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IdeaWerk Plus User Manual - EN

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Professionally approved products.

Instruction Manual
RS Plus 3D Printer

3D Printer/English

File format: STL/WTK/GCODE

Compatible system: Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win 8.1
This instruction manual contains important information regarding the
installation, operation, maintenance and storage for RS Plus 3D Printer. Operating software: DoraWare-P
Please read these instructions carefully and save them for future reference.
Environment Temperature: 5℃~35℃

Relative Humidity: 30%~90%
 Place RS Plus 3D Printer in a dry environment and keep a safe distance from
other objects, fire or water.
All of the following accessories are in the tool box.
 Place RS Plus 3D Printer on a stable horizontal platform.

 Please use RS Plus 3D Printer in a ventilated environment because of potential

slight smell during printing, but keep away from the air vent.

 To avoid nozzle blocking, please do not heat up the extruder before feeding the

 Do not touch or remove the power cord or USB cable, or pull out the USB Flash
Drive during printing. Shovel Chisel Cut pliers

 Never touch the extruder or building plate by any parts of your body or anything
which is easy on fire during printing, to avoid skin damage or fire.

 Gloves are required to remove the models from the building plate to avoid
cutting, scratching or burning.

 During online printing, the computer cannot be in sleep mode.

3) WORKING CONDITIONS AND TECHNICAL DATA Tweezers Allen wrench and screws Clips

Printer Size: 298×221×403mm

Printing Size: 150×150×140mm

Layer Thickness: 0.18~0.3mm (0.2mm recommended)

Speed: 30-150 cm³/h

Net Weight: 7.5kg

Power adap terand power cord USBCable Build plate
Material: PLA/ABS

Printing Temperature: PLA 220-230°C

Printing Temperature: ABS 230-240°C

Power Input: 100-240V AC, 1.5A, 50-60Hz

Output: 19V/DC 9.5A

Acupuncture Needle Teflon tube filament guide Gloves
Maximum Power: 180W

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Filament tube guide Spool holder U disk

5) SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 5.4 After the installation, click “Next” to continue.

 The following installation of drivers and software is for Windows XP, 7, 8

and 8.1 system. For Windows Vista or XP Lite, please consult your local

 The driver for software is in the USB Flash Drive. Please copy the driver
to your computer.

 Please shutdown all firewalls or antivirus software before installing

5.5 Select “I accept this agreement (A)” and click “Next”.
5.1 The driver is applicable for 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Please
select the package according to your computer system.

5.6 Click “Finish” to complete the driver installation.

5.2 Click “Next” to continue.


6.1 Out-of-box
5.3 Click “Install”.
 Please check the product after the box is open, and in case of any surface
scratch or damage, please contact local dealer or after-sales service.
 Check the accessories in accordance with the product packing list, and in
case of any missing, please contact local dealer or after-sales service.

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6.2 Accessories assembly

6.2.1 Assembly of spool holder: take out the two screws in the middle of the
right side of the RS Plus 3D Printer and fix the spool holder with the screws.
Note that the rib is on the upper side.

6.2.6 Pass the filament through Teflon tube

6.2.2 Take out the screw at the back of the upper right side of RS Plus 3D Printer
and fix the filament tube guide with the screw.

6.2.7 Plug the power adapter into RS Plus 3D Printer.

6.2.3 Fix the hotbed panel on the build plate with four clamps.

6.3. Offline printing

6.3.1 Touch screen
6.2.4 The filament free end must be cut to be flat. Please keep it straight as well. Power on, the touch screen brightens and the buzzer beeps.

6.2.5 Hang the feed disk on the spool holder and put the filament through the
filament tube guide. Click any position of the screen and enter the operation interface. In the
menu of “Print”, the column of “File” displays the name of the file to be printed.
If the USB flash drive is not inserted, the inverted triangle is grey.

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3D Printer/English Printing will start once heating is completed. “Progress” displays

progress of printing with the unit of 1%. “Option” is the current state of RS Plus
3D Printer, which is displayed as “Recess” when there is no print task,

0 25
0°C 25
°C °C

240 240 After the USB flash drive is inserted, the inverted triangle turns blue, and 90
°C 90
the pull-down menu displays the file to be printed. °C °C To cancel the printing, click “STOP”.

0 25
°C 25
°C °C

/3DMODEL/CUBE.WTK After the model is printed, click “OK” to complete the printing.
6 Choose the file to be printed such as “CUBE”. The printing interface pops
up and the button “START” turns blue from grey, which indicates that the
printing can be started. Temperatures of the extruder and the build plate are set
as shown in the figure. Click the “Move” menu to enter the movement and temperature interface.
The left is for the temperature setting and the electromechanical control of the
extruder, and the right for three-axis movement control. Press the button of
220 25
X/Y/Z movement, RS Plus 3D Printer will move to the corresponding direction.
°C 25
Click “Home” and each moving part of RS Plus 3D Printer will go back to the
°C °C
original location. Click “START” to begin printing.

0 25
°C °C
240 25 0 25
°C 68
°C °C °C

°C °C Click “Target” for temperature setting, and set the temperature of the
extruder and the platform. The setting range of the platform’s temperature is

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0-100 °C and that of the extruder is 190-280 °C. For PLA material, the platform and click “Stop”.
temperature can remain unset, and the extruder temperature can be set at Notice: only after the extruder temperature rises to the set value, the
220-230 °C; for ABS material, the platform temperature can be set at 80-100 °C feeding and returning of the filament can be carried out, or else it is likely to
according to the size of the model, and the extruder temperature can be set at cause extruder clogging.
230-240 °C. In “Advanced”, “Units of Temperature” is the option of temperature unit.
0 The default unit is “°C”, and you can also select “°F”.

0 °C
0 °
°C 141.2

Notice: do not frantically click the touch screen! If the temperature is not set at this moment, the default temperature of
printing from USB Flash Drive is that set by GCODE, and if the temperature is set, “Building Plate Auto Calibration” is the automatic detection of the
the printing will proceed at the set temperature. This setting is only effective at
platform. Press “Z+” in the interface “Move”, and raise the platform to about
this time, and if the parameter is used next time, it needs to be reset. The
1mm from the nozzle.
interface after temperature setting is shown as follows.

220 ° 32
C °C
30 ° 30
C °C Click “START”, the platform will move along the direction shown below.
Observe the distance between the nozzle and the platform. If it is equal all the After the extruder temperature rises to the set value, click “Forward”, time, the platform has been leveled. Click “STOP” to stop the movement. If not,
and insert the prepared filament into the extruder’s feed port till the extruder the platform needs to be debugged in accordance with the following steps.
catch the filament. After a few seconds, you can see fine filament out of the
nozzle. Click “Stop”, and the extruder stops.

220 ° 220 °
30 ° 30

C °C If the printing is suspended for a long time, to avoid clogging next time, Click “X-” or “X+” to move the extruder to the central axis of the
take out the filament inside the extruder. After the extruder temperature rises to platform.
the set value, click “Reverse”. After the filament returns completely, take it out,

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3D Printer/English Click “Y-” or “Y+” to move the platform back and forth to observe
whether the distance between the nozzle and the platform is equal all the time.

Notice: the platform may be adjusted repeatedly from 3.1.15 to 3.1.21 to

ensure equal distance between the nozzle and the platform. Once confirmed, it
does not need frequent adjustment. “Height of Z-Axis (mm)” is the distance from the lowest position to the
highest position of the platform.
If the model sticks to the hotbed panel tightly and it is difficult to remove the
model, you can click “-▼”, and the figure in the display frame will be reduced If the distance is equal, enter the next step. If not, adjust the screw by 0.1mm. If the model sticks to the hotbed panel loosely, the model tends to
fixing the platform till it is equal. have warping edge or fall off, click “+▲”, and the figure in the display frame
will be increased by 0.1mm. After adjustment, click “SAVE”, and the model will
be printed at this height next time.

140.8 After determining the direction of Y-axis, move the platform to make the
extruder in the center. Click “X-” or “X+” to move it left and right. To modify Z-axis height, click the display frame, and a numeric keypad
will pop up. Input the height value (mm) you want, click “OK” to return to the
interface “Advanced”, and click “SAVE”.

Notice: you need to input a four-digit figure (including the digit next to the
decimal point, but no need to input the decimal point), and the system will
automatically add a decimal point. If the height you want is 140mm, you need to
input “1400” and click “SAVE”.

1408 In the left and right movement, observe the distance between the nozzle
and the platform. If it is equal all the time, enter the next step. If not, adjust the
screw fixing the platform till it is equal.

05/03/2015 Version No. 001 6

3D Printer/English Click “SAVE” and “OK” to complete setting. 6.6.2 RS Plus 3D Printer can recognize up to 58 model files in the USB flash
drive, and it is recommended to store no more than 20 model files.

6.6.3 If the USB flash drive has been inserted but RS Plus 3D Printer can not find
the device, it is possible that the the USB flash drive is inserted before RS Plus
3D Printer is powered on, or it contains too many model files. You can pull it out
and re-insert it.
If the computer can recognize the USB flash drive, but RS Plus 3D Printer can’t,
you can format it in the default mode of the operating system. If RS Plus 3D Printer is successfully connected with computer software,
6.6.4 If the USB flash drive is formatted or a new USB flash drive is used for
the system will automatically switch to the offline state 10 seconds after the
printing from USB Flash Drive, be sure to create a new folder named
software and RS Plus 3D Printer are disconnected.
“3DMODEL” in the USB flash drive directory where offline print files are stored.
If the folder is created in any other folder or the offline print files are stored
elsewhere, RS Plus 3D Printer can not recognize.
6.6.5 The file name can be in Chinese or English. The length is not more than
four Chinese characters or eight English letters, and if exceeded, the excessive
part will be shown as “~ 1”. For example: “High-Tech Product.WTK” will be
shown as “High-Tech~1.WTK” and “PRINTMODEL.WTK” will be shown as
6.6.6 The file name shall contain no special character.
6.4 Remove the four clips, and take down the model with a shovel.
6.6.7 During the printing, the platform temperature can not be set below the
Notice: wear gloves when removing the model to prevent burn by the hot
room temperature, otherwise the extruder can not print properly.
6.6.8 ABS material has relatively high shrinkage, and the recommended
ambient temperature is 20 °C-32 °C, because the low ambient temperature will
affect the effect of model printing.


7.1 Feed the filament

6.5 After removing the model, fix the hotbed panel again with four clips on the Notice: To avoid blocking the extruder, please make sure the filament is fed

build plate. through the center of the hole.

Filament feeding

7.2 Load the filament spool on the spool holder, and install the filament tube
6.6 Print from USB Flash Drive notes guide in the tool box on RS 3D Printer by a screw.

6.6.1 The maximum memory of the USB flash drive model recognized by RS Plus
3D Printer is 32GB.

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1.Cut the end to be flat and hold

the left filament straight.
2. Bend filament can get extruder
blocking easily.

7.3 Pass the filament through the filament tube guide and load the filament
through the Teflon tube filament guide.

Keeping pushing down the leftover

and till the filament get stuck into
the gear.
Then relax your hands after 20

7.4 Straighten the free end of the filament and cut the filament vertically with
the Cut pliers. Put the free end of the filament into the hole in the middle of
the extruder head, and feed the filament until it submerges into the hold.
8.1 Turn on the power switch, and double click “DoraWare-P” on the desktop to
open software.

√ ×

8.2 In the software interface, the bar “1” at the top left corner is the function
7.5 Change the filament
menu. The bar “2” at the lower left corner is schematic three-dimensional
7.5.1 The free end of the filament should be cut vertically and then feed the free coordinates; the middle bar “3” is model display area, and the side with red
end of the new filament until the new filament emerges from the nozzle. lines faces the operator; the bottom bar “4” is for status display, indicating the
temperature and model information.

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8.3 Import model

8.3.1 Click the icon “Load” and “Open”.
Notice: if you want to open a previously generated GCODE file, you need to
store the STL file and the GCODE file in the same folder. Import the STL file to
open the GCODE file, without a new GCODE.

Notice: if the model does not generate GCODE, click “Export”, it cannot
generate a file, and the following message box will pop out.

8.3.2 Click “Load” again, and you can import multiple models.
8.5 Print from computer
8.5.1 Click the icon “Setting” to open RS Plus 3D Printer connection dialog.

8.4 Generate a file

8.4.1 Click the icon “Export”, and the dialog box to save the file path pops out.
Select the save path and click “Save”, and software automatically generates
the printing from USB Flash Drive file.

8.5.2 Click “Rescan” and “▼”, as shown below.

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8.5.7 After the GCODE file is generated or opened, click “Start Print”.

8.5.8 To stop printing, click “End Print”.

8.5.3 Select the corresponding port of RS Plus 3D Printer. Click “Connect”.

8.6 Control models with mouse
8.6.1 Click with the left mouse button to select the model, the size of the model
is displayed in the status bar at the bottom in terms of the outer wall’s length,
width and height, and a transparent box will surround the model to show the
selected status.

8.5.4 To disconnect RS Plus 3D Printer and software, click “Disconnect”.

8.6.2 After the model is selected, the edit menu icons hidden on the left will

8.5.5 Click “Language” to choose Chinese or English.

8.6.3 Click the right mouse button to move and rotate the model display frame.

8.5.6 After successful connection, the connection icon turns in green.

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8.6.4 Hold the middle mouse button, to move the overall model display frame.

8.6.5 Click the model with the right mouse button. Select “Land” to descend the
model in the center of the platform. Select “Reset” to restore the original status
of the model. Select “Remove” to remove the model. 8.8.2 Model density refers to the filling density of the model, set by percentage.
Click “▼” to select different densities.

8.7 Model view display

8.7.1 Click the menu icon “View” to view the model from different sides or

8.8.3 In the same model, the greater the density, the longer the duration of the
printing, the more solid the model.

10% 30%

8.8 Printing settings

8.8.1 Click the icon “GCode” and the dialog to generate GCode is divided into 50% 90%
three parts: the column “1” to set model parameters, the column “2” to set
printing parameters and the column “3” to generate GCODE. 8.8.4 Layer thickness refers to the height of each layer of the model. Click “▼”
to select 0.2 or 0.3mm, and the default is 0.2mm. The print time at the parameter
of 0.3 will be shorter than 0.2, but the model’s surface is less accurate.

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8.8.8 In order to make the model better fixed on the build plate, it is
8.8.5 Layer Height refer to the thickness of the model surface. Click “▼”to recommended to select raft.
Notice: without the raft, only smaller models can be printed, the platform
shall be well adjusted.

8.8.6 The thickness of the red frame represents different effect of “Thin, Normal
or Thick”.
8.8.9 Structure of internal and external support of the model. Full support has
both interior and exterior support.

Thin Normal Thick

8.8.7 The higher the print speed, the shorter the duration, the less accurate the
model surface. Click “▼” to select.

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8.8.10 Click “Reset” to restore the default settings.

8.8.11 Set the print height and the temperature: directly input Z-axis height or
the temperature and click “Setting”. This value is height of the generated
printing file which can also be set before connection. 8.8.12 Click “Generate GCode”.
Notice: the platform temperature cannot be set lower than the ambient

8.8.13 After GCODE is generated, click “OK”.

8.9 Control the printer

8.9.1 Click the icon of control.

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8.9.2 Control includes three parts: movement control“1”, temperature control

“2” and Z-axis height setting “3”, as shown below.

8.9.5 Input target temperature and click “Setting” to set the nozzle temperature.

8.9.3 Click X/Y/Z, and the three axes will move along the corresponding
direction. Click the pull-down window “continue▼” to select the step length of
single movement.

8.9.6 After the nozzle temperature reaches the set value, click
“Forward/Abort/Reverse” to control the filament.
8.9.4 Click “Lock” or “Unlock” to lock or unlock the position.

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8.9.10 The precise height of Z-axis platform is a card between the platform and
the nozzle.
8.9.7 Before the nozzle temperature reaches the set value, do not feed or pull
out the filament.

8.9.8 The temperature setting here is to set the temperature of RS Plus 3D

Printer when software is connected to RS Plus 3D Printer. If the temperature is
set at 220 °C as GCODE file is generated but the temperature before printing is
set at 230 °C, the printing is carried out at 230 °C. It is the same with the
platform temperature setting. The temperature setting in previous section is to
set the temperature as GCODE file is generated, which can be set before
software is connected to RS Plus 3D Printer.
8.9.11 Click “Meter Z”, and RS Plus 3D Printer automatically starts measuring.

8.9.9 In the part of Z-axis height setting, click “Roughly”, and Z-axis platform You can see the increase of the figure in the dialog after “Z:”. After the

will automatically descend to the lowest point and then rise close the nozzle measuring is complete, click “Setting”.

nozzles. At this time, according to the distance between the platform and the
nozzle, click “▼” after “Accurately” to select the step length of single Z-axis
movement. If “0.5” is selected for debugging, which is equal to clicking
“Accurately”, Z-axis moves 0.5mm upwards. The less the distance between the
platform and the nozzle, the smaller the step length. If the platform touches the
nozzle, choose a negative for the movement downwards.

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8.10 Model movement 8.11 Model rotation

8.10.1 The imported model will be automatically placed in the center of the 8.11.1 Select the model and click the left menu icon of model rotation to rotate
platform. You can move the slider in “X/Y/Z” with the mouse to change its the model by moving the slider on the axis with the mouse or inputting the
position, and the model will move on the platform according to the distance the rotation angle in the dialog, and click enter. Click “Reset” to restore the
slider moves. Or input the moving distance in the slider dialog of “X/Y/Z”. original angle of the model.
Notice: only after the model is selected, the menu icon of model movement
can appear.

8.12 Model zooming

8.10.2 Click “Land” and “Center” or click “Reset” to return to the original status
8.12.1 Select the model to be zoomed, click the “Scale” and move the slider
of model.
with the mouse or input directly the zoom scale in the dialog.

8.10.3 Select the model with the left mouse button and move to import multiple
models or move.
Notice: each time, only one model can be selected.


Extruder Blocking

9.1 Connect RS Plus 3D Printer with your pc, increase the extruder temperature
from 220℃ by 5-10℃ each time, click [Forward] and push the filament by hand
to extrude the filament until the filament emerges from the nozzle.

9.2 If the nozzle is coated by filament, please heat up the extruder temperature
at 220℃ and clean up the nozzle by clean towel.

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9.5. Maintenance of the nozzle

9.5.1. After the printing, if the next model is not printed for a short period of time, it is
recommended to return the filament in the nozzle and set the extruder temperature
below room temperature.

9.5.2. Heat up the extruder at 220 °C and use forceps or diagonal pliers to hold a piece
of clean cloth or soft paper towel to wipe repeatedly the place with residue till it is

Notice: at this point, the temperature is high. Wear protective gloves to avoid

9.6. Maintenance of the touch screen

9.3 Heat up the extruder temperature to 220°C. Click [Forward] to extrude the 9.6.1 Turn off power before cleaning the touch screen. Use microfiber cloth or
filament, use the Acupuncture Needle in the tool box to insert into the hole of eyeglass cleaning cloth to gently wipe the screen. In case of severe stains, use
the nozzle to clean up the nozzle up and down. clean cloth with distilled water to clean. Do not use much force.

Notice: MUST wear gloves in the tool box. 9.6.2 A flat printing platform is one of key factors that affect success of model
printing. For a larger model and deformation tend to occur, especially for ABS
material that is more evident. It indicates uneven printing platform, which should be
calibrated before printing.

9.6.3 After GCODE is generated, if the model is printed with PLA materials subject
to the set parameters but you want to use ABS material, or the Z-axis height is
modified, there are two ways for you to directly modify the print parameters without
generating the GCODE file again: one is print from PC. Click the menu “Generate
GCODE” to reset the nozzle temperature, the platform temperature and the printing
height, and it will be printed according to new parameters; the other is print from
USB Flash Drive. Tap the interface “Move” on the touch screen to reset the
temperature of the nozzle and the platform.

9.6.4 . Notice: the modified temperature value is only valid this time, which needs
to be reset for the printing of the same model next time. Z-axis height can be reset in
9.4. Maintenance of the printing platform
the interface “Advanced”.
9.4.1 Do not directly remove the model from the platform. First remove the heating
panel and then separate the model from the panel, for the frequent separation of the 9.6.5 For ABS material, the bottom or the support should be removed as the model
model on the platform tends to cause uneven or deformed platform, affecting or maintains a high temperature.
voiding the printing.

9.4.2 After the model is removed, clean the aluminum plate fixing the panel and
material residue to avoid uneven panel surface affecting the printing next time. 10) AFTER SALES SERVICE
9.4.3 The panel after repeated use may have slight distortion. Fix the cleaned panel Each device is labeled with a serial number (11 digits) at the back. In case of any
on the platform in time. If there is concave or convex in the middle of the panel, put unusual circumstance in the use, please take pictures or videos and send them
the convex side to the contact surface of the aluminum plate, and fixed with clamps. together with the serial number for after sales service.
In case of serious deformation, the platform can be appropriately heated, and it will
restore the original state.

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