
atric based specialties (NP) and assist in informing the In total, 51 clinicians responded (response rate = 15%).
development of Australian guidelines for DS and LTFU Demographics of the respondents are shown in Table 2. Of
strategies in bone sarcomas. the 51 who responded, 23 (45%) were pediatric medical
oncologists, 11 (22%) were adult medical oncologists, 9 (18%)
2. Materials and Methods were radiation oncologists, and 8 (16%) were surgical oncol-
ogists/orthopedic surgeons. The majority of respondents
2.1. Recruitment of Respondents. As there was no definitive worked primarily in a public general hospital (𝑛 = 35,
list of Australian clinicians involved in the surveillance of 69%). The number of respondents who saw pediatric, adoles-
sarcoma patients, an overinclusive population of clinicians cent/young adult (AYA, defined as 15–25), and adult patients
was identified via the internal databases of the Australasian as part of their practice was 67%, 63%, and 47%, respectively.
Sarcoma Study Group (ASSG) and the Australian and New All surgeons worked in the AYA age group whereas 82% of
Zealand Children’s Hematology Oncology Group (ANZ- medical oncologists, 56% of radiation oncologists, and 43% of
CHOG). In addition, a manual search was conducted of pediatric oncologists worked in this age group. The majority
clinicians involved in the major national sarcoma units. of clinicians saw fewer than or equal to 10 new cases of bone
Participants were invited to participate via a web based survey sarcoma per year (69%) with higher case load (defined as
(SurveyMonkey, Palo Alto, USA). Consent was assumed >10 new cases per year) seen by orthopedic surgeons (6/7,
based on return response. The survey was open for a 4-month 86%) and medical oncologists (6/11, 55%) compared to other
period between June and September 2015. disciplines (𝑝 = 0.009).

2.2. Survey Development. The cross-sectional survey was de- 4. Disease Surveillance
signed to assess a variety of domains associated with
both disease and late effects surveillance of bone sarcoma 4.1. Assessing Radiologic Response to Treatment. Preferences
patients. The complete survey is shown in Supplemental regarding end of treatment disease restaging investigations
Appendix 1 (see Supplementary Material available online for localized limb bone sarcoma divided by discipline are
at The 27 questions shown in Table 3. With regard to assessment at the primary
were distributed as follows: baseline demographics (e.g., site, there were no differences identified in the use of CT,
type of practice, age demographic of patients, and case MRI, FDG-PET, and bone scan for assessing local disease.
load); approach to end of treatment radiological assessment; However, POs were more likely than NPs to use X-ray
approach to disease surveillance after primary treatment; imaging alone or as part of pulmonary DS (𝑝 < 0.001).
approach to screening for late effects (e.g., blood work, Regarding metastatic site response assessment, 100% of POs
ototoxicity, cardiotoxicity, and fertility); and practice for (𝑛 = 23, 𝑁 = 23) and 93% of NPs (𝑛 = 24, 𝑁 = 26)
psychosocial support. Responses were designed based on conducted CT chest; however, 10/26 NPs compared to 1/23
available international surveillance protocols. In addition, POs chose this as part of a CT chest/abdomen/pelvis study
respondents were given the opportunity to add comments in (𝑝 = 0.006). POs were more likely than NPs to use CXR
free text boxes to expand on specific details related to their in addition to CT chest (𝑝 = 0.02) and were more likely

Table 1: Differences in RS protocols between COG, NCCN, and ESMO.

COG [8] NCCN [9] ESMO [10]
OS ES OS ES OS and ES For ES only
(i) Primary site:
every 3 months × 8
(yr 0–2) and then (i) Primary site:
every 6 mo × 6 (yr every 3 months × 8
3–5) and then (yr 0–2) and then
every 12 months × every 6 mo × 6 (yr (i) Every 3 mo (yr (i) Every 2-3 mo
Every 2-3 months
5 (yr 6–10) 3–5) and then 0–2) (yr 0–2)
for 2 years and
(ii) Chest: CT chest every 12 months × (ii) Every 4 mo (yr (ii) Every 2–4 mo
then increasing
every 3 mo × 8 (yr 5 (yr 6–10) 3) (yr 3-4)
Frequency intervals up to 5
0–2) and then (ii) Chest: CXR (iii) Every 6 (iii) Every 6 mo (yr
years and then
every 6 mo × 2 (yr every 3 mo × 8 (yr months (yr 4-5) 5–10)
3) and then every 0–2) and then (iv) Every year (iv) Every 6–12 mo
12 months × 2 (yr every 6 mo × 6 (yr (>yr 5) (>yr 10)
4-5). CXR, every 12 3–5) and then
months × 5 every 12 months ×
(starting after last 5 (yr 6–10)
scheduled CT, yr
(i) Primary site: AP
(i) Primary site: AP and lateral X-ray
(i) Physical exam
and lateral X-ray (ii) Chest: AP and (i) Physical exam
(ii) Laboratory
(ii) Chest: CT chest lateral (ii) Laboratory
and CXR (iii) Bone scan if studies (i) Physical exam
(iii) Bone scan if symptoms or (iii) Chest imaging (ii) Laboratory
symptoms or abnormal imaging (iv) Imaging of studies
imaging (MRI with
abnormal imaging (iv) FDG PET if primary site (iii) Functional Bone scan can be
Modality or without CT) and
(iv) FDG-PET if symptoms or (v) Consider assessment added
X-ray of primary
symptoms or abnormal imaging FDG/PET or bone (iv) Imaging of
abnormal imaging (v) Chest CT if scan primary site
(iv) Chest CT
(v) MRI or CT abnormal CXR (vi) Functional (v) CXR/CT chest
(v) Consider
primary if (vi) MRI or CT assessment at every
PET/CT or bone
symptoms or primary if visit
abnormal imaging symptoms or
abnormal imaging
4 Sarcoma

Table 2: Baseline demographics.

Number (%)
Pediatric medical oncology 23 (45%)
Adult medical oncology 11 (22%)
Discipline Radiation 9 (18%)
Orthopaedics 7 (14%)
Other 1 (2%)
Exclusively pediatric∗ 15 (29%)
Exclusively adult∗ 4 (8%)
Exclusively AYA 2 (4%)
Age demographic
Pediatric as part of practice 34 (67%)
Adult as part of practice 24 (47%)
AYA as part of practice 32 (63%)
Private practice 2 (4%)
Private general hospital 2 (4%)
Institutional location
Public general hospital 36 (71%)
Oncology specific hospital 11 (22%)
0–10 35 (69%)
11–20 12 (24%)
Volume of new patients per year 20–30 1 (2%)
30–50 2 (4%)
>50 1 (2%)

Including Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA), defined as 15–25 years old.

Table 3: Approach to end of treatment radiological assessment.

PO Med Onc Radiation Ortho 𝑝 value∗∗ OR OR 95% CI

Number of responses 23 10 9 7
End of treatment response assessment
Local disease
X-ray 20 (87%) 3 (30%) 2 (22%) 2 (29%) <0.001 14.78 [3.15, 99.95]
CT 5 (22%) 2 (20%) 1 (11%) 2 (29%) 1.00 0.97 [0.20, 4.57]
MRI 18 (78%) 7 (70%) 9 (100%) 6 (86%) 0.72 0.63 [0.11, 3.42]
FDG-PET 16 (70%) 5 (50%) 7 (78%) 3 (43%) 0.56 1.56 [0.42, 6.07]
Bone scan 6 (26%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (14%) 0.12 4.28 [0.66, 48.30]
Metastatic disease
CXR 7 (30%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0.02 10.87 [1.22, 530.27]
CT chest 23 (100%) 5 (50%) 5 (56%) 4 (57%) <0.001 ∗ [3.47, ∗]
CT chest/abdomen/pelvis 1 (4%) 4 (40%) 3 (33%) 3 (43%) 0.006 0.07 [0.00, 0.56]
FDG-PET 15 (65%) 8 (80%) 7 (78%) 4 (57%) 0.55 0.66 [0.16, 2.62]
Whole body scintigraphy 5 (22%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (14%) 0.23 3.39 [0.49, 39.36]
Whole body MRI 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1.00 ∗ [0.00, 45.75]
Bone marrow aspirate 6 (26%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0.006 ∗ [1.60, ∗]

Inestimable due to insufficient data.
∗∗ 𝑝
value represents comparison between PO and NP.

to include bone marrow aspirate (𝑝 = 0.006) (presumed 4.2. Radiologic Surveillance (RS) after Treatment. The rela-
with reference to Ewing sarcoma patients with bone marrow tionship between posttreatment RS and discipline is shown in
involvement at diagnosis; data not collected). There were no Table 4. There were no differences identified in the use of X-
differences identified in the use of FDG-PET for assessing ray, MRI, CT, or FDG-PET for assessment of local recurrence
metastatic disease at the end of treatment (𝑝 = 0.55). when using either radiotherapy or surgery as the treatment
Sarcoma 5

Table 4: Approach to radiological surveillance.

PO Med Onc Radiation Ortho 𝑝 value∗∗ OR OR 95% CI

Number of responses 17 10 9 7
Radiologic surveillance after treatment
Local disease (after surgery)
X-ray 12 (71%) 4 (40%) 2 (22%) 5 (71%) 0.12 2.97 [0.70, 14.29]
CT 6 (35%) 3 (30%) 1 (11%) 1 (14%) 0.31 2.14 [0.43, 11.20]
MRI 13 (76%) 8 (80%) 8 (89%) 6 (86%) 0.41 0.45 [0.06, 3.14]
FDG-PET 7 (41%) 2 (20%) 2 (22%) 3 (43%) 0.51 1.77 [0.40, 8.00]
Local disease (after radiation)
X-ray 5 (29%) 3 (30%) 1 (11%) 1 (14%) 0.48 1.73 [0.32, 9.28]
CT 4 (24%) 3 (30%) 1 (11%) 0 (0%) 0.69 1.67 [0.26, 10.68]
MRI 16 (94%) 8 (80%) 9 (100%) 5 (71%) 0.63 2.85 [0.25, 151.94]
FDG-PET 7 (41%) 1 (10%) 4 (44%) 3 (43%) 0.53 1.56 [0.36, 6.73]
Metastatic disease
CXR 9 (53%) 2 (20%) 1 (12%) 0 (0%) 0.006 7.77 [1.47, 56.24]
CT chest 13 (76%) 7 (70%) 6 (75%) 2 (29%) 0.33 2.13 [0.47, 11.61]
Alternating CXR and CT 7 (41%) 2 (20%) 1 (12%) 3 (43%) 0.31 2.17 [0.48, 10.34]
CT C/A/P 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (12%) 2 (29%) 0.26 ∗ [∗, 3.52]
FDG-PET 6 (35%) 5 (50%) 4 (50%) 4 (57%) 0.35 0.51 [0.12, 2.10]
Bone scan 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (12%) 1 (14%) 0.51 ∗ [∗, 7.84]

Inestimable due to insufficient data.
∗∗ 𝑝
value represents comparison between PO and NP.

Table 5: Late effects monitoring.

PO Med Onc Radiation Ortho 𝑝 value∗ OR OR 95% CI

Number of responses 17 10 9 7
Late effects clinic for complex patients 16 (94%) 4 (40%) 8 (89%) 4 (57%) 0.03 9.56 [1.12, 459.37]
Referral to GP/relevant subspecialists 11 (65%) 8 (80%) 8 (89%) 0 (0%) 1.00 1.14 [0.27, 5.04]
Give written information about health 8 (47%) 1 (10%) 3 (33%) 0 (0%) 0.04 4.69 [0.97, 27.15]
maintenance/lifestyle to patient
Give verbal information about health 9 (53%) 6 (60%) 5 (56%) 1 (14%) 0.76 1.3 [0.33, 5.32]
value represents comparison between PO and NP.

modality. Several participants described that the type of 4.3. Frequency of Review. Overall, clinicians undertook 3-
surgical intervention was relevant to the disease surveillance month follow-up (median) in years 1 and 2 and 6-month
strategy (e.g., in the setting of an amputation or the presence follow-up in years 3, 4, and 5, with no differences identified
of a prosthetic implant (less likely to do MRI)). Additionally, between disciplines. Differences between osteosarcoma and
some respondents commented that patients with cutaneous ES were identified in the free text analysis with clinicians
and superficial ESFT could be monitored clinically without described closer monitoring and longer lag time for relapse
primary site imaging. Regarding RS for metastatic disease, in ES patients. Others additionally described protocol related
POs were more likely than NPs to use CXR for pulmo- differences such as those mandated by COG.
nary surveillance (𝑝 = 0.006). Some respondents described
alternating CXR and CT chest. There were no significant
4.4. Treatment Summary. When comparing POs to NPs,
differences identified in the use of FDG-PET scans for
written information was more likely to be given to patients for
metastatic disease, but typically this modality was used as a
health maintenance (47% versus 11%, 𝑝 = 0.037). POs were
secondary investigation (i.e., to further investigate suspicious
also more likely to refer to a late effects clinic for complex
findings on CT). In addition, cumulative radiation exposure
factored into the decision process for the RS modality being patients (94% versus 44%, 𝑝 = 0.03) (Table 5).
utilized (𝑛 = 31, 𝑁 = 42; 74%) (e.g., CXR replacing CTs; the
presence of TP53 mutation; risk stratification with radiation 4.5. Duration of Surveillance. POs were more likely than NPs
minimization in low risk patients). to follow up bone sarcoma patients for shorter time periods
6 Sarcoma

Blood work p = 0.10 Heart function p = 0.001

90 70
80 60
50 40


40 30
30 20
10 10
0 0
Yearly Once after Only when Never Yearly Years 2 Once after Only when Never Other
treatment then clinically and 5 treatment clinically
when clinically indicated and then indicated
indicated when clinically

(a) (b)
Hearing p < 0.001 Fertility discussion p = 0.02
70 90
60 80
40 50


30 40
20 30
10 10
0 0
Yearly Years 2 Once after Only when Never Other Yes Only if requested No
and 5 treatment clinically
and then indicated
when clinically

(c) (d)

Figure 1: Timing of blood work (a), heart function assessment (b), hearing assessment (c), and fertility discussion (d). 𝑝 values represent
comparison between PO (blue) and NP disciplines (red).

(5 years’ duration: PO 69%, NP 26%; 10 years’ duration: PO ototoxicity was more intensive by POs with 77% assessing
13%, NP 43%; no endpoint: PO 19%, NP 22%; 𝑝 = 0.04). hearing function at least once after treatment compared to
24% of NPs (𝑝 < 0.001) (Figure 1(c)). Two respondents
5. Screening for Late Effects described that ototoxicity screening may occur through
external programs and thus surveillance procedures occur
5.1. Blood Work. No differences were identified in the uti- outside of sarcoma clinics. Routine fertility discussions were
lization of blood work with 38% of POs (𝑛 = 5, 𝑁 = 13) more likely to be conducted by POs (82%) than NPs (42%)
and 29% of NPs (𝑛 = 7, 𝑁 = 24) drawing blood yearly (𝑝 = 0.02) (Figure 1(d)).
and 46% of POs (𝑛 = 6, 𝑁 = 13) and 21% of NPs (𝑛 = 5,
𝑁 = 24) drawing blood once after treatment and then when 5.3. Psychosocial Support. Although the overwhelming ma-
clinically indicated (𝑝 = NS) (Figure 1(a)). 17% of NPs (𝑛 = 4, jority of respondents describe routinely enquiring about
𝑁 = 24) did not undertake screening blood work. The role psychosocial aspects of health (𝑛 = 33, 𝑁 = 37, 89%), a
of screening blood work conducted by radiation oncologists routine formal psychosocial screen was only used in 23%
was described in the context of checking biochemistry if (𝑛 = 6, 𝑁 = 26). The majority of respondents had the
the kidney and/or liver were within the radiotherapy field. support of allied health (e.g., social worker, physiotherapy,
Although not specifically asked, some clinicians described and psychology) and nursing services to assess psychosocial
undertaking screening urinary cytology for those receiving support needs for patients off treatment and manage/refer
alkylating agents. accordingly (𝑛 = 24, 𝑁 = 31, 77%).

5.2. Cardiotoxicity, Ototoxicity, and Fertility. POs were more

6. Discussion
likely to have more prescriptive intensity in assessing heart
function with multiple heart function assessment occurring Posttreatment surveillance in patients with bone sarcoma
in 94% of POs compared with 32% in NPs (𝑝 = 0.001) aims to detect asymptomatic recurrences and to manage
(Figure 1(b)). In addition to standard evaluations, clinicians the chronic toxicities associated with primary treatment.
described other factors that influenced the timing of heart However, the rarity of bone sarcoma and limited research in
scans such as cumulative doxorubicin dose, previous chest this area have led to significant practice variation amongst
irradiation, according to established guidelines (e.g., COG), Australian clinicians involved in the follow-up of these
and in the setting of pregnancy. Similarly, the assessment of patients.
Sarcoma 7

Follow-up for bone sarcoma patients serves a number significant variation in modality, the timing/frequency of
of purposes. The primary aim is to identify asymptomatic such undertaking were not explored. The question of whether
recurrences early enough to initiate treatment that will lead these tests were conducted for assessing disease relapse or
to improved outcomes. However, currently it is unclear for other reasons such as prosthetic alignment was also not
whether RS is associated with improved outcomes [15–18], addressed.
and opinion is divided, with only 67% of musculoskeletal In addition to DS, identifying and managing late effects
tumor surgeons believing that early relapse detection led to of primary treatment are an important aspect of sarcoma
improved survival [13]. It is currently unknown whether that surveillance care. Most of the literature assessing LTFU has
belief holds true with nonsurgical clinicians. Nevertheless, stemmed from pediatric survivorship research. This is due
in this survey there was wide consensus on the utility of RS to the many decades survivors of pediatric cancers live after
and the timing of follow-up was consistent with intervals intensive treatments and given that these treatments are
described by international guidelines [8–10]. Of note, POs delivered at an age where critical growth and maturation of
were more likely than NPs to follow-up bone sarcoma organ systems are taking place [22–24]. It was consequently
patients for shorter time periods. However, this may be not unexpected to discover variations in practice identi-
accounted for by transition of care to adult centers in AYA fied with screening for late effects (with more prescriptive
patients and more frequent referral to dedicated late effects intensity in screening for ototoxicity, cardiotoxicity, and
service. fertility discussions by POs). However, these variations in
A major concern of intensive DS is the cumulative practice are important, as AYAs may be managed in adult
radiation exposure and corresponding concerns of secondary based surveillance programs. They may therefore be treated
malignancy [7, 19, 20]. As a result, a general trend has been according to lines of a more elderly cancer population, with
seen with the use of low dose protocol in children and limited thought given beyond cure. The potential for late
improved scanning techniques that may result in reduced effects is considerable with the Childhood Cancer Survivor
radiation exposure [8, 21]. Reflecting this, over 70% of Study showing that 62% of survivors of pediatric cancer had
respondents altered the timing or modality of RS on the at least one chronic condition and 28% had a severe or life-
basis of patient concerns, hereditary disposition syndromes, threatening condition at a median of 17.5 years after diagnosis
or based on risk stratification approaches. Not unexpectedly, [22]. Thus a unifying late effect surveillance approach, aligned
POs were more likely to adopt an RS schedule cognisant across pediatric, and adult institutions would allow early
of radiation exposure. They were thus more likely to alter- recognition and intervention thus minimizing the frequency
nate CT chest with CXR in RS for pulmonary metastasis of severe complications [25]. Variation in late effects surveil-
(𝑝 = 0.02) and less likely to conduct full body CTs lance may also exist because POs are supported by pediatric
in end of treatment response assessments (𝑝 = 0.003). based international guidelines, which present exposure and
Given that pulmonary metastasis is the usual site of distant risk-based guidelines for management of late effects [26].
metastatic spread, there is arguably no role for routine whole Of note, adult based surveillance sarcoma guidelines such
body CTs. In addition, Australian PO’s practice departs as those from NCCN [9] and ESMO [10] do not expand
from established COG guidelines in that DS had variable on specific surveillance in the timing or mechanisms for
inclusion of functional imaging which is recommended by LTFU screening. This is an important underserved area as late
COG. Of note, the only published trial comparing differ- effects are of considerable concern to those in survivorship
ing RS approaches in bone and soft tissue sarcoma did (e.g., infertility risks [27]) and empowering patients with
not demonstrate any differences in outcome with reduced unified LTFU plans is important for self-care management.
intensity, either in the timing (3 versus 6 months) or in Risk stratification and arming low risk patients with treat-
the modality (CXR versus CT) [18]. However, as this study ment summaries/suggested late effects surveillance that can
included all extremity sarcomas (including low grade lesions be enacted by local doctors may assist in overcoming practice
with lower metastatic potential), it is unknown whether variation and allow late effects resources to focus on high
exchanging modalities and reducing radiation exposure are risk patients. However, even if adult based guidelines were
acceptable in high grade bone sarcoma where relapse rates developed targeting late effects screening, it is likely that
are considerably higher. Although not specifically addressed practice variations would continue. This is due to the lack of
in this survey (but reflected in COG guidelines [8]), the uniformity in resource allocation, with subsequent effects on
case for routine surveillance using CT chest in ESFT is less AYA service provision and availability of late effects clinics.
compelling. This is because relapses in ESFT are usually Although this survey identified that 89% of the respon-
multifocal, compared to OS, where surgical salvage alone dents routinely enquired about psychosocial aspects of
is likely to be appropriate, making early detection advanta- health, few undertook systemic psychosocial screening.
geous. Given the peak incidence of sarcoma in the AYA years [28],
Regarding screening of local disease, previous reports developing systems, such as screening tools, that proactively
demonstrated a high rate of patient detection of local relapse. identify those at increased risk of psychological distress or
In the TOSS trial [18], 90% of local recurrences were iden- those who need intervention/assistance is imperative. There
tified on the basis of symptoms. This is in keeping with are many aspects of a new cancer diagnosis that may be
other similar reports showing low rates of asymptomatic particularly confronting for AYAs. These include premature
radiological detection [16, 17]. Although most clinicians in confrontation with mortality, disruption in the capacity to
this survey described conducting RS of the local site without feel “normal,” increased dependency on parents, social life
8 Sarcoma

interference, and fertility concerns. Developmentally appro- Disclosure

priate targeted support for this age group is therefore required
[29, 30]. However, assessing the specific overall quality of life This work was presented as a poster presentation at Teenage
(QOL) specifically in bone sarcoma patients is difficult with Cancer Trust, December 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland.
significant heterogeneity in patient populations (age, tumor
type) and instrumentation used in established QOL literature Competing Interests
[31]. Mechanisms for routine systematic screening of AYAs
are currently in development [32]. However, with the increas- The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
ing costs associated with implementing AYA programs and regarding the publication of this paper.
screening tools, it is unclear as to when to implement them,
how they should be validated, and how to evaluate their cost- Acknowledgments
We acknowledge several limitations in this survey. Firstly, The authors are grateful to the clinicians who responded to
although the number of participants is similar to previous the survey and to the Australasian Sarcoma Study Group and
sarcoma surveys [11–13], the corresponding overall response Australasian and New Zealand Children Oncology Group for
rate of 15% is low. This is driven by the large denominator distributing the survey.
of nonpracticing clinicians/general oncologists on the ASSG
and ANZCHOG database who are likely not involved in
sarcoma surveillance. Although we aimed to be overinclusive, References
the low response rate does raise the potential for nonresponse [1] J. Lewin, A. Puri, R. Quek et al., “Management of sarcoma in the
bias. Counteracting this weakness is that this survey focused asia-pacific region: resource-stratified guidelines,” The Lancet
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